 Founded in 1973, Trevignano, Treviso.

 Privately owned

 2015 Sales Volume: 284 million € TWE

 Employees: 190 in HQ, 80 in foreign branches

 46.000 sqm warehouse in HQ

 Brand Portfolio: Lotto, Lotto Leggenda, Aequiter, Lotto Works, LeDD.

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Mission

To deliver performance enhancing

products for sports and fitness with an

unconventional Italian design style.

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Soccer MORE THAN 100 TEAMS AND NATIONAL TEAMS


5 - Man 103 PLAYERS ATP: 1 TOP15 4 TOP50 5 TOP100

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 6 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Tennis - Woman 64 PLAYERS WTA: 2 TOP10 4 TOP60 6 TOP100

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 7 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Why Lotto Performance?

“My mind never stops thinking how to innovate! Our performance products shall always stand out for providing smart solutions to professional and avid players and athletes!”

(Andrea Tomat)

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 8 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Lotto Performance

Target: sport professionals and passionate

Benefits: performance and innovations

Communication channels: sponsorships, testimonials, events and our flagship products

Distribution channels: sports specialized store, e-channels

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 9 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Brand Architecture

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 10 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Active well being


All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 11 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Background

Despite a contraction of the total Italian footwear market during the last 10 years, the segment is growing both in terms of volumes and value.

PAIRS (in Millions) VALUE (in M€) 35 225 740 4.300

30 220 720 4.200 215 700 4.100 25 210 680 4.000 20 205 660 3.900 15 200 640 3.800 195 620 3.700 10 190 600 3.600 5 185 580 3.500 - 180 560 3.400 2006 2015 2006 2015

Sneakers Market Sneakers Market

Lotto Life’s will focus this segment to fuel brand’s business.

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 12 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Active well being

Sport is: - above all: competition - winning and going beyond personal limits - success, power, dominance - sacrifice, sweat, exhaustion, grit - an epic victory or drama.

Sport is: - a way to have fun, relax, socialize - a way to have an healthy lifestyle - what matters is the time to share and have fun with others - a way to enjoy life and make life easy. - there is no drama

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 13 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Active well being

Global footwear market to reach 190 billion euro by 2019

Sport : 30% of total market

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 14 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Why Lotto Life’s?

“It is the key driver for the brand’s global growth and credit: volumes, sales and brand image” (Andrea Tomat)

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 15 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Active well being

Emerging trends:

- Health consciousness

- Aging population

- Socializing and well being are increasingly influencing sport participation

- Gender equality: increase of female sport participation

- Authentic, true, natural sport vs. non-trustable, untrue, unethical sport (doping, corruption, cheating…)

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 16 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. We need to change the culture, the organization and the information system…

Business Application Digital strategy process infrastructure development revision management

•Software selection •Do we need a new supply •Creating an Agile chain management? roadmap for the •Organize current and new a! •…Have we got a infrastructure standard operating •Create a new company development culture! procedure for realizing it?

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 17 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Change the behaviors and change the technology…

People and technology: two pillars of the transformation

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 18 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Digital strategy: which departments are involved?

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 19 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Digital strategy: we start from...

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 20 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. We start from the customer!

«For true omni-channel success, brands need a 360-degree view of the customers’ interactions across all channels, devices and platforms to monitor channel preference, customer behaviour and journeys from the customers’ point of view. Much of the analysis can now occur in real time, giving you actionable insights at the right moment.»

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 21 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Culture and organization change!

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 22 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation.

The single customer view Single customer Single view

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 23 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. The single customer view

Adv Mkt Mkt Sales Retail dpt. dpt. dpt. dpt. dpt. Digital platform

Adv Mkt Mkt Sales Retail dpt. dpt. dpt. dpt. dpt. Each department maintains his responsability but we need a Single Customer View

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 24 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. new information system

Marketing & Planning Sviluppo Collezioni Acquisti & Sourcing Produzione Logistica e distribuzione Sales & Retail

(FAR) Riassortimenti Sistema ERP (Gestionale) B2B (FAR)

Order Entry (FIN YES 2 Live) Mobile (FAR) Sistema ERP (Gestionale) (FAR) Core Business Processes Replenishment

Demand Planning Sorter CRM B2B

(Centric) PLM Retail/POS

(Adobe Illustrator) Design CRM B2C

CAD (Teseo/HTA)


Enterprise Support Processes

HRM (INAZ) HB (FIN YES 2 Live) BPM Portale EPM Mail + office automation Sistema ERP (AFC) (GPRES2) (Archiva) BI Presenze Sistema Documentale DAM (QlikView)

Integrazione tecnologica tra i sistemi - Enterprise Service Bus (FAR) INT.

All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, 25 copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. ERP LOTTO /STONEFLY (YES) YES (ERP LOTTO /STONEFLY) BI Omnichannel BI Omnichannel


• Canale B2B • Anagrafiche Base • Ordini Collezione • Canale Retail DOS • Costi Standard • Riassortimenti B2B • Canale Retail Partners • Disponibile Prodotti Finiti • Giacenze valorizzate Retail/B2C • Canale B2C • Avvisi di spedizione POS • Dati fatturazione intercompany • Customer Data


E-Commerce CMDM (Single Customer Collection Orders B2B Reorders Retail Management Sellout Data Collection Integration View)

Gestione raccolta Ordini Agenti/iPad E-Commerce B2B Soluzione POS E-commerce B2C Marketing/CRM (TBD) sellout retail partner (TBD) (TBD)


All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. BI LOTTO /STONEFLY (FAR BI) ERP LOTTO /STONEFLY (YES)

Analisi Analisi Analisi Anagrafiche di base Costi Standard Produzione Fatturazione Spedizioni Retail Wholesale Clienti Retail/B2C Prodotti/Clienti B2B Prodotti Acquisti Intercompany


• Canale B2B • Anagrafiche Base • Ordini Collezione • Canale Retail DOS • Costi Standard • Riassortimenti B2B • Canale Retail Partners • Disponibilità Prodotti Finiti • Giacenze valorizzate Retail/B2C • Canale B2C • Avvisi di spedizione • Dati fatturazione intercompany • Customer Data (Single Customer view)


Gestione Stock Distribuito Master Data Prodotti e Listini Master Dati Clienti Gestione Ordini RETAIL/B2B/B2C/B2E RETAIL/B2B/B2C/B2E RETAIL/B2B/B2C/B2E RETAIL/B2B/B2C/B2E


E-Commerce CMDM (Single Customer Collection Orders B2B Reorders Retail Management Sellout Data Collection Integration View)



All information, drawings, images, trademarks, texts, data contained herein are exclusive property of Lotto Sport Italia Spa and have a strictly confidential nature, are disclosed in a strictly confidential basis and cannot be used, disclosed, revealed, copied, sold or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any way and in any means, to any third party. Lotto Sport Italia Spa reserves any and all action to protect such rights in case of violation. Sebastiano Di Camillo Head of Controlling and ICT dept. at Lotto Sport Italia S.p.A./Stonefly S.p.A. mailto: [email protected]