A Scottish Knight-Errant
Presented to the LIBRARY of the UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO IN MEMORY OF MAY V. LABRIE A SCOTTISH KNIGHT-ERRANT YEN. JOHN OGILVIK, S.J, /><>/// a fliifior in the GY.wV at A o . A SCOTTISH KNIGHT- ERRANT A SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN OGILVIE, JESUIT BY F. A. FORBES AND M. CAHILL LONDON BURNS GATES & WASHBOURNE LTD. 28 ORCHARD STREET, 8-10 PATERNOSTER ROW, W.i E.C, 4 AND AT MANCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM, AND GLASGOW " But I ride over the moors, for the dusk still hides and waits, That hrims my soul with the glow of the rose that ends the Quest." JOHN MASKFIELP. Preface till very recent times ordinary readers derived their whole knowledge of the history UPof the Catholic Church in Scotland from the writings of Knox, Buchanan, Spottiswoode, Calder- wood, and others of the same school, and from their In modern disciples, imitators, and borrowers. these works, written from a notoriously Protestant standpoint, the Catholic religion and everything and everybody connected with it were, naturally, painted in the blackest colours. It is little wonder, therefore, that the Scottish people in general, knowing of the Catholic Church, its clergy and its defenders, before and after the Reformation, only from such sources, should have devoutly thanked God that they had been delivered from Popery and all its works and pomps. More recently, however, through the painstaking labours of independent and fair-minded Protestant scholars, as well as by the very useful work done by Catholic writers, this perversion of history is being exposed, and people at least those who think and read are seeing things in a new light.
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