Scope [Skohp] Noun, Verb, Scoped, Scoping
scope [skohp] noun, verb, scoped, scoping extent or range of view, outlook, operation, effectiveness, etc. space for movement or activity; opportunity for operation: to give one’s fancy full scope. extent in space, a tract or area. aim or purpose Liguisitics, logic, the range or words or elements of an expression over which DPRGLÀHURURSHUDWRUKDVFRQWURO (used as a short form of PLFURVFRSHRVFLORVFRSHSHULVFRSHUDGDUVFRSHULÁHVFRSH telescopic sight etc.) Slang. to look at, read, or investigate, as in order to appreciate or evaluate. scope out, slang. to look at or over; examine; check out. the range of one’s perceptions, thoughts, or actions. SCOPE 2007 Hi there... Meet Scope ‘07 . d f He’s ha an interesting li e... Born in war-torn Sierra Leone, he fled to Australia, he was HOMELESS for a while, living at a beach, before going to a COMEDY CLUB and doing some stand-up. He has a brother WITH AUTISM, a relative with dementia and a war-heroine grandma Norwegian . Scope07 has worked in a shoe shop, a chicken abattoir, & as a busker. ONE DAY the world and his apathetic generation, , angry at he w patch. He bec ent through a bad ame addicted to Crystal Meth and late r had to go to He tried to findMILITARY salvation a COURT. Convention so Scope’07 t Hillsong To hear and joined the , but it wasn’t for him, pa went to ge and start readin MORE religion ofDENMARK of to a g.... Scope’07’s Harry Potter.Fan adventures, Lena Lowe, SCOPE07’SWilla McDonald, BEST Christine FRIENDS Jones, ARE:Anne and Greg McDonald, Mac Coffee Cart, all the lovely student authors tu rn the SCOPE‘07 WAS GENEROUSLY ACCESSORISED a BY THE FOLLOWINGand dictionary.comPHOTOGRAPHERS AND t F Carrie Barbash, Dustin Glick, Lisa Bunker, Samuel Groves, fe Helen Davidson, Angela Nicholls, Anson Fehross, iStock.
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