Seventy-Fourth Congress, Second Session
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<ttnngrtssinnal ~~trnrd SEVENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION SENATE Mr. McNARY. I announce that the Senator from Ver ... mont [Mr. AusTIN], the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1936 BARBOUR], the Senator from Iowa [Mr. DicKINSON], the The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the senior Senator from Delaware [Mr. HAsTINGS], the Senator following prayer: from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF], the Senator from Michi gan [Mr. VANDENBERG], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. CAP Almighty and everlasting God, in whom we live and move PER], the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. CAREY], the Senator and have our being, whom the very heaven of heavens cannot from Pennsylvania [Mr. DAVIS], the Senator from Oregon contain, though Thou findest sanctuary in the contrite heart [Mr. STEIWER], the junior Senator from Delaware [Mr. of man; shine with Thy light through the clouds that dim ToWNsEND], and the Senator from Maine [Mr. WHITE] are our vision and open our eyes that we may read Thy thoughts necessarily absent from the Senate. in sun and star, in field and flower. Mr. FRAZIER. I announce that my colleague the junior Remove from us all foolish fears, all sinful discontent, and Senator from North Dakota [Mr. NYE] is necessarily absent. with one throb of Thy almighty heart, flood the nations of The VICE PRESIDENT. Fifty-seven Senators have an the world with the sunshine of Thy love and bring them back swered to their names. A quorum is present. from the wilderness of strife into the fold of peace. So shall we build a highway for our God over which bless MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-APPROVAL OF BU.LS ings and prayers shall pass and repass with confident golden Messages in writing from the President of the United States feet forever. were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his We ask it for the sake of Him who is our Peace, Jesus secretaries, who also announced that the President had ap Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. proved and signed the following acts: On Jtme 5, 1936: THE JOURNAL S. 2243. An act relating .to the allocation of radio facilities; On request of Mr. RonmsoN, and by unanimous consent;. S. 2303. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to estab- the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, lish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United June 6, 1936, was dispensed with, · and the Journal was States", approved July 1, 1898, as amended and supple approved. mented; CALL OF THE ROLL S. 3043. An act for the relief of the State of Maine; Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum. s. 3477. An act relating to the jurisdiction of the judge for The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. the northern and middle districts of Alabama; The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators S. 3885. An act to further extend the times for commencing answered to their names: and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mis Adams Du1Iy Lonergan Radcli1fe souri River at or near Garrison, N. Dak.; Ashurst Fletcher Long Reynolds S. 3945. An act to extend the times for commencing and· Barkley Frazier McAdoo Robinson Bilbo George McGill Schwellenbach completing the construction of certain free highway bridges Black Gerry McKellar Sheppard across the Red River from Moorhead, Minn., to Fargo. Bone Gibson McNary Shipstead N.Dak.; Brown Glass Maloney Thomas, Okla. Bulow Gu1Iey Minton Thomas, Utah S. 4230. An act to amend section 28 of the enabling act for Burke Hale Murray VanNuys the State of Arizon,a, approved June 20, 1910; Caraway Hatch Neely Wagner Chavez Hayden Norris Walsh S. 4326. An act granting the consent of Congress to the Connally Keyes O'Mahoney Wheeler Department of Public Works of Massachusetts to construct, Coolidge King Overton maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Couzens La Follette Pittman Dieterich Lewis Pope Connecticut River at or near Northampton, Mass.; S. 4340. An act to authorize the President to designate an Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from Alabama Acting High Commissioner to the Philipl)ine Islands; [Mr. BANKHEAD 1, the Senator from Colorado [Mr. CosTIGAN], the Senator from MississiPpi [Mr. HARRISON], and the Sena S. 4549. An act authorizing the State Highway Board of tor from Nevada [Mr. McCARRAN] are absent because of the State of Georgia to replace, reconstruct, or repair the free highway bridge across the Savannah River at or near the city illness; and that the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. BACH of Augusta, Ga.; and MAN], the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. BA.n.EY], the Senator from Minnesota r.Mr. BENSON], the Senator from s. 4655. An act relative to limitation of shipowners' lia Virginia [Mr. BYRD], the juni-or Senator from South Caro bility. lina [Mr. BYRNES], the senior Senator from Missouri r.Mr. RESIDENCE REQumEMENTS UNDER NA~ON LAW&--WITH• CLARK], the Senator from New York [Mr. CoPELAND], the DRAWAL OF OBJEC'IION Senator from Ohio [Mr. DoNA.IiEY], the Senator from Okla Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Pres~dent, last Saturday when the homa [Mr. GoRE], the Senator from West Virginia [Mr. calendar was called and Order of Business No. 2269 was HOLT], the Senator from Florida [Mr. LoFTIN], the Senator reached, being the bill (H. R. 4900) to amend the natural from Kentucky [Mr. LoGAN], the Senator from New Jersey ization laws in respect of residence requirements, and for [Mr. MOORE], the Senator from IOW81 [Mr. MURPHY], the other purposes, I objected to the consideration of the bill and Senator from Georgia [Mr. RussELL], the senior Senator requested that it go over. At the time I entered my objec from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH], and the junior Senator tion I had not been fully advised of the intent of the bill, from Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN] are unavoidably detained from but since then I have conferred with Representative SoL the Senate. BLooM, of New York, author of the measure, who has LXXX--581 9189 9190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 8 informed me in reference to it. I wish now to withdraw my Resolved., '!bat copies of this resolution be transmitted by the clerk of th~ city . of Minneapolis to the Presidel)t of the United objection entered on Saturday. States, to the presiding officers of the Senate and House of Represen CLAIMS BY GOVERNMENT OF FINLAND REGARDING CERTAIN SAILING tatives of the United States, to each Member thereof from the States VESSELS of North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Montana, and Mln nesota, to the Chief Engineer of the War Department, to the Tile VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a message Secretary of War, and to each member of the Board of Engineers from the President of the United States, which was read, of the War Department. and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Com Passed May 29, 1936. DANIEL F. O'BRIEN, ·mittee on Foreign Relations, as follows: President of the Council. Approved June 2, 1936. To the Congress of the United States: THOMAS E. LATIMER, Mayor. Attest: I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of State in CHAS. c. SWANSON, regard to claims presented to the Department of State by City Clerk. the Government of Finland in behalf of the owners of cer REPORTS OF CO~TTEES tain Finnish sailing vessels which are alleged to have been Mr. BURKE, from the Committee on Irrigation and Recla unlawfully detained in ports of the United States in 1918. mation, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 11538) for the I recommend that, as proposed by the Secretary of State, relief of the Orland reclamation project, California, reported the necessary legislation be enacted to permit the owners of it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 2321) . the vessels to present their claims to the Court of Claims. thereon. A draft of a bill suitable for that purpose. accompanies the He also, from the Committee on Claims, to which was re Secretary's report. ferred the bill (H. R. 12144) for the relief of the Federal FRANKLIN D. RoOSEVELT. Enameling & Stamping Co., reported it without amendment THE WHITE HOUSE, June 8, 1936. and submitted a report (No. · 2326) thereon. <Enclosures: Report. Draft of bill.) Mr. GERRY, from the Committee on Finance, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 12556) to create the Treasury PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Agency Service, to provide for the more adequate protection The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate resolutions of .. the revenue and a more effective enforcement of the adopted by Local Union No. 600, United Mine Workers of revenue and other laws administered by the Treasury De America, of Nu Mine, Pa.; the mayor and Council of the partment, and for other purposes, reported it withouti City of Macon, Ga.; and the Common Council of the City: amendment and submitted a report (No. 232.2) thereon. of East Chicago, Ind., favoring the prompt enactment of Mr. WAGNER, from the Committee on Public Lands and Senate bill 4424, known as the Wagner-Ellenbogen low-cost Surveys, t9 which was referred the bill (S. 1339) to establish housing bill, which were ordered to lie on the table. the Pipeston~ Indian Shrine in the State of Minnesota, re Mr. ROBINSON. On behalf of the Senator from Minne ported it without amendment and submitted a report <No. sota [Mr. BENsoN], who is necessarily absent, I present and 2323) thereon. ask that there be printed in the RECORD and appropriately Mr. McGILL, from the Committee on Pensions, to which referred a resolution adopted by the.