An Update from South Asian University Volume 2, July 2009

From the Editor

Dear Readers, We bring to you yet another edition of mijkT;iky jktfuokl CONNECT covering the activities related to the South Asian University in the second quarter fnYyh fnYyh 110 054 of 2009. Lieutenant Governor Raj Niwas Government of NCT Delhi has been very Delhi Delhi 110 054 generous in its support to the South Asian University project. We convey our heartfelt gratitude to HE Mr. Tejinder Khanna, the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, for his continued Message support and encouragement and message of good wishes for SAU. The establishment of South Asian University in the We would like to express our gratitude to National Capital Territory of Delhi is a notable Prof.S.V.D.Gamini Samarnayake, Chairman UGC of Sri Lanka and Dr. Hassan Hameed, milestone in the development of South Asian Rector, Maldives College of Higher Education cooperation under the auspices of SAARC. for graciously agreeing to become Honorary Editors of CONNECT. Over many centuries past, Delhi has been a hub for Beginning this issue we are commencing a national, regional and global exchanges in the fields series titled Igniting Minds for Progress to of knowledge and culture. Openness of mind and a spirit of unbiased introduce higher education in SAARC Member States. In this issue we focus on . enquiry have been defining characteristics of our country. Tolerance, pluralism, a feeling of universal brotherhood, seeking the well being of Association with SAU and with CONNECT has been rewarding and satisfying experience for all and giving respect and space to people of different religious me. I hope that CONNECT will continue to persuasions and ways of life are facets of our existence which have receive continued support and patronage from enriched us in the past and will, no doubt, continue to do so in the its readers in various SAARC Member States. future as well. I wish SAU and CONNECT success in their noble endeavour to connect the hearts and It is my sincere hope that the South Asian University will pursue the minds of the people of South Asia. various academic curricula with the help of faculty and students drawn from all the member countries of SAARC, who will collectively contribute to strengthening our underlying bonds of fraternity and In this issue... shared goodwill. As the University succeeds in producing enlightened  Rehabilitating and Rebuilding – Afghanistan Forges Ahead scholars who discern the underlying unity of mankind as a whole and  Friendship and Understanding more specifically of the people of South Asia, our region will become at Maldives a more potent force for the promotion and sustenance of regional and  South Asian University in the global peace and progress. context of Sri Lankan Higher Education System  The Specter of Subaltern Tejinder Khanna Globalization  Third Steering Committee Meeting  Spotlight on Project Office Activities Igniting Minds for Progress

be offered up to BA level in the State Rehabilitating and Rebuilding – educational institutes free of charge by the State.” Furthermore Education Law of Afghanistan Forges Ahead 1387 (2008) guarantees equal rights to education for all children. Nation is working towards rebuilding and ears of turmoil and conflict have had re-opening its universities and colleges, a deleterious impact on the education SAU – Hope in the making! Y and has tens of thousands of students system in Afghanistan. University Considering the history of the hoping to qualify for admission to higher campuses turned into war zones, education system in Afghanistan, and education. The capacities of current shattering the infrastructure and forcing looking at the challenges it is facing institutions are limited and cannot begin faculty members into exile or intellectual to meet the overwhelming hopes and isolation. to provide quality education to its youth, the setting up of a University like demands of students. Afghan society has a rich and diverse SAU has brought hope to the young Recognizing the enormous challenges history of education which was influenced Afghans to get access to world- class facing Afghanistan, the Ministry of Higher by a steady stream of travellers who came Education of Afghanistan (MoHE) has to Afghanistan as merchants, religious academic environment. Afghanistan can now look forward to participate in developed a Strategic Reforming Plan for preachers, invaders, etc. Buddhism (500 the next decade, targeted at improving an education programme that is going BC), e.g., brought its own curriculum and management, facilitating access to to be at par with the best Universities methods of teaching whereas Islam education, and augmenting financial of the World. The students can now brought its own tradition of masjid schools. support, as well as enhancing quality in Higher educational organizations dream of being a part of the advanced higher education through faculty flourished in Afghanistan during the 15th course and syllabi that will be selected development, curriculum reform and Century, particularly in Herat. In early 20th for the students of SAU. quality assurance. It has a realistic vision Century, modern western education was that focuses optimistically on the introduced under Amir Habibullah Khan opportunities and possibilities for a better (1901-1919). future. The vision is for a public and private The origin of foreign assistance to Afghan post-secondary education system, to be education goes to the end of the 19th (1962), Pharmacy (1959), Veterinary reconstructed with international quality century. Turkey and India were among the (1961), Home Economics, and and national accessibility, to meet the first donors. 57 students went to Bombay Polytechnic Institute (1967), and the strategic needs of the nation within the to learn automobile technology in Institute of Education (1954). Today, the next decade. It is characterized by the 1909. They were probably the first University has the largest enrolment following principles: with over 8,000 students, of which about Afghans to study abroad. Later, the United  Broad access and improved quality 24 per cent are women. States, France, Germany, England, Japan, in student admission, without any and Egypt contributed to education and Education is once again enjoying prime discrimination by gender, religion, assisted in the establishment of the Kabul attention and is being seen as the ethnicity, race, class, or . University which opened in 1946. It had essential key to change from a culture of  Honouring culture, religion and faculties of Medicine (1932), Law (1938), war to a culture of peace, democracy and tradition while incorporating modern Sciences (1942), Letters (1944), Theology positive growth. Article 43 of the 1382 scientific knowledge and methods. (1951), (1956), Agriculture Constitution states, “Education is the right (1956), Economics (1957), Education of all citizens of Afghanistan, which shall  Educational quality and institutional management meeting international standards. Other initiatives taken by the Ministry for developing higher education at par with international standards include establishment of a national university credit system and contact with international universities through the internet. Through coordination and co- operation with the international community, good progress has been achieved in: reconstruction and refurbishing of destroyed and damaged buildings; increasing the number of students from 10,000 to 40,000 of which 25 per cent are women; reform of administration departments; establishing the computer systems in the MoHE, Students take an outdoor exam at because of a lack of classroom space in universities and institutes of higher September 2006. The department building has since been restored. education; arranging scholarships and

2 SAU connect fellowships for students; publishing of magazines and daily and weekly Bold steps by Afghan Government newspapers; compilations and translation The Government of Afghanistan (GoA) of books and scientific papers. has taken bold steps to tackle the MoHE, while ensuring rebuilding and rehabilitation and development needs of continuance of old universities and the country. institutes, like Kabul University, Kabul In the past five years, it has made notable Polytechnic, and Kabul Medical Institute, efforts to revive the higher education is also engaged in the establishment of sector alongside the ongoing progress Dr. M Azam Dadfer, Afghan new universities and colleges which will in primary and secondary education. 19 Minister of Higher Education eventually exist in all Provinces. Some of higher education institutions reopened the new universities already established their doors and enrolment jumped from 4,000 students in 2001 to 37,000 in the fall include the Khost University, aka Shaikh of 2007. Zayed University (SZU), which was set- up in 2008 and offers courses in medicine, The Afghanistan government and the international community have agreed to expand engineering, computer science, the nation’s higher education sector to create jobs and meet projected requirements agriculture and technology for about for skills in key sectors, such as mining, construction and engineering as well as 3,000 students through its nine faculties. agriculture. This was announced at a UN-backed international conference on In 2008, MoHE signed agreements worth Afghanistan held in The Hague on 31 March. $4.6 millions to build universities in the A Strategic Reforming Plan for the next decade has been launched. In another provinces of Jawzjan, Bamyan, Paktia, attempt to improve the level of education in universities, the salaries of teachers Kunduz, Faryab and Badakhshan. and professors were raised last month by 80-100 per cent, depending on their The government has also encouraged qualifications. The curriculum in public universities will be revised to meet the establishment of good-quality private development needs of the country and private sector growth by incorporating recent higher education institutions with proper knowledge in scientific and technical education, and the education of teachers into incentives and quality control the higher education curriculum. mechanisms. The American University of Under the reform plan, by the end 2010 student enrolment would reach 100,000, Afghanistan established in 2006 and with at least 35 per cent of them female. Universities will be prepared to meet the located in the Karte Se area of Kabul, demands of 1 million high school graduates by 2014. claims to be the first such private higher education institution. It offers three undergraduate degrees, as well as gets its name from a Dari word which Various SAARC Member States, drawing intensive English language preparation means professional. on their past linkages with Afghanistan are courses and professional development made a small beginning in a small engaged in helping revival and training. Another privately-assisted classroom with 15 students. It now offers revitalization of education sector in university is the Kardan University which higher education in the disciplines of Afghanistan. NGOs, notably the was established in early 2002. Kardan management sciences, information Bangladesh based BRAC has set up a technology, engineering and social dedicated Afghanistan programme to Important Universities in Afghanistan sciences at graduate level. It has assist primary education. and Sri established educational linkages with Lanka have also offered assistance Kabul universities abroad. through different programmes, including American University Bakhtar University Expansion of universities, including student and faculty exchange Dawat University through private sector involvement is a programmes. India, which was one of the Kabul Institute of Medicine good step towards increasing capacity earliest partners of Afghanistan in Kabul University building and encouraging the return of education, has devoted a significant part Kardan University Afghan intellectuals. The universities of its developmental assistance since National Military Academy employ about 2,000 professors. Six per 2001 to the education sector. Some of the Polytechnical University of Kabul cent of Afghan professors at the key assistance programmes include Rana Institute of Higher Education reconstruction of Habibia School, Kabul; University of Pedagogy universities have Ph.D. degrees, 34 per cent have Master’s degrees, and 60 per grant of 500 annual long-term university Khost cent have B.A. degrees only (see box for scholarships for undergraduate and Hara University postgraduate studies and establishment Khost University a list of such institutions). of the India-Afghanistan Foundation for Nangarhar The Afghanistan Higher Education Project cultural and educational cooperation. Aryana University (a USAID-funded project) which is Indian NGOs are also active in skill focused on faculty development and enhancement projects in Afghanistan. establishment of new universities Afghanistan-India-UNDP Programme for Al-Beroni University alongwith beefed up security of the Capacity for Afghan Public Administration campuses, are integral parts of an overall Bamiyan University (CAP) is imparting professional skills to programme to rehabilitate and strengthen Faryab University Afghanistan public administration. the capacity of education system to improve access to quality education To meet the need for more qualified throughout Afghanistan. teachers, UNICEF is helping to establish

3 An Update from South Asian University teachers’ training colleges in each of the country’s 34 provinces. The colleges are Afghanistan Higher Education: part of a major investment in teaching standards, along with development of a Facing Global & Local Challenges new curriculum, teacher accreditation and he higher education system in Afghanistan revolves textbooks for primary school students. around colleges and universities, as there is a limited UNICEF has provided support in the form T of construction, library furniture, and number of technical institutions in the country. Admission stationery and computer equipment for to universities or technical institutions is through an nine new teachers’ training colleges. entrance examination since there is limited space, and limited number of seats and scholarships for the students. Teachers hold the key to change in Most of these universities, are limited to a four-year college that offers BA and BS Afghanistan. Despite all the international degrees except for the medical colleges. There are only a few programmes offering efforts in capacity building, teachers of Master’s degree, available only at the Kabul University and Teachers Colleges or Afghanistan face a real threat from the Universities. The courses offered by these universities are largely limited to traditional , warning them to stay away from subjects such as humanities, law, science, engineering, architecture, medicine and schools and colleges and telling them stop teaching or face the consequences. few other disciplines. There are 22 universities or public institutions of higher education and 15 private institutions of higher education that have mostly developed Yet, with rare exceptions, it doesn’t stop in the past two to three years. There are over six million children enrolled at the them. Everyone knows that education is primary and secondary levels in primary, secondary and high schools, whereas the way forward for a country that has there are just 55,998 students enrolled (total up to 2008) in different institutions of been through 23 years of civil war and five higher education in the country, out of which there are only 9,926 female students. years of the Taliban’s brutal medieval Afghanistan is making every effort to meet its goal (Afghanistan National theocracy, which closed all the schools in Development Strategy in 2006) that 35 per cent of total enrolment in higher education the country. should be female students. Today, six million students are back in the classrooms, two million of them being Demand for higher education in Afghanistan is approximately five times more than girls. No Census has been done in the available facilities, and this ratio is rapidly changing, unfortunately not in favour Afghanistan, but the population is of the students. The Strategic Plan of the MoHE basically focuses on taking care of estimated to be between 22 and 25 million. this dilemma. In order to improve the capacity in providing access for citizens, Since the life expectancy in this troubled MoHE has encouraged promotion of cooperative programs, academic partnerships country is only 40 years, one can deduce and technical exchanges between Afghan and international institutions of higher that the number of students still being education. In the past two years we were able to establish academic affiliations denied an education is vast. with 11 foreign universities and several national institutions of higher education in Kabul. Today, as Afghanistan moves out of the crisis-mode into forward-thinking and Education is vital to human development in any country and higher education is forward-building, the fruits are starting to essential to the national development in every aspect of social, economic, and appear on the tree of the higher education. political life. Priority of MoHE is to increase enrolment, improve access and to ensure Universities in Afghanistan are once again quality higher education. The Government policy encourages an important and becoming producers as well as effective role for private sector in higher education. The university co-operation consumers of knowledge as they strive to plans that have already begun will allow the institutions of higher education in the provide learning opportunities for youth to country to interact and be supported by recognized foreign universities. Public- ensure the nation’s future supply of private partnership is the best opportunity for both sectors to share their ideas and educated professionals who contribute to resources and ultimately to benefit all. national development in all fields. The establishment of South Asian University (SAU) in Delhi is an effort by SAARC Yet there is a long and difficult journey to promote cross-border education, which would fulfil the long desired goal of ahead before the institutions of higher member states including of Afghanistan that their students study in India and learning become widely accessible to other institutions of higher education in the region. This new development meets qualified youth in order to ensure new perfectly well the expectations of the strategic plan for higher education in generations of educated leaders, Afghanistan. SAU shall attract students from both genders, male and female, scientists, scholars, and professionals without much locally imposed cultural constraint. Also the new university may who contribute to the growth of a stable serve as an opportunity for female students that may significantly contribute to democratic society. the socio-economic development of the countries in the region and beyond. (This article has been largely built from [Excerpts from the paper “Afghanistan Higher Education: Facing Global & Local Challenges” the information provided at the MoHE presented at the Sub-National Preparatory Conference for South, South-West and Central Asia on Higher Education in February 2009 by Professor Quadir A. Amiryar, MCL, Ph.D.., website: Kindly Senior Advisor, Policy & Governance, Ministry of Higher Education. Prof. Amiryar is also a visit the website for additional member of the Inter-Governmental Steering Committee on the Establishment of the South information). Asian University. He is also a member of SAU’s Task Force on Governance and Legal Structure]

4 SAU connect

Friendship and Understanding at Maldives SAU in the Context of Sri Lankan Higher Education System

he South Asian Association Tfor Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established when its Charter was formally adopted on December 8, 1985 by the Heads of State or Government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. SAARC provides a platform for the people of South Asia to work together in a spirit of friendship, trust and understanding. It aims to accelerate the he Fifth Meeting of the Committee of Heads of SAARC UGCs/Equivalent process of economic and social development TBodies was held in the Maldives during June 1-2, 2009. This Committee amongst its Member States. With the above comprises Chairmen of University Grants Commissions and similar bodies objectives, over the past two decades, the SAARC that fund and oversee public universities of SAARC States. The Committee has initiated several programmes with the aim of aims to strengthen cooperation among the SAARC countries. facilitating regional cooperation and resource- In the Meeting, held in the beautiful Bandos Island Resort, the delegates sharing. In this context, the initiatives taken in the discussed about exchanging staff and students among SAARC States, mutual field of higher education are commendable. As we recognition of professional qualifications, fostering friendship and know, several professional and other academic understanding by exchange of scholarships and fellowships and organizing bodies have already formed regional charters, competitions among tertiary students. grasping the overall philosophy of SAARC. The Hon’ble Vice President of the Maldives, HE Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Formation of the Committee of Heads of University inaugurated the Meeting and reaffirmed that Maldives looks upon the South Grants Commissions and Equivalent Bodies is one Asian University (SAU) as a great seat of learning for young men and women of the forward steps in further formalising and of the SAARC Region. For Maldives, the importance of SAU is too obvious to expanding the activities of SAARC. In addition, the be emphasized. SAARC Fellowship Scheme and the Consortium on Open and Distance Learning have the potential to Professor G K Chadha, the CEO of SAU, participated in the meeting as a bring in significant benefits to Sri Lanka. special guest. He briefed the delegates on the work being carried out in the Project Office and the advances being made to start teaching in mid 2010. Furthermore, the more recent efforts made to establish the South Asian University is one of the After the Bandos-Male meeting, Prof. Chadha took time off to visit the North prime projects launched by the SAARC, fulfilling a of the Maldives on a study tour to gain first-hand experience of the variety of long-felt need in the region. It is strongly believed communities living in the Maldives that SAU would serve in the long run. He that this would be a springboard for our intellectuals visited the islands of Hanimaadhoo, Kulhudhuffushi, Neykurendhoo and to work as a team in addressing issues pertinent to Nolhivaranfaru, which are village-like communities with distinct cultures and the region, especially areas of poverty alleviation, economic base. In each island, he visited important sites and held discussions good governance, transfer of technology and in with local community leaders, education officers, teachers and students. Prof. emerging sciences such as nanotechnology. The Chadha also visited the Kulhudhuffushi Campus of the Maldives College of SAU also could be a centre of excellence to train Higher Education, soon to be the country’s first university. Prof. Chadha was the Sri Lankan academics and intellectuals in highly impressed with the pattern and rigour of school education in Maldives, further education, especially to obtain postgraduate in spite of a fairly large number of teachers being brought from other countries, qualifications and undertake collaborative research the movement from one island to the other being not so easy, most ostensibly projects. In addition, as a regional centre of because the residential facilities for students being scanty, and nonexistent excellence, could be utilized to send some of the in some cases. In his visit to the Capital, Male, Prof. Chadha also visited the students for undergraduate courses in particular Faculty of Engineering Technology – a division of fields, as the case may be. From the Sri Lankan MCHE. He also held discussions with State Minister point of view, SAU would serve as a window to for Education Dr. Ahmed Ali Maniku and briefed him communicate with the intellectuals of the region and on the progress being made on the establishment of be the levering agency to create new world order SAU and its promise for providing world-class in tomorrow’s Asia. educational facilities to SAARC citizens, including those from the Maldives. Prof.S.V.D.Gamini Samarnayake, Inputs from: Dr. Hassan Hameed, Chairman UGC, Sri Lanka and member of the Rector, Maldives College of Higher Education and Steering Committee on the Establishment of SAU Member of the Steering Committee on the Establishment of SAU

5 An Update from South Asian University

The Specter of Subaltern Globalization

AU sponsored a seminar at the SSchool of International Studies (SIS), Abstract Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), on 20 Critics have already referred to the mushrooming of global May 2009. Prof Chadha chaired this event networks resisting economic globalization as ‘globalization and the Ambassador of Sri Lanka graced from below.’ The latter includes a diverse group of people the occasion with other dignitaries from – environmentalists, NGOs, religious groups, small Pakistan, Bangladesh and other South farmers, labour unions, women’s movement, consumerists, Asian countries. Prof Y. K. Tyagi, the Dean anti-sweatshop activists, and the like, all one way or of SIS made the introductory remarks. another either critical of or directly suffering from and Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Professor of struggling against the impact of economic globalization. International Relations at the University of Here the forces of the seemingly disempowered non-state Dhaka, was the keynote speaker at the have creatively joined hands to overcome the exploitation Seminar to speak on the theme, “State of of the empowered non-state, i.e. the forces of economic International Relations in South Asia: globalization. The subaltern nature of the resistance Beyond Realist Goals.” movements, particularly the networking, can hardly be Prof Imtiaz focused mainly on the minimized. But then, there is a further subaltern variant to transformation of the post-Westphalian/ the whole notion of globalization from below. post-colonial state in the age of This refers to the deepening of relationship between and globalization. The latter, he maintained, amongst the ‘dubious groups’ and ‘shadowy activities’ arose from a complex combination of multiple interactions, giving rise to a ranging from smuggling of goods and people, illicit production and trading of small multiversity or multiple universes of arms, money laundering, narco-production and trading, terrorism, and the like, knowledge and practices. He highlighted and that again, beyond national, ethnic, racial, and even religious affiliations. The three versions of globalization namely; subalterns, particularly the poverty-ridden and marginalized population, become economic globalization, reverse easy target of such groups and activities, but more importantly the state of being globalization and subaltern globalization. itself becomes a factor for certain groups of (relatively well off) people to rally support He then spoke in detail on subaltern and even clandestinely work for their cause. A protracted nature of poverty and globalization, the manner in which the marginality and a lack of substantive global concern also push them to seek informal latter with complex networks of or even criminal means to reproduce their lives or redress the situation. The complex smugglers, narco-traders, women networking at this level and in combination with the resistance movements against traffickers, money launderers, illicit small economic globalization could be best referred to as subaltern globalization. Here arms producers and sellers, non-state the subalterns, including their ardent supporters and sympathizers, are no less terrorists, suicide bombers, and a host of creative and empowered when it comes to organizing and reproducing their activities other ‘dubious and shadowy’ actors and at the global level, and that too often by challenging the overly empowered forces activities have come to challenge the state of economic globalization. Indeed, a spectre is haunting the world, the spectre of and the international community. In this subaltern globalization! context, Prof Imtiaz said: “When things become overwhelming, situations become hopeless, policies About curriculum development, he opined majoritarianism that is so much tied up become repetitive, and change becomes that it had almost become a cliché. But with public and governmentalized a rare commodity, much can be gained the fact remained that the sponsors as well education. In fact, majoritarianism has not by reminding oneself and also others the as the critics of curriculum development only come to define the core of ‘national insightful comment of Albert Einstein: have always focused on the word education’ and has in turn alienated the ‘Imagination is more important than ‘curriculum’ and not on the compound minorities, both religious and linguistic, knowledge.’ In the context of the demonic word, ‘development.’ Put differently, the but also ended up reproducing impact of subaltern globalization there is development of curriculum is tied up not animosities in the region, with the a dire need of imaginative interventions, only with the development of the state but minorities often finding their grievances possibly in each and every sphere of our also with the larger developmental world- more receptive across the borders. life and living.” view called modernity. Degovernmentalization of schools With education, Prof Imtiaz said that there Degovernmentalization of schools, he felt, therefore ought to be encouraged at both is no short cut. We must get used to the was a step required for the reproduction national and regional levels, he said. The idea of protracted interventions in the field of fresh, bold and creative thinking. Since abstract of the paper is given below. of education and that again at the primary, public education, both secular and secondary and tertiary levels. In this religious, has become state or more Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed context, linearity of thought, modern or precisely government education, at times, Professor of International Relations, otherwise, needs to be abandoned, and even regime-centric education, it is time University of Dhaka and member of the greater options ought to be made that the idea of civic or post-political Steering Committee on the Establishment available in the understanding of ‘past,’ education is given a serious thought. of SAU and Expert on SAU’s Task Force ‘present’ and ‘futures.’ There is evidently a need to overcome the for Governance and Legal Structure

6 SAU connect

Third Steering Committee Meeting

Considerable time and energy was devoted to the thrashing out of the crucial issue of funding modalities. The last meeting (36th Session) of the Standing Committee of SAARC (Colombo, 25-26 February 2009) had directed the Steering Committee to finalise the funding mechanism for SAU at this meeting. The Meeting, after deliberating upon the four funding options, agreed to follow the “Principle of contribution to the SAARC Regional Centres” for financing SAU. Under this model, the host government will finance the capital expenditure while the running cost of the institute will be shared by Member States as per an already agreed formula. The Meeting also agreed that the above formula of funding should he Third Meeting of the Inter- recommendations/decisions of the TGovernmental Steering Committee on Second Meeting of the Steering be uniformly applied to the main campus the Establishment of South Asian Committee. Prof. G. K. Chadha, CEO of and regional campuses of SAU. University was held in Mussoorie, India on the Project Office of SAU briefed the It was noted that the logos selected by 15-16 April 2009. Mr. Rishi Ram Ghimire, Meeting about the status of Project Office, the Project Office through the inter- Director, SAARC Secretariat inaugurated Academic Task Force, Infrastructure governmental process were not the Meeting. Prof. S. K. Thorat, Chairman, Development and Master Plan of SAU, commensurate with the prestige and University Grants Commission, and etc. The inputs of the Project Office were stature of SAU. Since the logo will define Leader of the delegation of the host commended by the meeting which the personality of SAU, the Meeting country, India was elected as the reiterated the importance of ensuring Chairperson of the Meeting. commencement of the first academic cautioned against any haste in the matter session in August 2010. and recommended that the Member The main agenda of the meeting included: States take responsibility to get one/ review of the progress; consideration of On the first drafts of Statutes of SAU, two logo(s) essentially from the renowned the first drafts of Statutes, Academic Plan Academic Structure and Business Plan artists in the field from their respective and Business Plan; Financing prepared by the Project Office of SAU, the country and forward these to the Mechanism; and finalisation of Logo of Meeting directed the Project Office to Project Office. The next meeting of the SAU. The Meeting expressed overall re-submit the documents after re-drafting satisfaction over the steady progress the same to reflect the views of the Steering Committee will then take a view made on the implementation of the Meeting. afresh. The offer of Nepal to host the Fourth Meeting of the Steering Committee in September/October 2009 was welcomed by all. On behalf of all the delegations, Prof. Kamal Krishna Joshi, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Nepal and the leader of delegation of Nepal thanked the Chairman for smooth conduct of the meeting. He expressed his thanks to the Government of India for the excellent arrangements made for the meeting and for extending generous local hospitality to the delegates in the beautiful city of Mussoorie. He also appreciated the SAARC Secretariat for excellent documentation and professional guidance provided during the deliberations of the Meeting.

7 An Update from South Asian University

Spotlight on Project Office Activities possible efforts for developing a robust, Spotlight on Project Office Activities expressive and region-centric logo that would testify, for all times to come, to the Progress at the Campus Site wisdom and initiative for establishing the SAU Campus would come up in a 100 SAU. acre plot of land provided by the Indian Breaking News! Fourth Steering Committee Meeting Government in a prime location of south As we were going for printing, we Delhi. The plot is being demarcated and have been informed that the Fourth Meeting of the Inter-governmental all steps needed to effect the transfer of Government of India has approved Steering Committee on the Establishment land to the University are being carried US$ 239.93 million as contribution of South Asian University will be held in out. Simultaneously, efforts are on to towards SAU. India would provide Kathmandu, Nepal in September or develop necessary infrastructure to meet US$ 9.464 million for the year October. the needs of the future campus. The Inter- 2009-10. The Meeting will discuss the redrafted Governmental Steering Committee of SAU Statutes and Business Plans after has given a mandate for beginning the first receiving input from the Member States academic session from July 2010. In order September 2009. Thereafter, the Project as per the decision of the Third Meeting. to meet this deadline, it is crucial to build Office would further revise the documents The revised document on academic some minimum essential buildings (MEB) incorporating the comments for structure already prepared will also be re- on the campus. MEB would include consideration of the Fourth Meeting of the submitted in the Fourth Meeting. academic and administrative space as Inter-governmental Steering Committee. well as sufficient hostel accommodation The Project Office has proposed the A decision on Logo will also be taken in to meet the requirement of the first batch academic units of SAU. There may be nine the Fourth Meeting. The existing three- of students. Currently, the building plans faculties, a College of Arts and Science, member Expert Committee will for MEB are being finalised so that the Interdisciplinary Research Centres and an recommend three logos selected from construction work may be initiated as soon Institute of South Asian Studies. amongst the logos submitted by Member as possible. An Advisory Committee for States for consideration and approval. Campus Development (ACCD), LOGO for SAU comprising highly experienced and widely International Positions at the South The Inter-regional competition held to respected experts has been constituted Asian University, Project Office to advise the SAU Project Office about develop a logo for the University did not numerous engineering, architectural, meet with the desired success. The entries SAU Project Office has advertised for climatic and humane aspects of campus were screened by an International three project associates to help in development, including MEB. The ACCD Committee of Experts. The International the activities such as drafting of Statutes is closely working with the Inter- Committee felt that the designs received and Regulations of the University, Governmental Task Force on did not adequately reflect either the level Recruitment of Faculty, Organising of Infrastructure (TFI) that has Prof. SIH Gilani of talent available in the Member States entrance examinations of students, (Pakistan), Prof. SBS Abhyakoon (Sri or the status of the University. The development of University’s infrastructure, Lanka) and Prof. AGK Menon (India) as Committee suggested that one more etc. Last date of receipt of applications is members. Prof Rajiv K. Saxena OSD in attempt be made to develop a Logo that 15th July 2009. SAU Project Office is coordinating the befits SAU’s status and eminence. work of both the Committees. As of now, In the last meeting of the Inter- the ACCD and the TFI are working governmental Steering Committee, held For any comments/suggestions together to finalize the plans of MEB and at Mussoorie, India, on April 15-16, 2009, please contact: to identify construction agencies that it was decided to make a fresh attempt to Pradeep Kumar Rawat, Editor would execute the work. get high quality entries from respective Email:[email protected] Efforts are also on by the ACCD and the SAARC countries, in conformity with the For more information: TFI to initiate an inter-SAARC competition recommendation of the International Website: Tel No.: +91 11 26741738 for the Master Plan of the main campus of Committee of Experts. SAU Project Office Fax No.: +91 11 26741741 SAU. It is estimated that this competition requested the Member States to get 2-3 will be underway within a few months. high quality logo designs prepared by Editorial Team: renowned artists in their country and Pradeep Kumar Rawat, OSD, SAU Documents Prepared and forward them to the Project Office, latest Prof.S.V.D.Gamini Samarnayake, by the end of June, 2009. The idea is to Chairman UGC, Sri Lanka Submitted by the Task Forces identify a few renowned and highly Dr. Hassan Hameed, Rector, Maldives College of Higher Education Several documents have been prepared accomplished artists, in institutes of and submitted by the various task forces repute and/or independent designers in Editorial Support: Neelam Gupta and the SAU Project Office. These are the each country, and persuade them to Designed and Printed by: Cyberart Informations Pvt. Ltd. Draft Academic Structure of SAU, the Draft attempt a logo design for SAU so that the Website: Statutes and the Draft Business Plan. The International Committee of experts has Telefax: 0120-4231676 documents will be circulated to the before it a collection of best possible Member States and their comments would designs from the most talented artists in Published by: Pradeep Kumar Rawat on behalf of South Asian University be invited latest by the first week of the region. It is important to invest the best