
Minim Univ. Ubiafl



^0V 1906 ^^>

heino a record of the year at the MILITARY ACADEMY man! Unw! Ubrenr


PRESS OF THE F. A. HASSEITE COMPANY Sprinofuld, Massachusetts Cbe ^eberenti Herbert &btpman The HOWITZER

The Reverend Herbert Shipman

ONE realize more fully than the men of the Corps, how difficult a task it is to endeavor to set down in mere words and figures, the good that was accom­ plished during nine years of service by our former chaplain, the Reverend Herbert Shipman. The fact that Mr. Shipman was appointed chaplain in 1896 and served as such until his resignation nine years later, does not and cannot convex- toj one not connected with the Academy, an idea of his influence with the Corps or of the place of high esteem he occupies in our hearts. It was because he so well combined the art of preaching with the yet higher art of living among men, that every man of us looked upon him as a personal friend and helper. Between Mr. Shipman and us there has sprung up a lasting friendship, "durable from the daily dust of life," and we, among whom his labors have been spent, in dedicating to him this volume, do likewise extend therewith, the heart-felt best wishes of the Corps he served so faithfully and so well. The HOWITZER

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itb rvrs up, thanking our 0oD Oat tor of tbf Corps are treating UHntt tl)fy of tbf Corps baur trot), OKI1 arr Ijcrr in gbostly assrmblagr, Ojr men of tlir Corps long DraD, ilno our Ijrarts arr s»tanotng attention H)l)ilr toe toatt for tbeir passing trrao.

U)r, sons oftoDay, ^altttr you Pott sons of its rarltrr Day; Wt folloto, close orDrr, brbmD you, ILMjere you baur pointrD tbf toay; OK long grav Unc of us strrtcbrs Onottgb tbf years of a century tolD, &iti) tljr last man frrls to bis sorroto cTbr grip of your far off Ijolo.

<»5np banDs uutb us noto, tbougb tor sec not, tf rip banDs toitbus , stirngtbrn our bfarts, as tbf long line stiffens anD straigbtrns, Uhtb tbf tbnll tbat vour prrsrncr imparts; (ftrip banDs tbougb it br from tbr sbaDotos, U>btlr uir stocar, as vott DiD of yore, $r liuing or Dying to bonor (Tbf Corps, anD tbf Corps, anD tbf Corps! Editor-in -Chief HAROLD S. HETRICK, 1906 Associate Editors JAMES J. LOVING, 1906 HENRY A. 1'INCH, 1906


Literary Editors |. WILSON HI LEY, 1906 WALTER E. DONAHUE, 1906 JAMES O. STEESE, 1907

Class Editors JOHN C. HENDERSON, 1906 W. WATTS ROSE, 1906

Corps Editor EDMUND 1.. DALEY, 1906

Academic Editor FREDERICK B. DOWNING, 1906

Athletic Editor CHARLES G. METTLER, 1906

" Grind " Editors PIERRE V. KIE1TER, 1906 MATT E. MADIGAN, 1906 Business Manager EDWIN DK L. SMITH, 1906

Assistant Business Manager ROGER O. \LEXANDER, mo- Q

N confiding this book to the tender mercies of the Corps and its friends, we do not deem it necessary to set forth an extended history of its foundation, for this Held has been so thoroughly covered by our es­ teemed predecessors that any further repetition on our part would be useless, and would of necessitv fall upon deaf ears. Suffice it to say, the HOWITZLR is of an ancient and honorable lineage: a volume that in the olden days has sometimes brought down upon itself the frown of the "Powers that Be," but which may yet look back upon a past in which much real good has been accomplished, and, strong in this knowledge, may turn toward the future which with so great a promise lies stretched out before it. In the hope, then, that this book mav worthily fill its place in our hearts, we do contribute this record of our deeds and mis­ deeds with the wish that whatever of good this volume may con­ tain be not interred with our bones, but remain alive to keep green the memory of this year. r

y-^ v GREETING ^ to the Friends or the

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JUNE. 1905

Appointed by the President of the United States ! HON. JOSEPH O. CANNON Danville, Illinois 2 COL. WILLIAM I'. PROSSER Seattle, Washington 3 MR. JOHN SCHROERS (Secretary) St. Louis, Missouri

4 HON. CHARLES I'. BROOK.ER Ansonia, Connecticut 5 COL. DUDLEY EVANS (Vice-President) 51 Broadway, City (, DR. GEORGE L. MAGRl'DER Washington, 1). C. 7 HON. FRANKLIN MURPHY (President) |ersev Citv, New Jersey

Appointed by the President I pro tempore ) of the Senate S HON. CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW IVekskill, New York 9 HON. CHARLES A. CULBERSON Dallas,

Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives 10 HON. WASHINGTON GARDNER Alhion, Michigan 11 HON. JOHN J. ESCH La Crosse, Wisconsin 12 HON. JAMES L. SLAYDEN San Antonio, Texas g^'«o

Superintendent BRIGADIER GENERAL ALBERT L. MILLS. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1874-1879; appointed from New Jersey; graduated 57; 2d Lieutenant, tst Cavalry, [879-1891; Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V., 1898; , A. A. G., U. S. V., 1899; Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, 1899; Captain, 1st Cavalry, iS<)(); Superintendent, U. S. M. A., 1898; Brigadier General, 1904.

Staff CAPTAIN FRANK W. COE, Artillery Corps. Class '92; graduated 8; Adjutant of the Military Acad­ emy and of the Post; Recruiting Officer. MAJOR JOHN M. CARSON, JR., Quartermaster. Class '855 graduated 14; Quartermaster of the Mil­ itary Academy and of the Post; Disbursing Officer; in charge of Construction. CAPTAIN l.oi is M. \l TTM \\. 9th Infantry. Class '95; graduated }i; Commissary,and in charge ot Post Exchange. CAPTAIN THOMAS FRANKLIN, Commissary, 'treasurer of the Military Academy, and Quarter­ master and Commissary of the Battalion of Cadets. CAPTAIN HORTON W. STICKLE, Corps of Engineers. Class '99; graduated 3; Assistant to the Officer in Charge of Construction. FIRST LIEUTENANT ROBERT C. FOY, 1 st Cavalry. Class '99; graduated 62; Assistant to Quarter­ master. LIEl'TENANT COLONEL HARRY 0. PERLEY, Deputy Surgeon General, U. S. A.; Surgeon. FIRST LIEUTENANT THOMAS L. RHOADS, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. FIRST LIEl'TENANT GEORGE M. EKWURZEL, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. FIRST LIEUTENANT JAMES W. VAN DUSEN, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A.

Librarian DR. EDWIN S. HOLDEN, M.A., Sc.D.. LL.D. Cadet. U. S. M. A.. 1866-1870; appointed from Mis­ souri; graduated 3; Director Lick Observatory, California, until 1898; Member of Board of Visitors, l'. S. M. A., 1896; Knight Commander of Ernestine Order of Saxony, 1894; Decoration of the Order of Bolivar of Venezuela, 1896; Knight of the Royal Order of the Danebrog of Denmark, 1896; Mem­ ber of the American Philosophical Society, 189-7; Author of many Scientific and other writings; Editor of Supplement to General Cullum's Register of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1890-1900; Address, Century Club, .


*- »l/ hi

Commandant of Cadets LIEUTENANT COLONEL ROBERT L. HOWZE, 6th Cavalry. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1883-1888; appointed from Texas; graduated 23; additional 2d Lieutenant, 1888; 2d Lieutenant, 1888; Medal of Honor, 1891; 1st Lieutenant, 1896; Instructor of Tactics, U. S. M. A., 1896; Captain and A. A. G., U. S. V., 1898; Senior Instructor of Cavalry Tactics, U. S. M. A., 1898; Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. V. 1899; Brigadier General, U. S. V., 1901; Major Porto Rico Reg. of Infv., 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904; Captain, '901; Commandant of Cadets, I905. Senior Instructors CAPTAIN GODFREY H. MACDONALD, 'st Cavalry. Class "83; graduated 22; Senior Instructor of Cavalrv Tactics. CAPTAIN MORTON F. SMITH, zoth Infantry. CAPTAIN CHARLES P. SUMMERALL, Artillery Corps. Class -92; graduated 20; Senior Instructor of Artillery Tactics. Instructors CAPTAIN FRANCIS C. MARSHALL, 15th Cavalry. Class "90; graduated 19; Commanding Company of Cadets. CAPTAIN LINCOLN C. ANDREWS, 15th Cavalry. Class '93; graduated •;. CAPTAIN MERCH B. STEWART, 8th Infantry. Class '96; graduated 47; Senior Instructor of Infan­ try Tactics; Commanding Company of Cadets. CAPTAIN HENRY L. NEWBOLD, Artillery Corps. Class '98; graduated 23; Commanding Compam of Cadets. CAPTAIN IRA C. WELBORN, 9th Infantry. Class '98; graduated J9; Commanding Company of Cadets. CAPTAIN CHARLES W. EX'l'ON, 20th Infantry. Class '98; graduated 44; Commanding Company of Cadets. CAPTAIN HERMAN J. KOEHLER, Mounted. Master of the Sword; Instructor of Military Gym­ nastics and Physical Culture. FIRST LIEUTENANT GEORGE S. SIMONDS, ltd Infantry. Class '99; graduated 26; Commanding Company of Cadets. FIRST LIEUTENANT HERMAN GLADE, 6th Infantrv. Class '00; graduated 31. Civilian Instructors FRANCIS DOHS, in Fencing and Military Gymnastics. LOl is VAUTHIER, in Fencing and Militan Gymnastics. The HOWITZER

"MAXES" GII.I.KSIMK: "Drill is doing over and over again what you already know." MAIL: "Double time is for use in ceremonies only." BYRD: "The preliminary commands for firing are:— (i) At so many objects. (2) At such a yard."

(JOSS IP TAC (to Mrs. Tac): "Well, this month the running expenses of the house won't be so high." MRS. TAC "Why?" TAC: "We have succeeded in putting Mr. Riley, Mr. Chaffee and Mr. Ouckemcvcr in the third grade."

STILL HE PLAYS POLO. CAI'I. ANDKKWS: "Hereafter Mr. MacMillan, you may always rule Lindsey."

WHAT HE GOT. (). D.: "Mr. Ducrot, what is slow obeying call to quarters ?" PLEBI SENTINEL: "Four and five, sir."

SONG OF A TAC. "How dear to my heart Is the sight of a skin list, When fond recollections Recall quite a few; The clothes press, the chimncx . The dirty old wash-stand. And all the sly tricks I, myself, used to do/'' Professor LIEUTENANT COLONEL Gl'STAY J. 1TEBEGER. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1875-1879; appointed from Ohio; graduated 5; additional 2d Lieutenant of Engineers, 1879; 2d Lieutenant, 1879-1882; 1st Lieutenant, 1882-1891; Captain 1891; Professor of Civil and Military Engineering, LL S. M. A., 1896.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN FREDERICK W. ALTSTAETTER, Corps of Engineers. Class '97; graduated 6.

Instructors CAPTAIN LYTLE BROWN, Corps of Encineers. Class \>8; graduated 4. CAPTAIN LEWIS H. RAND, Corps of Engineers. Class '99; graduated 4. FIRST LIEUTENANT LAWRENCE V. FRAZIER, Corps of Engineers. Class 02; graduated 6.

Department of Practical Military Engineering, Military Signaling and Telegraphy

Instructor MAJOR HENRY JERVEY, Corps of Engineers. Class '88; graduated 1.

Senior Assistant Instructor FIRST LIEUTENANT MICHAEL J. McDONOUGH, Corps of Engineers. Class '99; graduated 15. The HOWITZER 21

COLONEL F.: " Mr. Madigan, if you were in command of a company holding a detached post, with an impassable gorge in your rear, un- surmountable mountains on either side, and a hostile force outnum­ bering you 200 to 1 in your front, what would you do ? " " BENO " (on his third exami­ nation): u Why, Colonel, I would resign." IXSTRICTOR: "Mr. Lewis, what is a bomb-proof?" " POT ": " A shelter to protect the bombs against the fire of the enemy, sir."

KNEW HIS CAPACITY SNF.ED (after solving the capacity of the Croton Reservoir and finding it to be 2000 cubic inches): 'Captain, I know that must be wrong; why I can drink that much."

TOO LONG AGO. INSTRUCTOR: "Mr. Spurgin, what is an alloy?" "SPUDCE*'! "That subject is discussed in chemistry, sir."

GEOGRAPHY CAPT. B.: "Mr. Abraham, in what region can Oregon pine be found?' ABE: "Along the Southern coast, sir."

<& Professor COLONEL EDGAR S. DUDLEY, Judge Advocate U. S. Army. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1866-1870; appointed from New York; graduated 15; Captain Staff, 1892; Lieutenant Colonel and Judge Advo­ cate, U. S. V., 1898; Major and Judge Advocate, U. S. V., 1899; Major and Judge Advocate, U. S. Army, 1901; Colonel and Judge Advocate, 1903; Professor of Law and History, 19CI.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN JOHN K. MOORE, 15th Infantry. Class '97; graduated 10.

Instructors FIRST LIEUTENANT IRVIN L. HUNT, 19th Infantry. Class '99; graduated 24. FIRST LIEUTENANT HALSEY E. YATES, 5th Infantry. Class '99; graduated 35. FIRST LIEUTENANT EDWIN G. DAVIS, Artillery Corps. Class 00; graduated 17. FIRST LIEUTENANT EDWARD CANFIELD, JR., Artillery Corps. Class 'oi; graduated 18. The HOWITZER


QuEKEMETER (reciting): "The Hvksos invaded Egypt by way of the Suez, which was begun by Rameses II, or Murad, or Egyptian Deity, or one of those emperors."


INSTRI/CTOR: "Mr. Lane, was [ustinian considered a good emperor?" BILL: "Yes, sir, hi- gave the clergy immunity from all ordinary punishment."


LlEUT. Y.: "What was the Salic law, Mr. Chaffee"' ADNA: "A law prohibiting women from becoming kings."

LOW BALL LIEI r. H.: "Mr. Byrd, in what battle did Tam­ erlane vanquish the Turks?" "OISEAC": "At the battle of-er-the battle-er-er-, I don't exactly remember tin- name, but it was the name of a cat." LIEUT. H.: "Yes, or of a goat. The battle of Angora, Mr. Bvrd."

FAULT OF THE (.). M. DEPARTMENT. "The British forces in the Crimea were badly organized, all the boots sent were found to be left- handed ones." "FANNY" DICKMAN.

AT THE LECTURE. "Oh Sleep! Thou art a gentle thing; Forgetfulness thy greatest blessing; But come not when mv eves are closed, And I be lost in meditation -by order." CO

Instructor MAJOR ORMOND M. LISSAK. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1878-1882; appointed from California; gradu­ ated 8; 2d Lieutenant 4th Artillery, 1882; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, U. S. M. A., 1886; 1st Lieutenant, 1889; transferred to Ordnance, April, 1889; Captain of Ordnance, 1898: Major of Ordnance, 1904; Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, U. S. M. A., 1904.

Senior Assistant Instructor CAPTAIN EDWARD P. O'HERN, Ordnance Department. Class '94; graduated 7.

Assistant Instructors WILLIAM P. ENNIS, Artillery Corps. Class 01; graduated 20. SECOND LIEUTENANT ARTHUR H. BRYANT, Artillery Corps. Class '01; graduated 22. The HOWITZER

DIDN'T PAY. GAY LI'SSAC: "Now, Mr. MacMillan, the department docs not require you to perform all the mathematical work entailing the use of least squares or equations higher in degree than the fifth, just get a general idea of the subject." MAC: "That's what I do, sir, but I don't seem to get much on those general ideas."

III. HAD USED THEM. INSTRUCTOR: "What are the variable elements of loading for any gun, Mr. Bvrd ?" BYRD: "The shot tray, shot hoist, and rammer, sir."

A GOOD REASON. PAINE (reciting): "The black powders were abandoned because the equation of the pressure curve was too complicated."

CONVENIENT LIEUT. E.: "Is that figure in your subject, Mr. Davcnp.oit ?" DAV.: "NO sir, but that's where I get the gas for my subject, sir. Professor LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM B. GORDON. Cadet. U. S. M. A., 1873-1877: appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated 6; Captain Ordnance, 189!; Inventor U. S. 12-inch Mortar Carriage, Model 1896; Professor of Natural anil Experimental Philosophy, U. S. M. A., 1901.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN PALMER E. PIERCE, 13th Infantry. Class \,i; graduated 42.

Instructors CAPTAIN JOHN B. CHRISTIAN, 9th Cavalry. Class '96; graduated 13. FIRST LIE! TENANT CHARLES M. WESSON, 8th Cavalry. Clast 00; graduated 11. FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM I. WESTERVELT, Artillery Corps. Class 'oo; graduated 16. FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM S. BROWNING, Artillery Corps. Class 'oi; graduated 13. SECOND LIEUTENANT \l)\\l F. CASAD, Artillen Corps. Class '01; graduated 12. The HOWITZER 27 s\\iL/

The Rolling Cone gathers no tenths

Ere.cXe.cX POINTED r3e«vo4tkt>ve-% AristbUe- WII.HEI.M: "Lieutenant, are we expected to know the longitude of al PUto these observatories ?" LlEUT. W.: "Mr. Wilhelm, I don't expect vou to know anything."

ABE'S LAMENT "Lieutenant, I think this ephemeris must be wrong; I solved this pro­ blem several times, and can't get that answer."

PROBLEM "If a grindstone is turning, who has an axe to grind? Check in seven ways and tell why."

ORIGINAL BILL: "Well, Mr. Bvrd, what is a radius vector anyway?" BVRD: "It is the force which pulls the velocity around a curve."

PRETTY BAD BULL: "AW, Cat's a dish water recitation. If I were making that recitation, I would stop right there." LouGRRV: "That's what I did, sir."

"The worst of all busts, we hear people say, Was old 'Happv' Green and his level trieV bEPf1R3TENT


Professor COLONEL SAMUEL E. TILLMAN. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1865-1869; appointed from Tennessee; graduated 3; 2d Lieutenant 4th Cavalry, 1869-1872; transferred to Engineers, 1872; 1st Lieutenant, 1872; Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, U. S. M. A., 1880.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN JOHN McA. PALMER, 15th Infantry. Class '92; graduated 19.

Instructors CAPTAIN MILTON L. McGREW, nth Infantry. Class '95; graduated 24. FIRST LIEUTENANT JULIAN A. BENJAMIN, jd Cavalry. Claw '00; graduated \$. FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM P. STOKEY, Corps of Engineers. Class '00; graduated 15. FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM R. BETTLSON, Artillery Corps. Class '01; graduated 36. The HOWITZER 2l>

*?j/ A GUESS. r 3«S.t' . '"'' LIEUT. B.: "Mr. Parker, what is the meaning of the word allotropic ?" "COURT": "It means that the element is found in all the tropics."

UP AGAINST IT. INSTRUCTOR: "Name twelve mollusks of the Mesozoic." GOAT (in one long despairing stab): "Six Orthoceratites ami six Cephalopods."

JOHN JERVEY MAUL P.: "Can you see back there, Captain?" Jons MAUL (promptly): "Yes, sir, quite well, already.

NO JOKE. INSTRUCTOR: "Mr. Ducrot, is the double %4 chromide of tantalum and rubidium soluble?"

CADET: "Yes, sir!"

INSTRUCTOR: "No, sir! Is it decomposable bv heat?"

CADET: "NO, sir!"

INSTRUCTOR: "Yes, sir!"—and so on.


Youvr: "Colonel, what is sloe gin?" PROP. T.: "I don't know, Mr. Yount, what the difference between slow ami fast gin."

"Sing a song of chemistry, A test tube full of nitre, Add some powdered charcoal. And pack a little tighter. Hold it o'er a Bunsen flame, Ami try to smell the fumes; The hos-pi-tal is very near. And you can stay till June." I>; PTOTWnT tr* T) ftfUIJIDQ

Professor COLONEL CHARLES W. EARNED. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1866-1870; appointed from New York; graduated 28; 2d Lieutenant 3d Cavalry, June to October, 1870; transferred to 7th Cavalry; 2d Lieutenant 7th Cavalry, 1870-1876; (St Lieutenant, 1876; Professor of Drawing. U. S. M. A., 1876.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN CHARLES B. HAGADORN, 23d Infantry. Class '89; graduated 25.

Instructors CAPTAIN CHARLES H. PAINE, 29th Infantry. Class '95; graduated 10. CAPTAIN FREDERICK W. LEWIS, 29th Infantry. Class '96; graduated 48. CAPTAIN HAROLD HAMMOND, 23d Infantry. C!as> '98; graduated J4. FIRST LIEUTENANT GEORGE B. COMLY, 3d Cavalry. Class '00; graduated 51. The HOWITZER



"One little inch on the scale represents twelve little feet or sixty little inches on the ground. If there is anyone who thinks he understands and does not, let him speak." Aeony.

THE PS" MAXIM "Trust in Allah, and keep your pencils sharp."

WOODEN LIEUT. C: "Mr. Green, where are vour thumb-tacks?" GREEN (blushing): "I'm using them for garters, sir."

QUITE LIKELY AGONY: "What are those, Mr. Calvo?"

FLIPPER: "Details, sir." AGONY: "And what do the little details wear in the winter time?" FLIPPER: "I don't know unless it's two coats of paint, sir."

"Agony had a little Bvrd, It's feathers black as ink; And Agonv told that Bvrd that he Must work! draw lines" and think!!!

Now working was against his rule, And drawing lines the same; So if that Bvrd became a Goat. Could Agonv be to blame ?' DEPARTMENT OF


Professor LIEUTENANT COLONEL CHARLES P. ECHOLS. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1887-1891; appointed from Alabama; graduated 3; Instructor of Mathematics, U. S. M. A., 1894; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, U. S. M. A., 1897; Associate Professor of Mathematics, U. S. M. A., 1898; Professor of Mathematics. U. S. M. A., 1904.

Associate Professor CAPTAIN GEORGE BLAKELY, Artillery Corps. Class '92; graduated 4.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN WILLIAM R. SMITH, Artillery Corps. Class '92; graduated 10.

Instructors CAPTAIN CLAUDE H. MILLER, 24th Infantry. Class '97; graduated 23. FIRST LIEUTENANT JOSEPH A. BAER, 6th Cavalry. Class "00; graduated 10. FIRST LIEUTENANT FRANK O. WHITLOCK, 14th Cavalry. Class '00; graduated n. FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIS V. MORRIS, 6th Cavalry. Class '00; graduated 14. FIRST LIEUTENANT ARCHIBALD H. SUNDERLAND, Artillery Corps. Class'00; graduated 24. FIRST LIEUTENANT JAMES F. BELL, Corps of Engineers. Class '02; graduated 7. FIRST LIEUTENANT FRANCIS W. CLARK, Artillery Corps. Class '01; graduated 16. FIRST LIEUTENANT WALTER D. SMITH, 14th Cavalry. Class '01; graduated 19. SECOND LIEUTENANT GUY E. CARLETON, Artillery Corps. Class '01; graduated 27. SECOND LIEUTENANT WADE H. CARPENTER, Artillery Corps. Class '02; graduated 9. SECOND LIEUTENANT CHARLES M. ALLEN, Artillery Corps. Class '02; graduated 13. The HOWITZER 33


CALCULI PAR"P. BASS": "This theorem was taken from the French." YEARLINC; GOAT: "Lucky French!"

HE TRIED CAPT. S. (looking at Hall's board): "Mr. Hall, I don't like your figure." HALL, C. L.: "I can't help it, sir. I brace as hard as I can."

DIDN'T BRING THE TENTHS. COLEMAN: "Lieutenant, I don't understand this prob­ GONE, BUT NOT FOR­ lem." GOTTEN. LIEUT. K.: "Common "Mug" was the most sense ought to show vou even-tempered man in the that, Mr. Coleman." world; he was always grou­ COLEMAN: "It does, sir, chy."— Turner but I didn't think you woul 1 take that for an explana­ tion."

"The yearling Goat in his sleep cried out, As on his bed he tossed, 'Should I not make "pro," straight home I'll go For, if I'm FOUND, I'm lost.' "

PERPLEXING "LYNX": "Mr. Chaney,draw an isometric projection of a cube three feet wide resting on one edge." CHANEY (five minutes later): "Captain, how high is this cube?" Professor COLONEL EDWARD E. WOOD. Private 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, September 1862; Sergeant, 1862; 1st Sergeant, 1864; 1st Lieutenant, 1864; Adjutant, 1864; A. C. of M., 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac, 1865. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1866-1870; appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated 6; 2d Lieutenant, 8th Cavalry, 1870-1873; 1st Lieutenant, 1873-1886; Captain, 1886; Professor of Mod­ ern Languages, U. S. M. A., 1892. Associate Professor CAPTAIN WILLIAM KELLY, JR., 9th Cavalry. Class '96; graduated 57.

Assistant Professor of the Spanish Language CAPTAIN WILLIAM O. JOHNSON, 16th Infantry. Class '90; graduated 6.

Assistant Professor of the French Language CAPTAIN ARTHUR THAYER, 3d Cavalry. Class '86; graduated 7- Instructors CAPTAIN WILLIAM NEWMAN, 1st Infantry. Class '92; graduated 38. CAPTAIN AMERICUS MITCHELL, 5th Infantry. Class '95; graduated 22. CAPTAIN JOSEPH WHEELER, JR., Artillery Corps. Class '95; graduated 1 c.. CAPTAIN HARVEY W. MILLER, 13th Infantry. Class '98; graduated 26. FIRST LIEUTENANT CHARLES F. MARTIN, 5th Cavalry. Class 'oo; graduated 12. FIRST LIEUTENANT CHARLES R. LAWSON, Artillery Corps. Class '00; graduated 6. FIRST LIEUTENANT FRANK P. LAHM, 6th Cavalry. Class '013 graduated 23. SECOND LIEUTENANT STEPHEN ABBOT, Artillery Corps. Class '02; graduated 16. SECOND LIEUTENANT MARION W. HOWZE, Artillery Corps. Class '03; graduated 17. SECOND LIEUTENANT GEORGE A. LYNCH, 17th Infantry. Class '03; graduated 21. Civilian Instructors A. MARIN LA MESLEE. French. GEORGE CASTEGNIER. French. JOSE M. ASENSIO. Spanish. N. T. QUEVEDO. Spanish. The HOWITZER

IMPROVEMENTS C'APT. M.: "You men have a great many more advan­ tages than I had when I was a cadet; you have much better instructors."

EASY INSTRUCTOR: "What do you regard as the most important rule of emphasis, Mr. Parker?" PARKER, C: "The best place for a strong ending is at the end of the sentence, sir."

QUIEN ? "Now in the first place, the gentlemen who wrote this grammar didn't know any English, and but verv little Spanish. When I was in Madrid, etc., etc."

SOUNDED LIKE IT. P. D. METTI.ER (reciting): "Ahoheheeooee!!!" INSTRUCTOR: "Steady! Mr. Mettler, this is no place to practice college veils." Surgeon

LIEUTENANT COLONEL HARRY (). PERLEY, B.A., M.A., M.D. Graduated from University of Michigan with degree of B.A., 1873, with degree of M. A., 1876; graduated from Detroit Medical College 1876 and took Post Graduate Courses at following schools: The Post Graduate School of Medicine in New York, 1881, Columbia College, Medical Department, 1882, Johns Hopkins Uni- verstiy, 1894. Commissioned 1st Lieutenenant and Assistant Surgeon, 1876; Captain and Assistant Surgeon, 1881; Major and Surgeon, 1895; Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Surgeon General, 1904. Member of China Relief Expedition, 1900. Appointed Surgeon of_the Military Academy, 1904.

Assistant Surgeons


INEFFICIENT "HOP": "Mr. 'Forney, what is the chief fault with the Army cooks?" TORNEY: "They can't cook."

A GOOD WAY. "DUSTY": "Mr. Morrow, what is a good means of keeping the soldiers' squad room fresh and sweet ?" GEOR<;E: "Not let them sleep in it, sir."

EMPIRICAL FORMULA "HOP": "Mr. Mathews, how would you tell fresh beef from stale ?" PHIL (wise one): "By the teeth."

DEFINITION "A malingerer is a patient who places his thermom­ eter against the radiator and plays poker for the other patient % desert. ' Wilts" IVaring.

Tell us not, oh gentle Sturgeon! Sleep is but an empty dream; And the Ca-det's skinned who slumbers At the lectures on Hygiene."

Sleep is sweet; sleep is restful; And the night is all too brief. Please, dear Sturgeon, can your lectures Offer us such sweet relief?"

A little fun is an aid to digestion. BATTALION

JUNE 30, 1905

Adjutant, HUMPHREYS F. E. Sergeant-Major, WATKINS Quartermaster Sergeant, BARTLETT, G. Quartermasterf (IKE E N , J. A.









Adjutant, W II.DRl ICE Sergeant-Major, WATKINS Quartermaster, G REEN, J. A. Quartermaster Sergeant, BARTLETT, G.












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Color Crimson


Athletic Representative HAROLD STORRS HETRICK

ABRAHAM, CLYDE R., "Abe," "Porpoise," "Whittle," " Mumpscy," Union town, Pa. Football Squad (i, 2, 3), Team (4), "A" in Football; Tug of War Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Clean Sleeve. The father of our flock from the earliest days of Beast Barracks, "Abe" bears the responsibility of his large family with a won­ derfully easy conscience. His countenance is like unto that of the har­ vest moon, and some say that he pets full with the same unchanging regularity. This last, though, we neither admit or deny, but leave 'Abe" to get out of the scrape the best way he can. As a section marcher in plebe camp "Abe" had his troubles, ami so seldom did the sun go down on a skin list that he didn't head, that pretty soon special forms were issued with his name already printed at the top for the convenience of the Coin's clerk. "Whifhe's" return from furlough was heralded throughout the country by an illustrated article in "Town Topics," and ever since he has been heseiged by reporters and chorus girls begging for his picture.

ANDREWS, FRANK M., "Andv," Nashville, Tennessee. Aerincr Sergeant; A. B. "He it was, so rumor has it, Rose before the earlv cock crew. Rose before the cursed "hell-cats," Rose before the sleepless bonoids, That he might send unto a maiden In a far-off distant city, Words expressing his affection." And the worst of it is, it's all true. No wonder "Andy," who really hates notoriety, begged that a blank be left after his name. He was not always thus, for there was a time when he had few social pretensions and would much rather sleep than spoon, but now the only attraction that can drag him from Flirtation is the pleasure of tving his legs around some poor flea-bitten polo pony for an after- dinner romp with the tacs. "Andy," though, for all his spooning pro­ pensities makes an excellent neighbor, is a solid Democrat, and knows a good "grind" when he hears one. 11 The HOWITZER

ARDERY, EDWARD I)., "Microbe," "Spec," Virginia City, Nevada. Sergeant, Acting Sergeant. With the aid of a powerful microscope you may succeed in "find­ •TIH ing" this molecule though all the "P's" in our land of "fesses" never could, for, strange as it may seem, he's a very minute speck ami yet one of the biggest "specs" that has ever held up a straggling tenth. Notwithstanding his insignificant size he has already boned up a bluff on Tom Jenkins, and it is said that the "long horses" in the gvm run whenever thev see him coming. A notable musician, "Spec" BPS regularly makes the evening hideous between supper and call to quar­ ters by trying to see how many different languages he can make his cornet speak at the same time. G

BARTLETT, GEORGE G., "Runt," "G. G.," New York City, N. Y. Sergeant, Acting Sergeant; Outdoor Meet (2, 3); Hockey Team (2, 3, 4); HOWITZER Hoard. 'Then if he says he loves you, It fits your wisdom to so far believe it As he in his particular act and place May give his saying deed." Truly a versatile gentleman and one gifted with a remarkable vocabulary. He believes it is to the scandal and disgrace of the Corps of Cadets that his classmates cannot recite all their lessons in French, for, although he browses with the goats in Math., he has thrown a diamond hitch on the first place in this pet language of his, in fact, he believes French to be the only language that gentlemen can speak nowadays. With the aid of a few picturesque phrases he can convince vou that West Point is but a suburb of the lower regions anil incidentally make vou ashamed of your own feeble knocks. A most talented grafter, he is fond of telling the gullible ones of how he used to fleece the "lambs," and of that momentous occasion when he smoked the pipe of peace with Tammany.

BRADSHAW, [AMES S., "Brad," "Broad-head," Super­ ior, Wis. Corp., Sgt., Actg Color Sgt.j Assistant Stage Manager Hundredth Night (3), Stage Manager (4), Hundredth Night Committee; A. B. "Brad" was tun out of his home town by his own admission, so that is why he is here. He has long been one of F Company's own, and may be seen with tin- noisy crowd almost any tinu—except after taps, when wild horses couldn't drag him from his pillow. He once aspired to be a "make" and travelled some distance along the road of Quill, but -well, the summer was hot and the "gold-medal" comfortable, so "Brad" com baled that a gun was good enough for him, and took out a life membership with "The Boys." His career as a stage manager has been a howling success, ami it is rumored in high circles that he recently declined a handsome offer from Charley l-'rohman. The HOWITZER 45

BRETT, MORGAN L., "TOW," "Daddy," "Sue," Cleve­ land, Ohio. Clean Sleeve; A. B. Born during the closing days of the Civil war, "Daddy" passed the best part of his youthful days as stake driver for a surveying party in the swamps of Florida. He managed to escape the alligators, but was caught embezzling his employer's funds, and was sent up to the Point for four years at hard labor. "Tow" is very painstaking in the means he uses to preserve his health,, and the serious;.thoughthe has spent on this subject is probably responsible for his white head and wrinkled brow. But all the same "Daddy's" chuckle is worth going miles to hear, and with all his faults we love him still.


BURI.KSON, RICHARD C, "Dick," "Burly," San Saba, Texas. Actg. Sergt.; Hop Manager (2, 3, 4); Fur­ lough Committee; A. B.; Tug of War Team (2, 3). "For thou art long and lank and brown As is the ribbed sea-sand." Born and raised in a mesquite thicket in Western Texas, this long-legged specimen with a lean and hungry look emigrated from his native podunk full four years ago. L'p to tin- tunc he li.nl dieted principally on fricaseed prairie dog and was truly wild and woolly, but four years' constant association with men from such states as Arizona and Nebraska has civilized him till now he stands without hitching and is versed in all the arts of spooning. In fact, we think we are safe in predicting that before many moons "Dick" will be living in his own hymeneal shack somewhere out on the prairie dog hills around old San Antone. tfe

. BYRD, (IEORCK R., "Oiseau," Winchester, Va. A. B.; Clean Sleeve. "Cassio, I love thee, but never more be officer of mine." Some assert that this is a new discovery of the Arclucopterix variety; others, that he belongs to the Vegetable Kingdom and is only ,1 common piece ol wood. Tin- latter theon is untenable .1- investigators have actually heard him articulate. Generally sleepy and resembling the mud-turtle in habits, he sometimes startles us by sudden bursts of wit peculiarly his own; and he is always ready, nay anxious, to enter any sort of contest involving physical strength or skill. The interior workings of his mind are complicated, and it is generally conceded that he could stand one in his class but for his inordinate desire to break it off in the "P's." •tjjurv^ l{. IJ^d 46 The HOWITZER

CAMPBELL, ROBERT N., "Bob," Johnson City, Tenn. Actg. Sergt, Lieut.; Asst. Manager Baseball Team (3), Manager Baseball Team (4); Indoor Meet (1, 2, 3, 4); Fxpert Rifleman, Rifle Team; Northfield Delegation; A. B.; Fourth of July Orator; Toasted "The Riding Hall," New Year's, 1906. "Bob's" one redeeming feature is the great amount of expression in his plain but honest countenance. A member of the W. C. T. U. and the most consistent "goat" in the Academy, this substantial citizen believes that the chief aim of man in this life is to bone gallery. Acting on this hypothesis, "Bob" never fails to have some stunt set aside for the next "platoon" that may wander by. Is a fiend at target practice ami is one of our two Expert Riflemen, but he can also "shoot his face" about as well as he can his gun.

CHAFFEE, AL>NA R., " King," " Kid," Washington, D. C. Corp., Sergt., Actg. 1st Sergt., Lieut.; Hop Manager (4); Furlough Committee; A. B.; B. A. The "King" was sent to us from St. Luke's School where In- acquired his blase manner, but this same manner has carried his bluff through many a tight squeeze and has been his stock in trade. His ambition is to be shut up in a room full of "Bull" with orders to smoke his way out, and he is in constant training to meet any such contingency, should it occur, and carry it off with his customary sang froid. A prominent member of the F. S. (J. Committee, he has been knighted bv the president of the same for his mathematical and schol­ arly demonstration of the fact that "it is easier to carry it than to roli it." His fanatical devotion to his varlet, "Spudge," has long been the wonder and admiration of those households where domestic har­ mony is a thing unknown. Long live the "King"!

CLAGETT, HENRY B., "Sue," " B. J.," At Large. Corp., Actg. Sergt., Lieut.; A. B.; B. A.; Sharpshooter, Rifle Team. "Sue" declines to tell where he came from so we infer that the bailiffs are after him. However, we do know that he became acclimated at Lieut. Braden's before blowing into this summer resort. He has ever been an ardent admirer of his wife, and, as harmony in the family is a pretty good sign, he has been stamped as O. K. by a consensus of opinion. He once aspired to be a sport but the lack of punctuality of a certain railroad soon brought his nose back to the military grindstone, where it remains to this good day. The HOWITZER 47

CONVERSE, GEORGE L., Jr., "Connie," Columbus, Ohio. Furlough Committee; A. B.; Clean Sleeve. If you want to hear a good rumor, go to "Connie." If you are down on your luck and want to find someone who can't be beat in wielding the sledge hammer, why Converse is your man. The rea­ sons are obvious—"Connie" is more or less of an anarchist and is "agin the government." He believes, for instance, that the para­ graph forbidding cadets to keep "a servant, dog or canary bird" is an invention of the devil, and hence need not be strictlv adhered to. "Connie" hates "femmes"—whether the feeling is mutual or not, we wouldn't like to say. *Z„J&~~UJL.

COOK, FRED A., "Fat," "Cookie," "Fritz," Post Mills, Vt. Marksman; Fug of" War Team, 1904; Clean Sleeve; A. B. - In this well-fed member we have a real exponent of the "Pure Vermont Maple Syrup." He has the fat man's proverbial stock of good humor, and not even Fulton can disturb him. The simplicity of his childhood still remains with him, for, when told by certain mem­ bers of the fair sex that he was "a dandv good looking fellow," his wrist watch was not enough to save him an absence. He prides him­ self upon missing the furlough banquet, upon never having gone on leave, upon never having worn the Corn's badge of servitude, and upon his fine figure—notice, he is not fat!

DALEY, EDMUND L., "Mick," Worcester, Mass. Sergt. Actg. Q. M. Sergt., Lieut.; Outdoor Meet (1); HOWIT­ ZER Board; Speech, Furlough Banquet; Star (1, 2). A Dublin face with, a Yankee accent might possibly describe the exterior of this son of Massachusetts, but this is not all for under his bushel there is hidden a very kindly light. "Mick" believes in deeds, not words, and none of his lower ranking classmates will ever forget the times when he placed his mathy shoulder to the wheel and helped them over the hillv road of Conns or Calcule. An inveterate spoonoid, "Mick" has pledged "his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor" to this art but for fear that he may be inclined to deny this for state reasons, we call on his record for "lates" and "blue notes" to testify that it is even so. Naturally he declines to be interviewed on the question as to whether he will live at the club or keep house. 48 The HOWITZER

DAVENPORT, CALVERT L., "Dav," Augusta, (Ja. A. B.; Clean Sleeve. "Dav's" dialect proclaims the fact that he sowed his wild oats in the good old state of Georgia, but during a four years' ac­ quaintance with the Academic Board this native inflection of his has been preserved only by the most careful hot-house culture. He still has fond memories of the sunny days of plebe Math, when he, in com­ pany with the other D's attained the dignity of the third section where for three whole weeks they basked in the sunshine of "Happy" Ham­ ilton's smile, and threw chalk when they should have pursued the proverbially nimble tenths. Since general transfer, consequently, he has been a most persistent "goat," and is always present when the June birthday presents are handed out. "Dav" has been a prominent member of "The Saturday Walking Club" for four years now and claims to have walked home and back six times in the course of his perambulations on the area.

DE ARMOND, GEORGE W., "Skinny," Butler, Mo. Sergt., Actg. Sergt. "Skinny" believes in standing in the way of sinners, and as a result has usually been sized up as being much worse than he really is. He's an accomplished kicker, though, ami when his steam hammer begins to work, you are convinced that all the knocks you ever heard before were but acorns dropping on the roof when compared with this mighty sledge. For one thing, he believes that a cadet was not cut out to be a "Bridget" and he objects to washing down the woodwork in his room every morning, as this would necessitate sign­ ing up for more than the regulation one bath per week. A well-favored lad forsooth, his career here has been a four year's struggle to be al­ lowed to inhabit his shell in peace.

DICKMAN, FREDERICK T., "Dick," "Fanny," At Large. Corp., Co. Q.M. Sergt., Lieut.; Hop Manager (3, 4). A dashing spoonoid, a capable polo-player, and a sweetly pretty vouth withal, "Dick" is one of our prize possessions. His repu­ tation, such as it is, was mostly acquired in his heavy spooning forma­ tions, though he is a regular attendant at all of Smith's "Auspicious Occasions." We are but speaking the sober truth when we say that "Fanny" is one of the Pillars of Post Society, nor does his ability as a iliner-out require an extended mention—suffice it to say that lately "Dick" has seen the error of his way and now longs for the time to come when he may settle down in a wigwam of his own and become a law-abiding citizen. The HOWITZER •V)

DONAHUE, WALTER E., "Kate," "Dongan," Zanes- ville, Ohio. Chairman Hundredth Night Committee Caste (2, 3, 4); Secretary Dialectic Society (3), Presi­ dent (4); HOWITZER; A. B. "Are women books."" says Hodge. "Then would mine were an almanac, to change her every year." We drew this bit of femininity from where he had been doing time in the Monastery. He decided to lay aside the cowl and, being anxious to do a few stunts on the stage of Mills' Theatre with a little soldiering as a sort of a stand off, he came to the Point. A Russian by birth (see Almanack de Gotha), he hopes to con­ tinue doing that kind of business for a firm by the name of Roger and incidentally to wear a red stripe, red cravat, have a red automobile, ami make his surroundings red after June. Here's success to "Kate" and the Company.

DOWNING, FREDERICK. B., "Chick," "Fritz," Sharps, Va. Corp., Sergt., Actg. Sergt.; Hop Manager (2, 3, 4); Furlough Committee; Speech Furlough Banquet; Toasted 1905 New Year's Dinner. Captain lug of War Team (3); B. A.; A. I>.; HOWITZER Board; Stat (2, 3); Toasted "The Corps" New Year's, 1906. "Chick's" "make" fell from grace in yearling camp and mighty was the fall thereof, for no amount of conscientious bracing (of plebes) or judicious application of the quill since then has sufficed to regain for him those provoking chevrons. Why he hasn't succeeded is still a puzzle, unless it is because he smokes too much, for in this science "Chick" is a past master. He makes it a point never to smoke more than one "skag" at a time, but outside of this, places no restric­ tion whatever on the amount of "Bull" he consumes. "Fritz" can't work and to "spec" he is ashamed, so while he stood one in Engineer­ ing, in History the "goats" claimed him for their own.

FI.SER, MAX A., "Crup," "Flse," Corsicana, Texas. A. B.; Clean Sleeve. "Crup" landed here in luoi but soon developed such a liking for the pride and pomp of cadet life that, when invited to remain for an extra vear, he made haste to accept. Another reason for "Crup's" acceptance is his sincere attachment to the Cavalry, and to the "galleries" that go therewith; in fact nothing makes him feel so good as to have a chance to bring palpitation of the heart to a galaxy of "femmes" watching him in the Riding Hall. Except when on horseback, though, "Else" shows a general disinclination to work of any sort and has sometimes gone so far as to occupy his apartments in Purley's Hotel during the entire week he should have been at home cleaning up the'room. so The HOWITZER

FINCH, HENRY A., "Bull," "judge," Huntsville, Tex' Corp., Sergt., Lieut.; B. A.; A .B.; HOWITZER Board; Star (i, 3). "He reads much; He is a great observer and he looks Quite through the deeds of men." The "Judge" says he used to be a cowboy, and people believed him until he fell off a standing horse and broke his arm. This about wound up his reputation as an equestrian. When he is not listening to the Adjutant's special orders about himself, lie is writing cute sayings on the margins of his text books for the edification of such careles; "goats" as ni.tv gel Ins book b) mistake. IK- has made a record as a Speck, Spoon, Sport, and general good fellow. The HOWITZER predicts success.

Fox, HALLY, "Hooley," West l'oint, Miss. Ch Sleeve. "The sleeping fox catches no poultry, Up! I'p!" Some people say that "Hooley" used to be hilarious enough in his native pinev woods, but during his stav at the Point he has cultivated a "repose of manner" that won't allow him even to crack a smile without figuring before hand on the amount of energy nec­ essary; in fact his meek and lowly deportment has caused a good many people to put him down as being hen-pecked. The HOWITZKR however, has a pretty straight tip that "Hooley" is only hibernating till graduation, and right here let us say that when he does wake up, it's a ten to one bet you won't be able to see him for the dust. Is going to live at the club as Math, has not carried him far enough yet to figure up married life at $116.00 per.

GATEWOOD, CHARLES B., "Gate," Fort Apache, Ariz. Corp., Sergt., Lieut.; B. A., A. B.; Fencing Squad (1, 2, 3, 4); Fxpert Rifleman, Rifle Team. "Gate" has a way of his own for doing everything but he has the knack of getting there just the same. In camp his tent was furnished with all the modern conveniences from a complete electric light plant to a speaking tube connecting with the Corn's tent, the latter being for the use of his wife, "Hatrack." Besides being a crack shot, "Gate" can draw anything from a "five ami ten" to a physical conception, and is an artist of no mean ability on the piccolo. The mournful strains that issued from his tent at night used to cause a waste of much good profanity on the part of his unappreciative neigh­ bors. "Gate" is an excellent fencer and rider. In the latter he was especially noted last summer for the artistic way he used to drape him­ self over the fence around the "Bull-pen" of such evil memory. The HOWITZER 51

GILLESPIE, ALEXANDER G., "Ciilhooly," "Count," Gaines, Mich. Corp., 1st Sergt; Football (i, 2, 3, 4), Captain Football Team, "A" in Football; A. B.J B. A.; Toasted "Athletics," New Year's, 1906. Here's a bit of spruce from the Michigan timber belt that can speak Scandinavian but claims to be of Italian descent. He is gullible and unsuspecting by nature, and is desperately afraid of the cars; in fact they Bay he had to be blindfolded and led on the train that brought him back to the Point. "Gil" was champion all-round toast-eater of the football squad, but on the field is one of the best ends in the country. Occasionally, however, he lets his temper flv awav with him and then addresses his opponent in no uncertain terms. His most effective threat is, "Don't look at me that way, stranger," and this, if properly applied, he savs, never fails to have the desired effect.

GREEN, JOSEPH A., "Happy Hooligan," Cherokee, Iowa. Corp., Q. M. Sergt., Quarter Master. Behold the august keeper of the trunk-room key! Somehow or other he doesn't seem imposing enough for this weighty job, but then he's in with the Tactical Department. Born wooden, "Happy" lived nobly up to his birthright all during plebe year, and consequently stood in line for a high-ranking Corp. in yearling June. On his return from furlough he solemnly swore he'd never be caught at another hop, with the usual result that since then he has missed just one (he being in the hospital at the time with exhaustion brought on by an all dav spooning formation the dav before). Once he aspired to be a second Bill Codv, but Earnest policed him so suddenly one dav that he received a permanent set, and now be has decided that the cavalry is no branch for a gentleman.

HENDERSON, JOHN C, "Jack," Newport, R. 1. Hun­ dredth Night (1, 2, 3, 4), Committee (4); Choir (1, 2, 3, 4), Leader (4); HOWITZER Board; Clean Sleeve. "Mv onlv books are woman's looks And jolly's all they taught me." "Jack" spends his time warbling sweet nothings to everyone from his latest flame to Mike the policeman, for he is a songster vou see, and thereby hangs the tale of many a moonlight night. He wrecked a happy home hv his solo in the "Elopers" and encouraged by this success, he, assisted bv the "Pantry Quartet," has been wreck­ ing them ever since. An accomplished spieler, he is generally con­ ceded to have the largest line of small talk ever displayed at the Acad­ emy. Says he came here to study Ornithology—birds, buzzards, cuckoos, owls, etc., ami has found at the Point a most excellent course in this branch of science. "Jack" is a friend of everybody and all join in wishing him a long life and a merry one. 52 The HOWITZER

HETRICK, HAROLD S., "Hatrack," "Het," "Sheeny," Norwich, Conn. First Corp., Actg. Sergt., Lieut.; Hop Manager (2); Football Squad (1, 2, 3); Outdoor Meet (1, 2, 3); Editor-in-Chief HOWITZER; Furlough Com­ mittee; Star (1, 2, 3, 4); Athletic Representative (1, 2, 3, 4); Marksman; Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4), Captain Bas­ ketball 'Team (3, 4). "Grammarian, orator, geometrician, painter, gymnastic teacher, physician, fortune teller, rope dancer, conjurer—he knew everything." This universal genius came to us from Yale and has spent most of his unoccupied time taking the monev of the unsuspecting Harvard men among us. He has frequently been accused of boning tenths, but if his traducers were to drop in on him any evening about nine o'clock, the volley of snores which would greet them would cer­ tainly change their views. Most of his efforts have been crowned with success except the time he tried to organize an "Anti l'ussers League." "The evil which men do lives after them," and the HOWITZKR will surely be his monument. He expects to set up a Philippino establish­ ment on or about November first, ami cordially invites his friends to be present at the killing.

HORSEALL, LLOYD P., "L. 1'.," "Hois," Prairie du Chien, Wis. Corp., Actg. Sergt.; Outdoor Meet (2, 3); Rifle Team. The University of Wisconsin is responsible for " L. P." ami nat­ urally he strenuously objects to any football conversation, in fact, he strenuously objects so often that he has become our prize wiclder of the hammer. He savs he won the pistol championship, but subsequent events have disclosed the fact that he rode Montgomery in the com­ petition, so his claim has been turned down by the Anvil Athletic Asso­ ciation. When he isn't spooning, "L. IV is lamenting the loss of a fine goatee that he sacrificed on the altar of military ambition. His motto, "Don't give up the tenths, boys," has made his record in the section room an enviable one.

HOYLE, RENE F. DE R., "Red," New York City, N. Y. Corp., Sergt., Lieut.; Baseball Squad (3); Indoor Meet (3); Outdoor Meet (2, 3); Furlough Committee; Hun­ dredth Night Committee; Cheer Leader (4); North- held Delegation; Toasted "The Ladies," New Year's, 1006. "Red" can trulv be said to "bone gallery" for he it is who gets out in front of the stand and bv numerous contortions conjures a "horse laugh" out of the Corps. Was in "D" Company in camp, but when we moved to barracks the Com. put him over among the barbarians to do some missionary work. "Red" savs if he could only get rid of the bucks the rest of the company would be O. K. He is addicted to "chewing the rag" more than the law allows, but his harmless prattle, instead of being objectionable, is very soothing after the weighty utterances of such deep thinkers as "Beno" Madigan or " Johnny" Pratt. These are merely "Red's" superficial traits, but he has a host of others that make him as jolly a fellow as ever trod the thorny path to Graduation. The HOWITZER

HUMPHREYS, FREDRIC F., "JO-JO," New York City, N. Y. Corp., 1st Sergt., Sergt. Major, Adj., Capt.; Outdoor Meet (i, 2, 3, 4); Fencing Team, "A" in Fencing. "Jo-Jo" is of uncertain nationality. Some claim that he is a Slav, and others, that he is of unmixed Dutch descent; however this may be, you may rest assured that he has plenty of gray matter in that cocoanut shaped head of his and therefore is by no means as I *• 1 easy as he looks. Is quite a favorite with the T. D. but justly so, for he has won their good will in a most legitimate manner—that is, by presenting them each week with a fine lot of apples. A confirmed bachelor and a clever fencoid, "Jo-Jo" has visions of a little shack off frjcblc £ Hx**~fi*"^. by itself where he can practice under "To der weer clous" to his heart's content.

HUNTLEY, HAROLD W., '"Dine," "Tiger," Oneida, N. Y. Choir (4); A. B.; Clean Sleeve. Here is one of the original members of the "Pantry Quartet." Is gifted with a delightful barber shop tenor, in exploiting which he has robbed the Corps of more than 5000 hours of sleep. "'Dine" has never had a "make" and isn't likely to get one till graduation, but all the same his swagger is worth at least four bars, and is the envy ami admiration of all aspiring plebes. Lately he has become quite a ridoid, and almost any bright day vou will find him out on the road trying to convince the natives that Lindsey isn't as easy as he looks.

JACOB, RICHARD H., " fake," Waukesha, Wis. A. B.; Clean Sleeve. "Jake" entered with the class of 10x35 but missed connections in yearling January and was forced to wait for the 1906 Limited which leaves the Point on or about June twelfth. During his stay " |ake" has developed into an indefatigable tennis plaver, a pretty fair golfoid, and a whist sharp. This latter game is his especial favorite and you can find him with the "flippers" almost any time he hasn't a previous engagement on the area. He tied for second in the vote for the "handsomest man" and will take the Cavalry if Montgomery doesn't kill him between now and graduation. 54 The HOWITZER

JOHNSON, WILLIAM A., "Wah Wah," " Johnsy," Roch­ ester, N. Y. Corp., Sergt., Lieut.; B. A.; Outdoor Meet (3); HOWITZER Board; Chairman, Bible Study, Y. M. C. A. (4); Star (2, 3, 4)- "A very gentle beast, and of a good conscience." After leading a quiet life as a book-keeper, " Johnsy" thought he would make a dig for the Army, and started on the long, still hunt after "tenths." His success is shown above. Early in the game he developed a large bump of appreciation for the beautiful in art by long perusal of a photograph, and since then has been doing stunts for the HOWITZKR. He is a charter member of the "Platoon Club," and may be seen any Saturday going the customary rounds of the person­ ally conducted tours and little journeys 'round Flirtation. He hopes to marry on graduation day.

JONES, RALPH A. "Rah Rah," "Model," "Sister," Jonah," Jamestown, N. Y. Corp., Sergt., Co. CL M. Sergt., Actg. 1st Sergt., Lieut.; Outdoor Meet (l, 2); Choir (1, 2); Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4); A. B. "Rah Rah" was a Mellen's Food baby in his youthful days and even now occasionally cries for Castoria. Such a childish trait however, does not prevent him from being a graceful gymnast, and a ^ ^^^ clever basketball player, nor does it keep him from making at all times a conscientious effort to get his shoulders back. "Jonah" so­ journs occasionally with the "goats," but, during these short visits he has taught them how to call for the book in such a diplomatic manner that the instructor is left with the impression that they are doing him a favor by accepting this assistance. "Sister" cheerfully recommends Gl.v~*/ "Madame Recamier's Cream" for the complexion.

KILMER, PIERRE V., "Dutch," Philadelphia, Pa. Actg Sergt.; Furlough Committee; Howrr/.KR Board; A. B. A queer admixture of Dutch humor and "deadbeatis" is this spec­ imen from Pennsylvania. He has never in his life been seen working, but stands pretty well in his class, so the only inference is that he has a bluff and knows the working parts thereof. He has acquired the art of knocking to a certain degree from long association with his wife, Geo. Converse, but, as a general rule, he is far too lazy to give vent to an exhibition. His name dearly outlines his French descent, and he claims to have been an intimate friend of Louis XIV. "Dutch" is the inventor of "Rye-without-the-Rock" as a sure preven­ tative of cold, and has developed a constant dread of that terrible ail­ ment. Expects to live at the "Canadian Club" after graduation. The HOWITZER

KING, JOSEPH C, "Joe," "Darius," "Rufus," Mus­ catine, Iowa. Corp.; A. B. "He's tough, ma'am; tough is J. C.— tough, and devilish slv." This prize pumpkin from Iowa used to be a wind jammer in the Artillery Corps, but grew tired of tooting someone else's horn and picked out the Point as a fine place to try a solo on his own. That he has succeeded is "easily shewn," for "Joe" has become a most capable performer, and blows loud and long about the times he used to hob-nob with the tacs. He has waxed fat and prosperous during his four years' stay, and way back in yearling camp managed to get a "make;" the T. D., however, soon got a line on him, and now "Joe" is saving money on the chevron question.

LANE, WILLIAM F., Jr., "Pat," "Shady," "Bill," Peekskill, N. Y. Corp!, Co. Q. M. Sergt., Actg. Sergt. Major, Lieut.; Football Squad (i); Baseball Squad (i, 2), Team (3, 4), "A" in Baseball; Indoor Meet Tug of War Team; Outdoor Meet (i, 2, 3); Hundredth Night Chorus (1, 2, 3); Choir. The Pride of Peekskill sought his early training for military suc­ cess at the Oakside High School where he made such a hit with the local press that a special correspondent has followed him ever since. As a chorus girl he has been a howling success—so much so that the management threatened to fine him if he didn't put on the soft pedal now and then. In regard to his military career, his worth went un­ recognized until yearling September, when the Com. hastened to cor­ rect his error and forthwith made him a Corp. The Peekskill Yellow 'Journal savs he is soon to be a general. His baseball career is too well known to comment upon, as it was his good right arm that brought heart failure to the Navy invaders so often last year.

LEWIS, CHARLES A., "Pot," "King Cole," Newburg, lnd. Corp., Co. Q. M. Sergt., Lieut.; Football Squad (2, 3, 4); Fug of War Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Sharpshooter. "Pot" tripped lightly into the area somewhere back in nineteen- one and in all his actions since, it can never be said that he did not carry weight. He was earlv picked as a winner as his chevron bill will show, and, had it not been for his bump of curiosity the time he explored the mountains in the vicinity of the seventh regiment, he would probably be "among those present" today. He occasionally gets a mad Spooning Streak and "bones" hops right lustily for a sea­ son, but usually one may find a "Pot," a pipe, and a welcome over in the Second Div. 56 The HOWITZER

LOUGHRY, HOWARD K., "'Fubbv," " John W. Gates," Monticello, Ind. A. B.; Star (looking backward) (i, 2, 3, 4); Clean Sleeve. "My friends and money gave out at } A. M." After successfully running the machine in Indiana and the Mich­ igan Military Academy primaries, he descended on us in June, 1901. By looking at his serene countenance, one would never guess that behind it lav the brain that sent stocks living upward, or the acu­ men that could post definitely "in the usual place" the exact order of the ponies in the afternoon race at (Jraveseiul. He knows person­ ally every horse that ever ran from Lindscv to Major Dangerfield, and can give their pedigrees without losing a tenth. He expects to run for Congress in 1908 and cordially invites his friends to call on his secre­ tary, "Plupy" Shute, ami get a secgar together with one of his picture cards.

LOVING, JAMES J., "Joe," Pine Bluff, Ark. Corp., Actg Sergt.; HOWITZKR Board; Marksman; Star (1, 2, 3, 4). "I do know of these That therefore are reputed wise For saving nothing." "Joe" gives it as his fixed opinion that "every man should receive according to his capacity," and therefore he makes no bones about serving notice on his instructor whenever he wants a max. He is a nimble pated youth and such a mighty strangler of the tenths that even a "goat" would starve on the few that escape him; while his belt is well ornamented with the scalp of main a had tenthoid. "Joe" is particularly quiet to be such a precocious youngster, and he makes a speciality of domestic tranquility; in fact, he ami "W'esty," his wife, are such model cadets that it is positively discouraging to start a rough house in their neighborhood. Provided he can postpone his debut long enough, "Joe" hopes to be a bachelor.

MCMILLAN, WILLIAM T., "Mac," "P. D.," Philadel­ phia, Pa. Corp., Color Sergt., Lieut.; Football Squad (l,2, 3, 4); Fencing Squad (3); Sharpshooter; Fug of War Team ( 1, 3). This garrulous professional beauty hails from the tall pines of Pennsylvania where he acquired his lumherlv manner and pic­ turesque countenance among the coal fields. Although a little late getting away, he struck his military gait at the end of yearling camp when the Com. gladdened his heart with a pair of golden chev­ rons which he has hung on to ever since. His great ambition has been to be the champion "fusser," and when a fair one spotted him as the class beauty in yearling year his cup of joy was full until the rest of U}ttu~ J #*' flullu^ the crowd heard about it and then the cup sprang a leak. He expects to start a double establishment shortly after June, and the class ex­ tends its congratulations to the fair captor but thinks she'll have to hurry if she expects to be the better half of the menage. The HOWITZER

MADIGAN, MATT F., "Colonel," "Beno," Frankfort, Ky. HOWITZER Board; Clean Sleeve. With such a felonious cast of countenance, this descendant of Daniel Boone may be taken as a typical Kentucky colonel. Besides this facial qualification, "Beno" has acquired a taste for all things drinkable, and possess a thirst of which he is justly proud. The "Colonel's" sojourn at the Point has been one long struggle for social recognition, and a wild scramble for the tenths. As for the former, the less said the better, since he never even got an acting sergeantcv; but with the tenths, he is always "a-gittin of 'em some." "Colonel" is the originator of the now famous, "We have met the enemy, and thcv are hours behind us."

MANCHESTER, PAUL R., "P. R.," "Billy," Pawlet, Vt. Sergt., Lieut.; Hundredth Night Chorus (2, 3), Caste (4), Hundredth Night Committee; Choir; Sharpshooter. "P. R." is another one of those close harmony boys that ought to be prosecuted for frequent and unwarranted disturbances of tin- peace. However, there are two extenuating circumstances which so far have kept his scalp intact; he is a fiddler of wide repute, and he makes a most fetchinglv winsome chorus girl when on the stage. But for "P. R.'s" fiddle the "Pantry Quartet" would have received long ago the hanging they deserve, while his performance as soubrette in our Hundredth Night Play was well worth the admission charged. In spite ot his numerous denials, he is a self-made spoonoid, and scored a very palpable hit in first class camp.

MATHEWS, PHILIP, "Phil," "Mathy," New York City, N. Y. Corp., Q. M. Sergt., Lieut., Capt.; Fencing Squad; Manager Basketball and Fencing learns. "Phil" has many homely features, but not a single dishonest one. An accomplished knocker, but a most miserable "fess" as a spoonoid, lie still manages to retain a high seat in the synagogue re­ served for the quilloids. This we hold is due not so much to his abil­ ity in manipulating the quill as it is to his screeching good sound-off at drill, ami his magnificient disregard for his clothes in executing tin- orders of his superiors. To prove that he has never been a tenthoid, "Phil "points with pride to the fact that he has never stood higher than during the days of plebe Math, when he was well up in the seventh section along with his alphabetical neighbors. 58 The HOWITZER

MAUL, JOHN CONRAD, "Dutchman," "Bill," Buffalo, N. Y. Actg. Sergt. "John Hoffbran Wurtzburger" is perhaps the most generous, good-natured Dutchman that ever rolled along his genial way. His first two years were uninterrupted series of "bumpings," but after that we became accustomed to his elephantine antics, and settled down to enjoy his broad grin and invariable good nature. He has been noted chiefly for doing the Tactical Department out of a leave every Christmas and June since plebe year. John is a blind speck, but ever since the time he turned two pages at once in his recitation he has lost his bluff and remains at rest among the butting tribe.

MCFARLAND, KARL, "Mac," "Bessie," Topeka, Kan. Corp., Sergt., Lieut.; Furlough Committee; Northfield Delegation. "Mac" started life as a bank clerk, but, though aware that the pen could withstand a greater bending moment than the sword, he picked out the right crowd back in 1902, closed his eyes, and jumped into it. That he landed safely is apparent to everyone for since plebe year "Bessie" has been pacing, pigeon-toed by the way, the straight and narrow path of military renown. He has, however, a way of blushing when one points his finger at him that makes his tormentor Wonder if he hadn't better beg him to stop before he hurts himself. Ordinarily he is very quiet and well-behaved but on one or two June leaves and things he has let himself out and has been brought home hilariously "full" on caramels and marshmallows.

METTLE R, CHARLES G., "Met," "P. D.," "Deacon," Danville, Pa. Actg. Sergt.; Football Team (2, 3, 4), "A" in Football; 'Fug of War Team (1, 2, 3); Outdoor Meet (2, 3); HOWITZER Board; Secretary and Libra­ rian Y. M. C. A.; Toastmaster Furlough Banquet. "With a smile that is childlike and bland." In spite of a most expansive smile, "P. D.'s" misdemeanors are notorious; for, though most of the time he is painfully sober, even then he is always diligent in evil doing. On the football field, however, his behavior is propriety itself. No matter how much they mav step on him, walk on his ears, or treat him as a door mat generally, he always comes out of a scrimmage with a grin which announces to all observers that somewhere under the pile he let the other fellow have as good as he gave. "Met" believes that a man to be really a success should be as large around as he is tall; so acting on this policy he has made arrangements with the Anheuser-Busch Co. to enlarge his cross_section—work to begin immediately after graduation. The HOWITZER 59

MINICK, ARTHUR D., "Pat," "Cupid," Wichita, Kan. Corp., Sergt., I.ieut.; Northfield Delegation; Outdoor Meet (3); Sharpshooter, Rifle Team. Here but for the grace of the Academic Board is a citizen of . "Pat" admits that he came from the Anti-Sock State, but as he withholds his reasons for leaving his native sunflower patch we are left to conclude there must have been a bounty on bis scalp. Like most heathen he is very fond of trinkets and during his sundry pilgrimages to Northfield has accumulated, along with several love affairs, a large stock of photographs—these he says were forced upon him by circumstances over which he had no control, but all we know is that they still remain to make his top shelf a wilderness of "femmes.' Except when he has been over-eating "Pat" is a pronounced optimist ami there is a great demand for his latest phamphlet, How to Lire Well and Die Happy on S3.50 a Month.

MORROW, OEORGE M., Jr., "Cornelius," Birmingham Ala. Corp., 1st Sergt., Sergt., Co. Q. M. Sergt., Actg. 1st Sergt., Cajtt.; Assistant Manager Football Team (3), Manager (4). "Cornelius" came to us from the University of Virginia, and we seriously consider sending down for some more like him. It is doubtful though if a more persistent gatherer and dispenser of rumors can be found anywhere, for, in this particular science "Cornelius," in collaboration with Joe the policeman, rivals the most gossipy sewing circle that ever sewed. His diplomatic management of the football campaign last fall put his services as a professional chaperone in wide­ spread demand. On one memorable occasion he received and enter­ tained a cargo of ninety "femmes" and, wonderful as it may seem, he still survives to spread more rumors. He is a prominent member of "The Mutual Christmas Leave Protective Association."

OLMSTEAD, DAWSON, "Nogi," "Klondike," Corry, Pa Actg. Sergt., Lieut.; HOWITZER Board. This hale, hearty and blooming P. D. verily believes that he would have had a fief and vassals had he lived in the Middle Ages. He solved the "Grand Tour" problem in Tottenic regions and, with tin- careful assistance of his friend, "P. D." Mettler, managed to get the range on schooners coming in by Garrisons. He never could under­ stand why medicines of the same color have different tastes and for this reason maxed a cold by swallowing iodine for "Hop's" Cough mixture. He is still undecided as to whether he will keep house in a conning tower or take the cavalry.


PAINE, GEORGE H., "Agony," Scranton, Pa. Actg. Sergt.; Fencing Squad (2, 3, 4); A. B. Of no particular religion, and without any conscience worth men­ tioning, this worthy citizen still manages to keep in the good graces of everyone. An enthusiastic member of the "Blue Ribbons," nearly every afternoon used to find him out in football togs gleefully besmearing himself with mud and gore. This caused his reputation to spread far and wide, till now there's not a student of Pratt Institute but quakes in his shoes at the thought of "Agonv." Since he dropped this profession, he spends his spare hours down on the flats "a-doin' his darndest" to coax a gallop out of some old weather-beaten plug of a polo pony.

PARKER, CORTLANDT, "Cort," At Large. Corp., Sergt.; Marksman; Football Squad (1, 2, 3); A. B. "Cort" is closely related to Cortland Park and there is a good deal of resemblance between the two, although the latter is not quite so heavily wooded. Being a keen observer and a famous wielder of the sledge, it is a delight to all his friends to sit around during spare hours and hear him let himself out on the general trend of events. Lately, however, these little "socials" have become less frequent for "Cort" believes that it would be a disgrace for graduation to arrive without our knowing it, so he spends his leisure moments keeping a sharp look­ out for June, and in the meantime enjoys very much watching other people do the work.

PELOT, JOSEPH H., "Minnie," "Dimples," Blackburn, Mo. Sergt., Actg. Sergt. All blushes and dimples, "Minnie" sidled into the area awav back in "02. He says himself that he came here because he didn't know any better, and freely admits that what he then did in haste he now repent: ol .it leisure. 'Minnie's" youth .11 id innocence oner led Inn 1 into a fatal error. Someone took a pair of his shoes when he wasn't looking and "Dimples" forthwith wrote a letter, faultless in "purity, propriety and precision," to the First Captain requesting the immedi­ ate return of the stolen property and apprehension of the criminals. We draw a curtain over the scene that followed the publication of "Minnie's" ultimatum, but that well-deserved "bumping" is still fresh in his memory. The HOWITZER

PENDLETON, ALEXANDER G., "Sep," "Zona," Globe, Ariz. Actg. Sergt., '02; Rope Climb (won '00, '01); B. A. "I have had playmates, I have had companions. In m\ days of childhood, in m\ joyful school days, All, all are gone, the old familiar faces." This last of the "Seps" was turned over to us by 190; and we like the sample. He left cow-punching to come here about tin- time that Tony was playing in the drum corps. Back in '02 he de­ parted on a tour of Congressional investigation, but after a thorough study of legislative methods returned to our midst. Since then he has spent most of his time trapping tenths in Engineering, and discussing crop reports with "John W. Gates." Has the distinction of being tin- only man ever hurt by Lindsey. He was not preceded by any relatives, but is General Winfield Scott's plebe.

PENNELL, RALPH MCT., "Happy, ""Kuroki," "Gen­ eral," Bilton, S. C. Fencing Squad (2); A. B.; Clean Sleeve.

"Kuroki" began his early training at the Bethel Military Acad­ emy, but soon found his various talents suffering for want of exercise, and forthwith moved his headquarters to the Point. He gives as a criterion of his success the fact that the great Japanese leader was named after him. This young brave is a curious chemical com­ bination, being part Cherokee and part goat (mostly goat); but, in spite of such a handicap, he has developed into a mighty horseman, with the proud record of having eaten and assimilated more tan-bark than any other man in the Corps. His enviable reputation as a general results from the fact that for four years he has been "Bob" Camp­ bell's principal sparring partner.

PRATT, JOHN S., "Johnnie," San Francisco, Cal. Corp., Sergt., Actg. Sergt.; Lieut.; Football Squad (1, 2, \); Captain "Blue Ribbons" (3); Indoor Meet (1,2); Out­ door Meet (l, 2); Sharpshooter, Rifle Team; A. B" Soldier, student, athlete, spoonoid -which ? All! These are some of the charges and specifications on which " Johnnie" has been found guilty but there still remains a number of his iniquities which probably never will be brought to liirht. Some say that his ambition to imitate Napoleon is responsible for most of his misdeeds but this opinion, besides being pretty hart! on Nap, is probably untrue and John's record is due more to the fact that he has left no stone unturned in his efforts to become an all-round man. In football he was tin- ferocious captain of the "Blue Ribbons" that led his followers to many a victory over the young ladies' seminaries in our neighborhood. 62 The HOWITZER

QuEKEMEYER, JOHN G., "Quack," "Yazoo," Yazoo City, Miss. Corp., Sergt. (Colors), Lieut., Capt.; Hop Manager (3, 4). "The jury passing on the prisoner's life, May in the sworn twelve have a thief or two, Guiltier than him they try." "Quack" left the cotton fields of sunny Mississippi to take a crack at the polo ball and do a few military stunts under the personal supervision of "the Bird." While not a quill by nature he landed on his feet not long ago with a pair of captain's chevrons, but this of course simply goes to show that not all the flowers bloom in tin- spring. As a student, he is an earnest gleaner after the tenths, always readv with some sort of an answer to any kind of a question, and, while we must admit that occasionally his answers are correct, it can­ not be denied that "Yazoo" often shows a tendency to change tin- author's version. In history, for example, he used to sav that he couldn't see how a trifle like 2,000 years made any difference so long as the principle remained the same. Besides his good record as a bonoid and polo fiend, "Quack" has worn out five dress coats in the service of his country.

RILEY, JAMES WILSON, " |im," "Pat," Bamberg, S. C. Corp., 1st Sergt., Capt.; Hop Manager (1, 2, 3, 4); Choir (4); HOWITZER Board; Marksman; Speech Fur­ lough Banquet. "Pat" became accustomed to playing soldier at the South Caro­ lina Military Academy, ami has been going it ever since. Even as a "tin," he was a frantic spoonoid, for he believes that one cannot devote too much time to the choice of a helpmeet who in after life is to sew on all his buttons for him. As a natural consequence, he can't be excelled as a writer of billet doux, and already has the record of more proposals than any man in the class. Was not preceded by any relatives, but has a young ami ambitious kinsman against whom he has a grudge: so he says he is going to advise him to adopt the military profession. He claims to be a descendant of the Hon. Wilson Whiskey.

ROBINSON, DONALD A., "Bob," "Bobs," Seattle, Wash. Corp., Sergt. Actg. 1st Sergt., Lieut.; Hop Manager (2); Musical Director Hundredth Night (4), Hundredth Night Committee; Furlough Committee. The Com. couldn't get along without him so threw in another year just for good measure. He knows personally every soldier that ever lived, from Julius Ca-sar to B. J. Richardson, and has served with most of them. Never tires of telling about his bear hunts in Skagwav, and his attack on Montauk Point in '98. Several times he has aspired to become a Benedict, but we are happy to sav it has always fallen through, and "Bobs" is with us yet. When he can forget tin- magic quill and settle back to the old times "When we lived under the King," he is a prince of good fellows, but beware of his honor when on the King's business, as with flashing eye and stern gesture he will inscribe your name in the Book of Fate without a falter. Ex­ pects to join the Eighth Dough boys after graduation. The HOWITZER 63

ROCKWELL, CHARLES K., "Rock," "Charlie," Spring­ field, \l;iss. Corp.; Football Team ( i, 2. 3, 4); Baseball Team (1, 2, 3, 4), "A" in Baseball and Football, Cap­ tain Baseball Team (4); Outdoor Meet (1, 2, 3, 4); Tennis Champion (4); Furlough Committee. "Get your shoulders back, Mr. Rockwell, you are not at Harvard now!" No, "Charlie" doesn't brace much for he still has that good old slouch acquired in other and more joyous times, and won't discard it for anyone. A conscientious dead beat, he can't hear sick- call that he doesn't immediately develop some complication of his latest attack and wend his wav to the hospital where recitations are not allowed to break in and disturb the peace. "Charlie" denies that he is as big a tenthoid as Geo. Morrow, but confesses that he is a self-made man and rather proud of the job—this we may as well admit, for he has certainly shown his ability to play almost any old game, to work anybody who isn't wide awake, and to get the tenths whenever he wants them.

ROSE, WILLIAM WATTS, "Willie," "Telemaque," Phil­ adelphia, Fa. Hundredth Night Chorus (2, 3), Caste (4), Hundredth Night Committee; Choir (3, 4); HOW­ ITZER Board; Furlough Committee; Outdoor Meet (2, 3); A. B.; Toasted "The President," New Year's, 1906; Clean Sleeve. "Willie" came here as a fugitive from justice about 1901, ami since then he has been handed down as an heirloom, till now, next to the "Sep," he is our oldest living inhabitant. During this lengthy sta\ he has accumulated .1 most marvelous assortment of yarns, .1 few of which are thought to have in them some shreds of truth, but some, we must confess, have none. "Willie's" "manner" is the despair of all ambitious tenthoids. He looks so pale and overworked, so abused and misunderstood, that it seems as if only a hard hearted villain could rob him of the decisive tenth. Yet this is often done, and "Tele­ maque" regularly spends his Winters with the "goats."

SCHULTZ, HUGO D., "Schlitz," "Goat," Beatrice, Neb. Sergt. "The horn, the horn, the lusty horn Is not a thing to laugh to scorn." After a few years of scrapping in the , this warrior bold was thrown off the train at Highland Falls. Here he specked enough to take the only "exam" he ever passed, and has been resting on his laurels ever since. "Goat" entered in '01, but was such a good fellow that the Academic Board kept him back a year by wav of ex­ "^7^— ample to the youngsters. His motto has been, "Never bone what vou can bugle," and he has consistently lived up to it. He prepared at Lieutenant Braden's and at the University of Nebraska. fdl<*yt S). (JcJL^^h^ 6-1 The HOWITZER

SCHWABE, HARRY A., "Swabie," "Squab," Charleston, W. Va. A. B.; Clean Sleeve. Here we have him! Straight from the V. M. I. "Swabie" tried for three years to teach the Tactical Department how to pro- nounce hi> name hut finally gave up in despair. Generosity personi­ fied, his house is the general loafing place for the impecunious ones who are "just out of Bull" or living of starvation. He has driven every section in Math, that the class has sported, so his qualifications as a general officer are far in advance of the ordinary graduate. We predict .1 speeds ri e to the rui.iiui.il height of hi: far-famed name­ sake, provided he can break his habit of giving away everything he

SHUTE, MARTYN H., "Plujiy," Matin," Ellsworth, Me. Football Squad (i, 2, 3, 4), "A" in Football; Tug of War Team (l, 2, 3, 4); A. B.; Clean Sleeve. "Yours very respectively." "Matin" started falling on the toast back in 1901, anil kept up the good work straight through till last December. He is mainly notorious for his ability to outdo his sometime wife, I.oughry, in dead beating; and for being a "scab" in the scrub football strike. Though his reputation is a bit shady on some lines, he is all to the good as a scribbler,—his famous letters (in Sunday Fretting Ante) made such a hit with the Academic Department in 190-5 that they gave the signal, "Shute back," in order to send him over for a touch down in June, 1906.

SMITH, F. DE LAND, " Coco," " Rameses," Pontiac, Michigan. Corp., Co. Q. M. Sergeant; Actg. 1st Ser­ geant; Lieut.; I'm lough Committee; Business Manager of HOWITZER; Outdoor Meet (2, 3); B. A.; A. B. " Smitty " has wended his dignified way with us for four years and has come to be regarded as a masculine Minerva by the unini- ated. But we, who know him best, long since discovered that under­ neath his calm exterior lurked a keen appreciation of the good things in life which placed him in constant demand for all gatherings of an informal nature. His now famous saving that "This is a most auspi­ cious occasion" has come to completely supercede the Governor of North Carolina's suggestion to the Executive of South Carolina as a means of passing the time of day. Although scoring the fair sex for the greater problems of HOW­ ITZKR Finance, Damon and Pythias were in the rear rank compared with his devotion to his wife " Bunny." We prophesy a long and dignified career to this wise one and wish him God speed. The HOWITZER 65

SNEED, BYARD, "Benny," McLeansboro, III. Actg. Sergt., Lieut.; A. B.; B. A. "They sav best men are moulded out of faults; And, for the most, become much more the better, For being a little bad." Started tilling the soil and throwing a few bluffs out in Illinois about 1882, and has been doing the latter ever since. Says he came here because he did not know- the place as well as he does now, so we infer that his chevrons have not vet healed his area blisters. Of "tilings in general," he thinks the General has the upper hand on the things. Right again! Bvard! Your perception of things of national import is as clear as your ability to pick a winner, or find the man who holds the "old maid" in those little games on rainy Saturdays.

SPURCIN, HORACE F., "Spudge," "Bug," Washington, D. C. Indoor Meet (2, 3); Outdoor Meet (2, 3); A. B.; Clean Sleeve. Princeton is responsible for "Spudge," and a deuce of a lot it must have on its conscience, for he is the laziest mortal in tin- Corps, "Oiseau" Bvrd even not excepted. For three long and dusty vears did "Bug" "bone make." Never was there such a scouring of tin cups or polishing of dress hats; yea! mightily did he strive for favor in the eves of the T. D., and great was his reward in the end. "For faithful performance of his duties and soldierly conduct under most trying circumstances," "Bug" was awarded a Company clerkship! Since this promotion, however, "Spudge" has steadily retrograded, till now he does little besides knock on the compulsory chapel services, and regularly carries a pillow with him to church on Sunday morning.

STURGILL, WALTER S., "Daddy," "Colonel," "bred- die," Sturgills, N. C. Corp., Sergt., Lieut. "Said the governor of North Carolina to the governor of South Carolina—" Truly this courtly and antiquated type of the old-style Col­ onel must be a relic of the anti-bellum days. Once, years and years ago, he attended the North Carolina College of Agriculture where he learned to grow everything but hair. Why he came to the Point is not definitely known, but there is a well-defined rumor that the advent of local option routed him out of his native pines and sent him in search of a place where a good judge of liquor w as more appre­ ciated. His first choice was the Point, so here he pitched his tent; and, though the wind has not been tempered to the shorn lamb, it cannot be denied that "Daddy's" four years' stay has been a great sua ess. 66 The HOWITZER

THOMPSON, MARCELLUS H., "Tompo," "Tommy," At Large. Choir (2); Hockey Team (2, 3); Clean Sleeve. Prepared at Cedarcroft (wherever that is), took a few flings at Harvard just to limber up, and then lit here—these are tin- salient points in the past history of Marcellus H. "Tompo" never has hurt himself boning, for he believes that a class doesn't amount to much unless it has a lusty bunch of "goats" to push it through. So in him we have the able leader of the left wing of our Company which is to graduate in June. He has a large line of bluff, but when you dig underneath this exterior, vou will find an 18 carat article. "Tommy" was "cup boy" in '82.

TORNEY, HENRY W., "Harry," San Francisco, Cal. First Corp., Co. Q. M. Sergt., 1st. Sergt. Capt.; Football (1, 2, 3, 4), "A" in Football; Outdoor Meet; Tug of War Team (2, 3, 4); A. B.; B. A.; Sharpshooter. This pious youth is an active member of Deacon Gillespie's Sun­ day School class. He learned to punt in the cradle, and it is reported that when only four vears of age he was full-back on the All- Nurserv team of Arkansas. However this may be, it is worth a for­ tune to see "Harrv" hit the Middies' line, and this ability of his has materially assisted in the obsequies of four successive Navy elevens. He was also high on the ladder that quilloids long to scale when an unfortunate combination of New York and Sea Girt deprived him of his four bars, and started him on a long and dusty stroll across the area, until his fiercely military aspect frightened the Russian Peace Envoys into having him relieved.

TURNER, GEORGE F., "Butts," "Georgie," St. Louis, Mo. Actg. Sergt.; Indoor Meet (l, 2, 3, 4), Record Rope Climb, Record Fence Vault, 2d Class; Outdoor Meet (2, 3); Reception Committee for Hundredth Night 1904; Speech, Furlough Banquet; B. A.; Hop Mana­ ger (2, 3, 4). Here is one of old Missouri's best productions—a "skag" fiend of the worst tvpe. He got an idea somewhere that a cigarette improves with age and is forever hunting around for some old "stump" to smoke in preference to a brand new "tailor-made." "Georgie" is a punster bv profession and though he does usually confine himself to retailing those aged and decayed "grinds" that came over in the May­ flower, we ought not to object, for they say his original ones are enough to upset the strongest man's digestive apparatus. Besides being an athlete and gymnast, our friend George is quite a philosopher in his own wav. One of his maxims is, "Never spoon when anybody is looking." The HOWITZER 67

WAINWRIGHT, JONATHAN M., " |im," "Skinny," Chi­ cago, III. Corp., Sergt. Major, 1st Sergt., 1st Capt.; Hop Manager (3, 4); Marksman; T oastmaster, New Year's, 1906. This is IT—the summit toward which the Pampered Pets of the Powers that Be continually do strive; the goal of even good cadet's ambition. Many honors have been heaped upon his head, so many that it's a wonder his slender frame has withstood their bend­ ing moment without any more damage than giving to his knees a permanent set. "Skinny" will long remember that awful Hallowe'en evening, when, just as he was making his most military salute and reporting, "A Company all quiet. Sir," about a ton of brick dropped on the roof of the First Div. "Skinny" collapsed on the spot and it took the (). C. a good hour's work with the sponge to bring him around.

WARING, ROY F., "Nuts," " B. J.," Omaha, Neb. Corp., Actg. Sergt.; A. B.; Outdoor Meet (3). 'Our armies in Flanders swore terribly," cried my Uncle Toby, 'hut never aught like this.'" Spent his early life trying to out veil all the Indians west of the Missouri, and we are inclined to believe he succeeded. Almost any day he may be seen executing his quaint antics across the area with someone in hot pursuit. "Nuts" has defied all efforts at taming, and, though he says his P. C. S. is a railroad magnate, we have our doubts as to whether his administrative experience ever saw him higher than an office boy. While preparing at Denna's Academy, he was known as the village bad-man, and was under bonds to keep the peace. He was voted the noisiest man in the class bv unanimous ballot.

WESTOVER, OSCAR, "Westy," "Legs," "Shorty," "Fastunder," Bay City, Mich. Corp., 1st Sergt., Capt.; Football Squad (1, 2, 3, 4); Indoor Meet (1, 2, 3, 4); Pierce-Currier Foster Cup (3); Outdoor Meet (1, 2); Sharpshooter, Rifle learn; Corresponding Secre­ tary (2), Vice-President (3), President (4), Y. M. C. A., Northfield Delegation (2, 4), President's Conference, Y. M. C. A. (3); Toasted "The Army," New Year's, 1906. "Young in years, in judgment old." "Little, but oh my!" is the general exclamation when these legs twinkle into view. He started out to be a soldier and "bv grab!" he's going to be a soldier if it kills every cow in the barn. "Shorty" began life shouldering a tin musket in the nursery out in Bay City, got transferred to Co. "K," 3d Batt. U. S. Engineers and then came here. It was pretty much of "from bad to worse and worse to Ho- boken," but he savs he hasn't regretted it, and we certainly haven't. He has made a success of pretty much everything and will carry awav everyone's best wishes in June. 68 The HOWITZER

WILDRICK, EDWARD W., "Punch," "Ned," Blairs- town, N. |. Corp., 1st Sergt., Capt., Adj.; Baseball Squad (2, 3); Sharpshooter; Tennis Champion (2); Speech, Furlough Banquet; A. B.; B. A. "Cheer up the worst is yet to come." "Ned" is a peculiar mechanical mixture and one that it would be well to watch. He savs he came here to be a soldier, but inci­ dentally forgot to add a spooning clause to this announcement, and, as a result, has caused his classmates much anxiety bv the frantic pace he has set, especially since furlough. A "shark" at tennis and more or less of a crack shot, "Punch" regularly pays his dues to the society of quilloids, but this should not be cherished against him, as otherwise he has proved himself to be an all-round good fellow who loves his pipe as well as the rest of us.

WILHELM, WALTER M., "Kaiser," "Billy," Defiance, Ohio. Sergt., Lieut.; Football Squad (1, 2, 3), Team (4), "A" in Football; Outdoor Meet; A. B.; B. A.; Tug of War Team (1, 2, 3). A tremendous bunch of bluff, is the "Kaiser," and he knows it too. His ambition in times past has been to lead the Anvil Chorus, and, under the able tutelage of "Count" Gilhooly last sum­ mer, he almost made good. Since then, however, what a change has come over the earth, for our sometime low-ranking buck is now a leftenant "be gad, Sir." He used to vigorously deny his Teutonic origin back in plebe year, but since meeting "Duruy's General" he is convinced that the "Dutch Company" is the best company, and now claims to be a first cousin of the Hohenzollerns. Says he came here to get away from kids too small to stop yelling, so we infer that we haven't vet seen the last of the family, but all the same—"Hoch der Kaiser!"

WILLIEORO, FORREST F., "Willy," Hillsboro, III. Corp., Sergt., Actg. 1st Sergt., Lieut.; Fencing Squad (2, 3, 4), Captain Fencing Team (4), "A" in Fencing; President Intercollegiate Fencing Association; Speech, Furlough Banquet; Outdoor Meet (2, 3). In "Willy," we have an excellent fencer, and the making of a good L. P. Easily gold-bricked and slow to anger, he readily receives and assimilates every grind that comes his way, whether it be on himself or some one else. His one excuse for living is to get even with the Cadet Store. To do this, he expects some day to form a partnership with King Mack, take a hand in the "wash-stand fund" graft, and on the proceeds to cultivate a "bay window" to rival that of "Thomas the Frankfurter." The HOWITZER 69

ZIMMERMAN, HARRY D. R., "Cannibal," "Zim," Colo­ rado Springs, Colo. Sergt., Actg Sergt.; Marksman; Fug of War Team (i, 2, 3); A. B. This Indian-fighting, gun-shooting, broncho-busting bad man is chiefly noted for the variegation of his summer attire. His tales of the woolly west are enough to curdle the blood of a fire-eater and he can show you the marks of many a knife-fight on his otherwise comely person. Now we do not wish to give the impression that "Zim" hasn't been a model of propriety during his sojourn at the Point. Far from it. His conduct has been most exemplary, so this is only a former record and a warning to the uninitiated that he may some day break loose.


This is not a history in the strictly tech­ nical sense of that word, but a mere retro­ spect of four years of cadet-life, and in a more particular way, a review of those four years during which " 1906" has been a class at the Military Academy. To all such reviews there must he the necessary same­ ness that is inherent in all things military; and yet, despite this sameness, there are a few things in which even a Class at the Military Academy can show distinctive traits and characteristics. In a large mea­ sure, then, our discussion shall he of those features by which we may be known from the classes that have been, are, and will be. These four years have been an epoch in our lives different from that which has gone before and from all that to come. These years have been filled with work, plenty of it; but in the intervals between The HOWITZER drills and lessons, short though they may have been, there have been formed friendships that will live 'till taps is sounded over the grave of the last member of the Class. Intimate relations have existed with other classes, and with the members of other classes; so that at the very outset we are almost at a loss to distinguish what is entirely and exclusively ours in all that has been done at the Academy since June, 1902.


We will assume that the reader has seen other class histories. We of 1906 passed through the same terrors and hardships of beast-barracks, plebe-camp, yearling riding, and second-class wave motion that come to each and even- class. Our fears and our mis­ takes were the fears and the mistakes that have been handed down The HOWITZER as the heritage of eightyclassesthat have gone before us. It is our choice, therefore, to tell you here what each year has meant to us; what have been our relations with the dispensers of the gold- lace decorations, our drill-masters and task-masters; what SfiKS^c?? lvis been our envi'ihle MR' HUMPHREYS WILL GUIDE THE PROJECTILE IN ITS FLIGHT record in athletics; and lastly, what have been our few pleasures. Our plebe year ended with the class smaller by twenty members. Many had resigned; some to accept more lucrative employment, a common reason given; some, because of nostalgia tinged with love sickness; but main- were forced to leave us by a hard-hearted Academic Board. Many of those we lost were good fellows, and we missed them all. I earling year's strup-ole with Math and Languages further depleted the Class; yet leaving those who went on furlough still more closely bound by the ties of good fellow­ ship that two years of hard work and a com iiKin longing had firmly cemented. Second class year found us a unit; no more losses were to be met with. Our studies became more technical in their character, and our THE ONLY HOME WE KNOW influence as a class YEARLING MATH FIRST SECTION

YEARLING MATH THE GOATS A GARDEN PARTY and cold, cold walks on the area. 1 hey have been, as ever, the evil that cannot be cured, and therefore must be endured. In the few pages of this history, justice cannot be done to our work in athletics; suffice it to say that in football, baseball and fencing, we have always been represented, and represented well. Each indoor meet has found us contesting for first place; we hold the tennis championship; and the Hist game of basketball ever played at the Academy was won by a 1906 class team. Our happiest moments at the Point can be summed up in the very contradictory statement that we are happiest when miles away. There has been no year without its little journey. Three times we went to Philadelphia to trail the Navy colors in the dust; a fourth trip to Princeton added no less glory to our football heroes. A cold, cold trip on the "good old ship Pegasus" brought us for a short visit The HOWITZER counted for much in Corps matters. But, this our first class year, is the year that is to culminate in the longed-for graduation. It has been a year of self-congratulation that the goal is so near, and that our four years have not been spent in vain. We feel, with a proper con­ ceit, that the classes have been more firmly bound by a Corps spirit THE PAMPERED PETS OF THE NATION since 1906 took the leadership than at any other time during our four years; and the fostering of this spirit is the charge we leave to the succeeding classes. Our relations with the Tactical Department have been most intimate. From the "dirt on the floor" to the "cobwebs on the ceiling," from the soles of our "ununiform shoes" to the "dust on the top of our dress-hats," not one inch of our equipment, clothing or habitation has been free from their inspection or their too freely expressed criticism, as found in the delinquency list. They came; they saw; they skinned. Where once their feet had trod, never more grew a first grade. In their trail was a long line of cons, busted leaves,

DRAWING THEIR FIFTY CENTS NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIX IN CAMP of thirty-two minutes to New York, when, like "gay harbingers of spring," clad in white, we flitted through March snows into Madi­ son Square Garden for the military tournament. A year later we were stranded in the Missouri mud of Camp Reillv, while acting as the Fair's "star attraction." Furlough came with leaden shoes; it went with winged feet. A hasty trip to the Metropolitan Art Museum followed a three-days' visit to Washington, where we attended the inauguration of Mr. Roosevelt. Two days at Osca- wana and four at the seashore, in the neighborhood of I often, prepared us for the practice march that came later. Here was shown the embryonic genius of the Nation's future generals. Many a chevron was won or lost by those five days of hikes, practical NINETY DEGREES IN THE SHADE

TEN MINUTES TILL PARADE tactical problems and bad grub. An afternoon and evening at the horse show, a flying visit to the Watervliet Arsenal, a sail down the harbor to Sandy Hook, and three days at Gettysburg but sped the time till happy Graduation Day. Ibis has been our work; these our pleasures. The work has been with us always; the pleasures few, short and fleeting; but the crown of our four years is at hand. To our friends, the lower classes, we entrust the honor of the dear old Corps, which we have tried to keep as bright as it has always been. Of you, we ask praise for our efforts, mercy for our faults, and a tear for our memory as the curtain falls on the last act of our Cadet life.


N the distant future, when little Runt Ardery is a brigadier I general, and John W. Gates Loughry is a senator from Indi­ ana, our grandchildren may unearth these few statistics and be interested in them. "Nav Mo>r," perhaps even now, John Maul and Mick Daley may peruse the pages with the anxious faces of evil-doers before the skin-list hoping against fate. At any rate, here the)' are, an excuse for the innumerable questions that First Classmen may remember answering last fall.

Our class Daddy is Punch Wildrick, who will be twenty-five years and eleven months old at Graduation. The Baby is Minnie Pelot, who will have reached the exact age of twenty-one on that " auspicious occasion."

Burleson is the tall man with his six feet two inches. Bartlett is the shortest. It is related of him that for six months before he took his entrance exams, he was afraid to have his top hair cut; and then he just made the requisite five feet three.

Pot Lewis tips the scales at two hundred and fifteen pounds. This makes him our heavy-weight. In comparison with him, Microbe Ardery with his paltry hundred and twelve is but a pigmy. The HOWITZER

Turning from brawn to brains, we find that the class has no very pronounced Tenthoids. Apparently most of the men voted for their wives. There were a few dissenters, however, and Finch and Pelot finally won eight followers apiece. For some unaccount­ able reason, also, two men voted for Hetnck.

Cupid Minick is our champion Dis-boner, thirty-three men having evidently seen him cleaning his room for Sunday morning inspection. Seventeen others remind us of Susan Clagett and his fondness for explanations. Maul also receives honorable" mention.

Thirty-four men vote for Bob Campbell as the Gallery-boner, par excellence. Sixteen believe that Williford's chief delight is to have an audience.

Thirteen is an unlucky number for King Chaffee, for it gives him the opprobrious title of P. S. Daley's "Saturday Evening Post" brings him a dozen followers. The remainder of the votes were well scattered. Even Goat Schultz drew one.

Loughrv's fondness for the races makes him our Sport with thirty-six heelers. Donahue, too, is the real thing as thirty-two witnesses attest.

Thirty-three believe Gillespie to be the B. J est specimen that we have. P. D. Mettler's lack of subservience has gladdened the hearts of fifteen, and he takes second place.

Who is the woodenest man?" "Why do you ask," says Loughrv, "what can be woodener than a Maul?" Twenty-seven others are of the same opinion. Fourteen prefer Fox, and twelve 82 The HOWITZER

Byrd, while eight have noticed the splinters falling off of Happy Green.

Rockwell is All-round Athlete, with forty-two of us backing him. Westover's performances in the Gym. make him the favorite of twelve, however, and ten believe Forney cannot be beaten.

Bob Campbell has the Best Opinion of Himself, according to nineteen men. Fourteen believe that Robinson expects to be a General Officer some day. Nine others have been noticing Willi- ford.

Sixteen men have mistaken Thompson's Napoleonic bearing for a Grouch. Seven object to Loughry's reserve. Others think that Fox, Parker and Converse ought to go to a good show once in awhile and liven up. Even John Maul is considered sour by a few. Yet John wins the contest for Best Natured by the small vote of thirteen. The discrepancy is easily explained. As one man puts it, "He was the grouchiest Second Class year, the jolliest the rest of the time." Mettler and Abraham are the other choices for most even tempered.

Hetrick was voted the Busiest by twenty-three, Morrow being next with thirteen ballots, and Johnson third with eight.

For ability to face about and sound off the author's exact words from the second line from the top on the left hand side of the page to the fourth line from the bottom, Ardery received an over­ whelming majority of votes forty-one in all. Eleven men, however, insist that Minnie Pelot's strict application to study should give him the title of Speck; and Robinson's History section was solid for him. The HOWITZER s^

Daley's attempts to bugle on release from quarters won for him the admiration of twenty men and the title of Spoonoid. Riley's taking way with the ladies brought him ten followers; and seven men who had been out on the Post and had heard of " Mayhew," voted for Wainw right.

Thompson, M. H., is believed by sixteen to have the greatest Aversion to Work. He had to hurry for first place here, though, as Byrd, Loughry, Schwabe and Spurgin were all pressing him hard. John Maul voted for himself.

Wainw right won in the contest for Quill, the choice of thirty of his classmates. Wildrick was a poor second with twelve followers. Ol instead wishes his vote for Morrow to count.

For B— aching, namely willingness to talk upon all occasions before Reveille or after Taps, Wilhelm and Waring tie with nineteen votes apiece. A number of men voted for Clagett because of the hole he has made in his First Sergeant's pile of explanation blanks. Eleven men consider Dickman the Spooniest. Eight are duly impressed by Wainwright in full dress and white. The remainder of the votes are scattered.

Minnie Pelot is the prettiest with twenty-one admirers. Eight think Kate Donahue should be Class Beauty. The rest of the men voted for their respective wives or for Jacob, R. H.

Fourteen ballots gave Handsome Harry MacMillan the right to keep his title. 'Forney was his only near rival. Jacob again received the scattering votes.

Westover is the Most Religious man in the class, fifty-three men voting for him. Johnson was the choice of the remainder. 84 The HOWITZER

Tow Head Brett is probably pretty Blase. Gillespie is just as bad, however, for they each get nine votes. Rockwell is next with seven. The other candidates include all the bucks from Abraham to Zimmerman.

Last but not least is the Noisy Man. Who throws stones out on the tin roof on Hallowe'en night ? Who disturbs our slumbers by rolling cannon balls down the stairs at midnight—and never gets caught? Here you have the answer—-"Warins." He tries to make us believe that it is Zimmerman, but it is no use. The votes are all for him. Yet, when we consider that both of these men live in the 12th Division, can we wonder that the Tac inspects "F" company so often after Taps ?


Our Favorites

Our Favorite Mess Hall Dish is undoubtedly "slum;" but "apple pie with," soft boiled eggs and "toast with cheese gravy" are all deservedly popular. The Best Game at the Military Academy is Football, with seventeen votes. Polo makes a good showing with fourteen. Strange to say, Fulton gets eleven votes for Most Popular Horse. Putnam and Lindsey secure five each. Eight men voted for cold water for their Drink. No eight other men could agree, so the main stay of the White Ribbon Band wins. It certainly would have taken a masterly mixer to quench the thirst of the rest of the class though. Four misguided youths, rich in chimerical equipment fund, mentioned Pol Roger, '93. But Mick Turner probably really expressed the thoughts of the majority when he said " Katie Donahue's White Seal." Twelve earnest students prefer Roget's Thesaurus to all other text books. C. Smith, "The Red B. S." and the Cambria all receive honorable mention. 86 The HOWITZER

Forty-one connoisseurs believe " Bull" to be the Best Tobacco. Handsome Dan is its only rival. The "Bull Hand-made" also wins in the contest for Best Skag with twenty-one votes. It was a dark horse and finished strong when the "High Lives" split, Philip Morris and Pall Mall being each essential to the happiness of fifteen men. Some jokers mentioned the "Valley Farm" and " Le Maison de Mon Pere," but the Murray Hill is Our Hotel a unanimous choice. Good old Murray Hill! May it ever remain so. Of all the Tacs now here, the Coldest Maxes are "The Line" and "Simple Simons," with twenty-two followers each. We want six more from the same Lodge. None will call us their Favorite Class. The P's say that we do not spend enough time with our books. The ladies claim that we do not pay enough attention to the members of their sex. They do not understand us. So we must e'en speak for ourselves. Let us admit all of their charges—that we toil not neither do we spoon, yet, perhaps we try to get the practical part of the work so that we can really do useful things at the proper time, and "When the right little girl comes along" she won't care about our lack of practice with others. Moreover, when we graduate we will go out a class which for four years has been singularly free from all internal strife. We will go out as brethren.


1 AIKEN, HKNRY C, R. Illinois 2 BELL, JOHN R., Texas ] BONNER, FLBERT W., Iowa 4 BOUOHTON, ROBERT L., Michigan 5 BROOKS, CLARENCE M., New Hampshire 6 CALVO, ARTHUR R., Costa Rica 7 COVELL, GVY S., Michigan 8 COWL, HARRY C, West Virginia g CRAFTON, DENHAM B., Missouri io CROSBY, KRLE B., Minnesota 11 DAILEY, GEOROE F. N., Iowa 12 DALTON, LEO A., New York [3 DRAIN, JESSE C, Pennsylvania 14 FREDENDALL, LLOYD R., Wyoming 15 GANOE, WILLIAM A., Pennsylvania 16 GARRISON, I). GROVER C, Illinois 17 GILL, GEORGE P., Illinois |S GRIFFITH, RICHARD, Mississippi 19 HEYDE, CHARLES F., Ohio 20 HOLMES, ROBERT W., New Hampshire 21 HOMES, MARSHALL (J., Virginia 11 HOWARD, WILLIAM A., Michigan 88 The HOWITZER

23 HYATT, HARRY H., Ohio 24 KENNERLY, CHARLES J., Tennessee 25 LANIGAN, RAYMOND A., New York 26 LAYFIELD, ERNEST L., Georgia 27 LOCKETT, JAMES M., Large 28 MACFARLANE, MALCOLM, Pennsylvania 29 MERRILL, JOHN N., Jr., Maine 30 MILLER, DANA P., West Virginia 31 NEWBERN, ST. CLAIR, North Carolina 32 OATES, WILLIAM C, Jr., Alabama 33 PARR, CHARLES MCK., Maryland 34 PECK, HERBERT C, West Virginia 35 PRICE, WESLEY W., Texas 36 RHAME, JOHN F., New York 37 Sands, ALFRED L. P., Pennsylvania 38 SAVAGE, SAMUEL W., Virginia 39 SCHULTZE, LOUIS F., New York 40 SEAGER, ROBERT A., Indiana 41 STEESE, JAMES G., Pennsylvania 42 STEVENSON, Clyde A., North Carolina 43 STRONG, DON D., Georgia 44 TERRY, CHARLES H., Missouri 45 THORPE, TRUMAN D., California 46 WATSON, EDWIN M., Virginia 47 WATSON, JAMES A., West Virginia 48 WESSELS, HENRY W., Large 49 WHEELER, WALTER R., New York 50 WHITE, ROBERT C, Missouri 51 WOLFE, THOMAS L., Georgia The HOWITZER 89


, CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN Yell Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Ray! Ray! Ray! Ray! U. S. M. A. 1907

Color Maroon



/ ^^^v

ALEXANDER, PERCY Shrevcport, Louisiana ALEXANDER, ROGER GORDON Paris, Missouri ARNOLD, HENRY HARI.EY Ardmore, Pennsylvania ,ARTHCR, ROBERT Webster, South Dakota BANE, THI;RMAN HARRISON San Francisco, California BARTI ETT, GEOFFREY Brookline, Massachusetts BOONE, ABBOTT Tyler, Texas BOOTH, LuciEM DENT Aberdeen, Mississippi BUTTI.ER, BRUCE BRADFORD New York, New York CALVO, ARTHUR ROBERT Costa Rica CASTLE, BENJAMIN FREDERIC Milwaukee, Wisconsin CHANDLER, CLARK PORTER Concord, New Hampshire CHENEY, ROBERT MERCER Athens, Georgia CHILTON, ALEXANDER WHEEI Frazee, Minnesota CHRISTY, WILLIAM CARROLL Phoenix, Arizona COLEMAN, FRED HUGHES Camden, Arkansas COLES, THOMAS LEE Cottonville, Alabama COLLINS, JAMES LAWTON New Orleans, Louisiana CRAFTON, DENHAM BOHART Plattsburg, Missouri CRUSE, FRED TAYLOR St. Louis, Missouri DAII.EY, GEORGE FREDERICK NEY Council Bluffs, Iowa DAWSON, WILEY EVANS Portsmouth, Ohio DOAK, SLOAN Taylor, Texas DRAIN, JESSE CYRI S Braddock, Pennsylvania DUSENBURY, RALPH WAYNE Mount Pleasant, Michigan EASTMAN, CLYDE LESLIE Vancouver Barracks, Washington EVERETT, GEORGE THOMAS Laurinburg, North Carolina FARIS, MELVIN GUY Barnsville, Alabama FARWELL, GEORGE WELLS Seattle, Washington GALLOGLY, JAMES ARTHUR Eugene, Oregon GANOE, WILLIAM ADDLEMAN Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania GARRISON, DAVID GROVER CLEVEI Centralia, Illinois GEARY, WILLIAM DUCACHET San Francisco, California GILLESPIE, HARRY STEVENS Detroit, Michigan GLASSBURN, ROBERT PRICE Chicago, Illinois GREEN, ROYAL KEMP St. Charles, Missouri GREER, LEWIS VANCE Beaumont, Texas GUTENSOHN, ALVIN GUSTAV Gnadhutten, Ohio HAND, ELWOOD STOKES West Cape May, New Jersey HANSON, ARTHUR WILLIAM Forest City, Iowa 92 The HOWITZER

HARRIS, CHARLES TILLMAN, Jr. Mexia, Texas HARRISON, GEORGE RICHARD Colurnbia City, Indiana HAYDEN,HERBERT Washington, District of Columbia HENRY, WILLIAM RUDICIL Rome, Georgia HILL, RAY CORSON Toledo, Ohio HOLABIRD, JOHN AUGUR Evanston, Illinois HORTON, PAUL JONES Winder, Georgia HOUSEHOLDER, EUGENE ROSS Delaware City, Delaware HOWARD, NATHANIEL LAMSON Fairfield, Iowa HUMPHREY, GILBERT EDWIN El Reno. Oklahoma Territory JAMES, STANLEY LIVINGSTON Allegheny, Pennsylvania JENKINS, JOHN LOGAN Morgantown, West Virginia KEF.I.ER, JOHN PATRICK Maryville, Missouri KIMBALL, RICHARD HUNTINGTON Meridian, Texas LANG, JOHN WALTON Pass Christian, Mississippi LARNED, PAUL ALEXANDER West Point, New York LAUBACH, JAMES HOWARD Northampton, Pennsylvania LEWIS, EVAN ELIAS Worthing, South Dakota LOTT, WARREN, Jr. Waycross, Georgia LOUNSBURY,ROBERT LEE Weston, Ohio MAISH, ALEXANDER WILLIAM Washington, District of Columbia MARLEY, JAMES PRESTON- Slayden, Texas MARTIN, WILLIAM LOGAN, Jr. Montgomery, Alabama MCCAUGHEY, WILLIAM JACKSON Macomb, Illinois MCCHORD, WILLIAM CALDWELL, Jr Lebanon, Kentucky MCLACHLAN, DONALD JAMES Pasadena, California MCNEIL, EDWIN COLYER Alexandria, Minnesota MILLER, FAUNTLEY MUSE Coal Valley, Pennsylvania MOOSE, WILLIAM LEWIS, Jr. Morrillton, Arkansas MORRISON, WILLIAM ERIC Brooklyn, New York MORRISSEY, PATRICK JOSEPH , Massachusetts MURRAY, MAXWELL Willets Point, New York O'CONNOR, JAMES ALEXANDER Seney, Michigan PALMER, IRVING JOHN Kalamazoo, Michigan PARK, RICHARD Warren, New Hampshire PATTEN, GEORGE FRANCIS San Francisco, California PFF.IL, HARRY Baltimore, Maryland PIERSON, EMU. PEHR Princeton, Illinois PORTER, HUNTER BALI Portsmouth, Virginia POTTER, WALDO CHARLES Casseltown, North Dakota PRITCHETT, EDWIN EASTMAN Boston, Massachusetts RICE, CHARLES HENRY Laramie, Wyoming RICE, ELMER FRANKLIN Fargo, North Dakota ROBINS, AUGUSTINE WARNER Richmond, Virginia ROCKWELL, LEWIS CASSIDY Glendale, Ohio ROGERS, CHARLES DUNBAR Seneca Falls, New York ROGERS, NATHANIEL PENDLETON, Jr. Plainfield, New Jersey The HOWITZER 93

ROSE, JOHN BOURSIQCOT Warrentown, Virginia RUTHERFORD, HARRY KENNETH Waddington, New York SANTSCHI, EUGENF, Jr. Salt Lake City, Utah SCOFIELD, SETH WILLIAM Stamford, Connecticut SEI.BIE, WILLIAM ELIOT Dead wood, South Dakota SHEDD, WILLIAM EDGAR, Jr. Danville, Illinois SNYDER, FREDERICK STORY Elmhurst, New York SOMERS, RICHARD HERBERT Monroeville, New Jersey SPENCER, THOMAS CHARLES Wewahitchka, Florida STAVER, ROY BOGGESS Chicago, Illinois STEF.SE, JAMES GORDON Harrisburg, Pennsylvania SULLIVAN, JOHN STEPHEN- Lake Charles, Louisiana SULTAN, DANIEL ISOM Oxford, Mississippi TAYLOR, JAMES GILBERT Bellfonte, Pennsylvania TEALL, EDWARD HALL Little Falls, New York THORPE, TRUMAN DARBY Sacramento, California WADSWORTH, LELAND, Jr. Amsterdam, New York WAGNER, HAYDEN WAITE De Kalb, Illinois WATKINS, LEWIS HAYES Franklin, Tennessee WATSON, HENRY LEE . New York, New York WHEELER, WALKER RAYMOND Oswego, New York WHITE, CHARLES HENRY Taunton, Massachusetts WILDE, JOHN WALKER Hazleton, Pennsylvania WILDER, THROOP MARTIN Auburn, New York WYMAN, CHARLES LLOYD Painesville, Ohio YOUNT, BARTON KYLE Troy, Ohio BOUT midday of June 15, [903, there wab­ A bled through the east sally-port, a most ignorant and expectant lot of pilgrims. I his was " us." To epitomize the sixty-two calibre idea that we had formulated concern­ ing the Utopian gardens of West Point, were vain. Suffice it, that we thought we had reached the haven of our hopes, and from then on, life was to take on a permanent tint of lavender and iris. Delightful dream! But no sleep is without its own particular reveille. For a whole year past, the little Podunks throughout the United States had buzzed at intervals with the news that "the son of one of our most prominent citizens," who had "graduated at the very top of his class," was going to West Point to "prepare for the Engineers." Buoyed up by this Elysian idea, we decided that we would not hide our light under a bushel, and prayed to be delivered from the sin of arrogance. But when the voluble thunder of Windy Jim sounded from the poop-deck, "You're a soldier now, Mr. Hill," we discarded the bushel idea and began looking around for a pint measure. Our prayers, too, were answered by a ministering spirit in the form of the yearling corp, who fulfilled his mission with such effect that there was no more successful arroganting done until the next June—for when a yearling corp fastens on to a plebe, it has to thunder before he loosens. And so, thus, poor luckless Sinbads, we started on our journey with our Old Men of the Sea. The HOWITZER 95

Beasts we truly were — for civilized man in all his broad­ cloth was not dis­ jointed like one of these. Here we were told, "Accuse not nature; she hath done her part. Do thou thine." NOT QUITE WARM ENOUGH The Com. had seen one or two classes enter, so he lent his minions to the occasion and Nature did not toil alone. Too soon we learned the intricacies of the worship of the great god, Drill; under the spreading doughnut trees we made Python himself envious by our sinuous contortions. But after an aeon or two, we did move to camp. First relief. Let us draw the proverbial curtain before the tortures we under­ went, with only one day of respite—the day the Juliets arrived. For then it was that we learned what prosperous things are the outcome of small beginnings; then we had a comfortable, cozy feeling with ourselves because there were beings in grey, more wooden, more depraved, more gross than ourselves. And now to barracks, "tho' sleep I shan't, I fear." It wasn't many days later that we might have been found, pointer in hand, facing an in­ structor and telling him in a dazed sort of way that we were required to prove something. Often we really didn't know exactly what MOST ARDUOUS AND IMPORTANT DUTY J 96 The HOWITZER we were to prove, and in general were at a loss as to the proper way of going about the proving of something we knew we were not going to prove. Bitter experience taught us that ceaseless spec and the alarm clock are essential accessories to the real tenthy tenth. Thus many a morning in grim December (temperature C)° C), we murmured drowsily the words of the poet, "O, sleep, it is a gentle thing." However, the pernicious habit of "beating down the dawn," didn't cling to us so closely that we could not give it the sign of the hot potato when we hied us to St. Louis. Dear old St. Louis!


What a glorious prologue to yearling camp! For, coming back, we shed our plebe skins, plastered with Missouri, allowed 1904 to graduate, 1906 to go on furlough (this merely by sufferance), and burst by main Forse into camp with a noise as of something falling. Yearling camp was a copy of all the yearling camps that have been since the nucleus of protoplasm was a plebe. The heathen in his blindness bows down to wood and stone, but the yearling to the Baals of Music, Spooning, Tennis, Hops, and a dozen others. This DR. KOEHLER'S SPRING TONIC GOOD FOR FURLOUGH MEN is his work. So for recreation he rides, drills, and eats pie at P. M. E. One night in early summer he goes to bed, and the next morning it is September, and he has started a line of boning that makes his plebe course look like a saunter down Easy Street. But little is remembered of our yearling year. It is a chaos of Descrip, Conies, Calcule and "what not," as the Drawing De­ partment says. We obeyed implicitly throughout the year the old command, "Give not sleep to thine eyes or slumber to thine eye­ lids." Yes, we watched many moons become full and sober again only to tantalize our eagerness for that merry time which the pro­ phets call Furlough. Although we did gallop through the year like a cavalry plug on a practice march, still it took several decades of umbras and penumbras for June to finally come. Second relief! 98 'The HOWITZER

Merry, maddening, soul-stirring June! Thirteen days of ninety- two hours each and then- oblivion! Whenever any want-to-be-nice sort of fellow would so far forget himself as to mention West Point during the summer, we would adjust our monocle and say, "West Point ? Rully, d'y' know I think I've heard that name somewhere, but I cahn't place it. Is that the place where—?" and that gener­ ally silenced him.

AUGUST 28. 1905

Only a few days of unusual brilliance—then the stars went out. Great shovels of mud! This is the Murray Hill again. Ask a yearling, "What is August 28 ?" he will smile cynically and want to know what more than usually ghastly thing you are talking about. Ask a second-classman, he will smile reminiscently and want to know—nothing; for he^knows. CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHT The HOWITZER 99


At present we are engaged in getting physical conceptions. Give us time and the proper data, and we can get a physical concep­ tion of anything from a momental ellipsoid to the General Belknap. As far as the former is concerned, we have found that it resembles nothing so much as an Edam cheese. We Draw lines—draw lines—draw lines! Draw something—draw something! Work- work! Ad infinitum. Still, in the dim, dim distance, we think we see a small knot-hole about the size of a molecule, which lets in a ray of light, as yet opaque—a light called Graduation— our third relief. Finis. VV^'I'/'///,

Yell Ou!—Rah!—Rah!—Rah! U. S. M. A. 1908—Eight! Eight!

Color Dark Blue


Athletic Representative ENOCH BARTON GAREY

^^*- X ICLA

Fowler, California ATKISSOM, EARL JAMES Manchester, New Hampshire AVERY, RAY LONGFELLOW Jefferson Barracks, Missouri AYRES, HENRY FAIRFAX Benton Harbor, Michigan BAILEY, AGARD HYDE Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania BAIRD, CLAIR WARREN Bridgeport, Connecticut BAKER, LESTER DAVID Astoria, Oregon BARKER, FREDERICK- AMBROSE Brooklyn, New York BEAVERS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, J Plattsburg, New York BO.NESTEEL, CHARLES HARTWEI.I. Trumansburg, New York BOUTON, ARTHUR EDWARD Columbia, South Carolina BOWEN, GEORGE CLEVELAND Jackson, Minnesota BROWN, JOHN KIMBALL Rio, Kentucky BltCKNER, SIMON BOLIVAR, Jr. Pawling, New York BURNS, JAMES HENRY Chaney, Maryland CHANEY, |AMES EUGENE Tacoma, Washington COINER, RICHARD TIDE Cjuincy, Missouri COTTON, ROBERT CHRISTIE Ogden, Utah COULTER, HALVOR GEIGUS Decatur, Illinois CREA, HARRY BOWERS Athens, Ohio CULLUM, ERNEST GROVE Glendive, Montana CI MMINS, RICHARD EDGAR Gloucester, Massachusetts CUNNINGHAM, JAMES HI T< -HINGS New York, New York CCRRY, JOHN FRANCIS Clarksdale, Mississippi CUTRER, EMILE VICTOR Wilson, North Carolina DEANS, ALLISON BARNES, Jr. Placjuemine, Louisiana DESOBRY, ELMER CUTHBERT Springfield, Massachusetts DICKINSON, OLIVER ANDREWS Whitewater, Wisconsin DIXON, BLAINE ANDREW Paducah, Kentucky DONOVAN, RICHARD , New York DOUGHERTY, LOUIS ROBERTS San Francisco, California DOUGHERTY, ROBERT STARRS ALOY Chicago, Illinois DRENNAN, LEONARD H. Cedar Falls, Iowa DUNN, WILLIAM EUGENE , Kansas EDGERTON, GLEN EDGAR Ulvalde, Texas ELLIS, OLIN OGLESBY Burlington, Vermont ELTING, STEWART OSCAR Chapman, Kansas ERWIN, WILLIAM WALTER San Francisco, California EVERTS, EDWARD ALOYSIUS Bucyrus, Ohio FITZMAURICE, WILLIAM JAY San Francisco, California FLETCHER, ROBERT HOWE, Jr. 102 The HOWITZER

GAREY, ENOCH BARTON Denton, Maryland GARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY, Jr. Brooklyn, New York GEIGER, HAROLD East Orange, New Jersey GLOVER, GEORGE BARRETT, Jr. Haddonfield, New Jersey GOETHALS, GEORGE RODMAN- Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts GORDON, PHILIP West Point, New York GOTTSCHALK, TELESPHOR GEORGE Milwaukee, Wisconsin GRISEI.L, ELBERT LYNN Pennville, Indiana GRONINGER, HOMER MCLAUGHLIN- Port Royal, Pennsylvania HALL, CHARLES LACY Princeton, New Jersey HALL, HENRY WALLACE Huntsville, Alabama HANLON, ARTHUR JAMES Canaan, Connecticut HARTMAN, CHARLES DUDLEY Brookhaven, Mississippi HAYES, EDWARD SEERY Waterbury, Connecticut HAZLEHURST, LEIGHTON WILSON, | Memphis, Tennessee HESTER, JOHN HUTCHISON Albany, Georgia HICKAM, HORACE MEEK Spencer, Indiana HIGLEY, HARVEY DOUGLAS Cedar Rapids, Iowa HILL, ROY ALISON Lawrence, Kansas HOBLEY, ALFRED HAROLD New York, New York HUGHES, EVERETT STRAIT Mankato, Minnesota JACKSON,CHARLES SHATTUCK Parkersburg, West Virginia JACOBS, WEST CHUTE . Berkeley, California JAMES, ALEXANDER LONG, Jr. Laurinburg, North Carolina JARMAN,SANDERFORD Monroe, Louisiana JOHNSON, THOMAS JEFFERSON Henderson. Kentucky KENNEDY, JOHN THOMAS Orangeburg, South Carolina LAMME, CLINTON EDWIN Bozeman, Montana LONERGAN, THOMAS CLEMENT St. Louis, Missouri LOUSTALOT, ALBERT LAWRENCE Franklin, Louisiana LYKES, GIBBES Lykesland, South Carolina LYON, JAMES WILBUR Newark, New Jersey MARKS, YOUIR MONTEFIORE Boise, Idaho MARSHALL, GILBERT New Orleans, Louisiana MATILE, GEORGE AUGUSTE Washington, District of Columbia MCINTOSH, LAWRENCE WRIGHT Gardner, Massachusetts MEREDITH, OWEN RALPH O'Neill, Nebraska MILLER, EDGAR SIMPSON Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MUHLENBERG, HENRY CLINTON KR Lancaster, Pennsylvania MUNCASTER, JOHN HAROLD Charleston, Soutli Carolina NEWMAN, RICHARD DAVID New York, New York NULSEN, CHARLES KM.BOURNE Greenville, Mississippi OAKES, CARL COGSWELL Lisbon, New Hampshire O'BRIEN, ROBERT EMMETT Lawrenceburg, Indiana OSTERHOLT, GEORGE HOWARD, JL Gardiner, Maine PARROTT, ROGER SHEFFIELD Dayton, Ohio PENDLETON, LOUIS LINDSAY Lebanon, Tennessee The HOWITZER 103

PETERSON, VIRGIL LEE Campbellsville, Kentucky PEYTON, JOHN RANDOLPH St. Francis, Florida PUTNEY, EDWARD WILLIS Milford, Connecticut RICKER, LAWRENCE CAMPBELL Cherryfield, Maine RODGERS, ROBERT CLIVE Washington, Pennsylvania ROHRER, GUY NEWTON Elkhart, Indiana SAGE, WILLIAM HAMPDEN, Jr. Boston, Massachusetts SCHULZ, JOHN WESLEY NIESZ Wheeling, West Virginia SHEPHARD, CHESTER AMOS Duluth, Minnesota SHIVERICK, NATHAN CRARY Omaha, Nebraska SLAUGHTER, HOMER HAVRON Hickmans Mills, Missouri SMITH, RODNEY HIRAM Jamestown, New York SMITH, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Jr. Bowling Green, Kentucky SNEED, ALBERT LEE Fayettcville, Arkansas SPENCER, THEODORE KENDALL Chelsea, Massachusetts STOCKTON, EDWARD ALEXANDER, J Philadelphia, Pennsylvania STURDEVANT, CLARENCE LYNN Neillsville, Wisconsin SUMNER, EDWIN VOSE Milton, Massachusetts SWARD, FRANCIS JONES LuDWICK Axtell, Nebraska TERRT, THOMAS ALEXANDER Abbeville, Alabama WATSON, EDWIN MARTIN- Martinsville, Virginia WEAVER, WALTER REED Governors Island, New York WEEKS, HENRY JOHN Guthrie Center, Iowa WHITLEY, FRANKLIN LAM I KY St. Louis, Missouri WII.BOURN, ARTHUR EARL Lexington, Virginia WILLIAMS, JAMES CLIFFORD Anniston, Alabama WILLIAMS, StJMNER MCBEE Greenville, South Carolina WILSON, EMMET CHEATHAM Savannah, Georgia WOODBURY, EDWARD NICHOLL Middlesboro, Kentucky BO JwtUVi,


ATERIAL for a class history is as plentiful as the L.Ps. at a yearling hop; so plentiful, indeed, that the diffi­ culty of being brief might aptly be compared to the impossibility of recounting the good deeds of a tac. As plebes of the age of Pechols, the class of 1908 did even more than was expected of it. With four men in the Navy game, first honors in the indoor meet, not to speak of our baseball talent, our plebe year was certainly one to be proud of. It was on the fourteenth day of June, 1905, that the waters of Hades solidified and the class of 1908, or rather that portion of it spared by the furies of the Math Department, was led out of bon­ dage and into the beautiful valley of yearling camp! Yearling camp! Yearlings say there was nothing like it—so do the plebes. Even the infant Napoleons—(or should I say Na­ poleonic infants ?)—enjoyed themselves, and many were the vic­ tories won by these masters of the endorsing art, and many were the tours and cons awarded in commemoration thereof. Here it was also that our "Rip Van Winkle" came to grief, and here also two of our number trespassed on the sacred dignity of plebedom and suffered the punishment that was "swift and sure." Our military routine was as thorough as it was strenuous. As usual, reveille was sounded shortly after taps. Breakfast was followed by a most interesting infantry drill in the theory of The HOWITZER 105 halting at command or "as soon thereafter as practicable." Lindsay, indicating the step, always added to the military dignity of these formations. As a place of torture the riding hall was in a class by itself. There it was that Methuse with his deep soprano voice brought trouble and sorrows to the heart (?) of the comfortable yearling by that cruel cry, "Lean back! Lean back!" At West Point, everything that is taught is taught from the

PRIDE GOETH BEFORE DESTRUCTION bottom up, and this was particularly true of instruction at the target range. In the capacity of a scorer the yearling was accustomed as far as possible to the discharge of a gun. Then after having learned to control his emotions at seeing a tac call a 5 and make a miss, he was sent to the butts—there to learn the dangers of being under fire. Towards the end of camp he shot his marksman score. Some achieved greatness, others escaped reproach, while the least com­ mendable scores were duly posted on the skin list. 106 The HOWITZER

In spite of the fact that their favorite haunts had been sprinkled with petroleum, the L. P. and the mosquito were as numerous as ever—and joss sticks were quite the fad. On concert nights these diminutive torches flickering here and there over the Parade, indi­ cated where Cupid, victorious over Mars, whispered his terms of truce.


Without doubt the most notable event of our camp was the march of the 300—officially the " Practice March." A strange fact noted was that the tribes through whose country we passed were equally friendly to either side. Our methods of fighting were most humane. The feminine population was first pacified by offerings of bell buttons, hearts and other trinkets. This accomplished, our work was practically The HOWITZER 107 completed. We would then pitch camp and proceed to demonstrate our proficiency in the domestic sciences—cooking, eating, and spoon­ ing, while the admiring natives looked on and nodded their approval. Back to barracks again on the 26th. The furlough-men re­ turned on the 28th with a sour-grape taste in their mouths, voicing the sentiment that furlough is a delusion and a snare. On the first

NEVER AGAIN IN YEARLING CAMP of September we made the acquaintance of C. Smith as a 3-dimen- sional monster. But the class met the issue as David met Goliath and came out of the struggle without the loss of a single man. With Descrip we were almost as fortunate, and put up such a bluff that the Math. Dept. took to fright and threatened to recall Pechols from exile. The first of November found us fasting like good Christians at dinner time, for the purpose of doing justice to the tan bark later in WINTER SCENES the day. It was about this time that we learned that Christmas was the last stopping place on the long journey to furlough. A few of our number left us here to take a later train; still another group of misguided individuals were denied even this privilege. The rest are still travelling. Occasionally the victim of a mess-hall rarebit reaches his destination shortly after taps, only to be brought back again with a thud, a shiver and an improper expression at reveille. But we are all patient, and when that joyous "tacless" season of furlough really comes it will find us none the worse for our two years suffering, and well prepared and ever ready to drink to the honor and glory of West Point and the Class of 1908. s kit 1 i <*; J i m.•H 1 lfc-» 9¥H •JPJk


Color Gold

Hop Managers Not yet elected

Athletic Representative RONALD DE VORE JOHNSON

ACHER, ALBERT HILANDS Grove City, Pennsylvania AHERN, LEO JAMES Chicago, Illinois ANDERSON, WILLIAM HARRISON Bellair, Ohio BAEHR, CARL ADOLPH Minneapolis, Minnesota BARNETT, CHESTER PIERSOL Indianapolis, Indiana BEACH, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS New Albany, Indiana BEARDSLEE, NORTON MEADE Canton, Pennsylvania BEERE, DONALD MEREDITH Denver, Colorado BESSON, FRANK SCHAEFER Ambler, Pennsylvania BLUEMEL, CLIFFORD Trenton, New Jersey BOWEN, THOMAS SOUTH Frankfort, Kentucky BOYLE, FRANCIS Auburn, New York BRICE, JAMES ALEXANDER, Jr. Winnsboro, South Carolina BRISCOE, NORMAN BUTLER Front Royal, Virginia CATRON, THOMAS Santa Fe, New Mexico CARROL, PHILIP H. Grand Rapids, Michigan CHASE, THEODORE MOSHER Washington, District of Columbia CHEN, TING CHIA Nan Hai, China CHAPMAN, CARI.ETON GEORGE Macon, Georgia CHIPMAN, GUY WOODMAN Falmouth, Kentucky COCHRANE, GEORGE JOSEPH Buffalo, New York COLES, ROY HOWARD Warren, Indiana COLLEY, ARCHIBALD TOOMBS Washington, Georgia CRISSY, DANA HAROLD Oskaloosa, Iowa DANCE, DRDRT Trenton, Tennessee DAVIS, LEE DUNNINGTON Reisterstown, Marvland DELANO, FRANCIS GREASON Ironton, Missouri DENSON, EI.EY PARKER High Point, North Carolina DIVERS, JACOB LOUCKS York, Pennsylvania DONALDSON, ROBERT STANLEY Chicago, Illinois DONIAT, FRANZ AUGUST Chicago, Illinois DONOVAN, JOSEPH FRANCIS New York, New York DORSEY, ERASTUS ROY Atlanta, Georgia DUEHN, CARL OSCAR Clements, Kansas DUNSWORTH, JAMES LEO Carrollton, Illinois Urbana, Ohio ElCHELBERGER, ROBERT LAWRENC Huntington, West Virginia EMMONS, DELOS CARLETON Hoboken, New Jersey ERLENKOTTER, HERMAN 110 The HOWITZER

FARKAN, ELBERT ELI, Jr. Warsaw, New York FISH, CAMERON Chicago, Illinois FIT/.PATRICK, FELIX TRUEHEART Mount Pleasant, Texas FLETCHER, HARVEY HENRY Providence, Rhode Island FORD, LOUIS PHILIP Knoxville, Tennessee FOSSES, WALTER ED WIN Monterides, Minnesota FRANKLIN, ELKIN LELANO McKinney, Texas FULLER, HORACE HAYES Fort Meade, South Dakota GAGE, PHILIP STEARNS Detroit, Michigan GEE, CLEVELAND C. Montpelier, Idaho GLEEK, LEWIS EDWARD Joliet, Illinois GODFREY, STUART CHAPIN Milford, Massachusetts GOETZ, ROBERT CHARLES FREDERICK Cape Girardau, Missouri GREBLE, EDWIN ST. JOHN, Jr. Governors Island, New York HACKETT, CHARLES FORD, Jr. Parker, South Dakota HANNA, FREDERICK Detroit, Michigan HARDING, EDWIN FORREST Franklin, Ohio HARRINGTON, FRANCIS CLARK- Bristol, Virginia HAYES, PHILIP Grand Forks, North Dakota HERKNESS, LINDSAY COATES Philadelphia, Pennsvlvania HICKEY, JOHN CHRISTOPHER New York, New York HICKOK, MONTE JACKSON Aurora, Missouri HILL, JAMES ROWLAND Sheridan, Wyoming HOBSON, WALTER EVANS Somerville, Tennessee HUGHE*, THRUSTON Louisville, Kentuckv Hii.F.N, HARRY Gainesville, Texas HUNTER, FRANCIS ROBERT Racine, Wisconsin JENNINGS, ROBERT E. Rochester, New York JOHNSON, RONALD DE VORE Portland, Oregon JONES, LLOYD GEORGE Joliet, Illinois JONES, THOMAS GOODE, Jr. Montgomery, Alabama KELLY, EDWARD LUKE Washington, District of Columbia KROGSTAD, ARNOLD NORMAN- Lannebor, Minnesota LEE, JOHN CLIFFORD HODGES Junction City, Kansas LYMAN, ALBERT KUALII BRICKWOOI Hilo, Hawaii MALVEN, HENRY HORACE, Jr. Port Jervis, New York MARKS, EDWIN HALL Wilmington, Deleware MATHESON, JOHN ROY DOUGLAS Billings, Montana MATHUES, WILLIAM FRANKLIN Media, Pennsylvania MCCLELLAND, GUY WILLIAM Berlin, Wisconsin MCDOWELL, JOHN MAY Altoona, Pennsylvania MCGEE, HUGH HENRY Minneapolis, Minnesota MCNABB, THOMAS HENRY New York, New York MCNEAL, JOSEPH WILLIAM Iberia, Ohio MEYERS, CHARLES BARTELL Kewaunee, Wisconsin MILLING, THOMAS DE WITT Franklin, Louisiana The HOWITZER ill

MILLS, CHESTER PADDOCK West Point, New York MINER, HAROLD EARL Owosso, Michigan MITCHELL, MANTON CAMPBEI I Providence, Rhode Island Moss, WENTWORTH H. Payette, Idaho MOORE, LAWSON Spokane, Washington MORROW, JOSEPH CALDWELL, | . Pittsburg, Pennsylvania MOUNTFORD, FREDERICK ARTHI R East Liverpool, Ohio MUNNIKHUYSEN, HENRY DORSEY FARNA Belair, Maryland NIX, RAPHAEL ROBERT New Orleans, Louisiana NORTH, EARL Lapeer, Michigan OI.DEIEI.D, HOMER RAY Humeston, Iowa ORD, JAMES GARESCHE Berkeley, California PARKER, ROBERT BITI.ER Lowell, Massachusetts PARTRIDGE, CLARENCE EDWARD Fannington, Maine PATTEN, GEORGE SMITH, Jr. San Gabriel, California PAXTON, JOHN K. Walla Walla, Washington PENDLETON, WILLIAM ARMISTEAI South Boston, Virginia PEREGO, FORDYCE LA DUE Chicago, Illinois PHILOON, WALLACE COPELAND Auburn, Maine PILLANS, HARRY TORREY Mobile, Alabama PLASSMF.YF.R, JOSEPH, Jr. Westphalia, Missouri PLAZA, FTINTOS TOMAS Guay-a-quil, Ecuador PRICK, WILLIAM HERBERT Florence, South Carolina PRITCHARD, GEORGE MOORE Asheville, North Carolina PURDON, FRANK LEROY Nahpenton, North Dakota REED, WILLIAM ALLISON Murfreesboro, Tennessee RICHARDSON, CHARLES TODD Marianna, Florida ROLB, WALTER BROWNING St. Paul, Minnesota ROBERTS, CAESAR RODNEY Denver, Colorado ROBERTS, WARDER HIGGINS Murphysboro, Illinois ROSSELL, WILLIAM TRENT New Brighton, New York ROWE, IRVING ARNOLD Troy, New York RUMBOUGH,STANLEY MADDOX Washington, District of Columbia SCHII.LERSTROM, MERE PAUL Elko, Nevada SCOWDEN, FRANK FLOYD Ravena, New York SEARS, ROBERT NAPOLEON Portland, Oregon SIMPSON, WILLIAM HOOD Weatherford, Texas SMITH, ARMINE NAYS . . Cumberland, Marvland SMITH, RAYMOND DURNO Governors Island, New York STEARNS, CUTHIIERT POWELL Denver, Colorado STOKELY, CARLIN CURTIS Dubuque, Iowa TAYLOR, CHARLES JOEL Buffalo, Wyoming TAYLOR, HERBERT LE ROY Gainesville, Florida TEAGUE, FREDERICK NEEDEN Montgomery, Alabama THOMPSON, RAYMOND LUCE Kingston, New Jersey THUMMEL, CLAUDE B. Manhattan, Kansas 112 The HOWITZER

TILLSON, JOHN CHARLES FREMONT Fort Thomas, Kentucky TULL, ISAAC NARING Morgantown, North Carolina UNDERWOOD, ARTHUR RUTLEDGE Bowling Green, Kentucky VAN DEUSEN, EDWIN RUSSELL Westfield, Massachusetts VAN DEUSEN, GEORGE LANE Lodi, New Jersey VOGT, WILLIAM F'RED CARL Pender, Nebraska WALDRON, ARTHUR WILSON Portland, Maine WALSH, JAMES LAWRENCE Boston, Massachusetts WEATHERS, LELAND STANFORD Reno, Nevada WEAVER, HARRY GIFFORD Memville, Tennessee WEN, YING TSING Lan Chon, China WENTZEL, JOHN ZINN Delhi, Ohio WILKES, GILBERT VAN BUREN Washington, Kentucky WILLIAMS, ROGERS HOWERD Omaha, Nebraska WILLING, RICHARD E. Ashtabula, Ohio WII.MER, JOHN WIRT La Plata, Maryland WILSON, DURWARD SAUNDERS Greenville, North Carolina WRIGHT, JOHN MARVIN Kennedy, Ohio WHITAKER, WILLIAM COOPER F'rederich, Deleware

I % }. HE Class of 1909 came into existence on June 15, 1905, when most of its members reported at the Administra­ tion Building. Guess we all remember that beautiful morning. Everything was so quiet and peaceful— until we passed through the east sally-port. We were marching along in column of twos, under the guidance of an orderly, observing the barracks which were to be our homes for four years— more or less—when we noticed a couple of yearling corps bearing down upon us. One of them said to the orderly, "Eet me have them." He got us all right. That was the opening gun; guess they won't cease firing till June 12, 1906. They took a great deal of interest in us right from the start, especially with regard to our set-up. After numerous trips to the Cadet store, double timing both ways, up and down three flights of stairs in our own or some other division, we finally got enough furniture and clothes to set up house­ keeping— three in a room. We thought we were West Pointers sure when we got into cadet gray, even if it was only gray shirts and gym trousers; but when we found that we had to tack on a "Sir" to every sentence, and throw in a few for good measure, and even had to ask permission to ask a question, we finally came to believe that we were not such an important part of the Corps after all. * s

JUNE 15, 1905

Dinner on the 15th was the first meal at West Point for most of us; and after working pretty hard since reporting in the morning, we naturally looked forward to it with much pleasure. The first thing that most of us did was to take a good look at the place where we were going to eat for the next four or five years. We didn't get much of a look, though, as several upper classmen informed each of us that our field of observation would be confined to the collar of the man in front. When we got to our seats, and the details for gunner, and for milk and tea corporals were announced, we learned what "pred" meant, and were given for P. C. S's the most inspiring and interesting of occupations. We soon learned to keep our eyes on the table except when the O. C. was around. The HOWITZER 115

After a week or so devoted to facings and side-steppings, we drew our rifles. We thought we were soldiers surely now; but the charm soon wore off when we were marched out daily, equipped with cosmic oil, and instructed in the noble art of gun-cleaning. Besides numberless drills of every sort and kind, we were in­ structed daily in the scientific use of the b—ache; and given lectures quite as often on the mysteries of the Blue Book and the Articles of War. It added greatly to our peace of mind to learn that we could

MORTAR DRILL be shot or otherwise more severely punished for every offense from smoking a skag to playing poker after taps. On the Fourth of July we listened to a very inspiring oration, and thought what a fine thing it was to be able to drag in our chins in defense of the Nation. But we had little time to ruminate over this, for two days later we packed our duds, turned our backs on beast barracks, and marched boldly over to the unknown terrors of plebe camp. ri6 The HOWITZER

We were told that we would have much more time to ourselves in camp—all the afternoons and evenings,—so most of us were glad to go, although some of us had a lurking suspicion that our official privileges differed greatly from our unofficial. In barracks we had certain prescribed hours for everything, even gun-cleaning; and a short time to take it easy between drills was even allowed us; but in camp, it seemed to be a heinous crime to be found not at work on our equipment during all of that "spare" time. Where we used to have a few Corps gently correcting us, we now had, in every upper classman, a self-appointed instructor in all matters, even the

C" COMPANY PLEBES most trivial. We learned that our habitual gait was to be the D. T., that our guns would not be clean until August 28, and that tattoo was not the time to get out our cots and forget our troubles in the gentle arms of Morpheus. Two days after we landed in camp, we had our first Saturday inspection; and were pleasantly surprised to find that, in the eyes of the Tac at least, our belts were not "slimy," and our guns were not "all over red rust." That same evening we watched (by order) a little band of heroes from among our number march on guard. We eagerly sought information from them next day as to how it The HOWITZER 117 felt to be responsible for the safety of the U. S. C. C. Their reports were quite reassuring. Sooner or later, we all got our chance at it, and learned what to do if the Mary Powell, the Queen of Sheba, a femme, or a battery of artillery came on our post, simultaneously or otherwise. Then came that memorable five-days' hike known as the Practice March, though it was never quite obvious whether it was intended to give practice to the football squad or to the unfortunate mortals who were to walk the area during the next few months. On the first day out, a bee hive was discovered in the rear of C Co.'s

GUARD MOUNTING IN stacks, and a few enterprising individuals who opened fire on it with rocks sustained a stinging defeat. When we stopped at Fish- kill Village on Sunday, we made the acquaintance of all the charming young ladies in the town. (Absences at taps were frequent about this time.) It was while we were here that the Dutch Reformed Church sent an invitation to the Corps to attend evening services, and Captain Stewart gave orders that fifteen men be detailed from D Co. to accept the invitation. In accordance with instructions from the First Sergeant, fifteen plebes were seen solemnly filing into the church that night. They constituted about 99.5 per cent of the Corps' representation. After five days of these forced marches, TURN OUT THE GUARD!—THE OFFICER OF THE DAY! enlivened by those delectable soirees, known to the T. D. as "tactical problems," we hit West Point again on the 23d. The old cadet mess never looked so good as when we marched in that day; for prunes and "goo" had come to be esteemed as great deli­ cacies, and blue mud a genuine treat during the preceding week; even slum and hash gained a temporary foothold in popular favor. Three days after our return, we struck tents, and, amid shouts of "never again!" plebe camp came to an end. With tears (?) in our eyes, we marched away from the spot where we had spent so many summer evenings, and established ourselves in barracks once more. We found the latter less disagreeable than they had been The HOWITZER 119 two months before, although the furlough men received us warmly, and obliged us to sound off our almost forgotten preds, P. C. S's, and so forth. In addition, we were required to spec the second class from alpha to omega. All our former hardships and tribulations were effaced from our remembrance when once we started in with the mysterious C. Smith and the formidable Big Green B. S. By the time of the first general transfer, we had learned that if (B-4)^=oo, it may be clearly shewn that Mr. Ducrot, B. J. approaches zero as a limit; and a Fourth Class Christmas leave begins to loom up large and strong. At the general transfer, it rather surprised us when the man who had been "through definite integrals and infinitesimal analysis" hit the goats, while he who had "had some solid geometry" came out in the first section. But it is the unexpected that always happens, and no man can tell what the morrow will bring forth. We feel © assured, though, that the future holds nothing but glory for the Class of 1909.



Officers for 1906 President Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. HOWZE

Vice-President Captain THOMAS FRANKLIN Treasurer Captain W. R. SMITH Secretary Captain F. W. COK Representative for Football Captain P. E. PlERCE Representative for General Athletics Captain H. J. Koehler Representative for Baseball Captain L. BROWN

Cadet Athletic Council

Representative for 1906 ..... HAROLD S. HETRICK

Representative for 1907 BENJAMIN F. CASTLE

Representative for 1908 ENOCH B. GAREY

Representative for 1909 RONALD D. JOHNSON

Captain Football Team ALEXANDER G. GILLESPIE

Captain Baseball Team CHARLES K. ROCKWELL

Captain Fencing Team FOREST E. WILLIFORD /m**f The HOWITZER 123

HE Army Athletic Association was formed in 1901 for the purpose of encouraging athletics at the Military Academy. Its influence has T spread throughout the service in a remarkable manner. This is indicated in no better way than by the fact that it receives contributions for its support from members in all parts of the world including Alaska and South Africa. The amount contributed during the past season was over $13,000. This money is used in the support of tennis, baseball, hockey, basketball, indoor and outdoor meets, and the encouraging of athletics in general at the Academy. An annual report is published by the Association and sent to all mem­ bers. This report is a valuable history of athletics at the Military Academy during the season which it records. By means of this report and various circulars issued during the year, the members of the Association are kept in close touch with athletic affairs at the institution. The membership is now more than 1600. FOOTBALL* / SEAS©M ©F {£p M

AST year's football season was not one of great probabilities when we entered upon it in September. The team had lost heavily in good L players and found no hope of filling their positions from the new class. Hammond, Graves, Tipton, Seagraves, Prince, and Doe were gone. We were fortunate in securing Graves' return as a coach. He arrived early in September and turned out the material to look it over. About ninety men appeared on the field, attracted by the possibility of a position on the team which had been so badly depleted. A week or two of fundamentals wore off the glamour of it, and the squad dwindled to about fifty men. Boyers arrived to take charge of the season's work, and Daly came to help him. The squad was organized and put into the harness, the traces of which were not to slacken till the Navy was beaten. The superior players soon developed. Wilhelm took Hammond's place at left end. Erwin succeeded Doe at left tackle. Abraham filled the place left vacant by Tipton, Christy took Seagrave's place, and held it without a single substitute the whole season. Beavers succeeded Prince at left half. A few days of ragged practice and the team lined up against Tufts to try itself. It won. The team displayed some of the old Army form. An­ other week's practice and Colgate was defeated by the score of 18 to 6. They could not stop our line plunges, and the wide end runs became excellent ground gainers. We decided to put in a week of the hardest practice to get ready to meet Harvard and Yale. Nobody suspected the Virginia game of being as much as a scrub game. The day before the game we had a grinding line-up. Erwin, Weeks, and Beavers were put on the injured list; Wilhelm was already hurt; Abraham was put in bad condition. Virginia brought a thoroughly- The HOWITZER 125 conditioned team of old and experienced players who played their best game. West Point played in a listless, devil-may-care sort of a way, and showed the result of the week's overwork. We were whipped 16 to 6. The Army supporters, except the corps, began to desert. The calamity howlers started their tuneful wail. The Harvard game was only a week off and our pessimists foresaw only the squelching of the Army. They forgot that it's a poor fighter who doesn't learn a little from every lickin', and the Army has always been good in a fight. Harvard tried the West Point line where V. P. I. had found openings, but no openings were there. She took three tries at nearly all her first downs, but always stopped making first downs within a safe distance from the army goal. We tried two field goals, but missed them both. Once Beavers broke and started down the field, hurdled Starr, but with his stride thus broken, was caught from behind and dropped on Harvard's 25-yard line. Har­ vard scored on an Army fumble. Parker punted to Hill near our goal line, the kick was partly blocked and bounded along the ground. Hill missed it, Garey missed, and a Havard man fell on it behind our goal line for a touch­ down. Harvad 6, West Point 0. A. Q. GILLESPIE, CAPTAIN Fair Harvard, aided by fair fortune, had won the day. Yale, fearful of a repetition of last year's defeat, put on extra steam. She started in savagely, but for most of the first half we kept her guessing. Our offense tore through the strongholds of her line, first downs following thirds and seconds for 60 yards till we landed the ball on her three-yard 126 The HOWITZER line. Then a misplay lost the ball. The tables turned. We fumbled again and Yale scored. The next half she scored two touchdowns and a safety. We were fairly beaten by the decisive score of 20 to 0. We had another lickin' from which to learn something, but we didn't learn it. The Carlisle Indians were met the succeeding Saturday and won on another fumble, an Indian end running forty yards down the open field. In this game, however, we showed a great improvement over the contest with Yale. We drove through the Indian line from center field to their goal with an offense that was irre­ sistible. Beavers failed to kick goal from the touchdown by less than an inch. Doctor McCracken, seeing that the post over which the ball sailed, was bent outward refused to give us the necessary point to tie the score. Once during the game Beavers broke loose and ran forty-five yards and put the ball behind the Indian goal posts, but a trusty brave had picked up his trail and persuaded the referee that it went out of bounds almost an inch at the thirty-five yard line. We could not reach the Indian goal again. The score was 6 to 5. Nevertheless, we were coming out of our slump. Vermont could not G. M. MORROW, MANAGER play us, and we spent the next two weeks getting in shape for the Navy. Trinity was defeated on November 18, 34 to o. They could not break through our strong defense, and our offense carried the ball wherever Johnson wished it to go. Then Syracuse came the next Saturday with her great crowd of rooters filling the grandstand with yellow flags. They cheered and sang to their team enthusiastically through every stage of the game, but their confidence The HOWITZER 127 could not put power into their team to withstand the carefully but swiftly executed plays of the now conditioned Army. The score of the game was iy to o in our favor, but the score in songs and yells and sportsmanlike con­ duct should stand Syracuse 3.0, West Point 3.0. The team was now beginning to show the result of the year's training and coaching. Owlsley, Bloomer and Sanford came down from Yale and offered a few suggestions, but they would not change a single man's playing. They were more confident by far than the Army was of a victory over the Navy. Friday afternoon we had our final practice on the frozen plain, and in the evening the team and its substitutes marched to the train amid the greatest ovation of cheers and songs the corps had ever given. If anything

THE YALE GAME in Academy life can rouse the spirit of a man's devotion to the corps and make him play to win, it is to go through the east sally-port with a Navy game to be played on the morrow and hear the corps roaring its enthusiasm and confidence in his ear. The detailed account of the Navy game is given elsewhere, but we must notice here that when the team left it was playing in the old Army form, the form in which our system of training and coaching invariably puts our team when the great test of its powers arrives. It is our aim to demonstrate each year the superiority of the spirit of our institution over that at Annapolis, even if the succession of victories becomes monotonous and uninteresting to those who watch. 128 The HOWITZER

The Navy game ended at dark, December 2, and with it the longest season we have ever played; perhaps, too, at times the most up-hill and dis­ couraging. Always when our chance came to win we lost it by a little fluke or fumble. Sometimes a referee,sometimes a player took away the advantage. The spectators told us by their numbers, however, that the play was good to watch. They crowded the grandstand always, and the trees and corners of buildings were filled with men and boys eager to get a glimpse of the game. We cannot write in this record the names of all those to whom credit is due for our success. If we should begin to present bouquets we should ruin a flower garden. The team owes much to Lieutenants Boyers, Daly, Graves, and Clarke, for their efforts in coaching our team after successive defeats, to play such a game as they played at Princeton; much to Captain Pierce for a well-managed season, and to Owlsley, Bloomer, and Sanford for their assistance when we needed it most. Every member of the squad shakes Temple's hand and gives him heartiest good wishes. No other stood by the team so continuously, both financially and morally. No other so assiduously labored that we might have a conditioned team in our supreme contest. To all our host of supporters we extend our greatest thanks, telling them that our team against such misfortunes as they know and appreciate, played the better for their cheering and kindliness. For those who played, any remark that we can make here will seem trivial and inadequate compared with the great compliment the corps and the Army have already paid them. We can only say, "Fellows, we congratulate you." You have earned nobly and well all we can give of our esteem and gratitude.



^T^b,A A Mra



Assistant Coaches


ramer , |AMK TEMPLE Captain for 1905 ALEXANDER G. GILLESPIE Manager for IQ05 GEORGE M. MORROW Assistant Manager for 1905 CHARLES T. HARRIS Captain for 1906 RAY C. HILL Manager for 1906 CHARLES T. HARRIS Assistant Manager for 1906 WILLIAM H. SAGE, Jr.

1905 Schedule ARMY 0 M>. ARMY OPP Tufts 18 0 Yale 0 20 Colgate 18 6 Carlisle 5 6 Virginia Polyt. 6 16 Trinity 34 0 Harvard 0 6 Syracuse l7 0 ARMY 6; NAVY 6 OAMB

HE Army-Navy game was played at Princeton this year under con­ ditions quite different from those we have enjoyed during T the last few years at Philadelphia. We played a Navy team which had been victorious all the year and which was expected to win by every football enthusiast. We played on a field slippery with mud and with the wind blowing at times a perfect gale between the goal posts. We played with officials who inflicted the most disheartening penalties on our team, and these for offenses which only a hair-splitting judge would call offenses; whereas many very evident infractions of the rules by the Navy team went by unseen. But we played with the corps behind us, their every vocal chord, their every simoleon. We played the Army game through and through as we had learned it and knew it, and because the Navy succeeded in scoring in the semi-darkness, we cannot admit that the Army team has been equaled in any respect. We give below an account of the game by Captain Pierce, to which he has appended several comments on the playing from disinterested sources.

The championship football contest with the Navy at Princeton Field on December 2d, was marred by poor train service. This was largely due to the sidetracking of trains to permit clear track for certain specials. On account of the delay the game was not called until 2.35, and the second half was partly played in semi-darkness. The gathering was a most distinguished one, including the President of the United States, members of his cabinet, and foreign ambassadors. The Princeton authorities extended every hospitality possible and deserve our best thanks for their efficient efforts in our behalf. The day was threatening but ended with little rain. The contest produced many surprises. The midshipmen, on account of their fine record during the season and the fact that they outweighed the cadets, were generally picked as the probable victors. Many tales came to us of their heavy yet The HOWITZER 133 fleet baekfield, their powerful, aggressive line, the quickness of their play, and the wonders accomplished by a large and brilliant staff of coaches, both graduate and foreign. Knowing that our team was in fine physical condition and had improved in the last two weeks at least fifty per cent in both offense and defense, still the reports from Annapolis were so rosy-hued that it was thought we would be fortunate to tie the score. Bur from the opening kick our decided superiority was manifest, and the result seemed merely a matter of the size of the score. With a favoring wind, a kicking game was inaugurated that gained us yards at every exchange. The Navy's attack was not strong enough for them to carry the ball, and our players took every advan­ tage of this fact. One of the best features of this part of the game was a fine punt of Forney's which crossed the side line three yards from the Navy's goal. In trying to rush out from this position the Navy barely missed having a safety scored against them, for the man with the ball was thrown back a yard by our vigorous defense. Three times the cadets approached the midshipmen's goal only to be called back on penalties, but they would not be denied, and finally securing the ball on the Navy's 48-yard line carried it over by a series of magnificent rushes that averaged 2.7 yards per trial. The first half ended with a trial for field goal from placement on the Navy's 22-yard line where the ball had been carried from our 7-yard line since the second kick-off. In one of these magnificent assaults Christy bioke through the Navy line and was only brought down by the quarter-back after a run of 39 yards. If there had been five more minutes to play we would have had another touchdown in all probability. In the second half the Navy was favored by the high wind as she was in the latter part of the first half. The ball was kept well in the middle of the field by the cadets whose defense was proof against Navy assaults until the very end. The Navy kicked from their 50-yard line and the ball went in touch beyond our goal line. But one of our players tripped a midshipman on the 40-yard line and the ball was called back, given to our opponents with an additional penalty of 15 yards. From the 20- vard line the Navy succeeded in getting the ball over. Personally, I am of the opinion they could not have done this except for the darkness which prevented the cadets from locating the ball. The game was lost to us by this unfortunate incident, but the superiority in playing ability of our team was in evidence during this entire contest.

THE NEW YORK SUN The Army-Navy game did not begin until 2.35 o'clock, and at ten minutes to five it was called to a halt with nearly ten minutes left to play. Yet in spite of the delays the enthusiasm never flagged. Not a player was seriously hurt, although time and again members of both elevens were stretched out on the frosty turf with bellows to mend. The 134 The HOWITZER battle raged fiercely at all periods, however, and both sides displayed wonderful grit and stamina. The Navy stood a terrific gruelling in the first half, resorting to the punting game on numerous occasions in order to save strength, so that when the second half arrived the middies seemed to last better than their opponents. The Army's attack was much more cleverly concentrated than the Navy's, but it lacked the required speed. In defence West Point was invincible during the first period, but toward the close, after the Navy had been beaten off repeatedly, the soldiers weakened under the tremendous strain and lost the advan­ tage they had gained in the early stages. The teams were about evenly matched in weight, and before the game a victory for the Navy was generally conceded, but from the first kick-off the play of the West Point team was a genuine surprise. ***** While the rivalry was intense the utmost good fellowship prevailed, and when the battle was over the Army and Navy exchanged congratulations in the heartiest manner. There were several star plays and many blunders, all of which kept the excitement at white heat, even though more than an hour was wasted in patching up bruises. For West Point Torney did some magnificent rushing, but his punting was weak to that of Capt. Howard of the Navy. Torney made the touchdown for the Army, and Rockwell, the left end, kicked the goal. Weeks was a tower of strength in the Army's formation behind the lines, and his bull-like plunges through the center stood out in bold relief. Hill and Smith were also conspicuous in many of the Army's advances, which generally were the result of a wing shift, coupled with a play which consisted of three separate attacks following the giving of one signal. Christy made the longest run of the game, a dash of thirty-five yards through the Navy's left flank which would have resulted in a touchdown had not a superb tackle by Decker shut him off from a clear field. Gillespie, the Army's captain, covered himself with glory by many hard tackles in spite of the fact that he received a shaking up repeatedly and had to take time to recover.

NAVY'S DEFENCE BRACES The Navy's defence was torn to pieces again and again, only to brace at a critical point, but the middies displayed wonderful power of recuperation, there being only one substitution in the rush line. Howard and Woodworth got down the field like the wind on the kicks, showing a trifle more skill per­ haps than the Army ends. It was about a standoff between Grady and Erwin, the tackles, but Mettler had a shade over Piersol. The Army battered the Navy's center with considerable success, Causey finally retiring in favor of Rees.

THE PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER The annual game between the Army and the Navy played at Princeton today ended in a tie with the score 6 to 6. The Army scored first and in the second half the Navy pushed the ball over the Army's goal line after making repeated efforts. Then the game was called off, for darkness was settling down on Osborn Field with the Navy in possession of the ball on their own 26-yard line.

OFFICIALS SHOWED UP POORLY The Army outplaying the Navy, the loss of the game to the cadets was due to the infliction of pen­ alties. The Army suffered very much at the hands of the officials who juggled the game repeatedly, The HOWITZER 135 usually being undecided what they should do in cases that arose which required a knowledge of the game and rules and the use of intelligent judgment to decide.


PRESIDENT CHEERS, BUT MIDDIES FAIL TO DOWN TEAM FROM WEST POINT In the presence of the President of the United States, a great number of Army and Navy officers, government officials and fashionable persons from New York, Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore the Army and Navy teams fought each other to a standstill yesterday. Score, 6 to 6, with the honor, if anything, to the Army. Entering the contest the second choice, the soldiers played all around the middies for three-quarters of the game, and it was only late in the second half that the Annapolis team was luckily enabled to tie the score.

PHILADELPHIA LEDGER This is as near to a victory as the Navy has come in its contests with the Army for several years. There was a sharp reaction from the critical suspense of the moments preceding this climax, which found vent in the wildest evidences of exultation on the part of the middies and their friends. West Point, with the loyalty to fair sport and to the glory of both arms of the service which it has ever displayed, instantly joined in the tribute of acclamation to the Navy players, alternately cheering them and their own team. The Annapolis Band swung up before the Navy seats, making the air throb with gallant and patriotic music. Meanwhile the West Point Band, on the other side of the field, headed a procession of the cadets who marched, with flags of grav and gold madly agitated above their heads, around the outer edge until they came to the station of the middies. There they broke forth into vociferous cheers, which the middies returned with emulative vigor. The middies in a short time had formed their own column and paraded in like manner, pausing in the march to pay a tribute to the Army.

Synopsis of the Game

L, V IA Eg s .Si c ^ 2 A a-i c £ 1 i 11 l1 u 3

§ 3 Pun t < ^ Averag e V ft V 5H 3 A Si M - 1st half, 181 yds. 1st half, 204 yds. West Point 84 2nd " 64 " 2.7 yds. 9 2nd half, 132 " 37 yds. 47 yds. 110 yds. 2 Total, 24,- " Total, 336 " 1st half, 35 yds. 1st half, 134 yds. Annapolis 49 2nd half, 76 ' " 2.4 yds. 9 2nd half, 118 " 28 yds. 25 yds. 10 yds. 0 Total, in " Total, 252 " 136 The HOWITZER Record of Army-Navy Games 1890 Navy 24 Army o 1901 Navy 5 Army II 1891 Navy 16 Army 32 1902 Navy 8 Army 22 1892 Navy 12 Army 4 1903 Navy 5 Army 40 1893 Navy 6 Army 4 1904 Navy o Army 11 1899 Navy 5 Army 17 1905 Navy 6 Army 6 1900 Navy n Army 7

Total number of points Navy, 98; Army, 154


Touchdowns—TORNEY, DOUGLASS; Goals from Touchdowns— ROCKWELL, NORTON. Referee—WRIGHTINGTON, Harvard; Umpire—R. D. WRENN. Harvard; Linesman—ROPER, Princeton. Time of Halves—35 and 31 minutes. , The HOWITZER 137

Record of the Players

00 / 1- 3 9) --- 00 Name I'nsit ion ?i r ri 3 r. . C • > - "3 « r. •_ - - >»5 15 (5 ZZ -z Abraham c. a a a a a a a b a a 187 06 A Christy G. a a a ;i a a a a a 188 0/ A Weeks G. a b a b ;i a b a b a b a b a b >93 08 A Mettler T. a b a b a a :i a ;i a a 176 '06 A Erwin T. a a b a b a b a b a a 180 08 A Gillespie (Capt.) E. a b a b a :i a a a b a '71 '06 A Rockwell E. a b a a a '53 '06 A Wilhelm E. a b a a c c :i 176 '06 A Johnson, R. 1). Q- c a a a a 162 09 A Garey, K. B. Q- a b a a a a '5' '08 Torney F.B. a b a ;i a a a b a b a b 169 06 A Hill, R. C. H.B. a b a b a a a a a b a a b 168 07 A Smith, R. H. H.B..F.B. c c c a b a a .65 08 A Beavers H.B. a a a a b c a b 162 08 A Greble H.B. a c c 158 '09 A Moss G. c c a c c c c c ,85 '09 A Moose H.B. e c c 173 '07 A Sultan T. c a b c c c c l73 07 A Watkins F.B. c c 178 07 Lewis C. c 215 '06 Shute T. c 182 06 Stockton T. c 192 '08 Ellis E.,H.B. c a a a 164 *o8 l'hiloon F.B.,T.,C. a b c a b .78 '09 Simpson E. c c 171 '09 Mathews T. c 184 09

a, indicates line-up; b, indicates did not finish game; c, indicates substitute. HE spirit of the baseball season, as well as that of the foot­ ball and fencing seasons, is, to borrow the expression of T one often scored on: "What profiteth it the Army if she take all other scalps and lose her own to the Navy ?" Measured by the usual standard, viz., the result of our game with the Navy, the baseball season of 1905 was not a success. But some small con­ solation may be had by remem­ bering that our team possessed strength which it failed to dis­ play against the Middies. The fact that our men, who were able ten days before the Army- Navy game, to hold the Yale team of 1905 down to a 1 to 2 score, should go down in defeat before the Navy, is accounted for only by the comedy of errors that characterized our fourth annual game with the Middies. Groninger and Hanlon, while not appearing to be "up in the

C. K. ROCKWELL, CAPTAIN air," seemed to take turns at The HOWITZER 139 throwing the ball away at a critical point of the game, thereby letting in runs that we found ourselves unable to match. Groninger's playing, especially, was much be­ low his ususal style. The steady, persistent work of Lane in the box was largely responsible for the way in which the team held together throughout a discouraging game. A record of five victories and seven defeats was not a sufficient reward for the hard work of Lieuts. Kromer, Hackett and Abbott as coaches. Winston as captain of the team was unusually energetic. It must be remembered, however, that the schedule was not arranged with a view to winning all the games. Perhaps the games with Columbia and Lafayette are the only ones we lost which we might reasonably N. CAMPBELL. MANAGER have been expected to win, leaving out of consideration, of course, the game with the Navy. The game with Colgate was prevented by rain. The schedule for the 1906 season promises to be even more difficult than the 1905 schedule, but, with only two players to re­ place, and some promising material in the fourth class, the team, which Rockwell is to captain, should be a winning one. The proposition of coaches has not been definitely settled upon but it is probable that there will be one professional coach and two graduates. Capt. Lytle Brown, Corps of Engineers, has been elected baseball representative to replace Captain Kromer. THE TEAM. 1905 TEAM

Baseball Team, 1905 GARDINER, j. B., 1905, First Base ROCKWELL, C. K., 1906, Left Field BONESTEEL, 1908, First Base WINSTON, 1905, Center Field WAGNER, 1907, Second Base HANSON, 1907, Right Field PRICHBTT, 1907, Short Stop HANLON, 1908, Catcher GRONINGER, 1908, Third Base LANE, 1906, Pitcher

Substitutes BEAVERS, 1907 PRINCE, 1908 WYMAN, 1907 JAMES, S. L., 1907 GORDON, 1908 DAVIS, 1908 GEIGER, 1908 MEREDITH, 1908


Schedule for 1905 ARMY OPP. April 8, Union 5 0 April 12, Trinity 7 o April 15, Harvard 2 13 April 19, New York Univ< rsitv 11 3 April 22, Columbia 2 3 April 26, Pennsylvania State College . . . 1 13 April 29, Colgate (Game prevented by rain) May 3, Fordham 7 11 May 6, Pratt Institute 13 8 May 10, Yale 1 2 May 13, 7th Reg. (N. Y. N. G.) . . . . 9 1 May 17, Lafayette 4 10 May 20, Navy 5 9 HIS year the Middies journeyed to West Point to play the annual baseball game and returned home victorious by a score of 9 to 5. T Numerous errors in the first two innings allowed the Navy to get a lead that we were unable to overcome. It was not, however, until the seventh that our friends could score again, Lane's wild throw to first then starting the run-getting. Out of justice to Lane it must be said that he made full and complete reparation for an error which was overshadowed by graver ones. His work in the box became the consoling feature of the game for the Army. There was no time of the game that Winston's team admitted defeat. The "hand-writing on the wall" meant nothing to them till the game was called. The rally in the ninth, which resulted in three scores, came as a response to the vociferous cheers of the Army adherents. With our last op­ portunity to score, Needham was hit safely three times, and these, with the assistance of a base on balls, brought three men across the rubber, giving us our final score. With the exception of a strong breeze during the early part of the game the day was an ideal one. Fully five thousand people saw the game, the large grand stand that had been erected being full to overflowing. The details of the game follow: The Army went to the bat first and Rockwell walked, getting out at second. Winston followed with a hit, stealing second and scoring the first run on Groninger's hit. Groninger got out at second and Gardiner flied to McWhorter. The Navy replied with three runs in their first time at bat, the errors of Groninger and Hanlon being responsible for at least two of them. Gill faced Lane and promptly made a hit, stealing second and making third, as Spofford went out at first. Goldthwaite followed with a hit, scoring Gill. The HOWITZER 143

Goldthwaite succeeded in getting to second, and Groninger's juggling of McWhorter's grounder allowed Goldthwaite to get to third. Lane hit Theo­ bald, thus filling the bags. Hanlon's wild throw then let Goldthwaite and McWhorter score. In the second inning Groninger again assisted the Navy by an error. After Symington had gone out at first, Lane hit Needham, who got to second on Gill's hit. It was here that Groninger's error allowed Spofford to make first, which placed Gill on second and Needham on third. Goldthwaite flied to Rockwell, Needham scoring on the throw in. Gill and Spofford also scored this inning. The Army scored once in the third and not again till the ninth, which started with Wagner hitting safely and stealing second. Hanlon flied to Spofford and Lane walked. With a man on first and one on second, Rockwell stepped up and sent out a three-bagger, sending in the two before him and making home on Winston's hit. This was the end of our scoring. The score stood Navy 9, Army 5.

ARMY NAVY PM. al). r. Lb. P.O. a. c. Pos. ;..!>. r. 1.1). p.o . a. e. Rockwell l.f. 3 I I 4 2 0 Gill ss. 5 2 2 I I 0 Winston c.f. 4 I 2 1 0 1 Spofford c.f. 5 1 I 2 0 0 Groninge r 3«> 4 O 2 0 2 3 Goldthwaite l.f. 4 1 I 2 0 0 Gardiner ,J.B. ib. 3 O O 8 I 0 McWhorter 2b. 4 2 I 6 3 0 Bonesteel ib. 1 O 0 3 0 0 Theobald 3»>. 3 0 I I 2 0 Hanson r.f. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Stiles ib. 3 0 1 9 0 0 Prichett ss. 1 0 0 1 I 1 Thibault r.f. 4 1 1 0 0 0 Wagner 2b. 3 I 2 3 2 2 Symington c. 3 ° 0 6 2 0 Hanlon c. 4 0 0 3 4 1 Needham p- 3 2 1 0 3 0 Lane p- 3 2 I 1 5 1 Totals 34 9 9 27 11 0 30 5 8 24 *7 9 SCORE BV • INNINGS TOTALS West Point I 0 1 000 0 0 3 5 Navy 3 3 0 000 1 2 0 9 Two base hits: Lane and Stil es. Th ree base hits: Rockwell. Sacrifi ce hits: Wagner, Goldthwaite ;an d S],-mington . Double plays; : R ockwell and Hanlon, McWhorter and (Jill. First base on errors- Navy 6, Army o. Struck out by Lane, 1; by Needham 5. First base on balls- Needham 7; Lane o. Hit by pitched balls: by Lane 3; Needham 1. Passed ball, Hanlon. Time 1.25. Umpire, McCarthy. Record of Former Games 1901 Army 4, Navy 3 1903 No Game 1902 Army 3, Navy 5 1904 Army 8, Navy 2 1905 Army 5, Navy 9 FENCING at the U. S. M. A. has always been part of the curriculum, but only in recent years have we engaged in competitive fencing and been represented at the Intercollegiate meet in New York. The records made by the Army teams have been unequaled in the history of college fencing. From our first appearance on the mat at the New York Athletic Club in 1902 until last year, our teams have not only been victorious over the other college teams but have carried off the individual honors as well. Last year we surrendered our laurels to the Navy and took second place. The credit for whatever success we received belongs entirely to Captian Koehler, who not only devoted his whole time and energy to the perfection of the team, but infused in it the bull­ dog determination it displayed in wresting second place in the face of almost certain defeat. M. Vauthier and Lieut. Glade most ably assisted Captain Koehler in his efforts. M. Vauthier is now per­ manently connected with the Academy and can devote much more of his time to the perfection of this year's team. Too much cannot be said of the sacrifice made by the men on the fencing squad. Turned out in November, they give up every afternoon from then until the middle of March in constant practice for the winter contest and the Intercollegiate. Unlike other sports, there is no gallery to play to, nothing to relieve the monotony of "lunge, parry and riposte." It is one continuous drill and those men The HOWITZER 145 who thus unselfishly work for the success of the Army deserve to the fullest measure the support of the Corps. It is the ambition of this year's team to regain the championship and bring back to the Corps the "trophy" which it has kept so long. If such ambition be accomplished, then let it be the aim of our future teams to jealously guard it and never allow it to stand again "in alien halls, crowning an alien victory."






KUNZIG, 1905 GATEWOOD, 1906 AYRES, 1907

Captain for 1905—ALVIN B. BARBER Manager for 1905—Louis A. KuNZJG

Captain for 1906—FORREST F. WILLIFORD

Manager for 1906—PHILIP MATHEWS

Dual Meets Pennsylvania 2 Army Columbia 4 Army Co null 4 Army

Intercollegiate Tournament

WON LOST Navy 39 15 Army 37 17 Columbia ^7, 19 Cornell 32 22 Pennsylvania 21 33 Harvard 17 ^y Yale 10 44 MMB

RUMOR that we were going to have a dual outdoor meet with the Navy on the same day we played the baseball A game, gained much credence along in March and per­ suaded a goodly crowd of contestants to prepare lor the various events. Though the rumor never became a reality, it put a lot of ginger into the contests on the field day. We had a fair day, a dry plain, and a large crowd, all of which are incentives to snappy work. The eternal feminine was well represented, and, whether her hero came over the tape first or goat, he got her wave of kerchief and her cheer. The finish of the quarter-mile was perhaps the most thrilling event of the meet. Ipham was leading in the final sprint and won. Hut the way Hickam ate up the ground behind him brought a storm of applause from the track side and sent a thrill of uneasiness into 1905's little cheering section. Guthrie, '05, broke Dowd's, '04, record for the half-mile in a brilliant finish. Hammond, J. S., ran the 100 in 10 flat again, and Beavers equalled McNally's record in the hurdles. Nineteen-five again won the meet and thereby equaled the record of '96 of winning four successive banners. They can justly be proud of what they have done for West Point athletics. The hope of an arrangement with the Navy has not yet died out, and we may, when we can persuade the officers of our institu­ tions that we are in earnest, be able to test the relative merits of our track teams in the long-talked-of dual meet. Se HOWITZER 149

Twelfth Annual Field Day MAY. 1905

IOO-YARD DASH I Hammond, J. S., 1905 10 sec. 2 Fllis, 1908 3 Daly, C. D., 1905 ONE-HALE-MILE RACE 1 Guthrie, 1905 (record) 2 min. 1 3-5 sec. 2 Smith, R. H., 1908 3 Arnold, 1907 220-YARD DASH I Hammond, J. S., 1905 22 3-5 sec. 2 Daly, C. D., 1905 3 Fllis, 1908 120-YARD HURDLE I Beavers, 1908 16 4-5 sec. 2 Parrott, 1908 3 Humphreys, F. F., 1906 ONE-MILE RACE I Holderness, A. W., 1905 4 min., 46 2-3 sec. 2 Dailey, G. F. N., 1907 3 Coleman, 1907 QUARTER-MILE RACE I Upham, 1905 (record) 51 4-5 sec. 1 Ilickam, 1908 3 Hoyle, 1906 RUNNING HIGH JUMP I Hughes, T., uph 5 ft., 6 3-4 in. 2 Hanford, 1905 I Beavers, 1908 3 i Smith, R. H., 1908 POLE VAULT I Barber, 1005 10 ft. 2 Chandler, 1907 3 Watkins, 1907 RUNNING BROAD JUMP I Merchant, 1905 20 ft. 7 in. 2 Hughes, T., 1908 f McKay, 1905 3 (Collins, 1907 PUTTING I6-POUND SHOT I Tompkins, 1905 36 ft. 8 in. 2 Sultan, 1907 3 Moose, 1907 THROWING I6-POUND HAMMER I Watkins, 1907 01 ft., 8 in. 2 Tompkins, 1905 3 Rockwell, C. K., 1906 All-round Track Athlete—Hammond, J. S., 1905 HE gymnasts in pretty blue tights and the huskies in white running trousers sat around the gym floor wrapped in T their blankets while their rivals did their war dance for ladies' applause in the center. The gallery was all a-flutter while John Philip Sousa Hoyle was picking up his Irish potatoes with such amazing dexterity. They were scared again when Hall, H. W., dived full length over the long horse and lit on his own head. But he arose, smiled his bewitching smile at the surprised equine, and took his place in the silent circle of blankets. Nineteen-eight won the meet, but the success of 1906 scared the winners for a while. Nineteen-eight also won the hard-fought tugs o' war. The HOWITZER 151

Eleventh Annual Indoor Meet SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 18. 1905

STANDING HIGH JUMP 1 Tompkins, 1905 4 ft. 6 in. 2 Collins, 1907

STANDING BROAD JUMP 1 Moose, 1907 io ft. 1A in. 2 Oakes, 1908

PUTTING I6-POUND SHOT 1 Tompkins, 1905 37 ft. 2 in. 2 Moose, 1907

POLE CLIMB 1 (Jarey, E. B., 1908 6i sec. 2 Turner, 1906

ROPE CLIMB 1 Woodbury, 1908 10 2-5 sec. 2 Pipkin, 1908 (Woodbury, 1908 6 ft. 9 in. FENCE VAULT (ist class) I Moose, 1907 2 Fllis, 1908 FENCE VAULT (2nd class) 1 Turner, 1906 6 ft. 3 in. 2 Westover, 1906

FLYING RINGS 1 Hall, H. W., 1908 2 O'Connor, 1907

HORIZONTAL BAR 1 Westover, 1906 2 O'Connor, 1907

PARALLEL BARS 1 Hall, H. W., 1908 2 Westover, 1906

SIDE HORSE 1 O'Connor, 1907 2 Westover, 1906

LONG HORSE 1 Westover, 1906 2 Hall, H. W., 1908

POTATO RACE 1 Hoyle, 1906 2 Turner, 1906

TUG OE WAR ist Heat, 1907 vs. 1908 1908 won 2nd Heat 1905 vs. 1906 1906 won 3rd Heat 1906 vs. 1908 1908 won Ail-Round Gymnast (Pierce-Currier-Foster Prize)—I O'Connor, 1907 2 Westover, 1906 BASKETBALL TEAM. I9O5-I906 F it were not for the con squad's regular practice at four-thirty every afternoon, per­ I haps we could not attain such a high stan­ dard in the basketball world. The fact that the conoids play with Marquis of Queensbury rules and variable numbers on a side, doesn't change the name of the game at all. It's basketball just the same. Last year Hetrick and Merchant got up an excellent team which fur­ nished the Corps and the Post with considerable Saturday afternoon excite­ ment and amusement. Columbia, who was not defeated all the year, es­ caped being beaten by the narrow margin of four points. The Second Signal Corps of Brooklyn was vanquished in a game remarkable for its team work and accurate goal shooting. This year the team is to be trained by Jim Temple. Coaches are to be obtained from outside, and, with this assistance, we hope to succeed in the ambitious schedule which has been prepared. Schedule for 1904-'05 Schedule for 1905-'06 ARMY OPP Princeton 5 •4 Dec. 16—Manhattan Newburgh V.M.C.A. 48 Dec. 23—Second Signal Corps Columbia 25 29 (an. 6—Columbia Colgate 10 8 Jan. 13—Troy Harvard 5 Jan. 20—Rutgers Yale Graduates 6 Ian. 27—Yale Graduates Second Signal Corps 18 14 Feb. 3—Co. F., 2d Reg. Feb. 10—7th Regiment Feb. 17—Princeton Feb. 24—Pratt Institute The Team Forwards—CASTLE, 1907, ROCKWELL, L. C, 1907 Center—HIGLEY, 1908 Guards—HETRICK, 1906, loNES, R. A., 1906 Subs—JOHNSON, T. J., 1908, FLTING, 1908, NEWMAN, 1908 Manager—MATHEWS, 1906 Assistant Manager—CRUSE, 1907 IFOLJO C

HE game of polo, as it is played at West Point, is so dis­ tinctively a first-class privilege that it does not occupy the T prominent place among our more popular games and sports that its relative position as a sport, and its relative value in the devel­ opment of athletics, entitles it to hold. The purpose of the game is not to work up a championship team to win a match game, but to develop that intelligent and devoted interest in the horse which is the "sine qua non" of an officer in the mounted service. With this purpose in view, there has been made a heavy investment (the only one the government makes officially for a sport) in ponies and grounds, and the returns show that it has been warranted. This year has shown an encouraging increase of interest at the Academy. The squad was larger in proportion to the size of the class than any preceding year; and it has without exception, displayed an enthusiastic interest in the game, which was sustained throughout the year, undiminished by the various drawbacks of rain and storm and afternoon target practice on the flats. A match game, played in November, between two cadet teams, and another game between a cadet team, chosen by the squad, and a team of officers, showed very clearly the result of the season's play. The games were fast, the ponies were handled well, and the work THE SQUAD, I0O5 with the ball was remarkably accurate. The officers team was de­ feated by a larger score than the 1905 team made against them last June, while in their own judgment the officers played a far better game in November than they did in June. 1 he credit for these results belongs very largely to Captain McDonald and to Captain Marshall. Not only did their interest in the game and the time and attention they devoted to it make such progress possible, but their unfailing kindness made the practice a pleasure as well, to every member of the squad. Six teams were organized from the squad, and this was found to facilitate the schedule of play and to insure to everyone a chance to get in the game. The teams, not having been arranged according to merit, developed in the practice a bracing spirit of rivalry. They were:


ENNIS, last summer, was as popular as ever. The courts were in excel­ r lent condition and were always in use. The bench under the elm tree was filled at all hours of the afternoon by enthusiasts waiting for next, and the green banks of Exe­ cution Hollow accommodated dozens who were—waiting, just waiting. Tennis racquets are good things to keep the green from white skirts, don't you know ? We ought to have three times as many courts to accommodate the officers and cadets who desire to play. There were dozens of men who wanted to play last summer but couldn't run fast enough after dinner to get a place. In spite of the limited practice and the interference of practice marches and little journeys, we had a tour­ nament. It was held in August. Twenty men entered in the singles, but no doubles were played. Rockwell, C. K., 1906, won the championship. The HOWITZER 157

The Tournament

Preliminary Round rst Round 2nd Round }rd Round Final Winner Gordon \ Weaver Weaver / (by default) Ricker Ricker \ Ricker 6-2, 6-2 Baker / (by default) De Armond DeArmond \ DeArmond 6-3, 6-1 Pendleton,L.L. 6-4,6-8,13-11 DeArmond Wildrick Turner Latta 5-7,6-4,6-3 6-2, 6-3 Latta 6-3, 6-2 J Finch \ Jacob,R.H. Jacob, R. H. J 6-3, 6-3 Wildrick Rock- Madigan 1 Wildrick 6-3, 7-5 * well, Wildrick J 6-3, 7-5 6-4, 6-1 Huntley \ Flting 3-6, 3-6 Flting by default Rockwell 6-2 Thompson Rockwell 6-0. 6-1 Rockwell, Rockwell,C.K. I (by default)) C. K. Crea \ Crea 6-3, 6-0 Henderson / 6-2, 7-5 Jacobs Jacobs, W. C. \ Jacobs 6-3, 6-2 Spurgin / 6-4, 4-6 10-8 AST year's hockey season began on Dec. 31, 1904, on the soft ice of Lusk Reservoir with a victory for the Army team. L It was finished on March 1, 1905, with another victory. Plenty of ice and lots of work with brooms and snow shovels kept the team constantly in condition. Eight games were played in all, and only one of them was a defeat. In view of the fact that hockey is only two years old at the Academy, the records of our past two teams presage a brilliant future for it among our sports. A reputation, once secured, will insure a better choice of contestants and certainly more popularity for the young game. Such interest was taken last year in the team, that the Quarter­ master Department constructed a rink on the grass plain, and most of the season's games were played on it. This year an excellent rink has already been built. Quite an ambitious schedule has been prepared by the manage­ ment, and the advent of ice is awaited very eagerly in order to get the team at work. THE TEAM, 1905-1906

The Team



Result of Schedule, 1904-1905 ARMY OPP. Dec. 31, 1904—Newburgh Academy Alumni 3 o Jan. 11, 1905—Newburgh Academy 4 o Jan. 14, 1905—Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 6 2 Jan. 21, 1905—St. Paul's School (Garden City) I 2 Feb. 8, 1905—Riverview Military Academy 2 o Feb. II, 1905—Mohegan Lake School 2 I Feb. 22, 1905 Fssex Troop, New Jersey 2 o Mar. I, 1905—Mohegan Lake School 3 2 HOMt'M. '()•/

OU never can tell by appearances. The cadet who passed you on the plain with a golf stick and a ball, may play Y golf for all you know, but its dollars to doughnuts that you will find him later on Elirtation, using the golf bag as a seat for two and the stick to make hearts in the gravel. Indeed, golf is the game par excellence for hot days. What do you say, Maxwell Andrews ? Not so ? A good many people do play, though; you can tell by the holes in the sod of the grass plain, and the slang around the company streets in camp. Fourteen of the "real earnest ones" got up a tournament in August, the result of which is still undecided on ac­ count of the interference of the football practice on the links. The HOWITZER 161

1 Sturgill 06 \ -., ., I¥ T"L Ayr u » t. } * hompson.M.H. 2 1 hompson,M.H. 06 J ' ' Thompson 3 Weeks '08 Weeks 4 Downing '06 Thompson 5 Jacobs, R. H. '06 Jacobs 6 Oakes '08 . Jacobs 7 Madigan '06 Madigan 8 Slaughter '08 9 Rockwell, C. K. '06 \ J Rockwell Rockwell 10 Cotton '08 / (Drew bye) 11 Cunningham '08 \ Rockwell Cunningham 12 Weaver, W. R.'08 / 13 Burns '08 ' Burns Burns 14 Turner '06 WEARERS OF THE A " IN THE CLASS OF 1906 TME WEARIER!


HE privilege of wearing the initial "A" (for Army) on the sweater, jersey, jacket, cap, or other article of athletic uniform, shall be T restricted to those cadets who have actually played on an Academy team (first team) during one year as follows: i° Football—Two-thirds of all games played with outside teams, or a Navy game. 2° Baseball ---Two-thirds of all games played with outside teams, or a Navy game. 30 Fencing—Three-fifths of all contests fenced with outside teams, or the Intercollegiate contest. 4° To those cadets who at the outdoor meet shall break an Academy record.

Class of 1906 FOOTBALL—Gillespie, A. G., Torney, Rockwell, Abraham, Mettler, Shute, Wilhelm BASEBALL—Rockwell, Lane FENCING—Humph revs, Willi ford Class of 1907 FOOTBALL—Christy, Hill, R. C, Sultan, Watkins, Moose BASEBALL—Pritchett, Wagner, Hanson R ECORDS—Watkins Class of 1908 FOOTBALL—Frwin, Weeks, Smith, R. H., Beavers, Garey, Hanlon BASEBALL—Bonesteel, Hanlon, Beavers Class of 1909 FOOTBALL—Johnson, Greble, Moss 164 The HOWITZER


HE Corps and the officers of the past have always taken a great interest in the development of our athletic teams. T Since 1901, when the Army Athletic Association took charge of several of the sports, there has been more means at our disposal and, consequently, a steady increase, both in the successes of the various teams and in the variety of the sports in which we have engaged. In the last few years, basketball and hockey have taken their places as permanent winter sports, and water-polo has been tried quite successfully. The tennis and golf tournaments have become regular features of the summer camp. Every gradu­ ating class develops two or three excellent polo teams. It seems that the date cannot be far off when the lacrosse teams will have the plain on spring afternoons, and the Army crew will be a dangerous factor in the Poughkeepsie races. This year's work has been very encouraging in many ways. We have given an outline of what the major teams have done. There is not space enough to describe or enumerate all the inter- class and inter-section games that have contributed so much to the fun of the football, baseball and basketball seasons. This increasing interest in the athletic side of Academy life augurs well for the ability and success of our future teams.

t"W -V-V Z /









WAINWRIGHT By Laws ARTICLE 24. No married cadet shall be eligible for membership; and if any member marry before graduation, such marriage shall be considered as equivalent to a resignation, and he shall thereby forfeit his membership in this society.

Officers Most Serene and Exalted Bachelorissimo . SHULTZ, H. D. Lord High Misogynist .... HETRICK Supreme Agamistic Knight MADIGAN



Class of 1907 LANG ROGERS, N. P.



Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much. Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.

Members THOMPSON, M. H Philosophy ROSE, W. WT. Chemistry BYRD Drawing DOWNING History TURNER Engineering LOUGHRY Dis. BURLESON English CAMPBELL Mathematics JONES, R. A. Ordnance " To the sewers and sinks With all such drinks. And after them tumble the mixer.

Patron Saint, BACCHUS Presiding Elder, COMRADE TUBBY Deacon, DONOGHUE

Converts Psalmists Chanters [at a certain stage] ROCKWELL ROSE, W. W. TORNEY BARTLETT MANCHESTER CHAFFEE HETRICK HENDERSON MATHEWS SPURGIN GATEWOOD SMITH, E. D. I ' m \ - ^^^ ' 3 ^B^l ^ Wl sjUSr flN ^IJF K i •'•


Fourth Class FRUTOS TOMAS PLAZA Ecuador YING TSING WEN .... China TING CHIA CHEN .... China



Officers for Year ending April 1st, 1906 President ...... OSCAR WESTOVER, 1906 Vice-President ROGER G. ALEXANDER, 1907 Librarian CLYDE L. EASTMAN, 1907

Corresponding Secretary GEORGE R. GOETHALS, 1908

Recording Secretary JOHN W. SCHULZ, 1908

Chairmen of Committees Bible Study, JOHNSON, W. A., '06 Membership, MINICK, '06 Meetings, QlJEKEMEYER, '06 Hall, METTLER, '06 Music, RILEY, J. W., '06 Reception, RILEY, J. W., '06 The HOWITZER 177

INCE its organization in 1880, as successor to the Cadet Prayer Meet­ ings, the Y. M. C. A. has steadily advanced until at the present time S it is one of the most powerful factors in the development of character at the Military Academy. This advance has naturally been mainly along religious lines. In 1903, under Leeds, a Bible class was founded. From such a small beginning this work has increased until at the present time there are almost three hundred cadets engaged in Bible study. The field of endeavor was very much broad­ ened when the Cadet President of the Y. M. C. A. was allowed to attend the President's Conference in 1900. This privilege and opportunity of getting in touch with other Y. M. C. A. workers has since been granted every year. One of the most important and interesting of the yearly events on the Y. M. C. A. calendar is the annual visit to Northfield. In 1903, General Mills allowed three from the Cadet Y. M. C. A. to attend this conference. Each year since has seen this number increased, until, during the last sum­ mer, twelve men were permitted to attend this gathering of Bible students. Seven very pleasant and profitable days were spent among the Berkshires, and the cadets returned to the Point with many new ideas for the furthering of the growing interest in Bible study. Bi-weekly meetings are held in Kendrick Hall immediately after the return of the Battalion from supper, on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. These meetings are generally addressed by cadets. However, on several occasions visitors have spoken to the members. Among these were: General Page, Mr. Robert E. Speer, Mr. Lucian H. Miller, Rev. Mr. Beattie, Chaplain Brown, Mr. Frederick H. Andrews, Mr. Clayton S. Cooper, Mr. Walter E. Diark, Rev. Mr. Edward H. Earle and Mr. Marshall P. Wilder. The Young Men's Christian Association stands for the best there is in student life. Its aim is to bring together those men who believe in the development of well-rounded moral character. How well this aim is being carried out can be seen from the increasing membership, increasing activity in all lines of religious work and the great influence it exerts for the good of the corps. PlALECTIC SOCIETY (MUSTEK)

P r e s i d c n t , W A L T BR F . DoNAHU B

Secretary, J A M B 8 A . O'CONNOR

HF name, now, stands merely as a monument of the old days that are no more. T Long ago Dialectic was a semi-literary, semi-social organization, with a con­ stitution and by-laws. As the literary desires of the cadets became fewer, and their social instincts greater, the old society meeting-room became a gathering- place where the upper-classmen could, for a few minutes, escape the regulations and enjoy the delights of "My Lady Nicotine." Later the members were deprived of even this stolen privilege, and the Dialectic Hall was converted into a reading room in charge of a cadet librarian detailed by roster, whose duty it was to see that the regulations of the U. S. M. A. were not violated. The society's principal object, now, is the presentation of the annual Hundredth Night Play. The First Class elects a president who has charge of this play and a general supervision over the small library of books and magazines with which the hall is supplied. Other than this, Dialectic has no social or literary standing. To us, Dialectic is merely a memory. We hope that some day it may become to those who follow us a real live society where good fellowship may reign supreme and dull care for a moment be forgotten. IRIF^LrB SQUAIXi

*«inririiifl£aa^ (SmmEMES> fm>waa&mk*4im*

ghest score for the year, CHARLES B. GATE WOOD, 190* Expert Riflemen 1906 CAMPBELL GATEWOOD 1908 DIXON PETERSON Sharpshooters 1906 CLAGETT MINICK GREEN PRATT LEWIS, C A. TORNEY MACMILLAN WESTOVER MANCHESTER WILDRICK 1908 COTTON 1909 HEARD Marksmen 1906 COOK PARKER HETRICK RILEY LOVING WAINWRIGHT ZIMMERMAN 1908 GRONINGER SUMNER STURDEVANT Phi Delta Theta GEORGE M. MORROW, Jr. University of Virginia JOHN G. Oi lEKEMETER University of Mississippi WILLIAM A. GANOB Dickinson College GKOBGI L. CONVERSE, Jr. Ohio State University THOMAS L. CoblS Universitv of Alabama RICHARD H. KIMBALL University of Texas CHARI.K.S G. CHAPMAN Mercer University Sigma Alpha Epsilon WARRKN LOTT, Jr. University of Georgia WALTER R. WEAVER Virginia Military Institute BARTON K. YOUNT Wesleyan University ALEXANDER L. JAMES Davidson College THOMAS J. JOHNSON Vanderbilt University THOMAS G. JONES, Jr. Virginia Military Institute ERASTTS R. DORSEY University of Georgia ARCHIBALD T. COLLEY University of Georgia HARRY T. PII.IANS Alabama Polytechnic Institute Delta Kappa Epsilon RICHARD D. NEWMAN Colgate University WILLIAM C. MCCHORD Central University BDWIM V. Sl MNXR Lafayette College VIR(.IL L. PETERSON Central University HUGH H. MCGEE University of Minnesota Kappa Alpha ( Southern ) GEORGE S. PATTON Virginia Military Institute THRISTON HUGHES Kentucky State College lgma Chcmi PERCY ALEXANDER University of Virginia CHARLES T. HARRIS University of Texas ROBERT B. STAVER University of Wisconsin DANIEL I. SULTAN University of Mississippi EDGAR S. MILLER Pennsylvania State College Alpha Ta u Omega HUGO D. SCHULTZ University of Nebraska ROBERT M. CHENEY University of Georgia JOHN H. HESTER University of Georgia FREDERICK W. TEAGUE Alabama Polytechnic Institute The HOWITZER 181

Beta Theta Pi MARTYN H. SHUTE University of Maine JOHN L. JENKINS University of West Virginia ROBERT H. FLETCHER University of California GEORGE M. PRITCHARD Univctsity of North Carolina WALTER E. HOBSON Vanderbilt University Sigma Nu WILLIAM I). GEARY University of California SANDERFORD JAR MAN- University of Louisiana JOHN C. F. TILLSON, Jr. University of Georgia Delta Psi HENRY L. WATSON Trinity College WILLIAM H. SAGE, Jr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Delta Phi BRUCE B. BUTTLER Lehigh University HERBERT L. HARRIES Rutgers College Delta Upsilon HENRY W. TORNEY Cornell University JOSEPH F. DONOVAN Phi Gamma Delta GEORGE R. HARRISON Wabash College FAUNTLEY M. MILLER Was) ington and Jefferson College ROBERT L. EICHELBEBGER Ohio State University Phi Kappa Psi OLIVER A. DICKINSON Amherst College EDWIN A. EVERTS University of California Delta Tau Delta ROYAL K. GREENE De Pauw University LESTER D. BAKER Tufts College Alpha Delta Phi JOHN F. CURRY College of City of New York ARTHUR J. HANLON Wesleyan University Theta Mu Epsilon HERMAN ERLENKOTTER Stevens Institute of Technology ERASTUS R. DORSEY University of Georgia Phi Sigma Kappa ENOCH B. GAREY St. Johns College ARMINE W. SMITH St. Johns College Tau Omega Sigma GLEN E. EDGERTON Kansas State College CLAUDE B. THUMMEL Kansas State College Phi Beta Kappa ( High Stand Society ) HAROLD S. HETRICK Yale University JAMES G. STBESE Dickinson College Other Fraternities Represented GEORGE E. TURNER Phi Beta Epsilon Massachusetts Institute of Technology MARCELLUS II. THOMPSON Tau Beta Delta Harvard University |AMES G. STEESE Phi Kappa Sii-ma Dickinson College EDWARD \T. WOODBURY Chi Phi . Lehigh University ALBERT L. LOUSTALOT Kappa SiiMiia Louisiana State University ROLAND D. JOHNSON Chi Psi . Leland Stanford University PHILIP S. CAGE Psi Upsilon Trinity College WILLIAM F. MATHUES Delta Tau Beta Pennsylvania Military College ISAAC TILL Pi Kappa Alpha Davidson College HAROLD GEIGER Zeta Psi Stevens Institute of Technology VIEW FROM FORT PUTNAM 7F


... I



G .. t^fc'Y \ N June 16, 1905, after three long years of waiting, our First Class camp became a reality. O With beautiful weather, something hitherto unknown in the inauguration of camp, we marched over and took possession of our summer homes. Oh, how the black tar did run from those tent rails! How the fierce rays of the sun did beat upon our heads! How we did swear that it was a crime to make us labor thus! But finally we got domiciled, and settled down to make camp hum. Of couise, the "spoonoids" got busy at once some men are irrepiessible, anyhow—too hot to drill, too hot almost to attempt to keep cool, but Spuigin said that tennis, played with a broken racquet and the right femme as a partner, could not be excelled. Harry Torney is still of the opinion that golf—especially the "approach" can best be practiced in a certain shady nook down near the water's edge on Fliitation. Any excuse was seized by each and everyone for giving a party- a picnic, either by day or by moonlight, or per­ haps a "watermelon party" or a "boodle party"—all these afforded plenty of opportunities for such valiant spoonoids as P. D. Mettler and Bill Lane to show their prowess. The summer hops deserve a chapter to themselves, for they were the source of much of our pleasure during camp. They were all well attended. From time immemorial all classes have said that their hops and their "femmes" were the best ever. We think our hops were. We know our girls are. Far be it from us, however, to give the impression that we did nothing but spoon—"Industry thy name is '1906'' at least we made some think so. What master minds discovered how to make Swish's chair ascend to the tree tops ? By what mysterious law did the reveille gun roll into " E " Co. street and there fall to pieces ? And The HOWITZER 85 who could have been more industrious than that same " K" Co. when they had to put that gun back r What better proof of energy could one want than those long caravans toiling up that rocky road from Gee's Point, laden with the produce of the world ? But to be serious, there was far more work than there was play; from reveille to retreat there was not an idle moment. Target practice was developed more fully this summer than ever before; for the first time in the history of the Academy, a cadet rifle team took part in an outside competition; for the first time did cadets win the coveted expert rifleman's medal -Gatewood and Campbell achieved this distinction, as did the yearlings, Peter­

son and Dixon. Our first attempts at target practice with field and mountain guns were instructive, and, had it not been for the prospect of returning to camp by dusty roads (and to Dusty Rhodes) they would have been more pleasant. We hope that our pistol prac­ tice was a little better than "No, I, a miss," No. 2, a miss," "No. 3, miss," would indicate. "Line" kindly let us settle all bets, and "Skinny" Wainwright boasts to this day of the "pound- o'-bull" he won from Jim Green. At Engineering we were "sharks"—at least in our own esti­ mation. The bridges we built were certainly good to look at; nobody attempted to cross them. We became experts in the art of tying knots. Ned Wildrick's favorite was the "Granny." John Maul, not confining himself to any particular style, became so enthusiastic that he is still "all tied up." If we had been given a OFFICERS' ROW

FORT PUT The HOWITZER 187 little more time we would have dug all of the dirt from the south end of the post—Harry Torney and Jim Riley made a good start, but as one advocated the Italian system of bossing the job, and the other the Hibernian, no work could go on until a decision was reached. The instructor constituted himself a board of arbitration and told the rival "artistes de shovel" that he wanted "less talk and more work," whereupon both decided that eating green apples was more interesting anyhow, and "went on a strike." However, it was in the "Bull Pen" that we shone—that is when we could brush off enough tan bark to let our smiling countenances be seen. We certainly made impressions on everything in sight— the fence has not yet been repaired where Jacob landed in his head­ long flight from Lindsey's back. What pleasant memories are brought back to us by Methuse's solicitous exhortations, " Keep your hands down!" "Take your heels out of that horse!" "Give him his head!" or his assurance that "That's a nice, quiet little po-o-ny!!" For several days preceding July 25th, there was an air of mystery about camp. The mystery was cleared up on the night of the 25th, when all of " 1906" was invited to an "At Home" in the "C" company laundry tent, given by the 1906 "Juliets" in honor of the third anniversary of their admission to the Academy. The "Juliets" very justly felt proud of their entertainment. There was nothing stronger than grape-juice in its mildest form, and as "Hans" was O. C, everything ended well. Visitors sometimes comment on the deep voices and the good commands given by the members of 1906. The secret lies in our "singing school," so ably conducted by the " Boy Commander." "Cadet officers will report for voice culture at two P. M.," the order would read, and soon would be heard Pot Lewis' high tenor and "Col." Sturgill's deep bass ringing forth—" Ba-a-ta-al-yu-un, H-O-O-LT," " P-e-e-rade REST," or "Compan-e-e Atte-en- shun." Schway-be, almost crazed with jealousy, set up an opposition school in " F " Co. street and nearly drove the " Babe " out of business. Notwithstanding the intense heat (how many misguided crea­ tures have been bumped for saying the "heat was in tents!!") all sports kept on without a stop. We had an early start on polo, using English saddles from the beginning of camp; great interest was shown by a large number of men, and by the middle of the summer there were several strong teams. The call for candidates for the football and baseball teams were made as usual with encouraging 188 The HOWITZER

results. Tennis, always a prominent feature in the recreations of camp, was quite as popular as ever, and the playing was of unusual excellence. We recall, with shudders of awe, that terrible all-day fight, Corky's 75th—or was it the 76th ?—battle. Early in the morning, to the sound of martial music rendered by the H. C.'s, the opposing forces marched forth to the field of battle. The Blue, or attacking force, marched beyond the Cross Roads toward Long Pond. The Brown force was to occupy Eagle Valley, defending West Point against the hated invaders. At two o'clock, both armies having

OFF POST dined sumptuously on the dainty guard sandwiches provided by the camp-followers, the engagement began. It is needless to repeat the story of that bloody day; the brave stand of General Wildrick's force on the right of the defense; the masterly flanking march of Field Marshal Wainwright, turning General Riley's brigade; the daring dash of Colonel Ouekemeyer's regiment of cavalry; these are matters of histroy. Who can ever forget the prowess of aide-de­ camp Mick Daley, who rode three horses to death, or the stirring words of Corky—" Back! my brave boys, we will beat them yet!!" ? By five o'clock the "battle was o'er," the victorious Blue force had captured West Point, and both victors and vanquished, weary and The HOWITZER 189 worn, united in giving thanks that one more "soiree" was finished. Soon after this, began the preparations for an extended practice march, which Dame Rumor said was to last a week; it lasted only five days, but we wish it had lasted longer. The entire corps took part, and nobody regretted being there; in fact this was the most valauble experience of the entire summer. But all things, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, come to an end. With mingled feelings of delight and sorrow we saw the approach of August 28th that day meant the passage of another milestone on our journey, but it also meant the leaving behind of pleasant days and the breaking up of associations dear to us. As a fitting close for our summer festivities, a domino party was decided upon. This was indeed a novelty for West Point, but it was a tremendous success. The next morning we "folded our tents like Arabs," but there was no chance to "silently steal away," even if we had wanted to do so. We yelled for " 1906," for " 1908," for anything and every­ thing. Then we gave our final u- RaxjR; i.\ U—Rix Rix! U. S. M. A. 1906!! Never again! Never again!! Never again!!!—and Camp Edgerton was a thing of the past!


PfrRHtyE r

WA5HiriQT°h. MAfvXH 4 I9°5-

IFE at West Point is so strenuous that a change of any sort is hailed with joy, days, weeks,and even months in advance; so L after the Christmas holidays had passed, and 1905 had quieted down to a steady pace, the thoughts of the cadets, ever dwelling in the future, settled down upon the fourth of March as the nearest oasis in the weary stretch till June. Since the people of the United States had seen fit to elect a President, we would be so good as to see that he obtained his office. But there was a dry and sandy stretch in between, and a little tan bark into the bargain. For a week before the eventful day, the walls of the old riding hall reverberated to commands other than "Lean back!" or "Trot out!;" now it was "Squads right!" or "Squads left!;" while out in the stable yards a chosen few were mauling and belaboring some poor patient animals in an attempt to learn the art of mule packing. As the day drew near, the Corps retained its usual aspect of doubtful scorn; it seemed like a good thing, but everyone was sure there was a soiree attached somewhere. The first hitch came when the packing was made. No one seemed an authority on the subject, and one man actually changed his clothes from one locker to another six times, then threw them into his suit case in disgust. But these are mere superficialities. On the morning of the third, we left West Point, having been "entrained in a military manner." We hoped to reach Washington by noon; in fact, many had made engagements for the afternoon and evening. Noon came, and we had barely left Jersey City; the Corps was becoming sullen. Four o'clock came, we were creeping along somewhere near Philadelphia; the Corps was outspoken in its denunciations. Five o'clock came, we were at a dead halt, and we knew not where; the Corps was blasphemous; the storm had broken; the atmosphere was blue, and smelled of fire and brim­ stone; shrieks, curses, and groans were mingled in one confused The HOWITZER 193

roar. At six we had started once more, and the Corps had subsided into a state of listless apathy. At seven, the lights of the city appeared and soon we were rolling through the streets of the Capitol. We arrived in a drizzle, the streets were full of mud, and the dark was pitchy. But we relied upon our efficient leader, who soon conducted us to our haven, Washington Barracks. Some of us were too tired and dispirited to do other than search out our baggage, wash some of the dirt from our faces, and

BARRACKS THE FIRST NIGHT then roll into bed. But a great many still had enough energy to go forth in search of a good time in the city. At all hours of the night these pleasure-seekers were strolling in, and not till the wee small hours was every bunk filled. The morning of the fourth dawned clear and windy. Even before the sun had given a golden tip to Washington's monument, the Corps was astir. After considerable delay, the drums sounded, the com­ panies were formed, and the battalion started toward the Capitol, followed by the artillery, the cavalry, and the dauntless pack train. A large crowd had already assembled when we arrived. Uni­ forms of every description were in evidence; the sober but dignified apparel of the Lieutenant-General; the smart and striking costume of the Aide; foreign staffs with their brilliant colors, and staff officers of our own army in black, with colored sashes; all forming a pleasing contrast to the sober gray of the cadets and the dark blue of the midshipmen. BEFORE THE PARADE

At noon Mr. Roosevelt appeared on the stand. The impressive ceremony of administering the oath of office was conducted, while a hush fell over the assembled thousands. Afterwards, frequently interrupted by cheers, the President delivered his address, and at its conclusion moved down between the battalion of cadets and the brigade of midshipmen, -both standing at present arms, entered his carriage, and was driven toward the White House. The parade started soon after the President had left. Ours was the place of honor. In column of platoons we swung around the Capitol into Pennsylvania avenue. The sidewalks were crowded and every window was filled. Cheer after cheer greeted us, passing from throat to throat down the crowded street, dying away and then breaking out afresh with renewed vigor. Away back in the rear, one poor mule, overcome no doubt by the excitement of the moment, would insist upon lying down in the middle of the street. This con­ duct was not approved, and he was taken home in disgrace. The rest of the column continued an unbroken march to the post-office building. Here a short halt was made while the President and his party were lingering at dinner. But the waiting populace kept time from hanging heavily on our hands. Fair damsels smiled at us from the windows, or threw down dainties for us to eat; while the more mischief-loving would launch an apple or an orange at an unsuspecting dress-hat, sometimes with telling effect. The HOWITZER 195

Soon, however, the distinguished appetites were appeased and the parade resumed. Somehow, before we reached the reviewing stand, as if by instinct, every man became alert; something told him that now he must do his best. The President stood with uncovered head as the Corps marched by. When the command, "Eyes left!" was given, every eye sought his face; every heart beat faster - we were soldiers in the presence of our Commander-in-Chief. Then came a most delightful hour spent as the guests of Senator and Mrs. Kean. We were royally entertained. All manner of good things were given us to eat, and there were second, third, and even fourth rounds of everything. We had been on our feet since early morning, and our appetites were in a condition to do justice to the bountiful repast set before us. Senator and Mrs. Kean will long retain a warm spot in the hearts of the Corps. Occasions like this are what brighten the life of a cadet; they make him feel that wherever he may go, the uniform he wears will always open a way to the gaining of sympathetic friends. Weary and footsore we reached the barracks again just at dusk. Still, after a cup of good hot coffee and a cigar, many felt spry enough to put on their dress coats and set out again for the city. There were fireworks at the monument, the ball at the Pension building, and besides, many theaters; each of these drew a goodly number of men. Some few remained at home, lost in sweet sleep and pleasant dreams, called up no doubt by the stirring scenes of the day. With the succeeding day, another chapter in our lives closed; a chapter full of vivid scenes and deep impressions imprinted in firm and lasting character on our memories. That day spent in our Nation's capitol will stand out distinct from all others, associated with the faces of great men, our renowned and distinguished leaders. HE first "Personally Conducted" undertaken by 1906 took place on May 19, 1905, when we descended en masse T upon the Metropolitan Art Gallery. The journey to town was devoid of incident or accident, and after a careful exploration of all of Central Park, we arrived at our destination. We created quite a sensation at the Museum; people didn't know whether we were a fresh relief of attendants or not, but upon sight of our formidable note-books and pencils, they were reassured and allowed us to follow our several ways undisturbed—except by the thought that we had to hand in reports of the trip and that we would better "get busy." We were divided into two squads, one to study the paintings and the other the architectural models. We had to examine so very many pictures or models in a given time, that we at once began to "study art" with "life;" however, the Drawing Department's system of denoting preference made things easy—to quote Jim Green, "I chose Rembrandt's 'Portrait of a Man' because it had three stars opposite it." After luncheon, the squads exchanged tasks, and the note- taking went on to a hot finish. At the time of departure, " Barney," for some unknown cause, failed to show up; so, much to our sorrow, we were unable to add to the works of art in the museum one of his peerless "Just one more, gentlemen." Upon our return we had to hand in lengthy reports, and the Department, not to be outdone, handed in some reports, too; for example: "Spurgin: Failing to submit, etc.;" but notwithstanding these little pleasantries, the entire class voted the trip an entirely enjoyable and instructive one. QUAD, Attention! If there is any man here who feels that he'cannot give his word not to indulge in intoxicating drinks today, let him S fall out and return to camp." A moment's pause; every man kept his place. "Prepare to mount. Mount! Fours Right, March! Route Order!" We were off to see the 7th Regiment encamped at Peekskill eight miles away. A delightful canter down a long and shady road, a slow walk over a high hill, a spirited trot, another short canter, a few moments halt to breathe our horses, then on again, and before we knew it we had reached our destination. Our reception was all that could have been desired. A woman enter­ tains another woman with gossip; a man entertains another man with "grub." Every tent was a small supply house; as fast as one was emptied another was invaded. They made us eat; they poked it down us, and then ran for more. When we were physically unable to swallow another crumb, they brought drinkables—all soft; and after that, smokables. Never daunted, we got rid of everything, and they slapped us on the back and called us good fellows. We weren't above gossip either. One would have thought himself transported to the days of Babel, to have heard us; every­ body talking, nobody listening, and such shouting and laughing—even Hooley Foox was seen to indulge in a loud guffaw. After awhile, dinner time came—more eating. It seemed that our com­ ing had been made a special occasion, and a wonderful meal had been pre­ pared. Strange to say, our appetites were as keen as in the morning, and we did justice to the spread. How those 7th Regiment boys do eat! After dinner we lounged about the tents, cracking grinds, smoking, taking snap shots for future reference, and having a good time generallv. Every man was ready to vow he was having the best time he ever had in his life. But all good things come to an end—so did that. Not having any other way to express our appreciation, we turned them out a class yell, a Corps yell, and a yell altogether; then mounted our steeds and rode away. The last thing we heard was, "Three cheers for West Point," then three long and hearty cheers.


HE Northfield Students' Conference is an annual gathering of Christian workers from all of the leading colleges in the T East at the town of Northfield, Mass. Matters pertaining to the work done during the preceding scholastic year are discussed and commented upon, and plans for the future are drawn up. In 1893 an attempt was made to send a delegation from West Point, but it was unsuccessful. The next year a graduate and a furlough-man attended the conference, and the latter not only brought back glowing accounts but caused a constitution to be adopted and the Y. M. C. A. to be established on a sound basis. Finally in 1899 the Superintendent permitted three delegates to attend the Students'Conference; and now,owing to the great advance in Christian work at the Academy, twelve delegates are sent each year. On the third of July, this year, the chosen few left Camp Edgerton for a "forced march" to Northfield. From the first class there were Westover, Campbell, Johnson, W. A., Downing, Jones, R. A., McFarland, and Hoyle; from the Third class, Schultz, J. W., Cullum, O'Brien, Jarman, and Goethals. The trip was of such a nature as to make the practice march and sham—er—er—that is—the tactical maneuvers of the latter part of camp seem like play. From seven p. M. on the third until ten A. M. on the fourth, we were laboriously trying to reach our destination, with enjoyable and lengthy halts at such great places as Greenfield and Millers Falls, where we roamed the streets— they called them by that name—in the moonlight, patiently awaiting the pleasure of the Central Vermont R. R., which finally made it "at a walk." Twelve forlorn objects at length reached Marquand Hall, a fine dormitory attached to the seminary at Northfield. College The HOWITZER 199 banners floated from all the windows and from the gables of the roof, for Harvard, Wesleyan, Amherst, Columbia, McGill from Canada, and several smaller colleges were already installed therein; while delegations from Yale, Princeton, Cornell and other colleges were in other buildings scattered around the conference grounds. When we came down to our first meal in the big dining hall, we found that the table of honor in the centre had been reserved for us, and before we could reach our seats every college there represented

THE CROWD turned us out a yell, each of which we returned. Before long, from Harvard's corner rang out, "We want 'Army Blue!' "—we did our best. The meal was certainly a "howling" success. That day being the glorious Fourth, a track meet was held in the afternoon. We entered a man in every event, thus giving every­ one two or three chances to distinguish himself; but, owing partly to the fatigue of our trip, and principally to our lack of athletes, we did not win the meet as the cadets did last year. Still the showing was by no means bad. 200 The HOWITZER

The day closed with exercises in the auditorium, an immense hall, which accommodated all of the delegations, and had plenty of room for the ladies besides. The galleries were well filled when we arrived in full dress with white trousers. With the Corps colors in the lead we marched to our seats 'mid a deafening uproar from all over the building. Then followed the other colleges at lock-step, winding up and down the aisles, singing their college anthems. They wore sashes and head-dresses with their respective college colors, and made a most impressive spectacle. After the noise had been quieted down there was a short ad­ dress, and then each college delegation was called upon for a song and cheer. We came first with "Army Blue" and a "Long Corps Yell;" then followed "Fair Harvard," the "Yale Boola," "Old Nassau," and others; none could fail to notice the spirit of perfect good will and hearty fellowship that was expressed in the faces, and reverberated in the cheers of this significant body of represent­ ative students. After escorting the colors home, we returned to rally 'round a tremendous bonfire, built up sixty or seventy feet, and throwing a light over the rollicking crowd in a most fascinating manner. Our work started on the fifth, and was of a very pleasant nature. At 8.30 a. m., we attended auditorium meeting, and listened to many short talks of an immensely practical value, as well as taking part in all conferences that ensued; this meeting lasted until 930, when the classes for Bible study were held. There were a number of these classes, each taking up some different part of the Bible. At 11 a. m., came Platform Meeting, at which time some noted Christian worker delivered an address, always of an intensely interesting nature. The afternoons were spent in recrea­ tion. Every evening just at dusk, there was an outdoor gathering at "Round Top," a little hill overlooking the delegation grounds. Probably the most strikingly picturesque of all the scenes at North- field was this meeting with its hundreds of students offering up their songs and prayers at the close of day; in the distance the river and the mountains lighted up by the last golden rays of the sun, bringing a gentle and glorious benediction, and a sense of deep reverence into every heart. At eight P. M., we attended another short service in the auditorium, after which our delegation usually met in our rooms at "The Marquand" to discuss the matters of the day just passed, and to form plans for the morrow. The HOWITZER 201

The days were full of work, but still some of the fellows seemed to think there was still something to be done at "The Northfield," a large summer hotel, and full of the ever present and ever welcome sweet summer girls. Then there was tennis, baseball, and many other sports; in every way we were most royally entertained. The meeting closed on the ninth, and an early start for West Point was made next morning. Every man felt sorry to leave that atmosphere of perfect cleanliness and good fellowship, an atmosphere impossible to appreciate unless you have been to Northfield during a delegation meeting. Even the cadets, who were about to return to dear (?) old West Point, sighed, every man of them; they did not even "buck up" when, as our train rounded a bend of the Hudson, that old familiar view came into sight (Trophy Point, Flirtation, and all that you know). Soon, yea too soon, Camp Edgerton was reached, and the little delegation was lost in the greater corps. But they trust that the spirit which was so indelibly impressed upon them may be diffused among the Corps, as is the leaven in the great loaf.

KENDRICK HALL N spite of the fact that the hop of the night before had kept us from our downy couches until the old tower clock had struck its last before morning, the rising sun beheld some still earlier I risers, for this was the day of our trip to the renowned and famous Lake Oscawana. And so, even before reveille, all was hurry and bustle in Camp Edgerton. Blankets, curry-combs, tin plates, all went into the same pile; and wife helped wife to get the cavalry roll suitable for travel­ ling. Our breakfast time was short, but not too short for us to think of the many things we had forgotten to put in our rolls; and so we hurried home to search out and borrow the missing articles. Then the rolls were piled into the waiting wagons, and, just as the battalion was marching across the plain from breakfast, the Recon­ naissance Party formed on the color line, and thence proceeded to the plain to the waiting line of horses there to draw the prizes— Fulton, Marcy, or Strong; trembling with fear, we awaited the pleas­ ure of Dame Fortune. Stirrups were quickly adjusted, the unfor­ tunates, meanwhile, making uncomplimentary remarks about their innocent companions for the march, while those who were fortnuate enough to draw Meade or Starring were fearful lest they would have to "close in one file to the right." With mingled feelings of pleasant anticipation and nameless fear, we watched the strange bundles, called luncheons, packed at the Mess Hall, then trotted down the hill to the ferry. Each man drew a breath of relief as the boat pulled out from shore leaving West Point behind. The HOWITZER 203

The several squads parted company at the Country Club. With sketching cases oriented, erasers secure, pencils sharpened, each indicated the origin of its map and started on its own road into the unknown, hoping to meet again at a common destination, even if their sketches did insist that they were miles apart. The roads made many bends; the sights were difficult to take; the lines were hard to draw; and the horses would not stand still. The silence of the immense woods was often broken by a "Hold still!" or a "Whoa!" supplemented by remarks quite unauthorized

AFTER THE FIRST MEAL by the Department of Tactics. But the engineers knew it must be thus, for they had drawn maps before. After dreary hours of pushing the "6H," our appetites began to long for the unknown delicacies of that mess-hall lunch. About noon we were much relieved when the Lieutenant stopped at a delightful little spring by the roadside and informed us that there we were to feast. The horses were first unsaddled and turned into Farmer Du- crot's pasture, there to help themselves to the spoils of the land. 204 The HOWITZER

Then we made haste to reach the wagon, each to receive his little package. Lo and behold!—one egg and three dry sand­ flmSsTjl wiches. Think of - •btl^^^i^wlJ it!—to be brought into the wilderness ?i£ and choked to death. But we were far too

CAMP CANOPUS hungry to state our grievances there. In groups of twos and threes, K-dets could be seen collecting in the shade of an old apple tree, or looking for shelter under a spread­ ing chestnut. Soon a little white bag was pulled from each gray shirt, and the famous bull skag brought peace and contentment to the heart of each. Our rest was short; we soon had our horses saddled again—and plodding on toward our distant goal. Shortly before sundown we pulled up on the crest of a hill to view the surrounding country; what we saw cheered us and made us glad once more. For there beneath us, nestled cosily in a bend of the tranquil Canopus, was

A BOUNTIFUL REPAST our camp already pitched. One squad had arrived before us; for there were some horses tied to a picket line, with an abundance of The HOWITZER 205 hay scattered around, into which the tired creatures were continually thrusting their noses. Some few persons were gathered around a solitary camp-fire which had been built down near the creek. It was a pleasant sight, offering soothing rest for our tired limbs, and a promise of something to satisfy our now ravenous appetites. We were met at headquarters by our Commander-in-Chief, Swish. He had not been seen before, but was much in evidence thereafter. Supper did not last long, for P. D. and Bill Lane had already reported on the wonders of the lake. So by seven, we were trudging up the hill, then on and on toward the hotel and the "Shebang." The walk was hard, but the lake pretty, the boat ride refreshing, and the hop delightful; and we hope our hostess did not disapprove of our costume, for we had forgotten our dress coats and were forced to attend in riding trousers and gray shirts, torn and dusty. At first our Commander-in-Chief would allow us to stay till ten only, but lost in the smiles of a pretty maiden, he later extended the time thirty minutes and then got an absence on taps himself. How­ ever, none of us care to throw stones. Dusty and tired we went to camp, but not to sleep, for those who preferred camp to the lake were kept awake by yells like, "No. 2, two o'clock, all's well;" this about 11 p. m. in camp near Canopus Creek. But even the noisiest finally quieted down. It was strange how soundly the men did sleep, especially when an effort was made by the poor picket sentinel to rouse some one to take his place. Reveille came, as it always does, at the most inop­ portune time; and right hard it was that morning. In the course of an hour our trusty band filed off down the trail with compass and sketching case, and took the road toward home. Shortly before noon we passed our starting point of the day before, and stopped at Garrison to eat our lunches and put the finishing touches to our maps. Then with joy in our hearts, we boarded the "Highlander" again, and started for the West Shore, surrendered our horses to the cavalry guard on the other side, and, with a sigh of relief, crossed the cavalry plain to old Camp Edgerton and the showers. Although it cannot be said that our maps were wonders, either in accuracy or neatness, still we can say that they contain nothing but what might be found on the other side of the river; and you could do no more than lose yourself were you to use one as a guide. It was work, and some of it pretty tedious, but still full of those little inci­ dents that gladden the heart of a cadet and give him pleasant mem­ ories when, old and gray, he lapses into quiet moments of sweet retrospection. bS9»«fe^r~

A FABLE NCE upon a Time there was a Real Goat. This Goat dwelt in Camp Edgerton, and, when there was Nothing to O do, would Sleep and Sleep. The time when there was nothing to Do rarely came in Camp Edgerton, but between drills, especially before Artillery drill, this Goat was won't to Pipe. "Veri­ ly," said he, " I Opine that there is nothing in the Life of a Soldier for me; Infantry I don't want, Cavalry I wouldn't have, and Ar­ tillery is worse than the Two combined." So the Goat lay Down and slept on. It came to pass, However, in the middle of August in the year nineteen Hundred and Five, that the first Class, the one to which the Goat belonged, was taken to Fort Totten. Here it was that the


Goat was given every opportunity to In­ spect all the Wonder­ ful achievements in Modern coast Artil­ lery. Often the Goat would wander out Alone to the Batteries and stare in Awed Silence at the Mon­ strous guns; "I Opine," said he to himself, "that one could not live on a

THE PLUNGE Ship if such batteries Were trained Upon her," and so he would inspect and Inspect these large Engines of Modern warfare. Now it happened that this Goat must Attend two drills Daily. This caused a Thrill of Joy to disturb him. He had Hitherto been accustomed to attend six, with Lectures thrown in between, so the Goat slept no more, but remained Wide awake and listened to all the Wonders that were told Him. From a slot in the Conning tower, He would watch the Incoming ships as their White sails floated over the vast expanse of the Blue, and was wont to say, "My! is it Not marvelous ?" Then a voice would sound, "Commence tracking;" telephone bells would Ring, and down at the Batteries the men would work Harder and harder. Then again the same voice would sound, "Cease tracking"—"Target lost," and all would be still, and the silence of Death would Spread over the Land of Totten. "There," said the Goat, "that is Bruff in Song," and would straightway Whistle "Yankee Doodle Boy" as he Stepped gaily Down the Stairs. But this Was not all that the Goat was to See. One night When the Darkness of Blackest midnight Sat upon the sea, Four gleaming Search lights were Set to bear upon the distant Incoming ships, so that They could be tracked as by Day. Then the Goat's joy Knew no Bounds, and he Danced with Glee upon the Bank of Pit "A," so that He loseth his Balance and rolleth Merrily among the Mortars. BATTERY MAHAN The HOWITZER 209

Then on the following Day the Goat was taken on the "General Meigs" far out into the Ocean, and a Submarine mine was Planted, and He was brought Back again amid the Chilling drizzle of Rain and Wind, and he was Deposited on the Grassy slope of the Bat­ teries, that He might behold The Marvelous explosion amidst the Water. He waited and Waited. Then there was a Terrific sound, and a geyser projected Itself from the Bay, and Then again all was Still — like Death. Now it was that this Goat became radiant with Glee and Rubbed violently his PIT ..A- Waistcoat, which was the Custom of all true Goats. "I opine that I shall Take the Heavy artillery," and he Scampered away for his Accustomed Plunge and his Favorite cigar. Next day It was Necessary for Him to return to his home at West Point. Tears of Regret made deep Furrows in his Cheeks as the "General Meigs" took him further and Further from the Land of Totten. Down upon the Locker in his Old Home did He sit Himself, looking the personification of Lost Hope. "Verily," said he to his yearling wife, "I opine There is Nothing like it," and then rolled Over in Sleep. Moral: Fake the Heavy Artillery. 033J

AST target practice season, for the first time in its history, the Military Academy had a rifle team which was sent to L Sea Girt, there to compete in the National Shoot. Perhaps no time more favorable for the formation of a rifle team could have been selected, as this year, by special attention to target-practice, we were able to qualify four expert riflemen, twelve sharpshooters, and ten marksmen from the first and third classes—a record far in advance of that of any previous year. It is a noteworthy fact that the grade of expert-riflemen has never before been attained by a Cadet. From their records on the range during the summer, the follow­ ing men were selected to compose the rifle team: Campbell, Clagett, Cotton, Dixon, Gatewood, Heard, Horsfall, Lewis, C. A., Mac- Millan, Minick, Peterson, Pratt, Torney, Westover and Wildrick. Captain Exton was team captain; Captain Thayer, coach; and Lieutenant Glade, spotter. These officers and cadets left West Point for Sea Girt, Friday, Aug. 18. At Sea Girt there were two sides to our life; two sides that were separate and apart, however. To do one well, we found it necessary to forget the other for the time. Remembering the motto " Business before pleasure," we take them up in their proper order. Our first work was to inspect the Sea Girt range after the firing had ceased the first day. We found it very different from our own range. The method of marking hits was new to us. The range clocks were new to us; the anerometer puzzled us, at first to know what it was, then to read it. Though we had heard of many devices in use on the target range, we had seen but few; and for all we knew, those mysterious satchels that the old "cracks" carried with them on the range might The HOWITZER 211 contain a guide to the bulls eye, or a guarantee of centers. Later, we found that the usual contents of such a satchel were: an hygro­ meter, a thermometer, a telescope, a sight elevator, et cetera; all indispensable when contending with Sea Girt conditions, so the owners argued. The conditions were indeed trying at times; we often found them hard to cope with. The man on the firing line, as he faces his target, looks toward the east and out to sea—the long-range targets are directly on the beach. In the early morning the sun, rising behind the targets, throws a light on them that completely non­ pluses the average man. In the afternoon the light conditions were

THE TEAM just reversed; with the sun directly behind the contestant, his target stood out clear and distinct. Naturally, the best scores were made in the afternoon; those to whose lot it fell to fire in the early morning were simply "out of luck." So much for the light conditions. Down in "Washington Valley," more commonly known as "the polo flats," where our own target range is located, nature has put up a sort of semi-circular barrier against the wind—that ele­ ment most destructive of high scores in shooting. At Sea Girt no such barriers exist. A constant sea breeze has clean sweep over the range. This breeze frequently attains the proportions of a hurri­ cane, the anerometer registering a velocity of from 25 to 30 miles 212 The HOWITZER an hour; with the result that we were forced to use windages never heard of at West Point. The inevitable result of these new and varying conditions was erratic shooting. On days when the conditions approached those we had been used to, our score was excellent; when the conditions were capricious, the wretched scores told the tale. About three days were spent in practice; then the National Individual Match opened. In this match there were about 700 entries—all team captains entering their men in order to give them the advantage of the practice for the National Team Match. During this time our shooting improved very much. We had gained con-

THE FIRING LINE siderably in self-confidence, and knew now that the secret of shooting did not lie in those mysterious satchels. In the team match we made a good showing, and we are confident that we would have stood much higher had we been more thoroughly acquainted with the peculiar conditions of the range. As to the general results of the trip much might be said. In no other way could we have been so profoundly impressed with the important place assigned to target practice by the military authori­ ties. No keener interest in the results of the shooting from day to day was displayed than by those whom we have a right to assume know most about the needs of the service. The HOWITZER 213

Now about the social side of our stay in that most delightful region. In telling this we feel like second classmen reciting deeds of furlough to yearlings in June. On the second night there, en­ cased in buttons and white trousers, we swooped down en masse on the grand military ball at the N. J. State Rifle Association Club House. We had the pleasure of meeting there many of the delightful summer girls who frequent the Jersey coast. Before we said good­ night to these dear girls, we had accepted enough invitations to dinners and dances to keep us in dress coats till a permanent set left us top shaped. We cannot say enough good things about the Sea Girt girls, to whom we are indebted for so many enjoyable occasions. In the morning they would drive over to the range; after sending the coachman along the firing line to locate the "West Point cadets," they would take up their stand in rear of our position while they watched the firing of those in whom they chanced to be especially interested. When these particular cadets had completed their "strings," they would, as you might expect, drop back and join the "gallery." Close observation usually disclosed the fact that the interest of the girls, as well as that of the fortunate cadets, waned just at this time, and an attentive ear might have heard some such remark as this directed to a Montana peak: "Run along into camp now and change uniforms, I want to drive you over to Deal Beach. Quick!" Like a good soldier, the cadet obeyed. Not the least enjoyable one of these jaunts was a trip in "the machine" to Asburv Park, followed by dinner and a dance at the Casino. While we are assigning credit to those who made the Sea Girt trip two weeks of continuous pleasure, we must mention General Harries, whose dinner to the entire team and its officers at the New Monmouth in Spring Lake will cause him to be pleasantly remembered by us all. We regret that lack of space compels us to omit many inter­ esting accounts—as, for instance, the evolution of a full-fledged spoonoid from such unsuspected material as Pot Lewis, who proved himself quite a Chesterfield on various occasions. It is claimed that no squad of cadets ever left West Point with more privileges than the members of the rifle team, and none of those who went are in a position to dispute the claim. No request for a reasonable privilege was refused, and there were few infractions of rules. There were some, to be sure, but verily they had their reward; their children to the seventh generation will rise up and call Baron Rosen blessed. nflcTlc?

Kxtraet from Colonel C A. Hill's Ornanizat inn and Tactics, Edition 1925. CHAPTER X "Campaign of Corps of Kaydets in Summer of 1905"

" When ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise." —Colonel Dutch Kiefier S an example of the principles set forth in the foregoing chapters, the campaign of the West Point Corps is without A an equal. In this remarkable raid, covering a period of five days, every principle of artillery, infantry, cavalry, and other regulations, was most consistently violated, thus showing the practical value of the author's assertion that a complete knowledge of tactics is necessary in order to do otherwise. On August 21, the Corps, consisting of one division of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, one regiment of artillery, one ambulance train, one supply column, and one provost guard, left West Point and crossed to the East bank of the Hudson. The crossing was not opposed by the enemy, as the staff had previously arranged matters with the Ferry company, and all fares had been paid. Theoretically, Garrisons was the base of operations; an im­ aginary force was left here with instructions to vary its size from time to time as the exigencies of the case demanded. From here the first operations were directed against the enemy commanded by Count Von Nieu Bowld, who had under him a considerable force composed of all arms, and occupying a strongly fortified posi­ tion on the road leading from Garrisons to Cold Springs. The attacking force was commanded by General Babe. About eleven A. M. the advance scouts of the attacking column stumbled on to the enemy, and spent a few moments discharging their pistols into the air in order to demoralize the enemy's forces. Hearing the noise in front, General Babe sent his aide, Captain The HOWITZER 215

Wareing, to see what was doing; the latter, finding a nice rough- house going on, of course stayed to see the fun. About this time the gallant Captain Pelot rushed forward with his artillery, estab­ lished it in battery on the side of a hill, and began a furious fire upon a clump of trees about two thousand yards distant; but, happening to look over the stone wall along which his guns were stationed, he discovered the enemy's infantry lying flat on the ground; he then held the butt of his pistol in the air and yelled, "Decision" at

THE START the top of his voice, so frightening the enemy that they ran away and commenced a flank attack. Meanwhile, on the left, a heated engagement was being fought by the cavalry dismounted and the infantry. The cavalry of the attacking column was commanded by Colonel Olmstead, and was exceedingly well handled. It advanced up the road at a trot to CAMP AT COLD SPRINGS The HOWITZER 217

within one hundred yards of the hostile skirmishers, then dismounted and drew lots for horse- holders, meanwhile enjoying a spicy fire from the enemy. Finally, lineofskir- mishers was formed, and the men began to return the fire; COMPANY STREET but when their guns got hot, they had to throw them away and hide themselves in the thick grass. The enemy, who had expected an attack, thought per­ haps a mistake had been made, and fell back anyhow. Count Von Nieu Bovvld could, no doubt, have won the fight, but feeling a gnawing at his stomach, he turned to his aide saying, "Some of us eat to live, but most of us live to eat;" whereupon the aide had the recall sounded, and both forces went into camp near Cold Springs. The casualties were very few; two men were poisoned with ivy, and one was slightly overheated. The next day Gen. Le Com heard that the enemy was march­ ing on Fishkill; he decided to cut him off. To do this it was neces­ sary to have a forced march. The day being Sunday, negotiations were opened with the enemy, and it was agreed that no guns would be fired, but whoever got there first could have the village. It was one thing to say make a forced march and another to do it; so it was decided to turn loose Col. Bird du Caw in front of the command and sic the troops on him. This was done with great success. At Fishkill the troops were allowed to bathe in the river, but could not show their heads above the banks. During the evening some went to church, others lingered in camp around the fires, and still others went elsewhere. On the following day, Col. Si Monds had command of the attacking force. The action on this day was a great credit to the cavalry. Captain Quack made a gallant charge upon an artillery position, sabered the cannoneers, and put the whole battery out of business. Lieut. Hooly Foox was scouting out ahead of the column 218 The HOWITZER when the enemy opened fire with his artillery; Lieutenant Foox, with great pres­ ence of mind, rushed back to Colonel Si Monds and reported that the enemy had opened fire with his artillery. This is a fine example of gal­ lantry and bravery in action coupled with great keenness of observation. FUN The infantry did not have a chance to distinguish itself until about noon, when it spied in the distance the hostile artillery, limbered up and moving so as to expose its flank. Immediately the command deployed and opened up a vigorous fire. The enemy responded by waving their handkerchiefs as a signal that the fight was over; it was decided that none of the shots took effect. Camp that night was pitched on a rocky hillside. Many of the soldiers attended a ball in the vicinity and danced with the pretty maidens; some ran away and visited Mount Beacon; but all were ready for action the next morning. On this day, Col. Bird du Caw was sent with a detachment to intercept the enemy's wagon train. The morning was filled with heated engagements, all noted for their many acts of individual bravery; the men were fearless in the face of a most galling fire. Col. Bird du Caw couldn't find the train, but decided to give the enemy a hot time anyhow. The cavalry, commanded by Capt. Fanny Dickman, made a thrilling charge around the brow of a hill and later engaged the infantry of the enemy. Each side thought it licked the other, and thereupon a heated dispute arose; but Count Von Nieu Bovvld, riding up, ordered the cavalry back to try it over. Later the enemy turned loose upon Col. du Caw's forces a wild horse with a plow attached, in an attempt to demoralize his forces. This was contrary to the rules of war, as it is expressly stated that the ranks may be plowed by bullets only. This fact was called to The HOWITZER 219

their attention; a dis­ pute arose, and a close hand-to-hand conflict ensued. Men stood on oppo­ site sides of trees and tried to get at each other; and one man, thinking he was chasing another around a tree, shot CHOW himself in the hand; this was the most serious calamity of the war. Camp that night was pitched near the Hudson, but nobody was drowned; though it was feared for a while that Major Kate Dona boo was lost, he afterwards turned up. Next day General Le Com directed an attack on Cold Springs, then held by General Babe. The fight was mostly carried on by Col. Bow Lee with his artillery. The forces of General Babe fell back before the terrific noise of the cannon and frightful sounds that escaped from the lips of Col. Bow Lee. Hearing these, General Babe threw up his hands, shrieking, "All is lost!" and fell back on his imaginary base, Cold Springs. Before he could cross the river the enemy came up and they crossed together. Thus ended this remarkable campaign, in which no towns were destroyed, not a line of communication cut, no muskets captured, no prisoners taken, and not a single life lost.


"Mathuse's 600 at The Horse Show" (Copied from the Society Columns of the New Vork Daily Tommy-Kot.) HE First Class from the United States Military Academy entered the ring about half past three in the afternoon and T occupied boxes at both ends of the Garden. They were chaperoned by Captain Mathuse, a prominent society man and an expert horseman, who has been of late teaching the class to be English in the saddle. Society had long since begun to tire of the entries, and the timely arrival of the cadets served to add a touch of brilliancy to the affair of the week, calling them out en masse. The entries of the afternoon were dull for the most part, except the Hunter's class, which held the attention of all until it closed. The cavalry class, it was noticed, particularly amused the cadets; and well it might anyone who professed to be a cavalryman. Several times it was seen that the riders had no scruples about throwing away their sabers. It had been customary for one cadet, at least, to ride during previous years, and the fact that no one did this year proved a disappointment to many. At six in the evening a reception was held in the upper ball room for the cadets, Colonel Fellows and Captain Mathuse being in the receiving line. An elaborate dinner was served in the cafe immediately afterwards, and when cigars had been passed, the young men at the tables arose and gave many cheers for their generous host. The evening performance took on more life, and few cadets remained in their boxes. Oiseau Byrd was seen chatting gaily in the box of Mrs. Birdlike Tu. He wore a buttoniere of orchids and green spats. The HOWITZER 221

E. De Long Smith and Paul Revere Manchester were at the head of the main stairway where they stood most of the evening. It is said the former will soon announce his engagement; but Dame Rumor has it that he is somewhat indisposed toward giving the usual bachelor dinner, as he has too many convivial friends; this is mere gossip, yet K. W. Marantette Wilhelm says it is certain, and K. W. generally knows. 3 Mr. G. L. R. Converse did the ring several times. He is looking much better than usual this year, and there is much conjecture as to why. James Wilson Riley was there, and also John Yazoo Queke- meyer; both debutantes of last winter. They were resplendent in gold lace and American beauty roses. Mr. Quekemeyer has taken on much color lately, especially since his formal entrance. They occupied a box. Mr. Joseph Choate King was completely surrounded by a bevy of ladies, and was hugely lionized most of the evening. He made his formal bow just last summer, but he carried himself with the poise that rarely comes for several seasons. Later in the evening the cadets shared the attention of the audience with the New York corps of Street Cleaners, whose natty white uniforms and gold buttons mingled most pleasantly with the West Point gray. The street cleaners were cheered heartily as they entered the ring. To be sure, these men did not march as steadily nor stand as erectly as the cadets, but anything in uniform will please the ladies, who henceforth gave the cadets only half of their smiles. The street cleaners wore long wreathes of beautiful morning glories tied with pink ribbons, while most of the cadets wore shower bouquets in the evening. O! September Pendleton was seen returning on the train. ATERVLIET I an. J27, 1906.

To the Instructor of Ordnance, United States Military Academy: SIR:—I have the honor to submit the following report of my visit to the Water- vliet Arsenal on January 27, 1906. We left West Point early in the morning, arriving at Alhany at a decent hour for breakfast, which we found all ready and waiting for us. The pretty young wait­ resses did their hest to please, arid were mostly successful, hut I think Cadet Willi- ford can give more extended information on this subject. We then took the trolley for the Arsenal, several miles out of the city in the direction of Buffalo, in fact almost in the suhurhs of Troy. The route led along a large ditch, which some said was the Erie canal. After being introduced to the Commanding Officer at the Arsenal, and passing the time of day with him, we started to inspect the different shops. For this pur­ pose we were divided into groups, each group taking along a captain or a lieutenant as a guide. We saw many interesting and amusing things. The machinery was well disci­ plined and did some wonderful tricks. The new 16-inch gun is a whopper, made entirely of wood, thus possessing a great advantage over the old types in point of weight and price. 1 noticed a peculiar kind of breech block; it was spherical in shape, and in fact was a two-hinged truss fastened at both ends. Among other things, there was a new kind of shaping tool that worked at the rate of 27 feet a minute, cutting off a curled chip one square inch in cross section and developing such intense heat that the chip turned a beautiful blue. This was the most incred­ ible thing in the shop. We also saw them shrink a jacket on to a tube, the jacket being lifted by means of a stork. Luncheon was served at noon, and this was the most enjoyable hour of the day. There were sandwiches, coffee, skags and charming girls. We ate the first, drank the second, smoked the third, talked to and made eyes at the fourth. What would the Army be without the ladies ? In the afternoon we did some more inspecting, but by this time my brain was rather fagged, and I only remember one thing of importance, this was a centrifugal wringer for squeezing oil out of steel. I didn't know before that it could be done. We left the Arsenal at 4 P. M., had dinner at the Depot, and started for West Point at 5:30, reaching there without accident about tattoo. Very respectfully, JOHN CONRAD MALLET, Cadet First Class N a bright day next April the "Gen. Meigs" will come again to West Point and take into its arms the Class of 1906. The day will be O clear, of course; the sunshine warm; the breeze refreshing; the wa­ ter as blue as the sky above, except where it lashes into foam at the prow, or stretches away in a broad white streak from the stern. Down the river, past the Citv right merrily will we go. Tugs and steam­ ers will pass us shrilling their cheery salutes; perhaps we may turn them out a yell; the spirit will not be lacking. A short trip down the Jersey coast will bring us to Sandy Hook and the big guns. There we shall hear the most deafening noises we ever heard in our lives—with cotton in our ears, our mouths open, and standing on our toes. Then we shall return to West Point and discuss the Ordnance and the Heavy Artillery until time to go to Gettysburg; this will be by rail and in May—May, think of it! To wander over that famous old battlefield will indeed be a privilege. Perhaps we shall not have forgotten the 27,000 loaded rifles found after the battle, nor the musket containing twenty cartridges. It may be that such a thought will intrude itself upon our memory; or, lost in contemplation of the country over which Pickett made his famous and gallant charge, we may even forget that graduation is but a stone's throw away. u Three days shall we spend on that historic ground, "consecrated by the lives of our countrymen." We may perhaps be so fortunate as to be able to listen to that renowned orator, who so glowingly paid tribute to the valor of his comrades, and won such favor in the eyes of our esteemed prede­ cessors, the Class of 1905. We may perhaps meet and defeat the famous Gettysburg baseball nine. We know we shall enjoy those three days, and the home coming will not be the bitter that has heretofore spoiled all the sweet such trips may contain, for graduation will be too near; and under its exhilirating prox­ imity nothing could be bitter, everything must be sweet.

• g




LMOST all of us made our acquaintance with A Cadet Hops when we were plebes. Thought plebes couldn't go to hops ? Of course they can't; their acquaintance with hops is made entirely in an indirect manner. We can all remember as plebes how friendly the upper classmen were just before a big hop, and how instead of "Gerrarchinnin!!!" we were politely asked, "Mister, are you a printoid ?" Well, this lasted a weary time, until finally our first graduation hop rolled around, and first classmen with long strings of female relatives and friends, "come to see Josh Medder's boy graduate," waylaid us in the area, in our rooms, anywhere, and unloaded one of them on us. Then we went out not knowing any better, and strung our innocent classmates into taking dances on the card we were so laboriously making out; that is the way lots of feuds start. It makes one wonder who got the worst of it—the plebe who traded guard tours with an upper classman so the latter could go to the hop, or the plebe that dragged for a first classman. Hut at that, those of us who got to go had a good time, and danced, or tried to dance, for the first time in over a year—and some of us for the first time in our lives. Cullum Hall in our eyes that night rivaled in splendor the fairy palaces that imagination in our childhood days loved to fancy. How chests were thrown out and chins defiantly thrust out at all the world, as we proudly promenaded in the inter­ missions! Yes, and when the hop was over and we were discussing it over a last skag before turning in, we had to agree that we cadets were certainly regular "divils" with the ladies. Yearling camp is an endless riot of drill, guard duty, and hops. Most everyone turns into a desperate spoonoid, and the guard tour that makes a man miss a hop is doubly cursed. The hops, next to 228 The HOWITZER the days the Tac Department impotently gnashes its teeth because old Jupiter Pluvius has knocked a chunk out of the drill program, are the things that make yearling camp bearable. It is then that the festive yearling improves his steps and becomes the graceful dancer that, according to the West Point novel, all cadets are. But before that perfection is reached, there comes a period when the neophyte is an object of horror on the hop room floor, to be shunned by friend and foe alike. There are those cadets who imagine dancing is an energetic sort of human billiards and try to carrom off as many couples as possible during an evening—and those that with grimly clenched jaw and remorseless eye gallop madly up and down like the Juggernaut crushing all who have not the agility to keep out of their paths. Then there are those who owe their introduction to the joys of oscillating to their reprehensible habit of bending their left arms at the elbow instead of holding them straight out at the prescribed angle of sixteen degrees with the horizontal. But far be it from us to destroy the tender illusion entertained by so many fair maids as to the Terpsichorean superexcellence of the cadet. Rather let us turn and regard for a moment the factor that makes the hops so enjoyable for the cadets themselves—the femmes, of course. The types are few, the individuals many. Highest ranking among them all, at least in her own eyes, is the Post femme, blase and tolerantly amused—making out her own card from among the P. S.'s who have achieved her favor, and overlooking with super­ cilious indifference those cadets lacking the entree to Post society. Then there is the cadet girl. There are many of her, from the new one of sixteen cadetless summers to the veteran of n + 2 bell button campaigns. Some cadet girls grow to be regular institutions and are venerated as such—their praises are sung in the Hundredth Night play—and the only place where they do not appear is on the skin list. Some are wise and "graduate" with the class they came in with, and some are foolish and are handed down from class to class—like the one that remembers when Sep Pendleton was a plebe. Finally, there is the femme who is up for her first hop. She generally comes from Miss Ducrot's school at Manorhurst-on-the- Bluff", and, to hear her talk, she has attained the zenith of her am­ bitions when she dances with a real live cadet for the first time. She is intensely interested in everything military, she asks innum­ erable questions; the next day she returns home laden with bell buttons, and, if she is sufficiently good-looking, with sundry vows of The HOWITZER 229 eternal devotion breathed into her eager ears by the impressionable cadets she has met. In second class year hops become of less importance in the cadet's life than they have been heretofore. The furlough hop is the closing scene of his eventful vacation. The second classman regards it more as the funeral of a past happiness than as the birth of a new one. Later, when he has shaken himself into his old rut, the football hops come in a more joyful guise. They have an indi­ viduality of their own, they are more frequented, and at these hops the prettiest femmes are seen— numbers of them, never so proud as when on the arm of a battered gridiron warrior—the battereder the better. Harry Torney and Ray Hill were always fortunate in having their features most picturesquely misplaced after every game, and thus won feminine favor for themselves. With first class camp comes the acme of spooning. The first classmen are the cocks of the walk. They are the biggest things within the horizon, until the Tac Department takes a hand in the game; the tacs are the only ones who shrivel the dignity of the three- stripers. But in the spooning game, these same three-stripers hold all the trumps, they take all the tricks. At the hops the near- graduates lord it over every one else; the hops are distinctly theirs, and the ever-prevalent, welcome thought of "never again" adds to their enjoyment. The crowning glory of hops, as of the cadet's spooning, is of course the brilliant Graduation Hop. As the cadets' hops begin with the graduation hop, so do they end. Cullum is filled with fond papas and mammas chaperoning bevies of fiendish femmes. In their faces shines the pride and happiness they feel in the success of their own particular lad in gray, who on the morrow is to receive the reward of four long years of toil. And many men who dance there for the last time, dance with the one woman who is to make of life a Paradise for them. The dances follow each other only too fleetingly, and great as is the relief of the first classmen on reaching the end of their many trials, toward the close of the evening, a feeling of unexpected regret and even sadness comes over them as they realize that here cadet hops end for them. They are looking at Cullum's unrivaled splendor for the last time through cadet eyes; they may attend other hops, but never again as cadets. Finally, to the strains of Army Blue, the graduating class dance the last dance. The recall goes, and a chapter in their lives is closed—the brightest one in their cadet days. So long as they live, they will not—they cannot forget their cadet hops. E^^~^vA.*<^g<-<;^c^^

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CAPTAIN PUMPERNICKLE 11 A VAUDEVILLE IN TWO ACTS Presented by the Dialectic Society of the United States Military Academy ONE HUNDRED DAYS TILL JUNE, 1906



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SYNOPSIS The first act opens at a scene outside the Press Them Inn at Sheeps- head Bay. This is in the morning and a number of summer girls are seen waking the sleeping innkeeper and chiding him about the scarcity of men at his resort, so extensively advertised. This occasions the innkeeper to tell the ladies of the expected appear­ ance of the Duke and Duchess du Paty du Clam. The Duke is a loud type of man who has tried everything and found nothing in it. He tells this in song. The Duchess, on the other hand is anything but bored, but, being a member of a worthy family of Quakers, is a little slow. The Duke and Duchess are prone to quarrel. The Duchess on her arrival meets the actress, Thea, who tells her to flirt, play the races and be more gay if she would hold the Duke's attention. This advice occasions several amusing flirtations on the part of the Duch­ ess, one being with a jockey, McGinnis by name, whom the Duke has brought along with him. The principal character, Captain Pumpernickle, hails from West Point. He brings the First Class from the Academy down to Sheepshead. The plot of the play centers about one large pearl, which the Captain has obtained from the Sultan of Yoho, giving the Sultan his note for it. This note is long overdue so the Sultan sends two envoys to collect. These envoys come in contact with a strolling player, Kimono, who seeing the large reward offered for the return of the pearl, engages a band of criminals to murder the Captain. The rascals undertake the crime. They beset the Captain after a din­ ner at the inn. The Captain finds out they are of the house of "Cut and Slash;" this house he maintains is but a branch of the house of "Skin and Con," of which he is chief member. Therefore they do not kill him. The pearl has in the meantime been given to the actress, Thea, in a wager. The Captain bet it on the Duke's horse "Hydrant," who was run in the race of the afternoon. The Duke bribed the jockey to lose the race and let "Silverheels" win. The reason for this is not made evident. There are with the strolling player a Count and a Curate. The Count is a broken down Frenchman, and is a former husband of Thea's. The strolling player finds this out, and, in return for keeping this secret, gets the pearl from the actress. It is taken from him by the Curate and sent back to the Sultan through the envoys. The play is a vaudeville purely, and many characters are brought in, all becoming more or less involved in the plot. Perfect continuity is not aimed at nor is it necessary. The time of writing this is too early to say anything about the indi­ viduals in the play, and, as for saying anything about the production as a whole, this too would be anticipatory. The music was selected from many operas that had long runs several years ago. CAPTAIN PUMPERNICKLE, a tireless disciplinarian, one of the quill's own PHILIP H. CARROLL 09 DUKE DU PATY DU CLAM, who has tried everything and found nothing in it W. WAITS ROSE 06 MCGUINIS, the Duke's jockey GEORGE W. BEAVERS '08 THEA, an actress from the "Opera Comique," formerly of Chicago WALTER E. DONAHUE, '06 PKISCILLA, married to the Duke, belonging to the worthy family of Quakers ALEXANDER W. CHILTON '07 SIEGFRIED DINKELSPIEL VON DRESSCOATSBLOUSEN, a leader of the hand

PIERRE V. KIEFFER '06 REV. MR. BATTETETAT, spiritual adviser of the Duchess ) Disguised as COUNT DE RATTETETAT, one of Thea's former husbands ) strolling players WILLIAM A. GANOE, °7 JOHN C. HENDERSON, '06 KIMONO, a strolling player CHARLES D. ROGERS '07


LUDOVIC, keeper of " Press Them" Inn JOHN C. MAUL '06 The HOWITZER 239






A C T 1 . SCENE—Outside Press Them Inn, Sheepshead Bay. TIME—A summer morning of the present day. Arrival of the Duke. Captain's entrance. "May they not he hloodthirsty savages." "Hydrant is the horse." Ar­ rival of the German Military Band. "To the races." Einale.

ACT II. SCENE—The same. TIME—Evening of the same day. The "Suhurhan has been run in the afternoon. "Marry for money." "Will you do the deed ?" "We dote upon Murder." "With a slish, slash, slash." Einale. ACT I 1 OPENING CHORUS, "Wake, Sand Man, Wake" 2 ENTRANCE CHORUS FOR DUKE 3 "Nothing's anything at all" 4 "When the band begins to play" 5 "The Art of War" 6 "A List of Makes" 7 "When you know these men" (Duet) 8 "The Cuckoo Bird" 9 "The Life of a Strolling Player" IO "The Sin of Betting" ii EINALE

ACT II. 1 OPENING CHORUS, "Come out and Play" 2 "Don't talk to me of marriage" 3 "With stealthy footsteps falling" (Quartette) 4 "The Skin List" (Trio) 5 "The kind of a wife for a soldier" (Duet) 6 "Some current questions" (Trio) 7 "Pull" 8 "The house of Cut and Slash" o FINALE HUNDREDTH NIGHT 1906 PRINCE FUSHIMI


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Hans' Reminiscenses

EIN name vas Hans Hohenstaufen. I vas von day come to a place dey call Vest Point, und vas report meinself to die Guard House, M but I vish I vasn't. A hupper classman just den ask me vat vas mein name. Now I taught dat dis vas pooty goot of him, so I made von pig grab vor to shake his hand und said, "Ya! Dat's me, Hans Hohen­ staufen." But he jump at me und yelled, "Mr. Hohenstaufen, Sir." I didn't forget dat pooty soon quick neider. Den he told me to get mein chin in und traw mein shoulders back, und sait, "Stand up all ofer!" Veil, I get mein chin in, und traw mein shoulders back, und ask, "Vas I stand up ?" Veil dey put me in die "Beast Barracks," und, as I vas moving mein madrice, und broom, und chair, und vaterbucket from die Cadet Store, a Coporal—dem dings mit doo stripes on der arms—yellt in mein ear, "Touble Dime!" Veil I just didn't know vat dime dat vas, but dat Corporal run behint me und kept a-yelling dill I taught dat he vould bust—den I run too. You just bet I knows vat "Touble Dime" vas already yet. Und I vas get to bed dat night! Und a trum beat dree dimes, und dey call dat "Taps." Veil a man, he come in mein room mit a light, und sait, "All in." Ya! I vas in. Den he sait, "Chin in!" Und nexd morning I vas eat in die Mess Hall! Dere vas a clean dable cloth on die dable, und a salt cellar mit plendy holes in die top, und von pottle "Perrin's Vorcester Sauce" mit more as a hundred "Perrins" on it. But vat vas in die Mess Hall besides hupper classmens, 1 don't know. Already dey gave me a place of honor. I vas appointed die milk Cor­ poral. Dere vas anoder Corporal who had charge of die dable. So ven I pour oud die milk und drop die pitcher on die floor, dat oder Corporal sait, "Vat makes you so vooden?" "Dat's right," sait I, "1 come from die 'Pine Tree State." Ah! I coched him by die neck dat dime! So he says, "Vy vas it dat dey didn't cut you up vor timber?" "Veil," says I, "I vas too green." Ya! You bet I laugh! Den he got mein chin in, und ask me, "Did any girls go to die drain to see such a bright lad as you off?" "No, Sir," says I. Den he ask me vere dey vas. "At home crying, Sir," says I. He den got as mad as ever vas, und I got mein chin in more furder yet. Den die vaiter bring in a new pitcher of milk, und, as I vas aboud to pour oud die milk, dat Corporal sait, "Suppose you 'sound oft' und ask if anyvon falls oud on die milk." So I ask, "Does anyvon falls in die milk yet?" Den dat Corporal sait, "Who vas you addressing?" "De dable. Sir," says I. "Veil, don't you know dat die dable vas too vooden to ans­ wer," says he—Ach, he taught dat vas funny, but it vasn't. 248 The HOWITZER

Soon after dis I vas learnt dem military commands. Dere vas von I don't quite understand yet. You see, all die vile dem Coporals "Touble clime" you all ofer die plain, und you vas turning around und around, und going dis vay und dat, und you vas tired all ready, dey keep a-saying"Squad right!" But I don't see vat vas right about dat yet. Ya! ve vent to camp! Und die trees blew die fresh breeze into die lungs of men, und die riber flowed merrily by, und die squirrel jumped on die fence—dey call him die "F" Company lion—und die bird hop about—dey call him die "F" Company eagle—und ve slept oud in die open air, und ve vas men of nature, und die taught of it all makes me a poet, und die clouds towered oberhead, und I vistle die "Missouri National," und die rain come down in torrents, und dere vas no parade neider. Soon I learnt how to dance! You see, dere vas a hupper classman vereber you go, so every day dere vas von Sargeant at die Dance Hall to see dat ve got our chins in. Ya! But dat Sargeant vent to sleep—den ve do as ve please. Und dat dancing master—just about dat height und all die vay around as to make him look cute—mit von sweet voice sait, "Ladies, right foot forward, und jintlemens, left foot back," but I vouldn't be no lady, no! Den he clap his hand, und die band play, und "Glide at von und cut at doo," und "Glide at von, und cut at doo," und ve dance die Valtz und die Doo Step all ofer die floor. Ah! Dat vas nice, Ya! Ach! But I had to go on guard. Und dey dake you mit a relief, und put you on a post, und you valk mit a pig gun und scare avay all die people vat vas come near you. Ya! Dere vas von dime ven six girls rush on mein post, und I yellt, "Halt, who's dere?" Und dey didn't halt neider, und I grab mein gun und dake him off mein shoulder, und dis dime I yellt, "Cor­ poral of de Guard, relief!" Und you bet dem girls run avay quick. Ach, mein rememberences of dem nights on guard! Veil you vas keep avake all night by die moskitos except ven you sleep, und den dose Cor­ porals come und vake you up mit, "Turn out de Guard, Corporal of die Day!" Und den you jump up und run quick und get "skin" vor not hav­ ing your gun ven you "fall in" mit die Guard. But vat vas vorse yet, dey put you on die post at twelve o'clock at night by die pig cannon und near die road vere all dose black trees vas. Und as you vas trembling und shibber- ing, somevon come quick on your post und just dat quick vas gone, und you drop your gun, und vas scared to call die Corporal because he might come too. But ven die Corporal does come, he say, "Mister, you get dat chin in so I can get closer to you!" Veil you vish him pooty far off but you get dat chin in und den he says, "Who vas you ?" "Vat vas your name ?" "Who vas your pied?" "Vat vas your 'P. C. S.'?"—und all dose dings. Den he ask you die "Officer of die Day," und you say, "Mr. Mettler, P. D., Sir!" Den he ask you "Die order of advancement," und you stand up The HOWITZER 249

straight und mit a military voice say, "Forward march!" Den, ven he see he can't catch you, he make you get your chin in—Ya! Dat's right! Und ve vent on a practice march! Ober die hills und mountains, drough die forests, und in die valleys, und into die towns, und shooting all die dime mit mock battles. Ya! Ve vent drough England und Ireland, und run ober on Sunday ven ve had a forced march. Ach! I vas tired. Die eben- ing after dat forced march, I vent to die town near by, und I squeeze my vay drough dem hupper classmen to get to die counter of a store vere I bought some candy. Und, as I vas valking by meinself down a street mit houses on both sides, I saw die pootiest little Katrina dat ever vas; her dress vas all red mit vite stripes, und her cheeks vas so rosy dat I make a mash, and talk mit her. Veil, I give her dat candy, und a hupper classman come along, und I get mein chin in, und he make me stand up dere for more as five minutes. Und ven I stop standing up, dat Katrina vas gone mit my candy. Und ve come back to barracks, und ve get dem books for study. Veil I study, but dat "C. Schmitd," he vas more as I vant, mit dem surds, und cardratics, und oder dings—I vas know dere name quite veil vonce. Und I got sick. I grew vorse und vas compelled to go home. Yet dere remains von bright spot in my taughts of my Vest Point life, und ever after ven I recalls dese sad dings, I brush dem all avay by tinking of dose happy taughts dat vas too high for prose—

Ven I vas very tired, Und doesn't feel inspired Mit dat "C. Schmitd," My taughts, dey tink all day: What vas dey going to say ? Dead beat dat writ!

To die Hospital den dake me, Vere dere ist no reveille, Und dat vas right! Ya! I eats, und drinks, und sings, Und you bet I do nodings, But sit und pipe!

A Military Term THE INDULGENT FATHER (who has created a commotion by walking into the parlor where his pretty daughter is entertaining a young man): "As you were!" 250 ^ HOWITZER

The Area Bird

Here's to the Bird, the Area Bird, He always knows where he is at; And as he counts the days till June, He kicks the skinny guard-house cat.

He chews the brown, the juicy brown; He runs it on his whilom spouse; And as he chokes his troubles down, He spits forninst the boiler house.

Perhaps 'twas music made him such, The queerest tunes to him are dear; His sweetest song, "It was the Dutch," His favorite march is "To the Rear."

And as he walks a pride he takes In counting miles he has to go; One day he reaches Great Salt Lake, The next, goes on to Idaho.

You see for weeks a small white path Where back and forth he's had to march. 'Tis colored by the Birdee's wrath So that the very sands do parch.

He makes the last of many tours, Alas, alack and vvell-a-day; He snaps his fingers, "That for you." You never walked the arree-ay.


Hallowe'en "But hark!—that heavy sound breaks in once more And nearer, clearer, louder than before!" To the Adjutant General of the Forces:— SIR:—I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Gray force, under my command, in a tactical problem on the evening of October 30, 1905. To meet the requirements of the situation, I made the following dis­ position :— On my left I placed a battery of position consisting of the ist Division ballista and the 4th Division onager. The center was held by the catapults of the 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th Divisions; the right, by the 12th Division Springal. The problem commenced at 9.35 P. M. At about this time one of the units of the Blue force was sighted on a slight elevation in our front, known as the "Poop Deck." Our advanced line immediately opened fire with talcum-box shrapnel, backed up by a few rounds of area rocks and boiler house coal. A desultory fire was kept up for twenty minutes. This seemed to disconcert the enemv, for he immediately telephoned for re-inforcements. At 9.55 P. M. firing along the entire line was stopped in order to deceive the enemy as to our real intentions. He was evidently awaiting develop­ ments as he had made no attempt to advance. Precisely at 10 P. M., the 9th Division Automobile Horn sounded "Commence Firing." In obedience to this signal, the 2d Division opened on the enemy's position with a twelve-inch muzzle loading tin water bucket filled with scrap iron and broken stone, followed up by a rapid fire of small missiles, directed at long range, against the boiler house roof. Shortly after 10 o'clock I was informed that the Commander of the Blue force had arrived on the scene of action, after an exciting bicycle ride from his headquarters four hundred yards in the rear. Like the hero of Gettysburg, he hoped to turn impending defeat into glorious victory. He immediately decided on a plan of action and issued the necessary orders through his chief of staff, who, until his arrival, had been in command. His first move was to make a reconnaissance of our position. To do this he sent out reconnaissance patrols consisting of twenty-four sub-division inspectors. As these parties approached our lines with the evident inten­ tion of developing our fire, and therebv locating our batteries, we ceased firing and took to cover. A determined effort was also made to capture our field music—the Automobile Horn. This move on the part of the Blue force had been anticipated, however, and we were able to take the necessary measures to prevent the loss of such a valuable source of annoyance to our opponents. At the end of a quarter of an hour, the reconnaissance parties, The HOWITZER 253

having obtained no information of any consequence, withdrew to report the result of their observations. As soon as our front was clear, we delivered a telling fire of empty listerine bottles. This fire extended along the entire line and was very effective. The 6th and 9th divisions, especially, did splen­ did execution, having previously determined very accurately the exact posi­ tion of the strip of concrete pavement lying in our immediate front. The enemy, in reply, sent forward heavy lines of skirmishers, which, in order to escape our missiles, advanced bv rushes until they had gained the protection afforded by the porch of barracks. The Commander of the Blues now doubled the number of his recon­ naissance parties. His tactics was defective, however, in that he withdrew them every fifteen minutes in order to receive reports. These withdrawals were the signal for our men to jump from cover and open fire. We were obliged to order up our reserve ammunition, consisting of building stone and such bay rum bottles as had not been previously expended. The twelve- inch tin bucket had been put out of action early in the engagement, and this loss had seriously weakened our left, but a well-directed fire was kept up by the 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th divisions. The Blue Commander, having observed our tactics, changed his own. As the Grays outnumbered his force somewhat, he began to impress Gray men into his service. The peculiar nature of his position permitted him to adopt this course of action, which caused serious breaks in our line and greatly reduced the effectiveness of our fire action. The opposing commander continued the method of recruiting until about three-fourths of our entire force had been drafted and enrolled under his standard. As further operations on the part of the Grays seemed to be unnecessary, we retired for the night. The following points are to be noted in this problem: i° The service of Security and Information was well performed. We were kept constantly informed of the enemy's movements, and were at no time in the dark as to his intentions. 2° The men made good use of all available cover. When necessary they took advantage of it with celerity. 30 The fire discipline was excellent. The supply of ammunition was ample, but the division commanders used it only at the proper times and where the best results were to be obtained. Fire action alone was used, the Blue force never getting near enough to render shock action necessary or expedient. We suffered but one casualty, viz., one man captured. I might mention by name some of those who were most conspicuous in this problem; but when all were so efficient, comparisons might be invidious. Very respectful I v, JOHN D. RUFFHOUSER, Commanding the Grays. "' AN INCIDENT OF THE PRACTICE MARCH "'

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THE HEIGHT OF B. J'ITY HOYLE: "What's the B. J'est thing you ever heard of?" FORNEY: "Why, Gillespie went out to dinner at Colonel Pulley's the other day, and the next morning tried to break into the hospital with indi­ gestion." The HOWITZER 255

Gems from the Section Room

WILDRICK (after a few preliminary blinks at the instructor and doing his very best to look military): "Lieutenant, don't you think, sir, it would be advisable for me to read Blackstone, sir, in connection with my daily- law lesson, sir ?" INSTRUCTOR: "Ye-es, but wouldn't it be more advisable for you to try and get an inkling of the elements first ?"

SNEED (looking pie-eyed at his board in Organization and Tactics): "Well, now, Van Schmidt's conclusions wuz—I don't know what they wuz."

LIEUT. A.: "Was J. E. B. Stuart a graduate of West Point, Mr. Zim­ merman ?" CANNIBAL ZIM (confidently): "Yes, sir, he must have been, because the book says he was a very well educated man."

DOWNING (who is up in the air, but sees the necessity of giving the instructor a large line of gaff): "These equations represent in themselves the principles we have just been discussing, but they have, as such, no material connection with those which are to follow. Their deduction is based on the theory that the application of such principles along extended lines can be advantageously made; but whosoever endeavors, in any sense, to confine their meaning within restricted limits commits himself to a serious mistake." CHICK'S DEAR TEACHER: "That's all very well, Mr. Downing, but what conclusions do you draw from this discussion?" DOWNING (throwing up the sponge): "I have none, sir."

SOME OF HUNTLEY'S INSTRUCTOR: "Mr. Huntley, what do you think of Alexander the Great as a soldier ?" TIGER (sweetly): "Well—er—I think he was a fine warrior, sir."

"When the steel has been heated a long time, they take it out and pound it an awful lot."

"Where did this happen, Mr. Huntley?" HAROLD (who thinks he knows): "Oh! this happened in the Palatinate, or somewhere else." 256 The HOWITZER

A Day in Camp

"Oh down with the Hell cats' hated crew! Down with the reveille pun! Take me away when the rattle and shriek Of their drums anil fifes arc done! Drill me and march me to Kingdom Come, Soiree me 'till I can't see; But only one thing I ask when I die — God save me from Reveille ! "

HKRK forced itself into my sleep-dimmed senses a vague feeling of , unrest. Some fearful thing was about to happen; something which T would not be put off". It seemed to be tapping—ceaselessly, insistently, cruelly rapping—at the door of my weary consciousness. Ah— the reveille gun! Reveille was sounding. The inevitable early morning sun was beaming into my tent, its slanting rays finding their way through the interlacing branches of the trees in the general parade. "Ah, well," I thought with a sigh as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, "no dead-beating today!"

The bright morning had grown to burning noon. We were sitting around on the shady side of the street, whiting away the half-hour of leisure vouch­ safed to us. From infantry drill to artillery drill, from the plain to the target range, we had been driven all the morning, and now this little rest seemed good. Willy Rose was using his hammer with great effect, Charley Rockwell was hunting in the back of his tent for his canteen, Pot Lewis, dripping with perspiration, dust and tan bark conspicuously covering one side of his expansive frame, was telling us between gasps what fun the bull­ pen is, while Katy Donahue, a tin cup in his hand, was calling up visions of Martin's or the Beaux Arts. The stillness of a sweltering summer noon had descended upon camp, broken only by mournful sounds from Gatewood's piccolo, which floated over to us from a, distance and subdued, though insistent, whines from Ardery's cornet. From way oft somewhere a phono­ graph was quavering: " Fo rgott-e-a we-el if For getting-** Suddenly a single voice sounded from a distant corner cfcsirp: "Turn out the mail—carrie—e-ers!" Instantly the cry was taken up bv a hundred voices that sprang from apparently nowhere, swelling, dying, and swelling again till it grew into a wild weird veil that resembled an Indian war-whoop. The stillness was broken; camp sprang into sudden life. The HOWITZER 257

We had come back from dinner. The heat had grown almost intolerable and we could see the air quiver with it out across the cavalry plain. Standing there in ranks it was infernal. A few plebes, their faces streaming, were already turning a peculiar, slightly mottled, shade of white. How long would we be kept standing in line listening to the adjutant reading orders ? If only we could be dismissed before that drop of sweat started down my back! Slowly, surely it was sliding—sliding—Perhaps this was the last order! "Office of the Cadet Store—m—m—m!" continued the adjutant, droning through the long list of names. The drop slipped down my back, leaving a tickling sensation behind it. Oh, how I longed to tear off this sticky coat and get under a cool shower! It was, I thought, looking at "it absolutely without predjudice, an unpardonable cruelty to keep three hun­ dred men— "Dismiss your companies!" ***** Cooled by a shower, in comfortable gray shirts and dirty white trousers, we were headed for a certain spot that we well knew, not far from "Flirta­ tion." Here it was cool; here we could be free; could smoke as many "high- life skags" as we wanted, and could moisten our parched throats with something good and cold. Here were crackers, cheese, candy, olives, all those things for which everyone has braved many a "con." Up through the rocks we climbed, under the shade of the great, cool trees, while a soft breeze lightly stirred their whispering leaves. Presently we came to a slightly wider space in the little valley where candy and skag-boxes and empty olive-bottles bore witness to previous parties. Conveniently-shaped rocks were scattered about as if for the express purpose of affording comfortable seats, of which we immediately took advantage. While we were sitting thus alternately expressing our august views of things in general and indulging in close harmony, the afternoon slipped by almost, it seemed, before it had begun. Back to camp we wandered, singing all the way; our spirits seemed somewhat relieved and were now revelling in the satisfaction of " Bring the wagon home, John," with appropriate gestures. Camp was not so bad, after all. But now had come the evening, softly falling; a summer's evening with its slow-fading twilight, its perfumes and its mystery that lent to camp a peculiar romance. Away across the river to the east, the sky paled with a gentle radiance, a presage of the rising moon. Here and there, as the darkness gathered, there shone out the home-like gleam of a candle, and I heard from my tent the faint tinkle of a mandolin accompanied now and then by the strumming of a guitar. 'Tonight, I remembered, was the night of the "color-line" concert, and already, <>ur at the visitor's seats across the grass, fluttered the white dresses of several clusters of girls. I went out there 258 The HOWITZER to listen. Camp-stools were scattered about under the trees in groups, occupied by visitors, more of whom continued to come in groups of twos and threes. Some people, evidently strangers, stopped to look at the guard tent in which a pale, worried-looking "(). D" in his red sash was bending over a desk littered with papers, or at the sentinel who was wearily trudging up and down, his rifle glistening as he passed the lamp post. A hum of conversation was rising, broken occasionally bv a peal of laughter. Suddenly this was hushed as the soft picking of mandolins and guitars sounded melod­ iously across the grass. And now a voice was singing. Sweetly the sound floated out upon the evening, and as I listened it awakened strange thoughts of far-off things, of forgotten lands bright with a half-remembered beaut}', of faces once well known but long since vanished, of— Bang, bang, bang! The drums and fifes shrieked out stridently. Quick­ ly the visitors hastened away, for tattoo, unrelenting, drives them all off and summons us back to our tents. Lying on my cot, the moonlight streaming in the open front of my tent, it seemed as if peace had descended upon camp, and up through the dark branches of the trees I could see the starry sky, bending calmly over us, far, far away. So would it bend over us when we lay exhausted after some future battle in a distant land, so would it bring peace to tired men with many weary marches still before them. Yet not another summer would it bend over these same men encamped together; for some would be scattered— some might even be—but camp is good and sleep comes quickly to tired men—. Faint, slow notes of a bugle blowing taps were mingled with my dreams. The dav was done. WiI.I.IFORD (to a Plebe on the Practice March) " Halt! Halt! I've got ye! "

AN ANTI-CLIMAX DR. CANFIELD (at lecture in History): "From the sepulchral darkness of the arched chambers, from the deserted streets and the crumbling pillars, comes the warning cry, 'Beware!' Pray God it may not come too late." "P" (from a dark corner): "Cadets are cautioned that the semi-annual examinations are approaching, and that all who do not make the required mark will be declared deficient." mm^A ( ^ i u {

• .iv


'TACTICAL COMMON SENSE HANS (to Kaiser, who wishes to visit the hospital): "You haf not dime for to go to der hospital. It is already vet dime for to drill." WILHELM: "But, Lieutenant, today is Wednesday, there is no drill." HANS: "Den for why do you wand to go to der hospital ?"


SPORTY MCCHORD (to Red Taylor): "Say, sister, I see you are getting quite doggy, smoking nothing but Taylor made skags."

/^+^+^ ELLIS (in plebe math.): "I am required to prove that three times this bunch of Greek is equal to two times this other bunch of Greek.

A BULL RILEY (on guard over stacks, to Cit who has just broken through): "Say, the next time you go through those stacks you just go around." uMT

//. /?.—Area Bird—one who flutters on the area in barracks and on the village green in camp. Analyt.—Analytical Geometry. Area—The Plaza. Concerts morning and evening by the Hell Cats. A favorite resort for promenaders. B. A.—Busted Aristocrat. One who has been reduced to the ranks. Babe—Youngest man in a class. Also our comrade with whom we labor earnestly but with small success. B-acbe - Explanation for a report—to tell your troubles to the Com. Also, to talk. B'acber—One who b'aches. Beast—A new cadet while undergoing the preliminary coddling in bar­ racks before his nursery training in plebe camp. Beast Barracks.—Cadet barracks during the period when beasts use it for a summer resort. Baender—A mechanical genius. The inventor of devices for closing windows. B-ess\<. One addicted to use of flower)' language; Bob Campbell. Big Green B. S.—Williams' Composition and Rhetoric. B. J.—Before June. A person who is fresh—especially applied to plebes. Blue Book—Regulations for information and government of cadets (mostly government). Bone—To study; to seek to gather the elusive tenths; to hunt for, as "to bone trouble." Bone Gallery—To seek to excite the admiration of the grand stand. Bone Chevrons—To work to get a make to be the representative of the Com. Bone Toast—To indulge in athletics for the sake of the emoluments in the way of burnt bread. Bonoid—One who bones; who wrestles for the tenths. Boodle—Unauthorized edibles which a cadet buys and a tac eats. Boodlers—Place where boodle is obtained. Boot-lick—To favor; principal requisite for obtaining a make. Brace—To cause to assume an exaggerated military position; last used on class of 1906. 262 The HOWITZER

Brown—Solace of artillery drill and the area—plug tobacco. B. S.—British Science. English language. Any talk. Buck—A private in the ranks. Bugle—To deadbeat reciting until the bugle blows for dismissal; re­ quires great adroitness. Bull—Bull Durham tobacco. Bust—To reduce to the ranks. Cadet Limits—Sacred precincts within which cadets are supposed to confine their wanderings. Cadet Store—The West Point Department Store 'Trust. The joint where you "sign the tag and return the tag and the bag." Calculi—Calculus. Cits—Civilians; civilian clothing. Com.—The Commandant of Cadets. Cons.—Confinement to room. A form of punishment. Cold Max—Perfect. Cold Fess—Complete failure. Corp.—A Cadet Corporal—first results of a boot-lick. Crawl—To Correct; now seldom used. Dad—The oldest man in a class. Dead Beat—(v) To refrain from all forms of bodilv and mental effort, (n) One who dead-beats. Detail—A seven-star method of astrology by which a cadet determines the subject he will probably be assigned at recitation—but never gets. Dis.—Discipline. Dis Boner—One who never gets demerits—Dean Minick. Div.—One of the twelve divisions of barracks. Drag.—To accompany; to carry; to remove from couch; to inhale, as drag on a skag. D. T.—Double Time. The usual gait at infantry drill. Ducrot—A flexible title applied to anyone. E. E.—Extended Limits. Term derived from Daley's habits. F. C. P.—First Class Privileges. (Obsolete.) Femme—One of the weaker sex. File—A person of the male sex. Flirtation—Chain Battery walk; much frequented by spoonoids. Found—Discharged; released from servitude on account of studies or conduct. Goat—One who does not excel in certain branches of study; the last man in the class. Grind—A joke. Gross—Wooden, dull. The HOWITZER 263

Growley—Tomato catsup. //. /).—One who is constant in attendance at Y. M. C. A. Hive—To discover; to understand. Hopoid—One who frequents the cadet hops. Laundry Spike—A long pin; also a clothes wringer. Lights Out—A signal inferring that all will not bear inspection. /,. P.—Lady of the Post; lovely lady, etc. Little Green B. S.—Abbot's "How to Write Clearly." Make—One who wears chevrons. Makings—The materials for rolling a skag. Mathy—One exceptionally proficient in mathematics. Missouri National—Tune which, when whistled, always causes rain; constantly used by natives during visit of corps to St. Louis Exposition. Muck—Muscle; strength. Mucky—One who is strong. (). C.—The Officer in Charge; a commissioned officer detailed each day to take charge of Uncle Sam's nursery. (). D.— The Officer of the Day; a cadet detailed each day to assist the O. C. in his prowlings. O. G.—The officer of the Guard; helps the O. D. (). G. P.—Old Guard Privileges. Orderly—Cadet in charge of room or tent who takes all the skins and does all the work. Pbil.—Philosophy. Plebe—A fourth classman; one who is tenderly nursed in order that he may develop into a "thing of beauty and a joy forever." P. M. E.—Practical Military Engineering. Policed—To get rid of; to cause to fall off"; as "John Maul was policed seven times at riding today." Poop Deck Balcony on the guard house, which, together with a spy­ glass serves to fatten the (). C.'s skin list. P. S.—Post Spoonoid; a necessary adjunct at a tea fight. Pipe—A state of coma; also something easy, as "Descrip is a pipe." Pred—Predecessor; our excuse for being here. §)uill—(v) To curry favor by skinning, etc. (n) One who uses the skin book as a stepping stone to a make. ^uilloid—One who quills. Red B. S.—Meiklejohn's English language. Rep.—Reputation; something attained on or destroyed by the Post. Reverse—The reciprocal of boot-lick. Run it out—To leave camp, barracks, or—sh! the Post, without proper authority. 264 The HOWITZER

Run it on—To take a mean advantage of; treatment of a new tac. Sammy—Molasses. Sep.—One who entered in September (see Wooden) Short Selfish; mean—distorted sense of generosity. Skag—Cigarette. A slip of rice paper +a pinch of bull + a match— Bliss. Skin—A report of a delinquency. Skin List—The abstract of delinquencies published each evening at retreat (usually headed by Abraham). Skinoid.—One who turns in many reports. Slop—(v) To use water color, as "slop" a sheet. (n) A drawing colored with water colors. Slum—Stew; famous mess-hall dish, ingredients unknown. Soiree—Something disagreeable; "an evening social party," not neces­ sarily in the evening, nor social; only a party always disagreeable. Sound off—'To enunciate. Speck—(v) To memorize; to learn verbatim, (n) One who specks. Speckoid—One who specks; also a speck. Spoon—To frequent the society of ladies. Spoonoid—One who spoons. Step out—To make haste, to hurry, to do it fast. Supe—The Superintendent of the United States Military Academy. Tac.—An officer detailed in the department of tactics. Tar Bucket—The cadet dress hat; resembles in general appearance a breech cover surmounted by a bunch of bedraggled chicken feathers. T. D.— The Department of Tactics. Tenth—A fraction which is given to indicate knowledge of any subject, greatly in demand. Tenthoid—A gleaner of the tenths. Tie up—A failure. Tight—Selfish; close (see "Short") Tours—Forced walks; a cadet's "sole" dissipation. Trig.—Trigonometry. Turn Back—One who has failed and been placed in the succeeding class. Wooden—Dense, dull. Yearling—A third classman. Headquarters fSL j$. (Dorps of (fa (lets,

SOIcat ifoiut. it. 9.

Abstract of Delinquencies for ••


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Typical Questions for Each Class, with Apologies to the Depts. F I R S T C I. A s s Name three tunes played by Nero at the burning of Rome. How many, if any, were in rag-time ? What effect would the West Point Choir have had on the conflagration had they furnished the music for the occasion ? If a man has a wife and manages to survive her, though incurring damages during the state of matrimony, would he be held a tort-feaser if he should run over the next woman he met ? What effect has a writ of replevin on livery of seisin, provided no estoppel has been applied bv the party of the first part ?

S Ec o N D CLASS Find the velocity from infinity of an empty bottle falling on the gym. roof at I 1.00 p. m., Hallowe'en. Determine the force of impact, assuming two tacs on the poop deck and one under the stoop. find the potential and attraction of a thin homogeneous mess-hall doughnut. Take g™32. If the area were greased with friction primers, "F" being equal to \ lb., what is the shortest path Swish could make to the tenth div. by way of the north sally port ? Suppose the earth to have the form of a cuckoo's egg, revolving about its major axis; what angle would it make with the North Pole under the "ether squirt" theory ?

THIRD C I. A S S If through the horizontal projection of the ray you draw the remainder of your pay, will overcoats cost thirty-two dollars in 1910 ? Would the shadow of the base of an octagonal pyramid presage a general's review in full dress? Why? Suppose it were raining? In making an isometric projection of a house, what materials would be used, supposing the shingles to be laid three inches to the weather ? Might a family tree be employed ? If the solstitial points should coincide with the North Pole, could an hyperbola of one sheet keep itself warm ?

F0 0RTH CLASS In how many ways can 12 pennies be distributed among 6 children so each may receive at least 10 cents and none receive any wooden money or green vegetables ? Shew that as a man approaches indefinitely near the truth of C. Smith's theorems, he approaches definitely near the state of lunacy. A purse contains one dollar and three dimes; another, two dollars and four dimes; and a third, three dollars and one dime. What is "'The King's" chance of obtaining them all in a simile draw at random ?

Certain questions having long been subjects of dispute, THE HOWITZKR modestly presents to all of an inquiring turn of mind the answers of repre­ sentative members of the First Class; not, indeed, hoping to clear up these vexed problems, but only that the interested reader may find among the answers that concordance of other views with his own that is so comforting to him who loves to hold forth against all upon such momentous issues as those below: 11 by did you come beret This question, oddly enough, is one which most of the class found very difficult to answer. It seldom fails to bring a look of mild reproach (to speak politely) to the face of him who casts about for a fitting reply. For instance: Echo answers, Why ?—Brett. Was making a tour of the world, and this is the last place.—Rose. It happened so long ago that I have forgotten.—Bartlett, G. G. But then, there are those whose answers come quickly and without hesitation: To be a soldier.— Wildrick. [And indeed his acts have certainly borne out the truth of this statement.] To start up the ladder of fame.—Downing. Oh, the glamor of the place!—Lane. The people demanded it.—Lougbry. Didn't like to disappoint the President.—Spurgin. Do you believe in the 11OSpital? No, because they may find you on graduation.— Wainwrigbt. [Don't be afraid, Skinny, you could get through most anything.] Well, I held the record for a year!—Wilhelm. I can't take Hop in, so he won't take me in.—Zim. When they deal out squids—H—T—K. If it were not for that noble institution I should not be here.—Rose. As a place of residence during the writs, it rivals .—Finch. Are you going to marry soon after graduation? If I can't pay the bills.—Huntley. Ask her!—Dickman. 2_70 The HOWITZER

Not if I can help it.—Campbell. Can't get anyone to agree to it // illiford: No; it takes years to appreciate me.—Hoyle. Lost her on furlough; will never marry. Zim. [The reader is referred to his photograph in another part of the volume. This accounts for his sen­ timental eyes.]

// on Id you marry for money? What else can a second lieutenant do ?—"Johnson, W. A. Never! For shame!—Thompson, M. 11. Ill Can't—she hasn't a cent.—Horsfali. It is my object in life.—Sneed. Ask my creditors—Donahue. How much ?—P. R. Manchester.

If ill you live at the Club, or keep house? Five at the Club at night; keep house in the day-time—Hooly Fox'.!! What brand do they keep at the Club ?•— Madigan. At the Club, where I can sip high balls and throw low ones.—Ardery. [Again we must exclaim!] Probably live sub rosa on the Western frontier with the dough boys.— Thompson. Keep house, and live at the Club when the house becomes too hot.— Hoyle. Clubs are good places for knocking.—Bradshaw. Depends on who is orderly.— 'Johnson, W. A. » I'm not particular, after living in cadet barracks.— Paine.

Did vou ever bone make? Yes—Gosh, yes!—Riley, J. W. It is so refreshing to get plain, straight­ forward answers like the preceding, or this: Have done so, always.—Robinson. Yes, at tin school.—Turner. Not before I lived with Smith.—Minick. Yes, to keep up with my wife Waring.—Burleson. Have boned make and break—in Electricity course.—Byrd.

How many Cons have you served? Three hundred, to be conservative. Jones, R. A. None.—P. D. Mettler. [Oh!!] 5361. — Gillespie. [That's more like it!| I don't own a slide rule.—Rose. The HOWITZER 271

What is the biggest soiree you were ever in? The answers to this question show a startling consensus of opinion: The good ship " Pegasus," the Washington trip, the St. Louis Exposition, and the Practice March, have come in for nearly all the votes. There are, however, one or two impartial ones, like Oiseau Byrd, who remarks with his usual pertinency: " I have—er—attended so many that—ah—I am unable to discriminate." And a few remember other especial grievances: Was on the staff in camp.—Lane. Those plebe guard tours.—MacMillan. B-r-r! Has he a record ? Br-r-r!—Loving. What is the worst tie-up you have ever seen? P. M. E. drill in scientific rope work.—Brett. Inspection in white belts in beast barracks.—H— T— K. Bvrd as cavalry captain.—Cook. The "Diamond Hitch." Green, J. A. The Knot of the problem.—Henderson. A history writ I had returned to me.—Campbell. What is the hardest subject you ever had? Bog iron ore.—Huntley. Byrd left me with her on my hands one summer hop.—Henderson. I was subjected to a dose of hard-tack on the practice march.—Hoyle. The last in the lesson; the only one I hadn't looked at—it always hap­ pens.— Wildrick. Drawing was simply Agony!—Sneed. Cambria steel.—Eovtng. If hat is the easiest? Roget's Thesaurus—Fox. Father, on furlough.— Jones, R. A. Tell what is leather.—Morrow. Least squares (in catalogue).—Rose! I don't remember it now.—Converse. The one I bugled on, and got a 3.0.—DeArmond. How do you feel when you fess? Here let us remark that modesty is a gentle virtue. And we are modest. Under Modesty's sheltering veil we hide our elation when we get a tenth or two; Modesty screens our burning anger, our hot sense of wrong when we fess. So what do we answer to this question ? Almost to a man we reply modestly, "Perfectly natural." There are just a few who are more frank; so few they are that we give them all: The HOWITZER

That the instructor wasn't fair—I can't really fess.—Pelot. Depends on who assists me.—Hoyle. "B. J."—P. D. Mettier. Never tried it.—ShultzU What has been your pleasantest experience here? The day I went on furlough.—Everybody. Sunday morning from 6 to 7.—Rockwell, C. A . Enjoying the autumn leaves.—Jones, R. A. That would be telling!—Thompson. Spooning Vassar femmes.—Zim. Leading the sick mule out of the inauguration parade.— Waring. Taps.—Lewis. What your most unpleasant? Reveille.—Lewis. Riding muzzle of 3.2 in. gun at St. John's artillery drill.—Zim. The day I came back.—Fox. Going on furlough and leaving dear old West Point behind.—Pelot. Let's not mention it—it's not polite to talk of such things.—Mathews. What u'ould you do if you were Supe for half an hour? I would realize my greatness, and sit down heavily on many things. — Westover. Abolish everything, if I could get through laughing in time.—Minick. Grant myself a leave.—Green. Get a square meal at the Club.—McFarland. View things in a General way.—Sneed. How much time do you spend on Engineering? I work until my mind reaches its limit of elasticity.—Jones, R. A. I told my instructor last week, but you won't catch me again.—Thomp­ son. An incriminating question!—Madigan. Two hours.—All good goats. Do you get enough sleep? What a foolish question! Ardery and his cornet live in my div.—Dona­ hue. On Sundays, yes—I belong to the choir.—Robinson. Not enough to press my trousers properly.— Wainwright. No!—Thompson. And here, for once, Tommy seems to agree with public opinion. EO. J. OUEKEMEYER.

Ili^h Honor Placed oif Bim bj His Class.


• Known as

tor tin*

• •f thi->


'This is a sample of what we all have to take from our " Podunks." Generally, however, we are lucky enough each to see his own paper first. —Editor. 274 The HOWITZER

The Fate of the P. S. A young I'.S. one summer clay Did dine upon the Tost. The guests were met, the feast was set, And all did praise their host. "The wine was red," the time was sped; !• ftsoons they rose to go; Hut " Nay " said one, " We are undone, Thar clock s an hour slow." With hang-dog look, their leave they took, And cursed both straight and tall; Hut the young P.S., he smote his breast, Tor he heard the loud first-call. So for a space, with downcast face I heir good gray shirts they don, Tor no sadder sight can come to light Than a young l'.S. in con.

Special to Howitzer "Cadet McFarland claims that he has a wooden machine, which, when in working order will close the window, light the lights, and do the cussing for the house at reveille. Upon investigation we find that he refers to his wife, Jim Green."

Some Definitions by a Plebe A Sktnoul—A contumacious individual who maliciously delights in deliberately reporting the manifold offences of other persons to the end that he may further his military reputation, or for reasons of personal interest or self-satisfaction. A Boot-lick—The status of relations existing when an inferior, having by devious devices ingratiated himself into the benign consideration of a su­ perior, becomes, by virtue of the latter's supercilious condescension, a recipient of innumerable privileges, prerogatives, or immunities, not ordi­ narily to be conferred. C. Smith—An ostentatious cognomen or euphonious appellation pre­ tentiously applied to the esoteric cogitations and aggregate philosophical observations of the versatile, comprehensive, but unmistakably erratic genius of one C. Smith, who, in the colloquial vernacular of West Point, is a synony­ mous expression for the destruction of mental contentment and the source of consequent agitation, perturbation, and irascibility. Miss L. P.: "Oh, see the mistletoe!" KAISER: "AW that ain't mistletoe, that's holly!"

How TO BRIM; THE BATTALION TO ATTENTION Twisting your trunk to the right as far as you can without danger of sustaining internal injury, glare fiercely at the left flank of the Battalion and sound off "Tal!" Then get action with a torsional force in the oppo­ site direction until your extreme fiber has reached its elastic limit; give the right flank a fiery glance, and say "Li-on !" Regain your equilibrium by a half twist to the front; let the companies in the center know by a stony stare that they have not any bluff on you, and bellow,"Ten shone! "chopping the "shone" off as short as you can without breaking your "g" string. This will be found very effective, and ought to bring you at least a 2.8. "I use this method in combination with a bagpipe motion of the right a nil."—Skin ny Watnwrtght. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS HOT WATER

MISCONCEPTION QuEKEMEYER (to library attendant): "Say, Sergeant, my 'wife' wants to get a book, too." SEROKANT: "I'm sorry, sir, but she will have to draw it herself."

THE WISDOM OF OUR ELDERS LIEUT. BENJ.: "What kind of quartz is this. Mr. Rice?" RICE, F. F.: "I think it is sold bearing, sir." LT. B.: "It may be gold-bearing, and it may not be gold-bearing - it's Vi/erous, that's what it is."

SOLACE Said a young Cadet to his |uliet, " 1 'm like a ship at sea; Exams are near, 'tis much 1 fear That I will foundered be." "Oh no," she said, "a shore I'll he; Come rest, your journey 's o'er" Then silence fell, and all was well— For the ship had hugged the shore.

IN THE SEVENTH DIVISION SWISH (after repeatedly knocking at the THE IRON DUKE armory door): "Cadets, open; this is the tactical SALTS FOR A BROKEN SHOULDER officer!" The HOWITZER 277

ANTON ZWINGK was born in Westphalia, Germany, in 1840. He came to America in search of his fortune when he was but sixteen years old, the voyage was made in a sailing vessel ami occupied more than two months. In 1857 he enlisted in the I'nired States Army and served five years in and around Washington Territory. In 1864, when Colonel Henry M. Black was appointed Commandant of Cadets, "Tony," who had served under him in the West, came with him to West Point. Here he has been ever since. He was em­ ployed bv Colonel Black and later bv Professors Kendrick, Andrews, Weir and Tillman. Sixteen years ago lie entered the, service of the Academv as boot-black, and since then has constantly been employed in that position. He is a master in the art of polishing shoes and never forgets the heels. 278 The HOWITZER

The White Man's Burden

Reprinted from the Furlough Book of the Class of M)Oo

Take up the White Man's burden, Nor hark what others do; The road is long and weary, Your fellow-travellers few; 1 he sport of tac and skinoid, The butt of every quill, You'll have ro be a martyr 'To be a White Man, Bill!

Take up the If'hitc Man's burden, And do the White Man' stunt; You may not have a gallery Of femmes to hear you grunt, You may not wear the chevrons Nor drive a squad at drill,— A plain sleeve's no dishonor If you're a White Man, Hill!

Take up the White Man's burden, And live the White Man's life, Nor sell your soul for chevrons, Nor cprill upon your "wife;" You'd better be a private, Respected by the Corps, Then to wear all the chevrons That quilloid ever wore!

Take up the If'hitc Man's burden. And drag it to the end, A thousand tons of boot-lick Won't buy a single friend; So do your duty fearlessly, Nor cringe, nor crawl, nor quill, He you buck or be you captain, Be a White Man, Bill! The HOWITZER


"Who was Feld's-par, Mis-Pickle " said 1 As I met her one day on the ice. Hut up went her nose, with "Don't go tu-fa, I don't think such questions are gneiss."


CAPTAIN E. (at First Class lecture): "Be sure and never duplicate your pay accounts, for you are certain to be caught."


LIEUTENANT Y.: "Mr. Wilhelm, what is an estate by curtesy?" BILL: "That's when the widow's property reverts to the husband at her death."


INSTRUCTOR: "Mr. Manchester, what, then, is the object of modern cavalry ?" P. R.: "To pursue the fleeing enemy after he has been annihilated, sir.' TRYING TO FIND HIM


RlLEY (in History): "The Pope excommunicated Luther and issued a Papal Bull against him." INSTRUCTOR "Well, did this bother Luther?" | W : "No, sir; he made light of it and burned it."

LOVING (feeling Minnie Pelot's chin)- "First down for Pelot." The HOWITZER

GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH CAPTAIN E. (At first Class lecture): "Always get all of your authorized transportation; for instance, when I am ordered to muster the Army Service detachment, I always telephone to the Q. M. asking that the buck-board be sent to my quarters for me."

GRATEFUL CAPTAIN MAC: "Well, Mr. Miller, that's a pretty good recitation for you; I'm going to give you a 3.0." FAUNTLEROY: "Thank you, sir; that's the first one I ever eot."


RATHER FREE HANLON (translating): "'II [eta tin coup d'oeil'—He threw a cup of oil."

"SUCCESSIVE " YEARLING (facing about): "I've finished the problem in successful differentiation, sir."

IN DRILL REGS. ARTHUR: "Captain, do the letters of the various troops change when the head becomes the rear?" 282 The HOWITZER WTFWT m ) / WKa CJ

ACADEMIC HOARD 16 ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS »7 ADVERTISEMENTS 287 Index to Advertisements 288 ATHLETICS Athletic Councils . 122 Athletics, Summary 164 Baseball 138 Basketball '53 fencing i44 Football 124 Coif . 160 Hockey 158 Indoor Meet . '5° Outdoor Meet 148 Polo . '54 Tennis . .56 Trophies 165 Wearers of" the "A" 163 BATTALION ORGANIZATION 38 HOARD OK VISITORS 14 CAMP EDGERTON 183 CLASSES 41 Nineteen Hundred and S 42 Biographies 43 Celebrities 80 Ex-Members 8/ Favorites 85 History 71 Nineteen Hundred and S 90 History 94 Roll 91 Nineteen Hundred and Fight 100 History . 104 Roll 101 Nineteen Hundred and Nine opposite 109 284 The HOWITZER History "3 Roll 109 CLUBS AND ORGANIZATI 167 Area Hi ids •71 Bachelors' Club [69 H. A. "s 170 Fes Ftrangers •74 Fes Immortels 172 Tost Spoonoids 168 The Ex-Tanks '73 DEDICATION 7 EDITOR'S PREFACE 11 FRONTISPIECE 11 GREETINGS •3 HOPS 227 HOWITZER HOARD 10 HUNDREDTH NIGHT 241 MILITARY STAKE . 15 SLUM 245 SOCIETIES •75 Dialectic 178 Fraternities 180 Rifle Squad . 183 V. M. C. A. . 176 "THE CORPS" 9 THE REVEREND HERBERT SI 8 TRIPS 191 Art Gallery . 196 Fort Totten 206 Future Flips 223 1 [one Show . 220 Inaugural Parade 192 Northfield Conference 198 Oscawana 202 Peekskill •97 Practice March 214 Sea Girt 210 Watervliet 222


Makers of United States TIFFANY & Co. Military DIAMOND AND GKM MKRCHANTS Academy Class Rings

Visiting Cards and MEN'S GOLD WATCHES Stationery for the The name of Tiffany & Co. appears upon the Social Uses dials and movements of all their watches of Officers and Photographs sent upon request their Families New model, open-face, 18-karat-gold extra thin watches for evening wear *50., *70., $150. upward Other open-face, 18-karat-gold watches, suitable for $ $ Tiffany & Co. young men 60., 95. and *100. 1906 Open-face, 18-karat-gold minute repeaters Blue Book *135. and *240. A compact cata­ Split-second chronographs in 18-karat-gold cases logue without il­ *125., *200. upward lustrations: — 53° Open-face, sterling-silver minute repeaters *75. pa}»es, with an al­ phabetical side-in- dex, affording quick , access to Tiffany & LADIES GOLD WATCHES Co.'s stock with the Small, open-face, 18-karat-gold watches, especially minimum and max­ $ imum prices. Blue adapted for young women *25., *35., 45. upward Book sent upon re­ With one or more diamonds set in back of case quest without charge *110., *140., *190., *240. upward Small chronographs in 18-karat-gold cases for Trained Nurses *50. GoldWatches on Approval Tiffany & Co. are Strictly retailers. They do not em­ Upon receipt of ploy agents or sell their wares through other dealers satisfactory refer­ ences from any National Bank or responsible business house, Tiffany & Co. will send on approval selections from their stock to Fifth Avenue New York any part of the At jjth Street Formerly at Union Square United States

TIFFANY & CO. ALWAYS WELCOME A COMPARISON OF PRICES THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY of America FFERS extremely lib­ O eral inducements for Army Officers to secure Life Insurance, or to add to that which they have


who confines his business to ARMY AND NAVY INSURANCE, and refers with pleasure to many officers in every branch of the service insured through him, you will receive the policv best adapted to vour needs


A. W • 1V1CJN fclL, Manager Army and Navy Dept.

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Telephone 3003-38 th TRADE MARK New York THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER SMITH Sf WESSON Military REVOLVER anaI Pollroiice

MODEL 1902


Slop is positive in its action, ;ind holds the cylinder in perfect alignment with the barrel, regardless of any other part of mechanism. Cylinder notches are reinforced with hardened steel pieces, to prevent notches from becoming worn by the impact of the cylinder stop against the sides of the notches. All the small springs are spiral, thereby preventing the danger of breaking, a defect common to all small tlat springs. Lock studs are serewed into the frime, have collars raised above its surface, and. in conjunction with steel bosses milled on the side plate, hold all working parts central and prevent friction. Locking pin works in hardened collarset into frame. Hardened collar set into extraetor and raised above the ratchet teeth. This collar impinges upon the collar in frame, prevents tile ratchet teeth from coming in contact with the frame, and forms a haidened surface which saves the cylinder from longitudinal wear and loosening. A positive cylinder lock, so constructed that the cylinder cannot be thrown out when the arm is cocked, or the arm cocked when the cylinder is out. thereby making it absolutely impossible to discharge the arm when not fully locked. Strong solid extractor rod, and boss on barrel to till space between barrel and rod when pistol is closed, to prevent bend­ ing of rod. Hammer nose so shaped that the blow will be in direct line with the cartridge, thus preventing the copper from being driven towards the bottom of plimer, as by the usual raking blow of the solid hammer nose. Barrel screwed Into place, brought to perfect alignment by multiplying guagee, and pinned into position. This is a radical improvement over the method of screwing the barrel against shoulders tight enough to draw the stock of barrel. Cvlinder so chambered that the ball on leaving shell tills the front end of cylinder and prevents excessive loss of gas. Stud and spring fitted in the yoke and working into a small detent in the joint, to prevent the cylinder from swinging loosely when the arm is opened. Ease with which the arm can be operated with one hand. Convenience in assembling and disassembling. The head of extractor and extractor stem are made in one piece. It is therefore impossible for the extractor head to turn on stem. It!. Forward cylinder locking device which holds the cylinder in perfect alignment with barrel and insures increased accuracy. SMITH df WESSON :: Springfield, Massachusetts THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

•James 9L Banister Co. NEWARK, N. J., (*/. S. A. fcMUSTjEft

Gentlemen's boot JVear

Cadet Uniform Shoe



Address all Communications to Knox Building, 452 Fifth Avenue. Agencies in all Cities Other Establishments: 194 5th Ave. (5th Ave. Hotel), 189 Broadway (Cor. Dey St.) THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. 127 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK and er HUANC1IKS Chicago, 111 Madison Street St. Lams, 818 l.oeu-t street We refer to hundreds of San r'ranciseo, ll'l :i Montgomery Street Army Officers who are now wearing our goods Drawing Materials Surveying Instruments

Catalogues await request. Purchases of $5.00 or over delivered free to any U. S. Post Office address We have t he tin st complete line of Drawing In st rumen l s in various grades. < )ur Paragon Drawing Instru­ ments and other Drawing Supplies are used at the l'. S. Military and Naval Academies. We furnish to the I*. S. Army Draw­ ing Instruments Tan or Black and Tools of highest quality. M required by army officers. Pig Skin $7.00 All our goods are warranted. OUR NEW GENERAL CATALOGUE (550 pease) s<>"< "" request. Cow Hide $5,00 Shoes BIOHKST AWARDS: Grand Prise, St. Louis, 1004 Sixth Avenue TithsSS? New York Gold Medal. Portland. l!)0.r> IM^eWGaMs0-

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Mtitle»/, , to. order)j [ White,* 6 tor 9$10.0 0 and 6 for 9$12.0 0 | Colored, 6 for $1 ^.00 and 6 for $7.1.00 KEEP MFG. CO., Makers of Keeps Shirts BROADWAY, BETWEEN nth and 12th STREETS Wc hai'e no other store in New York

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GoPPREY,' n*-.-,. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER RICE & DUVAL Highest Grades of Army Uniforms & Civilian Dress

231 Broadway .New York, Opp. N. Y. Post Office THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 10

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JJ Market St.. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 33 Market St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

HIGHEST Army <$* Navy A- ' • N- TRAlir MAffK STANDARD Uniforms&Equipments

FOR MORE THAN SIXTY-FIFE YEARS The Warnock Uniform Co. 19 & 21 West j ist Street New York Betiveen Broadiv ly and Fifth Avenue

Reasonable Reliable

Mail Orders a Specialty Catalogs on Request Cable Address, "Warunico" N. Y. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

BRANCH JOHN G. HAAS OFFIC ES 256 SLtittformg Fifth Avenue New York City

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BENT & BUSH JohnC.Wineman&Co.

Military 3^ Leaders of Style and Makers of the Best Equipments Grade of Civilian Sole Makers of the WEST POINT DreSS at Popular Prices PIN

15 School Street Jk Boston | 914F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 12

get hold of their father's Stetson

for their parades, they know they have the real thing—and Dad knows it, too. Retail Department, 1108 Chestnut St., Philadelphia




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We sold the largest bill of furnishings and White Uniforms that was ever sold by anv one firm at the U. S. N. A. WHY? There were I 14 Graduates of the U. S. Naval Academy in the Class of 1905. We sold 1 10 their Graduation Outfits—WHY? There were 1 14 Graduates of the U. S. Military Academy in the Class of 1905. We sold 97 their Graduation Outfits WHY? NORFOLK VIRGINIA ARMSTRONG Standard Military Uniforms We believe to be the most perfect and elegant in style, finish, etc., made in this country. ^[They have the true military cut, set, shape and workman­ ship. They are made in our own shops by experienced military tailors. ARMSTRONG CAPS, celebrated for lightness and quality

armgtrong ^oulUcr ^trap& ^abrcjs I3ciw and ail equipment*

We expect to have a full line of ARMSTRONG UNIFORMS and EQUIP­ MENTS on exhibition at the U. S. Military Academy in March of each year, and hope sincerely that the members of the graduating classes will investigate our goods THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 14

Sandford and Sandford


Special Rates to Army and Navy Officers £5? Cadets

JULIUS SIMON 6-IO Great Jones Street New York Manufacturer of Brtrt£f1Flav£ SportingSbirts,etc- THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER HENRY V. ALLIEN £? CO. SUCCESSORS TO HORSTMANN BROS. £? ALLIEN jk ESTABLISHED 1815

Button Military Ornament and Accoutrement Importers and Manufacturers of Manufacturers Gold and Silver Laces Army, Navy fc? National Cords, Fringes Etc. Guard Goods

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Charles £auptner & Co. L. H. JOHNSON CHARI.KS HAUTTNKR 663 and 665 Broadway, New York GEORGE C. HOFFMAN Men's Outfitters & Makers of Shirts


Maker of Fine Trunks Suit Cases, etc. ESTABLISHED 1870 Agent for the celebrated 1280 Broadway, Corner 33d Street, New York Leatheroid Military Trunks THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER


Coale's Officers' Field Service TrunK

1906 Model meets Mess Chests requirements and of new General Camp Furniture Order in size and weight with all compartments to Send for Complete hold just what Illustrated you need Price Lists in the field 18.00


Were awarded by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition a Gold Medal for the best (and only) eniire Exhibit of Uniform Cloths, consisting of Cadet Gray, Dark and Sky Blue Meltons, Doeskins and Kerseys Gbarlotteevulle Woolen /BMlls Charlottesville, Da.

High Grade Cadet Grays Sky and Dark Blues Indigo Dye Pure Wool Free from all Adulterations and Absolutely Guaranteed

Wc arc the Sole Manufacturers of the Gray Cloth used for uniforms of the Cadets of the U. S Military Academy at West Point, N. Y.

Military Schools preferring our goods are requested to have it stipulated in contract for uniforms that thev shall be used THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 18

/%'%^'%'%'%'%/%'%'^%/%/%/*^%/%'%/%/%*/%>%,'%%/%/%/%/%,'< Army and Navy Officers Uniforms and Equipments Write for Price Lists

NEWARK TRUNK CO. 17 West 42nd Street New YorK City Crouch & Fitzgerald Makers of RELIABLE TRUNKS, BAGS, SUIT CASES, ETC.

Our Goods hafe been used by Officers for jO Years Send for Catalogue

Style Black Diamond, Price $14.00 Size 36 in. long, 19 in. high, 21 in. wide. This Gent's Trunk is covered with light sheet iron instead of canvas. The corner clamps are all steel, has two cold drawn steel bands on the front, top and hack, also 4 slats on the bottom. Swing tray with a compartment that has a form for a Silk Hat or Derby, ISJ hi; rhe Val e non-pickable, solid brass, indestructible lock. 688 Broadway, below Fourth Street; 161 Broad Made in canvas, instead of sheet steel, at the same price. Called way, below Cortlandt Street; 723 Sixth Avenue Style Brown Diamond. below 42d Street NEW YORK 19 THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER R.D.CRANEdfCO. E S ^sfi^ Q G "^^.Ki*i idii;U!]ir n U N I I *pHE BEST P M 1 that Skill X LTA and Money can Caps • Belts Produce and Embroidery Vl\. Insignia Sold at Popu­ Knots x T^ Sabers lar Prices I E R N

Main Office 605, 6oy and 609 T T Broadway, NEfV TORK CITY Sv S IJ West 27th Street : New York City SHOES FOR OCCASIONS Dress, Semi-Dress, Business, Street, Traveling, Outing. Our shoe for young men is a shoe for all occasions. Made in all stvles with the New York finish, a standard of excellence to meet the taste of the well-dressed men. In French Calt, Russia Calf, Imported Patent Leather, Fine Black Kid and Box Calf; in Button, Lace and Oxfords. Regulation Service Shoes in Tan with or without tips at $3.00, Special Regulation Boots, Shoes and $3.50 and $5.00 Leggings for Army Regulation English Pig Skin Puttee Leggings, Officers $6.50 Regulation Black Calf Riding Made of the best materials ami Complying with full Government Regula­ Boots, $9.00 tions. A separate and complete department devoted exclusively to army trade



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The Two Most Powerful Small Arms Ever Produced Colt's Patent Firearms Mfg. Co, HARTFORD : CONNECTICUT : U. S. A. Z3 cs

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Commissary Sergeants Do You Use T H EPURE John Middlefon r Importer ,.<"* Mounter Baking Powder: 219 WALNUTST. PMILA.. S+W THE. A high-grade cream tartar f//W GUARANTEED Powder at a low price. V Used in the Army for PIPES over twelve years. BOWLS MADEIN FRANCE Pipes Repaired

Write US tor Catalogue Make Requisition For It Ir is interesting, illustrated, and sent tree

7hepure Baking Powder Co, Albany, N. r.

NOTE: Hrc will gladly send sample on reyue.it THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

INSTRUCTOR—"Wh.it is the lowest form ol animal Mr. Scfaultx?" GOAT—"A lobster, Sir."

Chocolate Bonb ons

The reason LOWNEY'S BONBONS agree with you is that they are

made of the costliest and purest materials: all natural products. Their

delicious flavor helps digestion •NAME ON EVERY PIECE

The Walter M. Lowney Company Boston Manufacturers of SUPERFINE COCOA and CHOCOLATE 23 THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

A. G. SPALDING & BROS. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD OF OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIES SPALDING'S TRADE MARK goods are the acme of Every base ball manager perfection; accept no should send at once for goods that are not the a copy of Spalding's Spalding kind; there is no Spring and Summer substitute for a Spalding Catalogue; it's free article ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS FOOT BALL ARCHERY FENCING DUMBBELLS INDIAN CLUBS LAWN TENNIS CRICKET GYMNASIUM GOODS Spalding's Athletic Library, No. 250 Spalding's Official Athletic Almanac for 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN All Intercollegiate ami Interscholastic Meets and Records; Ama­ teur Athletic Union Records; A. A. U. Senior and Junior Championships; Swimming and Skating Records; A. A. U. Boxing and Wrestling Championships; all Shot Putting and Weight Throwing Records; Official Report of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Athletic Games; pictures of leading athletes, American and foreign. Price, by Mail, 10 cents Plans and Blue Prints of Gymnasium Paraphernalia furnished upon request A. G. SPALDING & BROS" 126-128 Nassau St., NEW YORK CITY, 29-33 West 42nd St. Buffalo, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Denver, Minneapolis, Washington Pittsburg, Syracuse, Kansas City, San Francisco, Montreal, London, England THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 24 Ebbitt House HsbepiUe : 1R. G. Washington, D. C. XIbe Xano ot tbc 5ft\> American Plan £bC /IRailOr, situated in Albemarle Park, in Army and Navy the Northern edge of the City, is a unique and comfortable Inn, catering to the best class of Headquarters tourists who are in search of a comfortable and attractive place for a long or short stay. Golf links within five hundred yards. The Manor is open the year round

Blbemarle iparft Company H . C. BURCH, Proprietor Ztobcvflle, IH. c.


Mtt\)U\)tm tttl Company SOUTH BETHLEHEM. PA. Manufacturers of Guns, Gun Carriages, Gun Forcings Projectiles, Armor Plate, Shaft ing and Forgings for Marine Engines

The •works of this Company are thoroughly equipped fot the manufacture of guns, from one pounder to 18-inches caliber, made of the highest grades of simple or nickel steel. Also gun carriages of various types. "Bethlehem" high power guns and carriages are installed in all the principal fortifications of this Country, as well as upon United States Warships.

BRANCH OFFICES : 100 Broadway. New York City : Penn­ sylvania Building, 15th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. : 1111 Keystone Building. Pittsburg, Pa. : 1351 Marquette Building, Chicago, 111. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER •n\ General Electric Company SOME EXCLUSIVE ACHIEVEMENTS

SCHENECTADY (N. Y.) WORKS At these works were developed and pro= duced the following notable contribu= tions to the electrical industrial field : The most powerful Dynamo in operation, now utilizing the water power of Niagara Falls The Sprague=General Electric Multiple Unit Train Control, used by the principal electric railways of America and England The most extensively used Steam Turbine (Curtis) for American electrical service The first practical Electric Locomotive for high speed passenger service

PRINCIPAL OFFICES SCHENECTADY, N. Y. NEW YORK OFFICE : 44 BROAD ST. SALES OFFICES IN ALL LAROE CITIES FOREIGN DEPT.: SCHENECTADY, N. Y.: 44 Broad Street, New York City ; and S3 Cannon Street, London, E. C. The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., FOR (iREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : Rugby, and S3Cannon St., London, E. C. Canadian (ieneral Electric Company, FOR ALL CANADIAN BUSINESS : Limited. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER BEST DICTIONARIES ENGLISH-GERMAN and GERMAN-ENGLISH I I. I i:< i 1:1 ,-S( l I.M 11)T-TA N<; ER, 2 vols, half leather 16.20 THIEME-PREUSSER, 2 vols, hall leather, bound in one $4.2.") FRENCH-ENGLISH and ENGLISH-FRENCH CLIFTON & GRIMAUX, 2 vols, half leather, each volume S4.VO SPANISH-ENGLISH and ENGLISH-SPANISH DOPES v BEN8LEY, 2 vole, bound in one, half leather $7.00 BEST facilities for supplying AMERICAN HAAI/O GERMAN ENGLISH KM |H\ ITALIAN FRENCH UVVIIU SPANISH

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WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY The largest of OUT abridgments. Kegular edit ion. size 7 x 10 x ~Ji in. Thin Paper Edition, size ">J x Sjj x I* in., printed from same plates, on bible paper. Unsurpassed for elegance and convenience. 11 Hi pages, 1 loo illustrations.

Write The Story of a Hook" Free G. «9 C. MERRIAM CO. Arthur Johnson


You want the best. SanitazToilet Brushes ate the best. Alwayi on duty. No reveille need sound J tor the Sanitax. They fit into orderly unrounding*. Present a most attractive appearance. Always on dress parade. Bristics arc set into open work aluminum frame which fits into removable German Silver back, thus enabling easy cleaning. All parts are Beparable and interchangeable. Sunshine and air have free access to every part. May be sterilized. Sanitax Military Hair Brush No. 2^1, fine Imported white Russian Bristles, solid German Sil­ ver Back may be engraved with monogram, $2.50 each, $5.00 pajr. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Will last a life time. Money back if not satisfied. The Sanitax Fountain Bath Brush is worthy of vour interest. Literature furnished upon request.

Sanitax Brush Company 2335 Wabash Avenue Chicago, 111. 29 THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER


Distilled and Bottled by Hiram WalKcr £ Sons





Domestic Fruits Supplied Direct From The Vines Highest n _^| Awards Medals

Selected Strawberries Raspberries, Currants, Plums Cherries, Peaches, Pears Grapes and Apples TOP-0-CAN BUTTER of the Best Varieties Packed at the supplied to Hotels, Clubs and Families Diamond Creameries Monticello, Iowa at Reasonable Prices Direct from the Churn Cans sealed without heating JAMES A. STAPLES Consulting Horticulturist : : Purveyor to Cadet Mess Simpson Mclntire & Co. TREES and riNES FURNISHED on APPLICATION 79 South Market Street P. O. Box 65, :: MARLBOROUGH, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A.

The Standard American Brand Sozodont ATLAS Tooth Powder PORTLAND CEMENT Always Uniform

is free from acid, grit or any other injurious substances. It will not tarn­ SEND FOR PAMPHLET ish gold work nor scratch the enamel of the teeth. It polishes the teeth beautifully and leaves a deliriously cool and fragrant sensation in the Manufactured by mouth. The Atlas Portland Cement Co. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE 30 Broad Street NEW YORK, N. Y. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER PARADIGM SKYLIGHTS

OSITIVELY the Best Skylight Made. Enormous amount P of work done for the U. S. Navy Department, principal railways and manufacturing firms

Specified for new buildings at West Point Hope to do the work

ARTHUR E. RENDLE, 18 West 34th St., New York Send for Illustrated Catalogue, Circulars, etc.

KNIFFIN ft DEMAREST CO. •S'. L. Knijjin, Preset T. B. Knijjin Cice Pre St G. B. Demurest, SeC \ (2? Treas HOTEL CHIN J GLASSWARE Hotel Sundries Our TRUNKS, BAGS and SUIT CASES have an inter­ national reputation, a reputa­ tion built up and sustained by quality Military Trunks a Specialty J.S Murray Street : : New York Headley £? Farmer Co. Telephone 2JJJ Cortlandt NEWARK, N. J., U. S. A. THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER Ife&SeAl"" Corned Beef Hash

C The Corned Beef Hash may be moistened with one beaten egg, made into small cakes and broiled. Served with cream sauce. Or, mixed with egg made into small balls, fried in deep fat and ser%'ed as quenelles with creamed chicken. A can of Corned Beef Hash in the emergency closet might make sufficient creamed chicken cooked in this way for the unexpected guest. C. Reheated in 2Seri6ost Ox Marrow it may be served with fried tomatoes or egg plant; heated in cream it may be used for stuffing tomatoes, egg plant, or small squash, for baking. C. It may be served with a tomato or a brown sauce, plain or with mushrooms; on toast with poached eggs, or in the place of ham in Eggs a la Benedictine. For further Suggestions, see the rcOerse side of our "Wrapper around the can. Armour £y Company, Chicago


No preservative other than common salt Complies with all National and State pure food laws Exquisite flavor C. A. Van Deusen Company ESTABLISHED i 867 HUDSON, N. Y. 33 THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

American and European Plans

The Murray Hill Hotel

Park Avenue, 40M and 41 j/ Sts: NKW YORK

ONE BLOCK from GRAND CENTRAL STATION Baggage transferred from and to the Grand Central Station Free of Charge THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER W. & L. E. GURLEY Established 1845 TROY, NEW YORK Incorporated 1900

Largest Manufacturers in America of Field Instruments for Civil, Hydraulic and Mining Engineers and Land Surveyors. Also Makers of Physical and Scientific Instruments, and Standard Weights and Measures for Schools and Colleges as well as for Special Work Accurate Thermometers

Transits IT- Levels Current- Meters Plane- Ta b les Compasses Sextants Anemometers Barometers Scientific Books Etc.

Illustrated Catalogue mailed on application THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER

Brnr^ anolWav^^ournal 93-101 Nassau Street (Cor. Fulton) New York ESTABLISHED 1863

HE representative of the Military and Naval TServices of the United States. Contains complete and accurate information regarding all matters of interest to the Services.

"As necessary to an officer as his uniform"

Club Rate Subscription price to Cadets U. S. M. A. and their Relatives $3.00 per year


HESE STEELS are used by a very large number of the largest and most conservative concerns in this country and TEurope, as well as in the Arsenals and Armories of the American and European Governments. We recommend them to all users of steel who wish to get the best results from their tools.

High-Speed Twist Drills made from "Bohler Rapid" High-Speed Steel will do very much more work than carbon steel drills, and will save their cost many times over by the amount and quality of the work thev will do.

UflllPUTflN £ RIPHARflQ Sole agents for United States and Canada Boston Chicago Cleveland THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 36


Our line is the Largest, Best and Most Complete WVite us for catalogue £? laundry guide

Crop Chicago jlUtoo l?orh &an jFranrijfco ;J7 THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER PATRONIZE the CADET BARBER R E G U L A T I O N C U T O N L Y By Order Sign the Slate :: Avoid a Wait THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 38


506 FIFTH AVENUE 3 Doors above 42nd Street NEW YORK High class civilian clothes only

STUDIOS: New York City, West Point, N. Y., Princeton, N. J., Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, N.J. Finishing Dept., 1296 Third Avenue, New York City

^ if fHnfHamisJ Successor to Pack Bros.

Photographer at U. S. Military Academy, Princeton University, Princeton Theological Seminary, New "Jersey State Normal School



A. L. STARIN 57 GOOD THINGS TAILOR FOR THE TABLE to College Men Tomato Ketchup Chili Sauce Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce India Relish Olive Oil Fruit Preserves Apple Butter TEN-FIFTY CHAPEL ST. Mince Meat OPPOSITE VANDERBILT HALL NEW HAVEN : CONN. Used and recommended by the and Navy THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 40 RASTER LILT-. BRANDS OF SNOtV BALL :

The best known of all brands in West Point BSnsurpassefc in ©ualttj>

The Post Exchange HOWARD & COMPANY WHOLESALE GROCERS Store Sells Them Newburgh :: New York

First in Purity and The New Tri-Chrome Healthfulness Jk Smitb (Premier Your physician will tell you of the superior medicinal qualities of an abso writes in 3 colors with but 1 ribbon lutely pure fermented grape wine Great Western No other typewriter does this

Champagne Va 1 uah 1 e for The Standard of American Wines is the choice of discriminating con Correspo n dence sutners the country over Statistical Work Legal Docu­ ments, Intricate Tabular Work StatementWork "Of the six American Champagnes Library Indexing exhibited at the Paris Exposition of W h o 1 e s a 1 e 1900, the GREAT WESTERN Bill i n e was the only one that received a GOLD MEDAL"


Chief High Soarer - Protector of the Keys Jo Jo Humphrey

Musician. Mechanician and Electrician Baender (iatewood

Keeper of the Ladders P. D. Mettler P. D. MacMillan Doc Sturgill

Eureka Members Nutz Waring Kaiser Wilhelm Count Gillespie

Anchor Bruiser Chaffee Blondey Torney

Denizens of the Belfry Jimmy Bradshaw Bug Spurgin Dick Burleson Connie Converse Dutch Kieffer THE HOWITZER ADVERTISER 42


Fine Uniform UNIFORMS and Civilian for OFFICERS of the Clothing UNITED STATES English jfjfo ARMY Haberdashery Hats ^S*7f! C,A Distinctive Depart- Shoes * [9; merit of over seventy-five •pfrr- years' standing, in which House Garments W I are infused new ideas to Leather and wj fjir keepabreastofthechanges tVicker Travelling -^ ™ in Regulations and new and conditions of the service. Toilet Articles Etc., Etc.

WE ASK ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR FULL DRESS UNI­ FORMS, IN WHICH THE HIGHEST RESULTS ARE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF FINE MATERIALS AND HIGH CLASS WORKMANSHIP. W Military Mackintoshes, Regulation Pigskin Leg­ gings, Trunks, Valises, Kit Bags and all requisites for Travel by Land or Sea. English Polo Caps and Helmets.

OUR RIDING BREECH Particular attention is paid to the out­ ES ARE MADE BY SKILLED WORKMEN, fitting of Officers stationed at FORMERLY CON NECTED WITH THE posts distant to our city BEST MILITARY SHOPS OF LONDON CATALOGUES, SAMPLES, ETC., MAILED ON REQUEST Index to Advertisements

Albemarle Park Co., PAGE 24 Johnson, L. H., Alexander, A., 6 Keep Mfg. Co., The, Allien, Henry Y., & Co., '5 Keuffel & Esser Co., Armour & Co., 32 Kniffin & Demarest, Armstrong Mfg. Co., The E. A. '3 Knox, E. M., Army and Navy Journal, 35 Lemcke & Buechner, Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Lowney & Co., Banister & Co., 5 McCutcheon & Co., Bent & Bush, . 11 McManus, B. F., Bethlehem Steel Co. 25 Merriam, G. & C, Co., Brooks Brothers, 42 Middleton, John, Cadet Barber, . 37 Moseley, L., Cammeyer, Alfred J., 19 Murray Hill Hotel, . Charles & Co., 3 Nelson, Edward A., Charlottesville Woolen Mills, 17 Newark Trunk Co., Coale, Henry K., 16 O'Keefe & Quinlan,

Colt's Patent Firearms Mfg. Co i 20 Pleasant Valley Wine Co., The, Crane, R. D., & Co., •9 Prudential Life Ins. Co., The, Crouch & Fitzgerald, iS Rendle, Arthur E., Dobler & Co., . 12 Rice & Duval, . Dreka Co., The, 2 1 Sandford & Sandford, Ebbitt House, The, 24 Sanitax Brush Co., The, Fledermaus Verein, 4i Simon, Julius, Franklin Mills Co., The, 3* Smith Premier Typewriter Co., rhe, General Electric Co., 26 Smith & Wesson, Gurley, W. & L. E., 34 Simpson, Mclntire & Co., Haas, John C, 1 1 Spalding & Bros., Hall & Ruckel, 3° Staples, James A., Hatfield & Sons, 7 Starin, A. L., Hatch, Dean & Co., '3 Stetson & Co., Hauptner, Chas., •5 Thepure Baking Powder C Hayt, Peter B., 6 Tiffany & Co., Headley & Farmer Co., The, 3< Troy Laundry Machinery Co., T he, Heinz Co., The H. J., 39 Van Deusen Co., The C. A., Horstmann Co., The Wm. H., 18 Walker, Hiram, & Sons, Howard & Co., 40 Walton, Hotel, Houghton & Richards, 35 Warnock Uniform Co., The, Hyatt & Darke, 38 Wineman, John Co., Johnson, Arthur, & Co., 27 Young Bros.,