Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)
PPPPPPrrrrrroooooopppppphhhhhheeeeeetttttt MMMMMMoooooohhhhhhaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaadddddd (((((( SS AA WW )))))) TTHHEE MMAANN AANNDD TTHHEE MMEESSSSAAGGEE IINN 22000000 ABU TARIQ HIJAZI FROM ONE TO OVER ONE BILLION SOULS Almighty Allah awarded Last prophet-hood to Mohammed bin Abdullah. He stood worthy of the designation. He declared the message in Makkah Mukarrama “O, The People say, There is no god save Allah and win”. There was another man Abu Lahab calling behind him, Don’t believe him he is a magician” Time passed, days rolled into years and decades into centuries. But still that call is echoing on the horizons. Thousands nay millions people entered the folds of Islam and now they are preaching the same message of “La ilaha illallah Mohammadur rasoolullah” from mosques, schools, academies, and from every platform of human life by sermons, publications, and through radio, and TV channels. One man alone in 610 AD, by the Grace of Almighty Allah, leads the life of more than 1600,000,000 souls on this planet in 2000 AD. But Abu-Lahab also grew in number in his counterfeit campaign. Many people are crying on roads, streets and media channel “Don’t believe them, don’t listen to them.” But who cares, people are entering the folds of Islam in thousands. The message of truth touched the pulsating hearts of pious men and women promising them equally, a peaceful life in this world and pleasant life in the Hereafter. Holy Qur’an declares: For men and women who are Muslims For men and women who believe For men and women who are devoted For
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