TJHiyjCaBAL PLOW. OLOTHIMO) AMD OMTS' OOOPS. PULPIT UTTERANCES. OunUnued rirat Page, trail 4k human frame were waa email bone wtilcb they railed "lui," and R, Joehua Ben Haaanlah aald that that wu to .be and Rear Adjusting Plows. 3EJllo, 3Bo3ts And UNIVERSAL Front tail! of the reauneitlon body. see yon on rery so please call at once at nothing la want to partloalar bnslnese, though thart may nave been CO that Idea, tlia Clirlatlan iclentlnta of our CL3 Bay bava fouod In two or three super-fluitl- body eoinotMug glorloualy t3 ot another ooiietruotlou. Philadelphia Clothing House, . 1 called at my frlonJ'a home out mm-no- r. orx 1 found bli front yard piled up with til rubblah of nwaona and carpeutera' Johnny, wa understand yon are going to make your work. Tba door off. Tba plumbers bad cccJ (torn up tba floor. Tb roof wai belug lift-- d CO aud rupolaed. Tba walli bad lout their g COMMUNION", jiloturee aud tba papur-baug- war get-iln- CO FIRST raady and all tlia moilurn Improve ;' I yonr yon mania war to l Introduced, Tbar wii And as we always felt a warm liferent in wolfare. we wonld like to see ....-.v- yon hap- not a room fit to live in, although a few CD rome ont In style. My boy, we bave Just exactly what yna need to make A style, to truth, week before when I ttopped ther It wai ':;. py. nobby dark suit, mads In the Ti ry latest and tell the John bov scrambling (or one, A go beautiful that It did not laom to in thnt ii y, so awfully cheat), that all the are a chance to get My friend flue pair of Hutpondsrs, a boautlful Bilk lined Iln. and a dandy white Tie, aud you any Improvement wai poaallile, CL3 wants a bad gou with bin family to tb Holy Laud will be a regular dude. Some oue told us that Frank nd would ant be back until about tuontbe, at wbloh time tit home would bi complete, aud what a time they did ha? Thorouglily Toatod and Absolutely Perfect CONFIRMATION SUIT. when they got back to the old plno aud found It io wonderfully reconstructed. The UNIVERSAL will work In more different kinds of Roll than any other plow. It li a perfect cleaner and turner, to come In soon, Immense assortment That la your body. It look) well now, all For op hill tnrutnR it ha no equal. Tell him as we have an Just mads for the t No purpose. Boys, we are very bnsy or we would a longer chut. Ai Is, tb room filled with health, and I could It w the Llg-hU'H- Uralt I'low In exUtance, and a powar for trenth. The adinstment are perfoctlon. wrench, hae it call banlly make a luggentlon. But, after a no lout time, no trouble. The Univkiuul Plows are complete with Jointer, Knee Cutter, Ac. on us and we will see that you bave a pleasant time. You all know the place, while, your aoul will go to the Holy Land, Call at works aud soe the plows, or send for circular, an 1 while you are gone tb old boui of TIIE UNIVERSAL PLOW CO, your tabaruacl will b entirely recon-trucU- d febl2 No. 215 to 221 EaHt TiiHt arawna Bt., on 1 P. W. & 0. It. It., Canton, Ohio. "Tims OTnr.APggT towit,m from oellar to attlo, Every nerve, dtohe in muiole, bouo, tlitu aud artery muit b HOUSE. ORIT HHTKRN XKA 00. bauled over, and tb old itruetur will b THE WHITE and and barnlihed and adorned, raliad mnnnlon at Wilming- cupolaed and enlarged, and all tb Im- The executive as White provement! of Uneven Introduoed, and ton, commonly known the then you will move In on Ileiurreclloii Houne, bae cost, op to the proent, near- rasa No. 20 East Tuncarawas be A fF Street Day. "If tb bouie of thli tabrruaul ly 12,000,000. It was modeled after an dlaiolved, we Imve a building of Uod, a Irish country seat nenr Dublin, and the mad wltb eternal In the IMPIHIAX FLOWS. bout not baud, got 300 for drawing the beaveue." architect erected only 1300 000 What a time, body and ioul meet again. plana. When Ornt T Uetabllahed 1804. Tbey are fund of each otber. Did your was expended on It, and In that form It OlVF.nie yoi.() a palu and your ioul not by BrltMi In STEEL body ever have was nearly destroyed the WITU BUCI1 SDPKRIOIl FACILITIES FOR BUYING GOODS cidiis' mratiu Joy Wanh-lngto- n JO pity ItT Did your body ever bav a 1814. Presidents since 1 All the vV.' - r -- .' ' "r. , , and your ioul not M Or, changing AND FOR ONLY, TIIE - i ' have lived there, and rash oue FELLING CASH V'- MB1TI0H MD CHILLED PLOWS, tb question, did your ioul ever bav a some alterations and addi- troubl but your body eympatlilied wltb has made V) Uaniifaotured by it, growing wan aud weak under tb tions. In John Adams' time It wai but W preaelng Influence? Or did your aoul vet halt furnished, and his wife Abigail BUCIIEIt, dlCBS & CO., bav a gladuei but your bo ly celobrated dried clothes In the east room. Ills son, with kindled ay ami eheulc and elaetlc CANTON, OHIO, It Quluoy, Is reported to have itepf Hurely Ood never lutended two men John The ARE NOT AN EXPERIMENT. good frlundi to be forever oparatud, And bought Its flrut billiard table. &.1 o wben on th world' laat Uaater morn mansion has stood almost a century, Eastern 1 ii' J Great OVEH 100,000 NOW IN VHM T1IAT IN. lng th ioul dnacend It will cry I to be adequate to tball and has loug ceaeed ItlOATH MKUITS. I " " Wher my bo ly? aud the body modern needs. It ought to have been "Wber la my eoulr" wllloryi ago, and a new house Oreat IniDrnvemanta have neen will pullod down years Q made In Outten. and tb Lord of th Keiurrvotlon Co. Julutera, Uallaatile If liraeee, Huna, tllarlaoa, . to, Is the pleasAut--t Tea together, perfect ioul In a built on Its si which bring them a Ther eonlaln anch mertta that manf have baea In. perfect body, lutroduood by a perfect thing about It. duoeil lo euuuCeifaU Uieto. Ilewarel Unr are fraud, a perfect Ueaven. Victory I We renommend the New Imperial Cbrlat Into i i iaaa1'JsWv&'aVUJ5,lr',"' (milled earlee, Do you wonder that wa awalhe tbli home which aie InlerchanamhlalniriKKU SIIAIiKH, UU'fa Attorney General Garland finds that THIIH and Miilil.UH, aa lielni i.ueuf lha ratal eouuuma with garland Do you wouder BUCHER, GIBBS ft CO,, leal I'luwa Uie farmer oau bu fur 111 ua was reconstructed by tli at w celebrate wltb tb moat oonaocrat-- d General Lawton Can sell better and purer goods, (or less money, than any other Call nn W MAHuraVCTvMeit or etir Agent, to almoat every trade eentrea, at of w oan and proclamation. at Uie Werka, volo long that luvlt Prealdont Johnson's flrtn to Stark County. Persons winning to bny with th defleat flngeri on organ and cor Uenoe President Cleveland again ap- Glbbs Imperial and Ohio Chilled Plows, Kim and ICaat Tth BtreeU and It, Vf, should stop at 47 8. Market St , Canton, net and wltb doxolnglei that beat theie points General Lawton to Russia. Presi- 0. Hy Canton, Ohio. grand arobei above ui with tb Wllowi of OANTOM, O. Is a Union man, not ani- aud examine our Stock, BUCHER, GIBBS CO. eound ai tb lea lailtel th baaalt at dent Cltvoluud 1 Cauiewayf mated by sectional hate but determined Only th bad depla tb reeurrcotlon. to restore the Union, and know no Cibbsv Imperial I Maoaba, a orul heathen warrior, beard North, no Bouth, no Kast, no West. Is It Sulky Plow Mr. Moffat, th inlaelonary, preach about not time we have a restored Union In all It is the Sensation of tbe Period. th reaurractlun. Th chieftain cried out) Will my father rleer" "Yea," aalil th respects? DRIED FRUIT i wonderful departure from eld meUiode, mUalonary. Will all th ilnlu lu batUa i - Furnished with Chilled Plow, with or rlie?" "Yei," mid th mlaalonary. Then AMUSEMENTS. without handlea, and neok yoke th chieftain cried out) "1 don't want to triple tree, oomplete, for $40 meat Marveloua and Jn'ereatlnf Itabl-bltlu- n MI80ELLANKOU. boar thli about tb rlalng dead. Tb dead The Or It ean tie attached Ui any band Plow, rtaht or anil th on of can't rlae. The dead ahull nut rlae. I bav Ilia nulf or left baud, wlib yuke, . . . M00 Hi Mini lu tlia world. iluln my tbouaanda; alie.ll they rlae?" On Simple, Slrenf, Durahle, made of Wmuaht tb day of which I epoak too much will GIBBS BALL PLOW and UaileaUl, linn, eiornt Uie tnngtie, Kaaliy CANTON, 0. THE & GOMP'Y. oiwraml, Aitrhnynf 14 ream ean handle It. rlae fur thou whoa puhllibed or bidden OPERA HODSE, Unlit lirtl nn need nf a pnwer lift The walnut Crimea ahall be txpoted. Hut for ull otheri nf the mieraler ominlerlialatioM Uie I'low, WKKK. iiauuiea a, nanny a, a tune, annini be who allow Christ to b tbelr pardon and ONK lieving, uaii agenta, or aiauuiaoturere, 1 their lift aud their reaurrectlou it will be 0 rcrforumuoea, Cotuuienolne; nuciicit, ainnsa&co., day of triumph. rt.M AND EAHT HltVKNTll frm. and P., TU Tb tbuuduri ot tb laat day will only bi MONDAY, AP1UL aw.. jail-m- j W, 4 0. HY., CAN 111 N, 0. greet you Into tb harbor. tb lalvo that IHItlTIVKI.Y rAHKWKIX TOUUI Tb lightning will be only th torchei of 1). femur to preaent triumphant pruceaalou marching down to Manaaer John MUliler ha the OLOTHINO. acort you. The burning world tuaaml I'ltop. UKO. UAIIIIIOU'MKWH through Imiunnaiti-- , the rocket celebrating your corouutlon on thmneaof power, wh t PARADOX you will rul,'ii foruviir .tin! ever. Aa your EQUIfJE WE ARE READY NOW reunited ho ly and I Mil ewhiK off rrm thli SO planet, you will aen il olji gaahca nil up ami 20 EDUCATED HORSES. down the bllla and vitllny of the earth, 1)0 EYKHYTHINO KIT TALK. to receive our old customers, and as mnny new onos that wish to come. and tbey will be the empty gravel, the In our NKW UOOUS, Kvery Kvi'iilug at H o'nloi k, abandoned aiptilchir, with rough ground U MAI'INCKI S ou either aide of them, and eliiln ly- t totted Melurday, ing uneven on the round hillock, mid llicrj Wnliidny, Krlilny, 1.80. will be fallen iiioiiu iienla and ceuotupha, At llie Wrvltimiliir MHniraoli Mr will be iti"n. tnt Willi a iiiiiiiliiie Miiivi'iiir or nm'ie. n. No. S. under-lan- d iih 5 Market St. aud then for the lint time you will iwiit mi nr all ili her mi iiiiieatn-rihi'i- ir n the full exhilaration of my text; iuh, u which la'llni anil clnMieiiaienpwlallr lnrlled "Uculli la ewnlloweil up lu victory I" ei'Kci ai. niu isn Onr Stock Is Complete, with tho Latest Novoltles In Mull, tlia Uinl of curili and ll" uul Fluor ailiiilaHliin. Hilulla ill) and Prulao to Then by hotli bo given. llHliioiiy iine, Time we if i i ol , 1 ii in )l M it t iiunv. All lleaervnil Holl, M (leuta lien's, Youth's and - Boys Clothing Hull the rcui ii'cllun. 'I'limi! rur Male at Welara' lrn Wore fur an u! th II Vvt- loriiianm. TnsCliloRO Tlint'H Biipporlttd Catt'T ti.iinu'. iiiain niinn l irv. Ciniiinntir, at null, Kmnliiii iliKir. l Tiia. Ooiiinianee l N. 1'' - en"ti AND GENTS' GOODS, Harrison tor roeloctlon, and ciiuiueut- fMiiuiin i.vnr l ten. Atleniimn l rfei nianee ine FURNISHING ...... 'Mm ii nana 1 nu u mi con- - i. iu imr, win walk ai on tlic says It "assuros a r trig result Wnlui fn r. r i ill 'V. "'inini ti nun m i. in. h'iiit Which we place on at tho 'i i, will make a ver Die liihii'l. will sale LOW10HT P11IOI2H that oan pos- tlnuniioo or the prudnut ami economical ,i.. at III I,. I alreelx, leaflne Hie Hjl isc l'l.i' iiaii sibly be obtained. During our short slay In Canton we have always tried to administration which Inn been no grati nciiK Memlar. Miiim'iI lea wrallier lie uiilavniaiiie please the Public with our Superior Qualltlos as well as our the iitraiin Kill lw Inailn l uwiur Hi" imello are In fying to taxpayers for the past oil vilwl le Inaimt Urn iaruet, meil real 7 ami iiei rein rnr bnllt liorara, Iwlwteu ami 4 p. in IV iilnta nw years." The (treat reason r Major Vi nl lira mi nr rrlilnr. Harrison's exceptional strength In thnt r Tho above cn riiiri'S 'iiis Mi s l"sllv reicbralrd nALL M'l KY PLOW, noted for LOWER THAN LOW PRICES, MAN-J- 1 Republican city lies In the fact lie ban salB-No- .WSIMtXU.irYOrf CONHTUH'ION, HrPARll.lTY. KAE OK Jilicial lica. AGKMKNT AND XXCKLLKN'I K WOHKI nd we assure von that we will endeavor to keep the LEAD of the Clothing; .warded the city treasury, kipt ttixoi OF fc.vJ 1 Markot tn Canton, which we have so Justly won. down, nnil although many million have Nlniflo I'iiimI mxl Power 11 ft !J Aer heiann whn nan maiiaeaI.vra Uivin ean rln nmal ealiani wurh wlili It. SlataeriHllil, ai '" expanded oo public Improvements tlwntefOviniii'in I'leaa, Tha ttuinarnlia In.llllltnlala aMit III vnllllital lit In Ila faanr. ami Ilia ntanv anriiMarill Irlala and aenlaala had born Slaik Uuumr, aa dill In lha naai aaain Inalinra lha el aim thai II hw law eviinla nml no am rrlera adinlnlHlratloii, he line ex- I during bin ha aneva Ann aln Muniil.fliirn a lull ln.anl hanil i Inaa. I HUM N I IIINCHH. p, g , IIKI) JACK KT end NMIrw hr vlrl i nf an oritur ln li liereti? that no. in. win eat U lx ot obli- ln I'leaa, In lha man of raimera ile'lr liilrrnata riuinleleg ilia ehnve lineel piew, lure pun haalnK. mrrnr. acted a Hlrlot performance tholr mat "in nt aalit r nrt el l'iiinniii liter lii'eriiniiiiii tan nn i r miiiicm, i av.liiat Ti (VeineU tha Naw Kinilaiiil IVual ''nmiuiiir Menil Ki.r (iHluhiKiie. K (IIIIIIN A from contractor. I HI II IX I'l.OW COMPANY.Ki gations all Inn fallen lullw.. Cnniia'ii an nlie'ri, aiel tu mailt. Star Clothing Houao, j rtwtcu a- - aiieaiai Maaier iwireinaamn-- r ineiin aiiiiniii-ImI- 1 will "Iter lur a ile al imlillr niirllen, at I lie ihair "f of Ohio In the early yean lha p.nrl Iiiiiin al Oftiitmi, In alil eeunli, at 1 iiVlne Til State p. m. ut XTo. AoriHtnio ed cauals at an oxpense of 5 South Markot St., WHOLESALE HEADQUARTERS tlD.COO.OOO. The settlement and pros-- Saturday, aiay Dili, 188. nnrliv nf t in fl!nt nra Inrirtdv iittrllilit' l.l Ilia main line of ThaCnnnnltim Vnllet llatlwity. eliii'lnii frnm II, leirlliarn teiinlnii. In Ilia rllr nl l, WALL ablo to Oihho ciiimlH. Thty nre ntlll uha-fu- ('l"elaeil In lla ir aieil leinilniK al Nliarreil.vlll, Car. PAPER. mil enmnr, wl li all laml. ami Hiilila el waa liHwaan MILLINERY nntwlthntniidlng rnllwiiy', and will alil prrai'iit rer "In la nml ila iniMw d tertiilnna at ano an bp. ll'iweiaien. IMril en uieinir, wiin naiaa, ami, continue to Abandon Hichb caniilx, Iraeai, hraiirlew, airiielnms tiiillillna-- . fltlniiw, anil XSS& rapt ali'l ptmaillea In lha nv SPECIALTIES. SMMIXO ail IT.'prrlr, anil rlKH'a OF and - FOR or lot the rallwayi Rotible them, una nl mwiiit. wnli all Ilia riuhla. laiwara anil Iran- ii atlnimi i ..Jin, ma ii, in ., i, (Aa the people of Ohio would pity millions aalil ennii! In aalil railway ami i. u "a w i irninilr, lie hiillna Ila li aiirlil.a in l ann al aa a per Coraotai, .Tcrspv, over what they now do, omo Hny IK),- - a mere Inlla ilratrl al In aalil utiler ant hf tanalleii aaltl enntt. Ain'raUnl ralna, ann.lKMi, Olnvoa, VIHntTS, Notfl, 000,0(10 a yenr.or an lnorenHe. Would It not (0 1 All lha rellln alnrk ami MnlnniMit of aalil I.iul Irs Nekwoarf then be butter to Improve thene wnter- - raliwav ennnian?, Inaiinlli'K III lnlarn.1 In lha millet ilium i II hy The llnainn Kinlimant (inmea" llftudkcrclilcfs. wayu? Thl would be ninnll In coHt knit lir I lia lle.iim Car I'rnal Awimlall n, Innre lnli ICnibroiilorlcSa DURRIN. WRIGHT CO. diainrllier) lit aalil Inilanianl anil In r th, aipralaia' , & compared with tho iucre"o In railway amienuiiw. Ameaiaai! value.,, jii.ikk) Spool Bilks, IHirianu Flos) Hiid ArrnNonOe freights. (t.) All the liarinnal fimnarlf nf aalil rallwurentn. anr tmrtalitlh In Ila aalil line nl railway nr neiinnet 111 linniwltll ninra fnllv ileamllieil In aalil anliralama' re rMerolmulRiia Mlllluors will roeelvft nnr Monllilr Journal of Fttahlon JV lfthejr wit Ilave laid In tho'Largoat Assortment of purl and aolinliilaa. Aipral,al value un,miO nil tin thnlr adilrnaa. and.Finest . ArroitNKl General Garland decidee , aalil raliwav an1 nmtwrt n all tnata and Mil In PJL In the mntter of General Lnwton'e dlnit tlia (Keiellni iiKlnraheaa. Himiml', IMilaiie, liaik Car-M-il Nos. 820, 822 & 824 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, and HairlKin, In llietlieie el uhliv ' bllltlHH, under the Fourteenth Amend-mcut- , (4.) Tee rallrnait nnwn aa lha (Ninnnltwi Vallaf a that President Johnoon'H pardon airallavl'la llalln I, iHiliinaln In aalil railway eemi. wALL PAPER Ila Willi Hie HMIGlHuS M, eiln'ielna tHilntnf e'innpoMun wu a full clearunco, and (j It wne ainnaalil main llnanl TlieCenmHIiin Valla, Hal war at ad-- I'anlen, Hlara (Vnmlr. tn Ila nrmant imiilinia at HOUSE, : given before the amendment waa ; O CRAWFORD ahneieii. iieiin'v, ami all letul, ami rima ni ISIxlli nnd Wnluut Btrnots, i opted, the latter cannot havo a retroact-- ; war nei wean atltl Brawn', tannlen, aail Ila ireieacl Comer larmlniia at Alliana, Alliana Itouitlf Willi all Iraeka, Ive effuot. General Lawton wa bora-- , al hranrliaa, aitniinraa, nnllilliita niliirm Kntranee on Blith Street. Ever shown in Canton. Their stock has boon soleotod from tho best in the Markot end all real emiawt, end tlthia ami (ininarilaa In lha vwiij.i.'X'le no spared luaU'd Ulnlnter to Ruwla, and nauirwin rear,, wiin ii nHtiia, laiware aim iranrniana and pains to proBont the oholoest and newest designs and grados manu n( aald rail ear enniiiati, nr nl lha dnnnnluui Vallaf fe DAY. LEWIS TANDEX, Trop. i iautureu. uaviug a withdrawn from the Sonata. atiallevillellallrnaiOnniimif narWuln to aalil rail- - HATES, $2.W) riilt ,ia .a.ii now Mail anil eree'ilr. aa nmre Ituir daaerlhait In aald r Ho will be commlinloned, aa he li aud br aaltl Indamrait. Apetaiaed value, I'JIo.iUvo, ; folly eligible. ( All Jte narannal rropert nt aald rallwn, enin mn, paiialnlm In Ila aalil laat nianllnnad rallreail or A Cool Property For Salo Plinnafnan iiiaiawui, ii,, mil, iiarriiil in aalil n, Practical Paper Hanger and Decorator ToUNO women employed In eliopg and iiraiaera' mam enu ananaiuifv, niipnuana a , H,iai nn the maWrnad. Ohio will note that the law re-- rallmad and pnttiarttaa all allnala And n ailtiaUaUMiirillaaeMloll'aJiliin WITHOUT FEE torei in eid win. IH aeriK nl land In a a'ala eiilllvatien, i.iaai ennntlaa el Stark 1'ii.raiawaa, llnlmaa, .Vwiiiatdm, m4 a to provide the bmlillnea and a never Mile wall, There li aian ONLKSS BUtfrsamr. TWtCN'IT tEAllS EX' , Dulrluir employeri them with aieaaniainu, anu Auttiia, m una ovw 01 vine, .... ' I'errf aulrmllil IMaeeionam el an vanatnw m irun, ui 1'KIUKNIX AflLK TO In M. IIAHU. At the head of this department, they are prepared to estimates on Job toata whon not at work now la foro aid tarn tallmeda. will, iharimiiiiTllaa. rlalira, niperlr. MI'S. VIIIKII famish hi t a. nr work all papers with best dlnpatoh. mny aleo note. and Iranetilaea alnraaalil nnrtaliiliia In aanh will l lie nr turUiar partlenlare bqnltn nn iiran.iw ei MILO D. STEVENS & CO., and bane; workmanehip and Examine their and ehopkeopcrg aettateiatr, Ilia enraiaial iniertr iieitaintna le ANl'lll'NV MANII, assortment before purchaeluR elsewbore. An early call solicited. aniin in la. nrtorM aaparaia trnii the rallr at ami It, IM4IOD,. Mnlaville OtiKa Orricaai Waahttial'ti, II, O.i dleveland, (Ihlni . LI i fnntnhiaaat anil aald rellrnaila anil all aal1! timiiarilra, Uelmlk kllub.i Uhlraau, Ilia, (pllnm rleltia, (nwara ami rrnrhta will alan lia nltarnl aa an t im. WhliMiwaaalei,wefaaher0A1T0m4 lunirair, ami tna aaiee wi nun neon aiian aevarai J nr tiHin n oiled tor OAHTOIU A inna, inn lur uie enureii, wuienever mar When aba waa a Child, aba .aniaa nit laiaa-- ,uin, HXTXS IS COIIINO 40 Acra Farm For Sale. WbMiliebeeiuna Mlaa, aha elunf CAHTimiA r. Nn hid will ha arenntad rnr ten than Ilia in knowi.kiiiif.-- i i n Mia gar them CAJflVlUA tie-- hiita .ii'a Wliao bad Olillareu, aba aniiraiaad value nl Una rmiarlf hid uiain, nnr unlaae ' Ml leiilitln lawi,"! & aennmi.aiilKl nr tanner n( parmani of five ear mil, nf Ian laieated 1U mllea nnrlliwmt ef Ixnilmllle. Onnd DURSXXT, WRIGHT CO., r'i.,1 .. r lie, a,. w, 11114 nrtlllKlieilt .in' otonard and bullilinaa. A very Oaalralile pruperty, " " 'i. i...... iiriian in raaa anon initial, hla birth, Ite'liii-ni- ; -'.!.';;'-!- g be lima nf fe'" eu Uie premlana ''!'.' hntrlnaiit anwixi balaiwa te be paid ajxili oeu. lan'a hlilh, anil ailtnnee ahl" tiniulre - wuaiiiu m aa aaia. t"errninmamlmaala, Halali'a K.i.lan ami In botween Ti'inlila, Ten en. an It now looka aa l( war BANUUi PIUUIIS, auriiitlnna. what Maian anra ranardine: hla Ian in MRS. JULIA GOME. k'ri, AilOraea. AUUUel llarehU EnasU and Great Britain wai Inevitable. AperSxw Ipeetal Maaler Oemmlaalenar. epiflfra aomasnoxAX. bloozs.