UNITED NATIONS Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory SPECIAL FOCUS APRIL 2009 urk T bu A ahfouz ahfouz M hoto by hoto by P THE PLANNING CRISIS IN EAST JERUSALEM: UNDERSTANDING THE PHENOMENON OF “illegal” constrUCTION This OCHA Special Focus addresses the pheno background on some of the key difficulties facing menon of “illegal” Palestinian construction in East Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem in their Jerusalem resulting from the failure of the Israeli efforts to build, and identifies a number of at-risk authorities to provide adequate planning for communities. In addition, it provides an overview Palestinian neighbourhoods. This Special Focus of various NGO and community initiatives that aim provides a statistical overview of Israel’s demolition to challenge and eventually overcome obstacles in of unauthorized structures since 2000, provides the current municipal planning process. P. O. Box 38712 East Jerusalem 91386 l tel. +972 (0)2 582 9962 l fax +972 (0)2 582 5841 l
[email protected] l www.ochaopt.org Executive Summary1 In 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank and Israeli authorities, and due to the lack of feasible unilaterally annexed to its territory 70.5 km2 alternatives, many Palestinians risk building on of the occupied area, which were subsequently their land without a permit in order to meet their integrated within the Jerusalem municipality. This housing needs. At least 28 percent of all Palestinian annexation contravenes international law and was homes in East Jerusalem have been built in violation not recognized by the UN Security Council or UN of Israeli zoning requirements.