Missouri Historical Revi Ew
MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVI EW. CONTENTS Dueharme's Invasion of Missouri An Incident in the Anglo-Spanish Rivalry for the Indian Trade of Upper Louisiana Abraham P. Nasatir Letters from Alexander W. Doniphan William B. McGroarty The True Character of Mark Twain's Wife Cyril Clemens Early Springfield Edward M. Shepard George Engelmann, Man of Science, Part IV William G. Bek Missouri Politics During the Civil War, Third Article Sceva Bright Laughlin Historical Notes and Comments Missouri History Not Found in Textbooks STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of MISSOURI voi* xxr? OCTOBER, 1929 NO. I OFFICERS OF THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI, 1928-1931 GEORGE A. MAHAN, Hannibal, President. LOUIS T. GOLDING, St. Joseph, First Vice-President. WALTER B. STEVENS, St. Louis, Second Vice-President. WALTER S. DICKEY, Kansas City, Third Vice-President. CORNELIUS ROACH, Kansas City, Fourth Vice-President. E. N. HO .exington, Fifth Vice-President. ALLEN McREYNOLDS, Carthage, Sixth Vice-President. R. B. PRICE, Columbia, Treasurer. FLOYD C. SHOEMAKER, Secretary and Librarian. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1929 PHIL A. BENNETT, Springfield. J. F. HULL, Maryville. JOSEPH A. CORBY, St. Joseph. ELMER O. JONES, LaPlata. W. E. CROWE, DeSoto. WM. SOUTHERN, JR., FORREST C. DONNELL, Independence. St. Louis. CHARLES L. WOODS, Rolla, BOYD DUDLEY, Gallatin. Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1930 C. P. DQRSEY, Cameron. H. S. STURGIS, Neosho. EUGENE FAIR, Kirksville. JONAS VILES, Columbia. THEODORE GARY, Kansas City. R. M. WHITE. Mexico. GEORGE A. MAHAN, Hannibal. WALTER WILLIAMS, Columbia. WM. R. PAINTER, CarroUton. Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1931 ROLLIN J. BRITTON, Kansas ISIDOR LOEB, St.
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