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[ 353 ] INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, S e r ie s B, Yol. 192. .B. B o w er (F . O.). Studies in the Morphology of Spore-producing Members,—No. IV. The Leptosporangiate Ferns, 29. D. D a w so n (M a r ia ). “ Nitragin ” and the Nodules of Leguminous Plants, 1. F. Ferns, classification into Simjplices, Gradata, and Mixtce (B o w e r ), 29. G. G il b e r t (Sir J. H.). See.LAWES and G il b e r t . Grass-land (permanent), chemical composition of constituents of herbage—relation to character and stage of growth, manuring, &c. (L aw es and G il b e r t ), 139. I. Intestine, absorption of serum, peptone, &c., by—action of epithelium (Keid), 211. VOL. CXCII.— B. 2 Z 354 INDEX. K. K erb (J. Graham). The External Features in the Development of Ftrz, 290. L. L awes (Sir J. B.) and Gilbert (Sir J. H.). Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of Experiments on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Grass-land, conducted for many Years in succession on the same Land.—Part III. The Chemical Results—Section I, 139. Leguminosce, nodules in, by direct infection with “ nitragiu ” (Dawson), 1. Lepidosiren paradoxa, external features in development of—notes on habits of—pigment cells in (K ebb), 299. N. Nervus collector in genus Mustelv.s (P ttnnett), 331. “ Nitragin” and the nodules of leguminous plants (Dawson), 1. P. Pelvic plexus, formation and variability (P cnnett), 331. Plant ashes, importance of carbonic acid in (Lawes a n d G il b e r t ) , 139.
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