Curren T Anthropology
Forthcoming Current Anthropology Wenner-Gren Symposium Curren Supplementary Issues (in order of appearance) t Humanness and Potentiality: Revisiting the Anthropological Object in the Anthropolog Current Context of New Medical Technologies. Klaus Hoeyer and Karen-Sue Taussig, eds. Alternative Pathways to Complexity: Evolutionary Trajectories in the Anthropology Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. Steven L. Kuhn and Erella Hovers, eds. y THE WENNER-GREN SYMPOSIUM SERIES Previously Published Supplementary Issues December 2012 HUMAN BIOLOGY AND THE ORIGINS OF HOMO Working Memory: Beyond Language and Symbolism. omas Wynn and Frederick L. Coolidge, eds. GUEST EDITORS: SUSAN ANTÓN AND LESLIE C. AIELLO Engaged Anthropology: Diversity and Dilemmas. Setha M. Low and Sally Early Homo: Who, When, and Where Engle Merry, eds. Environmental and Behavioral Evidence V Dental Evidence for the Reconstruction of Diet in African Early Homo olum Corporate Lives: New Perspectives on the Social Life of the Corporate Form. Body Size, Body Shape, and the Circumscription of the Genus Homo Damani Partridge, Marina Welker, and Rebecca Hardin, eds. Ecological Energetics in Early Homo e 5 Effects of Mortality, Subsistence, and Ecology on Human Adult Height 3 e Origins of Agriculture: New Data, New Ideas. T. Douglas Price and Plasticity in Human Life History Strategy Ofer Bar-Yosef, eds. Conditions for Evolution of Small Adult Body Size in Southern Africa Supplement Growth, Development, and Life History throughout the Evolution of Homo e Biological Anthropology of Living Human Populations: World Body Size, Size Variation, and Sexual Size Dimorphism in Early Homo Histories, National Styles, and International Networks. Susan Lindee and Ricardo Ventura Santos, eds.
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