Economic Consequences

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Economic Consequences Shir Hever The Economy of the Occupation A Socioeconomic Bulletin The Separation Wall in East Jerusalem Economic Consequences № 11-12 * January-February 2007 Shir Hever Economy of the Occupation ___________________________________________Socioeconomic Bulletin № 10-12 The Separation Wall in East Jerusalem ___________________________________________Economic Consequences January-February 2007 Published by the Alternative Information Center (AIC) Jerusalem Beit Sahour 4 Queen Shlomzion Street Building 111 Main Street PO Box 31417 PO Box 201 Jerusalem, Israel 91313 Beit Sahour, Palestine Phone: 972-(0)2-624-1159; 624-1424 Phone: 972-(0)2-277-5444 Fax: 972-(0)2-625-3151 Fax: 972-(0)2-277-5445 Graphic Designer: Tal Hever Printer: Latin Patriarchate Printing Press Photograph on the Cover: Niv Hachlili, September 2004 The AIC wishes to acknowledge the generous support for its activities by: Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII, Broederlijk Delen, the Catalan Government through the help of Sodepau, Comite Catholique Contre La Faim Et Pour Le Developemment (CCFD), Diakonia, Inter-Church Organisation for Development Cooperation (ICCO), the Irish Government through the help Christian Aid, Junta Castilla-La Mancha through the help of ACSUR Las Segovias. Table of Contents: ___________________________________________ 1.) Introduction 4 2.) The Situation in East Jerusalem before the Wall 5 3.) The Wall 8 4.) The Recent Shifts in the Labor Movements in Israel and the OPT 10 5.) Labor Movements in Jerusalem and the Quality of Life 12 6.) The Seeds of Discontent 15 7.) Conclusion 19 25 Bibliography 30 ___________________________________________ Special thanks to Rami Adut for his many contributions to this research from its very beginning and especially for his help in compiling the data for the study, for Yael Berda for sharing her expertise and for OCHA for allowing the use of their maps. Ramallah JJerusalemerusalem Qalandiya Camp Qalanndiyadiya AAirportirport GGiv’ativ’at ZZe’eve’ev Qalandiya Beit Duqqu Al Judeira AAtarottarot Jaba’ Atarot IIndustrialndustrial GGiv’oniv’on Al Jib ZZoneone Bir Nabala Ar Ram & Beit Ijza HHahadashaahadasha Dahiyat al Bareed Al RRamam Qatanna Al Quebeiba NNeveeve HHarar An Nabi Biddu Beit YYa’akova’akov SShmuelhmuel Samwil Hanina Beit HHarar RRamot Hanina al AAdardar Balad HHizmahizmah PPisgatisgat Beit Surik Beit Iksa ZZe’eve’ev RRamatamat AAlonlon RRamatamat Shu’fat SShlomohlomo Shu’fat Shu’fat Camp FFrenchrench RRamatamat EshkolEshkol HHillill Al ‘Isawiya MMa’alota’alot DafnaDafna Seikh HHebrewebrew UniversityUniversity Jarrah As Suwwana Wadi Zayyeme al Joz Old At Tur Bab as City Sahira Ash West Jerusalem JJewishewish QQuarteruarter Shayyah Silwan Ras al ‘Amud EEastast As Sawahira TTalpiyotalpiyot al Gharbiya Sharafat Beit Safafa Jabal al GGi’vati’vat Mukabbir Al HHaMatosaMatos Ash Walaja Sur Bahir Sheikh Ein Yalow GGiloilo Sa’d Gilo Umm Tuba Battir HHara Gilo r G HHarar HHomaoma ilo ‘Ayda Camp Khallet an Beit Jala DCO Nu’man Wadi Fukin Beit Jala Al ‘Aza Camp Al Hujeila Husan Tunnel Bethlehem (Beit Jibrin) Beit Sahur Many thanks to OCHA for allowing the AIC to use their maps. All the maps in this Bulletin were graphicaly edited by Tal Hever. Separation Wall in Jerusalem SSha’arha’ar BinyaminBinyamin Palestinian IIndustrialndustrial ZoneZone Residential Areas JJaba’aba’ ((Tajammu’Tajammu’ BBadawi)adawi) Israeli Illegal GGevaeva BinyaminBinyamin Settlement Israeli Military Base Hizma West Jerusalem AAlmonlmon Israeli Closed KKfarfar AAdumimdumim Military Area AAll KKa’abinaa’abina Anata ((Tejammu’Tejammu’ BBadawi)adawi) Completed Wall Wall Under Construction MMishorishor AAdumimdumim Az IIndustrialndustrial AreaArea The Green Line Za’ayyem Jerusalem Municipal Boundary Al ‘Eizariya MMa’alea’ale AAdumimdumim Checkpoints Observation Abu Dis Towers QQedaredar ‘Arab al JJahalinahalin Earth Mounds As Sawahira ash Sharqiya JJerusalemerusalem LLandfillandfill Container Road Gates Roadblocks Al ‘Ubeidiya Dar Salah Main Roads Al Haddadiya Wadi al ‘Arayis Roads Al Khas 6 | Economy of the Occupation 1. Introduction he discussion in this in Jerusalem, and yet the Wall in the publication will focus on city is especially important and de- TJerusalem and the effects of serves special attention. In Jerusalem the Wall of separation on Jerusalem’s the Wall cuts deep into a developed population. Jerusalem is one city, but urban area, and thus affects the daily due to numerous lives of schoolchildren, workers, fami- significant reasons it lies and whole communities. Out of Discrimination has a central position about 875,000 Palestinians (38% of and violence in the Israeli-Pales- the West Bank’s population) that are affect life in East tinian conflict. It is being directly and adversely affected a mixed city, where by the Wall, over a quarter live in Jerusalem on an discrimination and the Jerusalem area everyday basis violence are visible (Müller, Andreas, on a daily basis in 2004, pp. 22-23, A quarter of the the lives of its inhab- 53-64; OCHA, Palestinians who itants. Both Israelis and the Palestin- 2006, p. 3; Aron- ians want Jerusalem to be their capital, son, 2006, p. 4). are affected by the and the multitude of holy sights in the Yet the purpose Wall live in the city—for the three major monotheis- of this publication Jerusalem area tic religions (Christianity, Islam and is not to discuss Judaism)—have contributed towards individual wrongs making the city’s politics extremely and try to shock volatile. the reader with descriptions of human- The Wall of Separation was, and rights violations or the mistreatment continues to be, built across the en- of East Jerusalem Palestinians. Here tire West Bank and extends for over we intend to discuss general trends in 703 km. Only about 90 km of this are the economy, so that the full econom- The Separation Wall in East Jerusalem, Economic Consequences | 7 ic impact of the Wall can be prop- assumptions, such as the requirement erly assessed and future demands for to maintain a Jewish majority and compensation can be calculated accu- the permanence rately. of the annexation A recent book published by the of East Jerusalem, The Palestinians Jerusalem Institute for Israel Stud- are not recognized and international ies, The Security Fence in Jerusalem: Its by the Palestinian community do Impact on the City Residents (Kimhi, population or by not recognize the 2006), has revealed detailed statistical the international findings about the impact of the Wall community. Still, annexation of of Separation on the lives of Palestin- the information East Jerusalem ians in Jerusalem and its vicinity for and analysis are the first time. Although the raw data both accurate and and analysis presented in the book are thought-provoking and could estab- very important, the text seems to rely lish the foundations for a new debate heavily on several problematic popu- on the future of Jerusalem. This highly lar assumptions that are common to useful new source will therefore figure Israeli Zionist public opinion. These prominently in this publication. Federica Battistelli, February 2007 8 | Economy of the Occupation 2. The Situation in East Jerusalem before the Wall uring the war not granted to the residents of East Je- Israel occupied the entire rusalem (Kimhi, 2006, pp. 139-143). DWest Bank (among other In 1967 many Israeli policymakers areas). Most of the believed that Israel would soon with- territory remained draw from the occupied territories in East Jerusalem under military ad- exchange for a peace treaty with the Palestinians do ministration except neighboring Arab states. However, not have Israeli for 70 square km, almost all policymakers also believed citizenship, or 12% of the West that East Jerusalem was different and Bank, which was an- must be occupied permanently (Gazit, though they live nexed directly to Isra- 1985). on annexed land el. This area includes In July 1967 a group of twenty the former Jordanian prominent Palestinians headed by An- municipality of East war Al-Hatib—the governor of the Jerusalem, which was 6 square km. East Jerusalem governorate before the The area was thereafter regarded as occupation—signed a petition pro- part of Israel (under testing the annexation of Jerusalem the jurisdiction of the and instructing Israel not interfere in Most Israeli Israeli municipality of religious matters in the West Bank for policymakers West Jerusalem) for the duration of the occupation. Israel claim that all administrative pur- responded by sending four of the sig- poses of Israeli policy, natories into exile (Ibid.). Jerusalem must though the interna- Eventually, Jerusalem played a key be occupied tional community has role in strengthening the ties between indefinitely never recognized the the occupied territories and Israel. annexation and equal West Jerusalem was strongly tied to Israeli citizenship was the Israeli economy, and East Jeru- The Separation Wall in East Jerusalem, Economic Consequences | 9 salem was strongly tied to the Pales- iticians to avoid negotiations with the tinian cities of Bethlehem, Ramallah, Palestinians. Jerico and beyond. When the East Declarations about this “unifica- and West of the city were joined, eco- tion” of Jerusalem, however frequent, nomic ties between the OPT (Occu- cannot change the pied Palestinian Territories) and Israel demographic reality became much stronger as a result. Je- of the city. Jewish Is- Jerusalem rusalem became a gate through which raelis even avoid en- is officially Palestinians from the West Bank tering
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