Cambodia Ffl Little OUR COMIC SECTION Mesn FINNEY of the FORCE That Nursery Aroma ' Naocw'a Fiooo Want, I) "Sw I V,Blb Irnla" Fil !Fzf
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Cambodia ffl Little OUR COMIC SECTION MesN FINNEY OF THE FORCE That Nursery Aroma ' naocw'A fiooo want, i) "sw i V,BlB IrnlA" fil !fzf TOO MUCH TO BEUEVEI The chauffeur wo holding forth In the village Inn, - "I'us, my young guv'nor rowed for Ooxford a little while back, 'e did." Ill audience stared. "Vus, 'e wins Wired of races," went on the chauffeur, warming to bis task. "An 'e always 'as the name an' the date painted on 'Is scull." But this was too much for one listener. "On 'is skull)" be echoed Indignant-ly- . "I.utnme, 'e must 'ave an 'end Ilk an elephant 1" London Answers, Royal Pagoda at Pnompenh, Cambodia. Snappy A young man walked Into a baker's the Netloaal Oeoarsphle - tiled roofs half hidden (Prepared br magenta- by and asked for two dozen loaves. NCIWMW.&J00PA Yt'o KVWvJ Society, Waahlniloa, P. C.I shop SNIFF , gtnnt pnlms and flowering tropical The looked one of the trees. In a Inclosure on a rhopkeeer surprised. parklike "Have you a tea party onl" be In- CAMBODIA, among Fiance's hill top Is the palace of the kings, sur- la quired. southwest Asia, rounded houses for their multi- . I SMELL AV SOOP by "No, said the man. "I'm working y hodge podge of the unexpec- tudinous feminine retainers. The kings at the menagerie, and the kangaroo j ted It Is land of forests, damp and of Cambodia of the be de- past might has kicked the elephant, so I want to leech-Infeste- of open savannahs, of scribed as monarchs sur- entirely make a bread poultice." wide rice fields and plodding water rounded by women. Some were wives, of and wild some and hundreds buffalo; tigers elephants; servants, dancing FOOL 'EM ANYMORE of humble cottagers, all literate, girls, trained from childhood to per- CANT whose chief pleasure Is writing form the Intricate movements ot poetry ; of gilded modern pagodas, and dances handed down from the remote temples, hoar; with age, swallowed past The present king has found It Ij the Jungle; of automobiles, trolley Impossible economically to maintain cars, and electric lights. a feminine army of retainers up to The forms of an oriental kingdom the old standards. re faithfully followed; but behind Restful to the Eyes. um the king, bis Ore ministers, aud tit Most travelers from the West who court formalities, stands the French visit I'nompenh are on their way to resident-superio- and at his elbow Angkor, venerable city ot Khmer cul- few French soldiers; for Cambodia Is ture, which lies farther north. A brief a part of French tndo-Chln- a and a stop at the capital Is welcome, for the protectorate of France. The country little Cambodian city among Its trees 1a slightly smaller than the state of Is restful to the eyes of the river-boa- t Missouri and has population of passengers after monotonous miles of bout two and half millions. rice fields, thick Jungle growths and Along the Concrete The Mekong, one of the world's swamps that border the river bank greatest rivers, Is the life artery of nearly all the way from Saigon. And Cambodia. Seagoing steamers ascend It Is a relief to be out of the cruising "Young man, 1 dont believe you stream to the could even buy my clothes." " ' the 1'nompenb, capital, radius of persistent Mekong mosqui- daughter's i , , ' ' . , SOU miles from the sea ; and smaller toes. "Why sure I could I She don't wear vlt steamers and Junks traverse the net- Stevedores swarming over hardly none at all." literally T ' ,( "' '' f, work of streams and lakes hundreds cargo boats at the quay Indicate that of miles farther Inland. But It Is not the capital Is Important commercially. Patriotic only as a waterway that the stream Is As the town Is situated at the Junction Our father slipped upon the Ice useful. On Its overflowed lands the of a branch from the Great Lake of Became he couldn't stand; chief crop, rice, Is raised In Cambodia and the main channel of the Bo eaw end country's the (lortoue 8iri 1 Strip' t L abundance. Mekong from the Tibetan hills, large We saw our father land. curve ts-Q- : Host of the civilized people are con- quantities of fish, rice, Indigo and cot- Jti centrated along the river aud between ton from Upper Burma, portions of A Nutty One lower lis reaches and the Siamese Slam, Laos, and northern Cambodia "My cow bus run away; did you see In all border. The country bouses are brought there for marketing. In anything of It around the villager parts of Cambodia are set on posts addition smaller cargoes from nearby asked the farmer who lived on the which them from six to ten feet In raise farms and paddy fields arrive the edge of town. off This Is halt-wi- the ground. necessary hundreds of sampans and smaller "No," grinned the village river banks because of the along the craft that dart about the tiny harbor "but why don't you borrow a locomo- to beetles. high floods, and elsewhere protect like so many water tive from the railroad; It has a cow- the householders from tigers. When a boat with tourists aboard catcher?" Love Thtlr Mekong, docks there Is a rush for the "Permis- tmiliig the flood season a great lake sion Ollice" where "permissions" are Mittahe forms In western Cambodia, Into granted to visit the king's palace. But Slight one of those which the waters of the Mekong flow those who expect to see a richly "My little boy wants cross-wor- until It becomes a body of water 113 adorned abode of an eastern potentate puzzles." are some old checkerboards, Lilies long, 13 miles wide, and more are soon disillusioned. Without, the "They madam." than :t5 feet deep. When the floods several buildings culled the palace "So are. I seen one la recede, the waters flow from this are unpretentious, and within there Is they haven't natural reservoir back Into the Me- Utile that would attract more than years." kong and keep Its lower reaches well ordinary attention except a filled. The great Imjiortance of the Ruddha of solid gold studded with NUT SO FAR OFF river and Its Hoods Is recognized by diamonds and a hallway floor laid an annual festival on the stream con- with engraved silver tiles. necting the (jreat Lake and (he Me- Cambodian won, en present a strik- kong. A cord Is stretched acruss the ingly modern appearance with their stream and at the time of reversal of short hair and what might be mistak- Uie (low this Is cut with great cere- en at first sight for knickerbockers. mony by the king frura the royal This Dether garment Is the "snmpot" houseboat. In making It a width of cloth Is girded The Datives display genuine affec- about the waist, then the ends are CARELESSNESS - tion for the Mekong. When floods folded between the legs and tucked come they put away their ox carts, In at the waist line. Both men and travel the old roads In boats and wait women wear the aampot, and It Is for the water to recede. They cele- often dllticult for a Westerner to dis- Beautiful brate with boat races that attract tinguish between them. The men, how- THE FEATHERHEADS Yes, a Thought every Cambodian In the vicinity from ever, wear a sort of Jacket above the the king to the lowliest native. e sompot, while the women for the most racing boats, ranging from part wenr a cloth or scarf draped wHf im.mnnv? ) vaw mix- - 'ir Uf & PfOPLTf W&tf. twenty-liv- e to forty-fiv- feet are over one shoulder and under the other SToTCfi I FAULTS 6K" long, ( AHoVtQ, DW I WWK fliS VEQV ftHO M BTUSfl) rowed score or more men, seated arm. I 1 by MTtMWT.HOU? 7 PRETTY -- GLACrVS i WHAT A COMfoBW.WW.CHfFQyJ two by two. If the throngs massed on The West Introduced. V IT fQOH WknACtTSWoW.OWL0 the river bank are not thrilled by the But though the capital Is soaked In "Say, Jim, Is that fellah a notr 8Ey y I3nT WAT competition, they are amused by eastern atomsphere, the west has been "Not so loud Bill I tie's one of XtoGT-- NfJ LEIV.'N clown who has bis place In each craft. Introduced by the handful of French today' most popular song writers." nlTl! The highlands to the north are oc- ofllclula and business men. Electric cupied by wild tribes of hunters who street lights twinkle among the bang- Rtminitcence must tight for existence against rank ing flowers of tropical trees; tram Fond memoriae cause etrante unrest. vegetation, wild animals, snakes and cars lumber by; and one may book Though festive be the present mood; Insects. Slave raids from neighbor- passage to outlying towns In motor And Just when we are happiest, A little 'ear will still Intrude. V ing countries have made them wary busses that ply over well metaled and suspicious and they look upon all roads. outliindera as enemies. Some of them Evidence of the high culture and Taken to Tak protect their Tillage by poisoned power of the Cambodians at the height "Are you a registered pliurmaclstj" darts stuck op In the ground. of their Khmer empire, from the "Yes." Practically all of the civilized Cam- Eighth to the Fourteenth centuries Is "Kxpert at compounding!" bodians are literate. The country seen In the remarkable ruined temple "I hope so." abounds In old temples, built during and palace of the old capital city of "Then why do you put cream dress-In- the Cambodian Golden age, some 7X Angkor-Thor- now deserted and sur- on a lettuce sandwich?" years ago.