United States Patent Office Patented June 27, 1961
2,990,422 United States Patent Office Patented June 27, 1961 2 In essence, our invention is predicated upon the fact 2,990,422 that an acyclic diene, 2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadiene, can be PROCESSFOR PREPARNGCTRONELLOL FROM AN ACYCLC. TERPENE treated with diborane to yield, a trialkenyl boron com Eugene L. Woroch, Itasca, and J. Wayne Cole, Oak Park, pound and the trialkenylboron then oxidized and hydro l, assignors to The Glidden Company, Cleveland, 5 lyzed to produce the desired alcohol. The results ob Ohio, a corporation of Ohio tained by the process of our invention were unexpected. No Drawing. Filed Dec. 9, 1957, Ser. No. 701,371 In the preferred embodiment of our invention, we 10 Claims. (C. 260-462) contact 2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadiene with diborane, (a col Orless gas at room temperature) the contact being made This invention relates to a novel process for the prep O in a suitable solvent for the reactants and in an inert aration of citronellol. The invention is more specifically atmosphere at room or slightly above room temperature directed to a process for preparing citronellol readily to obtain tricitronellyl boron and thereafter oxidize and and inexpensively by the employment of an acyclic diene hydrolyze the compound and recover the desired cit of the terpene series, namely, 2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadiene ronellol. The diborane can be generated in situ or in as the starting material. 5 troduced as a gas into the reaction system. in the past decade or so certain boron compounds As indicated, diborane can be employed as a gas ob have been found to be good catalysts and good reducing tained outside of the system or it can be generated in agents for reducible groups.
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