SHRIT OF JEFFERSON. OF EVERT DE3CBIFHON, BY JAMES W. B ELLER. OfTlCK OS MAIS STREET, " NEW SPIRIT BUILDIITG." BOOKS, The " SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON" is published every BLANKS, CHECKS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, te. Tuesday Morning', at $2 in advance—§"2,50 if paid BXBCUTSD WITH 2TKATSX8* AHD DJMPATca AT TH* .within the year—or §3 if not paid until after the expiratioa-of the year. OFFICE OF SPIRIT OF JEFEEBS<e$f. $?- ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the rate -' , of $1 per aquarc, for the first three insertions, and 8r>A«upply of Magistrates', SherirV.and CoMttEbl** •25cents for eaclicontinuance. Those not marked on BLANKS—Deeds of Bargain and Sale anrf De«d» of the in luuscript far a specified tiuic, will be inserted AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, THE FOUR PILLARS OF OUR PROSPERITT^-MOST THRIVING WHEN LEFT MOST FREE TO INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. Trust—Negotiable and Fromtoory Notes, fcc., fcc'.» until forbid, and CHARGED ACCORDINGLY. always on hand. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, rary advantage induces us to swerve a hair's DR. JOHNSTON, OSSESSES the most speedy and effectual remedy VOL XL breadth from our principles." If we meet tha Eiu the world for all , VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1854. NO. 6. question fairly and directly;" and fight the bat- Secret Diseases: tle boldly, and should even suffer a tempora- Gonorrhose, GleetsrStrictures, Seminal Weakness, TOS AHB DOWHS. • Pains in tlie Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad- (''' TEACHEES. HNOW-NOTHIHGISM. ry defeat, yet we will have the proud satis- der, Loss of Organic Pawors, Nervous Irritability, The sojourners at our city "Iiotels are fa- A school-master should be" prized. N*oman We make the following extracts on the per- faction of knowing that-we have saved our Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin; aud .all MERCHANT TAILORING. miliar with the modest tone in ; which the better earns his bread. We do not mean that those Peculiar Disorders arising • from a. Certain TT^HE undersigned has just returned from nicious tendency of this new party from the honor at the same time that a glorious tri- Secret Habit -of Youth, which if not cured, produces JL New York, and is now opening1 at his Old " AJJ, 1HT WOEKS PEAISE THEE." words "New York Herald,"; "Tribune; teaching is man's bfest employment, but it has speech of Senator Douglas, in Independence umph awaits us in th« future. [Applause.] Constitutional Debility, renders Marriage impossi- Stand, oh Main street, a large und genet al as- . BT MAKY HOWITT. " Times," " Baltimore Sun," " Intelligehcer; to be done by somebdd)', and whoever makes Then, fellow-democrats, let us stand by our ble; and in the eud destroys both body ana mind. sortment of the-choicest varieties of French and Eng- Square, Philadelphia, on the 4th of July: Young Men. •. lish CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND LINENS, as also The moon beams on the billowy deep, "Union,-" etc., fall upon their ears from a it his business—if he does it well^—has much No principle of political action could have arms, and be ready to fight the allied forces J£<ipxe MEN especially, who have become the vic- TESTINGS at all prices, fie will make aud trim to - The blue -waves rippling on the strand,' respectable elderly gentleman in the newspa- hard work to perform which is not half appre- been devised more hostile to the genius of our of abolitionism, ,whigi«rja, nativeisa^ and tims of Solitary Vice tliat dreadful aud destructive order ail work at the. shortest notice and on the most The ocean in its peaceful sleep,- per line. At break of day you may find him ciated, yet which is of the greatest . service to habit -which aiiuually sweeps to a.n untimely grave /easouable terms. Thankful for the patronage here- The siitll that murmurs on tlie sand, r institutions, more repugnant to the Constitu- religious intolerance, under - whatever name thousands of young men of the most exalted talents tofore extended, he hopes he may be able by renewed The L-loud that dims the bending sky, at the Railroad Depot, witJi his bundle oi the country. tion than those which are said to form the test and on whatever field they may present them- and brilliant intellect, who mi<rht otherwise have en- efforts and greater facilities to retain his old and se- . The bow that 011 its bosom glows, these "maps of busy life ;" at breakfast time It is true there are pedagogues who do not of membership in the society of "Know Noth- selves. [Enthusiastic cheers aad tremen- tranced listening- Senates aritu the thunders of elo- cure many new friends. 1 •- The sun that lights the-vault on high, he is at the hotel ready to exchange his com- even earn" the miserable pittance that is allow- ings." To proscribes man in" this country on dous applause.] quence, or wakJd to ccstacy the living lyre, may call N. B. Goods purchased elsewhere, will be manu- Tlie stars at midnight's cttlin repose; modities' for the ready cash ;'i and again as ed them. These flourish in town arid country. •' wiiii fail confidence. ' facturcd as usuaL These praised tbe power that arched the sky, account of Jiis birth-place or religious faith is And if after struggling as our forefathers Marriage. J. R. A. REDMAN. And robed the earth in beauty's :dye. midnight -draws near yon will- still "fin'd bim They do nothing and^ earn nothing. They subversive of all our ideas and. .principles of struggled for centuries in their native land Mirrifd Perwnt or those contemplating- marriage, Charlestown, April 25, 1S54—tf [Fp] . beiug aware of physical weakness, or any. other im- pursuing the even tenor of his ;way, pressing rap the knuckles and snap the heads of the lit- civil and religious freedom. It is revolting to against civil and religious persecution, we and 1 T~OUD6UN COUNTY" ' The melody of Nature's choir, pediment, should immodiatttlr 'onsult Dr. Johnston . JLt. AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE : The deep toned tuithems of the sen, his sails. We have observed him for many tle fellows, who can't perceive what they, do our sense of justice and right. It is derogatory our children shall be finally borne down and OFFICE No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St., seven AND CHEMICAL ACADEMY, Tbe •«• uid that tunes a viewless lyre, years going regularly through this routine.— not explain, or learn that which they them- to the character of our forefathers, who -were trampled under the heel of despotism, we can doors from Baltimore street, E»st side, up the steps.. NEARALDIE, VA. •_ The zephyr on its pinions free, Many wonders if' he ever sleeps. If "eternal selves cannot teach. Such drones get their re- $J-3e particular in observing- thr name and num- In this Institution thorough instruction is given in all emigrants, some at an earlier, and some at still follow their example—dee to the wilder- ber, or you trill mistake the place. ' Be not, cnliccdfrom The thunder .with.its thrilling notes,. vigilance is the price of liberty," he is entitled ward in the trifling recompense which .iheir all the branches of Mathematics of Science useful to The peal upon the mountain air, a later period. They once bore allegiance to ness?, and find an asylum in Nebraska, where thinoffice. : the farmer and the man of business. The students to the largest that .may be had; A curiosity services secure, and the enlightened commu- the principles of self-government have been A. Cure Warranted or no Charge, in from are not taught the theory-oniy_, but they are instruct- ' The lay that through the foliage floats, the crowned heads of Europe. They, too, suf- one to two days. tcd in the PRACTICAL APPLICATION- of theiristudies to Or sinks iu dying cadence there j is often manifested to know his history. — nity that honors itself by the engagement of fered the torments of civil and religious perse- firmly established in the organic act which The many thousands cured at this Institution, and the every day affairs of life. They.tire made ac- These all to thee their voices raise, Some say that he has by dint of such 'un- such scandalous specimens of the' body peda- cution, the fury of which tore them from their recently passed Congress. the very extensive practice of Dr. Johnston (ex*>jd- quainted with the phenomena of nature, taught tbe- A fervent song of gushing praise. ing- ali'others) is a sufficient g-uarantce that Uc u the tiring industry and perseverance laid ' up gogic, has its reward in a generation of boors native homes and forced them to seek new ones properiics of soils, the requirements of plants, the The day star herald of the-dawn,' 1YHCH LAW IH VIRGINIA. , only proper Physician to be consulted. ' ' -- I composition of minerals, d^e utility of different kinds something handsome for a "rainy day." drones. on the shores of America. Indeed the settle- uf rock^, laws of mechanical forces,, calculations of As the dark shadows flit away, One morning last week, as tlje Hon. Lewis , But it is not of these we wish to speak ; of 'The citizens of Liberty, Bedford county. Vs., The tint upon the cheek of ruoru ment of this continent, the development of the lynched a negro a few d'ays ago, under the fol- tlie strength of materials used for building and other D. Campbell, of, Ohio, was passing from the such rather, as with singleness of purpose and thirteen united colonies, the declaration of in- purposes, surveying- farms, levelling water courses, The dew drop gleaming on.the spray— lowing-circumstances : laying-but roads, making1 maps, mechanical .draw- From Tjrildlbirds'in tlieirwanderings, bieakfast room at the "National" 'with his definiteness of intention, strive day-after day to dependence, and the establishment of this glori- 1 "It appeared from the statement of others ing , calculations required" in the construction of ma- From streamlets leaping to the sea, morning mail, this ^veteran newsvencler met do the most that is possible for the intellect ous republic, may all be traced back to the ac- chinery, &c.
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