

and courage acquire greater force and power when consecrated The principal legislative clerk (H. A. Hop)rins) called the to honesty of purpose. JAMES R. MANN sought to ·stand be­ roll, and tbe following Senators answered to their names : fore his fellows with a character unimpeached and unimpeach­ Ashurst George McNary Shortridge able. He would noti even for political advantage) shadow a Bayard

Mr. UNDERWOOD. I bave no objection to the approval of Mr. NORR!S. If it comes in response to a resolution of tbe the .Journal. That can be done by unanimous consent. Senate, I tbink it would be printed under the rule. A.Ir. LODGE. I ham made the motion to proceed to the con- The VICE PRESIDENT. It is a very short communication. sideration of executive business. Mr. NORRIS. What is the subject matter? Mr. JOl'\""ES of Washington. Suppose we go into executive The VICE PRESIDENT. A communication from the chair- session and continue tllere until 12 o'clock, the shipping bill i man of the Shipping Board, transmitting, pur­ ·would not be -referred to the committee. I merely ask unani- I suant to law, a statement of travel performed by the officers mous consent that it may be referred to the Commerce Com- 1 and employees of the board during the fiscal year ended June mittee. 30, 1922. 1 Mr. FLETCHER. The only purpose is to get the bill printed, I Mr. NORRIS. I ask that it be printed. so that we may know what it is. · . The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it will be THE JOURNAL. printed. ~ ~ . j 1\fr. NORRIS. I do not want to interfere with the reference l\Ir. LOD~F_,. I a k unammous consent that the Journal of of the report to the Committee on Appropriations, but it o·ught the proceedmgs of Tuesday last and the subsequent days be . to he printec1 as well. ap¥~~ve:icE PRESIDENT. Without objection the Journal of The VICE PHESIDENT. It has been so referred. the several clays will be approved. Is there objection? The PETITIONS. Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. • The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a resolution THE MERCHANT MARINE. adopted by tbe house of delegates, American Medical Associa- 1\lr. JONES of Washington. Kow let the shipping bill be· tion, at the 1922 meeting in St. Louis, Mo., favoring the grant· referred. · ing of relief from present unsatisfactory conditions relative to l\lr. LODGE. I ask unanimous consent that the ship subsidy the use of whisky for medicinal purposes and to supply bonded bill be referred to the Committee on Commerce. whisky only at a fixed retail price established by the Govern· The bill (H. n. 12817) to amend and supplement the mer- ment, which \\as referred to the Cemmittee on the Judiciary. chant marine act, 1920, and for other purposes, was read twice Mr. PEPPER presented a petition of the (Pa.) by its title and refeneu to the Committee on Commerce. Board. of Trade, praying for the prompt passage of Senate bill 1943, providing for. the better protection of aliens and for the EXECUTIVE SESSION. enforcement of their treaty rights, which was referred to the Mr. LODGE. I renew my motion that the Senate proceed Committee on the Judiciary. to the consideration of executive business. He also presented a petition of the Philadelphia (Pa.) Board The motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to the of Trade, praying for the passage of Senate bill 3217, to amend consideration of executive bu ~ iness. After 23 minutes spent in and supplement the merchant marine act, 1920, and for other executive session the doors were reopl"ned. purposes, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. MAIL CONTRACTS IN ALASKA. l\Ir. LADD presented petitions of l\label M. Stromme and 21 The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a comiilunica- othe!·s, of B,inford; Charles F. Faust · and 9 . others, of Moffet; tion from the P~stmaster General transmitting pursuant to J. E. A.nderson and. 5 others, of Zahl ; Muut Okland and 9 law, copies of special contracts ent~red into by the Post Office f oth:r~, of Watforc.l City; Ola~ Roen and 9 ot?ers: of Arn.egard; Department with the Copper R~er & Northwestern Railway I Ba~er Sas:;;onde and 9 ~thers, of St. Jo~n' Mis. Wilham A. Co. for carrying the mails bet'ireen Cordova and Kennecott, Leben a~d 25 ~tbers, of ,W1lton; P.R. Hendrick and 9 ~tbers, of Alaska; with the Alaskan Engineering Commission for carry- ~aw1 on• Nels H. Peter~on aml 41_ oth~rs, of Bmybells, Dagmar ing the mails on the Government railroad in Alaska· and with •-· Nelsou and 11 others, of Breme~ • E. 0. Kittelson and 1~ the Pacific & Arctic Railway & Navigation Co. for cdrrying the other~, of Dogde~; Alfred f-· Yorahng and. 9 others~ of ~ott1- mails between Skagway and White Pass, Alaska, which, with ne~u' John Christ an? ll other~ •. of Wunb.ledon '. Mrs_. ~· the accompanying papers, \vas referred to tlle Committee on Ro"'e~berg and 29 ~thers, of Rydei' Mrs. Della Klem an.l -9 Post Offices anc.1 Post Roads. othe1s, of Sanb?rn '. 1\1. J. _Hanley and 54 ~thers, of Donny· brook; Frank Koemg and D others, of Juamta; l\lrs. K. Jor- REPORT OF TIIE FEDER.AT, POWER COMMISSION. genson and 19 otherl:l, of Fullerton; Julius Knuth and 8 others, The VICE PRESIDE~T laid before the Senate a communica­ of Juanita; and l\Irs. J. H. Jacobson and 7 others, of Lamoure, tion from the Secretary of Wru·, chairman of the Federal Power all in the State of Korth Dakota, praying for the enactment of Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report giving the legislation stabiliziug the price of wheat, which were referred aggregate number of various publications issued by said com­ to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. mission during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1922, with other GRA.IJE PERCENTAGES OF ENLISTED MEN. details; a statement in detail of tra ,·el undertaken by officers of the cornmis ion to points outside the District of Columbia M1·. WADSWORTH, from the Committee on Military Affairs, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1922; and a statement to which was referred the bill (S. 4037) to amend the grade showiug permits and licenses issuell unller the Federal water percentages ·of enlisted men as prescribed in section 4b of the power act tluring the fiscal year ~nded .June 30, 1922, the I uational defense act, as amended, reported it withou.t amend· parties thereto, the terms prescribed, and the moneys received men t and submitted a report (No. 931) thereon. uuring the fiscal year 1922 on account of permits and licenses, Fl,'.NERAJ, EXPE~SES OF THE LATE SENATOR WATSO. OF . '"ith which, the accompanying papers, was referred to the Com­ ~fr. CALDER. Frnm the Committee to Audit anu Control mittee on Commerce. the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, I report back favorably REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. \vitl10ut amenllruent Senate Resolution 365, and ask unanimous The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a commtmica­ consent for it~ present cons~deration. tion from the Board of Commissioners of the District of Colum­ The resolution (S. Res. 365), submitted by Mr. HARRIS bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the official opera­ November 22, 192:2. was reau, considered by unanimous consent, tions of the government of the District of Columbia for the and agree.oa:ck-· :t:arnrnbly cation from the Shipping Board. I hould like to inquire of the without amendment Senate Resolution 363, and ' k ·m;1t imous Chair n·hether, nnder tlle. rule, it will be printed? consent for its present consideration. :· ·-~h -. -~ The VICE PRESIDEXT. It can be ordered printed. The The resolution ( S. Res. 363), submitted by l\Ir. Loner~ fy(rem- Chair thinks it would not be printed t:nless so ordered. ber 22, 1922, was rend, ns follows: ;\-:;:~· l\lr. NORRIS. Doe.· it come iu response to a resolution of Resolt:ed, That the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate be, and he bereby tile Senate? is, autho1izf'd an


The Senate, by unanimous consent, proceeded to ·Consider the (By request) : resolution. A bill ( S. 4084) to amend section 23 of the act of Congress Mr. CALDER. I move to amend · the resolution by striking approved July 17, r.1916, known as the Federal farm act· out "March 31" and inserting "l\Iarch 4." to the Committee on B:ml"ing and Currency. . ' The amendment ·was agreed to. .. By Mr. H.ARRIDLD: The resolution as amended was agreed to. · A bill ( S. 4085) for the relief of Samuel H. Butler; to the MARY M.- BREWER, 1Committee on Claims. Mr. CALDER. From the Committee to Audit and Control By Mr. TOWNSEND: • the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, I .report back favorably A bill (S. 4086) granting a pension to James H. Seward; to without amendment .Senate Resolution 369, and ask unanimous the Committee on Pensfons. consent for its present consideration. By l\1r. HALE: The resolution ( S. Res. 369), submitted by Mr. .LonGt: Novem­ A bill (S. 4087) to relieve American Legion Post No. 86 of ber 27, 1922, was reaa: as follows : responsibility for certain rifles and equipment (with accompany­ ing _papers) ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he hereby is, au­ thorized and directed to pay, out of the contingent fund of the Senate, By Mr. WADSWORTH: to Mary M. Brewer, widow of Hiram H. Brewer, late foreman in the A bill (S . .4088) ·conferring jurisdiction upon certain courts of Senate folding room, a sum equal to one year's compensation at the the United States to hear and determine the claim by the owner rate he was receiving by law at the time of bis death; said sum to be considered as including funet•al expenses and all other allowances. of the Steamship San Tirso against the United States, and for The Senate, by unanimous consent, proceeded to consider the other purposes; to the Committee on Claims. · resolution. A joint resolution (S. J. Res. 250) to donate to the Veterans Mr. CALDER. .M:r. President, the resolution provides for the of Foreign Wars of the United States certain war trophies cap­ payment of one year's salary to the widow of this former em­ tured by or surrendered to the armed forces of the United States ·ployee of the Senate. He was wit.ti the Senate for over SO in :the World War; to the Committee on Military Affairs. years. He was a Civil War veteran. We ·have a rule which RECESS. provides that .in the ·case of death of employees who have Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I understand that the House is serwd less than 25 yea.rs the family shall receive six months' not to meet until 11 o'clock, when it will send to the Senate a salary. This employee served for more than 30 years. resolution to adjourn the present session sine die. I move that Mr. OVERMAN. Who was be? the Senate take a recess until 11.30 o'clock to-day. l\Ir. CALDER. Mr. Brewer, who was in the folding room · The motion was agreed to, and ·(at 10 o'clock and 40 minutes ·for 80 years, a Civil War .vete1'.an. a. rn.) the Senate took a recess until 11.30 o'clock a. m., at which Mr. LODGE. He was .in the service of the Senate for 39 time it reassembled. years. FINAL .ADJOURNJ.illN!!'• .Mr. OVERMAN. The precedent is .1or the payment of six A Jllessage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. OverA months' •Salary. hue, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had adopted a 'l\Ir. CALDER. No; that is in case where the service was concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 73) providing for the final l~s than 25 years. adjournment of the thfrd session of the Sixty-seventh Congress, 1\lr. ·LODGE. Where the service was ·Over 25 years we ha-rn in wh.ich it requested the ·concurrence of the Senate. given a year's salar..v. The YICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate a ['he VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the concurrent resolution from the House of Representatives, which :reso l ntion. will oe read. The resolution .was agreed to. The resolution (H. Con. Res. 73) was ·read, as follows: COMPENSATION AND MILEAGE OF SENATOR FELTON, OF GEORGIA. IN ~H.El HOUSE OF REPRESEN!rATtVES, _ December 4, 19!!. Mr. CALDER. From .the Committee .to Audit and Control Resolved by the Hous-e of Representatives (the Senate co1wurring), the Contingent Expenses of the .Senate, l report back favorably That the President of the Senate and tbe Speaker of tbe House ot Representatives be authorized to close the present session by adjourn­ without amendment .Senate Resolution 366 and ask unanimous ing their respective Hou es on the 4th day of December, 1922, at con ent for its present consideration. 11 o'clock and 50 minutes a. m. The resolution (S. Res. 366), submitted by Mr. HABRIS · Mr. LODGE. I moYe that the Senate concur in the resolution. November .22, ·1922, was 1read, considered by unanimous con­ The concurrent · resolution was considered by unanimous sent. and agreed to, as follows: consent and agreed to. R esolved, That the Secretary of -the Senate be, and he hereby is, Mr. LODGE. I mo·rn that the Senate take a recess until authorized and directed to ,pay from the contingent fund of the Senate 11.48 o'clock. to REBECCA LATIMER FELTON $287.67 for compensation, and $280 as mil~e, the same being amounts due her as ·a Senato1· from the State The motion was agreed to, and (at 11 o'clock and 32 minutes of Georria from November 8 to November 2~. 1922. a. m.) the Senate took a recess until 11.48 o'clock a. m., when it rea ~ BILLS AND JOINT ,RE OLUTION INTBODUCEJ'. samblecl The VICE PRESIDENT. The hour of 11 o'clock and- 50 Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first minute a. m. baying arriYed, pursuant to the pro-visions of time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, and referred the concurrent resolution adopted by the two Houses, the as follows: Chair derlares the third se sion of the Sixty-seventh Congress By Mr. PEPPEJR: adjourned without day. A bill (S. 4077) for the relief of Adam K. Baylor; to the Committee on Dlaims. NOllL~.A.TIONS. A bill ( S. 4078) for the ·relief of Adolph F. Hitchler; to the J£xe-c-u.tii;e noniinatfons received vy the Senate Decern.ber 4, 19~2. Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. CALDER: APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. A bill ( S. 4079) for the relief of -R. H. Macy & Co. ; to the The officers herein named, who formerly were majors but Committee on Claims. now are captains (under recess appointments) in the Regular A bill (S. 4080) for the relief of Lieut. Commander Jerome Army, to be captains in the Regular Army, in the branches of , E. Morse, 'United States Navy, retired; to the Committee on service in which they now ·hold commissions. or appointments, to Na val Affairs. take rank ·in that grade as prescribed by the act of June 30, A bill (S. 4081) granting a pension tO' Eli&lla H. Lockwood; 1922: to the Committee on ·Pensions. To be captains. By Mr. BORAH: Capt. Isaac Gill, jr., Infantry. A bill (S. 4082) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior Capt. J'ohn Kennard, Cavalry. to extend the time for payment of charges due on reclamation Capt. John Bellinger Thompson, Cavalry. projects, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Irriga­ Capt. Hamner Huston, Infantry. tion and Reclamation. - Oapt. J'ens Anderson Doe, Infantry. A bill (S. 4083) authorizing the submission to the Court of Capt. Lester Leland Lampert, Infantry. Claims of the claims of sundry citizens of Idaho for damages Capt. Charles Harrison Corlett, Infantry. sustained by reason of the overflow of their lands in connec­ Capt. Louis Alexander. Falligant, Infantry. tion with ·the construction of the reservoiT to irrigate lands Capt. William Ord Ryan, Field Artillery. belonging to the Indians on the Fort Hall Reservatioa in Idaho; Capt. William Francis Maher, Field Artillery. to the Committee on Claims. Capt. ·Floyd Hatfield, In~antry. 1922 . . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 453

Capt. Charles Lewis Clifford, Cavalry, Capt. Hubert Reilly Harmon, Air Service-. Capt. Benjamin Seymour Stocker, Infantry. Capt. Benjamin Greiley Ferris, Infantry. Capt. Oscar Otto Kuentz, Corps of Engjneers. Capt. Charles Samuel Ritchel, Infantry. Capt. Earl Landreth, Infantl'"y. Capt. Thomas Guerdon Hearn, Infantry. Capt. William Edward Raab Covell, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Joseph Daly Coughlan, Field Artillery. Capt. Joseph Dogan Arthur, jr., Corps of Engineers. Capt. Reese Maughan Howell, Field Artillery. Capt. John Stewart Bragdon, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Henry Jen-is Friese Miller, Air Service. Capt. George Jacob Richard , Corps of Engineers. Capt. Alfred Schrieber Balsam, Infantry. Capt. John Scott Smylie, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Boward Donnelly, Infantry. Capt. Lehman Wellington Miller, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Anastacio Quevedo Yer, Philippine Scouts. Capt. Douglas Lafayette Weart, Corps of Engineers. Capt. John Nicholas Robinson, Infantry. Capt. Earl Ewart Gesler, Corps "Of Engineers. Capt. Victor Vaughan Taylor, Cavalry. Capt. Edwin Alexander Bethel, Gorps of Engineers. Capt. 'Iorn Fox, Irifantry. Capt. John French Conklin, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Thomas James Hanley, jr., Air Service. Capt. Alfred Laing Ganahl, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Jacob John Gerhardt, Infantry. Capt. John Easter Har1is, Corps of Engm-eers. Capt. Leo· Andrew Walton, Air Service. Capt. William Frazer Tompkins, Corps of Engineers: Capt. Ralph Pittman Cousins, Air Service. Capt. Douglas Hamilton Gillette, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Charles Hosmer Chapin, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Paul Alf red Hodg on, Corps of Engineers. Capt. \Villiam Putnam Cherrington, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Donald .Angus Davison, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Jahn Franklin Stevens, Cavalry. Capt. Henry Spiese Aurand, Ordnance Department. Capt. Charies Robert Finley, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Thomas Bernard Larkin, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Vernon Edwin Prichard, Infantry. Capt. Edwin Coit Kelton, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Adlai Howard Gilkeson, Air Service. Capt. James Allen Lester, Field Artillery. Capt. Gilbert Smith Brownell, Infantry. Capt. Mason James Young, Cocps of Engineers. Capt. Richard Carlton Stickney, Infantry. Capt. Laysc:m Enslow Atkins, Corps of En.gineers. Capt. Edward James Dwan, Cavalry. Capt. Herman Beukema, Field Artillery. Capt. Jesse Beeson Hunt, Field Artillery. Capt. Edwin Albert Zundel, Field Artillery. Capt. John Ross Mendenhall, Infantry. Capt. Clinton Wilbur Howard, Air Service. Capt. Norman Randolph, Infantry. Capt. Charles l\lanly Busbee, Fi-eld Artillery. Capt. Joseph Monroe Murphy, Infantry. Capt. Albert Whitney Waldron, Field Artillery. Capt. George Edward Stratemeyer, Air Service. Capt. Parley Doney Parkinson, Infantry. Capt. Eustis Lloyd Hubbard, Cavalry. 1apt. John Hobert Wallace, Field Artl1lery. Capt. Frederic William Boye, Cavalry. Capt. Raymond 1\Iarsh. Field Artillery. Capt. Leroy Bugh Watson, Infantry. Capt. Harold Eugene Small, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Karl Hartman Gorman, Cavalry. Capt. Henry Benton Sayler, Ordnance Department. Capt. Henry Harold Dabney, Infantry. Capt. Joseph May Swing, Field Artillery. Capt. Arthur Arnim White, Field Artillery. Capt. Charles Wolcott Ryder, Infantry. Capt. John Keliher, Field Artillery. Capt. Stafford LeRoy Irwin, Field Artillery. Capt. Benjamin Willis Mills, Infantry. Capt. Joseph Taggart Mc...~arney, Air Service. Capt. Thomas Fenton Taylor, Infantry. Capt. Pearson ~fenoher, cavalry. Capt. Marshall Henry Quesenberry, Infantry. Capt. Albert Henry Warren, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. :Manuel Font, Infantry. Capt. Omar Nelson Bradley, Infantry. Capt. Daniel Allman Connor, Field Artillery. Capt. Paul John Mueller, Infantry. Capt. George Mayo, Corps of Engineers. Ca.pt. Leland Stanford Hobbs, Infantry. Capt. Paul Theodore Bock, Air Service. Capt. John Frederick Kahle, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Arthur Peter von Deesten, C01·ps of Engineers. Capt. Edwin Boman Lyon, Air Service. Capt. Herbert Spencer Struble, Field Artillery. Capt. Reinold Melberg, Coast Artilleiy Corps. Capt. Eugene Coffin, Finance Department. Capt. Clarence Brewster Lindner, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Francis Jewett Baker, Finance DepartLJent. Capt. John Henry Cochran, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Eugene Owen Hopkins, Finance Department. Capt. Carl Oonrad Bank, Field A1'tillery. Capt. Dana Woods Morey, Finance Department. Capt. Charles Calvert Benedict, Air Service. Capt. Selden Brooke Armat, Finance Department. Capt. Yernon Krans, Infantry. Capt. George Zinn Eckels, Finance Department. Capt. Roscoe Barnett Woodruff, Infantry. Capt. Jerome Clark, Fa.nance Department. Capt. Joseph-Jes e Teter, Coast Artillery Corps.. Capt. Louis Maloney Thibadeau, Finance Department. Capt. Lewis Clarke Davidson, Infantry. Capt. Clarence Maynard Exley, Finance Department. Capt. Dwight David Eisenhower, Infantry. Capt. Otto Wilhelm Gralund, Finance Department. Capt. George Hume Peabody, Air Service. Capt. Horaee Grattan Foster, Finance Department. Capt. Martin John O'Brien, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. James MacKay, Finance Department. 1 pt. Joseph Cumming Haw, Coast Artillery Corps. OaJ!t. Thomas Scott Pugh, Finance Department. Cttpt James Basevi Ord, Infantry. Capt. Stephen Roscoe Beard, Finance Department. Capt.· Earl Larue Naiden, Air Service. Capt. George Nicoll Watson, Finanee Department. apt. Henry McElderry Pendleto-n, Cavalry. Capt. Guy Rllb--.gell Doane, Finance Department. Capt. Iverson Brooks Summers, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Emmet Crawford l\forton, Finance Department. Capt. Edmund de Treville Ellis, Quartermaster Corps. Capt. Harold George Salmon, Finance Department. Capt. Robert William Strong, Cavalry. Capt. Archie Henry Willis, li'inance Department. Capt. Clifford Randall Jones, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Edward Tiffin Comegys, Finance Department. Capt. .John Beugnot Wogan, Field Artille.ry. Capt. Harrison Willa.rd Smith, Quartermaster Corps. Capt. Clesen Henry Tenney, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Horace Grant Rice, Finance Department. Capt. Clifford Barrington King, Field Artillery. Capt. Charles Russell In ley, Finance Department. Capt. Frank Edwin Emery, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Wilhelm P ~A. T. von Hartung, Finance Department. Capt. Edward Caswell Wallington, Chemical Warfare Service. Capt. Montgomery Taft Legg, Finance DepartDent. Capt. Carl Ernest Hocker, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. James Asa Marmon, Finance Department. Capt. John William Leonard, Infantry. Capt. Walter Davis Dabney, Finance Department. Capt. Richmond Trumbull Gibson, Coa t Artille1·y Corps. Capt. Percy Gabriel Hoyt, F.innnce Department. Capt. Edward Ca.mpbell l\IcGuire, Cavalry. Capt. William Alexander MacNicholl, Finance Department. Capt. Clyde Raymond Eisenschmidt, Infantry. Capt. Carl Halla, Finance Department. Capt. John McDonald Thompson, Cavalry. Capt. Charles Franklin Eddy, Finance Department. Capt. Jrunes Alward VanFleet, Infantry. Capt. William Maynard Dixon, Fina.nee Department. Capt. Edward Gill Sherburne, Infantry. Capt. Richard LeRoy Cave, Finance Department. Capt. Walter Wood Hess. jr., Field Artillery. Capt. Alfred .James Maxwell, Finance Department. Capt. Michael Frank Davis, Air Service. Oapt. OITa Ea.rl Beezley~ Finance Department. Capt. John Fuller DaYis, Cavalry. . Capt. Frank Elmer Parker, Finance Department. Capt. Stuart Clarence MacDonald, Infantry. Capt. Edwin Fairbrother Ely, Finance Department. Capt. ~1etcalfe Reed, Infantry. Capt. Raymond George Moses, Corps of Engineers. 454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 4,

Capt. Wilhelm Delp Styer, Corps of. Engineers. First Lieut. Ross Franklin Cole, Air Service. Capt. Charles Holmes Cunningham, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Oakley Leigh Sanders,. Cavalry. Capt. Dwight Frederick Johns, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Kenneth Smith Anderson, Infantry. Capt. William Arthur Snow, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. John Pinnix Lake, Infantry. Capt. Thomas Dewees Finley, Infantry. First Lieut. Heston Rarick Cole, Corps of Engineers. Capt. Elroy Sandy Jackson Irvine, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Russel Burton Reynolds, Infantry. Capt. Stanley Eric Reinhart, Field Artillery. First Lieut Harold Douglas Dinsmore, Infantry. Capt. Notley Young DuHamel, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Paul Clarence Boylan, Field Artillery. Capt. Robert George Guyer, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Ralph Floyd Love, Infantry. Oapt. Dean Hudnutt, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Irving Sherwood, Infantry. Capt. Lewis Emerson Hibbs, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles Wilkes Christenberry, Infantry. Capt. Robert Allen Sharrer, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Charles Andrew Beaucond. Infantry. Capt. Ludson Dixon Worsham, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Stewart Franklin l\filler, Field Artillery. Capt. Horace Logan McBride, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Hugh Campbell Parker, Infantry. Capt. Ralph Gillett Barrows, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Loyal Moyer. Haynes, Field Artillery. Capt. Holla.rid Luley Robb, Corps of EnginMrs. First Lieut. Floyd Marshall, Infantry. · Capt. Hamilton Ewing Maguire, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Carey Lee, Infantry. Capt. Ray Corrigan Rutherford, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Cecil John Gridley, Infantry. - Capt. Frederick Walker Bonfils, Corps of Engin~rs. First Lieut. Leonard Henderson Sims, Infantry. Capt. Robert neese Neyland, jr., Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. John Edwin Ray, Infantry. Capt. William Morris Hoge, jr., Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Roy Thomas Barrett, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. William Roscoe Woodward, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Clyde Lloyd Hyssong, Infantry. Capt. Stanley Lonzo Scott, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. John Jeremiah Bachman, Field Artillery. Capt. Tattnall Daniell Simkins, Corps of Engineers. Firsf Lieut. Raymond Jay Williamson, Infantry. Capt. Henry Crampton Jones, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Vere Pa.inter, Quartermaster Corps. Capt. Leslie Thomas Saul, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Julius Ungethuem, Infantry. Capt. Carl Lee Marriott, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Boroughs Richardson, Infantry. Ca pt. James Arthur Pickering, Field Arti1lery. First Lieut. Samuel Wilber Stephens, Infantry. Capt.. James Knox Cockrell, Cavalry. First Lieut. Richard Cohron Lowry, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. William Spence, Field Artillery. ·Fitst Lieut. Albert Edgar Billing, Infantry. Capt. Willis McDonald Chapin, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Robert Oney Wright, Cavalry. Capt. Fred Beeler Inglis, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Edwin Todd Wheatley, Infantry. CHpt. Robert Bruce McBride, jr., Field Artillery. First Lieut. John Hudspeth Crozier, Infantry. Capt. Paul Vincent Kane, Field Artillery. First Lieut. John Winthrop l\lott, Infantry. Capt. DeRosey Carroll Cabell, jr., Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Jess Garnett Boykin, Cavalry. Capt. Ralph Irvine Sasse, Cavalry. - First Lieut. John Charles MacDonald, Infantry. Capt. William Ewen Shipp, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harvey Shelton, Infantry. Capt. Carl Smith Doney, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Robert Gibson, Infantry. Capt. William Hieatt Cureton, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Hugh Bryan Hester, Field Artillery. C11pt. Fay Brink Prickett, Field Artillery. First Lieut. James Mahon Roamer, Infantry. Capt. Calvin DeWitt, jr., Cavalry. First Lieut. l\Iaylon Edward Scott, Field Artillery. Capt. James l\fitchell Crane, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lewis Burnham Rock, Infantry. Capt. Lucien Samuel Spicer Berry, Cavalry. First Lieut. Charles l\1oorman Hurt, Cavalry. Capt. Victor William Beck Wales, 'Cavalry. First Lieut. James Dallace Bender, Infantry. Capt. William Earl Chambers, Infantry. First Lieut. Louis Howarn Thompson, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Joseph Merit. Tully, Cavalry. First Li~ut. Ellis Bates, Infantry. · Capt. Warner William Carr, Infantry. First Lieut. George Pryor Johnson, Air Service. Capt. Hugh Mitchell Signal Corps. First Lieut. Clyde Virginius Finter, Air Service. Capt. Robert LeGrow Walsh, Air Service. First Lieut. l\fichael Condon Shea, Field Artillery, Capt. Richard Mar Levy, Coast Artillery Corps. Fin;;t Lieut. Paul Dillard Carter, Infantry C'tlpt. Thomas Lyle l\fartin, Infantry. First Lieut Charles John Wynne, Quartermaster Corp . Capt. Geoffrey Prescott Baldwin, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Henry Weiland, Field Artillery. Cnpt. John Bennington Bennet, Infantry. Fir~t Lieut. Marvin Wade Marsh, Infantry. Capt. Kenneth Macomb Halpine, Infantry. First Lieut. Rolland Spencer Chamness, Infantry. Cnpt. George Sidney Andrew, Cavalry. First Lieut. Julfan Horace George, Infantry. Capt. Roland Paget Shugg, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Camillus Kabrich, Uoa t Artillery Corps. The oftlcers herein named, who formerly were captains but First Lieut. Frank Upton Greer, Infantry. now are first Jieutenants (under recesN appointments) in the First Lieut. Laurin Lyman Williams, Infantry. Uegular Army, to be first lieutenants in the Regular Army, to First Lieut. Ander on Hassell Norton, Ca-valry. take rank in tlrnt grade as prescribed by the act of June 30, FirHt Lieut. Henry Christopher Hanison, jr., Field Artillery. 1922: First Lieut. Hanford Nichols Lockwood, jr., Field Artillery. To be first z.ieuterwnts .. First Lieut. John l\Iarkham Ferguson, Infantry. Fir.t Lieut. Oliver Wendell Broberg, Air SerYice. First Lieut. Joseph Saunders .Johnson, jr., Infantry, Fir.t Lieut. Clarence Earle Lovejoy, Infantry. · First Lieut. John Calr'in Sandlin Infantry. First Lieut. Richard Syl"\"ester Gessford, Infantry. First Lieut. Clarence Eugene Brand, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir8t Lieut. Benjamin l\Iills Crenshaw, Infantry. First Lieut. Leslie Eugene Bowman, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Curtis Loyd Stafford, Cavalry. First Lieut. Alonzo Patrick Fox, Infantry. Fll'st Lieut. Alexander Garrett Olsen, Cavalry. First Lieut. Hugh Joseph Gaffey, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Robert Kauch, Air Sei·vice. First Lieut. Horace Benja'rnin Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Riehl Wilson, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Joseph Addison DuBois, Infantry. ' First Lieut. John l\1ajor Reynold'3, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Barlow Winston, Infantry. First Lieut. Basil Vernop. Fields; Infantry. First Lieut. Maurice Rose, Infantt·y. First Lieut. Bickford Edward Sawyer, Cavalry. Fir. t Lieut. Florain Dennis Giles, Infantry. Fil'"t Lieut. Irwin .Samuel Dierking, Infantry. First Lieut. Chester Morse Willingham, Infantry. First Lieut. Donald Boyer Ilogers, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Gene Russell Mauger, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Clinton Fisk Woolsey, Ait' Service. First Lieut. Joseph Jerome Fraser, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Bartholomew Conmy, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank L. Burns, Infantry. Fitst Lieut. William Randolph Watson, Infantry. . First Lieut. Harold Edwards Stow, Infantry. First Lieut. George Curtis McFarland, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. William Burl Johnson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Collln Stafford Myers, Infantry. First Lieut. Wilfred Hill Steward, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. John Peter Neu, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Merl Louis Broderick, Infantry. First Lieut. William Herschel Middleswart, Quartermaster First Lieut. Winfield Rose JUcKay, Infantry, Corps. First Lieut. Lester Austin Webb, Infantry. · First Lieut. Arden Clucas l\1iller, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Samuel Lewis Buracker, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank S,ims l\1ansfield, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Edwin Burnap, Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph C. G. Nemo, Infantry. First Lieut. James Harris?n Donahue, Infantry, 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE:

First Lieut. David A.lmedus- BiiSett.. Infanbiy. First Lieut.. Duncan· Gregor' McGregor, Ordnance-Department. First Lieut. Ttiomas_ Patrick Walsfi, Coast Artillery; Co.rps. First Lieut. TbnmH.fl Jackson H'eavey., Cavalry. First Lieut Warren Benedict Scanlon, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Maris1Black;; Chemical Warfare Service. First Lieut. William Robert Hamby, Cavalry. First; Lieut., Wallace: Francis. Safford, Cavalry. First Lieut. Buckner .Miller Qreel~ . Cayalry. First Lieut.. Willar.d David l\iurphy:, Coast ATtillery Corps; First Lieut. Henry Winter Borntraeger, Infantry. First. Lieut. Joshua Ashley Stansell; Signal Gorps: First Lieut. Edwin Rudolph Petzing, Signal Co.rps. First' Lieut. John Mar_cus- Erwirr, Ordnan.ce Departm~nt. First Lieut. Richard Carvel ~fhl.lonee, Field Artillery. First Lieut.. Fidel Segnn.do Yr Ventura _Pbilippjne Scouts. First Lieut. Theodore Ernest Voigt, Cavalr~. First Lieut. Raymond Eccleston Williamson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Douglas J o!mston, Air Sei:vice. F~rst Lieut. David_Charle& Geurge: Schlenker, Cav.alry. Ffrst Lieut. Lawrence Pradere IDakey, Air Service. Finst Lie.ut. John Richard Wilmot Diehl,, Cavalry:. First Lieut. Severn Teackle Wallis.- jr., Field Artillel'y.. First. LieuL. Rudolph Daniel Delehanty, Field· Artille1·y: First Lieut. Charles l\Iunay Rees,, Infantr:y. First Lieut. William Henry Whiting Reinburg, Cavalry. First Lieut. William May, Infantry. Fir.st Lleut. Elmer Hugo Almquist, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Samuel Tankersley Williams, Infantry• . First Lieut. . Frank: Leslie Carr, Ca valrY,. First Lieut. Harold Herbert Ffsher, Infuntry. First Lieut. Frank Edmund Bertholet, Cavalry. ·First Lieut Sila Warren Robertson; Cavalry. First Lieut_ 1\la.rion Carson, Cavalry,. Ffrst Lieut. Donald Van Niman. Bonnett, Infantry. First Lieut. Rossiter Hunt Garity, Cavalry. First Lieut. William Henry Johnson, Infantry. First Lieut- Salvador Formoso Reyes, Phili1rnine Scouts. First Lieut. E'gl:)ert Jansen Buckbee, Qua:rtermastei: Corps. First Lieut Frank Charles .T.edlicka, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Ernest Andrew Reynolds, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Robert MacDonald Graham, Cavalry. First Lieut. Jame Donison Carter, .Philip:vine Scouts. First Lieut Leo Buffingtim. EJonn.er., Cav;alry. First Lieut George Warren Cooke,. Finance Denartment. First Lieut. AL-thur Bu:rnola Custis, Ordnance Department First Lieut. Shiras Alexander Blair, Air Service. First Ljeut. Loy.d \ran Horne Durfee, Inta.ntr~ First Lieut. Amos Tyree, Quartermaster Go.rps. First Lieut. Desmond. O'Keefe, Field .AJ:tillery; First Lieut. Charle Otway Cnrter, Quartermaster Corns. Fil:·st. Lieut. Hal MarneYi Ro e, Cavarcy. First Lieut. Anton Zeman Quartermaster Corps. First Lie.ut. Jolm Ter Bush Bissell, Field Artillecy. Flrst Lieut Franklin Denwood Sliawn, Quarterma."Jter Corps. Ffrst Lieut. J'".ohn Bellinger Bellinger", jr.,, Ordnance Depart- First 'Lieut. Charles Stal burg, Quartermaster Corps.. ment. · First Lieut. Henry l\fackay Shaw, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Senseny Eyster, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles· J'ulirrs Isley, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Henry. Richard .Anderson,. Infantry. First Lieut. Ralptl Hibbler Bogle, Quartermaster Corps. First.. Lieut. William McCaskey Chapman, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry John Hunker, Quartermaster Co.rps. First Lieut. Norman McNeill, Infantry.. First Lteut. Frederick Eugene Hagen. Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Glen Henry Ande~son, Infantryi First Lieut. Murdock Allen McFadden, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Bryant Edward 1\Ioore; Infant1'Y. First Lieut. Clifford Michael Ollivetti, Judge Advocate Gen- First Lieut. Leo Vincent Warner, Field AI:tillery. eral's Department. First Lieut. Howard Alston Deas, Infant1 . First Lieut. Woodbury Freeman Pride, OavaLr.y. First Lieut Heru'Y William Bobr~ . Infantry. First Lieut. John Wesley Orcutt, Or.dnan.ce Department. F irst Lieut. On low Sherburne Rolfe, lnfanti:y. First Lfout. Vance Whiting Batcbelo.r, ~avalr.y. First Lieut. Henry Perkins Gantt, Field Artillei'y, First Lieut. Norman Paul Williams, Infantry. First Lieut. Jesse Brooke Matlack, Infantcy. Flrst Lieut. Lewis Conway Baird, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Parry Weaver Lewis, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Robert Grant Cousley, Infantry. First Lieut. Eaward, Wrenne. Timberlake, Coaet Artillery First Lieut. Roland Capel Bower, Quartermaster Corps. Corps, First Lieut. David Grove, Quartermaster C01:ps. · First Lieut. William Wall.ace Jenna, Infantry. First Lieut. Ernest Ward Ely, Infantry:. First Lieut. William. Richard Fleming, Infantry. First Lieut. John Archie King,, Quartermaster Corps. Fn'Et Lieut. Francis Ponter Simyson, Infantry~ First Lieut. James Horace Barbin, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Cooper Barnes; jr., Coast A.rtillery Co~s. First Lieut. Wiley Hub-bard 0'1\'lohundro,_ Ihfantry. First LfeuL Robert John Hoffman~ Infant:cy. First Lieut. Charles Leonard Cliarlebois, Quartermaster Fir t Lieut. Clare Wallace Woodward, Infantny; Corps. FTrst Lieut. John Steven.son· ~.f:allDry. , Field AI:tillery. First Lieut. George Harrison Harrell, QuarteI:master Corps. First Lieut. Wrede.rick Dent Sha.rp, F,ield.. A..:ctillery. First Lieut. James Wight Van Osten, Signal Corps. First Lieu.t. 'William Sydney Barrett, Chemical W a.rfare First Lieut. Herman Henry Pohl, Coxps of Engineers. Service. Fir t Lieut. Gerald Alford Counts, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. PauI Rynn Goe.de, Infantry. First Lieut. Hiram Baldwin Ely, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Harry Niles Risin~ Infantry. First Lieut. Kenneth lUason Moore, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Henry Com.eli'us Demuth~ Field Artillery. First Lieut. Edmond Harrison Levy, Corna of· Engineers. . First Lieut. Low.ell Meeker Riley, Infuntry.. First meut. Thomas Dod on Stamps., Corns of Engineers. First Li'.eu t. Emil. Krause, Infantry. First Lieut. Bartley Marcus Harloe, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Robert Lynn Bacon, Infantry. First Lieut. Girard B1akesley Troland~ Corps- of Ehgfueers. First Lieut. Edwin .Tacob. Rouse, Air Secri£e: First Lieut. William Oliver Reeder, Field" Artillery. First. Lieut. Artliur ChaJ:les Pu1:vis, Infa11try. First Lieut. William Rebert GeTliardt, Field Artillery. First Lieut. fames Jackson Hea, Infantry. First Lieut. Theodore Earl' Buechler, Field Ar.tillery. First Lieut. Carlisle Brittannia Wilson, Infantry. First Lieut. Herman Uth Wagner, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Harold Lewis Milan, Infantry. First Lieut. Theodore Leslie Futch, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Horace Harding, Field A.rtille-r~~ . First Lieut. Russell Luff Meredith, Air Service. Fir.st Lieut Fred Ernest Da..vis, Quartermaster Corps; First Lieut. William Innes Wilson, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Reuben Lee. Fain, Quartermaster-- Corvs. First Lieut. Harold Allum Cooney, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Darryll Gamble, Q;1..1artermaster Corps.

First Lieut. Henry Anson Barber, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Carey Edwin Gaodwyn1 Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Miles .Andrew Cowles, Field Artillery. First Lieut.. Edinund Graham Wet. Quartermaste·r Corps. First Lieut Lawrence McCeney Jones, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Jo.senh Idus Lambert,. Ca.v.alry. First Lieut. Gordon Graham Heiner, j:c., Field Artillery. , First Lieut. Qla.rence Nelson Icy,, €:-Orps ef Engineers. First Lieut. George Walter Hirsch, Orrlnance Department. First Lieut. A.dolpbe_ St. Armant Fairbanks, Corps. of Engi­ First Lieut. Forrest Clifford Sha.ffer, Ordnance. Department. neers. First Lieut Frank Fenton Reed, Coast Artiller31= C01"Ps. First Lieut. .fose:Qh Wo.rth 'rfmmonSi jr., Quartermaster First Lieut: John WUI Coffey, Ordnance Department. Corp,s .. First Lieut. Grayson Coop-er Woodbury, Ordnance. Deyart- First Lieut. EIDi;ard Eccles, Q;uartermastel! ~erps. ment. First Lieut. John. \Vill:imn. 1Ua3,"bell4 Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Robert Alston Willard, Infirntry. Fi'rst Lieut. Ed:ward. Rae.de1\ Q.uar.ter.masteu- Corps. First Lieut. Clyde Hobart Morgan, Coast.Al:tiile.ry Corps. First l'..ieut. . WilJla.m. ED.wand Chase_ Elkington, Quarterma-s- First Lieut. Robert' Wilson ffasbrouclr, Field Artillery. ter Corps. First Lieut. John Taylor deCamp, Coast Artillery Corns First I'..feut. Roy' Claire Weil~ Glavalry,. First Lieut. Sargent Prentiss Huff,' Goast Artillery Corps. . First Llimt.. Rugh Whitt, Quartermaster Cocp..,,, Fkst Lieut William Henry Donaldson, jT., Coast Artil!ery' First Lieut Jofin Smitli. Sealry,, Qu.axtemna ten Ooxps. _ Corps. First Lieut Char.fes _Fr:~ile.ric.k. Wilsgn; tJuru:tm'l11a;ster CoJJps. 456 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-SENATE. DEOEl\fBER 4,

- Fir ·t Lieut: Fred William Crisp, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. William Foelsing, Quartermaste1· Corp . First Lieut. Al1en William Pollitt, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Charles William Dietz, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Ray Aloysius Dunn, .Air Service. First Lieut. Walter Lane Shearman, Quarterruaster Corps. Fir..,t Lieut. Hamilton Hall Treager Glessner, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Roy Marsh ·l\'IcCutchen, Corp of Engineers. Fir t Lieut. Irwin Wilson Guth, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Aubrey Hoodenpyl Bond, Corp of Engineers. F~rst Aeut. Livingston S\ventzel, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Hubert Walter Collins, Corp of Engineers. First Lieut. "Elbert Cock, Quartermaster Corps.· First Lieut. Frank Bowman Hastie, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Crawford Mcl\Iann Kellogg, Chemical Warfare First Lieut. Bennet Hart Bowley, jr., Corps of Engineers. Service. First Lieut. Robert Dorrance Ingalls, Corps of Engineers. Fil'st Lieut. William Frank Johnson, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter -Lyman 1 ~fedding, Corp• of Engineers. First Lieut. Frank -Dennison- Wheeler, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Albert Carl Lieber; jr~. Corps ·of Engineer . Fir t Lieut. James Anderson Beirne Gibson, Ordnance De· First Lieut. William Clair Atwater, Corps of Engineers. partruent. · First Lieut. George Jacob Nold, Corps ·of Engineers. - Fir t Lieut. Herbert .Allen Gardner, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Charles Alexander Brinkley, Quartermaster Corpii. Fil'~t Lieut. F1·ederick Fostee Christine, Air Service. First Lieut. Hugh F'ranklin E:wing, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. .Albert Lobitz, Quartermaster Corps: Fir t Lieut. Samuel Howes Baker, Quartermastei' Corps. Fir~t Lieut. Patrick Kelly, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Elisha Kenneth Henson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. BirniP. Lee Brunson, Fi.Dance Department. First Lieut. John Isham Moore, Air Service. · First Lieut. Simon Jacobson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Lloyd Milton Garner, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Edward William ' Lachmiller, Quartermaster First Lieut. John Parr Temple, Air Service. Corps. First Lieut. Vance Lawton Richmond, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Talmage Phillips, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Earle rrask Loucks, Infantry. First Lieut. John Paul Tillman. Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harris Markham Findlay, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Wilbur McEntire, Air Service. First Lieut. Russell Crayden Winchester, Cavalry. First Lieut. John Newport Greene, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. George Hunter Passmore,· Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Harrison Brammell,· Field Artillery. First Lieut James Steven on Rodwell, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. George Hebard Pryor, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Orenthus Allen Daughtry, jr;, Infanh'y. First Lieut. John Aubrey Wheeler, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Kirk Broaddus, Cavalry. Fir ·t Lieut. Frank Arthur Mertz, Quartermaster Corps.­ First Lieut. Newton Gale Bush, Infantry. First Lieut. Asa Jeremiah Etheridge, Air Service. First Lieut. Paolo Hoffoss Sperati, Infantry. Fir"t Lieut. Earl Spiker Sebo.field, Air Service. First Lieut: LeRoy Welling Nichols, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Arthur Walter Stanley, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harvey Julius Silvestone, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. Henry James Conner, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Charles Martin Chamberlain, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Emel -Simonin. Air Service. First Lieut. LeRoy Allen Whittaker, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Paul Frederick Hubei·, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harry-Barnes Sepulveda, Infantry. Fir -t Lieut; Graves Barney McGary, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Samuel Charles Skemp, Air Service. Fir~t Lieut. Frank O'Driscoll Hunter, Air Service. First Lieut. John Robert Hubbard, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Arthur W~lliam Parker, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut; Oliver Ste-venson Ferson,· Air Service. First Lieut. Herbert Lee Jackson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Robert Gale Breene, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Randolph James Hernandez, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Abe Woody, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. David Sidney Seaton, .

Fir. t Lieut. Lawrence Iverson, Coast Artillery Corrrs. First Lieut, Fannin Adkin Morgan, ·Judge Advocate General's First Lieut. Archibald Luther Parmelee, Coast Artillery Corps. Department. . · . -· · · · , . . Fir. .·t _Lieut. Walter Byron -Fariss, Infantry. First Lieut. George Howard Rarey, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. John Patrfok Crehan, -Field Artillery. First Lieut. Jacob Edward Uhrig,· Infanti·y. · Fir..:t Lieut. Donald Satter :Mcconnaughy, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Clarence Humbert Murphy, Cavalry. First Lieut. John Theo.dore Silnstone, Infantry. First Lieut. Samuel Rivington Goodwin, Cavalr~. First Lieut. Richard Brownley Gayle, Infantry. First Lieut. Geoxge Walcott Ames, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Jesse Benjamin Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Wellington Brock, jr., Air Service. Fir. t Lieut. Guy Ed.ward Dillard. Carnlry. First Lieut. John Joseph Murphy, Infantry. Fir4 Lieut. Robert TapnaJ.1 .Chaplin, Coast Artillery Corps: First Lieut. Murray Taylor Davenport, Infantry. First· Lieut. Ra;vmQncl Edwia Vermette. Infantry. First Lieut. William Giroud Burt, Infantry. · Fir -t Lieut. Abraham Robert.Ginsburgh, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Marshall Joseph Noyes, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Elijah Garrett Arnold, Infantry. . First Lieut. Charles l\lanly Walton, Infantry. Fir~t .Lieut. Benjamin -Nitwer Pelton, Infantry. First Lieut. Samuel Lyman Damon, Corps of Engineers. First Liei1t. Farlow Burt, . Infantry. First Lieut. Guy Lafayette Hartman, Infantry. - Fir. t Lieut. ·warren Joseph Clear. Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Thomas. Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Dean Ambrose Jones, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harry Nelson Burkhalter, Infantry. First Lieut. James Henry Howe, Infantry. First Lieut. Truman Wike Allen, Air Service. First Lieut. Robert A.rtel Case, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Humphrey Swick. Corps of Engineers. Fir. t Lieut. .John Rus ell Deane, Infantry. First Lieut. Victor .Leander Oleson, Field Artillery. Fir.·t Lieut. Richard Zeigler Crane, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Walter Buford, Cavalry. First Lieut. Paul Carson Febiger, Cavalry. First Lieut. William Huffman Young, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard Ogle Welch, Infantry. First Lieut. Gottfried Wells Spoerry, Infant1·y. Fir.t Lieut.- Leslie Walter Jeffei.·son, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Harry Donnell Ayres, Infantry. Fir~ti..ieut. James Fairbank Smith, Chemical Warfare Serv- First Lieut. William Ward Wise. Chemical Warfare Service. ice. First .Lieut. Rodney Campbell Jones, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. John Reigel Embich, Chemical Warfare Service. First Lieut. William Aloysius Murphy, Infantry.- Fir:0:t Lieut. Fred William Koester, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harold H. Elarth, Infantry. First Lieut. William Neely Todd, jr., Cavalry. First Lieut. Lester Joslyn Harris, Infantry. . First Lieut. Ellis .DeVern Willis, Infantry. First Lieut. Howard Foster Clark, Corps of Enginee1·s. · First Lieut. Thomas Reed Taber, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Howard Clay Brenizer, "Field Artillery. · First Lieut. Harry·William Lins, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Morris Handley- Forbes, Infantry. First Lieut. Harold Paul Stewart, Cavalry. First Lieut. Dorsey Jay Rutherford, Coast Artillery Corps. - First Lieut. John Fawcett, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Reynold Ferdinand Melin, Ordnance Department. Fir t Lieut. Charles Elliott -Lucas, . Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Grier St. James, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Will Rainwater White, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Francis Irwin Maslin, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. George Albert ...Bentley, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Wilbur Joseph Fox, Infantry. Fir ~ t Lieut. Norris Whitlock Osborn, Ordnance Department. Fir t Lieut. Frank Eckel Taylor, Judge Advocate General's First Lieut. Leroy Webster Qummings, Corps of Engineers. Department. Fir:-;t Lieut. Oliver Louis Overmyer, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Charles Palmer Clark, Air Service. Fir. t Lieut. '.rhomas Kenny, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. William Vincent Witcher, jr., Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Harrie Dean W. Riley, Corps of Engineers. Fir. t Lieut. Leo Leftwich Partlow, Field Artillery. Fir, t Lieut. Leon Henry Richmo-nd, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Joseph Francis Stiley, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Edward Frederick French, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Edward Henry Diguowity, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Charles Merrill Savage, Air Service. First Lieut. John William Elkins, jr., Infantry. ' First Lieut. George Churchill Kenney, Air Service. First Lieut. Philip Doddridge, Infantry. First Lieut. Bertram John Sl}.erry, Signal Corps. First Lieut. ChiJion Farrar Wheeler, Air Service. First Lieut. John Thompson Conove1·, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Henry Thomas Kent, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Warren Atherton Butler, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. James Arthur Boyers, Infantry. First Lieut. .Jesse DeWitt-Cope, Infantry. First Lieut. Evan Kirkpatrick Meredith, Infantry. First Lieut. Eldridge A,rnold Green, Infantry. First Lieut. Howard John Liston, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. James Howard Todd, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Charles Marion Thirlkeld, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Paul Sutphin Edwards. Signal Corps. . First Lieut. William Robert Carlson. Coast Artillery Corps. Fit·st Lieut. James Helmus Bogart, Chemical Warfare Sc.rvice. First Lieut. Ernest Thomas Jones, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Noble Carter, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harry Womersley Ostrander, Coast Artillery First Lieut. John Allen Root, Ordnance Department. Corps. First Lieut. John Wallace Cooper, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Melville Stratton Creusere, Field Arfillery. First Lieut. Joseph Hooker Comstock, Infantry. First Lieut. Cl!lrence Flagg Murray, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Carroll Harper Newell, Infantry. First Lieut. Perry Cole Ragan, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Thurber, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. James Cave Crockett, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Louis Arthur Witney, Infantry. First Lieut. Philip Dunbar Terry, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. A.de Orrill, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Carroll Knight, jr., Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Oscar Glenn Stevens, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Vincent Thebaud, Infantry. First Lieut. John Alfred Gilman, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Willis l\lorris, Signal Corps. Fir t Lieut. William Thomas Brock, Infantry. First Lieut. Ira Augustus Hunt, Infantry. Fil'st Lieut. John Edward Langley, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Paul Park~r Logan, Infantry. First Veut. William Floyd Armstrong, Field Artillery. First I.ieut. Jesse James , Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lorenzo Dow Macy, Infantry. First Lieut. Armand Sherman Miller, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Augustus J ahant, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Henry, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Curtis DeWitt Alway, Infantry. First Lieut. Earl Hamlin DeFord, Air Service. First Lieut. Frank Ely Locke, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Peter Powell Rodes, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Charles Elmer Hetrick. Infantry. First Lieut. Wiley Lee Dixon, Infantry. First Lieut. Louis James Lampke, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Martin Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry August Andres, Infantry. First Lieut. John Carl Cook, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Clay Anderson, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Herbert William Garrison, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Claude Lesley Kishler, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Burdette Shields Wright, Air Service. Fir t Lieut. Vernon Calhoun DeVotie, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Kay Chambers, Coast Artillery Corps. Fil'!':t Lieut. William l\IcPhail Stewart, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Thomas Hogge, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Willis Arthur Platts, Infantry. First Lieut. Dale Clarence Hall, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Irvin Warner, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles Summers -:\liller, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. John Charles Skuse, Infantry. First Lieut. Eugene Edwin Hagan, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Jes e Knox Freeman, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Edward Schillo, Quartermaster Corp '. Fir t Lieut. Edward Marion George, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. John Moody Tuther. Quartermaster Corp . First Lieut. Paul Hanford Cartter, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Henry Burgheim, Infantry. First Lieut. Horace Joseph Brooks, · Inf~ntry, First Lieut. John Palmer Harri , Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Morgan Ellis Jones, Infantry. First Lieut. Fred Thomson Ba s, Corps of Engineers. CDNGR"ESSHJ>N~ REC@RD SEN.AH1E.

~~ F.:irst L1eub ..Andte . Jaoksoni.Ratterson}lnfantry- First I~le'n t. Hughl Johrr·Caseyi,· Corps of 'Engineers. First Lieut. Rufus Alexander Byers, Infantry. First L'ieut:"Patri~ HemyJTansey, • Corps· of "Engineers-. First Lieut. George Edwin··Atlamson Qua.rtermaster ~ Banbury, Quartermaster.. Gorps. Fitst Lieut.-John ·Lee Hugh.es,· Ordnance Uepartment. Eir.st Lieut' \Villi.amlEdward .Gashmanr Quartermaster Gorps. First Lieut. Oharles.. Ed:wnrd Efile, Quartermaster·Oorps. First Lieut. William Sawtelle Kilmer, Field Artillery. First Lieut John- Robert'Bailey, Q\mrtermaster Corps. First Lieut. Altiert William· Stevens ~ Afr Service. First Uieut. Elmer Edward Adler. Air Sernce. First Lieut.~ Alston..Bertram .A1:nes, Q.uartermaster ·C<>rps; First Lieut; Joseph: Ervan •Smith, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut; Stephen..Carson · Whipple,. Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Robert Jo ep)l K-emredy; Finance Department. First-Lleut; Harry Franklin:: Gardner, Quarterm-as.ter. Corps; First Lieut. Francis· Camillus ·Beebee,- E'inance-Department. FirsttLie.irt: Charles Jacob Kindler;. Quar.termaster1Corps. First Lieut. Guy Russell Ha:rtriek1 Ordnance Department. First Lieut. John Nelson Merrill, Cavalry. First Lieut. Edward J6seph Riordan, Quartermaster Corps; First Lieut. The0dor0'· A'nton-Banmei:s.te:r; Infantry. First Lieut. Voler- V. Viles, Finance Department. First Lieut. Charles ~ Jerrold l\fcrnelle,. Qua.rtermastel':: Corps. First Lieut. Edwin- Vivian DUD.stan. Quartermaster Corps~ First Lieut. Ellis Donald1Weigle-, Coast Artillery Corps. Fi'r t Iihmt. Edwin Severett Ross; Infantry. Ffrst Lieut. Emile1Peter Antonovich; Q.uactermaster Corps. First-· ~ieut: SamuebTifomas G.ti.1.I:i.th'., Quartermaster Gorps. First Lieut: John Clayfon ·O'Dell, . Quartermast.er Oo:rps. First Lieut. Hubert'Aloert Stecker,- Quartermaster ' Gorp~ First Lieut. Fred. Chase Chl'istyi, Infantry! First Lieut. Samuel Clinton Payne, Infantry. First Lieu ti Elmes: Leonard' Paul Treutha'l.·dt, Quartermaster First-·L'ieut. Htrgh •Plgott·Oram, Corps of,Engineers. Corp.' First Lieut. Arthur "William Beer: JMge· Advocate General's First Lieut. Richard ·Fegrami Boykin, Quartermaster Corps. Department IDirst; Lieut:- Alexander Fo:rest· Dershimer, Quartermaster First Lieut. Lewis MitclielF 1\ICBride ~ Chemical Warfare Corps. Service. First'Lieuu Harry Ogle:Ttinis, Corpsv0f Engineers: First Lieut. Arthur Cobb~ Chemical' W-arfare Serviee. First Lieut! Helmer· Swenholt, Corps of Engineers• . First Lieut. Th'omas:-Bayton l\lcGill, Qtiartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Arnold Richard Christian: Sander, Infanti·y. Ffrst Lieut. Stuart·Cooper; Ordnance" ITepartment. First Lieut. Samnelf Nfilrn 11{-arrick, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Robe1t Stanley Beard: Quartermaster-Corps. First,Lieut. Gi'osvenor Liebenau Wotkyns, Infunn-y.­ First Lieut. Rowan Adams Greer, Jtidge Advocate General's First•rneut: Adel'Curry Harden, Finance Department; Department. · First Lieut. Guy Hilll Signal ()orps. First Lieut. Chalmers- Uale, Field' Artillery. First Lieut. George Mbseley Chandler, Quartermaster·Corp.s.· First ru.eut. William James Allen, Quartermaster Co~. · First Lieut. Irving Alvan Oppermami; Ihfantry. First Lieut. Henry Spence~ Evans; Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. William Waite, IiJ.fantry. First Lieut: Erne t' Walter Wilson, Finance Department. First Lieut. George Eugene L-amb,. Quartermaster Corps: First Lieut: Georg-e Nathaniel BeakleYl Judge- Advocate Gen- First Lieut. Harold· Ogier!Godwin; Quartermaster Corp_s.· eral's Department. First Lieut. Robert Burdette Woolverton, Signal Col"P.s~ First Lieut. Clarence Beryl 'Verts; Ci1.valry; First Lieut. Jacob•Ramser MeNiel, Finance Department. First Lieut. Henry Clyde Clark, J''tl.dge Ad-VOcate General's APPOINTMENTS, .BY TJiA.N.s:FER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY. Department. · AIR' SERVICE• • First Lieut. Jacob Herman Osterman, QuartermasterC-Orp-s. Capt. Floyd Erner om Galloway, Infantry, with rank from First Lieut. J'ohn. Jbseph Devery, jr:, Mi" Service. July 1, 1920. First Lieut. John Andrews M-acIJaugW.in, G.Iiemica:l' Warfare First Lieut. Charles Rocheid Forrest, Field. ArtiUery, wtth Service. rank from • Jtllyi -1~ 1920: I First" Lieut SanmeF Houston Ware; Quartermaster: (forps-; First Lieut. Edward Bernardmed· by the Senate rrecemb.er 4, First Lieut. Biehn.rd James Sotherni,: Field' A:rtillery! First Lieut. James· Bnggs Haney; Ordnance, Uepartment. 192~. First .. Eieut! Milo COoper Pratt; Quartermaster-Corps: PROMOTIONS;, DIPLOO.I.A!l'IC SERYIOE~ First Lieut.~ ffa:rry Stockton· FTarish; Finance· Department! SECBElr.ARYi OE' EMB.A.SBY'iOR : LEGA!l'IONl OF ' CLASS:· 2.!­ FirNt Lieut. John Paul Ueart; Oorps..:.O"t· Ehglfreers.· · · Williamson S. Hewell, jr. First· Lieut=: Patticlt Henry Timothy; jr:, Gol'PS' •of::'Ellgj.neem. Cornelius Van H:. Engert. . 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. 459 ·- ' SECRETARY OF EMBASSY OR LEGATION OF CLASS 3, Charles Henry. Moore, jr., Infantry: Frederic D. K. LeClercq. .James Wentworth Freeman, Infantry. Harold H. Tittmann, jr. Alexander John Mackenzie, Infantry~ Wiley Vinton Carter, Infantry. SECRETARY OF EMBASSY OR LEGATION OF CLASS 4,• Ira Platt Swift, Cavalry. . (Miss) Lu('ile Atcherson. Wilbur Eugene Dunkelberg, Infantry. ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL. Arthur Pulsifer, Infantry. Augustus T. Seymour to be assistant to the ~ttorney General. Farrin ~llen Hillard, Infantry. Elllott Watkins, Infantry. UNJTED STATES ATTORNEY. Francis James Gillespie, Infantry. F. G. Boatright to be United States attorney, southern dis­ Jessie Lewis Gibney, Infantry. trict of Georgia. Robert Hale Vesey, Infantry. UNITED STATES :MARSHAL. Clarence Miles Mendenhall, jr., Infantry. A. R Eldridge to be United States marshal, northern district Kester Lovejoy Hastings, Infantry. of . George Mc~igbt Williamson, jr., Infantry. REGISTF.R OF THE LAND OFFICE. Howard Waite Brimmer, Infantry. Peter Michnel Larson to be register of the land office at Cass Charles Milner Smith, jr., Infantry. Lake, Minn. Walter Joseph Muller, Infantry. PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. Harry Lovejoy Rogers, jr., Infantry. George Bryan Colll'ad, Infantry. To be gen&rais. William Stephen Murray, Infantry. Andre Walker Brewster. George Brand Duncan. Raymond Wainwright Odor, Infantry. Edward Mann Lewis. Ernest Hinds" James Clyde Welcll, Infantry. Edgar Russel. Robert Lee Howze. Miner Welsh Bonwell, Infantry. Frank Long Winn. John Perry Pence, Infantry. To be brigadier generals. Joseph Magoffin Glasgow, Cavalry. Richmond Pearson Davis to l>e brigadier general, Coast Artil- Elmer Mike Jenkins, Infantry. James Lawrence Keasler, Infantry. lery Corps. Charles Henry Barth to be brigadier general, Infantry. Rutherford Dent l\IcGiffert, Infantry. John l\1cAuley Palmer to be brigadier general, Infantry. Richard Bryan Wheeler, Infantry. Briant Harris Wells to be. brigadier general, Infantry. Thomas Roswell Aaron, Infantry. Edward Leonard King to be brigadier general, Cavalry. David Albert Newcomer, Corps of Engineers. Harold Benjamin Fiske to be brigadier general, Alfred Maximillian Gruenther, Field Artillery. Infantry. Herbert Bernard Loper, Corps of Engineers. Frank Ross McCoy to be brigadier general, Cavalry. Ivan Crawford Lawrence, Corps of Engineers. Halstead Dorey to be brigadier general, Infantry. Williston Birkhimer Palmer, Field Artillery. Hugh Aloysius Drum to be brigadier general, l_nfantry. Robert Gibbins Gard, Field Artillery. Stuart Heintzelman to be brigadier general, Cavalry. Robert Ammons Hill, Corps of Engineers. Willoughby Walke to be brigadier general, Coast Artillery David Horn Whittier, Ordnance Department. Corps. Herbert l\Iaury Jones, Field Artillery. John Bacon McDonald to be brigadier general, Cavalry. Fred William Marlow, Corps of Engineers. Franklin Wilmer Wat·d to be brigadier general, Officers' Re­ Orville Wells Martin, Field Artillery. ser-re Gorps. William Joseph Regan, Corps of Engineers. Albert Lyman Cox to be brigadier general, Officers' Reserve Roy Green, Corps of Engineers. Corps. Forrest Eugene Cookson, Infantry. Charles Irving Martin to be brigadier general, Officers' Re- Alexander Sharp Bennet, Field Artillery. serve Corps. George Sheldon Price, Field Artillery. MEDICAL CORPS. Carl Spencer Molitor, Infantry. To be captains. Wyburn Dwight Brown, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Paul Sandrock. Robert Miller Montague, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Edward Athelstane Casserly. Charles Pollard Jones, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Walter Clifton Royals. Anthony Clement l\IcAuli:tJ:e, Field Artillery. MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE CORPS. Robert Leonard Johnson, Field Artillery. Lester Francis Rhodes, Corps of Engineers. To be -first lieutenant. Albert Rhett Stuartt Barden, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Thomas Grimsley Hester. Romeo Francis Regnier, Field Artillery. CHAPLAIN, Don Gilmore Shingler, Corps of Engineers. To be ehaplain with the rank of -major. Harlan Nelson Hartness, Infantry. Louis Brainard Ely, Field Artillery. Chaplain Stanley Clayton Ramsden. Julius Easton Slack, Field Artillery. To be chaplains with tl!e t·ank of captain. Bertram Francis Hayford, Field Artillery. Chaplain John Truman Kendall. Ernest Aron Bixby,· Field Artillery. Cl}aplain James Aloysius l\Ianley. Robert Rossiter Raymond, jr., Field Artillery. Chaplain ~rank Meredith Thompson. Harris Fulford Scherer, Cavalry. Chaplain Walter B. Zimmerman. Thomas Benoit Hedekln, Field Artillery. Chaplain Jacob Donald Hockman. Joseph Vincil Phelps, Field Artillery. Chaplain Joseph Burt Webster. Charles Norton McFarland, Field Artillery. Chaplain Washington Cannon Pinson. Charles Alvin Pyle, Field Artillery. . ARMY, Alexander Griswold Kirby, Field Artillery. APPOINTMENTS IN THE John Ray Hardin, CoriJS of Engineers. To be second lieutenants. William Wilkeson Barton, Fi~ld Artillery. Fred Glover Sherrill, Finance Department. Maurice Place Chadwick, Field .Artillery. Sol l\Iarks Lipman, Cavalry. Foster Joseph Tate, Field Artillery. Jerome David Cambre, Infantry. Carl Robinson, Infantry. Eustaquio Baclig y Sabio, Philippine Scouts. Richard Tobin Bennison, Field Artillery. Burrowes Goldwaite Stevens, Infantry. Heriry John Dick Meyer, Field Artillery. Alexander Thomas McCone, Infantry, Elton Foster Hammond, Field Artillery. Thomas Markham Brinkley, In~antry. Ernest Marion Brannon, Infantry. John Kennedy Buchanan, Infantry. Francis George McGill, Field Artillery. Beverly St. George Tucker, Ordnance Department. Luthe1· Lyons Hill, Cavalry. Reginald Worth Hubbell, Infantry. Oscar Allan Saunders, Field Artillery. Lee Earl Gray, Coast Artillery Co.rps. John Wy\ille Sheehy Infantry. Donald William Sawtelle, Cavalry. James Battle Rivers, Cavalry. Paul Wilkins Kendall, Infantry. John Joseph Burns, Field Artillery. John Franklin Farley, Infantry. Leslie Edgar Jacoby, Field Artillery .. 460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 4~

John Raikes Vance, Infantry. George Gordon Elms, Ca valcy. Clarence John Kanaga, Field Artillery. John Dimmick Armstrong, Infantry. Richard Powell Ovenshine, Infantry. Ralph Francis Stearley, Cavalry. Edwin Virgil Kerr, Field Artillery. Donald Bandley Nelson, Cavalry. Thomas McGregor, Field Artillery.· Edward Ora Hopkins, Field Artillery. Harrison Howell Dodge Heiberg, Cavalry. James Verne Cole, Infantry. William Irwin Allen, Coast Artillery Corps. Ralph Bernard Kindley, Infantry. James Edmund Parker, Air Service. Bruckner, jr., Infantry. William Wesson Jervey, Cavalry. Clarence Archibald Frank, Infantry. George Raymond Burgess-, Coast Artillery Corps. • Frederick Brodstreet Dodge, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Edward Lynde .Strohbehn, Field Artillery. Clarkson Dewoise .M:c...."l\[ary, Infantry. Maurice Keyes Kurtz, Field Artillery. Bernard Abert Byrne, jr., Infantry. William Holmes Wenstrom, Cavalry. Warren Wilson Christian, Infantry. Paul Lewis Harter, Coast Artillery Corps. Dale Wilford Maher, Cavalry. Leo Clement Paquet, Infantry. Robert Barrett Hutchins, Infantry. Thomas Morris Crawford, Infantry. Joseph William Kullman, Infantry. Eugene McGinley, Field Artillery. George Dewey Roger , Infantry. Bugh Brownrigg Waddell, Cavalry. Robert Jones Merrick, Cavalry. Lester Delong Flory, Coast Artillery Corps. William Henry John Dunham, Coast Artillery Corps. Isaac Hai.den Ritchie, Coast Artillery Corps. Irvin Alexander, Infantry. Augustine Francis Shea, F ield .Artillery. John Harvey Madison, Coast Artillery Corps. Carlisle Visscher Allan, Infantry. George Edward Bruner, Infantry. Marion Patton Echols, Field Artillery. Thomas Llewellyn Waters, Coast Artillery Corps. Francis Otis Wood, Field Artillery. Urban Niblo, Field Artillery. Hobart Hewett, Coast Artillery Corps. Kenneth Sharp Olson; Infantry. Waldemar Sven Broberg,. Ordnance Department. William Leighton McEnery, Cavalry. James Holden Phillips, Cavalry. R-0bert Montgomery Springer, Infantry. .John Edwin Leahy, Cavalry. Russell John Nelson, Infantry. Frederick Weed Drury, Cavalry. Charles Maine Wolff, Coast Artillery Corps~ Leander Dunbar Syme, Infantry. Simon Foss, Infantry. Ellis Vern Williamson, Field Artillery. Davis Ward Hale, Cavalry. Leroy Clark Wilson, Infantry. Edward Melvin Starr, Infantry. .• Nathaniel Alanson Burnell, 2d, Coast Artillery Corps. Joseph Sladen Bradley, Infantry. • John Bartlett Murphy, Field Artillery. Arthur Launcelot Moore, Infantry. James Lowe Harbaugh, jr., Coa t Artillery Corps. Robert William Crichlow, jr., Coast Ai.'tillery Corps. Virgil Farrar Shaw, C»._valry. Martin Anthony Fennell, Cavalry. Paul Alpheus Noel, Cavalry. Ralph Harris Bassett, Infantry. :Michael Gibson Smith, Field Arh11ery. Hn.rold Allen Brown, Infantry. Syril Emerson Faine, Infantry. Albert Sidney Johnston Stovall, jr., Cavalry. Arthur Maxon Parsons, Infantry. Donald Carson Hardin. Infantry. Barry Welling Barrick, Infantry. Wayne Cliffton Zimmerman, Infantry. William Travis Van de Graaff, Infantry. John Thomas Keeley, Infantry. Boward Rand Perey, jr., Infantry. James Wellington Boyd, Coast Artillery Corps. Edward Hamilton Young, Infantry. Joseph Conrad Odell, Infantry. Nathan Arthur Smith, Infantry. Josiah. Toney Dalbey, Infantry. Gerald Saint Clare ?tfickle, Infantry. Logan Osborn Shutt, Infantry. Benjamin Randolph Farrar, Infantry. Stuart Little, Infantry. Henry Ellis Sanderson,. jr., Field Artillery. ;Hilton Edward Heineke, Infantry. Hugh French Thomason Hoffman, Cavalry. Galen Magnus Taylor, Coast Artillery Corps. David Stanley Holbrook, Cavalry. John Francis Lavagnino, Infantry. Walter Scott Winn, jr., Infantry. Daniel Philip Buckland, Cavalry. Willard Gordon Wyman, Cavalry. Philip l\Icilvaine Whitney, Infantry. John Leonard Whitelaw, Infantry. John Morris Works, Field Artillery~ Edward Henry Bowes, Infantry. Christian Hildebrand, Infantry. Edwin Malcolm Sutherland, Infantry. Joseph Holleman Warren, ~nfantry. Joseph Andrew Holly, Infantry. Edgar Mortimer Gregory, Coast Artillery Corps. Henry Baldwin Nichols, Infantry. John David Frederick, Infantry. William Douglas McNair, Field Artillery. Richard Ray Coursey, Infantry. Charles Forrest Wilson, Ooast Artillery Corps. Dwight Lyman Adams, Infantry. Robert Francis Carter, Infantry. Thomas Gordon Cranford, Coast Artillery. Hugh Garnett Elliott, jr., Field Artillery. Lester George Degnan, Infantry. Nathan Farragut Twining Infantry. Henry Bennett Sheets, Infantry. William John Crowe, Cavalry. Archie William Cooey, Infantry. George Whitfield MacMillan, Coast Artillery Corps. William Robert Mcl\1aster, Infantry. L. Hoyt Rockafellow, Infantry. Cornelius Emmett O'Connor, Infantry. Percy Emery Hunt, Infantry. Joseph Alfred Cranston, jr., Infantry. Roland William McNamee, Infantry. Willard Leslie Isaacs, Infantry. John Carpenter Raaen, Infantry. Horace Speed, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Winfred George Skelton, Infantry. Fred William Makinney, jr., Cavalry. Lambert Benel Cain, Infantry. William Benjamin Kean, jr., Infantry. Edmund Bower Sebree, Infantry. Harold Robert Emery, Infantry. Ignatius Lawrence Donnelly, Infantry. David Sanderson· McLean, Infantry. Merritt Brandon Booth, Infantry. William Joseph Moroney, Infantry. Raymond Clegg Barlow, Infantry. Russell Lowell Williamson, Air Service. Frank Greene Davis, Infantry. Howard Dohla Johnston, Infantry. Emmett Jam es Bean, Infantry. Franklin Leroy Rash, Infantry. Donald Allen Fay, Infantry. Edgar Harvey Snodgrass, Infantry. Charles Henry Noble, Cavalry. Claude Birkett Ferenbaugh, Infantry. Walter Towle O'Reilly, Field Artillery. Adna Chaffee Hamilton, Infantry. Kenneth Pierce, Infantry. Harold Stuart Ruth, Infantry. Charles Henry Bryan, Cavalry. Sterling Eugene Whitesides, jr., Infantry. John Endler, Infantry. Lewis Stone Sorley, jr., Infantry. John Howell Collier, Cavalry. Albert Coauy Wedemeyer; Infantry. Dean Luce, Coast Artillery Corps. David Best Latimer, Coast Artillery Corps. Vincent Coyle McAlevy, Cavalry. Ro well Boyle Hart, Infantry. :t·999 !.l .JwJ,...#1,,J. GQNGRESSION AL REdG>ED-SEN ATE. 461

Rn lYor Hegland Myrah, Coast Artillery Corps. Howard Farmer, Quartermaster Corps. Ilerhert Joseph Riess, :Infantry. Clyde ffarrison Lamb, Infantry. Hemy Ignatius Szymansid, Infantry. Fred Ross Cowan, Quarterma ter Corps. UMc Lee Fomby, Infantry. Lester Frank Wl'.ltson, Quartermaster Corps. Fre1lerick Brenton Porter, Field Artillery. William Edwin Vecqueray, Quarterma-ster Corps. Brynn Sewa 11 Halter, Infantry. Haynie McCormick, Air Serrice. Charles Ra~ · mund Gross, Infantry. Arthur Henry 'Wolf, 'Infantry. Charles Ilarcly 1Hart, jr., Infantry. Albert Theodo1·e Wilson. Infantry. Adolphus Rankin McConnell, Air Service. Leonard Vezina, Qu1.rtermaster.. Corps. William James Daw, Field Artillery. Hartwell Matthew Elder, Quartermaster Corps. Louis Bernard '8axe, Quartermaster Corps. Housan Wayne Duncan. Field Artillery. George DeYere Barnes, Quartermaster Corps. Park Holland, Air Serviee. Paul Robert l\Ienzies Miller, Field .Artillery. John Gross, Field Artille1·y. .All.Hirt Smith Rice, Infantry. Earle IDverette Cox, Cavalry. Charles Linton Williams, Infantry. Thomas Russell ·Haward, Infantry. ClJarles Ream Jackson, Infantr'S'. Samuel {Tames Adams, Infantry. Charles Leslie Keerans, jr., 'Infantry. William Henry •Webb, Coast Artillery Corps. Fred Cleveland 'Fishback, Air Service. Albert Gillian Kelly, ;Infantry. George Oliver Roberson, :Air Service. Wayne McVeigh Bickels, Quartermaster Corps. Kenneth Newton Walker, Air· Service. Owen Russell l\larriott, "Field Artillery. John Lawrence Hanley, Coast Artillery Corps. Frank Joseph Vida, Infantry. Stanley Hunsicker Hunsick.er, •Quartermaster Corps. Harold Patrick Henry, Infanh·y. Neal Henry McKay, Qua1'termaster CoI"ps. Harry Woldren French, ;Infantry. Earl Raymond Adlington, 'Quartermaster •Corps. Dwight Josepl} Canfield, Air Service. J all). es Wesley Willford, Quartermaster Corps. Fred Pierce ~an 1Duzee, Infantry. Stanleigh Megargee, Quartermaster Corps. Charles Leland Webber. Air Service. Oscar Leslie Rogers, Air :Service. Arthur Gillette Watson, Air Service. Roger Frederic O'Leary, Quartermaster Corps. Henry Thomson Burtis, Air Service. Joseph .t\llen Physioc, jr., Air ·Service. Burns Beall, Infantry. Samuel Perham ·l'ifills, Air Service. John Bartlett Hess, Infantry. Ed~ar Theodore Selzer, ·Air Service. Allen Francis Haynes, Infantry. Albert Joseph Lubbe, Signal rCorps. · Harold Gaslin Sydenham, Infantry. George Raymond .Ensminger, ·ordnance Department. Hugh Crome,. Minter, Air · Service. John Bicknell Luscombe, 'Quartermaster Corps. George Windle Read, jr., Cavalry. Charles Harold ~nowa1•d, Air . Serviee. James Barlow 'Cullum, jr., Corps of Engineers. Edward Alton Hillery, Air ·service. Francis Hudson Oxx, Corps of Engineers. Hugh Sydney -Harpole, Quartermast.er Cor__ps. Thomas Henry Stanley, ·Corps of Engineers. Horner William Jone~, Quartermaster 'Corps. Donald Greeley Wliite, Corps of Engineers. Everett Sanford Davis, :A.iT Service. Henry George Lambert, ·Corps of Engineers. Frank Egerton Powell, Qttartermaster ·Dorps. William Weston Bessell, jr., · Co~ps of Engineers. Nelson Headley, Quartermaster ·Corps. Charles George Holle, Corps of Engineers. Frederick Irving Patrick, Air Service. Arthur Martin Andrews, Corps of Engineers. Donald Reuben ;'Qoodrieh, !Air Serviee. Edward Crosby Harwood, Corps of 'Engineers. Carl Henry Barrett, Air Service. John Wylie Moreland, Corps of Engineers. Francis Hill Kuhn, Quartermaster Corps. . Wayne Stewart 'Moore, Corps of Engineers. John Harvey Wilson, Air Service. Henry Franklin Hannis, Corps of Engineers. John Daniel O'Connell, Quarterrna ter·Oorps. Arthur Lee 'l\IcCuilough, Corps of Engineers. Harold Brand, A1r Service. Edward Albert Routheau, Field Artillery. Edward Watson Kelley, Infantry. Theodore Temple Knappen, Corps of Engineers. Claud Thomas Gunn, Coast Artillery Corps. Godfrey Douglas Adamson, Field Artillery. Edward Freeman, 'Philippine Scouts. Wilson Burnett Higgins, Corps of Engineers. Herbert Benjamin Wilcox, Infantry. Albert N~well Tanner, jr.. Corps of Engineers. Robert Hilton Eichelsdoerfar, 1Cava1ry. William Alter Watson, Field Artillery. Otto Max Jank, Coast Artillery Corps. Frederic Lord Hayden, Coast Artillery Corps. James William Smith, Philippine Scouts. Warren Cres man Rutter, Coast Artillery Corps. Thomas Houston Dameron, Field Artillery. Harold Frank Handy, Field Artillery. Paul Evert, Air Service. Richard Clare Partridge, Field Artillery. Paul Americas Harris, Coast Artillery Corps. Edward John l\IcGaw, Field Artillery. Jefferson Cleveland Campbell, Field Artillery. Harold Thomas Miller, Corps of Engineers. Rugh Franklin Conrey, Field Artillery. Volney Archer Poulson, Corps of .EngineeTs. Edn'in Clark Maling, Infantry. Tyree Rivers Horn, Field Artillery. Richard Head Trippe, Infantry. William Chamberlaine Coe, Coast Artillery Corps. Paul !Edward Jackson. Infantry. James Woodrow Clark, Corps of Engineers. 0. D. Well , Infantry. Joseph Leo Langevin, Field Artillery. Frank Celestine Meade, •Coast :Artillery Corps. William Hardy Hill, Field Artillery. Paul Wal.Ince Co1e, Coast Artillery Corps. Louis Jacob Claterbos, Co.l;'ps of Engineers. EYerett Samuel Prouty, Infantry. Auguste Rhu Taylor, Field Artillery. · Charles Speir Lawrence, Irifantry. James Kenneth Mitchell, Cavalry. John Corwin Shaw, Infantry. Frank Andrew Henning, Field Artillery. William Cadwalder Price, jr.; Infantry. James Malcolm Lewis, Field Artillery. Clarence Matthew Tomlinson, Infantry. Bernard Linn Robinson, Corps of Engineers. Eugene Reedy Guild, Coast Artillery Corps. John Robert Culleton, Field Artillery. Julian Buckner Haddon, Air Service. James Goodrich Renno, Coast Artillery Corps. Claude De1ormn Collins, Infantry. Charles Steinhart Whitmore, Field Attillery. William Hugh Burns, Field Artillery. James Hobson Stratton, Corps of Engineers. William Eldridge .Moore, Quartermaster Corps. Lee Armstead Denson, jl'., Coast Artillery Corps. O borne Cutler Woocl, Infantry. Ewart Gladstone Plank, Corps of Engineers. Clem Oliver Gunn, Coast Artillery Corps. Lawrence Granger Smith, ·Cavalry. Wilber Russell Ellis, Coast Artillery Corps. Edward Haviland Lastayo, Field Artillery. Thmald Weldon Brann, Infantry. Alexander Romeyn :Maclllillan, Coast Artillery Corps. George Bernhard Anderson, Coast Artillery Corps. Roy Winne Barhydt, Infantry. Walter John Wolfe, Coast Artillery Corps. George DeGraaf, Field Artillery. Ro8well Emory Round, Infantry. Lathrop Ray Bullene, Coast Artillery Corps. William J. McChesney, jr.. Cavalry. James Alexander Samouce, Field Artillery. Maxwell Michaux Corpening, Field Artillery. William Wallace Ford, Field -:A.rtillery. 462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. , DEOEMBER 4,:

George Dewey Vanture, !"'ield Artillery. Lawrence Joseph Carr, Cavalry. Pastor Martelino, Philippine Scouts. Maurice Wiley Daniel, Field Artillery. Harry Earl Fisher, Corps of Engineers. Perwein, Infantry. Donald Sylvester Burns, Corps of Engineers. Clovis Ethelbert Byers, Cavalry. Donald James Leehey, Corps of Engineers. Tracy Enfield Davis, Infantry. Carl Edwin Berg, Field Artillery. Oscar Raymond Johnston, Infantry. Joseph Eugene Harriman, Coast Artillery Corps. George Andrew Rehm, Oavalry. George Joseph Loupret, Coast Artillery Corps. Edward Carl Engelhart, Coast Artillery Corps. William Squires Wood, jr., Field Artillery. , Charles Whitney West. Coast Artillery Corps. Thomas Arnett Roberts, jr., Field Artillery. Park Brown Herrick, Field Artillery. Verne Donald l\ludge, Cavalry. Herbert Carl Reuter, Coast Artillery Corps. iohn Loren Goff, Coast Artillery Corps. Helmer William Lystad, Infantry. Francis Henry Morse, Field Artillery. Harold Edwar.d Smyser, Infantry. Edward Macon Edmonson, Field Artillery. Esher Claflin Burkart, Cavalry. William Gordon Holder, Coast Artillery Corps. Thomas Eginton Whitehead, Cavalry. Halstead Clotworthy Fowler, Coast Artillery Corps. .Alexander George, Cavalry. Lyman Louis Lemnitzer, Coast Artillery Corps. Charles Kenon Gailey, jr., Infantry. Le lie Burgess Downing, Field Artillery. l\Iortimer Frederick Wakefield, Field A.rtillery. William Ignatius Brady, Field Artillery. Francis William Farl'ell, Infantry. Eugene l\lartin Link, Field Artillery. Wilmer Brinton Merritt, Coast Artillery Corps. Charles Himmler, Coast Artillery Corps. Harry Clark Wisehart, Coast Artillery Corps. John States Seybolrl, Corps of Engineers. John lrvin Gregg, jr., Cavalry. Comelius Garrison. Field Artillery. Cbai·les Morton Adams, jr., Infantry. William Harry Bartlett, Field Artillery. Frank Hoben Blodgett, Infantry. Donald Breen Herron, Coast Artillery Corp . John Ferral McBlain, Air Service. Edward Clinton Gillette, jr., Field Artillery. Richard Meade Costigan, Field Artillery. Hussell Owen Smith, Field Artillery. Gustave Harold Vogel, Coast Artillery Corps. Freeman Grant Cross, Field Artillery. Ba il Girard Thayer, Cavalry. Hex Van Den Corput, jr.. Field Artillery. Edward Joseph Sullivan, Chemical Warfare Service. Homer Watson Kiefer, Field Artillery. James Perrine Barney, jr., Field Artillery: Jame l\lyron McMillin, Chemical Warfare Service. Wilbur Sturtevant Nye, lJ'ield Artillery. J osepb Harris, Coast Artillery Corps. • Charles Harlan Swartz, Field Artillery. John George Howard, Field Artillery. Leland Stuart Smith, Coast Artillery Corps. Ford Trimble, Field Artillery. · Carl Frederick Duj'fner, Infantry. Robert Bugh Kreuter, Coast Artillery Corps. Wilburn Vastine Lunn, Coast Artillery Corps._ Lnureuce Wood Bartlett, Coast Artillery Corps. Millard Pierson, Field Artillery. Donald Frank Stace, Air Service. Francis Ward Walker, Coast Artillery Corps. Reynolds Johnson Burt, jr., Corps of Engineers. Harold Oliver ·sand, Cavalry. Edgar Allan Gilbert, jr., Cavalry . . Harlan Thurston .McCormick, Air Service. Leslie Emmett Mabus, Infantry. Henry Peter Burgard, 2d, Infa.e.try . .Tohn Dickerson Mitchell, Coast Artillery Corps. Alexander Gilbert Sand, Field Artillery. Clarence Henry Schabaker, Coast Artillery Corps. Ray Olander Welch, Infantry. Ewart Jackson· Strickland, Coa t Artillery Corps. George William Richard Wilson,· Infantry. Fred Lebbeus Hamilton, Cay.airy. John I,amont Davidson, Air Service. Robert Snyder Trimble, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Julian Er kine Raymond, Infantry. John Francis Cassidy, Coast Artillery Corps. ' George Honnen, Infantry. John Foxhall Sturman. jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Charles Porter Amazeen, Cavalry. .• Jo eph Jacob Billo, Infantry. Edward Thomas Williams, Field Artillery. Wilbert Engdahl Shallene, Cavalry. l!"'rank Thweatt Searcy, Infantry. Robert Francis Watt, Infantry. George 'Villiam Bailey, jr., Field Artillery. Clarence Clemens Clendenen, Cavalry. Henry Kirk Williams, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. William Carleton McFadden, Coast Artillery Corps. Alan Lockhart Fulton, Cavalry. Eugene Collum Johnston, Cavalry. Terrence John Tully, Infantry. Jame LU


J olm Elmer Reierson, Coast Artillery Corps. Charles Andrews Jones, jr., Chemical Warfare Sernce. Henry Jackso-n Hunt, jr., Infantry. William Conrad Jones, Infantry. . 1\lariano S. Sulit, Philippine Scouts. Hubert Stauffer l\Iiller, Infantry. George Huston Bare,· Infantry. Edward Harold Coe, Infantry. . Morris Haslett Marcus, Cavulry. , Allan Eugene Smith, Field Artillery. Frank Zea Pirkey, Corps of Engineers. Daniel Burnett Knight, Infantry. Karl William Hisgen, Field Artillery. Paul l\IacKeen :Martin, Cavalry. Joseph Patterson Wardlaw, Field rtillery. Creswell Garrettson Blakeney, Field Artillery. James Harry Marsh, Infantry. Louis Jeter Tatom, Signal Corps. Francis Warren Crary, Field Artillery. George Wythe Bott, jr., Ordnance Department. John Baylis Cooley, Cavalry. Louis Watkins Prentiss, Fie1d Artillery. Selby Francis Little, Field Artillery. William Edmund Waters, Field Artillery. Milo Glen Cary, Coast Artillery Corps. Joseph Kennard Bush, Infantry. Harold ,Jo.,eph Comvay, Coast Arti1lery Co1·ps. Orlando Clarendon Mood, Infantry. Gn tin 1\laeAtlister Nelson, Infantry. John Oliver Kelly, Coast Artillery Corps. Frank Joseph Spettel, Infantry. Bert Nathan Brynn, Infantry. Rupert Harris Johnson, Infantry. Harvie Rogers Matthews, Infantry. Burwell Baylor Wilkes, jr., Infantry. Louis Beman Rapp, Ca·ntlry. Edward Lowry Taylor, Infantry. Edwards Matthews Quigley, Field Artillery. Jobn Barry Peirce, Infantry. · James Breakenridge Clearwater, Field Artillery. James Raymond Goodall, Ooast Artillery Corps. .Jo ·eph Warren Huntress, jr., Quartermaster Corps. Johu Kenneth Selis, Cavalry. Luther Daniel Wallis, Infantry. Douglas Cameron, Cavalry. William Daniel Bradshaw, Field Artillery. Hobert-Hayden Jame , Field Artmery. Wesley Tate Guest, Signal Corps. Eleuterio Susi Yanga, Philippine Scouts. Duncan Philip Fris ell, Infantry. Donald Raymond West, Quarterma ter Corps. Henry Hammond Duval, Coast Artillery Corps. Robert Thomas Randel, Infantry. Charles Edward • Jeagle, Coast Artillery Corps. Arthur Jennings Grimes, Infantry. John William Dwyer, Coast A1tillery Corps. Walter Duval Webb, jr., Field Artillery. Alfred Vepsala, Field Artillery. Ernest Starkey Moon, Afr Service. Edi:.rnnd C. Langmead, Air Service. Harry CraYen Dayton, Field Artillery. Carroll Heiney Deitrick, Ordnance Department. Frank Thomas Honsinger, Air Service. Burton Larrabee Pearce, Field Artillery. Edward CharJes Engelhardt. Field Artillery. Alan Dean Whittaker, jr., Coast Artillery Cor_ps. Paul Massillion Mc on'ihe, Infantry. Lee W. Haney, Infantry. Chester Arthur Carlsten. Infantry. Da Yi

Donald Boyer Phillips, Ai1· Service. Earl Landreth, In;fantry; . · · William Wallace Robertson, Infantr;y. William Edward Ra'ab Covell,· Corps of Engineers. William Peyton Campb~, Field .ArtjJlery. Joseph Dogan Arthul:', jr., Corps of EI).gineers. Harry Starkey .Aldri~h. Co.ast .Artillery. Corps. John Stewart Bragdon, Corps of Engineers. Hugh Perry .Adams, ;Field Artillery. George Jacob Richards, Corps of Engineers. Cecil Elmore .Archer, Air Service. . John Scott Smylie, -Coast Artillery Corps. Thomas Edward l\foore, Field .Artillery. Lehman Wellington Miller, Corps of Engineers. Robert D"Q Val ·waring;- Field Artillery. Douglas Lafayette W ~a~t. Co.rps of Engineers. Stephen Yates McGiffert, Field Artillery. Earl Ewart Gesler, Corps_of Engineers. John Otis. Hyatt, Infantry. Edwin Alexander Bethel, Corps of· Engineers. Louis Meline Merrick, Cavalry. John French Conklin, Corps of Engineers. LeRoy Ponton de ~ Arce ,, Air Service. Alfred Laing Ganahl, Corps of Engineers. Lee Roy Woods, jr., Field .Artillery. John Ea ter Harris, Corps of Engineers. Rox Hunter Donaldson, Field .Artillery. William Frazer ~~mpkins, Corps of Engineers. Dudley Warren. Wat)rins, .Air Service. Douglas Hamilton Gillette, Corps of Engineers. Arthur Nathaniel Willis, Cavalry. Paul Alfred Hodgson, Corps of Engineers. Lyman Perley Whitten,, .Air Service. Donald Angus Davison, Corps of Engineers. Lawrence William Kinney, Field .Artillery. Henry Spiese Aurand, Ordnance Department. Ray Henry Clark, Air Service. . Thomas Bernard Larkin, Corps of Engineers. Homer Wilbur Ferguson, Field .Artillery. Edwin Coit Kelton, Corps of Engineers. Earl .Albert Hutchings, Infantry. James Allen Lester, Field Artillery. James Ricb.J:nond Simpson, Infantry. Mason James Young, Corps of Engineers. Philip Schwartz, Ordnance Department. Layson Enslow Atkins, Corps of Engineers. Richard Brown Thornton, Infantry. Herman Beukema, Field Artillery. Pacifico C. Sevilla, Philippine Scouts. Edwin Albert Zundel, F.ield Artillery. · Charles Nicholas· Senn Ballou, Infantry. Clinton Wilbur HQward, Air 'Service. John Cyril Delaney, Coast Artillery Corps. Charles Manly Busbee, _Field Artillery. Samuel Rubin', Coast Artillery Corps. Albert Whitney Waldron, Field Artillery. Donald Wallace Norwood, Air Service. Parley Doney .Parkin on, Infantry. Waldon Sharp Lewis, Infantry. John Hobert Wallace, Field Artillery. Andrew Julius · Evans, Infantry. Raymond Marsh, Field Artillery•. Paul Corson Howe, Coast Artillery Corps. Harold Eugene Small, Coast Artillery Corps. .Albert Ruth, Infantry. Henry Benton Sayler, Ordnance Department• Robert Edward Robillard, Air Service. Joseph May Swing, Field Artillery. Donald McKechnie .Ashton, Infantry. Charles Wolcott Ryder, Infantry. Edward Alfred Mueller, Infantry. Stafford Le Roy Irwin, Field Artillery. Robert William Calv~rt Wimsatt, Air Service. Joseph Taggart McNarney, Air Service. Amado Martelino, Philippine Scouts. Pearson 1\.Ienoher Cavalry. Victor Z. Gomez, Philippine Scouts. .Albert Henry Warren. Coast Artill"l'Y Corps. David Theodore Rosenthal, Corps of Engineers. Omar Nelson Bradley~ Infantry. Clayton Huddle Studebaker, Field A1·tillery. Paul John Mueller, Infantry. Albert James Wick, Coast Artillery Corps. Leland Stanford Hobbs, Infantry. Joseph Brenner, Infantry. John Frederick ~ahle, Coast Artillery Corps. Raymond Taylor Tompkins, Field Artillery. Edwin Boman Lyon, Air Service. George Alfred· Arnold Jones, F'ield .Artillery. Reinold Helberg, Coast Artillery Lrps. George Evans Burritt, Field Artillery. Clarence Brewster Lindner, Coast Artillery Corps. William Madison Mack, Signal Corps. John Henry Cochran, Coast Artillery Corps. Robert Crane Hendley, Field Artillery. Carl Conrad Bank, Field Artillery. Walter J. Klepinger, Field Artillery. Charles Calvert Benedict, Air Service. Grady David Epps, Infantry. Vernon Evans, Infantry. Frank Charles McConnell, Coast Artillery Corps. Roscoe Barnett Woodruff, Infantry. Dale Phillip· Mason, Signal Corps. , Joseph Jesse Teter, Coe.st Artillery Corps. Donald Fowler Fritch, Field Artillery. Lewis Clarke Davidson. Infantry. Wemesio Catalan, Philippine Scouts. Dwight David Ei~enhower, Infa11try. James Madison· Callicutt, Field Artillery. George Hume Peabody, Air Service. Reginald Pond Lyman, Cavalry. Martin John O'Brien; Coast Artillery l ')rps. James Stuai't Wallingford, Infantry. Joseph Cumming Haw, Coast Artillery Ct ,.·ps. Albert Sidney Howell, jr., Infantry. James Basevi Ord, Infantry. J obn Sllarpe Griffith, Infantry. Earl Larue Naiden, Air Service. Pio Quevedo Caluya,-Philippine Scouts. Henry l\lcElderry Pendleton, Cavalry. George Work Marvin, Infantry. Iverson Brooks Summers, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. APPOINTMENTS L THE REGULAR ARMY. Edmund de Treville Ellis, Quartermaster Corps. Robert William Strong, Cavalry. To be. assistants to the Quartermaster General, 'l.Oith the rank Clifford Randall Jones, Coast Artillery Corps. of brigadier general, for a per·iod of four years froni date of John Beugnot Wogan, _Field .Artillery. acceptance. Olesen Henry Tenney, Coast Artillery Corps. John Bellinger Bellinger, Quartermaster Corps. Clifford Barrington King, Field Artillery. Albert Clayton Dalton, Quartermaster Corps. Frank Edwin Emery, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. Edward Caswell Wallington, Chemical Warfare Service. Carl Ernest Hocker, Coast .Artillery Corps. To be captains. John William Leonard, Infantry. Isaac Gill, jr., Infantry. . Richmond Trumbull Gibson, Coast Artillery Corps. John Kennard, Cavalry. Edward Campbell l\fcGuire, Cavalry. John Bellinger ~'hompson, Cavalry. Clyde Raymond Eisenschmidt, Infantry. Hamner Huston, Infantry. John l\IcDonald Thompson, Cavalry. Jens ..'1.nderson Doe, Infantry. James .AJward VanFleet, Infantry. Lester Leland Lampert, Infantry. Edward Gill Sherburne, Infantry. Charles Harrison Corlett, Infantry. Walter Wood Hess, jr., Field Artillery. Louis Alexander Falligant, Infantry. Michael Frank Davis, Air Service. William Ord Ryan, Field Artillery. John Fuller Davis, Cavalry. Wil1iam Francis Maher, Field Artillery. Stuart Clarence MacDonald, Infantry. Floyd Hatfield, Infantry. Metcalfe Reed, Infantry. Charles Lewis Clifford, Cavalry. Hubert Reilly Harmon, Air Service. Benjamin Seymour Stocker, Infantry. Benjamin Greiley Ferris, Infantry. Oscar Otto Kuentz, Corps of Engineers. Charles Samuel Ritchel, Infantry.

- '


Thomas .Guerrlon Hearn, Infantry. Dwight Frederick Johns,·Corps Of Eriginee1;s. Joseph Daly. et>ughlan, Fieid -ArtiUe~y; William Arthur Snow,· Corps of Engineers. Reese Maughan Howell, Field Artillery. Thomas Dewees Finley, Infantry. · . Henry Jervis Friese l\1iller, Air Service. Elroy Sandy Jackson Irvine, Co-rps-0f·Engineers. Alfred Schrieber ·Balsam, °Infantry. Stanley Eric Reinhart,. Field Artillery:- ·· Boward-Donnelly, Infantry. . Notley Young DuHamel, Corps of Engineers. Anastacfo Quevedo Ver, Philippine Scouts. Robert George Guyer, Corps of Engineers. John Nicholas Robinson, Infantry, Dean Hudnutt, Field Artillery. V4ctor Vaughan 'Taylor, Cavalr.y. Louis Emerson Hibbs, Field Artillery. · Tom Fox, Infantry. · Robert Allen Sharrer, _Corps of Engineers. Thomas Jam es Hanley, . jr., ·Air i;;ervice. Li1dson Dixon. Worsham, Corps of Engineers. Jacob John Gerharut, Infanhy. Horace Logan McBride, Field· Artillery. Leo Andrew ·Walton, Atr; Service. , . Ralph Gillett Barrows, Corps .Qf Engineers. · -Ra1ph Pittman Cousins, ~.\.ir 'Service. . · .. •I Holland ~uley Robb, Corps of. Engineers. . ~,;_'• r Charles Hosmer Chapin, .coast .A1:tillery~ Corps . . - Hamilton Ewing Maguire, Field rtillery. William Putnam Cherrington, Coast Artille.ry Corps. Ray Corrigan Ruth'erford, Field Art1llery. John Franklin Stevens, Cavalry. . Frederick Walker Bonfils, Corps of Engineers. Cllarles Robert Finley, Coast-Artillery Corps. Robert Reese Neyland, jr.; Corps of Engineers. Vernon Edwin ·Pi·ichard, ' ilnfailtry. William Morris Hoge, Jr.; Corps of Engineers. "'·· Adlai Howard Gilkeson, Ail~ · S~rvice. William Roscoe Woodward, Field Artillery. Gilbe1't Smith BrowneU, Infantry. Stanley Lonzo Scott, Corps of Engineers. "'! Richard Carlton Stickney, Infantry. Tattnall Daniell Simkins, Corps of Engineers. · · '· Edward James Dwan. Cavairy. Henry Crampton Jones, Field Artillery. Jesse Beeson Hunt, Field Artillery. Leslie Thoma.;· Saul. Infantry. John Ross Mendenhall,· Infantry. Carl Lee Marriott, Coast Artillery Corps. ,, Norman Randolph, Infan,tpy. James Arthur Pickering, Field. Artillery. ·· 1 Joseph Uonroe Murphy,_Infantry. James Knox Cockrell, Cavalry. ....,,·. George Edward Stratemeyer, Air Service. William Spence; Field A~rtillery. Eustis Lloyd Hubbard; Cavalry. · Willis McDonald Chapin, Coast Artillery Corps. Frederic William Boye, Cavalry. Fred Beeler Inglis, Field Artillery. Leroy Bugh Watson, Infantry. Robert Bruce McBride, jr., Field Artillery. Karl Hartman Gorman, Cavalry. Paul Vincent Kane, Field Artillery·. Henry Harold Dabney, Infantr.v. DeRosey Carroll Cabell, jr., Ordnance Department. Arthur Arnim White, Field Artillery. Ralph !nine Sasse, Cavalry. John Kelilier, Field Artillery. William Ewen Shipp, Cavalry. Benjamin Willis Mills, 1nfantry. Carl Smith Doney, Coast Artillery Corps. Thomas Fenton Taylor, Infantry. William Hieatt Cureton, Field Artillery. Marshall Henry Quesenberry, Infantry. .Fay Brink Prickett, Field Artillery. Manuel Font, Infantry. Calvin DeWitt, jr., Cavalry. Daniel Allman Connor, Field Artillery. James Mitchell Crane, Field Artillery. George Mayo, Corps of Engineers. Lucien Samuel Spicer Berry, Cavalry. Paul Theodore Bock, Air Service. Victor William Beck Wales, Cavalry. Arthur Peter von Deesten, Corps of Engineers. William Earl Chambers, Infantry. Herbert Spencer Struble, Field Artillery. Joseph l\lerit 'l1ully,. Cavalry. Eugene Coffin, Finance Department. Warner William Carr, Infantry. Francis Jewett Baker, Finance Department. Hugh ~Utchell, Signal Cotps. Eugene Owen Hopkins, Finance Department. Robert LeCrow Wal.sh, Air Senice. Dana Woods Morey, Finance Department. Ricliard 1\1 a r Levy, Coast Artillery Corps. Selden Brooke Arm.at, Finance Department. Thomas Lyle Martin, Infantry. George Zinn Eckels, Finance Department. Geoffrey Prescott Baldwfn. infantry. Jerome Clark, Finance Department. John Bennington Bennet, Infantry. Louis Maloney Thibadeau, Finance Department. Kenneth l\lacomb Halpine, Infantry. · Clarence l\1aynard Exley, Finance Department. George Sidney Andrew, Cavalry. Otto Wilhelm Gralund, Finance D_epartment. - Roland Paget Shugg, Field Artillery. Horace Grattan Foster, Finance Department. James MacKay, Finance Department. To be fir.st lieutenants. Thomas Scott Pugh, Finance Department. Oliver Wendell Broberg, Air Service. Stephen Roscoe Beard, Finance Department. Clarence Earle Lovejoy, Infantry. George Nicoll Watson, Finance Department. Richard Sylvester Gessford, Infantry. Guy Russell Poane, Finance Department. Benjamin l\Iills Crenshaw, Infantry. Emmet Crawford Morton, Finance Department. Curtis Loyd Stafford, Cavalry. Harold George Salmon, Finance Department. Alexander Garrett Olsen, Cavalry. Archie Henry. Willis, Finance Department Robert Kauch, Air Service. Edward Tiffin Comegys, Finance Department. Arthur Riehl Wilson, Fi.eld Artillery. Harrison Willard Smith, Quartermaster Corps. John Major Reynolds, Field Artillery. Horace Grant Rice, Finance Department. ·Basil Yernon Fields, Infantry. Charles Russell Insley, Finance Department. Bickford Edward Sawyer, Cavalry. Wilhelm P. A. .T. von Hartung, Finance Depar~ment. Irwin Samuel Dierking, Infan.try. Montgomery Taft Legg, Finance Department. · Donald Boyer Rogers; Field Artillery. James Asa. Marmon, Finance Department. · Clinton Fisk Woolsey, Air Service.' Walter Davis Dabney, Finance Department. Jo~:~ph Bartholomew Conmy, Infantry. Percy Gabriel Hoyt, Finance Department. · Wilfiam Randolph Wntson, Infantry. William .Alexander MaCl~icholl, Finance Department. George Curtis McFarland, Coast Artillery Corps. Carl Halla, 1~,inance Department. · Collin Stafford l\Iyers, Infantry. Charles Franklin Eddy, Finance Department. · John Peter Neu, Quartermaster Corps. William Maynard Dixon, Finance Dep'.Htment. William Herschel l\fiddleswart, Quartermaster Corps. Richard LeRoy Cave, Finance Department. Arden Clucas Miller, Field Artillery. Alfred James Maxwell, Finance Department. Frank Sims l\Iansfield, Infantry. Orva Earl Beezley, Finance Department. Ralph C. G. Nemo, Infantry. Frank Elmer Parker, Finance Department. ·. Ross Franklin Cole, Air Service. Edwin Fairbrother Ely, Finance Department. Oakley Leigh Sanders, Cavalry. Raymond George Moses, CorpR of Engineers. Kenneth Smith .Anderson. Infantry. Wrlll.elnr Delp Styer, Corps ·of Engineers. John Pinnix·Lake. Infantry· Charles Holmes Cunningham, Corps of Engineers. Heston Rarick Cole, Corps of Engineel's-_ LXIII-30 466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE~ DECEMBER 4,.

Russel Burton Reynolds, Infantry. Buckner 1'.liller Creel, Cavalry. Harold Douglas Dinsmore, Infantry. Henry Winter Borntraeger, Infantry• . Paul Clarence Boylan, Field Artillery. Edwin Rudolph Petzing, Signal. Corps. Ralph Floyd Love, Infantry. Richard Carvel Mallonee, Field Artillery. William Irving Sherwood, ·Infantry. Theodore Ernest Voigt, Cavalry. .. Charles Wilkes Christenberry, Infantry. Douglas Johnston, Air Service. Charles Andrew Beaucond, Infantry. Lawrence Pradere Hickey, Air Service. Stewart Franklin Miller, Field Artillery. Severn Teackle Wallis, jr., Field Artillery. Hugh Campbell Parker, .Infantry. Charles Murray Rees Infantry. Loral !Hoyer Haynes, Field Artillery. William May, Infantry. Floyd 1\Iarshall, 'Infantry. Samuel Tankersley William , Infantry. William Carey Lee_, Infantry. Harold Herbert Fisher, Infantry. Cecil .John CridJey, Infantry. Silas Warren Robertson, Cavalry. · Leonard Henderson Sims, Infantry. Donald Van Himan Bannett, Infantry. John Edwin Ray, Infantry. William Henry Johnson, Infantry. Roy Thomas Barrett, Coast Artillery Corps. Egbert Jan.sen Buckbee, Quartermaster Corps. Clyde Lloyd Hys ong, Infantry. Ernest Andrew Reynolds, Quartermaster Corps. John Jeremiah Bachmary Field .Artillery. James Donison Carter, PhiUppine Scouts. Raymond Jay Williamson, Infantry. George Warren Cooke, Finance Department. Vere Painter, Quartermaster Corps. Shiras Alexander Blair, Air Service. Walter Julius Ungethuem, Infantry. Amos Tyree, Quartermaster Corps. Thomas Boroughs Richardson, Infantry. Charles Otway Carter, Quartermaster Corps. Samuel Wilber Stephens, Infantry. Anton Zeman, Quartermaster Corps. Richard Cohron Lowry, Coast Artillery Corps. Franklin Denwood Shawn, Qnartermaster Corps. Alhert Edgar Billing, Infantry. . Charles Stalsburg, Quartermaster Corps. Robert Oney '\right, Cavalry. Henry °M{lckay Shaw, Field Artillery. Edwin Todd Wheatley, Infantry. Charles Julius Isley, Quartermaster Carps. John Hudspeth CPozier, Infantry. Ralph Hibbler Bogle, . Quartermaster Corps. John Winth1·op Mott, Infantry. Henry John Hunker, Quartermaster Corps. Jf> Garnett Boyki.ll, Cavalry. · ,., : ... Frederick Eugene Hagen, Qnartermaster Corps. John Charles MacDonald, Infantry. Murdock Allen McFadden, Quartermaster- Corps. Harvey Shelton, Infantry. Clifford Michael Ollivetti, Judge Advocate General's Depart- Thomas Robert Gib on. Infantry. ment. Hu<>'h Bryan Hester, Field Artillery. Woodbury Freeman Pride,

Clyde Vir~inius Finter, Air Service. John Archie King1 Quartermaster Corps. Michael. Condon Shea. Field Artillery. James Horace Barbin, Infantry. · Paul Dillard Carter, Tnfautry. Wiley Hubbard O'Mohundro, Infantry. Charles John W~rnne, Quartermaster Corps. Charles Leonard Charlebois, Quarterm:atfter Corps.. Paul Henr~' Weiland, Field Artillery. George Harrison Burrell, Quartermaster Corps. l\fa1Tin Warp of Engineet'S. · .Julian Horace George, Infantry. Gerald Alford Count , Corps uf Engineers. 'Villiam Camillus Kabricb, -Ooast Artillery Corps. . Hiram Baldwin Ely, Ordnance Department. Frank Upton Greer: IJ)fantry. Kenneth Mason Moore, Corps of Engineers. Laurin Lyman Williams, Infantry. Edmond Harrison Levy, Corps of Engineers. Ander on Has ell Norton, Cavalry. Thomas Dodson Stamp~, Corps of Engineers. Henry Christopher Harrison, jr., Field Artillery. Bartley Marcus Harloe, Corps (1f Engineers. Hanford Nichols Lock-wood. jr., Field Artillery. Girard Blakesley Troland Corps of Engineers.. John Markham Fergusonj Infantry. William Oliver Reeder, Fiel Artillery. Jo· eph Saunders· Johnson, jr., Infantry. William Rebert Gerhardt, Field Artillery.

John Calvin Sandlin. Infantry. Theodore Earl Buechler1 Field .Artillery. Clarence Eugene Brand, Coast Artillery Corps. Herman Uth Wagner, Ordnance Department. Leslie Eugene Bowman, Quarte~master Corps. Theodore Leslie Futch, Field Artillerr. .Alonzo Patrick Fox Infantry. Russell Luff Meredith, Air Service. Hugh Joseph Gaffey, Field Artillery. William Innes Wilson, Ordnance Department. Horace Benjamin Smith, Infantry. Harold Allum Cooney, Field .Al'tille-ry._ Joseph Addison DuBois, Infantry. Henry Anson Barber, jr., Infantry. Barlow Winston, Infantry. Miles Andrew Cowles, Field Artillery. Maurice Rose, Infantry. Lawrence McCeney Jones,. Field Artillecy. Florain Dennis Giles, Infantry. Gordon Graham Heiner, jr., Field Artillery. Chester Morse Willingham, Infantry. George Walter Bir ch, Ordnance Department. Gene Russell Mauger, Cavalry. Forrest Clifford Shaffer, Ordnance Department. Jo eph Jerome Fraser, Infantry. Frank Fenton Reed, Coast Artillery Corps. . . Frank L. Burns, Infantry. John Will Coffey, Ordnance Department. Harold Edwards Stow, Infantry. Grayson ()()()per Woodbury, Ordnance Department. · William Burl .Johnson, Quartermaster Corps. Robert Alston Willard, Infantry. Wilfred Hill Steward, Infantry. Clyde Hobart Morgan, Coast Artillery Corps. .Merl Louis Broderick, Infantry. Robert Wilson Hasbrouck, Field .Artillery . Winfield Rose McKay, Infantry. John Taylor deCamp, Coast Artillery Corps. Lester Austin Webb, Infantry. Sargent Prentiss Huff~ Coast Artillery Corps. Samuel Lewis Buracker, Infantry. William Henry Donaldson, jr,, Coast Artillery Corps. Arthur Edwin Burnap, Infantry. Duncan Gregor McGregor, Ordnance Departm"':':lt. James Harrison Donahue, Infantry. Thomas Jackson Heavey, Cavalry. David Almedus Bissett, Infantry. Henry Maris Black, Chemical .Warfare Service. Thomas Patrick Walsh, Coast Artillery Corps. Wallace Francis Safford, Cavalry. Warren Benedict Scanlon, Infantry. Willard David Murphy, Coast .Artillery Corps. William Robert Hamby, Cavalry. Joshua Ashley Stansell, Signal Corp . 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 467

John Marcus Erwin, Ordnance Department. James Anderson- Beirne Gibson, 01·dnance Department. Fidel Segundo y Ventura, .Philippine Scouts. Herbert Allen Gardner, Quartermaster Oorps. · . ·. Raymon

George Jacob Nold, Corps of Elngineers. Farlow Burt, Infantry. Charles Alexander Brinkley, Quartermaster Corps. Warren Joseph Clear, Infantry. Hugh Franklin Ewing, Quartermaster Corps. Dean Ambrose Jones, Cavalry. Samuel Howes Baker, Quartermaster Corps. James Henry Howe, Infantry. Elisha Kenneth Henson, Quartermaster Corps. Robert Artel Case, Infantry. John Isham Moore, Air Service. John Russell Deane, Infantry. Lloyd Milton Garne.r, Quartermaster Corps. Richard Zeigler Crane, Ordnance Department. John Parr Temple, Air Service. Paul Carson Febiger, Cavalry. Vance Lawton Richmond, Infantry. Richard Ogle Welch, Infantry. · Earle Trask Loucks, .Infantry. Leslie Walter Jeffer on, Coast Artillery Corps. Harris Markham Findlay, Field Artillery. James Fairbank Smith. Chemical Warfare Service. Russell Crayden Winchester., .Cavalry. John Reigel Embich, Chemical Warfare Service. George Hunter Passmore, Infantry. Fred William Koester, Cavalry. James Stevenson Rodwell, Cavalry. : William Heely Todd, jr., Cavalry. George Orenthus iA.llen Daughtry, jr., Infantry. Ellis Devera Willis, Infantry. Kirk Broaddus, Cavalry. Thomas Reed Taber, Ordnance Department. Newton Gale Bush, Infantry. Harry William Lins, Coast Artillery Corps. Paolo Hoffoss Sperati, Infantry. Harold Paul Stewart, Cavalry. LeRoy Welling Nichols, Infantry. John Fawcett, Quartermaster Corps. Harvey Julius Silvestone, Infantry. Charles Elliott Lucas, Infantry. Charles Martin Chamberlain, jr., Infantry. Will Rainwater White, Quartermaster Corps. LeRoy Allen Whittaker, Coast Artillery Corps. George Albert Bentley, Quartermaster Oorps. Harry Barnes Sepulveda, Infantry. Norris Whitlock Osborn, Ordnance Department. Samuel Charles Skemp, Air Service. Leroy Webster Cummings, Corps of Engineers. John Robert Hubbard., Quartermaster Corps. Oliver Louis Overimrer, Quartermaster Corps. Oliver Stevenson Ferson, Air Ser¥ice. Thomas Kenny, Quartermaster Corps. Robert Gale Breene, Cavalry. Harrie Dean W. Riley, Corps of Engineers. George Abe Woody, Ordnance Department. · Leon Henry Richmond, Signal Corps. Thomas Kenneth Vincent, Ordnance Department. Edward Frederick Fi:ench, Signal Corps. Samuel Littler Metcalfe, Infantry. Charles Merrill Savage, Air Service. Geoffrey Maurlce ()'Connell, Coast Artillery Corps. George Churchill Kenney, Air Service. Frank Wilbur Halsey Infantry. Bertram John Sherry, Signal Corps. Kirby Green, Infantry. John Thompson Conover, Quartermaster Oorps. Myron Jo eph Conway, Illfantry. Warren Ateherton Butler, Quartermaster Corps. Hollis Benjamin Boyt. Infantry. Jesse DeWitt Cope, Infantry. Arthur Foster Gilmore, Coast Artillery Corps. Eldridge Arnold Green, Infantry. John August Otto, Infantry. James Howard Todd, Quartermaster Corps. Jo eph Burton Sweet, Infantry. Paul Sutphin Edwards, .Signal Corps. William Quinntillus Jeff.erds, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. James Helmus Bogart, Chemical Warfare Service. Carland Cnzorte Black, Cavalry. Noble Carter, Qua1·termaster Corps. George Anthony Patrick, Coast Artillery Corps. John Allen Root, Ordnance Department. Jo eph Andral Nichols, Infantry. John Wallace Cooper, Quartermaster Corps. Leon Lightner Kotzebue, Infantry. Joseph Hooker Comstock, Infantry. Walter Christian Thee, Coast Artillery Corps. Carroll Harper Newell, Infantry. Thomas Reed Holmes, Infantry. Hany Thurber, Quartermaster Corps. Roscoe Irwin MacMillan, Infantry. Louis Arthur Witney, Infantry. Nicholas Dodge Woodward, Infantry. Ade Orrill, Infantry. Edgar William. tKing, Coast Artillery Corps. Oscar Glenn Stevens, Infantry. Riley Edward McOarraugh, Coast Artillery Corps. John Alfred Gilman, Quartermaster Co-rps. Allan Preston Bruner, Coast Artillery Corps. William Thomas Brock, Infantry. Egbert Frank Bullens, Cavalry. John Edward Langley, Corps of Engineers. Mark Gerald Brislawn, Infantry. William Floyd Armstrong, Field Artillery. Carleton Bm-gess, .cavalry. Lorenzo Dow Macy, Infantry. ·' George Washington Armitage, Quartermaster Corps. George Augustus Jahant, Infantry. William McKendree Scott, Quartermaster Corps. Curtis DeWitt Alway, Infantry. John Edward Brown, Ordnance Department. Frank Ely Locke, Quartermaster Corps. John Gibbon McCoy, Chemical Warfare Service. Charles Elmer Hetrick, Infantry. Arthur Eugene Fox, Field Artillery. Louis James Lampke, Infantry. Carleton Smith, Infantry. Henry August Andres, Infanti·y. Paul Conover Oripper, Signal Corps. Olay Anderson, Corps of Engineers. Lecount Haynes Slocum, Field Artillery. Claude Lesley Kishler, Coast Artillery Corps. Edwin Fry Barry, Ordnance Department. Vernon Calhoun DeV:otie, Infantry. Frederick Harry Black, Field Artillery. William McPhail Stewart, Infantry. Josef Robert Sheetz, Field Artillery. Willis Arthur Platts, Infantry. Charles Paul Cullen, Infanh'y. Irvin Boston Warner, Field Artillery. Frederic Arthur Metcalf, Field Artillery. John Charles Skuse, Infantry. Harry Emerson Storms, Infantry. Jesse Knox Freeman, Infantry. David Dean Barrett, Infantry. Edward Marion George, Q.uartermal:!ter Corps. Lawrence James Meyns, ·Ordnance Department. Paul Hanford Cartter, Infantry. Thomas Harry Ramsey, Infantry. Horace Joseph Brooks, Infantry. Leon Dessez, Field Artillery. Morgan Ellis Jones, Infantry. Lawrence Iverson, Coast Artillery Corps. Fannin Adkin Morgan, Judge Advocate General's Department. Archibald Luther Parmelee, Coast Artillery Corps. George Howard Rarey, Infantry. Walter Byron Fariss, Infantry. .Jacob Edward Uhrig, Infantry. John Patrick Crehan, Field Artillery. Clarence Humbert Murphy, Cavalry. Donald . Sutter McOonnaughy, Field Artillery. Samuel Rivington Goodwin, Oavalry. John Theodore Sunstone, Infantry. George Walcott Ames, Coast Artillery Corps. Richard Brownley Cayle, Infantry. Arthur Wellington Brock, jr., Air Service. Jesse Benjamin Smith, Infantry. John Joseph Murphy, Infantry. Guy Edward Dillard, Cavalry. Murray Taylor Davenport, Infantry. Robert Tappan Ohaplin, Coast Artillery Corps. William· Giroud Burt, Infantry. Raymond Edwin Vermette, Infantry. Marshall Joseph Noye , Corps of Engineers. Abraham Rober.t Ginsburgh, Field Artillery. Charles Manly Walton, Infantry. . · Elijah Garrett Arnold, Infantry. Samuel Lyman Damon, Corps of Engineers. Benjamin " 'itwer Pelton, Infantry. Guy Lafayette Hartman, Infantry. 1922. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATR 469

Thomas Thomas, Infantry. Bernard Edward MeKteever, Quartermaster :Carps. Harry Nelson Burkhalter, Infantry. Michael James Byme, ln.fantry. Truman Wike Allen, Air Service. William George Muller~ Infantry. Charles Humphrey Swick, Corps of Engineers. William Vincent R-a.ndall, Ordnance Department. Victor Leander Oleson, Fie1d Artillery. Will Vermilya Puker, 'Signal Corps. Watter Buford, Cavalry. Floyd Newman Shuma.k.er, Air Service. William Huffman Young, Infantry. Lowell Herbert Smith, Air Service. Gottfried Wells Spoerry, Infantry. Albert Edward Higgins, Field .Mtill-ery. Harry ·Donnell Ayres, Infantry. Ethel Alvin Robbins. Quartermaster Corps. William Ward Wise, Chemical Warfare Service. James Gilbert Anthony, Signal Corps~ Rodney Campbell Jones, Coast Artillery Corps. Walter Harold Sutherland, Finance Department. William Aloysius Murphy, Infantry. :Michael Nolan Greeley, Quartermaster Corps. Harold H. Elarth, Infantry. Jesse Lee Thompson, Infantry. Lester Joslyn Harris, Infantry. Richard Allen, Quartermaster Oorps. Howard Foster Clark, Corps of Engineers. Christopher William For.d, Air Servi-ce. Howard Clay Brenizer, Field Artll1ery. James Eugene Smitb, Quartermaster Corps. Morris Handley Forbes, Infantry. Biglow Beaver Ba.ribee, Finance Department Dorsey Jay Rutherford, Coast Ar'b'lle-ry Corps. Edward Bates Blanchard, Chemical War-fare Service. Reynold Ferdinand l\felin, Ordnance Department. Thomas Banbary, Qua.rt-ermast-er Corps. Robert Grier St. James, Infantry. William Edward Cashman, Quartermaster Corps. Francis Irwin Maslin, Quarterma-ster Corps; William Sawtelle Kilmer, Fi'eld Artillery. Wilbur Joseph Fox, Infantry. Albert William Stevens, Air Sertiee. Frank Eckel Taylor, Judge Advoeale General's Department. Alston Bertram .Ames, Quartermaster Co.rps. Charles Palmer Clark, Air Service. Stephen Carson Whlpple, Co.rps of Engineers. . William Vincent Witcher, jr., Infantry. Harry Franklin Gardner., -Quartemiaster Corps. Leo Leftwich Partlow, Field Artillery. Charles Jacob Kindler., Quarterma-ster Corps. Joseph Francis Stiley, Coast Artillery Corps. John Nelson Merrill, Cavalry. Edward Henry Dignowity, Corp,a of Engineers. Theodore Anton Baumeister. [nfantry. John William Elkins, jr., Infantry. Charles ..ler:rold Morelle, Quartermaster Corps. Philip Doddridge, Infantry. Ellis Donald Weigle, Coast .Artillery Corps. Chilion Farrar Wheeler, Air Senrice. Emile Peter Antonovich, QuartermaEter Oorps. Henry Thomas Kent, Infantry. John Clayton O'Dell, Quarte:rmaster Cffil>S. James Arthur Boyers, Infantry. Fred Chase Christy, Infan.tzy. Evan Kirkpatrick Meredith, Infantry. Ernest Leonard Paul Treuthardt, ·Quart~rma.st.er Corps. Howard John Liston, Infantry. Rieha..rd P~am Boykin, Quartermasrer Corps. Charles Marion Thirlke1d, Field Artillerym Alexander Forest Dershimer Qua.Ttei:ma.ster Corps. William Robert Carlson, Coast Artillery Corps. Henry Ogle Tunis, Corps of Engineers., Ernest Thomas Jones, Infantry. Helmer Swenholt, Corps of Engineers. Harry Womersley Ostrande.t', C.O.a.st Artillery Corps. .Arnold Richard Christian Sand-er, Infantry. Melville Stratton Creusere, Field Artillery. Samu.el Naim Kauiek. Corps of Engineers. Clarence Flagg Murray, Field Artillery. Grosvenor Liebenau Wotkyns, Infantry. Perry Cole Ragan, Infantry. Adel Curry Harden, Finance Deilllrtment~ James Cave Crockett, Infantry. Guy .Hill, Signal Oorps. Philip Dunbar Terry, Coast Artillery Corps. George :Moseley Chand1er, Quartermaster Corps. Charles Carroll Knight, jr., Field .Artillery. Irving .Alvan Oppermann, Infantry. Joseph Vincent Thebaud, Infantry. Willlirm Waite, Infantry. George Willis Morris, Signal Corps. George Eugene Lamb, Quartermaster Corps. Ira Augustus Hunt, Infantry. Harold Ogier Godwin, Quartermnst-er Corps. Paul Parker Logan, Infantry. Robert Burdette Woolverton, Signal Corps. · Jesse James France, Field Artillery. Jacob Ramser l\f cNiei, Finance Department. Armand Sherman Miller, Field Artillery. Henry Clyde Clark, Judge Advoea.te General's Department. Thomas Henry, Infantry. J'acob Herman Osterman, Quartermaster Dorps. Earl Hamlin DeFord, Air Service. ·John Joseph Devery, jr., Air Service. Peter Powell Rodes, Field Artillecy. John Andrews MacLaughlin,- Chemical Warfare Serviee. Wiley Lee Dixon, Infantry. Samuel Houston Ware, Quartermaster Corps. Frank Martin Smith, Infantry. Edward Bernard Schlant, Judge .Advocate General's De- John Carl Cook, Fi~ld Artillery. / partment. Herbert William Garris~ Infantry. Richard James Sothern, Field Artillery. Burdette Shields Wright, Air Service. James Briggs Haney, Ordnance Department. Arthur Kay Chambers, Coast Artillery Corps. Milo Cooper Pratt, Quartermaster Corps. Paul Thomas Hogge, Infantry. · Harry Stocktl:in Farish, Finance Department. Dale Clarence Hµ.ll, Ordnance Department. John Paul Dean, Corps of Engineers. Charles Summers Miller, Cavalry. Patrick Henry Timothy, jr., Corps of Engineers. Eugene Edwin Hogan, Quartermaster Corps. Hugh John Casey, Corps of Engineers. Joseph Edward Schillo, Quartermaster·Corps. Patrick Henry Tansey, Corps of Engineers. John Moody Tuther, Quartermaster OoTps~ Hans Kramer, Corps of Engineers. Joseph Henry Burgheim, Infantry. Albert Gordon Matthews, Corps of Engineers. J obn Palmer Harris, Ordnance Department. Amos Blanchard Shattuck, jr., Oo-rps of Engineers. Fred Thomson Bass, Gorps of Engineers. Leland Hazelton Hewitt, Corps of JDngineers. Andrew Jackson Patterson, Infantry. Michael Charles Grenata, Dorps of Engineers. Rufus Alexander Byers, Infantry. Preston Wood Smith, Corps of Engmee:rs. George Edwin Adamson, Quartermaster Corps. Thomas Francis Kern, Corps of Engineers. Charles A. Morrow, Quartermaster Corps. Ralph Edward Cruse, Corps of Engineers. Addis Bliss Albro, Signal Corps. Lewis Tenney Ross, CorI!s of Engineers. Edward Oscar Schairer, Quartermaster Corps. Charles Francis Baish, Corps of Engineers. Charley Muller, Infantry. Clarence Lionel Adcock, Corps of En.gineern. Alfred Henry Thiessen, Signal Corps. Keryn Ap Rice, Corps of Engineers. Claude Evan Gray, Finance Department. Charles Stuart Ward, Corps of Engineers. Horace Nevil Reisen, Air Service. Henry Morehead Underwood, Carl*! ()f Engineers. Aubrey Irl Eagle, Air Service. James Bryan Neuman, jr., Corps of Engineers. Jacob J. Van Putten, jr., Finance Department. James Marshall Young, Corps of Engineers. Harvey Weir Cook, Air Service. James Creel Marshall, Corps of Eng.i.ueers. Charles Summer Reed, Ordnance Depa1i.:ment. Walter Ernest Lorence, Oorps of Engineers. Raymond Clair Hildreth, Signal Corps. Lucius DuRignon Clay, Corps of Engineers. David Emery Washburn, Signal Corps. Lloyd Ernst Mielenz, Corps of Engineers. 470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SE:N"ATE. DECEMBER 4,

Pierre Alexander Agnew, Corps of Engineers. Olin Robinson, M:illed,geville. Alexander 1\furray Neilson, Corps of Enginee~. Frederick Bonner, Perry. Hoel Smith Bishop, jr., Corps of Engineers. -Thomas H. Anthony, Shellman. Robert Habersham Elliott, Corps of Engineers. Samuel Davis Sturgis, jr., Corps of Engineers. HAWAil. Thomas Hay Nixon, Ordnance Department. · Edward D. Quinn, Koha1a. Anderson Thomas William Moore, Corps of Engineers. Elizabeth Perkins, Wah'iawa. Reginald Whitaker, Corps of Engineers. IDAHO. Eugene Meacl Caffey, Corps of Engineers. Charles B. Billups, Nezperce. Albert Jordan Brandon, Quartermaster Corps. James Laban Alverson, Quartermaster Corps. Il.LINOIS. John Harold Veale, Corps of Engineers. John L. Shanks, Ashley. John Lee Hughes, Ordnance Department. William Ryder, Auburn. Charles Edward Ehle, Quartermaster Corps. C. Ray Chrisman, Ewing. John Robert Bailey, Quartermaster Corps. Frank W. A. Noll, Franklin Park. Elmer Edward Adler, Air Service. Walter J. Holt, Hanna City. Jo. eph Evan Smith, Quartermaster Corps. Al\in P. Bickenbach, Illiopolis. Robert Joseph Kennedy, Finance Department. Orlando H. Akin, Kirkwood. Francis Comillus Beebee, Finance Departiµent. Milton G. Hartenbower, Lostant. Guy Russell Hartrick, Ordnance Department. Harry R. Smith, Manlius. Edwa1·d Joseph Riordan, Quartermaster Corps. William H. Lower, Minier. Voler V. Viles, Finance Department. Franklin S. Lyman, Oak Forest. Edwin Vivian Dunstan, Quartermaster Corps. Peter J. l\IcKinney, Ogden. Edwin Severett Ross, Infantry. Jennie McNulty, South Wilmington. Samuel Thomas Griffith, Quartermaster Corps. Burton A. Blake, Tiskilwa. Hubert Albert Stecker, Quartermaster Corps. Edwin G. Meyer, Valmeyer. Samuel Clinton Payne, Infantry. INDIANA. Hugh Pigott Oram, Corps of Engineers. Benjamin F. Pitman, Bedford. Artlrnr WilUam Beer, Judge Advocate General's Department. Fred Irvin, Cannelton. Lewis Mitchell McBride, Chemical Warfare Service. Robert E. Black, Corydon. -..Arthur Cobb, Chemical Warfare Service. Joseph W. McMahon, Covington. Thomas Bayton McGill, Quartermaster Corps. Edward A. Spray, Frankfort. Stuart Cooper, Ordnance Department. Ben Havens, Kokomo. Robert Stanley Beard, Quartermaster Corps. Charles· A. l\IcClintock, Lynn. Rowan Adams Greer, .Judge Advocate General's Department. Harry H. Cope, Madison. Chalmers Dale, Field Artillery. Ben Price, jr., Monticello. William James Allen, Quartermaster Corps. Floyd E. Leonard, Mulberry. Henry Spencer Evans, Quartermaster Corps. Jacob Ochs, jr., Remington. Ernest Walter Wilson, Finance Department. Charles A. Thompson, Rockville. George Nathaniel Beakley, Judge Advoeate General's Depart­ James C. Brown, Salem. ment. Charles R. Jones, Summitville. Clarence Beryl Werts, Cavaky. · Joseph E. Lewis, Williamsport. APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR Anlf~ • . IOWA. AIR SERVICE. Hazel N. Chapman, Bagley. Capt. Floyd Emerson Galloway, Infantry, with rank from Arden W. Keeney, Garlisle. July 1, 1920. Kate C. Warner, Dayton. Fir t Lieut. Charles Rocheid Forrest, Field Artillery, with Otto W. Bierkamp, Durant. rank from July 1, 1920. Grace M. Storey, Dysart. POSTMASTERS. ' Harry Carver, Fontanelle. ARKANSAS. Frank D. Thomsen., Kimballton. John C. Wish, Cabot. Laura H. Figert, Marathon. James S. Burnett, Clinton. Ava Rigdon, Menlo. Alexander R. Mullins, Emerson. August Rickert, Schleswig. William B. Pape, Fort Smith. Anna l\l. Beck, Solon. Jnmes F. Hudson, Lake Village. . George H. Rule, jr., Lonoke. Charles F. Ackerman, Kanopolis. James G. Brown, Magnolia. John Malone, National Military Home. Cooper Hudspeth, Nashville. James M. Kersey, Parsons. COLORADO. Belford A. Likes, Pomona. William· H. Cochran, jr., Del Norte. William A. Walt, Thayer. Theodore Stremme, Gypsum. Ezra E. Shields, Wathena. John H. O'Connell, Sugar City. ' Lee Mobley, Weir. KENTUCKY. CONNECTICUT. Alfred A. Barrett, Berlin. Alice F. Lewis, Burnside. W. Kenneth Avery, Granby. Han·ey B. Turner, Evarts. I1Ting S. Cook, Higganum. Eli H. Blewett, Franklin. Michael J. Kenney, Mechanicsville. Zelmer R. Hill, Jamestown. W. Gardiner Davis, Pomfret Center. John B. Searcy, Lawrenceburg. W. Frank Smith, Wallingford. John H. Collings, Lebanon Junction. Sidney A. Lovelace, . DELAWARE. Zorayda Cochran, :Maysville: Stanley ·s. Stevens, Delaware. City. Eugene E. Johnson, White Plains. GEORGIA. LOUISIAN A, William F. Boone, Baxley. John B. Sewell, Baldwin. Will E. Davis, Boston. Walter L. Huckabay, Bienville. Annie K. Bunn, Cedartown. Owen N. Jones, Good Pine. Charles E. Walton, Columbus. Lillian D. Gayle, Independence. George W. Pease, Demorest. Robert D. Crowell, Meridian. Albert M. Seifert, Fort Valley. John 0. Massey, Hartwell. MAINE. Augustus R. Williamson, Jefferson. Ferdinand El. Stevens, Auburn. Susie D. Sims, Lawrenceville. Bert H. Young, Bar Harbor. 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE. 471

Henry A. Saunders, Blue Hill. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Chandler M. Wilson, Bucksport. Nellie L. Mason, Greenfield. Reuel Robinson, Camden. Frank E. West, Lyme. Jesse B. Crosby, Dennysville. Orriman Whipple, Sugar Hill Almon R. Page, Dexter. NEW JERSEY. John A. Babb, Dixfield. . Alfred W. Marsball, Glassboro. Ray Winchenpaw, Friendship. August Graf; Hoboken. Omar J. Lombard, Guilford. Charles Place, Rosemont. Dana C. Skillin, Hallowell. • James T. Chapman, Sea Isle City. Preston N. Burleigh, Houlton. Zaidee P. Campbell, Jackman. . Ellsworth W. Sawyer, Kemr Falls. Edward J. Woods, Bayport. Albert A. Weatherbee, Lincoln. Gertrude S. Ryder, Blue Point. :Uaud E. Pierce, l\1ars Hill. William D. Walling, Hudson Falls. Leonard 0. i\Ieader, North Berwick. Gottlieb H. Morris, Lynbrook. Philip F. Stone, Norway. Charles. W. Fletcher, l\Iontow· Falls. Edward I. Waddell, Presque Isle. William F. Winterbotham, Old Forge. Harold N. Libby, Richmond. William Sanford, Savona. Harry N. ~erguson Sanford. l\Ionroe W. LeFevre, Water Mill. Joe P. Da\"iS, South Berwick. John A. Goetzmann, West Webster. Charles ·c. Hoyt, South Brewer. . William C. Flint, Waldoboro. Thomas E. Sparrow. Hillsboro. lIA.SSACH1TSETTS. George A. Woods, Nazareth. August J. Formhals, Erving. Don H. Gosorn, Old Fort: Walter C. Wright, Graniteville. Joseph P. Hinson, Pineville. Clarence E. Arnold, Hopedale. OHIO. John W. McCoy. Barberton. MICHIGAN. Oscar C. Wheland, Gnadenhutten. George A. l\lason, Cedar. Fred G. Bates, Madison. Angus G. Grayson, Pellston. Willi~ F. Lyons, Mentor. George Q. Brace.. Sparta. Frank P. Johnson, Pataskala. l\Ia.ry E. Swanson, Spring Lake. Garrett A. Circle, Racine. Charles F. Waldie, Bancroft Dwight D. Fierbaugh, South Euclid. Duncan A. McKeith, Brown City. Joseph M. Collins, Springfield. Clarence D. Kent. Buchanan. Frank B. Malaney, Wadsworth. Henry E. Cowdin, Carson City. Josiah T. Gibson, Waverly. Charles H. Haley, Coleman. Mary E. Lee, Westerville. J e se A. Richardson, Corunna. OKLAHOMA.. Asa B. Freeman, Durand. Lewis G. Rinnert, Checotah. Louis Gee, Farwell. Mable C. Heidenreich, Duke. Ernest E. Yerdon, Fenton. Elinore Jett, Nash. Irvin B. Dayharsh, Hart. Floyd A. Rice, Strong City. Henry F. Voelker. Ionia. Emil G. Etzold, Temple. Walter G. Rogers, Lansing. George H. Steadman, Lyons. Thomas B. Fessenger, ·wynne Wood. Rolland M. Krise, Marcellus. PENNSYLVA.NIA.. Arthur Locke, Middleton. Daniel J. Turner, Clarksville. Edward F. Blake, Middleville. Harry F. Diebert. Cressona. l\Iilan A. Smith, Morenci. Jennie C. Sample, Crum Lynne. Floyd B. Babcock, Pontiac. Thomas J. Morgan, Nanticoke. Thomas S. Scupholm, Port Huron. James I. Decker, New Freedom. James R. Taylor, Romulus. Arthur N. Rose, Rouseville. James V. Baker, South Lyon. John W. Munnell, Waynesburg. William R. Bryce, Yale. PORTO RICO. :MINNESOTA. Reinaldo Paniagua, jr., Lares.

Stanley E. Nelson, Adrian. SOU'fH DAKOT~ Robert K. Brough, Alexandria. William G. Early, Eyota. Louis E. Castle, Britton. Herman J. Ricker, Freeport. Albert P. Monen, Stickney. Freeman S. Holmes, South Haven. TENNESSEE. Almer B. Nelson, Warren. John M. Eakin, Fayetteville. Charles H. Wise, Wayzata. Byrd S. Bussell, Greenbrier. :MISSISSIPPL Burgess W. Witt, Jefferson City. Anderson W. Warren, Waverley. Melzar J. Nye, Carrollton. Kester L. Pearson, White Pine. Anne D. Powers, Cary. Michael J. Mulvihill, jr., Vicksburg. TEXAS. Robert L. Jones, Celeste. Yl.SSOUBI. George E. Thomas, Center Point. William L. Moorhead, Hopkins. James A. Aldridge, Devine. James E. Roark, Anderson. Thomas E. Cavender, Dilley. John~ Griese!, Golden City. Sallie E. St. Jacque, Higgins. - Loyd R. Kirtley, Madison. William E. Singleton, Jefferson. Theron H. Watters, Marshfield. William~ Gatlin, Lakeview. William H. Roster, St. James. William R. Wagle, Lampasas. :MONTANA. J. Edwin l\Ioore, Lometa. Joseph 1\-L Reising, Rochester. John B. Randall, Wolf Point. Fannie Stieber, Rocksprings. l\""EBRA SKA. George E. Longacre, Tyler. Belle H. Stewart, Valentine. Mary E. Rushart, Fort Crook. UTAH. NEVADA.. Mary W. Ha11, H urri~n ne. Austin Jackson, Reno. Glen A. Jensen, Manti. 472 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD--HOUSE.- DECE:~IBER -!,

YERMO~T. l\lr. BLANTON. l\fr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. May Charle · A. Bourn, :Manchester Depot. I ask a questiqn? If this resolution is not passed, would not Ah-i T. Davis, :Marshfield. the House and Senate adjourn automatically by operation of William J. Wright, Montgomery Center. law at 12 o'clock noon to-day? - William T. l\Iead, Underhill. - The SPEAKER. They would. Mr. BLANTON. Well, then, is not this an unnecessary ac­ WE T VIRGI~'IA. tion? O. car G. Casto, Adrian. l\fr. MONDELL. l\Ir. Speaker, it seems proper that we should Charles B. Crawford, Cabincreek. close the session•in the usual and ordinary way, including the reading of the Journal. I believe the Senate will also consider -REJECTION. that that is the correct and orderly procedure rather than sim­ ply to have the extra session e~ire by the arrival of the hour EJxecuti've nomination rejected by the Senate December 4, 192~. when the regular session comes into being. -pOSTMASTER. The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolu­ Claris E. Akin to be postmaster at Rutherford, Tenn. tion. Tile resolution was agreed to. Mr. MOORE of Virginia. · l\fr. Speaker, may I ask the gentle· man from Wyoming a question? . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ~Ir. MONDELL. I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Speak-er, that the House now stand in recess, subject to the call of the Chair. :Mmn>AY December 4, 19~~- l\1r. MOORE of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, may I ask the gentle­ The House met at 11 o'clock a. m., and was· called to order man from Wyoming a question with respect to the business to by the Speaker. be taken up to-morrow and next day? We have not had any The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered announcement. the following prayer : Mr. MONDELL. I am not sure about to-morrow. On Calen­ dar Wednesday we expect to take up the first appropriation bill In Thee, 0 Lord, we haYe our rest and our peace and our if that is agreeable to the House. That is the Treasury appro· safety. By all that is tenderest in Thy promises and wisest priation bill. in Thy teaching always encourage us to come to Thee. As THE COLORADO RIVER. Thy pardon [s like the fullnes of the sea, do Thou forgive us.­ For the blessings of the past we thank Thee, an