The Urethral Glands of Male Mice in Relation to Depletion of Secretory Granules Upon Mating M
The urethral glands of male mice in relation to depletion of secretory granules upon mating M. B. Parr, L. R. de Fran\l=c;\a, L. Kepple, L. Ying, E. L. Parr and L. D. Russell ^Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA; and institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil 31270-901 CP 2486 The present study describes the effects of mating on urethral gland acinar cells in male mice. Histological and morphometric analysis demonstrated that there was a depletion of secretory granules in the urethral glands during mating. However, no change occurred in the rough endoplasmic reticulum containing tubular elements. The results indicate that the urethral glands are functional during mating. The timing of their granule depletion suggests that urethral gland secretions may contribute to the formation of semen or the copulation plug. Introduction Materials and Methods The male urogenital tracts of many rodents contain urethral Animals in the and bulbous urethra (Hall, 1936). In mice, glands pelvic Fifteen male the pelvic urethra is visible in the pelvic cavity, whereas the and ten ovariectomized female ICR mice bulbous urethra is surrounded and obscured from view by (Harlan, Sprague—Dawley, Inc., Indianapolis, IN), 4—5 months the bulbocavernosus muscle (Hebel and Stromber, 1986). The old, were used. Behavioural oestrus was induced in ovariecto¬ mized female mice 10 oestradiol benzoate bulbous urethra exhibits a wide, bifurcated lumen called the by injecting pg per mouse followed 48 h later 500 urogenital sinus (Hall, 1936) or the urethral diverticulum s.c, by pg progesterone per mouse et hours later (Hebel and Stromber, 1986), into which the ducts of the (Mayerhofer al, 1990).
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