OfTlCK OS MAIS STREET, " NEW SPIRIT BUILDIITG." BOOKS, The " SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON" is published every BLANKS, CHECKS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, te. Tuesday Morning', at $2 in advance—§"2,50 if paid BXBCUTSD WITH 2TKATSX8* AHD DJMPATca AT TH* .within the year—or §3 if not paid until after the expiratioa-of the year. OFFICE OF SPIRIT OF JEFEEBSA«upply of Magistrates', SherirV.and CoMttEbl** •25cents for eaclicontinuance. Those not marked on BLANKS—Deeds of Bargain and Sale anrf De«d» of the in luuscript far a specified tiuic, will be inserted AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, THE FOUR PILLARS OF OUR PROSPERITT^-MOST THRIVING WHEN LEFT MOST FREE TO INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. Trust—Negotiable and Fromtoory Notes, fcc., fcc'.» until forbid, and CHARGED ACCORDINGLY. always on hand. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, rary advantage induces us to swerve a hair's DR. JOHNSTON, OSSESSES the most speedy and effectual remedy VOL XL breadth from our principles." If we meet tha Eiu the world for all , VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1854. NO. 6. question fairly and directly;" and fight the bat- Secret Diseases: tle boldly, and should even suffer a tempora- Gonorrhose, GleetsrStrictures, Seminal Weakness, TOS AHB DOWHS. • Pains in tlie Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad- (''' TEACHEES. HNOW-NOTHIHGISM. ry defeat, yet we will have the proud satis- der, Loss of Organic Pawors, Nervous Irritability, The sojourners at our city "Iiotels are fa- A school-master should be" prized. N*oman We make the following extracts on the per- faction of knowing that-we have saved our Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin; aud .all MERCHANT TAILORING. miliar with the modest tone in ; which the better earns his bread. We do not mean that those Peculiar Disorders arising • from a. Certain TT^HE undersigned has just returned from nicious tendency of this new party from the honor at the same time that a glorious tri- Secret Habit -of Youth, which if not cured, produces JL New York, and is now opening1 at his Old " AJJ, 1HT WOEKS PEAISE THEE." words "New York Herald,"; "Tribune; teaching is man's bfest employment, but it has speech of Senator Douglas, in Independence umph awaits us in th« future. [Applause.] Constitutional Debility, renders Marriage impossi- Stand, oh Main street, a large und genet al as- . BT MAKY HOWITT. " Times," " Baltimore Sun," " Intelligehcer; to be done by somebdd)', and whoever makes Then, fellow-democrats, let us stand by our ble; and in the eud destroys both body ana mind. sortment of the-choicest varieties of French and Eng- Square, Philadelphia, on the 4th of July: Young Men. •. lish CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND LINENS, as also The moon beams on the billowy deep, "Union,-" etc., fall upon their ears from a it his business—if he does it well^—has much No principle of political action could have arms, and be ready to fight the allied forces J£