July 19, 2008 The free-content news source that you can write! Page 1

Top Stories Top Stories Current Events Budget cuts threaten to close agent and pop culture icon, Bond Vihear temple. Arecibo, world's largest radio is the definitive action hero. With •King Albert II of Belgium rejects telescope his new film, Quantum of Solace, the resignation of Prime Minister After nearly 50 years and several coming out soon, Yves Leterme, as no compromise major discoveries, the Arecibo shifted the spotlight to a little was reached on devolution to the Observatory, the largest and known 007 film: Shamelady, a regions. most French non-profit fan production. sensitive Director Eric Saussine told us •Australia's Qantas Airways radio about how Shamelady came to announces plans to cut 1,500 telescope in be, its future sequels and even jobs worldwide the world, had a few tips for the aspiring faces closure filmmaker. 2008 opens at due to North America's oldest Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt severe budget cuts. In this retailer sold to U.S. owners of Thursday saw the start of the exclusive report, Wikinews Lord & Taylor fourth International Wikimedia examined how much the Canada's oldest retailer, the Conference, better known as observatory's budget was at risk Hudson's Bay Company (HBC), Wikimania 2008. The conference is and what the possible outcomes will be transferred from one being held in the Bibliotheca could be for the programs American Alexandrina, a modern library with currently relying on Arecibo as owner to conference facilities for multiple their main research tool. another. NRDC tracks as well as a grand hall Equity where the opening ceremony and Thousands flee Nigerian town Partners, LLC, first presentation were held. to escape from militants owners of U.S. Thousands of people have fled an Credit: Montrealais - GFDL department Speakers for the opening oil town in the store Lord & Taylor, will purchase ceremony were the main organiser Niger Delta, HBC from the estate of Jerry of the conference, Mohamed Nigeria Zucker, who died in April. Ibrahim, His Excellency Dr. Ahmed yesterday after Darwish, the Egyptian Minister of an unknown militant group said Wikipedia Current Events State for Administrative that all people not originally from Development, Florence Devouard, the area who did not leave the A report by the Civil Rights the outgoing chair of the town would be beheaded. Division of the United States , and Jakob Department of Justice finds that Voss of the program committee. Wikinews interviews Eric the Cook County Jail Saussine, director of the systematically violated the The theme of this year's James Bond fan constitutional rights of its conference is "Changing the shape film Shamelady inmates. of knowledge", and the choice of Guns. Girls. Gadgets. •A Cambodian general states that location is seen as an outreach to Three things a border stand off between the Arabic and African synonymous with the Cambodia and Thailand came communities. name James Bond. close to a shootout last night The world's most well over land near the World According to Dr. Darwish, the known fictional secret Heritage nominated Prasat Preah conference has the full support of

If you would like to write, publish or edit articles, visit en .wikinews.org Saturday, July 19, 2008 Wikinews Page 2 the Egyptian Prime Minister who revealed that Cuba signed a would have attended but for a Jakob Voss, the last member of confidential deal with Venezuela to clash with a prior engagement. In the opening ceremony team, gave ensure that Cuba gets access to a his introductory talk he described a rundown of a number of high speed internet connection by wikis as becoming more reliable statistics. The conference received 2010. and being a form of globalization over 150 submissions for talks and which did not destroy local workshops. Of these The document, said, in Spanish, identity. approximately 75 were approved that the countries aim to "build with around 100 speakers due to and operate a line of fiber optic Talking of Egyptian efforts to talk during the course of the three cables between Venezuela and improve education and make it a day conference. Cuba." Julian Assange, an more continuous process he investigative editor on Wikileaks discussed increased e-Government Participation in the conference is claimed that the information in the and the fact that in this area Egypt around 600 attendees, coming documents "adds weight to Cuban had come in the top 25% of UN from 47 different countries around statements that the United States surveyed countries. The country's the globe. economic embargo of the island young population is seen as a has forced it to rely on slow and driving factor in increasing At a well-attended press expensive satellite links for Internet use. conference the usual issues were Internet connectivity." raised, such as the reliability of Optimistically, Dr Darwish spoke of Wikipedia as a source. It was also The document then says that cable the a move from a two-sided announced that with the stepping will "extend between two terminals situation to more collaboration down of Florence Devouard as located at the coast of both between government and citizens. Chair of the WMF board, her countries." successor will be Michael Snow. Florence Devouard spoke briefly Information Week has reported about the library, comparing their gave a speech titled that the cable is expected to cost goals with those of the Wikimedia Freedom of speech, human rights, several million US dollars. They Foundation and drawing a number and free culture. In his speech he base this on a fact that a cable of parallels. One of the projects made a comparison between the between Cuba and Florida, which hosted by the library is a mirror of Freedom House rating with the is a much shorter distance then the Internet Archive. As a surprise size of the Wikipedia in that between Cuba and Venezuela, announcement, she revealed that language. He found a link between would cost half a million dollars. the language subcomittee had the two in the cases he looked at. The US government has prevented approved the creation of a new the building of the Florida cable. Wikipedia version for Egyptian Other presentations included Arabic. Rhonda Shearer speech on media MUFON releases report on UFO accountability, Foundation goals sighting in Stephenville, Texas Mohammed Ibrahim talked on how and plans with and On January 8, 2008 in Alexandria winning the bid had Erik Möller. Stephenville, Texas, one of the significantly raised the profile of larger UFO sightings in the United wiki projects within the Arab and The day ended with a board panel States occurred. A few days ago African media. This was in providing an opportunity for the UFO investigative organization evidence at a press conference discussion with the board and a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) held early afternoon. Around six or question & answer segment. This released a 77-page report on the seven TV crews were present included the announcement that sighting. MUFON is a UFO along with at least 30 reporters. the new chair of the Foundation is investigative organization in the Despite not being Western media, Michael Snow. United States. Founded in 1969, it the focus of questioning was on now has 3,000 members and is academic skepticism towards Cuba to receive high speed headquartered in Fort Collins, Wikipedia; the oft-repeated internet connection from Colorado. confusion between Wikia and the Venezuela Wikimedia Foundation was Documents leaked on Wikileaks The MUFON report, entitled dismissed when brought up. and seen by Wikinews have "Special Research Report

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Stephenville, Texas" was written transponder. came to his door, even once told by Glen Schulze and Ropert him that,"Son we have the same Powell. Shulze has radar Shulze/Powell stated that they felt caliber weapons you have, but we experience from working at the that they had been stonewalled in have more of them.", after Sorrells White Sands Missile Range. Powell some of their FOIA requests by grabbed his rifle, and, "You need has a chemistry degree and has some government agencies. They to shut your mouth about what extensive experience with encouraged the government to you saw.". semiconductors from working for more readily provide more Advanced Micro Devices. information about the incident. "I'm trying to decide whether or not to open the door," Sorrells said The report is an analysis of radar The Stephenville incident on to the Empire-Tribune. "We're just records from the Federal Aviation January 8, saw dozens of standing there face to face looking Administration and the National witnesses reporting a large object at each other. I'm thinking he's Weather Service, obtained through in the evening sky that hovered dressed for the elements and the several Freedom of Information above the community before it dogs are raising such a ruckus he Act (FOIA) requests, and took off at high speed. Steve Allen, must know he's in danger of being comparing them to witness a pilot, observed the object from caught. That's when I realized he accounts. the ground and described it as wanted me to see him." The man being a half-mile with flashing then turned away and walked into Shulze/Powell concluded that the strobe lights. He also said that it the woods. radar data confirms the witness was pursued by two fighter jets, observations of an object, as well when it disappeared at a speed he The United States Air Force initially as the Air Force's statement that estimated to be 3,000 mph. said witnesses must have seen said ten aircraft were operating in reflections coming from the area. They say that it is too "I don't know if it was a biblical commercial airliners. However, difficult to say what the witnesses experience or somebody from a they later clarified that ten F-16 saw, but that there was something different universe or whatever but Fighting Falcons had been on a there. Twice, they say, radar it was definitely not from around night-time training mission in the picked up an object travelling at these parts," Allen said. area on January 8. nearly 2,000 mph, and at other times it showed a slow moving Another witness was local law "In the interest of public object. enforcement officer Leroy awareness, Air Force Reserve Gateman who reported it as a red Command Public Affairs realized Much media attention has been glowing object suspended 3,000 an error was made regarding the focused on the report's feet in the air. "It was so fast I reported training activity of observation that radar records couldn't track it with my military aircraft," said the show one of two objects moving binoculars," said Gateman. statement. directly toward the Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford. This is the Rick Sorrells says he saw the According to Air Force home of United States President object while deer hunting in the spokesperson Karl Lewis, the George W. Bush, which has been woods. "You look at the trees, and aircraft were from the 457th nicknamed the Western White it was right here," he told ABC Fighter Squadron and the error in House. They did not draw any News. He estimated it to be the the initial report was due to an conclusion as to why such length of "three or four football internal communications problem movement was observed. fields," though he could not be between offices at the base. entirely sure due to his vantage The authors also concluded that point. Three firefighters killed in military air activity was heavy at blaze at Chinese plastics the time, but that the radar Sorrells has later claimed that factory records show no overt action military helicopters have since A fire at a Rexam Plastics factory toward the unknown object. They overflown his property at low in China has claimed the lives of express concern about the altitude and that he has been three firefighters. Nine more were possibilty that this could have getting strange phone calls. He injured in the accident in been a terrorist aircraft with no also claims that an unknown man Shanghai's Fengxian District.

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Today in History About Wikinews The first emergency call was 711 – Muslim conquests: Moorish We are a group of volunteer journalists received by Shanghai Public Umayyad invaders led by Tariq ibn whose mission is to create a diverse Security Bureau's 110 Command Ziyad defeated Roderic and the community where citizens from around Center at 12:20 p.m. and reported Visigoths at the Battle of the globe (including you) can the Jinhui Town factory as alight. A Guadalete. collaborate to report the news on a total of fifty fire engines and 1870 – A dispute over who would wide variety of current events. By around 300 firefighters were become the next Spanish monarch making our content perpetually available for free redistribution and use, dispatched to the scene of the following the deposition of Isabella we hope to contribute to a global digital blaze at the Rexam Plastic II during the 1868 Glorious commons. Packaging (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Revolution led France to declare facility. war on Prussia. Got news and no computer? 1908 – Feyenoord Rotterdam, Call the Wikinews Hotline Shortly after 2 p.m. a fifty-metre- today one of the "big three" +1-866-653-4265 (toll-free in the U.S.) long structural girder collapsed professional football teams in the +1-202-742-5918 onto a group of firefighters. Those Netherlands, was founded as the (outside the U.S.) killed were crushed beneath it and club Wilhelmina in a pub. died instantly. They were identified 1919 – Following Peace Day License as Yao Lei, 20, Shi Jianhua, 31, celebrations marking the end of This work is licensed under the Creative and Yu Hai, 27. The nine injured World War I, ex-servicemen who Commons Attribution License. Articles were taken to Fengxian District were unhappy with unemployment published in this Print edition were created by Wikinewsies. Other content Central Hospital, where one was and other grievances rioted and released under the GNU Free transfered to Ruijin Hospital with burnt down the town hall of Luton, Documentation License, other free burns and another to Shanghai No. England. license or is used as fair use. 6 People's Hospital with suspected 1947 – Burmese nationalist Aung injuries to his spine. San and six members of his newly- To view a copy of the CC-BY license, formed cabinet were assassinated visit: All are said to be in a stable during a cabinet meeting. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ or send a letter to condition. There were no other July 19 is Burmese Martyrs' Day Creative Commons injuries to firefighters or the 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor general public. Word of the Day San Francisco, California, 94105, USA schmooze v To view a copy of the GFDL, visit: The fire was contained by 5:30 1. To talk casually, especially http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html p.m. and extuinguished by 8:00 in order to gain an Wikipedia Current Events p.m. At its height it covered 2,000 advantage or make a social http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events square and smoke was spread connection. Today in History over ten kilometres. The area was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Quote of the Day sealed off as a petrol station was http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Main_Page 200 metres from the area, and air Word of the Day and water quality tests are http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Main_Page underway. A nearby drinking water About Wikinews Print Edition plant was shut down as a For more information about Wikinews precaution. Print Edition visit: http://en.wikinews.org/ wiki/Wikinews:Print Rexam employees said the fire spread rapidly because flammable raw materials and plastic products were stored in the workshop, which had most of its equipment destroyed. Meanwhile, local authorities say the beam fell due to poor construction. Production at the site is not expected to be affected.

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