TJHiyjCaBAL PLOW. OLOTHIMO) AMD OMTS' OOOPS. PULPIT UTTERANCES. OunUnued rirat Page, trail 4k human frame were waa a email bone wtilcb they railed "lui," and R, Joehua I Ben Haaanlah aald that that wu to be .be and Rear Adjusting Plows. 3EJllo, 3Bo3ts And The UNIVERSAL Front tail! of the reauneitlon body. see yon on rery so please call at once at nothing la We want to partloalar bnslnese, though thart may nave been CO that Idea, tlia Clirlatlan iclentlnta of our CL3 Bay bava fouod In two or three super-fluitl- ot body eoinotMug glorloualy t3 ot another ooiietruotlou. Philadelphia Clothing House, . 1 called at my frlonJ'a home out mm-no- r. orx 1 found bli front yard piled up with til rubblah of nwaona and carpeutera' Johnny, wa understand yon are going to make your work. Tba door off. Tba plumbers bad cccJ (torn up tba floor. Tb roof wai belug lift-- d CO aud rupolaed. Tba walli bad lout their g COMMUNION", jiloturee aud tba papur-baug- war get-iln- CO FIRST raady and all tlia moilurn Improve ;' I yonr yon mania war to l Introduced, Tbar wii And as we always felt a warm liferent in wolfare. we wonld like to see ....-.v- yon hap- not a room fit to live in, although a few CD rome ont In style. My boy, we bave Just exactly what yna need to make A style, to truth, week before when I ttopped ther It wai ':;. py. nobby dark suit, mads In the Ti ry latest and tell the John bov scrambling (or one, A go beautiful that It did not laom to in thnt ii y, so awfully cheat), that all the are a chance to get My friend flue pair of Hutpondsrs, a boautlful Bilk lined Iln. and a dandy white Tie, aud you any Improvement wai poaallile, CL3 wants a bad gou with bin family to tb Holy Laud will be a regular dude. Some oue told us that Frank nd would ant be back until about el tuontbe, at wbloh time tit home would bi complete, aud what a time they did ha? Thorouglily Toatod and Absolutely Perfect CONFIRMATION SUIT. when they got back to the old plno aud found It io wonderfully reconstructed. The UNIVERSAL will work In more different kinds of Roll than any other plow. It li a perfect cleaner and turner, to come In soon, Immense assortment That la your body. It look) well now, all For op hill tnrutnR it ha no equal. Tell him as we have an Just mads for the t No purpose. Boys, we are very bnsy or we would a longer chut. Ai Is, tb room filled with health, and I could It w the Llg-hU'H- Uralt I'low In exUtance, and a powar for trenth. The adinstment are perfoctlon. wrench, hae it call banlly make a luggentlon. But, after a no lout time, no trouble. The Univkiuul Plows are complete with Jointer, Knee Cutter, Ac. on us and we will see that you bave a pleasant time. You all know the place, while, your aoul will go to the Holy Land, Call at works aud soe the plows, or send for circular, an 1 while you are gone tb old boui of TIIE UNIVERSAL PLOW CO, your tabaruacl will b entirely recon-trucU- d febl2 No. 215 to 221 EaHt TiiHt arawna Bt., on 1 P. W. & 0. It. It., Canton, Ohio. "Tims OTnr.APggT towit,m from oellar to attlo, Every nerve, dtohe in muiole, bouo, tlitu aud artery muit b HOUSE. ORIT HHTKRN XKA 00. bauled over, and tb old itruetur will b THE WHITE and and barnlihed and adorned, raliad mnnnlon at Wilming- cupolaed and enlarged, and all tb Im- The executive as White provement! of Uneven Introduoed, and ton, commonly known the then you will move In on Ileiurreclloii Houne, bae cost, op to the proent, near- rasa No. 20 East Tuncarawas be A fF Street Day. "If tb bouie of thli tabrruaul ly 12,000,000. It was modeled after an dlaiolved, we Imve a building of Uod, a Irish country seat nenr Dublin, and the mad wltb eternal In the IMPIHIAX FLOWS. bout not baud, got 300 for drawing the beaveue." architect erected only 1300 000 What a time, body and ioul meet again. plana. When Ornt T Uetabllahed 1804. Tbey are fund of each otber. Did your was expended on It, and In that form It OlVF.nie yoi.() a palu and your ioul not by BrltMi In STEEL body ever have was nearly destroyed the WITU BUCI1 SDPKRIOIl FACILITIES FOR BUYING GOODS cidiis' mratiu Joy Wanh-lngto- n JO pity ItT Did your body ever bav a 1814. Presidents since 1 All the vV.' - r -- .' ' "r. , , and your ioul not o M Or, changing AND FOR ONLY, TIIE - i ' have lived there, and rash oue FELLING CASH V'- MB1TI0H MD CHILLED PLOWS, tb question, did your ioul ever bav a some alterations and addi- troubl but your body eympatlilied wltb has made V) Uaniifaotured by it, growing wan aud weak under tb de tions. In John Adams' time It wai but W preaelng Influence? Or did your aoul vet halt furnished, and his wife Abigail BUCIIEIt, dlCBS & CO., bav a gladuei but your bo ly celobrated dried clothes In the east room. Ills son, with kindled ay ami eheulc and elaetlc CANTON, OHIO, It Quluoy, Is reported to have itepf Hurely Ood never lutended two men John The ARE NOT AN EXPERIMENT. good frlundi to be forever oparatud, And bought Its flrut billiard table. &.1 o wben on th world' laat Uaater morn mansion has stood almost a century, Eastern 1 ii' J Great OVEH 100,000 NOW IN VHM T1IAT IN. lng th ioul dnacend It will cry I to be adequate to tball and has loug ceaeed ItlOATH MKUITS. I " " Wher my bo ly? aud the body modern needs. It ought to have been "Wber la my eoulr" wllloryi ago, and a new house Oreat IniDrnvemanta have neen will pullod down years Q made In Outten. and tb Lord of th Keiurrvotlon Co. Julutera, Uallaatile If liraeee, Huna, tllarlaoa, ka. to, Is the pleasAut-es-t Tea together, perfect ioul In a built on Its si which bring them a Ther eonlaln anch mertta that manf have baea In. perfect body, lutroduood by a perfect thing about It. duoeil lo euuuCeifaU Uieto. Ilewarel Unr are fraud, a perfect Ueaven. Victory I We renommend the New Imperial Cbrlat Into i i iaaa1'JsWv&'aVUJ5,lr',"' (milled earlee, Do you wonder that wa awalhe tbli home which aie InlerchanamhlalniriKKU SIIAIiKH, UU'fa Attorney General Garland finds that THIIH and Miilil.UH, aa lielni i.ueuf lha ratal eouuuma with garland Do you wouder BUCHER, GIBBS ft CO,, leal I'luwa Uie farmer oau bu fur 111 ua was reconstructed by tli at w celebrate wltb tb moat oonaocrat-- d General Lawton Can sell better and purer goods, (or less money, than any other Call nn W MAHuraVCTvMeit or etir Agent, to almoat every trade eentrea, at of w oan and proclamation. at Uie Werka, volo long that luvlt Prealdont Johnson's flrtn to Stark County. Persons winning to bny with th defleat flngeri on organ and cor Uenoe President Cleveland again ap- Glbbs Imperial and Ohio Chilled Plows, Kim and ICaat Tth BtreeU and It, Vf, should stop at 47 8. Market St , Canton, net and wltb doxolnglei that beat theie points General Lawton to Russia. Presi- 0. Hy Canton, Ohio. grand arobei above ui with tb Wllowi of OANTOM, O. Is a Union man, not ani- aud examine our Stock, BUCHER, GIBBS CO. eound ai tb lea lailtel th baaalt at dent Cltvoluud 1 Cauiewayf mated by sectional hate but determined Only th bad depla tb reeurrcotlon. to restore the Union, and know no Cibbsv Imperial I Maoaba, a orul heathen warrior, beard North, no Bouth, no Kast, no West. Is It Sulky Plow Mr. Moffat, th inlaelonary, preach about not time we have a restored Union In all It is the Sensation of tbe Period. th reaurractlun. Th chieftain cried out) Will my father rleer" "Yea," aalil th respects? DRIED FRUIT i wonderful departure from eld meUiode, mUalonary. Will all th ilnlu lu batUa i - Furnished with Chilled Plow, with or rlie?" "Yei," mid th mlaalonary. Then AMUSEMENTS. without handlea, and neok yoke th chieftain cried out) "1 don't want to triple tree, oomplete, for $40 meat Marveloua and Jn'ereatlnf Itabl-bltlu- n MI80ELLANKOU. boar thli about tb rlalng dead. Tb dead The Or It ean tie attached Ui any band Plow, rtaht or anil th on of can't rlae. The dead ahull nut rlae. I bav Ilia nulf or left baud, wlib yuke, . M00 Hi Mini lu tlia world. iluln my tbouaanda; alie.ll they rlae?" On Simple, Slrenf, Durahle, made of Wmuaht tb day of which I epoak too much will GIBBS BALL PLOW and UaileaUl, linn, eiornt Uie tnngtie, Kaaliy CANTON, 0. THE & GOMP'Y. oiwraml, Aitrhnynf 14 ream ean handle It. rlae fur thou whoa puhllibed or bidden OPERA HODSE, Unlit lirtl nn need nf a pnwer lift The walnut Crimea ahall be txpoted. Hut for ull otheri nf the mieraler ominlerlialatioM Uie I'low, WKKK. iiauuiea a, nanny a, a tune, annini u be who allow Christ to b tbelr pardon and ONK lieving, uaii en agenta, or aiauuiaoturere, 1 their lift aud their reaurrectlou it will be 0 rcrforumuoea, Cotuuienolne; nuciicit, ainnsa&co., day of triumph.
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