'. 450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE. DEOEl\IBER 4, and courage acquire greater force and power when consecrated The principal legislative clerk (H. A. Hop)rins) called the to honesty of purpose. JAMES R. MANN sought to ·stand be­ roll, and tbe following Senators answered to their names : fore his fellows with a character unimpeached and unimpeach­ Ashurst George McNary Shortridge able. He would noti even for political advantage) shadow a Bayard <ffloding Myers Smoot record by word or act that was · questionable or unworthy of Brandegjle Harris Nelson Spencer the dignity ·of 'his esteemed offic-e. ' Brookhart Harrison New Sutherland Calder Heflin Norbeck Swanson Thus it is we stand to-day with reverence and affection to pay Cappel' Jones, Wash. Norris Townsend our poor and imperfect tribute to a noble son of the Republic. Caraway Kellogg Overman Trammell · Fitlr ·we apply t-0 him ·the ancient words of the proverb writer: Cummins Kendrick Page Und~rwood Curtis Kt-yes Pepper Wadsworth ees t thou man diligent in business? He shall stand before kings. 0 a Dial Ladd Phipps Walsh, .font. Worthily he lived, worthily he served; we honor him for what Dillingllam La F-0llette Pittman ·· ""',_ Warren Edge Lodge Ransdell Watson . he '"as and for what he did. Shall we not believe that to him, .Ernst .Mccumber Reed. Pa, Weller. a to the great laureate of England, these lines summed up his Fernald McKellar Robinson triumphant hope '8.Ild unfailing :faith: Fletcher ~cLean . S]?.eppard Sunset and evening sta.r. · Mr. CURTIS. I wish to announce that the Senator from And one ciear call for me ! [Mr. And may "there be no moaning of the ba:r Delaware [Mr. BALLJ, the Senator from Arizona Cu.c­ Wben -I put out to sea, ERON], the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. H.a.LtRELD], tbe Senator But such a tide a moving seems asleep, from Illinois [l\ir. McKINLEY,] and the Senator from Ohio 'l'oo full for ound and foam, · [1\lr. "ILLIS] are necessarily absent 011 the business Of the When i:hat which drew from .out the boundless deep Turns -again home. Senate attending the funeral of the late Representatives JAMES R. l\1ANN. of Illinois. Twa.ligbt ·and evening bell. An-d .after that the dark ! . The VICE PRESIDE..:. TT. Fifty-eight Senators have an­ And may there be no sadness of farewell, swel'ed to their names. A quorum is present. When I embark; · For tho' from <mt oar bourne of '.Jlime and Place BUSINESS OF THE SENATE. :The ,flood may bear me ,far, I b-0pe to see my Pilot wee to face Mr. LODGE. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ When I have crossed the bar. sideration of executive business. · Faithful and chivalrous servant of the Republic, hail and l\lr. UJ\l)ERWOOD. Pending the motion, will the Senator farewell! allow me to ask him a que tion? The quartet then sang the hymn " Jerusalem the Qplclen," Mr. LODGE. Certainly. and the Chaplain. Rev. James Shera Montgomery, .D. D., pra- 1\1r. UNDERWOOD. I understand from what I have seen nounced the following benediction : , ln ·tlle newspapeTs that the majority }>arty in this Chamber have concluded to let the so~called Dyer bill go over, and 1f Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we .lift our eyes . ~nto the bills fr.om whence cometh .our strength; our .help cometh that is the understanding of the ·action intended 'by the ma­ from the .Lora. As Thy ·Children regard us with divine mercy. jority party, I do not desire to make any further motion that Thou wilt surely hear us when we call :and .answer us when will interfere with business. I ask the Senator from Massa- chusetts if tbat is the case? . we pray. Look with .great; . f~var upon our _Rep~b!ic and more Mr. LODGE. I stated to the newspa-pers that the Republican .and .more bring up citizens ,such as he to stabµi.ze the gr~t conference instructed me to say that ihey would not _-press the fundamentals of our Nation ·upon which 1it rests for . ~ts glory bill further at the coming session or at the session which is and for its perpetuity. Regard f()Ul' citizenship with great f_avor. just expiring. We _pray rfor .the stricken Ji.reside. 0 ru:gel of ~eace, ang~l Mr. UNDERWOOD. · That is, betwee_n now ,filld the 4th of of lov.e, dwell there .·in the measure of a r1ch blessmg. Agam we tarry .here -to ':·pay our tributes of ·love and -respect to him March? l\lr. LODGE. Between now and the 4th .of March. Those who ·has left .us. Make his memory to "remain as great and a were the instructions gi"en to me .and _which I gave to the beautiful affection ,in -all our ·breasts. Ev.erything passes! press: At the last, O L()rd, when :earth's d9or closes, may ,heaven's Tu. UNDERWOOD. I wish to say that I am very .glad in­ door open and bear. us up .the stairway to our Father·s ho~, deed we have reached that underst:µiding. There was no de­ and we shall go out no more . forever. Through Jesus Christ sire on my part, or on the part of those of my colleagues with our-Lord. ..Amen._ . whem I was acting, that we should .delay the public business, 'The President of the :United .States with members of his but the bill is so clearly in contravention of what we regarded Cabinet, the Chief Justice anq the .Justices of:r the Supreme as a great constitutional right that we felt we were justified Court, the representatives -0f th-e Army and the Navy, members in going to extremes in trying to prevent its passage. of the diplomati-c corps, and the Vice President. and l\Iembers of We have no apologies to offer for our nght, and we have noth­ the Senate retired from _the Ghamber. 'irrg to take back in refei·ence to what we have done. ·On the AFTER 'RECE·SS. , other ha:nd, hould the bill again appear with nn effort to take ·it up in the Senate, we would renew the :fight we have made The House was called to order by the Speaker at 2.59 p. m. 1 ~fr. ·MONDELL. '.Mr. ·speaker, 1! ask unanimous consent that before. Of cour e· I do not think a fight of this kind coUld the proceedings during the recess may be J>rinted in the ~EOOR~. be justified except as a ~ery extreme measure against a matter The -SPEAKER. 'The gentleman from Wyoming asks unani­ which we consider an invasion . of a p'ublic .right. I am only mous consent that the proceedings during the recess be J>ri~ted too glad to know tllat we can come to ·an understanding and in the RECORD. Is there objection·£ '[After a pause.] The that it will not interfere with the transaction of the· public Chair hears ·none.- business. .ADJOUR~""'MENT. 1\Ir. LODGE. In common with the 'great .body of my col­ leagues ·On this side of the Chamber, l believe the bill is right )Ir. l\IONDELL. Mr. Speaker, I move that -the. 'House do in principle and ought to pass; but the question before the con­ -now adjourn. ·' 'ference was. simply :whether .we bould allow the filibuster to The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 3 o'clock p. m.), under its previous order, the House adjourned to ·meet ·at go on until the 4th of March with ·no result. The bill could not pass, as it would be impossible -to •Change the rules no'Y; !ll a. m. l\Ionday, Dece,mber 4, 1922. and the conference decided that they would not press the bill further, as l stated in the public press, at the session which is now expiring or the next session. SENATE. Now, ..Mr~ Pre ident, · I submit · the motion that the Senate proceed ta the consideration of· executive business. MoNDAY, December 4, 19~~. :Mr. JONES of- Washington. Mr. President, before the ~o- (Legislati-ve .day of Saturday, ·necember 2, 1922.) tion is put will the Senator permit me to .suggest that the ship· _ping bill has not been refei·T~ to the. Committee on Commerce, The Seiiate met at 10 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the and it call not be printed ·until that is done? Would there be recess. objection to having the bill referred now, so that it may be JOHN · B. KENDRICK, a ·Senator from the State of Wyoming, appeared in his seat to-day. printed? . l\1r UNDERWOOD. I do ·not think ' the1~ would be any ob­ CALL OF THE ROLL. jecti~n ·on our part, but if '11e· are .going to transact ·any legis­ Mr. WDGE. Mr. -President, I move that--_ lative busirie s by unanimous con ent we had -better approve l\Ir. HEFLIN. l\1r. President, I suggest the absence of a the J oumal. quo1::um. Mr. .JONES of Washington. I hope we may have the bill The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. i·eferred before tlie executiye session. 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 451 Mr. UNDERWOOD. I bave no objection to the approval of Mr. NORR!S. If it comes in response to a resolution of tbe the .Journal. That can be done by unanimous consent. Senate, I tbink it would be printed under the rule. A.Ir. LODGE. I ham made the motion to proceed to the con- The VICE PRESIDENT.
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