1. The name of this website comes from two Mandarin Chinese words : the first meaning is the holder of the precious thing and literally translates to “gourd”, the second meaning is “interactive recording”. We saw both definitions highly relevant to our mission. Which website? Hulu 2. The term was first coined in 1996 by a member of The Cult of The Dead Cow. The term is defined as “the use of legal and/or illegal digital tools in pursuit of political ends”: Hactivism (Hacking+ Activism) 3. Petition to include X among the UNESCO’s world heritage site, will become first digital entry in the prestigious UNESCO list, a masterpiece of human creative genius and also of universal human value: 4. Tie-ins via 3 games- 2010 Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund; Virtual Sugar Beets were available for purchase; October 2009- players to contribute to charitable causes: Zinga 5. Trademark owned by Hormel Foods Corporation; Approx 80 to 85% of all emails fall in this category; Digital Equipment Corporation Computers- Gery Thoerk- ARPANET-1975: Spam 6. Mike Muuss-1983- Troubleshoot; Utility-Reach ability of a host; Blogging-XML-RPC based push mechanism – updates: Ping 7. Launched in 1997: Most User Friendly Website acc to JuxtConsult 2008 ; Anupam Mittal; World’s largest matrimonial website: Shaadi.com 8. Ward Cunningham; Hawaiian-Fast or Quick; Users can add, modify or delete content: Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work". 9. President & CEO is Satoru Iwata; Card Company 1889; Leave Luck to Heaven: Nintendo of America 10. 2000- - ; 1996- .com- Tim Shell; Florence Devouard & Micheal Snow- : (Also known as “Jimbo”) 11. These (MIT, IIT mumbai, madras, IISc Banglore, university of california), form a part of something at TCS. What is it? Co-Innocation Netword i.e. COIN 12. TCS in 2012 partnered with __ to invest in a sports education startup KOOH Sports. The fund raiser event that TCS was part of was which event in south India? The 10K Marathon Banglore& Mumbai (Three-time World Champion and Olympic Champion in Sydney 2000, Maria Mutola, often ranked as the greatest female 800 m runner of all time, has been confirmed as the Event Ambassador for the TCS World10K Bangalore 2013, a release from event promoters Procam International said on Tuesday.) 13. For 10K marathon, TCS is partnering with which bank for this? HDFC 14. CMC, a wholly-owned subsidiary was acquired in 1991 was earlier known by the name BRI. What does BRI stand for? Baton Rouge International 15. Connect these: HP, Rockstar, Ajay Chaudary (HCL was working with RR contract; they have a joint venture with HP for RISC/UNIX workstations, Nargis Fakri is now along with HCL, Ajay chaudary is one of the 6 founder members of HCL) 16. Barack Obama+ Lady Gaga =Memes (internet mimicry) 17. Sledgehanmer Games + Raven Interface + Infinity Ward = Modern Warfare 3 Game 18. HTC sponsored UEFA Champions League

19. Highroad+ YIK + = HTC (HTC highroad is a cycling team, Beats Audio by HTC has that symbol ) 20. Facebook’s ranking algorithm is called? Edge rank 21. What’s the Virgin Group, that’s in the airline in UK, is starting something called the Z chat-( where Z stands for Zodiac) by Richard Branson:: When you are flying to UK, you don’t know what to do, and you get to see whose seated with the same zodiac sign and you get to chat with that person 22. What was added to the Morse Symbol on 24th of May? The “@” Symbol (the letter "E," has the shortest code, a single dot; the most common letter in English, the letter "E," has the shortest code, a single dot. Beginning in 1836, the American artist Samuel F. B. Morse, the American physicist Joseph Henry, and Alfred Vail developed an electrical telegraph system. This system sent pulses of electric current along wires which controlled an electromagnet that was located at the receiving end of the telegraph system. A code was needed to transmit natural language using only these pulses, and the silence between them. Morse therefore developed the forerunner to modern International Morse code.In 1837, William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone in England began using an electrical telegraph that also used electromagnets in its receivers) 23. Edustrokes, Careerstrokes and Edustrokes are company of an Indian Cricketer who was formerly the brand ambassador of CSK; now of Sun Risers Hyderabad: Krishnamachari Srikkanth 24. It’s a word that’s going to be included in the dictionary; the word is Noogle: the fresher or the new employs of Google are called Noogle. 25. It’s the extention in the internet world- “.ws” : Website 26. In 1987, Thomas Knoll, a PhD Student of Michigian University developed a program to display grayscale images. The program was called the Display. It caught the attention of his brother and they both then made it a full fledge program. They named it ImagePro but the name was already taken. SO they named it X; what is X? Adobe Photoshop 27. It’s also called the packman logo. It’s logo has a slit between the letters O ans S that indicates speed. Developed by Scott Banker: Microsoft 28. Clamshell, Candybar, Slate, Swivel, Slider, Touch, Taco are types of mobile phones 29. Robert Gaskins of Microsoft; Software by Dannis Austin and Thomas Rudkins; Macintonish version: Presenter:: Microsoft Powerpoint 30. Bliss: Default wallpaper of Windows 31. “No delay in Human conversations”, “Characters doesn’t equal staying in touch”, “Since when did it become ok to mum happy birthday?” Skype Humoticons 32. Made by US Defense Department in 1994; Satellite Navigation Based System; Snap Track Inc. sold its technology for mobile phones: GPS 33. In 1991, NCR corporation with At&T invented the precursor to 802.11 intended for use in cashier systems. Interband was hired to rename it to make it a little more catchier than ‘IEEE802.11b Direct Sequence” Wifi 34. Permission or Transmission developed by Digital Equipment Corportion in 1998. It was created by Brain Reid and his team at Paulo Alto? Firewall 35. The first dot com to be listed first on Bombay Stock Exchange; Sanjeev Bikchandani: Naukri.com 36. Walldorf, Germany. Systemanalyse and Programmentwicklung. Bill McDermott: SAP AG 37. Developed by Idealabs in 2002. Google took over in 2004. Pic + Spanish for house: Picasa 38. NEDGroup Insurance: South Africa 39. Trading symbol of TCS in NSE? TCS 40. A trademark of TCS, what is GNDM? Global Network Delivery Model 41. TCS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the restoration of the iconic Rajabhai Clock Tower and Library building in coordination with Indian Heritage Society and which University? Mumbai University 42. Priyanka Chopra +Windows Logo +KKR= Nokia 43. 1st Blackberry phone +Pearl= Blackberry Pearl 44. “A Better India” + Catamaran = Narayan Murthy 45. Sunflower + Buzz = 46. Created by Outfit 7 : Talking Friends 47. CSS: Hakon Wium Lie (He is best known for proposing the concept of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) while working with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994.) 48. They were looking for a name but couldn’t find one (In 1971, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney founded an engineering firm, Syzygy Engineering,[14] that designed and built the first arcade video game—Computer Space for Nutting Associates. On June 27, 1972 Atari, Inc. was incorporated and soon hired Al Alcorn as their first design engineer. Atari (from a Japanese verb meaning "to hit the target") is a corporate and brand name owned by several entities since its

inception in 1972.) 49. Created by Paul Buchheit = Gmail.com

Prelim Questions Chennai 2012

1.What was developed by VSS Mani a local search engine which has processed more than 250,000 requests this year alone? Ans:JustDial 2.X was developed because Microsoft did not offer comprehensive Windows 7 support for atom processor.It is a merged project of Maemo and Moblin.Now it is known as OS.Identify X ? Ans:MeeGo 3.What product is based on Japanese Shokado Bento ? Ans:Thinkpad 4."That one small step for man, One giant leap of Mankind" was spoken by Neil Armstrong on what company‟s Transceiver Ans:Motorola 5.Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger are the developers of what famous application? Ans:Instgram 6.Identify the programming language ?

Ans:Pike 7.Expand GPRS ? Ans:General Packet Radio Service 8.Nicholas Carr in his book compared “The Big Switch” compared cloud computing to what important utility? Ans:Electricity 9.What word that was coined in the 1960‟s by Frederic C. Billingsley to describe the picture elements of video images (especially in TV‟s)? Ans:Pixel 10.What we commonly use today was first conceptualized at Advanced Research Projects Agency as what? Ans:ARPANET 11.Who is known as the father of android ? (Larry Page/Sergey brin/Andy Rubin) Ans:Andy Rubin 12.They are the founders of ?

Ans:Rovio 13.Who wrote this book ?

Ans:Bill Gates 14.If Galaxy is for Samsung what is it for HTC? Ans:One Seris 15.The easier it is for you to access your system the easier it is for others to access your system? This is the 3rd statement of what law? Ans:Shopfield Law 16.Identify this app

Ans:MapMyIndia 17.Which is this app

Ans:Winamp for Android 18.Expand WPF (common with powerpoint) Ans:Windows Powerpoint Foundation 19.Who is the founder of happiest minds also associated with mindtree? Ans:Ashok Soota 20.What was previously known as “Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering corporation”? Ans:SONY

1) This programming language was published by named in honor of a French mathematician and philosopher.Id.: Pascal

2)This IT personality has a moon crater , an information technology research center at University of Minnesota , and a Rail locomotive engine named after him. Who? Charles Babbage

3)Meg Whitman was the CEO of which company till 2008?Ebay 4)This is a company owned by? Bill Gates

5)If it is Microsoft Office Suite for Windows , what is it for Mac? iWork


Punch Card

7)Which famous IT company has its headquarters in Espoo?


8)This software was first developed by students at Ecole Centrale Paris in 1996? VLC

9)Shadow , Speedy , Bashful , Pokey are characters from which famous game?

PacMan 10)What was the codename of Android 4.0? Ice Cream Sandwich

11)Identify her.

Lady Ada Lovelace

12)Amazon Kindle has which display technology used in it? E-Ink Tech

13)Algorithm used by Google , that is PageRank is named after whom? Larry Page (Described by Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin in several publications. It is given by

PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))

14)This is owned by?


15) In 2G , 3G , 4G , what does "G" stand for? Generation

16)Flyte is an online music store by? FLipkart



18) "Thrive" is a series of tablets by? Toshiba

19) What does SWF stand for in the format ".swf"? Shockwave Format

20) What was developed by them? Compact Disk 1.Apple : Siri :: Samsung: ? Ans: S Voice

2.What is Southwestern Bell Corporation now better known as? Ans:AT&T

3.Name her or identify the company associated with her.

Ans: Priscilla Chan(facebook) 4.Identify the game.

Ans: Travian Wars 5.Which company created the app “Velu the Welder”, which is designed to help kids who drop out of school? Ans: TCS

6.Identify the company associated with her.

Ans: Yahoo Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo 7.What is Android 4.1 codenamed as? Ans:Jelly Bean

8.What was originally called Project Natal? Ans: Xbox Kinect

9.Which social network now enables you to create social networks ?(options Orkut, Ning and Baidu) Ans: Bing

10.What is this service called?

Ans: Facetime

11.What is the word to denote 10^21 bytes? Ans: Zettabyte

12.Who authored “Why the future doesn‟t need us” who also happens to be the co-founder of SUN.? Ans: Bill Joy

13.Peter Shu founded what? (Storage Company) Ans: Transcend

14.Drew Houston conceived the idea after repeatedly forgetting his USB Flash drive while he was a student at MIT. What creation did this lead to? Ans: Dropbox

15.Which gaming company owns pogo.com? Ans: Electronic Arts

16.Id the logo.

Ans: Verisign

17.What is a .srt file used for? Ans: Movie Subtitles

18.What is macsyma, a programming language used for? Ans: Algebra

19.Identify the device.

Ans: Nintendo DS

20.Name the game which is being used by scientists to study compaction of granular matter.It is used widely to study the thermodynamics of nano particles. Ans: Tetris

New Programming Language by Google: Google Dart

Who owns POGO.COM?

A. Electronic Arts (EA)

16.An X is a unit of info or computer storage equal to one sextillion or 10 to the power of 21 bytes. What is X? A. ZetaByte 17. They gave a photo of the someone with his thumb naming Jeffery and himself called Chuck. The image had the following saying: Jeffery: Ultimate Gamer, Partly Consultant. (Above the Thumb) and Over the person Chuck: Regular Guy (I did not get the correct image of this, so just gave with words.) Identify the game related to this.... A. Tetris.

1.What in the world of computers was initially designed to prevent phosphor burn-in on CRT and plasma computer monitors? Ans:Screen Saver 2.What do you call a person who spends a great deal of his time on computers ? Ans:Mouse Potato 3.What is this called?

Ans:Blue Screen of Death 4.Which was the most used term on the internet in 2012? Ans:Hashtag ( # ) 5.Who are they ?

Ans:MS Office Assistants 6.Identify her ?

Ans:Virgina Rometty 7.Which company provided solutions for the New York Half marathon ? Ans:TCS 8.Who was the Times Person of the Year for the year 2006 ? Ans:You ( Reference to the millions of people contributing to the internet) 9.Identify the logo ?

Ans:Dropbox 10.Which term is used to describe a computer security expert who uses hacking with ethical intentions like improving security of workstations ? Ans:White Hat Hacker 11.Identify

Ans:Angry Birds - Star Wars

1. The wife of George Canova, the co-founder of this company mistakenly thought that this word meant “New”. She proposed the name and it became the name of the new company. What is the name of the company? This company is based in the United States and has been founded in Provo, Utah in 1983. Novell founders Drew Major, Kyle Powell, Dale Neibaur and Deniis Fairclough left their original company Eyring Research Institute, causing them to come up with a company which centers on data systems and software.:: Novell Netware 2. The term in its modern sense first appeared in 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review in which authors Leavitt and Whisler commented that “the new technology does not have yet a single established name so we shall call it X.” What is X? IT (Information Technology) 3. Wall Street Journal called it the cheapest___ in the world; it works on android platform; Data wind and IIT-R cocreated this:: Aakash Tablet 4. Chief Technology officer at the Opera Software, famous for working at CERN with Tim Berners Lee; He is best known for proposing[1] the concept of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) while working with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994.:: Hakon Wium Lee

5. A grey hat: Fedora Hat :: Fedora Software

6. Q R Code i.e. the quick Response Code. The QR code system was invented in 1994 by Toyota's subsidiary, Denso Wave. Its purpose was to track vehicles during manufacture; it was designed to allow high-speed component scanning.[3] It has since become one of the most popular types of two-dimensional barcodes.[4]

7. Reversal to Multiple Users; Peter Merholz; Posts:: Blogging (Peter Merholz coined the term “Blog”) 8. Fastest growing E-commerce website since 2003, Indian national award for E governance 2007-8;

IRCTC 9. Game Load; Adobe Systems 1993; Released as an open standard on July1, 2008.:: PDF 10. EMIEW 2; Namihei Odaira; Sunrise: (Namihei Odaira (小平浪平, 15 January 1874 – 5 October 1951) was a Japaneseentrepreneur and philanthropist who founded what is now known as Hitachi Ltd.; Hitachi translates as Sunrise in Japanese) 11. Co-founded Mind Tree, President of Wipro Infotech from 1984 to 1999; 1978 CEO of Shriram

Refrigeration:: Ashok Soota (Founded by Subroto Bagchi n Ashok Soota) 12. John McCarthy 1956; Raj Reddy- Turning Award; “Intelligent Machines”: Artificial Intelligence

13. Banglore 14. TCS BaNCS enables transformation in financial services through a superior and holistic suite of solutions for banks, capital market firms, insurance companies and diversified financial institutions.

15. TCS is featured in the Forbes Asia’s Fab 50 list for the fifth time. It is also recognized as one of the “50 Most Engaged Workplaces™” in the US. 16. TCS is ranked fourth in the “Most Valuable IT Services Brand” global survey conducted by Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation firm (May 2012). 17. TCS BaNCS wins the Xcelent award for “Advanced Technology” in each of the three Celent reports on Core Banking solutions for small, mid-sized and large banks. TCS BaNCS also emerged first in “Breadth of Functionality” in the report for small banks. 18. In the “Core Banking Solutions for Mid-size Banks - A Global Perspective” report by Celent, TCS BaNCS scored the #1 position for Advanced Technology and the #3 position for Functional Breadth among 14 vendors and their respective offerings. 19. TCS BaNCS succeeded in retaining the #3 position in Universal Banking in the IBS Sales League Table - the most important industry barometer. 20. TCS BaNCS is recognized as #3 Core Banking Solution in the 2011 IBS Sales League Table.

21. 22. Burroughs: 1st International Customers of TCS 23. S. Mahalingam Chief Financial officer (CFO) @ TCS

retired recently The new CFO is Rajesh Gopinathan: 24. Cards+ Ocean Wave+ David Bekham = Samsung(“ACE” is a phone from Samsung; the Korean word for Ocean is Bada (Google has Android, Samsung has Bada; David Bekham is brand Ambassador for Samsung at Olympics) 25. AIFF+ Universal Studios+=Panasonic (Panasonic sponsors AIFF; Universal is a set of Remote Controls from Panasonic + Panasonic Sponsors Marco Reus, German Footballer + Panasonic used to own Universal Studios, then known as the Music Corporation of America, since acquiring the company in 1990 but sold it to Seagram in 1995. Universal Studios is now a unit of NBCUniversal, which is now owned by Philadelphia based Comcast.) 26. FuseLabs+SOCL + YE + Start Me Up song by Rolling Stones (Windows 95) = Microsoft 27. Steve Jobs + Uff teri Ada+ Experience + Xperia = Sony (Xperia was derived from Experience; Turtule Web by Steve Jobs was inspired from Sony) 1.It was ranked as the No. 1 brand for customer satisfaction within the first year of its launch with an overall score of over 95%. It have also been adjudged the 'Buzziest Brands of 2009' i.e. the most searched for brands by surfers, in a survey carried out by a leading online portal in India.Id the brand.

2.Which company is Sanjay Jha the CEO of?

3.What was created by other than the language C ?


5.Identify this person.

6.Identify the OS.

1. 7.Who was the founder of NeXT Inc. ?

8.Name Sony's dog like robot.

9.What was developed by ?

10.Which company's name translates to the Japanese word for 'Mountain Leaf'? (Hint : The company makes a range of digital pianos.)

11.Who was the official watch sponsor of London Olympics 2012 ?

12.Identify--"Speed One Terrahertz,Memory One Zettabyte" .

13.Expand AJAX.

14.Expand VOIP.

15.Identify-- " Like Lift without the L "

16.Name the company that has partnered with Boeing to reduce the sound it produces.

17.Who own Centipede Origin ?

18.Name the 'professional' social network.

19.What was bought by Google that was owned by The Garfield Comics ?

20.What does CE signify?


1.Virgin Mobiles 2.Motorola 3.UNIX 4.Google Glass 5.Phaneesh Murty 6. 7.Steve Jobs 8.AIBO 9.FORTRAN 10.Yamaha 11. Omega 12.Chitti the robot 13.Asynchronous Java Script 14.Voice Over Internet Protocol 15.IFTTT 16.HCL 17.Atari Incorporated 18.Linked In 19.Gmail 20.European Conformity

1.Developed in the 1970s by Cleve Moler at MathWorks.Is a revolution in the education industry Ans:MATLAB 2.What is the full form of IBIBO? Ans:I Build I Blog 3.Compatibility and Quality was its motto and it derived its name from it.What? Ans:Compaq 4.Connect

Ans:Microsoft 5.Matthew Charles "Matt" Mullenweg created a website that helps others create other blogs.What did he create ? Ans:WordPress 6.It was started as a Card Making company in 1889.Which company? Ans:Nintendo 7.Who is the CEO of IBM ? Ans:Virginnia Rometty 8.Headquarters of which company ?

Ans:Amazon 9.Who is known as the father of Pentium Chips ? Ans:Vinod Dham 10.Expand XIF Ans:Xerox Image Format 11.What does he create ?

Ans:TCP/IP(Bob Khan) 12.From Latin icon, from Ancient Greek εἰκών "likeness, image, portrait". Eastern Orthodox Church sense is attested from 1833. Computing sense first recorded in 1982.Now a common part of the computer lingo.(pick gave a give away clue:can be seen as tiny images on computers). Ans:ICON 13.With which indain mobile maker did intel make xolo ? Ans:LAVA 14.What did they create ?

Ans:PHP 15. A X is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device. Identify X ? Ans:Podcast 16.Identify the author

Ans:Andrew Tanenbaum 17. Discontiuned on December 15,2011 to make way for Google Plus.Identify the service Ans:Google Buzz 18.Had to leave yahoo as it was found that he did not really have a degree and his degree was fake.Identify the person ? Ans:Scott Thompson 19.Bob Young and Marc Ewing started what in 1993 which has made signicant contributions in the world of linux? Ans:RedHat 20.Identify


1.1 Byte = how many bits ? Ans:8 bits 2.What in this world uses MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 digital compression technology and is transmitted using INSAT 4A at 83 degrees E ? Ans:TATA Sky 3.What is the fullform of COBOL ? Ans:COmmon Business Oriented Language 4.Grace Murray Hooper wrote the first_____ in 1952? (opt:Bug,Compiler,BIOS) Ans:Compiler 5.What is Google's headquarters nicknamed ? Ans:GooglePlex 6.For which device did Apple make it's Newton OS for? Ans:Newton PDA 7.Identify him

Ans:Vinod Dham 8.Connect SPSS , LEXMARK , Pwc and the sale of Thinkpad in 2005. Ans:IBM 9.What was created by Eduaro Saverin ,Chris Huges , Dustin Muzkovitz and other guy? Ans:Facebook 10.Identigy

Ans:Blogger 11.X was officially launched on MTV on May 12, 2005.The detailed launch and game information divulged later that month at the Electronic Entertainment Expo.What is X ? Ans:Xbox 360 12.Which former Google executive was hired by Yahoo to take up their Chief Executive Officer Post? Ans:Marissa Mayer 13.Identify this game

Ans:Cut The Rope 14.Which brand in this world created the Whispernet for its trademark device? Ans:Amazon 15.Chrome :: Google ::::: Firefox :: ______? Ans:Mozilla 16.Identify the company

Ans:SONY(Vaio TV Ad) 17.Which company acquired Conner Peripherals,Maxtor and EVault? Ans:Seagate 18.Identify this entity.

Ans:JustDial 19.Who has developed AISHA a competitor for SIRI in the market? Ans:Micromax 20.Which company makes these(name was erased)


1.Dylan is a programming language from which famous company ? Ans:Apple 2.Originally founded as in house technology unit of Dun & Bradstreet in 1994, by Kumar Mahadeva.And Headquartered at Teaneck,New Jersey,USA.Which company ? Ans:Cognizant 3.In computing, it is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow, or that is followed automatically.What ? Ans:Hyperlink 4.Identify this person

Ans:Ajay Bhatt 5.First web browser in 1990 was made by whom ? Ans:Tim Berners Lee 6.First tab with jelly bean onboard ? Ans:Nexus 7 7.Its business and government customers consisted mainly of wireless voice and broadband systems (used to build private networks), and, public safety communications systems like Astro and Dimetra(hint:Neil Amstrong spoke the famos words "One small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind" through the product of this company from Moon) Ans;Motorola 8.Identify

Ans:Sims 9.It is a diagnostic utility included in MS-DOS and Windows 9x. It checks and repairs file systems errors on a disk drive.What ? Ans:Scan Disk 10.First products: "JetMate" laser printer driver, for producing high quality Chinese characters, and "KeyPro" software protection system.Which company? Ans:Transcend 11.Identify the logo

Ans:Skullcandy 12.It is a tile-matching puzzle video game created by Raptisoft Games, and published by PopCap Games. It is named after the multi-colored fuzzballs around which the game revolves.(Options:Chuzzle,Popsicle,Fuzzicle ) Ans:Chuzzle 13.This a big hit on net.Rise of a meme by a Korean rapper PSY,song is a style. Which style ? Ans:Oppa Gangnam style 14.Identify this person

Ans:Pierre Omidyar 15.Chomp is a search and discovery company,part of which giant? Ans:Apple 16.Personais a secure multi browser website authentication mechanism prototyped by which company Ans:Mozilla Foundation 17.Identify the logo

Ans:Deviant Art 18.Nvidia : Geforce ::: ______: Radeon Ans:AMD/ATI 19.Snapdragon Soc of which company ? Ans:Qualcomm 20.Ad Campaign of which company ?


1.What was created by Brendan Eich ? Ans:Javascript 2.What are the two words make "Intel" Ans:Integrated Electronics 3.What was created by Tim Westergreen ? Ans:Pandora Radio 4.Identify him?

Ans:Mike Lazaridis 5.Identify him?

Ans:Pranav Mistry 6.Which company created Playbook tablets ? Ans:Research In Motion 7.Which company owns Junglee.com(was asked in the Hyd prelims also) Ans:Amazon 8.1 Zettabyte = How many bytes Ans:1021Bytes 9.Identify this ?

Ans:CopyLeft 10.According to a robot.. Expand ACER ? Ans:Advancement Combat Engineer Robot 11.Which company has services like N-Guru ? Ans:NIIT 12.Identify this Game(the name was erased there)

Ans:Diablo 3 13.What did Herman Hollerith created ? Ans:Punched Card Tabulator 14.Expand ".mam" extension ? Ans:Microsoft Access Macro 15.Identify

Ans:Wikipedia(for iOS) 16.What was developed by Sun Microsystems for iPhone 4 Ans:Siri 17. What is used to separate directory names ? Ans:Backslash (" \ ") 18.Which group owns "Computational Research Laboratories"? Ans:TATA Group 19.Gauntlet 3 was a game which had the following characters– Pirates, Nerds, Punk, Rockers,X. A major modern “entity” in the world of technology is X. Identify. Ans:Android 20.Connect: Napster, Plaxo, Facebook, Spotify, Votizen, Airtime. Ans:Sean Parker 1.Which product was created at Stanford Research Institute and later integrated to Iphone 4s? Ans:Siri 2.What is Android 4.0 commonly called ?(hint:What we would like to eat) Ans:Icecream Sandwich 3.Which software was developed at the Cowpland Research Laboratories by Michael Cowpland Ans:Corel Draw 4.Identify the Author ?

Ans:Andy Grove 5.Godrej and Olympia are the only companies still producing this computer component.(hint:it can be mostly found outside court rooms) Ans:Typewriter 6.Who is the Father of Free Software Movement ? Ans:Richard Stallman 7.What is the process of adding a location of a Image,Media file Documents etc.(options:Metatagging , Geotagging) Ans:Geotagging 8.Identify the software

Ans:Kaspersky 9.Sean ______and Sean ______created Napster.Name them Ans:Sean Parker and Sean Fanning 10.It is a framework which won the Jolt productivity award and JAX innovation award in 2006.But it didn't gain much popularity.Which framework (options:HTML framework , Spring framework) Ans:Spring Framework 11.Which game was created by Sami Jarvi ? (hint:its a Person shotter game) Ans:MAX PAYNE 12.Identify this device ?

Ans:SegWay 13.Identify this game

Ans: 14.What is the connection between Hotmail and Jaxtr ? (a famous Indian) Ans:Sabeer Bhatia 15.Which company was formerly known as Multitech ?A famous laptop selling brand in India (hint:four letter answer) Ans:Acer 16.How do we better know "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Human Apart" ? Ans:CAPTCHA 17.Identify (hint;Three dots are the clue)

Ans:Samsung Galaxy S3 18.Who produces "Me" range of laptops ? Ans:HCL 19.Adwords,Doubleclick and Motorola Mobility are belong to which company ? Ans:Google 20.This is an ad of which famous company ?


1.What was developed by Justin Frankel, Dmitry Boldyrev, and Shiva Ayyadurai and its popularity grew quickly, along with the developing trend of MP3 file sharing. Ans:Winamp 2.Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion are all versions of which famous OS? Ans:Mac OS 3.Which famous utility was started by Drew Houston, the idea for which he conceived while at MIT? Ans:Dropbox 4.Identify this person

Ans:Jimmy Wales 5.He has been heading Cisco since 1995 ? Ans:John Chambers 6.Robohornet is used to measure the speed of which online component? Ans:Browser 7.Which company's ad campaign is this ?

Ans:Myntra.com 8.Which famous software suite was originally created by StarOffice? Ans:Openoffice 9.Sabeer Bhatia‟s „SabseBolo‟ acquired this company recently? Ans:Jaxtr 10.Identify this logo

Ans:Snapdragon 11.Who succeeded Louis V Gerstner & was preceded by Virginia Rometty? Ans:Sam Palmisano 12.Cruzer & Sansa are products by which company? Ans:Sandisk 13.Identify this

Ans:Fifa 12 14.Series 40 is a mobile OS by which company? Ans:Nokia 15.Identify him.He is the CEO of Redbus

Ans:Phanindra Sharma 16.Which company, well known in the field of gaming, in collaboration with New Line Cinema creates games based on movies (Recently on an alien franchise )? Ans:SEGA 17.Which company was founded by John Bullough Lansing in 1946 ? Ans: JBL 18.Which company has a tagline – „Connecting the World through games‟? Ans:Zynga 19.Identify the logo

Ans:USB 20.What is the fullform of 'AMOLED' Ans:Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode1.Luna, Royale, Zune, and Embedded were the official themes designed for which product by Microsoft?[Hint: For Which version of Windows were they designed?] Ans:Windows XP 2.Which operating system was developed by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White in October 2003? Ans:Android 3.Identify the blanked out part?[Options: Flash, Corel, Autodesk]

Ans:Autodesk 4.Everyone's heard about DSLRS. Canon's famous DSLR Range is called CanonEOS. What does EOS Stand for? Ans:Electro Optical System 5.How do we better know Active Matrix Light Emitting Diodes. Something you'll see in Televisions, Mobile Phones and other gadgets? Ans:AMOLED 6.Identify him

Ans:Sean Fanning 7.It is Facebook's Advertisement System which is personalized according to likes and interests of the people. So if you like Movies, Facebook will show you advertisements relevant to that. What is this called? [Options: Torchlight, Beacon, PageRank] Ans:Beacon 8.Gorilla Glass the trademark for an alkali-aluminosilicate sheet glass is manufactured by which U.S. glass maker? Ans:Corning 9.Which operating system calls itself the First Cloud OS [Hint: Formed by the merger of two companies. One of them being SUN Microsystems ] Ans:Oracle Solaris 10.X is an online service that matches people seeking vacation rentals and other short-term accommodations with hosts who have an unused space to rent, generally private parties that are not professional hoteliers. The site was founded in August 2008by Nathan Blecharczyk, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia. What is X? Ans:Air BnB 11.Identify the app

Ans:iTunes Movie Trailers 12.Which is the only commercial web browser Available for Nintendo's Wii and 3DS? Ans:Opera 13.Identify this logo.( Something you'd associate with the European Union)

Ans:Trusate 14.What are notebooks installed with Google's Chrome OS called? Ans:Chromebooks 15.Which Entertainment Company created this game?

Ans:Disney 16.Which is the first and only phone maker to incorporate Beats By Dr.Dre Audio in its phones. They've also come up with customized headphones with Beats Audio? Ans:HTC 17.Yogesh Patel & which other Indian together founded Jaxtr SMS? Ans:Sabeer Bhatia 18.DevCamp Bangalore. Date : 9 Nov 2012 until 11 Nov 2012. Which Organization famous in the world of IT is organizing this in Bangalore? Ans:Wikipedia 19."We are ______. We are Legion. We do not forgive." Which group will you associate this with? Ans:Anonymus 20.Identify the singer