Turkey & Europe An Example: Alessandro Missir di Lusignano İKV Publications No: 224 TURKEY and EUROPE-AN EXAMPLE: ALESSANDRO MISSIR di LUSIGNANO English Translation Laura Austrums, BELGIUM Cover designed by Sümbül Eren Book design Rauf Kösemen, Myra Project supervisor, Myra Damla Özlüer Page Layout Myra Special thanks to the photographers Giada Ripa de Meana (www.giadaripa.net) and Caner Kasapoğlu (www.canerkasapoglu.com) for their wonderful pictures about Istanbul. Photographs for which no copyright or specific details are mentioned were taken by Letizia Missir di Lusignano Print Acar Matbaacılık First edition, September 2009 ISBN 978-605-5984-17-5 Copyright © IKV All rights reserved. This book is not for sale. Distributed free of charge. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION TURKEY and EUROPE - AN EXAMPLE: ALESSANDRO MISSIR di LUSIGNANO HEAD OFFICE Talatpaşa Caddesi Alikaya Sokak TOBB Plaza No: 3 Kat: 7-8 34394 Levent İstanbul TURKEY Tel: 00 90 212 270 93 00 Fax: 00 90 212 270 30 22
[email protected] BRUSSELS OFFICE Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 148/A 1000 Bruxelles BELGIUM Tel: 00 32 2 646 40 40 Fax: 00 32 2 646 95 38
[email protected] Recollections and Tributes coordinated by Letizia Missir di Lusignano and Melih Özsöz, Economic Development Foundation. Administrative Coordination: M. Haluk Nuray, Economic Development Foundation Special thanks to Dr. Bahadır Kaleağası for the English version (International Coordinator and EU Representative of TUSIAD; Member of Executive Board of TUSIAD-International) Turkey & Europe-An Example 4 Alessandro Missir di Lusignano Mustafa Kemal Atatürk together with the Shah R›za Pehlevi of Iran in İzmir in 1934. Courtesy of İzmir Chamber of Commerce.