What our readers think of us

We wish to thank our readers differences, so I won’t, except to say that looked to the Athens News for story ideas and a person like John to cut through the crap and say News has its own voice and an independence that inspiration, on issues as diverse as immigration, what needs to be said. heartily for writing in and others lack. the environment, antiquities and more. Being on pension and with only modest supporting this newspaper at a Jack Davis The Athens News is an intelligent and resources, I have cut out all my old subscriptions Director, American School of Classical enjoyable read, and the fact that it is printed in to newspapers and magazines and now depend critical time. They have always been Studies at Athens English makes it instantly accessible to foreign entirely on the Athens News - that’s how highly correspondents based in . I know that I rate the newspaper. the decisive force that keeps this other reporters working for various foreign media David Willis newspaper alive, and proved it An investigative reporter organisations feel exactly the same way. We fear THE ATHENS NEWS has always been far more that without this resource, we will be gravely out again last week. We received over than just an “English language newspaper of touch with our host community. 350 letters - here is a selection published in Greece”. Such papers exist in almost These are professional concerns. At a personal Pledge money to save Athens News every country outside the English-speaking world. level, as foreigners living in your city, we can say I AM a senior executive in a US company who The Athens News has always been, and remains, that we feel to be more “Athenian” as a result of has spent significant amount of time in Athens quite simply one of the best newspapers published reading the Athens News. It helps us understand since early 2002. During that entire time, your A weekly gift of integrity in Greece. Anyone who can read Greek soon Greeks, and it helps diverse immigrant newspaper, the Athens News, has been my first – comes to realise that most Greek newspapers are and preferred – source of news about what’s going avid reader of the Athens News I would communities succeed in this wonderful and AS AN nothing more than outlets for the political on in Greek politics and business. I recommend like to express my concern that your weekly gift tolerant country. opinions of their owners. Reading the Athens it to all my clients – and to my Greek friends and to the Athenians will not cease to inform and Barnaby Phillips News has always been one of the best ways of colleagues – and they all agree: Athens News is amuse its stalwart readership. Such examples of Al Jazeera English, Europe Correspondent, finding out what actually is going on in Greece. the best example of balanced, ethical, thorough, integrity and consistency are hard to come by. Athens In my opinion it is alone in its determination professional reporting in Greece, and is, in my Prof Thanos Veremis to do real investigative reporting, something view, the best newspaper Lambrakis publishes. National Council of Education sorely lacking in Greek journalism today. Its Relevant, informative, independent As a sign of my sincerity, I hereby pledge that current editor, John Psaropoulos, has done a THE ATHENS NEWS is doing more than just a I will give an additional $300 (over and above my Independent, analytical superb job of producing a weekly paper that is decent job. This is the paper that for decades was annual subscription) to the Athens News should also topical and current. The loss of the Athens I HAVE enjoyed the Athens News’ independent dismissed as a joke - despite the best efforts of its you agree to delay the shutdown until January News would be a disaster for political, cultural harried, underpaid staff - and yet somehow 2009. I am sure there are other dedicated readers and analytical coverage and I believe it will be a and intellectual life in Greece. loss if the newspaper closes down. I hope you’ll survived. The change of ownership in 1993 led to like myself who would do the same if an appeal Prof JD Muhly a massive improvement in quality and were made to them. manage to find a solution to the current problem Former Director of the American School of and continue operations. respectability which, despite the odd hiccough, Jay Creutz Classical Studies continued unabated over 16 years. Out went the Vice-President, Transnational Venture Helen Louri-Dendrinou Palio Faliro Deputy Governor, Bank of Greece junk, in came the features. Consultants, Inc So you now have a paper that has never Indispensable before been in better shape. It is relevant, The Lambrakis flagship publication informative, clearly independent - what Greek A very valuable informer WE HAVE lived in Greece as expatriots for 60 publication can claim the same? - and arguably FOR ME as the Senior Anglican Chaplain to the AS ONE OF only a few independent newspapers years and have often relied on the Athens News in Greece, the Athens News plays an important unrivalled in its niche market. Anglican Church in Greece the Athens News has for non-biased reporting of controversial issues Nicholas Paphitis proved to be almost an essential tool for my work role in informing and entertaining an ever- as well as an overview of news, cultural events increasing English-speaking community in Associated Press among the Anglophone residents of Greece. It and editorial perspectives. It will be a great loss also greatly assists in my role as an interpreter of Greece. To many people, both in Greece and to the English-speaking community and their abroad, it is the Foundation’s flagship publication; Greece to institutions in the UK and elsewhere. involvement in Greek affairs. A clear window to Greek society Furthermore, the Anglican Church in Greece and under Mr Psaropoulos it has maintained high Bruce and Elizabeth Lansdale editorial standards that set an example to other IN THESE very tense times for independent (which has eleven congregations throughout the Forty years director of the American Farm journalism in Greece (and the world), it is country) has relied heavily on the Athens News Greek newspapers. School, Thessaloniki While a change of ownership may benefit a imperative to continue publishing the Athens to publish details of its activities and services newspaper, it is important to ensure continuity News, one of the clear and important windows to nationwide. If the closure of the Athens News during the process. The Athens News has more to An important service Greek society and the region. We journalists does occur, it would leave the Anglican Church in really hope that the Athens News will survive. Greece bereft of virtually the only way in which offer an investor in its present form as a high- THIS PAPER has served an important Hristo Ivanovski it has been able to make contact with the widely quality weekly with a dedicated staff of constituency well for many decades and has Diplomatic Editor dispersed Anglophone population of Greece. professional journalists than as a mere title, recently been responsible for ensuring that issues Dnevnik (daily newspaper), Skopje The service and benefits the Athens News however respected it may be. of Greek culture, life and politics reach an renders to the Anglophone population of Greece As a publisher of international standing and Anglophone readership. is truly incalculable and should not be judged long experience, I am sure that you will take into Mary Beard consideration the concerns of correspondents like Key to Greek-Turkish understanding simply on whether or not the Athens News Professor of Classics, University of LIKE MANY people outside Greece I read the myself, for whom the Athens News is essential Cambridge realises an acceptable financial profit. reading. Athens News via the internet edition, and regard Revd Canon Malcolm Bradshaw Kerin Hope it as an invaluable source of information and Senior Anglican Chaplain, Athens Athens Correspondent, A world-class newspaper independent critical comment. This is particularly Financial Times/Economist WE SHOULD have known that as an English- important here in Turkey, where the media language publication in a Greek world, the Athens coverage on Greece is insufficient. Most people Don’t silence an essential voice News should not be taken wholly for granted; it in Turkey, like myself, do not have access to the Intelligent, comprehensive wasn’t always here; even though it seemed to be Greek language media, and the Athens News AS AN ENGLISH-SPEAKING resident of THE ATHENS NEWS is a noble enterprise. always here for us. So, we are more than provides us with an essential source, which makes Greece for almost 30 years (22 of them in Especially in recent years, under the editorship surprised, perhaps shocked is not too strong a an important contribution to mutual Athens), I have come to rely on the Athens News of John Psaropoulos, the Athens News has word, to learn now that the Athens News might understanding between the two countries. Hence, for its full, varied and impartial coverage of provided the most intelligent and fair-minded be shut down. And what is so sad for us is that this its closure would be a serious loss. events throughout Greece. Under the editorship editorials available in Greece and beyond, and the is not because of a fiscal crisis or a failure on the William Hale of John Psaropoulos, the paper has gone even coverage of important Greek news has been part of the paper, but due to a business decision Emeritus Professor, University of London, further in providing intelligent critiques on the exemplary. Those of us English-speaking that balances values and finds a small but world- and Visiting Professor, Sabanci University, political and cultural issues of the day, oftentimes foreigners who know Greece have long been class newspaper somehow too low on the scale of Istanbul willing to cover stories too controversial for the dependent on this source for honest and worth to continue. We will all be a little poorer mainstream Greek press. comprehensive reporting on the politics and if a decision to close the paper prevails. Calling a spade a spade If you shut this paper down, you will silence culture of the country we love. We have also Tom and Ellen Rocco a voice that is essential to the lives of thousands found the wisdom of its editorials a certain Hellenic American University I HAVE BEEN reading the Athens News since I in Athens and throughout Greece. balance to other news outlets, including those in first came to Greece in 1961. What a tremendous Don Schofield Greek. improvement it has shown over the years! Today, Dean, Perrotis College, American Farm Edmund Keeley A direct source for international I rate the newspaper very highly. John School, Thessaloniki Emeritus Professor, Princeton University Psaropoulos doesn’t mince words and calls a media spade a spade - something which is much needed I AM writing on behalf of all my colleagues at the in today’s world where we are fobbed off with A national intellectual treasure An independent voice Al Jazeera English bureau in Athens. This half-truths and where vested interests are so THE ATHENS NEWS is a national intellectual IT WOULD BE a catastrophe should Athens newspaper provides us with a vital insight into intertwined that much of the media don’t treasure, a social and political conscience, and an News close its doors. We in the expat community Greek life, and has been the direct source for comment unfavourably when it is required. Ours instrument of the free flow of ideas and debate depend on it, as, I know, do many Greek citizens. many of the stories that we have subsequently is a world of “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch that must not be silenced. Athens News is so superior to its competitors that broadcast on our international television station. my back” and “I’ll turn a blind eye to your sins if As a loyal reader of the Athens News for I don’t know where to begin to describe the Over the past two years, we have consistently you turn a blind eye to my sins”. The world needs several decades, I know that the newspaper in its

. ATHENS NEWS 3 OCTOBER 2008 14-15

present form is the indispensable weekly Blair) at the British Embassy. One of the the paper, with the large number of English- Omonia where we feed, clothe and advise over newspaper for English-language readers questions asked was where he obtained the speakers living in Greece, the Athens News still 230 people a day. Furthermore, the continuous throughout Greece. information he used to brief the prime minister. has a tremendously significant role to play in coverage of immigration issues has simplified the Jeopardising the future of a strong, popular, He answered that it generally came from providing a vital link between the foreign process of staying up-to-date and in touch for and vitally necessary publication denies Greece a embassies and local newspapers. I then pressed community in the country and the people of those of us involved in the refugee programme. powerful means of encouraging the well-informed the point and asked if he was responsible for Greece. I know from personal experience. When I do not know of an alternative and dynamic citizenship of a vital sector of the advice on Greek affairs. He answered I lived in Greece (2001-2002), I found it to be an comprehensive source which arrives punctually population, namely cosmopolitan members of the affirmatively, telling me he had the Athens News enormously important source of information and at my door every Friday and tells me everything upper middle class who trust the journalistic delivered to his office. I further asked if he views on Greek politics, society and culture for that’s going on. integrity of the Athens News. thought it wise to rely on a newspaper for the foreign community living in the city. Laura Panayotou Responsible investigative reporting in serious political advice; and was told that he Dr James Ker-Lindsay Committee of the Caritas Athens Refugee government and political issues; digging behind considered it a very well-balanced publication IAA Defence Analysis Institute Senior Programme the scenes in the Greek and international giving him most of what he needed. In addition, Research Fellow corporate world; exploring the complex, fraught he added, it was quicker to read the condensed Hellenic Observatory world of education; devotion to making the tough version of all points of view (not just partisan) London School of Economics and Political Strong anti-Junta position issues of Greek society – the plight of refugees in English, in a paper he trusted, than arrange Science AN ENGLISH-SPEAKING newspaper in Athens and the struggle of immigrants to assimilate and for the translation of a batch of other Greek of the calibre of the Athens News is needed now contribute to the growth of the Greek economy, newspapers. more than ever in the past. I remember the strong for example - these things are found nowhere else In addition to this, I can add that former No bluster position the Athens News took against the Junta. in the Anglophone press. French president Valery Giscard d’Estaing was THE ATHENS NEWS has the courage to speak Founding editor Yannis Horn was jailed for his Greece needs pluralism to survive as a equally knowledgeable and complimentary about independently, intelligently, and informatively on stance and ended up in the same prison as I. democracy. Thousands of readers from the British, the paper at our last interview. all aspects of Greek life and culture. I have Prof Antonis Liakos Canadian, Australian, American, Philippine, and The Athens News has served the needs of a learned much and benefited much. I have used its Dept of History and Archaeology, other communities of this country are empowered relatively wide community. No other local paper classified advertisements; I have used its schedules University of Athens to be informed, socially aware, and active citizens written in English has successfully managed this, of events, appreciated its editorials, and learned and residents by reading the Athens News. though many have tried over the years. from its pieces on science, the arts, and Greek Randall Warner Andrew Leech history. You will overcome! Communications Manager, American Farm Director, British School The Athens News is a source of intelligence YOU WILL overcome! Carry on your good School, Thessaloniki of Languages in a world dominated by panic and bluster. It is a work. Na ta ekatostisete! Faculty of Journalism & Communications, voice of reason in the chaotic world of Greek and Prof Hagen Fleischer Deree College international politics. This is a superior product. Dept of History and Archaeology, A beacon of good writing Daniel B Levine, PhD University of Athens I HAVE BEEN a fan of the newspaper since the Professor of Classical Studies 1980s and have bought a copy every week for Inspiring University of Arkansas the last seven years that I have lived in Greece. THE ATHENS NEWS has been one of the great Unsurpassed in its coverage It is a beacon of good writing and provides a inspirational standard bearers of good journalism. I SERVED as assistant news editor on the old vital window on Greece not only for visitors and I have been proud of its contents, its standards, Quality of writing excellent Paris Edition of the New York Herald Tribune expatriots but for many Greeks, who wish to its journalists and its journalism. It is an integral I HAVE been reading Athens News for nearly (now the International Herald Tribune) and for read a serious, well-written, politically balanced part of the Greece I know and love, the country four decades. The quality of writing is excellent years was a contract writer for the New York paper. I regard as my second home. The Athens News and presentation of news is both measured and Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune. Sofka Zinovieff must be saved. accurate. I have known for a long time I can rely As a reader, I consider the Athens News Athens (Revd Canon) Patrick Comerford on the Athens News for well-researched unsurpassed in its coverage of Greek political and Dublin, Ireland information on events Athenian. social news, the arts and entertainment - Professor Gregory Gregoriadis everything I need in a newspaper. The paper Kick-starting the weekend Northwood, Middlesex, United Kingdom stands, in my view, head and shoulders above the MANY of the undersigned have been in Athens A disaster for the whole community competition in its depth and variety of reporting. since the 1970s and over the years have seen IT WOULD be no exaggeration to describe a Layout design and photo reproduction have been many English-language newspapers come and go. closure of the Athens News as a disaster for the A different standard superlative, as good or better than anything I’ve Yet the Athens News survived, a constant voice English- and even the Greek-reading community I READ the Athens News, not because it is in seen in big US dailies like the New York Times. reaching out to the foreign community of Athens which appreciates serious and reliable English - I read Greek newspapers every day - Alan Littell throughout Greece. In fact the weekend doesn’t news in a comprehensive and matter-of-fact form but because it provides a different standard of New York, NY start until one has purchased the Friday copy! which respects the reader who cares about what reporting and commentary from the mainstream D M Atherton, R T Burbidge, A Reid, E J matters and does not use newspapers to kill his Greek press, providing the reader with the Culturally poorer without you Carras, S Robinson, J Vossou, V time but to save it. necessary background information to make sense Panayotopoulou, A Sidiropoulou, S Dr Constance Tagopoulos of current news stories. I wish you every success I LIVED IN Greece for 20 years, as a teacher and Whitaker (Bring back Churchopoulos!), J University of Indianapolis, Athens Campus in your endeavour to find an alternative then vice-president of (1967-73 Chalikiopoulou, A Consolas, M Nikitakis, S publisher. and 1978-83) and then as president of the Efstathiadis, S Sthathatos, P Zinelli, J Dr Susannah Verney American Farm School (1989-1999) in Whitehead, J Sideris, J Owen, S Pergamalis, The finest English-language Department of Political Science & Public Thessaloniki. Greece will be a culturally poorer, V Moussoyianni, J Korakaki, J Walter, L Administration less diverse, and less truly cosmopolitan country Manousakis, G Rackham, M Koralli newspaper in Greece University of Athens without the Athens News. Members of Staff, WE ARE prominent Greek Americans who have George Draper Campion School been subscribing to this newspaper for years and it, in our humble opinion, is the finest English- A point of reference for all language newspaper in Greece. Its coverage of THE ATHENS NEWS has always been a focal Global readership news events are fair and balanced and its content point of reference for expats living, not only in LIKE MANY of my colleagues across the US, I Towering above the rest is diverse and reflects the glory of Greece in its Athens, but all over Greece. When we were was stunned to learn of the possibility that you THE ATHENS NEWS is an institution both in articles of art, Greek travel, Greek food, Greek talking amongst ourselves, we would always ask may shut down Athens News, the most important Greece and abroad, and it is well respected for its history and many more. “Where did you find out about it? ” “From the source of information and opinion from the Greek journalistic integrity among English speakers and Christos Papoutsy Athens News” was always the answer!! world available in the English language today. The Greeks alike. The Thessaloniki Organisation for Hellenic Communication Service Ethel Martis editor has successfully transformed a modest local Women’s Employment & Resources (TOWER), Chieftain, St Andrew’s Society of Athens publication into a weekly newspaper with a global a support network for professional women from readership. Recent events in the world only make around the world based in Thessaloniki, considers Refreshingly independent it more important that the perspectives found in it to be an invaluable source of information for I AM DISMAYED that a paper of the quality, Invaluable to charity organisations the Athens News continue to be widely circulated. its members. breadth and verve such as characterise the Athens THE PROSPECTIVE closure of the Athens Jonathan Scott Lee Monika Nagy News should risk closure. It is essential reading News will come as a devastating blow not just to Professor of Philosophy President of TOWER for me whenever I am in Greece! It is balanced, its regular readership but to all the charity Colorado College, USA informed and refreshingly independent and organisations like ours - the Caritas Athens idiosyncratic in its voice. Refugee Programme - for whom it has been a Consulted by politicians Colin Fraser lifeline in terms of volunteers and an acutely Our paper! WHEN discussing Greek journalism with people Senior Tutor for Admissions important reporting source relating to the plight THE LAMBRAKIS PRESS may own the abroad, I note they are always familiar with the Marlborough College, England of immigrants all over Greece. The inclusion of newspaper, but it does not belong to it. It belongs name of the Athens News, though they might be our volunteer plea in the community section over to us, its readership. We are a large and diffuse hazy of others. I will offer one telling illustration the last several years has enabled us to access a community of residents, tourists, immigrants, of this. A few years ago I interviewed Mark Vital link wide range of help both in the foreign and in the lovers of Greece who live abroad, who rely on the Leonard (Overseas Political Advisor to Tony QUITE apart from the historical significance of Greek community for our refugee centre in Athens News for all kinds of information that

. . What our readers think of us nowhere else is presented so conveniently and on behalf of myself and my British colleagues with commercialised infotainment that passes as news. the world. From its level-headed editorials to its succinctly. This is no ordinary newspaper; rather whom I work, to stay this very draconian and Under the leadership of John Psaropoulos, the political, social and arts coverage, the Athens it is a guide to living in this often contradictory undeserved death sentence and give the victim a Athens News has been a beacon of integrity and News has become a staple of my reading life. I country. It provides services that no Greek and chance to survive. model for any news-gathering organisation in any have had the honour of writing reviews for the no foreign publications come close to offering John Belousis, MD country in the world. It is especially needed in paper on occasion, and consider its editors among and is an invaluable resource that should be Independent Average Adjusters Ltd, Athens Greece, where much of the media operates in the best in the English-speaking world. subsidized rather than buried alive. Do not be murky conditions, and it stands almost alone in David Mason misled. The competition is no substitute for the pursuing the truth wherever it lies. Perhaps that’s Professor of English, Colorado College Athens News, which has survived competition Demise would be a loss part of the problem, in that the Athens News has before. ON BEHALF of all the members (over 2,500) of never flinched when it comes to going after sacred Diana Farr Louis the British Graduate Society as well as the many cows and any publisher would be proud to have Role in democracy Kifissia “friends of the BGS”, I would like to say that we it as the flagship of their media empire. AS A JOURNALIST of six decades in the United feel the Athens News plays an important role in Andy Dabilis States, I am aware of how the expression of Greek society with its independent approach in Athens independent views in the US has been seriously More than just a paper presenting news, analyses and topics of interest. diminished in this country. I urge you to keep THE ATHENS NEWS is more than just a paper; In the last few years we have seen a great alive an expression of independent spirit long it is an institution. It has served many English- improvement both in content and quality. We Please do not give up recognised as part of the creation of democracy speaking residents and in particular the millions should particularly mention areas of community AS A FORMER editor of the Athens News for a by Greece. of English-speaking diaspora across the globe affairs, education, cultural activities and, most brief 10 months in 1972, I believe the Athens George Beres since the 1950s. As the editor of the English importantly, the environment. News has played an important part in the lives of Former Executive Director of the Hellenic Edition of Neos Kosmos, Australia’s leading Vassilis Zotos foreign residents in Athens for almost 57 years, Foundation, Chicago Greek paper, I believe it would be a cultural, President, British Graduates Society, Athens and continues to be a publication which grows and political and social loss not to allow the Athens improves, especially so now that is a a weekly. News to continue. The Lambrakis Foundation has done wonderful Followed by diaspora and Fotis Kapetopoulos Let’s not sacrifice it! work in making the paper ever more relevant to Editor THE ATHENS NEWS is an indispensable vehicle the community it serves. philhellenes Neos Kosmos English Edition of information flow to all foreigners in Greece. It Rosemary Donnelly THE ATHENS NEWS is a newspaper that is not Melbourne, Australia has served their needs for so many years. Let’s Programme Director, Athens Centre only followed in Greece but also by a substantial not sacrifice it; let’s give it the time needed to Greek community oversees as well as philhellenes find solutions for survival. through out the world. I am sure that with A mission in Greece Rea Samara Closure will leave no alternative imagination and with skill the paper the cam THE ATHENS NEWS is held in high esteem by Executive Public Relations Director THE ATHENS NEWS has been, for the past 15 develop an attractive marketing and business plan its readers. It clearly represents the best of the Anatolia College/ACT, Thessaloniki years, my source to understand the complex for its online content and its marketing exposure Greek press and performs an invaluable service Greek news, make connections between the abroad that will encourage potential investors to to those that do not read Greek or prefer to read present and the past, learn of community events, give their support. about Greece in well-written and edited English. Enhanced Lambrakis read about the latest movie releases, and laugh Christos Stoforopoulos In this era of globalisation, the internet, and the THE ATHENS NEWS is now one of the best with the weekly columns. I recently purchased the Athens increasing reach of the English language, this is a edited newspapers in Greece, consistently competition and was comforted by the fact that particularly important service rising to the level exhibiting standards of journalism that enhanced it posed no threat to the Athens News. of a mission in Greece. the reputation of the Lambrakis press. Its Cindy Camatsos Valued for journalistic integrity Serge Hadji occupation of this journalistic space is all the Secretary, Oxford University Alumni AS COORDINATOR of the British Business New York Bar more remarkable given its paucity of resources Association of Greece Group in Thessaloniki, I know that many of our and staff. Any journal with a readership so loyal, members also read the Athens News and value it a staff so dedicated and hard working, that has for the journalistic integrity with which news is Invaluable been a consistent feature of the Greek print scene A loss to immigrants and others portrayed. Without it, I am sure many of us would I WRITE THIS on behalf of the 71 University of for so many decades, surely deserves the time to I GOT MY start in journalism at the Athens be living in Greece without the ability to have Washington students who have travelled to find a path to survival. News in 2002-2003, when I was hired as an such an understanding of the daily events affecting Greece these past four years to conduct original Jerry Goldstein editorial assistant and began contributing book our lives. research there and who have used the Athens Athens reviews there. I have since gone on to work for Malcolm Wright News not only as their main source for conducting the New York Times. As a journalist, I believe British Business Group, Thessaloniki content analysis, but as a way to better understand the Athens News has contributed valuable Greece and Greek culture. A veteran reader speaks out reporting on environmental and human rights Here is an English-language Greek newspaper THE ATHENS News is beyond just being an issues, namely the treatment of immigrants on Part of Greek cultural fabric that is intelligent, well-written, thoughtful, English-language newspaper. It is essential to the Greek soil, in recent years. Closing down the THE ATHENS NEWS is an important part of engaging and wonderfully free of cant. The Athens vast English-speaking part of Greece... and other paper would therefore be a loss not only for the cultural fabric of Greece: it is widely read by News can be invaluable in researching Greek countries. Rather than close it down, please try English speakers, but to all immigrants to your those of us living here, by visiting tourists as well media and politics. Further, its emphasis on to do more editing, cut costs, add more ads, find country. as by diaspora Greeks around the world who want environmentalism seemed foresightful and more kiosks to carry it, etc. I still keep the edition Annie Correal to keep in touch. Over the years it has made an engaging. The newspaper is one of those gems when the Junta ended and Karamanlis returned Metro section, New York Times immense contribution to the intellectual life of that bring intellectual vitality and thoughtfulness from France. Historical! the country and this has been enhanced in recent to life. I cannot imagine Athens without it. Arminio Lozzi years by the wide range of books which have been Dr Taso G Lagos Athens Perceptive and intelligent published under its name. University of Washington THIS IS NOT an age in which any tradition has Nigel Copage an automatic right to continue, but the present Tyros A window for the diaspora direction of the paper by John Psaropoulos seems Regional importance THE GREEK diaspora desperately needs an to me perceptive and intelligent, and the paper THOSE of us living in the region look to the outlet to express its concerns and to also to better seems to me to fill a niche I would hate to see Unbiased Athens News for coverage of events which are understand the realities that Greeks face today. abandoned. Greece is now, more perhaps than at WHATEVER IS necessary to keep Athens News significant, but sometimes escape the attention of The Athens News acts as a bridge to the Greeks any time since the ancient period, uniquely circulating, please do. I can’t imagine continuing the European or global media. The Athens News abroad. Closing this newspaper would be counter positioned between the superpower(s) and the to live in this country without the unbiased take provides coverage which is crucial to productive to advancing the Greek position on a emerging nations, between the West and the East, on the news provided by your excellent paper. understanding events in the and Asia number of international issues such as Fyrom and and between the traditional and the Alice Eppinga Minor. the Cyprus problem. Many non-Greeks are entrepreneurial. The Athens News is deeply Vasilika Fred C. Reece bombarded with misinformation about Greek literate in both English and Greek, and it can Koc University issues by news sources such as the BBC and CNN. speak to Anglophones and world citizens in a Istanbul, Turkey Without an English language newspaper humane way. The editor should be encouraged to Most important Greek information originating from Greece, news stories about take his vision for the paper to other investors. Greece get distorted in the foreign press. Professor Owen Cramer channel Stay this death sentence Theodosios Lagakos Classics Department, Colorado College I HAVE BEEN a regular reader of the Athens COULD it be that the Athens News has become Toronto, Canada News for many years now. It is a newspaper that too “independent” at a time when the Greek mass brings unpartisan and unbiased news on the most media in general has lost its objectivity in favour A staple of my reading life important topics of of “political” subjectivity? Bulwark against infotainment THE ATHENS NEWS has become a major Greek society. I think Athens News is a high As an expatriate Greek who has come to rely NO COMMUNITY can call itself civilised which weekly newspaper under the able editorship of quality newspaper and it is my most important on the Athens News for concise and unbiased does not support a newspaper like the Athens John Psaropoulos. This is a paper I have known information channel with Greek society. coverage of most spheres of Greek life that affect News, nor can any business which lets it go under since 1980. In recent years it has become one of Frank Lubbers expatriates and visitors alike, whether living call itself a company believing in journalism. The the better sources of information and opinion not Exhibition Organiser/Art Adviser permanently or not in Greece, I would ask you newspaper has long been a bulwark against the only about Greece, but also about the region and Brussels, Belgium .


Not just for English speakers A welcome relief A time for change IN A LARGE, multicultural and aspiring Objective, informed AS A foreigner living in Greece, I know all too THERE IS, definitely, a need for an cosmopolitan city like Athens, it is imperative I HAVE personally come to appreciate the well how essential it is to have access to independent English-language newspaper to that there exists a high-quality, English-speaking nature and extent of the coverage of the information in your native language. When I serve the ever-growing and diverse English- newspaper which serves the foreign community weekly newspaper that presents news in an arrived in Athens, I didn’t really know how things speaking population in Greece. Yours is an that calls Athens home. The Athens News is objective way and comment in an informed worked here, so the fact that there was an English- inclusive paper that looks beyond the confines unique in this respect. The Athens News does not and balanced manner. language newspaper published every week which of class and nationality, and beyond the only serve non-Greek speakers. I am a Greek who I wish you every success in your efforts to provided me with the information I needed was a ethnocentrism of Athens, that appeals to a separates my time between Athens and Brussels, find a solution that will avoid the demise of a welcome relief. It even helped me to find a job! reader looking for information, lively comment and the only Greek-published newspaper I very fine publication. Katharine Massey and analysis. regularly read is the Athens News because it offers Antoin Mac Unfraidh Kallithea The paper has had an illustrious history but, Ambassador of Ireland independent, intelligent, reliable and critical views perhaps, now is the time for change and of current affairs in Greece and abroad, as well as Light at a dark time reassessment of exactly who its new audience informed overviews of critical issues in Greece An important role could be, whilst retaining its loyal readership. I HAVE been a faithful reader of this newspaper The content is interesting: it was certainly the such as the environment and education, which are I AM WRITING to appeal that the Athens since I first visited Greece in 1968, during the first place I looked when I arrived here for so lacking in a large part of the mainstream press. News should be given due time to find a new military junta, when that newspaper was, for the impartial political and economic analysis, but At a time when the media in Greece have investor. I would like to emphasise that it plays become increasingly “yellow”, populist and foreign, English-speaking community here, our the format does look a tad tired and occasionally an important role in providing English- primary source of information - a beacon for subservient to political interests, this independent, speaking readers with news and information. the writing is a little bland. steadfast position is a rarity. news in a very dark period of Greek history. I will Lauren Walker I highly value the role of the Athens News and honestly admit that during the years when Yannis Katerina Gregos hope that it will continue to exist. Brussels, Belgium Horn was the publisher, the quality of the Takanori Kitamura language left something to be desired. It has since Balanced analysis Ambassador of Japan become a highly professional publication featuring THE ATHENS NEWS has been that for what UNHCR backs Athens News timely, interesting and pertinent articles by seems like forever. I have been living in a ∫∞£ø™ ·˘Ù‹ ÙË ÛÙÈÁÌ‹ ‰ÂÓ Î˘ÎÏÔÊÔÚ› ÛÙËÓ A valuable source talented writers. As an English teacher, I often Peloponnesian village for nearly 30 years, and ∂ÏÏ¿‰· ¿ÏÏË Â‚‰ÔÌ·‰È·›· ·ÁÁÏfiʈÓË ¤Î‰ÔÛË THE UNDERSIGNED and other members of use articles from the Athens News in my lessons, there have been times when it was just the ¢Ú›·˜ ΢ÎÏÔÊÔÚ›·˜ Ô˘ Ó· ·ÚÔ˘ÛÈ¿˙ÂÈ the staff of this embassy would certainly very and I encourage my students to buy and read the thought of the Athens News that got me through Û˘ÓÔÙÈο ÙËÓ ÂÈηÈÚfiÙËÙ·, ıˆÚԇ̠fiÙÈ Ë much regret the disappearance of a weekly that newspaper to improve their English. Over the the week. I am not alone; the Athens News has ·Ó·ÛÙÔÏ‹ Ù˘ Athens News ı· ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁÔ‡Û they consider to be a very valuable source of years I have seen numerous other English helped many, many people over many, many «ÎÂÓfi» ÛÙËÓ ÂÓË̤ڈÛË. π‰È·›ÙÂÚ·, ÈÛÙ‡ԢÌ information for readers in Greece not able to language publications here come and go. The years. It has also provided good coverage of fiÙÈ ÔÈ ÚfiÛÊ˘Á˜, ÔÈ ·ÈÙÔ‡ÓÙ˜ ¿Û˘ÏÔ Î·È ÔÈ read fluently Greek language newspapers. Athens News has always endured. It’s an Athens current affairs, balanced analysis and interesting ÌÂÙ·Ó¿ÛÙ˜ Ô˘ ‰È·Ì¤ÓÔ˘Ó ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰· ı· Wishing Athens News all the best. institution, a constant in this constantly changing commentary on the culture. It evolved from ÛÙÂÚÔ‡ÓÙÔ ¤Ó· ¯Ú‹ÛÈÌÔ Î·È ÚÔÛÈÙfi ̤ÛÔ Paul Koller-Hauser city. humble but aspirant beginnings to the worthy ÂÓË̤ڈÛ˘ ¿Óˆ Û ı¤Ì·Ù· ˙ˆÙÈ΋˜ ÛËÌ·Û›·˜ Ambassador of Switzerland Lia Coulouris publication that it is today. ÁÈ· ÙÔ˘˜ ›‰ÈÔ˘˜, fiˆ˜ Ӥ˜ ÓÔÌÔıÂÙÈΤ˜ Athens Gillian Bouras Ú˘ıÌ›ÛÂȘ, ÎÔÈÓˆÓÈο/ÂÚÁ·Ûȷο ‰ÈηÈÒÌ·Ù·, Understanding and interpretation Australian author Ì·ı‹Ì·Ù· EÏÏËÓÈÎÒÓ, ÎÙÏ. Arfara, Kalamata THE ATHENS NEWS for me has always A number one pick Ketty Kehayioylou I AM A native English speaker having lived Public Information Officer, been a fundamental part of the life of the city. Part of the work of an Ambassador, in addition previously in Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland. No angst or drama United Nations High Commissioner for I have always sought out the local English- I APPRECIATE that the Athens News may not Refugees (UNHCR) to all the bilateral and multilateral work of an Embassy, is to convey back to one’s own language newspaper as a way to connect to my be a huge profit-making paper and is mainly government a sense of what is happening in new community. I arrived in Athens this summer read by English-speaking residents of Greece, A valuable source another country: the rationale behind the and immediately picked up a copy of the Athens but you should be proud of its qualities. The policies, the trends behind the events, the News. It is, by far, the best publication of its kind reporting is top quality without angst or drama, WE HAVE found the Athens News to be a useful that I have experienced. I only wish it came out which is unusual these days. It keeps people like and unbiased source of information. For many of people behind the names and faces. In a sense the Athens News does something similar for its every day! myself informed on what’s going on around the our members it has also proved to be a valuable Leslie Murray world and in Greece. I’m sorry to say that after source of authentic material for teaching readers: offering an understanding and interpretation of Greek reality and Greek Varkiza living in Crete for four years, I am still purposes. priorities to its English-speaking readership. It struggling with the Greek language. The Athens Executive Board is always good to know that others are working News is a lifeline for myself as I’m sure it is for Tesol Macedonia-Thrace in the same vineyard, to know them personally, Putting the paper to good use many others. and to learn from them. I WORK in Italy, as well as Greece, and I never Ruth and John Pople-Crump Making Athens home In addition, I have long appreciated the ever miss a copy of the Athens News when I am Hania, Crete out of the country. I know that my local I’VE BEEN living in Athens on and off since paper’s concern for environmental and welfare issues. newspaper vendor has my copy waiting for me. I 1976, and the Athens News has always been very So, to end with a nautical metaphor suitable have kept and used many cuttings from the paper A weekly tradition important on different matters. When my father to Greece, I wish the good ship Athens News, over the years for both the wonderful restaurant FROM THE late 1970s to mid-1980s, I worked was here on visits from my native Finland, he and above all those who sail in her, the very reviews and also the social and political issues for a Greek cruiseline and remember fondly used to read it on regular basis to learn what was best of luck. relating to our country of residence. buying the Athens News at each Greek port of going on around the world, since he did not Sir David Madden Michael Matthew Curran call and reading it over a cup of coffee. Then, in understand any Greek. It has helped me find British Ambassador, 1999-2004 Athens 1984, after making Athens my home, I continued English teachers for my son or English-speaking to read the Athens News daily. When it became nannies for friends. Without the Athens News, a weekly publication, I was disappointed that I foreigners in Athens, whether living here A loss for Greece Representing readers’ needs had to wait a week to read the paper over my permanently or not, would lose that important I HAVE BEEN a reader of the Athens News for I FIRST read an issue of the Athens News in the coffee, but learn to wait I did. ’liaison’ that makes Athens a home for them. many years and believe that it would be a sad early 1970s. At that time it was a fairly low- It is still one of the first things I do on a Friday Maarit Willberg-Bollanos thing for Greece if it disappeared. I hope that quality newspaper. However, in recent years it morning. I go to the bakery and on my way pick Athens efforts to save the newspaper will be successful. has become a top-quality newspaper, one that the up my copy of the Athens News, return home, Sir Michael Llewellyn Smith English-speaking community in Athens not only pour myself a cup of coffee and see what’s Historian enjoys reading but one which we heavily rely on happening in the country I call home. It is the Reflection of a nation British Ambassador, 1996-1999 for its excellent coverage of issues important to one personal way that an English-speaking NEWSPAPERS and magazines are the reflection our survival here: new legal requirements for person can learn of local current events, of the way of living and thinking of a nation. visas, tax information, guides to buying properties international news, opinions, reviews, advice That’s why it’s so interesting to read them when Independent coverage in Greece and running a business here, and etc. you are abroad, and why it takes some time to get analysis of Greek politics and economics - in Chantal Kielich Kakoliris used to them. In the case of the Athens News, we THERE IS nothing quite like picking up a general, where to find out about the multitude of Athens have the same situation but in a bit different way. newspaper for a good read of topical events in essential things an expatriate living here needs to It’s a small newspaper for a small part of the Greece over a cup of tea at the weekend. The know. We also find excellent book reviews, community. It reflects the will of its readers to Athens News has fulfilled that role for me over profiles, arts, humour, music and cinema reviews. A part of lives know and understand properly what’s going on the past 10 years. Greece needs continued I personally feel strong loyalty to the Athens WE HAVE only lived in Crete for two years, here. independent editorial coverage to keep the News, which has made such great strides in but the Athens News has become a part of our Marina Verfaillie foreign community informed. representing our needs in recent years. lives. Friday is the one day we buy a newspaper, Belgian citizen, Gerald Brown Alan Massie and you meet all our needs with your take on Leonidio, Arkadia Webmaster, BritsinCrete. net Athens world and local news, unbiased reporting not .

What our readers think of us ATHENS NEWS 3 OCTOBER 2008 18 influenced by party politics or a newspaper cultural interests in an otherwise mad and owner looking for favours from the Value for money vulgar world. An invaluable tool government of the day. I have given up on the I HAVE been a reader of this newspaper since Ed Emery IN ALL THE years I have lived as an expat English papers because, with the exception of 1978, when I first arrived in Greece, at which Cambridge, UK in Greece, the Athens News has been my the very few, they report in a very biased way. time it was a daily. In those early days, though primary source of information. It has kept me John and Pat Wade badly proofread and the target of many informed of important political decisions that Horafakia, Crete disparaging remarks, it was an absolute lifeline Connecting communities may affect my life and livelihood, explained for non-Greek speakers, and we were truly AS A reader of the newspaper for more than how to navigate the complexities of various grateful for its existence. 45 years, I remember when it was a flawed government departments, entertained me with Acerbic reporting Now this weekly, quality newspaper is terrific funny daily, full of grammar mistakes and interesting articles, let me know what time the I WAS privileged to work for the newspaper value for money. For me, personally, it is my malapropisms, definitely amateur but boat leaves (or that it may not leave), and by for only a few weeks in 1985 (when I first vital source of information - not just for nevertheless a lifeline to what was happening keeping me up to date on world affairs been came to this country) alongside its former news, but for information as to what’s on and in Greece and the rest of the world before I a lifeline to the outside world. In short, it has owner and founder Yannis Horn. For more happening, whether it be TV, theatres, could speak or read Greek. And it has been an invaluable tool that has helped me than half a century, the paper informed and galleries etc, as well as where to find remained throughout the years a vital build a life in Greece. entertained not only visitors to these shores information for travel, utilities, pharmacies, connection to both Greek and expat Margot McPherson-Balanos but also many native Greeks who enjoyed its hospitals etc. communities. John Psaropoulos, whose sharp Athens often acerbic style of reporting. Diane Drymoussi editorials are full of insights, has turned the Makki Marseilles Athens Athens News into a real newspaper, a vehicle that not only disseminates news and events, In its own league but stimulates thought, provides diversions and MY FRIENDS and I use the Athens News as A reminder of good times Up for praise and criticism supports the immigrant community. The local a source of discussion topics in Kefalonia. For WE WERE residents for three years in I WAS a foreign university student in Athens competition just doesn’t have what it takes. a relative newcomer to Greece, who has not Kifisia in the late 1970s; the Athens News in 1981 when I was first introduced to the Laurel Mantzaris yet managed to overcome the challenges of was our lifeline to English news, events and Athens News. The paper, which was a daily at the Greek language, I have found your paper schedules in Greece. We have returned the the time, was my only source of international Teaching with the Athens News invaluable in keeping me abreast of Greek last three years and our first purchase has news and a comfortable relief from my politics, environmental issues, sport and just been the current edition of the Athens News. college’s sociology (my field) textbooks. I SAVE my copies of the Athens News for everyday problems that my Greek friends may We still have several issues that were Access to information was even more difficult visitors from abroad. I use its articles in my be facing. I have tried the competition and, published when we lived in Greece, reminding for me when I did summer jobs on the islands newsletters and for English lessons with Greek quite frankly, it is not in the same league us of the special years spent living among the as a hotel receptionist. Therefore, every bankers, businessmen, academics and adult (especially the crossword). wonderful Greek people. morning after my night shifts at the hotel, I pupils in general. It is an indispensable source To all members of staff, I say thank you for Mr and Mrs Dale Brown would get on my bike, ride to the shop and of wide-ranging information for more than the keeping me informed of everyday Greek life. Denver, Colorado, US buy a copy of the Athens News. foreign community and Greeks abroad. Paul Northcott Today I have many better means of Doolie Sloman Kefalonia communication and obtaining information. Athens Centre point for foreigners The world is smaller and the channels and THE ATHENS NEWS galvanises the English- sources of news are enormous. But on Friday Informing and enlightening A serious weekly speaking population and is a centre point for mornings I go to the nearest news-stand, have THE ATHENS NEWS has been transformed I AM a Greek American who lives in Greece foreigners to understand the politics, culture, a look around loads of publications and then over time from being in its early years a about six months of a year. While thoroughly current affairs and general living in Athens. It buy a newspaper. And the newspaper is the quaintly comical English-language daily, read acclimated and familiar with topical events and opens up Athens in a way that no other Athens News. mainly for a chuckle at the misprints, into the general state of things, I owe a good deal website, magazine or newsletter could. It is a My job in Greece brings me into contact with what is, under its present editorial team, a of those impressions to the excellent coverage platform for not just the expat community, many foreigners. We talk about the paper, of current events by the Athens News. The serious weekly digest of world events as they but also tourists as well as Greeks who have criticise it, analyse the news, disagree or praise objective, reasoned and lucid way in which the affect Greece. It also provides comprehensive spent years living outside the country. its content and set up and try our knowledge paper presents the events of the week is a reporting of national news and matters of Prue Robinson on the local statistics we learn from its articles. substance together with informed comment Faris Nejad credit to the Greek press in general, an Australian citizen living and working in establishment, unfortunately, that at times is from seasoned observers, as well as coverage Greece shrill and partisan. The paper’s balanced of cultural and sporting events up and down Filling a niche coverage, coupled with a panorama of events the country. In short it is required reading for Helping job seekers I FIRST visited Greece in 1956 and have ranging from cultural to political developments, foreign residents and visitors whose been returned many times since - often in is an example of how objective press should knowledge of Greek is limited, as it is the only SINCE COMING to Greece in 1991, the comprehensive and readily accessible source Athens News has proved a faithful, weekly the capacity of author of guidebooks to inform and enlighten its readership. Ted Caris of information with a Greek focus. companion during my years here. various regions of Greece. I have lived there for extended periods, travelled widely, even Washington, DC, and Athens Colin Wright Particularly in the early stages of settling into had a child born there. And during all those Athens life in Greece, the Athens News is of vital years, I have relied on the Athens News for importance to newcomers who are trying to keeping me informed - most especially of Your voice find their feet. The fact that a main part of the A short memory what was going on in Greece that would be THE INTERNATIONAL community here in paper concentrates on Greek news and what of interest to Americans, the British and the Thessaloniki, the forgotten community in the WHEN I first came to Athens, the Athens is happening in our adoptive country means many other foreigners who are comfortable forgotten city, have been served by the Athens News was my daily joy. Every morning I that non-Greek speakers have the opportunity with the English language. There is really no News, a newspaper of quality, for two decades would go and get my packet of fags and the to learn about issues that directly affect them. other publication that fills quite the same and feel that this “our” newspaper has been and Athens News. Every day it seemed the same, I would also like to mention that it was niche. is “our voice” in times of need, but I didn’t care. I have a short memory. through the employment section in the Athens John S Bowman accommodating us by featuring many members Ciaran Watson News that I found the various jobs that I have of our community as well as the many projects Thisseio done during my years in Greece. worthy of a national audience - both the Fiona McPolin Favourite writers international and national community in Unique, journalistic voice Athens I LOVE the Athens News and have been a Greece - that only the Athens News has regular reader for years. Twenty-five years brought and can bring us. It has also been our ∞¶O∆∂§∂π, ¿ÏψÛÙÂ, ÎÔÈÓfi Ì˘ÛÙÈÎfi fiÙÈ ago when I first came to Greece and for years point of contact with the rest of Greece. ̤۷ ·fi ÙË Û˘Ó¯‹ ·Ó·‚¿ıÌÈÛË ÙÔ˘ An objective view after in those pre-internet days it was an Helen Krystallis ÂÚȯÔ̤ÓÔ˘ Ù˘ Ë Athens News ÚÔÛʤÚÂÈ I AM a foreigner married to a Greek and the absolute lifeline. And I have continued to buy Thessaloniki ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ÙÒÚ· ÌÈ· „‡¯Ú·ÈÌË Î·È Athens News has been a clear and concise the paper most weeks. My personal favourite ÏÔ˘Ú·ÏÈÛÙÈ΋ Ì·ÙÈ¿, Ì·ÎÚÈ¿ ·fi source on the happenings in Greece. The writer is Penny Turner, intrepid horsewoman ÎÔÌÌ·ÙÈΤ˜ ÛÎÔÈÌfiÙËÙ˜. ª¿ÏÈÛÙ· Ë newspaper also presents an objective view on and absolute gem of a writer. Many of my Replacing the New York Times ¤ÌÊ·ÛË ÛÙ· ˙ËÙ‹Ì·Ù· ÂÚÈ‚·ÏÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ Greek politics in comparison to the majority friends in the UK log on to the site to read her MY FAVOURITE day of the week is Friday, ¢·ÈÛıËÙÔÔ›ËÛ˘ Î·È ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ ˙ˆ‹˜ Ù˘ of Greek newspapers; my husband, in fact, articles. And she is not the only one, every the day the Athens News is available! As an ÚÔÛ¤‰ˆÛ·Ó ‰È·ÎÚÈÙ‹ ‰ËÌÔÛÈÔÁÚ·ÊÈ΋ refers to the Athens News regularly as a week there is something to stir discussion. English-speaking resident, the Athens News is Ù·˘ÙfiÙËÙ· Î·È ÌÔÓ·‰ÈÎfi ·ÚÔ˜. °È· ÙËÓ ‰Â trustworthy source. As part of a global Susan Leaver my lifeline to Greece. I read it for many ·ÁÁÏfiʈÓË ÎÔÈÓfiÙËÙ· Ù˘ ∞ı‹Ó·˜ ·ÔÙÂÏ› economy, Greece hosts increasingly more Kozani reasons. It is carried in my bag for the week ÔχÙÈÌÔ Û˘Ì·Ú·ÛÙ¿ÙË ·¤Ó·ÓÙÈ ÛÙËÓ international people and the Athens News is until the new edition on Friday. Since my «·ı¿Ó·ÙË» ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ ÁÚ·ÊÂÈÔÎÚ·Ù›·, ·ÏÏ¿ required to fill the market need for presenting relocation here from New York, the New Î·È Û οı Ù˘¯‹ Ù˘ ηıËÌÂÚÈÓfiÙËÙ¿˜ news facts to this group of people. A haven of sanity York Times has been replaced with the Athens Ù˘. Sinead McGrath I HAVE FOUND the newspaper to be a News. Dr Nikos Papanastasiou Athens haven of sanity, sensible comment and good Deborah Haile University of the Peloponnese