National Centre for Policy Research Activities 2018

Following are the main activities of NCPR during 2018

Department of Law and Political Sciences

Political Parties in and Their Role in Elections The law and political sciences department decided to have a research on this issue which was done during Aug and Sep 2018. The center specified eastern region of the country for data collection and the data was collected from political parties as well as civil society organizations of four eastern provinces (Nangarhar, Kunar, Noristan, and Laghman). After discussing this with Kabul University, it was decided to conduct some interview with the political parties in Kabul as well to make this research a comprehensive one.

Impacts of TAPI Multiregional Project on Afghanistan’s National Security The above research project is completed and will be published in few days. The Turkmenistan- Afghanistan- - India (TAPI) Project was originally conceived in the 1990s with a view to monetize Turkmenistan’s gas reserves through gas exports via Afghanistan to Pakistan and India. The project will serve to connect the resourceful gas fields of Turkmenistan to energy deficient power economies in the Indian subcontinent by providing steady supply of natural gas to these countries. The Project also has the potential to increase the regional co-operation between the participating countries and further promote security and political stability in the region.

Mining Law and Its Observance in Afghanistan This research project is working on data analysis and will be completed in early 2019

Department of Social Sciences Acting Director of NCPR The Head of the social sciences department was selected as Acting Director of NCPR from January- June 2018 and did all related duties.

Increment of Population in Kabul City and its Social Consequences (research) The above research project has been published. There were 3 researchers and four research assistants from Kabul University. The main goal of this research was to identify the major causes of population growth in Kabul city and its social consequences. The results of the study consist of information from some residents of Kabul city, interviews with officials from eight major government departments and the views collected from a focus group interview all under supervision of Department of social sciences.

Method of Teaching at Kabul University (research) Three students of Kabul University worked on above research project under the supervision of social sciences department. Some problematic issues on teaching methods in Kabul University and the experiences and opinions of the senior students of university were the main reasons that the research group has chosen this title for their research project. After the process of edition, now it is ready to be published.

The Circumstances of Cultural Heritage Preservation in Afghanistan (research) Another research project conducted by a research team consisted of two lectures of Kabul University and a researcher form Academy of Sciences under the supervision of social sciences department. According to the economic, social, political and historical importance of cultural heritage this research project has been done. It is given to be published. The main objective of this research is to achieve a scientific and accurate understanding of effective methods for the preservation of cultural heritage in Afghanistan.

“The Runaway Continuance of Youths from Afghanistan and its Social Consequences” At the first step we hope to gather some data and information from the related organization and then follow some focus group interviews. One lecturer and one student form Kabul University started working on this research.

GARF Training Program in Bamyan (6 days for 36 lecturers and Students) On 21th of Sep.2018 the head of social sciences went to for teaching of GARF program, which continued until Sep.27.

Peace Studies Department

The Impact of Life Skills Education on Students’ Social Competencies (2018 Research Project) The research topic of peace and Conflict Studies Department for the year 2018 as voted by scholars’ workshop was ‘The Impact of Life Skills Education on Students’ Social Competencies’. Some of the discussions that resulted in to selecting this topic were about social outcome of academic researches that is they should lead into concrete policy recommendation to inform the policies of relevant sectors and therefore contribute to positive change in the society. The topic was proposed and added to the catalogue of topics by a workshop participant who himself had been benefited while he was a university student from life skills education and he spoke about the good impact the education have had on his life. As a result of the discussions in the workshop, the abovementioned topic received the highest number and was selected as the research topic of the department for the year 2018. After consultation with colleagues in the NCPR and university colleagues, five researchers who had already experience in research and/or teaching life skills education were contacted and three of them welcomed the suggestion to work on the topic until March. The researchers reviewed related literature and selected quasi experiment as the suitable method for the research. Accordingly two groups of Kabul university students were selected to participate in the research; an experiment and a control group. Three questionnaires were used: Social Competency Questionnaire, Social Dominance Questionnaire and Social Tolerance Questionnaire (researchers made). So far the data has been collected and the researchers work on the analyzing and finalizing the project. It is expected to be finished by end of December 2018.

Publishing Research Report on Assessing the Components of Peace Education in Afghanistan’s Educational System Peace and Conflict Studies Department 2017 research was completed and published in May 2018. Titled Assessing the Components of Peace Education in Afghanistan’s Educational System (Methods and Activities), the research aimed at assessing teaching method and learning activities at schools against UNESCO peace education components, which include: Democracy (human rights): All individuals are equal and the have equal rights to express their opinion and participate socially and politically; Cooperation and Solidarity: Understanding the value of cooperation and respect and interdependence of individuals, groups and societies; Protecting cultures: Respecting family and valuing personal culture and cultural heritage and human’s achievements; Protecting environment: Understanding the interdependence of man and nature; and committing to protect and improve the environment so that to benefit all its members; Spirituality: Inner peace; the ability to think freely, conscience and freedom of action; Internationalism: respect the equality between nations, congruence between national, regional and international interests, awareness about international problems and the need for their nonviolent solutions; and Self and others: self-awareness, respecting oneself, empathy with others, consideration for oneself and others, trusting oneself and others. Based on these components and the related literature a questionnaire was developed. A sample of 652 teachers from Kabul public schools participated in the survey. Key findings of the research showed that in the educational methods and activities little attention is paid to peace education, and the creation of a vision for co-existence and interdependence. This can be explained due to shortcomings in the educational system of the country, among which the lack of well trained teachers and over crowdedness of classes are more obvious. In any case, the main recommendation the research produced is the vital role of education that requires serious attention if we want to further a peace-breading culture which is an important component of peace building.

Three Day Eid-Ceasefire (an event review) The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies of NCPR reviewed the three day Eid ceasefire (June 15-17) which were was observed in Afghanistan for the first time in seventeen years. The background of the ceasefire, the actors behind it and the social and political consequences of such an event were explored in the views of commentators and media. Three members of the department’s peace network helped the department to conduct interviews with a wide range of commentators including politicians, civil society members and academics. Meeting on Establishing the Network for Global Partnership for Prevention of Armed Conflict A consultative meeting was held with some Civil Society Organization to discuss the possibility of establishing a network of organizations for preventing armed conflict. Invited by Afghanistan Justice Organization (AJO) the meeting was held latter’s office on September 2, 2018. NCPR and AJO have already acquired the membership of Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). The meeting where four other organizations were also represented, aimed at introducing new members to GPPAC mission and establishing a network who will collaborate as partners of GPPAC in Afghanistan. The acting head of Peace and Conflict Studies represented NCPR in this meeting. Follow up meeting will be held to finalize a collaboration policy for the network.

Nonviolent Communication Workshops The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies is holding workshops on the subject of Nonviolent Communication as previous years. These workshops have been held at Kabul University since 2013 and each year around 100 students have been trained. This year these workshops began in August and so far around 30 students have benefited from three rounds of this workshop each round continuing for one week. The aim of these workshops are to provide an extracurricular learning opportunity for the students concerning their daily lives, relationships, psychological wellbeing, sensitivity to conflict culture, awareness about different forms of violence and particularly how violence affect human mind, culture and relationships and how become empowered to consciously contribute to enriched relationships and peace at different levels. Noorullah Navayee, the acting in charge of the department organizes and facilitates these workshops. The program will continue until the end of the current semester (2018) so that a bigger number of students benefit from them.

Participating in HPC Consultative Conference The acting head of Peace and Conflict Studies Department participated in High Peace Council (HPC) consultative conference on Peace Process in Afghanistan on October 16. The conference aimed at providing a platform for academics, researchers, peace activists, women rights activists, media and civil society to share their views and concerns about the newest updates in the peace process of the country and negotiations with Taliban. NCPR shared the findings of one its research findings about the works and achievements of HPC and expressed its readiness to cooperate with any initiative and academic effort to contribute to the success of peace process in the country.

Other Activities GARF Program of Kabul University Students The thirteen annual course on research methodology in social sciences (German – Afghan Research Forum) was held in Konrad Adenauer hall of this Centre, where 35 top students of Kabul University were trained from April 14 to May 07. The training was conducted in afternoon sessions and after passing the test, the participants received certificates.

Monograph Writing and Seminar Presentation, Kabul University NCPR carried out a training program in writing monographs and seminar presentation for final year students of Kabul University’s five Faculties. This program was conducted for 74 students of economics faculty during May-June 2018, by Mrs. Amin and associate professor of this faculty.

Thanks and appreciation for the work and service of the former director of the National Center for Policy Research (NCPR) at Kabul University and the introduction of its new Director, ceremony for thanking and appreciating the workmanship of the Honorable Professor Dr. Hamidullah Noor Ebad, former Director of the National Center for Policy Research (NCPR) and Professor at the Economics Faculty of Kabul University, and introduction of Associate Prof. Abdul Baqi Banwal, as the New Director of this center was conducted on Monday, Jul 10, 2018 in the academic council of Kabul University.

Conference on “The Importance of Universities Financial –Administrative- Academic Independence in Improving the Academic Quality of Higher Education” NCPR, partner of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with Kabul University held a one day conference on above topic on September 26, 2018 held in conference hall of Turkish Language Faculty of Kabul University. The conference gathered around 170 people including the chancellor of Kabul University, officials from ministry of higher education, professors, civil society activists and students. The aim of the conference was to galvanize discussions around the reforms of higher education in Afghanistan so that it can efficiently respond to the countries compelling needs for expertise in various fields and provide academic services. The conference got started with an introductory speech by Prof. Banwal, NCPR director; he welcomed the respected guests and briefly explained the activities of KAS and NCPR. Also, the chancellor of Kabul University and the advisor minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on Higher Education Affairs, Professor Hamidullah Farooqi, pointed the cooperation of KAS and the activities of the NCPR, acknowledged the current conference as important and necessary and appreciated efforts of the leading colleagues. He added that the conference was considered essential for the Academic, Financial and Administrative independence of universities, especially for the Kabul University.. A presentation on the current Academic Review program which is implemented recently in Afghanistan universities was presented by Mr. Haroon Hairan. A question and answer session was held at the end where the participants shared their views.

GARF in Paktiya Province for Lecturers The training workshop on research methodology in social sciences was held in Paktia University from 27 Oct up to 1st Nov 2018 in the conference room of Agriculture Faculty. Thirty four young academic members of Paktia university form 33 department of the 6 Faculties and one members of Zamzam University (a private university in Paktia province) participated in this 6 days training workshop. The program was inaugurated by the voice chancellor Mr. Mangal and research committee director Mr. Sarwari, then the program was described by Dr. Samadi to the participants.

Publications of NCPR Following reports have been published or are under publication by NCPR: 1. The Annual Report of Kabul University 2. The Annual Report of Research Center of Kabul University 3. “Capital Flight and Brain Drain from Afghanistan after 2014 and its Economic Impacts” related to economics department of NCPR 4. “Consumer Rights and its Observance in Afghanistan” also related to economics department of NCPR 5. “The Circumstances of Cultural Heritage Preservation in Afghanistan” related to department of social sciences of NCPR 6. “Impacts of TAPI Multiregional Project on Afghanistan’s National Security” related to department of law and political sciences

Repair NCPR’s Generator and NCPR’s Building Since the NCPR’s building was repaired long ago, there were so many damages caused to the electricity system, water system, networking and sharing system, and to the building itself. We started to repair the building. Painting of the entire building inside and outside, carpentry work, installation and networking system of the entire computers, repairing of water and electricity system and all other damages were taken care and repaired. The generator of was also not working and it was fixed up Note: Due to critical security issues at Kabul University, we could not conduct some of our programs, but we consider to hold the following programs in Dec 2018:  Advance research mythology (STATA) for lecturers of Kabul university  Conducting two political conferences  Conducing a economical conference  Conducting GARF program for Parwan Province  Conducting GARF for Baghlan Province .