The Thessalonica Agricultural & Industrial Institute ,

Summer 2010 TheSower Issue 165

American Farm School students raising day-old chicks to 30-35 day-old pullets for egg production. Each spring the girls and boys sell local farmers a total of some 5,000 birds. The pullets grow into laying hens in approximately one year. The American Farm School From the President Thessalonica Agricultural & Industrial Institute American Farm School Dimitris Perrotis College t is a great privilege to join the company of presidents of Marinou Antipa 12, Post Office Box 23 this exceptional institution, and to be challenged, as all GR-55102 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel +30-2310-492-700 of them were, by the task of leading students, staff and Fax +30-2310-492-710 I supporters into a secure and dynamic future. [email protected] U.S. Office I am indebted to the Board of Trustees for the faith it has 1133 Broadway, Suite 1226 invested in me. In the short time I have served to date, I have New York, NY 10010 Tel +1-212-463-8434 already been rewarded with the enthusiasm voiced by Board Fax +1-212-463-8208 members and staff, as well as by donors and friends of the [email protected] American Farm School and Perrotis College, who have reacted positively to the ideas and directions I have placed before them. As we move forward, you will be reading in more detail about strategic initiatives designed to TheSower help the School better meet contemporary educational demands and to build creatively for Published semi-annually for friends and the future. Two examples of such initiatives are illustrated by topics that appear in this Sower contributors to the institution. issue: capitalizing on the American character of the institution to strengthen the opportuni- ties we offer young people to achieve excellence; and the School’s being recognized as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees regional forerunner in agricultural and life science research. I hope you will enjoy reading Charlotte P. Armstrong about the outstanding American interns who are mentoring our students; our graduates Vice Chairman who are completing Ph.D.s in the U.S.; and the agreement the School recently signed with Stavros Constantinides John R. Crunkilton the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural William A. Tsacalis Research Service to undertake projects of mutual scientific Secretary interest. Other developments that harmonize with our It is a great Sharon W. Vaino strategic initiative of making the School a more technologi- Treasurer cally advanced institution include offering a specialized cur- privilege to join Barbara K. Heming riculum in the Secondary School for Milk Processing and the company of Trustees Cheese Making; newly equipped laboratories for Chemistry David G. Acker George P. Argerakis and Biology; and the use of interactive electronic boards in presidents of Sheila Baird an increasing number of our classrooms. Peter Bien this exceptional Frank Bledjian The Sower news also includes the opening of the new John H.Cleave Educational Dairy and Milk Processing Training Center, a institution, and Joannie C. Danielides Constantine N. Darras modern facility that extends the School’s historic leadership to be challenged, Spyros Dessyllas position in dairy science and is the result of multiyear invest- Christos S. Folias ment from private and public funders on both sides of the Seth E. Frank as all of them Dimitri Gondicas Atlantic. In her commencement ceremony address this June Constantinos Hadjiyannakis to the recipients of the first BSc (Hons) degrees awarded were, by the Truda C. Jewett by the Dimitris Perrotis College of Agricultural Studies, Lydia Legakis task of leading Annie Levis benefactress Mrs. Aliki Perroti spoke of the new residence Pantelis Panteliades hall she has endowed that greatly enhances our capacity students, staff Anastasia Pappas to accommodate the College’s international student body Joel S. Post and supporters Gail D. Schoppert on campus, giving them the benefit of an American-style Manita R. Scocimara residential college experience. Few educational institutions into a secure and Judson R. Shaver are in the extraordinary situation to have realized two such Charles L. Thomas, Jr. major improvements to infrastructure in today’s lean global dynamic future. President Panos Kanellis economy. For this we are immensely grateful. Vice President for Institutional Advancement The most noteworthy feature in this Sower issue, however, is the entire roster of donors to Joann Ryding-Beltes the Annual Fund in the United States for the previous fiscal year, and a summary of those Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs who gave in Greece during the same period. To the loyal supporters of the American Farm Tasos Apostolides School and Perrotis College who make our work possible, and help to provide our students Vice President for Administration and Finance John Ziambras with the educational opportunities they so deserve, we are profoundly thankful. Communications Director Randall Warner

Printed on FSC certified paper Design & Printing Panos Kanellis, Ph.D. Alternative Graphic Solutions, Inc. President

2 The Sower Summer 2010 Dear Sower Readers, I am pleased to invite you to get to know Panos Kanellis, who has been appointed as the 8th president of the American Farm School by the Board of Trustees. He took office last December at the conclusion of William McGrew’s distinguished and deeply appreciated service to the School. Dr. Kanellis is superbly qualified to provide the outstanding leadership that celebrates and builds on the American Farm School’s distinctive strengths and core values, and advances its mission of preparing future leaders in agriculture, food systems, and life sciences. In - a rapidly changing environment, and under increasingly challenging economic condi tions for nonprofit educational organizations, Dr. Kanellis also brings valuable strengths in business management and entrepreneurship to those he has honed as a scientist and a seasoned senior academic and administrative leader. Prior to beginning his role as president of the American Farm School, Dr. Kanellis served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for , a U.S. nonprofit educational institution in Thessaloniki operating a four-year business and liberal arts college with a graduate MBA program, K-12 schools, and a two-year - International Baccalaureate program. He also held the post of Provost of Anatolia’s ter tiary division, the American College of Thessaloniki. A Thessaloniki native, Dr. Kanellis was graduated from Anatolia College and went on to complete undergraduate and graduate studies in the U.S., earning his Ph.D. in Bio- Organic Chemistry from the University of Houston. After several years of teaching and research in the field of bio-organic chemistry during academic appointments at U.S. - universities, Dr. Kanellis returned to Greece, where he held several top managerial posi tions in private industry before electing to serve his alma mater. We believe that Dr. Kanellis’ background in academe, capped by his deep administrative- experience at Anatolia, his executive positions in private industry, thorough understand ing of the educational systems and culture of both Greece and the U.S., proven leadership skills and, finally, energizing vision of the future of the American Farm School rooted in a recognition of its unique history and mission, will ensure an inspiring and successful presidency. His first months of leadership, culminating in the recent Board approval of his President’s Strategic Initiatives Plan, augur well for the future of the institution. Sincerely,

Charlotte P. Armstrong Chairman of the Board of Trustees

The Sower Summer 2010 3 Thanks to Hardworking Volunteers, U.S. Events Raise Funds and Friends Maliotis Center Pays Tribute to Former Ambassador Nicholas Burns Trustee Arthur G. Dukakis Addresses New York Committee’s Friends and supporters of the American Farm Benefit Event School gathered at the Maliotis Cultural Center of Hellenic College in Brookline, MA on December Former Ambassador to Greece R. Nicholas Burns addressed an audience of friends and supporters invited by the New 3rd to pay tribute to the memory of Arthur G. Marianthi Dukakis, a former Trustee of both the School and Karampoukouki York Committee of the American Farm School at a benefit the Maliotis Center. dinner at the Yale Club on April 19th. Guests also enjoyed the photographic exhibit based “Ambassadors come and go, but the American Farm School, on Brenda Marder’s history of the School, “Stewards serving Greek and Balkan students for over a century, remains of the Land: The American Farm School and the a strong and visible example of what is best about America, Development of Modern Greece,” and remarks and does more for U.S. relations abroad than almost any by Trustee Peter Bien, former President of the Stephanie Andrews other kind of investment we could be making in the region.” and Patti Dukakis School, George Draper, and others. American Farm School alumna from the class of 2006, Marianthi Karampoukouki, spoke movingly on how the School prepared her to excel at Mount Holyoke College, where she graduated in May 2010 with a double major in Biology and Classics, and to envi- Brenda Marder and sion her future career in pharmaceutical research. Clotilde Zannetos Greenwich Taverna 2010 New York Committee Chair President Panos Kanellis, Mrs. and Trustee Joannie Danielides, Aliki Perroti, Ambassador R. Susan Stupin Gamble, Trustee Nicholas Burns Manita Scocimara

R. Nicholas Burns came to know the work of the American Farm School as U.S. Ambassador to Greece 1997-2001. Burns served as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Ambassador to NATO, State Department Spokesman, and Senior Director for Russia, the Ukraine and Eurasia Affairs on the National Security Council. He is currently Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School and one of the nation’s top experts on foreign policy. Audience members also had the opportunity to meet President Greenwich Taverna 2010 Committee Members. Front row, l to r: Vicky Kyriakou, of the American Farm School Panos Kanellis, and to hear Soulas Rizzos, Manita Scocimara, Nafsika Chalekian. Back row, l to r: Teresa Vassileiou, Natalie Gianesello, Anna Lycouris, Anna Povinelli, Maria Allwin, about new initiatives being planned for the institution. Elizabth Chu, Amanda Spyrou, Darcy Hadjipateras, Diane Hamilton-Papas, Benefactress Mrs. Aliki Perroti was also on hand at the event, Nancy Mortimer, Afroditi Skeadas. as was AHEPA Supreme Secretary Anthony Kouzounis, One of the School’s most successful and longstanding biennial events, orga- among the many new and long-time friends and supporters nized by the Greenwich, CT Committee and chaired by Trustee Manita in attendance. Scocimara, was held at the Milbrook Club on March 6, in support of the Annual Fund and the Greek Summer program. Special guests included Greenwich High School Band Direc­ tor John Yoon, about to embark on the band’s highly successful Greek Tour that included a performance on the School’s Thessaloniki campus; and many Greek Summer participants, counselors and American Farm School Chairman of the Board Charlotte P. Armstrong, Jamie Hutchinson, Trustee Joel parents from previous Greek Summer Teresa Vassileiou, Manita Scocimara, and Trustees Constantinos Darras, Post, Holly Bodman, Tim Hartch, throughout the decades. John and Anna Lycouris, Panos Kanellis. Joannie Danielides Trustee Barbara Heming

4 The Sower Summer 2010 Perrotis Graduates Are Committed American to Careers in Research Farm School, Integral to the vision that drove the American Farm School to establish Perrotis College in 1995 was inspiring students to continue their education beyond the undergraduate level, and encouraging their desire to pursue scientific research in the ever-expanding and diver- USDA Agree sifying areas of agriculture, food, and renewable natural resources. This year, two members of the Perrotis College Class of 2001 manifested that vision with the achievement of their Ph.D. degrees at U.S. universities that are preeminent centers of agricultural and agriculture- on Joint related research. Christos Kolympiris was recently awarded a Doctor Research of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics from the The United States Department of Agricul­ University of Missouri in Columbia, MO, having suc- ture, through its Agricultural Research cessfully defended his dissertation entitled “Three Essays Ser­vice, has signed a Memorandum of on Location Aspects in Biotechnology Entrepreneurship.” Understanding (MOU) with the American After earning the Perrotis College Associate Degree, he Farm School to conduct and coordinate completed his BSc at the University of Arkansas, as well sustainable agricultural research on topics as an MSc in Agricultural Economics there with “An of mutual interest. Areas of investigation Optimization Model for Winery Capacity Use” as his include crop and animal production and thesis topic. protection, as well as agricultural utilization He was drawn to the University of Missouri with a fully paid research assistantship that has focused on the role of universities in affecting entrepreneurial outcomes in the biotechnology industry. Christos explains, “I do research that is informative on practical matters that can really help people…The field invites the researcher to employ ideas, techniques and methods from dif- ferent sources.” He is now engaged in postdoctoral research into regional welfare brought about through start-ups of local biotechnology firms, and forces that affect market outcomes for GMO products. Alexandros Doukopoulos is a researcher at Auburn University in Auburn, AL, in the area of Plant Breeding and Genetics. For the Ph.D. dissertation he plans to defend in December 2010, Alexandros has worked on the evaluation and adaptation of a legume species called Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), pictured in Front row: Catherine E. Kay, Dr. Daniel the photo. This has entailed constructing Strickman, Dr. Panos Kanellis experimental designs, managing the field and Back row: Farm Director Dr. Athanasios Giamoustaris, Vice President Joann Ryding, growth-chamber experiments, and perform- Javid Kashefi, Head of Lifelong Learning ing statistical analysis of the collected data. and Coordinator of Research Activities Dr. Evangelos Vergos. His Associate Degree studies at Perrotis College set Alexandros on a firm path to and bioenergy. The document was signed higher studies in plant science. His BSc in Thessaloniki on March 1 by Dr. Panos degree in Crop Management completed at Kanellis and Dr. Daniel Strickman, leader the University of Arkansas was followed by an of the National Program for Agricultural MSc in Molecular Biology in the Department Research Service, Veterinary and Medical of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, and Urban Entomology at USDA, and wit- nessed by U.S. Consul General Catherine with the thesis “Phylogenetic Analysis of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) from the Caribbean E. Kay. The School looks forward to this Basin and Florida.” In 2006, the Department of Agronomy and Soils at Auburn University long-term partnership through coopera- awarded him a full research assistantship to pursue his Ph.D. tion with research specialists based at Alexandros feels his graduate studies in the United States have made him highly qualified public and private universities and science for employment in “research positions in academia and industry, regardless of the country.” institutes throughout the United States. Christos Kolympiris believes that future graduates of Perrotis College can learn from the The USDA Agricultural Research Service positive experience of his decision to earn the highest degree possible in his field of study and operates a satellite laboratory of its main commit to a career in research. He further stresses that, “Regardless of career objective, I would European Biological Control Laboratory strongly advise students to take on graduate studies outside their country of birth. Besides the in Montpelier, France, in facilities located straightforward educational benefits, doing graduate studies in another country helped me on the American Farm School campus, and develop as a personality, and I think most students can realize the same benefits as I did.” headed by entomologist Javid Kashefi.

The Sower Summer 2010 5 Perrotis College Awards First BSc (Hons) Degrees A milestone in the 106-year history of the American Farm School was achieved the evening of June 24, 2010 as Trustees, special guests, graduating students and their parents gathered for the cer- emony to award the first BSc (Hons) degrees to the graduating class of 2010 in the School’s division of higher learning, the Dimitris Perrotis College of Agricultural Studies. Mrs. Aliki Perroti, whose generous gift in 1995 made possible the founding of the College, was a guest speaker, as was Trustee Dr. John R. Crunkilton, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Eleri Jones representing the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. In her remarks in honor of the graduating students, Mrs. Perroti pointed out that the new residence hall she has recently funded, whose construction and furnishing will be completed in September, will double the residential capacity for students to study and pursue Trustees, graduates and faculty a rich program of extracurricular activities. Perrotis College is the on the steps of Princeton Hall only residential institution of higher education in Greece and neigh- boring countries, and is based on the U.S. model of young men and women living on campus and participating in holistic education that teaches them the values of citizenship and service to society, in addition to challenging them with academic knowledge and practical skills. At the same ceremony, Dr. Philippos Papadopoulos, Program Coordinator for the International Agribusiness major, was awarded with the Athinoula A. Martinos Professorship for 2010-2011, established through the generous endowment of donors Thanassis and Marina Martinos. Perrotis College graduates earned their BSc (Hons) degrees, which are validated by the Univer­ sity of Wales Institute, Cardiff and recognized worldwide, in Management of Environmental Systems, and International Agribusiness. Mr. Seth Frank and Mrs. Aliki Perroti

Tad Lansdale presents the Dr. Philippos Papadopoulos Valedictorian Spire Bruce and Tad Lansdale Dr. John R. receiving award from Perrotis Arsov and President Salutatorian Ivance Dimitrevski Leadership Award to Crunkilton College Dean Don Schofield Panos Kanellis awarded by Trustee Seth Frank Viktor Ivanovski Greece’s Minister of Agricultural Development Addresses Secondary School Graduation The 2010 graduates of the Secondary School, their families and special guests, as well as Trustees of the American Farm School who had gathered for their annual meeting on campus, were greatly honored to welcome Mrs. Katerina Batzeli, Greece’s Minister of Agricultural Development and Food as the keynote speaker for the June 25 commencement ceremony. Earlier in the day, Mrs. Batzeli toured the School’s newly-opened Educational Dairy and Milk Processing Training Center and was briefed by President Panos Kanellis on the Milk Processing and Cheese Making specialization to be introduced this September, and on the news that day students from the city of Thessaloniki will eli- gible for admission as of fall 2010 to follow the same academic and practical skills training program offered to students with rural backgrounds who board in the School’s dormitories.

6 The Sower Summer 2010 Planned Giving Androus Foundation Planned giving allows supporters of the American Farm School to integrate gifts into the their overall financial, tax, and estate plan- Strengthens Learning ning. A planned gift enables a donor to make a positive financial difference for the donor and his or her family, while also contribut- Support through the ing significantly to the School. Planned gifts are often thought of as leaving a legacy that benefits not only the donor and the donor’s Arcadia Program family, but also future generations. Deborah Androus of Alexandria, Virginia, recently reaf- BEQUESTS firmed her long-standing support of the School’s initiative By including the American Farm School in their wills, the following to provide professional diagnosis and counseling to stu- individuals provided a final gift to strengthen the School’s endowment. dents with a broad range of learning challenges. Thanks Esther Carhart to Mrs. Androus’ help via the Androus Foundation, the Maria Couvaras School has been a pioneer in this field in Greece, bringing Alexander Drapos qualified help to students, most of whom are from rural Elizabeth M. Godley areas where dyslexia and other forms of learning challenges Eve Curie Labouisse are not widely recognized or acknowledged. With steady Eleanor McKay Norris assistance through the years, the School’s program led by Winifred E. Weter English teacher Mary Chism and now administrated by Lyceum Principal Catherina Diafa, offered the consulta- ESTATES AND TRUSTS tions of a learning disabilities expert and a psychologist to By creating an estate or trust, the following individuals provide students in a limited number of classes. annual support to the American Farm School past their lifetimes. Esther Carhart Ernest Thomas Chepou Philip and Hazel Constantinides Fred W. Kolb Mary P. Gill Henry T. Maijgren Dean C. Zutes METAMORPHOSIS SOCIETY The Metamorphosis Society recognizes and honors the generosity and foresight of those individuals who have made provisions in their estates to include the American Farm School, and who have apprised the School of their intentions. The name “Metamorphosis” is chosen for the resonance this word has in the School’s tradition of education that brings about positive change, or metamorphosis, in the individual; and by association with the titles of books by Bruce M. Lansdale, Metamorphosis: Why Do I Love Greece? and by Elizabeth Lansdale, My Metamorphosis. Deborah Androus, left, pictured with Catherina Diafa, center, David Acker and Trustee Manita Scocimara during Morning Assembly of Charlotte Armstrong Secondary School students in James Hall. Peter Bien Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carson Jr. The generous new commitment of funds by the Androus Marvin Fisher Foundation establishes the Arcadia Program, named after Phillip G. and Mary Foote the region in the Peloponnese where Mrs. Androus’ family Truda Jewett originates, and bestowing on the effort the affirmative con- Edmund and Mary Keeley notation the word “arcadia” implies. As of 2010, students Lois Kerimis who are in need of support to contend with and overcome Bruce M. and Elizabeth (Tad) Lansdale learning disabilities from all three years of the Secondary Mary R. and Charles F. Lowrey School’s educational programs will be helped. Nicholas Pisaris Charles L. and Joan Thomas Barbara Wood

The Sower Summer 2010 11 Emphasizing “American” in American Farm School One of the most valued aspects of an American Farm School education is the chance for students in the Secondary School and Perrotis College to come into daily contact with recent graduates of U.S. colleges and universities who spend ten months on campus, opening stu- dents’ eyes to a world of new ideas about American culture while sharpening Greek and international students’ English language skills in the process. Student Life Interns for academic year 2009-2010 Jacques Edeline, a graduate of Emory University in Atlanta and crack soccer coach, and Emily Schneider, a graduate of Berea College in Kentucky and all-around athlete, taught, mentored, and acted as role models for students. They share highlights of what they experienced:

During my ten months in Thessa­ When I was given the news last loniki, the American Farm School year that I was accepted to intern has become much more than a at the American Farm School, I place of employment; it has become was struck with many different my second home. Committing to emotions. I was to travel half live and work 10,000 kilometers way around the world, live ten from home is a daunting task, months in a place I had never however the family atmosphere been, try to understand the lan­ at AFS was undeniable from the guage and then communicate my moment arrived on campus. I am English skills with the students. I grateful to have been welcomed made my journey with hopes of into this community with open helping this AFS community and arms. The unique environment at to learn as much as I could about AFS produces a special experience the Greek culture. for students, staff, and anyone who comes to know the As my time here has past I have many memories that school even for a short period of time; my year at AFS will never leave my heart. Not only did the AFS was no exception. family accept me with warm smiles and open arms My personal odyssey at the American Farm School has they also taught me how to grow and I am forever been life changing and profoundly educational; I hope grateful for this. Working with the students every day my relationship with AFS has been reciprocal and has taught me patience, understanding and how to my presence has enriched the overall experience for live life with happiness. The AFS staff has gone out others. My involvement with the secondary school and of their way with any issues or help that I needed Perrotis College has heightened my understanding of and that alone shows how kind and humble their the world at-large. Every day spent at the American hearts are. My time here at The American Farm Farm School bolsters my belief in the innate goodness School has opened my eyes to a new form of respect of humankind. My interaction with the students and for education. AFS creates such a unique and special exposure to their contagious energy has unlocked in environment for students to learn. AFS, thank you me a renewed enthusiasm for life. The warmth of the for all of the great memories. I will never forget such AFS staff has redefined my definition of hospitality, a wonderful place and family. and I am eager to return the favor in my reception of — Emily Schneider others. Immersion in Greek culture has reminded me to celebrate life on a daily basis. — Jacques Edeline

Vered Yakovee, attorney and graduate of University of Southern also be devoted to enhancing Secondary School students’ written California Law School in Los Angeles, spent the 2009-2010 aca- and spoken English skills, using her extensive experience in oratory demic year in a similar role, mentoring and serving as a role model and other speech and debate coaching. Matthew Hartman from for students of Perrotis College. Havre, Montana will join the other Americans from September through December, serving as this year’s International Four H For academic year 2010-2011, the Secondary School welcomes Exchange Program Ambassador to the Secondary School. And Carrie Rosenblum from Dartmouth College in New Hampshire Perrotis College welcomes Ashley Douglas from the University of and Micah Smith from Berea College in Kentucky as Student Life Florida who will be engaged in strengthening English language skills Interns. Kate Peterson, a Fulbright Foundation English Teaching of, and sharing aspects of American culture with, that international Assistant recently graduated from Linfield College in Oregon will student body.

12 The Sower Summer 2010 The joint cultivation of Echinacea purpurea by students of the American Farm School and Greece’s award- winning manufacturer and global retailer Korres Natural Products has expanded to nearly three times the size of the crop originally planted last year. The handsome purple flower, with leaves, stems and roots also considered valuable Building on its uninterrupted thirty seasons of performances, the Theater Club of the Secondary as medicinal and cosmetic ingredients, is School this April presented a highly contemporary and original play by Chryssa Spilioti entitled native to North America, but also grows “Who Discovered America?” directed by Maria Rapti. The 18-member cast also performed at well under local Greek conditions. The a regional meeting of student theater groups of northern Greece, and has been invited to give national certifying body ΔΗΩ certifies a special performance to the public during Thessaloniki’s prestigious international “Dimitria the organic cultivation methods the Festival” in fall 2010. students use to raise the crop.

Students in the first year of the Vocational School wanted something different this year. Rather than rotating with students from other classes and sharing responsibility for vegetables grown in the gardens and greenhouses, they proposed new cultivations for their afternoon horticulture projects, from seed selection to marketing the produce. And they wanted something out of the ordinary – not the more common cabbages and carrots, spinach and green onions. They wanted something that Greek cooks were not used to serving, and they aimed to – and succeeded – in educating the consumer in the process. The students choose the pale green bulb- shaped fennel, which makes a crisp, distinctive addition to salads when sliced, and a flavorful alternative to potatoes when cooked in the oven with cheese Scenes from the 2010 trip to Houston Rodeo & Livestock Show, Texas A & M University, and breadcrumbs. Their other selection local farms and ranches and other attractions, generously sponsored by the Pan Macedonian was the beautiful Italian radicchio, with Association of Greater Houston. Deepest thanks go to Harry Simeonidis, President of the its deep green outer leaves and ruby red Association, Peter and Nina Peropoulos, Antonis and Linda Sideris, Dionysis Moustakis, Dan interior leaves that is delicious when the James, Barbara Scott, George Moore, AHEPA Supreme Secretary Antonis Kouzounis and others whole head is charcoal broiled, and adds who made this visit such a success and an unforgettable experience for the students who were a pleasantly bitter flavor when mixed chosen to participate: Sophia Tatsi, Olga Tialiou, Tasos Chatzipapadopoulos, Vasilis Korakis, with other salad greens. and escorting teacher Anna Kalincheva with her daughter Michaela Kalincheva Kondou.

The Sower Summer 2010 13 A New Dimension to Dairy The American Farm School’s historic – and at certain periods during Two of the classrooms are named, through an anonymous gift, for the 20th century virtually solo – role in the development of Greece’s Dr. J.W. Sexton, a legendary figure in dairy science at Iowa State dairy industry took on an entirely new dimension with the opening University, and for Senator William J. Fulbright. this spring of the Educational Dairy and Milk Processing Training Earlier, MEVGAL, one of Greece’s major dairy producers that is also Center, a multiyear project for which Farm School educators and scientists joined forces, and public and private funders on both establishing a North American presence, held a separate ceremony at sides of the Atlantic contributed their support. Notably, both U.S. the new facility to inaugurate one of the cheese making laboratories and Greek governments assisted in the effort, with grants from the the company had helped to fund, named after the founder of that USAID ASHA (American Schools and Hospital Abroad) Program company, Constantinos Hatzakos. and Greece’s Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food under The new facility enables the School to package milk in recyclable the INTERREG Program. PET bottles and to adapt to cornstarch-based and other packaging Trustees gathered in June for a ribbon cutting ceremony and tour in the future. To signal that the new packaging contains the same of the new facility, which more than doubles the space of the exist- highest quality milk the School has been known for longer than any ing historic brick dairy barn, reminiscent of farm structures in New other producer in Greece, distinctive new labels have been designed England and the Midwest. Instead of just a milk pasteurization for the milk bottle, as well as for the American Farm School Omega and bottling line, there are also production laboratories for making 3 eggs, prized by consumers in and Thessaloniki. The words several kinds of cheeses as well as yogurt, butter and ice cream. “γάλα” (milk) and “αυγά” (eggs) appear to be rendered in chalk on And there are classrooms and laboratories on the second floor of a green board to remind the consumer of school days, reinforcing the building where students can observe production while follow- the fundamental values of education and tradition that make the ing academic and research aspects of the dairy science curriculum. School’s products unique in the market.

14 The Sower Summer 2010 Greek Summer 2010

The wonderful people of Mikro Dasos in the prefecture of Kilkis hosted Greek Summer 2010, where participants built and landscaped a small outdoor amphitheater next to the village cultural center. Kira Tolla (GSC ’07, ’08) was the Head Counselor and Judy McGinley (GS ’96) and Sam Cuthell (GS ’06) were Counselors. Campus-based staff included Thanos Kasapidis, Kyriakos Anthoulakis, Klearchos Papacontantinou, and Rena Karypidou. Greek Summer 2010 Participants

Marcelle Abi-Esber Tyler Gaw Peter Lansdale Olivia Ryding Danvers, MA Lynnfield, MA Santa Cruz, CA Taunton, MA Danvers High School Landmark School Pacific Collegiate School St. Mary Academy – Bay View Alexander Alexakos Buchanan Gores Mary Lempres Jimmy Salgado Juarez Old Greenwich, CT San Francisco, CA Berkeley, CA Santa Rosa, CA Hackley School The Webb School Bishop O’Dowd Santa Rosa High School Elizabeth Argy Asha-Kai Grant Anthea Levi Anteneh Sarbanes Dover, MA Bethesda, MD New York, NY Baltimore, MD Dover Sherborn High School Sidwell Friends Trevor Day School Mt. St. Josephs Robert Beecher, III William Hamel Suzanne Moss Ilana Silverman Arnold, MD Merrick, NY Hyattswille, MD San Rafael, CA Severna Park High School John F. Kennedy High School – Sidwell Friends San Rafael High School Bellmore Margaret Harris George Drew Rochester, NY Sarah Pender William Skoufalos Cincinnati, OH Pittsford Sutherland High Los Altos Hills, CA Old Greenwich, CT Cincinnati Country Day School School Castilleja School Greenwich High School Georgia Eager Alea Krause Maxwell Phelps Emily Thompson Princeton, NJ Boulder Creek, CA Pittsford, NY Naples, NY Princeton High School Pacific Collegiate School McQuaid Jesuit Naples High School Grace Gardner Andrew Kyriakos Samantha Rathbun Eliza Wehrle New York, NY Greenwich, CT Naples, NY Locust Valley, NY Trevor Day School Low-Heywood Thomas Naples Central School Brooks School

The Sower Summer 2010 15 Dear Friend of Greek Summer, I think all of us who have been involved with Greek Summer over the years, as a participant or a counselor, or as a parent, grandparent or other sponsor, have our own ways of expressing how special this intercultural program is. But the words of Sam Cuthell, GS’06, and a Greek Summer counselor this year, come as close as anyone has done to articulate why the feelings about this life-changing program are so strong: “Take the happiest moment of your life; seriously think about it. Take that moment and stretch it out six weeks. Now share that moment with your best friend, so that you can have inside jokes, and someone who can relate to the experience. And turn your best friend into the 35 participants who have become your best friends. You will have my trip to Greece with Greek Summer!” Wanting to reunite with classmates to savor our Greek Summer experiences, and to support the future of the program, volunteers across the country have banded together to orga- nize “Celebrate 40 Years of Greek Summer,” three delightful events based at the Radisson Martinique on Broadway Hotel in New York City on 5-7 November. First, the opening reception Friday night hosted by Tucker Robbins (GS’70); then a Gala Greek Taverna Evening Saturday night, and finally a Sunday breakfast to visit with GS friends and learn about exciting future directions of the American Farm School and Greek Summer. Tad Lansdale, widow of beloved former president of the American Farm School Bruce Lansdale, will be the Honorary Chair for these festivities. Tad and I warmly invite you to join us in New York City in November. Your participation will help to make this celebration the great success we all look forward to. Warm wishes,

Joel Post, GS’83 Trustee, American Farm School Chairman, Celebrate 40 Years of Greek Summer P.S. To register to attend the event, become a sponsor, and/or make a contribution to “Celebrate 40 Years of Greek Summer,” please complete and return the enclosed registration form to the U.S. Office of the American Farm School, or do so online at gs40reunion. And find photos, maps, and much more about Celebrate 40 Years of Greek Summer on the Greek Summer Alumni-American Farm School Facebook Page.

Tad Lansdale’s tender memoir, My Metamorphosis, recalling hers and her husband Bruce Lansdale’s lifetime of devotion to the American Farm School and to Greece, was recently published in Greek translation. Mrs. Lansdale made several appearances to inform audiences about the book and to autograph copies, including at the Alumni Reunions for the Classes of 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 held on campus in May. She is pictured here, left to right, with graduates and staff members Babis Simeonides, Thanos Kasapidis, Nikos Papaconstantinou, Stephanos Kessides, and Sotiris Yalamas; and flanked by students Kostas Malakides and Dimitra Hina. Tad will be autographing copies of the English edition of My Metamorphosis and Metamorphosis at the “Celebrate 40 Years of Greek Summer” events.

16 The Sower Summer 2010