Social Challenges and Re-Skilling Needs of the Workforce Solutions in The

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Social Challenges and Re-Skilling Needs of the Workforce Solutions in The Smart strategies for the transition in coal intensive regions Project No: 836819 Report on social challenges and re-skilling needs of the workforce solutions in the TRACER target regions WP 3 – Task 3.5 / D 3.4 July 2020 TRACER Report on social challenges and re-skilling needs Authors: Lulin Radulov, BSERC, Bulgaria Angel Nikolaev, BSERC, Bulgaria Vera Genadieva, BSERC, Bulgaria Jan Frouz, CU, Czech Republic Markéta Hendrychová, CULS, Czech Republic Dirk Knoche, FIB, Germany Anne Rademacher, FIB, Germany Rainer Schlepphorst, FIB, Germany Kilias Vassilis,CRES, Greece Charalampos Malamatenios, CRES, Greece Bartłomiej Woś, UAK, Poland Justyna Likus-Cieślik, UAK, Poland Marcin Chodak, UAK, Poland Marek Pająk, UAK, Poland Marcin Pietrzykowski, UAK, Poland Sabina Irimie, AISVJ, Romania Maria Lazar, AISVJ, Romania Emilia Dunca, AISVJ, Romania Irinel Stegar, AISVJ, Romania Ibrian Caramidaru, AISVJ, Romania Ioana Cristina Dima, ISPE - PC, Romania Maja Stipić, ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL, Serbia Brankica Popović Zdravković, ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL, Serbia Jasmina Mandić Lukić, ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL, Serbia Sanja Petrović Bećirović, ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL, Serbia Miodrag Mesarović, ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL, Serbia Danylo Cherevatsky, CETI-NASU, Ukraine Vladyslav Rashchepkin, CETI-NASU, Ukraine Dmytro Bondzyk, CETI-NASU, Ukraine Igor Volchyn, CETI-NASU, Ukraine Sara Davies, STRATH, UK Rona Michie, STRATH, UK Wilbert den Hoed, STRATH, UK Editors: Sabina Irimie, AISVJ, Romania Maria Elena Boatca Barabas, AISVJ, Romania Marian Dobrin, ISPE – PC, Romania Gloria Popescu, ISPE - PC, Romania Reviewers: Rita Mergner, WIP Renewable Energy, Germany Rainer Janssen, WIP Renewable Energy, Germany Contact: Asociatia Institutul Social Valea Jiului (AISVJ) Sabina Irimie Email: [email protected] Tel: +40 (0) 723 718 829 20 Universitatii str 332006 Petrosani, Romania This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 836819. The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the INEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. TRACER website: July 2020 2 AISVJ TRACER Report on social challenges and re-skilling needs Contents 1 Executive summary ________________________________________________ 9 2 Introduction _____________________________________________________ 13 3 Bulgaria, Yugoiztochen Region _____________________________________ 21 3.1 State of play of the social environment ____________________________________________ 21 3.1.1 Current status of the main social indicators _________________________________________________ 21 3.1.2 Comparative analysis __________________________________________________________________ 28 3.2 Public policies and legislation in the labour, social protection and education (re-skilling) fields _____________________________________________________________________________ 28 3.2.1 National public policies ________________________________________________________________ 28 3.2.2 Regional and local policies _____________________________________________________________ 31 3.3 Transition objectives in terms of social and re-skilling issues. Impact of internal and external factor _______________________________________________________________________ 32 3.3.1 Recent development of coal transition _____________________________________________________ 32 3.3.2 Transition objectives. Key issues analysis __________________________________________________ 33 3.3.3 Non-market mechanism for recovery of the generating system _________________________________ 35 3.3.4 The sketch / scheme of the future workforce structure, in a holistic approach ______________________ 36 3.4 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________ 37 3.5 References and further links ____________________________________________________ 38 4 Czech Republic, North-West Bohemia ________________________________ 39 4.1 State of play of the social environment ____________________________________________ 39 4.1.1 Current status of the main social indicators _________________________________________________ 39 4.1.2 Comparative analysis __________________________________________________________________ 42 4.2 Public policies and legislation in the labour, social protection and education (re-skilling) fields _____________________________________________________________________________ 43 4.2.1 National public policies ________________________________________________________________ 43 4.2.2 Regional and local policies _____________________________________________________________ 45 4.3 Transition objectives in terms of social and re-skilling issues. Impact of internal and external factor _______________________________________________________________________ 46 4.3.1 Transition objectives. Key issues analysis __________________________________________________ 46 4.3.2 The future workforce structure, in a holistic approach ________________________________________ 49 4.4 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________ 51 4.5 References and further links ____________________________________________________ 51 5 Germany, Lusatian Lignite District/Economic Region Lusatia ____________ 53 5.1 State of play of the social environment ____________________________________________ 53 5.1.1 Current status of the main social indicators _________________________________________________ 53 5.1.2 Comparative analysis __________________________________________________________________ 56 5.2 Public policies and legislation in the labour, social protection and education (re-skilling) fields _____________________________________________________________________________ 57 5.2.1 National public policies ________________________________________________________________ 57 5.2.2 Regional and local policies _____________________________________________________________ 59 5.3 Transition objectives in terms of social and re-skilling issues. Impact of internal and external factor _______________________________________________________________________ 60 5.3.1 Transition objectives. Key issues analysis __________________________________________________ 60 5.3.2 Projection of the workforce structure _____________________________________________________ 62 July 2020 3 AISVJ TRACER Report on social challenges and re-skilling needs 5.4 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________ 63 5.5 References and further links ____________________________________________________ 63 6 Greece, Western Macedonia Region __________________________________ 65 6.1 State of play of the social environment ____________________________________________ 65 6.1.1 Current status of the main social indicators _________________________________________________ 65 6.1.2 Comparative analysis __________________________________________________________________ 71 6.2 Public policies and legislation in the labour, social protection and education (re-skilling) fields _____________________________________________________________________________ 73 6.2.1 National public policies ________________________________________________________________ 73 6.2.2 Regional and local policies _____________________________________________________________ 75 6.3 Transition objectives in terms of social and re-skilling issues. Impact of internal and external factors _______________________________________________________________________ 76 6.3.1 Transition objectives. Key issues analysis __________________________________________________ 76 6.3.2 The future workforce structure, in a holistic approach ________________________________________ 80 6.4 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________ 81 6.5 References and further links ____________________________________________________ 81 7 Poland, Upper Silesia Region _______________________________________ 83 7.1 State of play of the social environment ____________________________________________ 83 7.1.1 Current status of the main social indicators _________________________________________________ 83 7.1.2 Comparative analysis __________________________________________________________________ 85 7.2 Public policies and legislation in the labour, social protection and education (re-skilling) fields _____________________________________________________________________________ 86 7.2.1 National public policies ________________________________________________________________ 86 7.2.2 Regional and local policies _____________________________________________________________ 87 7.3 Transition objectives in terms of social and re-skilling issues. Impact of internal and external factors _______________________________________________________________________ 87 7.3.1 Transition objectives. Key issues analysis __________________________________________________ 87 7.3.2 The future workforce structure, in a holistic approach ________________________________________ 89 7.4 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________ 90 7.5 References and further links ____________________________________________________ 90 8 Romania, West Region / Jiu Valley __________________________________ 92 8.1 State of play of the social environment ____________________________________________ 92 8.1.1 Current status
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