The American Farm School Thessalonica Agricultural & Industrial Institute Thessaloniki, Greece Summer 2010 TheSower Issue 165 American Farm School students raising day-old chicks to 30-35 day-old pullets for egg production. Each spring the girls and boys sell local farmers a total of some 5,000 birds. The pullets grow into laying hens in approximately one year. The American Farm School From the President Thessalonica Agricultural & Industrial Institute American Farm School Dimitris Perrotis College t is a great privilege to join the company of presidents of Marinou Antipa 12, Post Office Box 23 this exceptional institution, and to be challenged, as all GR-55102 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel +30-2310-492-700 of them were, by the task of leading students, staff and Fax +30-2310-492-710 I supporters into a secure and dynamic future.
[email protected] U.S. Office I am indebted to the Board of Trustees for the faith it has 1133 Broadway, Suite 1226 invested in me. In the short time I have served to date, I have New York, NY 10010 Tel +1-212-463-8434 already been rewarded with the enthusiasm voiced by Board Fax +1-212-463-8208 members and staff, as well as by donors and friends of the
[email protected] American Farm School and Perrotis College, who have reacted positively to the ideas and directions I have placed before them. As we move forward, you will be reading in more detail about strategic initiatives designed to TheSower help the School better meet contemporary educational demands and to build creatively for Published semi-annually for friends and the future.