Vojaška Prisega Slovenskih Upornikov, Prostovoljcev in Vojakov
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VOJAŠKA ZGODOVINA MILITARY HISTORY Številka/Number 1 (17), Letnik/Volume 11/2010 VOJAŠKA ZGODOVINA MILITARY HISTORY Številka/Number 1 (17), Letnik/Volume 11/2010 MILITARY HISTORY • 1 128 • VOJAŠKA ZGODOVINA Vojaška prisega slovenskih upornikov, prostovoljcev in vojakov Military Oath of Slovenian Insurgents, Volunteers and Soldiers • M a r I j an F. Kranj C generalmajor v pokoju Kratek vojaškozgodovinski opis A brief military and historical description Prisega, predvsem vojaška, je obvezno slo- An oath, particularly a military oath, is an ob- vesno dejanje vsakega vojaka in častnika ob ligatory solemn (formal) act taken by every soldier sprejetju (vstopu) v vojsko, ki izraža zlasti zve- and officer at enlistment and expresses loyalty (to stobo (domovini, vladarju, poveljniku). Zato the homeland, the ruler, the commander). For this imajo prisege poleg simbolične (zunanje, jav- reason, oaths, in addition to their symbolic mean- ne) tudi t. i. notranjo podobo, ki se izraža kot ing (external, public), also have an inner meaning moralna (politično-ideološka), pravna (kazen- expressed as a moral (political and ideological), sko-disciplinska) in še kakšna zaveza (pisna legal (criminal and disciplinary) and some other ali ustna) in pomen (tajna, krvna, navidezna commitment (written or oral) and meaning (secret, in podobno). Seveda so tudi izjeme. blood, virtual and similar). Of course, there are also Ko sem zbiral podatke za knjigo Slovenska exceptions. vojaška inteligenca (Grosuplje, 2005), sem na- As I was collecting data for the book Slovenska letel na zanimive primerke vojaške prisege slo- vojaška inteligenca (‘Slovenian Military Intelligence’, venskih (kmečkih) upornikov, prostovoljcev, Grosuplje, 2005), I came upon interesting examples predvsem pa vojakov, ki so zvesto služili voj- of military oaths taken by Slovenian (peasant) in- sko različnim cesarjem, kraljem, fürerjem in surgents, volunteers and particularly soldiers who maršalom. Prisegali so pred križem in Bogom, had loyally served under various emperors, kings, pred mečem in tujo (nacistično) zastavo, pred fuehrers and marshals. They swore before the cross slovensko in internacionalno (sovjetsko, špan- and God, before the sword and a foreign (Nazi) flag, sko) zastavo, nazadnje pa prisegli tudi DOMO- before Slovenian and international (Soviet, Spanish) VINI kot pripadniki Slovenske vojske. flags in order to finally be able to swear to their Od osamosvojitvene vojne junija 1991 smo HOMELAND as members of the Slovenian Armed brali številna novinarska poročila o tem slo- Forces. vesnem dejanju, ki je, tako pravijo, enkratno From the Slovenian Independence War in June v življenju vsakega državljana (vojaka). Takole 1991 onwards we have been reading numerous jour- je novinarka Marjeta Borštnik aprila 2002 po- nalistic reports on this solemn act which is, as is ročala z Vrhnike: said, a unique act in the life of every citizen (soldier). Marjeta Borštnik reported from Vrhnika in April Slovesna zaprisega vojakov 2002: V torek, 30. aprila, je na Vrhniki, na nogo- metnem igrišču pri OŠ Ivana Cankarja, po- “Soldiers’ Solemn Oath tekala slovesna zaprisega vojakov. Zvestobo The soldiers’ solemn oath took place on Tuesday, domovini je zapriseglo 400 vojakov vrhniške 30 April, in Vrhnika, on the soccer field of the Ivan vojašnice, 352. UBP… Slovesnosti se je med Cankar Primary School. Four hundred soldiers MILITARY HISTORY • 129 from the Vrhnika Military Post, the 352nd Infantry Training Battalion and others swore loyalty to their homeland. Among other guests, the ceremony was attended by ..., while the guest of honour was Frigate Captain Ljubo Poles, Commander of the 52nd Brigade, part of which is also the 352nd Infantry Training Battalion. The head of the ceremony was Major Ljubo Pajič while the commander of the ceremony was the Commander of the 352nd Infantry Training Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Marko Preložnik. In line with protocol, the ceremony was also attended by the Company of Honour of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Visitors saw and heard a performance given by the Military Wind Orchestra. The ceremony was attended by a large number of people – parents, rela- tives, friends, acquaintances and others.” Article 49 of the Defence Act of the Republic of Slovenia (the oath) states that whoever first begins military service must take the following oath: “I solemnly swear that I will defend the independ- ence, sovereignty, freedom and territorial integrity Diploma o prisegi v teritorialni obrambi Slovenije. of my homeland, the Republic of Slovenia, and to Slovenian Territorial Defence oath certificate. conscientiously and responsibly perform my duties for its defence.” drugimi gosti udeležil tudi …, slavnostni gost pa je bil kapitan fregate Ljubo Poles, povelj- Why the journalistic “soldiers’ solemn oath” or nik 52. brigade, katere del je 352. UBP. Vodja just a (solemn) “oath” officially? The Dictionary of slovesnosti je bil major Ljubo Pajič, poveljnik Slovene Literary Language (SSKJ, Ljubljana, 2003) slovesnosti pa poveljnik 352. UBP, podpolkov- does not list this phrase, as the word oath/swearing- nik Marko Preložnik. Kot določa protokol, se in is generally used in the “swearing-in of witness- je slovesnosti udeležila tudi častna četa slo- es” in court, except in the meaning of “the soldiers venske vojske, zaigral je tudi vojaški pihalni have already been sworn”. The same dictionary only orkester. Slovesnosti se je udeležilo zelo veliko lists the “oath to the homeland”, while the internet ljudi – staršev, sorodnikov, prijateljev in znan- dictionary offers “military oath”, the old-fashioned cev …« form “military pledge” and even “military vow” which is better suited for a priestly (monastic) vow. Zakon o obrambi RS namreč v 49. členu The Military Dictionary (Ljubljana, 2002) also does (prisega) določa: kdor prvič nastopi vojaško not list the word “oath”, but it does list a “solemn službo, mora dati prisego, ki se glasi: oath”, a “military oath” and a “military pledge”. The Encyclopaedia of War (Belgrade, 1967), pages 325- »Slovesno prisegam, da bom branil samo- 326, lists only “solemn oath” or “military oath” (Slo. stojnost, neodvisnost, svobodo in ozemeljsko vojaška prisega, Fr. terment militaire, Ital. giuramen- celovitost svoje domovine Republike Slovenije to militare, Ger. Fahneneid, Rus. voeniaja prisjaga). ter vestno in odgovorno izvrševal dolžnosti SSKJ therefore does not include the phrase “sol- pri njeni obrambi.« emn oath” but only a “solemn pledge” or in simpler terms a “military oath”. Similarly, this is recom- Zakaj novinarska »slovesna zaprisega vo- mended by the Military Dictionary. Military “offi- jakov« oz. uradno samo (slovesna) »prisega«? cials” in the MoD have done things their own way. I Slovar SSKJ (Ljubljana, 2003) te besedne zve- suggest we stay with the term “military oath”. ze ne pozna, ker gre predvsem za »zaprisego If we agree with the (official) opinion that priče« pred sodiščem, razen v pomenu »vojaki Slovenian military tradition reaches all the way back 130 • VOJAŠKA ZGODOVINA so že zapriseženi«. Isti slovar vsebuje le »prise- to Carinthia, then the oath taken by the Dukes of go domovini«, internetni pa »vojaško prisego«, Carinthia (also military leaders) acquires a symbolic zastarelo obliko »vojaška zakletev«, pa celo meaning as well. This oath is first mentioned in 630 »vojaško zaobljubo«, ki bolj ustreza duhovni- AD, when Duke Valuk took an oath at the Prince’s ški (redovniški) zaobljubi. Tudi Vojaški slovar Stone. Based on accounts, this is more of a judicial (Ljubljana, 2002) ne pozna »zaprisege«, navaja oath (“Juramentum Sclouonicum”), although I do pa »slovesno prisego«, prav tako pa še »voja- not doubt that soldiers also gave military oaths to the ško« prisego in »vojaško zakletev«. V Vojni en- Duke of Carinthia. I did not find any written records ciklopediji (Beograd, 1967) je na str. 325–326 and sources on this topic, not even in the pages of samo: »slovesna zaobljuba ali vojaška prisega« various patriotic societies and associations, such as (ang. military oath, fr. terment militaire, ital. Hervardi, Črni panterji (Black Panthers) and others. giuramento militare, nem. Fahneneid, rus. vo- Since Slovenian soldiers served in non-native ar- eniaja prisjaga). mies or, as insurgents and volunteers, fought against V SSKJ torej ni »slovesne prisege«, temveč foreign armies, it is interesting to make a sort of a je le »slovesna zaobljuba« ali pa bolj preprosto military and historical description of when, to whom, »vojaška prisega«. Podobno priporoča Vojaški in what numbers and on which occasions these sol- slovar. Vojaški »uradniki« na Mors so pač na- diers took oaths, and what would the consequences redili po svoje! Predlagam, da ostanemo pri of not fulfilling the taken military oaths be. »vojaški prisegi« … All of us who have had to take a military oath Če pritrdimo mnenju, tudi uradnemu, da have committed to sacrificing our lives for the wel- slovenska vojaška tradicija sega vse do Ka- fare of our homeland. We were also aware of the fact rantanije, je vsekakor simboličnega pomena that breaking the military oath in war time would tudi prisega karantanskih knezov (hkrati tudi result in the penalty of death. However, we were not vojskovodij), ki se prvič omenja leta 630 ob familiar with the examples of collective punishments prisegi kneza Valuka pri knežjem kamnu. Po carried out by commanders. Commanders of Roman opisih sodeč gre bolj za nekakšno sodno zaob- legions, in the event the legion withdrew from the ljubo (»Juramentum Sclouonicum«), čeprav ne combat line, beheaded every tenth soldier after the dvomim o tem, da so vojščaki karantanskemu battle. It is said that after such an exemplary pun- knezu prisegli tudi vojaško. Zapisov in virov ishment the legion never again retreated from the o tem nisem našel, niti na straneh različnih battlefield but fought to the last man. Personally, I domoljubnih društev in združenj, kot so Her- was most shocked by the decision of a Serbian com- vardi, Črni panterji in podobni. mander in the First Balkan War in 1912 when he Ker so slovenski vojščaki služili v tujih voj- ordered the entire infantry regiment shot after the skah ali pa so se kot uporniki in prostovoljci battle for withdrawing from enemy attack.