ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS-= Changes in the department, 3876. Resolution, relative to sale of tickets of admission to Resolution for special revenue bonds- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- places of amusements, 3443. American Legion, New York County, 3684. American Legion, Kings County, request for author- Resolutions recommending establishment of various American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, ity to draw on account of expenses in connection grades of positions- , 3685. with Memorial Day observances, 3640. City Magistrates' Court, 3783. American Legion in East New York and Bushwick Authorization to purchase various articles without pub- City Departments, 3782. Section, , 3685. lic letting- •Correction, Department of, 3784. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 3683. Bronx, President, Borough of, 3641, 3785. Education, Department of, 3784. Education, Board of, 3440. County Clerk, New York County, 3685. Fire Department, 3783. Education, Board of, 3686. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3962. Law Department, 3783. Queens, President, Borough of, 3777. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3685. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3783. Resolution appointing various persons City Surveyors, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3784. 3783. 3683. Parks, Department of, Brooklyn, 3785. Resolution releasing the Soraci Contractigg Company Authorized to enter into contract without public Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, letting- 3784. from penalty accrued under contract with the Depart- Fire Commissioner, 3643. ment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity on pay- Resolution, granting permission for public collection of ment of nominal damages, 3685. Richmond, President, Borough of, 3962. funds by Aid Association, for ex-patients of Denver Board meetings, 3407. Sanatoriums, 3644. St. Michael's Church, Brooklyn, Pastor of, permission Code of Ordinances, amendments of relating to- Resolution in memoriam, 3443. granted to collect funds publicly, 3683. Billiard and pool tables, 3644. Resolution authorizing the special Committee of the Salvation Army Home Service appeal, permission Discharge of small arms, 3442. Board of Estimate and Apportionment on City cele- granted to collect funds publicly, 3685. Location and designation of public markets, 3442. bration of Independence Day to make expenditures ARMORY, BOARD OF- Masonry construction and in particular to wall thick- without public letting, 3644. Proposals- nesses of small "residence" buildings, 3788. Finishing and completing Lecture Hall, 8th Coast Resolution, granting permission to the Serbian Child Defense Command Armory, Jerome avenue and "Peddlers" and in particular to restricted streets and Welfare Committee of America to collect funds pub- places, 3642. Kingsbridge road, The Bronx, 3433. licly, 3788. Reconstruct roof of drill shed, old 8th Coast Defense Persons to be licensed as engineers, 3778. Resolution, granting permission to Beauvais Post, Sidewalk shed, 3788. Command Armory, Park avenue, 94th and y5th American Legion, to collect funds publicly in the streets, Manhattan, 3433. "Wood Construction" and in particular to wood Borough of Richmond, 3788. beams and girders,.3788. Resolution, granting permission to the Congregation ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Warning or signalling devices on motor vehicles, B'nai Israel of Washington Heights to construct a Annual apportionment in former Town of New Utrecht, 3438. vault without payment of the usual fee, 3788. 3413. Communications from- Resolution, requesting leave of absence of employees, Assessments and awards, completion of- . Community Council, 3959. 3515. Bronx, Borough of, 4171. Local freight agents' association, 3775. Brooklyn, Borough of, 3413. 3536, 3568, 3948. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various Resolution, appointing Edward Bergman as City Sur- veyor, 3788. Manhattan, Borough of, 4171. persons, 3442, 3644, 3787. Queens, Borough of, 3413, 3536, 4171. Establishing various grades of positions- Resolution, appointing Robert Eagar as City Surveyor, 3788. Notice to present claims for damages- Assistant Engineer, 3785. Resolution, granting permission to the St. Catherine Bronx. Borough of, 3743. Auditor and Farmer, 3784. Brooklyn, Borough of, 3743. • Welfare Association to conduct a flower'sale on the Court Attendant, 3283. streets of the City, 3971. Manhattan, Borough of, 3743. Clerks, 3783, 3784. Resolution, granting permission to the Mount Carmel Queens, Borough of, 3743. Fire Prevention Inspector, 3783. Society to collect funds publicly, 3971. Report for quarter ended March 31, 1920, 3736. Helper, 3784. Resolution, granting permission to the Universal Ne- BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS- janitor Engineer, 3784. gro Improvement Association to conduct a flower Auction sale, advertisement of, 3698. Law Clerk, 3783. Minutes of meeting of May 18, 1920, 3976. Rodman and Inspector, 3784. sale, 3970. Stenographer and Typewriter, 3783. Report of the Committee on Rules, in.favor of filing BRONX, BOROUGH OF THE- Education, Board of, requested to explain non-payment resolutions, etc., 3642, 3643. Bureau of Buildings, public notice, 3425. of bonus to men teachers on Schedule VI and VII, Salaries and Offices, Committee on, reports of- Bureau of Buildings, weekly reports of, 3404, 3447, 3669, City Departments, 3782, 3715, 3912. 3781. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, appropriating Child Welfare, 3970. Changes in the department, 3715, 3912, $961.31 to provide for increases in salaries of two Education, Board of, 3969. Minutes of Local Board meetings, 3423. clerks in the Department of Education, 3787. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3969. Proposals- Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, appropriating Parks, Department of, Brooklyn, 3969. Asphaltic cement, 3425. $6,500 to provide for strengthening the floors of the Seventh District Municipal Court, Manhattan, estab- Asphalt road oil, 3425. Textile School, etc., 3787. lishing a new part in the, 3779. Broken trap rock stone, 3425. Finance Committee on reports relating to- Special revenue bonds, request for- Fine sand, 3425. Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 3964. City Clerk, New York County, 3440. Limestone dust and other suitable inorganic dust, Child Welfare, Board of, 3968. City Clerk, Richmond County. 3437. 3425. Education, Board of, 3969. Child Welfare, Board of, 3637. Portland cement, 3425. ' Health, Commissioner of, 3964. District Attorney, Bronx County, 3637. Paving pitch, 3425. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3967. Fire Department, 3439. Weekly reports, 3447, 3912, 3988. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3964. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3437, 3936. BROOKLYN, BOROUGH OF- Purchase, Board of, 3964. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3637. Bureau of Buildings, General Order No. 37, 3651. I Richmond, President, Borough of, 3964. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3936. Changes in the department, 3715, 3912. Register, Kings County, 3964. Plant and Structures, Department of 3637, 3783. Proposals- Sheriff, New York County, 3968. Sheriff. Bronx County, 3636. Constructing sewers, 3425, 3719. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Commissioner of, Sheriff, Kings County, 3637. Fencing lots on southwest side of Visitation place, 3964. Water Sunoly, Gas and Electricity, Department of, 3671. Health, Commissioner of, request for special revenue 3636, 3783. Regulating and repaving, 3425, 3719. bonds, to cover the running expenses of the Straus APPEALS, BOARD OF- Repairing pipe sewer, 3671. Milk Laboratory and Milk Dispensing Stations, Board Meetings, 3407. Weekly report, 3423. APPROVED PAPERS- taken over and accepted by the City as a gift from CITY CHAMBERLAIN, OFFICE OF- Nathan Straus, 3777. Authorization to purchase various articles without public letting- Weekly reports, 3543, 3759. Minutes of meeting of , 1920, 3435. Changes in the department, 3505, 3715. Minutes of meeting of , 1920, 3635. District Attorney, Richmond County, 3685. Purchase, Board of, 3683. CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF- Minutes of meeting of , 1920, 3775. Proposals- Minutes of meeting of , 1920, 3959. Plant and Stfuctures, Department of, 3683. Manhattan, President, Borough of, request for special Street Cleaning, Department of, 3683. Contract No. 1, for the construction and completion revenue bonds for completing repairs to Riverside Beth David Hospital, Manhattan, permission granted of the water mains to the buildings of the New Drive Viaduct, 3641. to collect funds publicly, 3684. York City Women's Farm Colony at Greycourt, Notice of public hearings, 3459. Code of Ordinances, amendments of, relating to- Orange County, New York, 3793. Public Letting, Committee on, reports of, relating to- Discharge of small arms, 3685. Contract No. 3, for the installation and completion Docks, Commissioner of, 3965. Location and designation of public markets, 3685. of the electric underground service to the building Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3965. Markets, by incorporating therein an article relating of the Women's Farm Colony at Parks, Commissioner of, 3963. to the manufacture and sale of ice, 3686. Greycourt, Orange County, New York, 3793. Purchase, Board of, 3965. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing; 3684, Construction and completion of the bins and electric Queens, President, Borough of, 3965. 3685. work of the root cellar of the New York City Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, authorized to Establishing grades of positions- Reformatory at New Hampton, Orange County, issue special revenue bonds for electric lighting of Education, Department of, 3684. New York, 3793. music stands, 3440. Health, Department of, 3685. DOCKS, DEPARTMENT OF- Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, authorized to Licenses, Department of, 3684. Changes in the department, 3912. issue special revenue bonds for the purchase of auto- Plant and Structures, Department of, 3685. Proposals- matic turnstiles, 3440. Street Cleaning, Department of, 3684. Contract A, for the reconstruction of the pier at the Public Thoroughfares, Committee on, reports of, relat- Granting permission for public collection of funds for foot of Stanton street, East River, Manhattan, and ing to- relief of starving women and children in Germany for the construction of a new freight shed thereon, Designating names of various streets and places, 3642. and , 3685. 3412. Release to the Soraci Contracting Co. for penalty ac- House Council of the School Settlement, permit granted Contract B, for water supply and plumbing, 3412. crued under contract with the Department of Water .to collect funds publicly, 3684. Dredging at the dumping boards of the Department Supply, Gas and Electricity by payment of nominal Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to con- of Street Cleaning, etc., 3412. damages, etc., 3441. tract for converting an auto educator to grab bucket Report for quarter ended March 31, 1920, 3911. Requesting the Mayor to appoint a Wage Inquiry basin cleaning machine without public letting, 3684. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF- Committee, 3643. Ordinance selecting a site for use as an addition to Changes in the. department, 3406, 3912. Resolution urging Board of Estimate and Apportion- Sea View Hospital under the jurisdiction of the Com- Proposals- ment to provide increase for certain employees, 3443. missioner of Public Welfare, 3683. Alterations and repairs to public schools in the Bor- Resolutions granting permission for public collections Parks,. Commissioner of, Queens, authorized to con- ough of Richmond, 3409. of funds for relief of starving women and children tract for repair of and other work on flagpole in General construction of new Public School 185 on in Germany and Austria, 3443. Astoria Park, 3684. easterly side of Ridge boulevard, Brooklyn, 3409. II. INDEX TO CITY RECORD-JUNE. VOL. XLVIII-P VI.

EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF- ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, BOARD OF-- ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, BOARD OF- General construction and plumbin , etc., in Public Conron Bros. Co., application of, 3589. Plant and Structures, - Department of, isst*e of tax School 39, southerly side of State street, Far Cudahy Packing Co., application of, 3590. notes for reconstruction of roadway pavement on Rockaway, Queens, 3409. Corporate stock, issue of- Manhattan Bridge, 4119. Painting work at Public Schools 16, 36, 74, 87 and Docks, Department of, 4140. Plant and Structures, Department of, expenditure of 91, Queens, 3409. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, funds, 4120. Repairs and alterations to heating and ventilating ap- 4119. Plant and Structures, Department of, issue of tax notes paratus, etc., in Public Schools 2, 11, 12, 32, 74, 87, Drainage plan, modification of- for reconstruction of ferry racks at the Brooklyn 127, 166, High School of Commerce and DeWitt Brooklyn, Borough of, 3464. Terminal of the 39th street ferry, 4120. Clinton High School, Manhattan, 3409. Manhattan, Borough of, 3464. Plant and Structures, Department of, plans and speci- Refinishing furniture in various schools, Boroughs of Queens, Borough of, 3464. fications for motor buses, 4160. Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens, Richmond, Borough of, 3464. Plant and Structures, Department of, acquisition of 3409. Division of public improvements, 3603, 4006. property•at foot of Astoria avenue, Queens, for ferry Rebuilding and monthly inspection of typewriting Docks, Department of, payment of salary of employee purposes, 4161. machines, 3409. who died in war service, 4029. Palace of Joy, Inc., application of the, 3588. Special and general supplies for the day, evening, Douglas, Dorothy, claim of, 3482. Public hearings, notices of, 3459. high and elementary schools, 3409. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, permission to Payment of prevailing rate of wages- Sanitary alterations, etc., at Public Schools 11, 102, departments, etc., to fill vacancies from May 15, 1920, County Clerk, Queens County, 3481. 173, Erasmus Hall High School-and Manual Train- to , 1920, 3493, Fire Department, 3602. ing High School, Brooklyn, 3409. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, approval of Police Department, 3481. ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, BOARD OF- plans for construction of new Court House for New Queens, President, Borough of, 4005. Acquiring title- York County, 3598. Richmond, President, Borough of, 3599. Kings Highway, from Bay Parkway to the westerly Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, Engineer's Queens, President, Borough of, hire of auto trucks, right of way of Sea Beach Division of New York financial statement, 3603, 4006. 4161. Consolidated Railroad, Brooklyn, 4013. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, Committee on Queens, President, Borough of, repaving country roads, Seneca avenue from Brooklyn Borough line to Wil- . 4121. loughby avenue, Queens, 4135. Court House, payment of bill of Lewis T. Pilcher as consulting architect, 4013. Regulating and grading- 38th avenue from Cross Island boulevard to Bell West 187th street from Fort Washington avenue to avenue, Queens, 3467. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, authority to fill vacancies, 3667. Northern avenue, Manhattan, 3492. Amendment of Building Zone resolution, 3466, 3482, Retirements- 3608, 3611. Education, Department of, School Luncheon Service, 3475. Connor, Sarah, Cleaner, tc4, Appropriations for various purposes- Costello, Mary, Cleaner, 4005. Correction, Department of, 4015. Education, Department of, approval' of payrolls for Education, Department of, 4017. 1919, in connection with School Luncheon Service, Graham, James, Driver, 3601. McCarthy, Margaret, Attendant, 3477. Licenses, Department of, 4015. 3492. Register, New York County, replenishment of Code Municipal Civil Service Commission, 4004. Education, Department of, additional appropriation, Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 4015. 3593. 3108, 1920, "Wages, temporary employees," 3487.. Public Welfare, Department of, 4012. Education, Department of, promotion of employees Special revenue bonds, issue of- Approval of plans, specifications, etc.- to medium of grade in accordance with chapter 241, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 4125. Armory Board, 3491. Laws of 1919, 3599. College of The City of New York, 3593. Docks, Department of, 3476. Education, Department of, vesting title to school site, Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3492. Education, Department of, 3475, 4024. 3600. Sewers, construction of- Fire Department, 3593, Education, Department of, additional appropriation to Ashland street from Waverly place to North Curtis Manhattan, President, Borough of, 4002. liquidate liabilities which accrued on contract, etc., avenue, Queens, 3474. Parks, Department of, Manhattan and Richmond, 3606. Bronx Boulevard from East 211th street to East 3476, 3477. Education, Department of, vesting tide to land ac- 213th street, The Bronx, 3472. Plant and Structures, Department of, 3477, 4023. quired for addition to Public School No. 57, Queens, Bay Parkway from 81st to 82d streets, Brooklyn, Street Cleaning Department, 4025. 4024. 3471. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Education, Department of, acquisition of school site, Bleecker street from Fresh Pond road to Prospect 3594, 4003. 4156. avenue, Queens, 3474. Approval of increased estimate of cost- Establishing additional grades of positions- Custer street from Beach avenue to a point about 25 Docks, Department of, 3597. Children'sCourt, 4126. feet northerly therefrom, Queens, 3474. Education, Department of, 4018, 4124. Education, Department of, 3475. -Central avenue from Proctor street to Weisse ave- Fire Department, 3597. Parks, Department of, 3480. nue, Queens, 4000. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3493. Establishing lines and grades and dedication to City- East 7th street from Avenue M to the Summit Parks, Department of, Manhattan and Richmond, Tracy avenue from the bulkhead line of Arthur Kill southerly therefrom, Brooklyn, .,997. 3609. to Arthur Kill road, Richmond, 3464. 80th street from 20th avenue to 21st avenue, Brook- Parks. Department of, Queens, 4003, 4024. Finance, Department of, promotion of employee to lyn, 3471. Public Welfare, Department of, 4020. medium grade in accordance with chapter 241, Laws 82d street from 20th avenue to 21st avenue, Brook- Approval of Minutes, 3460, 3490, 3572, 4108. of 1919, 3479. lyn, 3469. Approval of rule and damage maps in proceeding for Fire Department, acquisition of site for departmental 15th avenue from Grand avenue to Arcadia avenue, acquiring title- purposes, 3603. Queens, 4001. Land required for boardwalk at Coney Island, Fire Department, promotion of employee to medium Liberty avenue, 103d avenue, 101st avenue, etc., Brooklyn, 4016. of grade in accordance with chapter 241, Laws of Queens, 3473. Middleburg avenue from Barnett avenue to Wood- 1919, 3479. , Larson place, Queens, 3474. side avenue, Queens, 4016. Gair Realty Corporation, application of, 3585. Murray street from West Broadway to Church street, 13th from 12th street to Fillmore avenue, 4016. Grading, curbing, flagging and paving- Manhattan, 3468. West 187th street from Fort Washington avenue to Coffey street, from Dwight street to Otsego street, Post road from. W. 252d street to W. 253d street, Overlook Terrace, Manhattan, 4015. Brooklyn, 3468. The Bronx, .3471. Amendment of area of assessment in proceeding for East 19th street from Avenue M to Avenue N, 16th avenue from Grand avenue to Vandervetrter acquiring title to Hemlock place, etc., Queens, 3489. Brooklyn, 3468. avenue, Queens, 3475. American Sugar Refining Co. of New York, applica- West 190th street from Davidson avenue to Uni- Street Cleaning, Department of, promotion of em- tion of the, 3584. versity avenue, The Bronx, 4113. ployee to medium of grade in accordance with chap- Altman & Co., B., application of, 3573. Health, Department of, approval of contract for serv- ter 282, Laws of 1919, 4128. Annual reports of various companies, 3391. ice of Architect, 3593. Surrogate, Kings County, payment of salary of addi- All boroughs, streets and avenues approved for repav- Invitation to bid, 3512. tional Law Assistant and Stenographer, 3487. ing during the year 1920, 4008. Investigation into the transit situation in the City of Transfer of appropriation- Acquisition of title of wharf property on the :Forth New York, 3494. Armory Board, 3478. River in the Borough of Manhattan, etc., 4030. Law Department, promotion of employee to medium of Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 3478, 3611. Board meetings, 3407. grade in accordance with chapter 241, Laws of 1919, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 3602. Bronx President, Borough of, repairing street pave- 3479. City Record, Board of, 4128. ments within railroad area, 3487. Maps, showing approval of subdivision' of private District Attorney, Richmond County, 3482. Bronx, President, Borough of, increasing rate for property- Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, 3599. drivers with horses and vehicles, 3493. Cozine avenue, Brooklyn, 3593. Police Department, 3601, 4028. Bronx, President, Borough of, promotion of employees Logan street, Wortman avenue, Brooklyn, 3593. Queens, President, Borough of, 3612. to medium grade in accordance with chapter 241, 10th avenue, Broadway, Harlem River and West Richmond, President, Borough of, 4027. Laws of 1919, 3599. 218th street, Manhattan, 3592. Bronx County fund for salary and wage accruals, Records, Commissioner of, 3519. Manhattan, President, Borough of, completing repairs Sheriff, New York County, 3481. Sheriff, Bronx County, 4129. to Riverside Viaduct between 127th and 135th streets, Brooklyn, President, Borough of, streets and avenues 3487. Sinking Fund, Commissioners of the, 3599. Street Cleaning, Department of, 4029. approved for repaving during the year 1920, 3606. Manhattan, President, Borough of, payment of liabili- Transit Construction Commissioner- Brooklyn, President, Borough of, alterations and im- ties incurred under contract for repairs to asphalt provements to building at 327 Schermerhorn street, pavements, 3487. Approval of contracts, 3595 3596. 3613. Minutes of meeting of May 14 and 19, 1920, 3460. Additional appropriation, 3395, 4120. Minutes of meeting of May 21, 24 and 26, 1920, 3572. Extension of rapid transit system, etc., 3483. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, approval of expenditure Transit Construction Commissioner, promotion of em- of funds, 4118. Minutes of meeting of and 9, 1920. ployee to medium of grade in accordance with chap- Bliss Co., E. W., application of, 3584. Minutes of meeting of and 16, 1920, 4108. Changes in the map or plan of the City- Memorial Day observances, American Legion, Queens ter 241, Laws of 1919, 3479. Bronx, Borough of, 3460, 3461, 3992, 4108. and Richmond, 3613. Taxes and Assessments, Department of, promotion of Brooklyn, Borough of, 3460, 3992, 4108. Memorial Day observances, G. A. R., and Spanish War employee to medium of grade in 'accordance with Manhattan, Borough of, 3460, 3992. Veterans, Queens, 3614. chapter 241, Laws of 1919, 4026. Queens, Borough of, 3460, 3461, 3992, 4108. Memorial Day observances, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Trustees of Columbia College in The City of New Changing lines and grades- Queens, 3614. York, application of the, 3575. East 19th street from Avenue 0 to the Summit, McKesson and Robbins, application of, 3579. Various City Departments, amendment to standard south of Avenue R, Brooklyn, 3461. New York Service Co., Frederick Starr Coal Co., ap- specifications for X-Ray plates, 4003. Hillside avenue, St. Nicholas avenue, Manhattan, plication of the, 3581. Weights and Measures, Department of, promotion of 3461. Paving and curbing- employee to medium of grade in accordance with Territory bounded by East 176th street, Carter ave- 82d street from 20th to 21st avenues, Brooklyn, 3470. chapter 241, Laws of 1919, 4128. nue, East Tremont avenue, etc., The Bronx. 51st street from 15th to 16th avenues, Brooklyn, 3996. Wilson & 'Company, application of, 3583. Closing and discontinuing- 52d street from 16th to 17th avenues, Brooklyn, 3996. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of- East 133d street from Locust avenue to the East 58th street from 12th avenue to New Utrecht avenue, Approval of expenditure of funds, 4011. River, The Bronx, 3463. Brooklyn, 3997. Issue of corporate stock for improving the water South 1st, South 2d and South 4th streets, between Stone avenue from Lott avenue to New Lots avenue, supply system in various Boroughs and at Catskill • Kent avenue and East River, Brooklyn, 3461. Brooklyn, 3995. water shed, 3477. Changes in the department, 3715, 4052. West 189th street from Audubon avenue to St. Promotion of employees to medium of grade in ac- Communications, petitions, etc., 3486, 3488, 3604, 3606, Nicholas avenue, Manhattan, 3995. cordance with chapter 241, Laws of 1919, 4006. 4007, 4029. Parks, Department of The Bronx, erection of public. ELECTIONS, BOARD OF- Committee on Franchises, 3572, 3573. playground and athletic. field as memorial to fate Proposals- City plan and public improvements, 3461. Isaac I. Rice, 3491. Furnishing and delivering stationery, printing and City of New York, designation of Tenement House Parks, Department of, The Bronx, removal of foun- supplies for 1920, fall primary election, registration, Committee to attend the housing convention of the tain to Crotona Park 3613. general election and general supplies, 1920, 1921, as National Association of Real Estate Board at Kan- Parks, Department of, Manhattan and Richmond, issue per specifications and schedules, 3674. sasCity, 3613. - of tax notes for proposed improvement in the Ameri- EXAMINING PLUMBERS, BOARD OF- Central Railroad of New Jersey, application of the, can Museum of Natural History, 4117. Amendment to rules, 3980. 3575. Plant and Structures, Department of, Docks and Plumbers, list of registered, 1920, 3494. Consolidated Gas Co. of New York, application of the, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Departments of, FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF- 3576. removal of piers at High Bridge, 3614. Affirmative claims filed, 3807, 3873. VOL. XLVIII—PART VI. INDEX TO CITY RECORD—JUNE.

FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF— NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BIDDERS— SINKING FUND; COMMISSIONERS OF THE— Affirmative claims paid, 3807. General instruction to bidders on work to be done for Armory Board, issue of corporate stock for entrances, Approval of sureties, 3807, 3873. or supplies to be furnished to The City of New etc., at the 8th Coast Defense- Command Armory, Assessments, confirmation of, notice to property own- York, 3418. Park avenue and 94th street, Manhattan, 3519. Armory Board, issue of corporate stock for construct- ers, 3862. Terms acid conditions under which buildings will be sold Changes in the department, 3557, 3912. for removal from City property, 3418. ing a storage room at No. 216 Washington avenue. Court orders, etc., filed, 3807. . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY— Manhattan. Authorized, 3933. Claims filed, 3807, 3873. Statement of hours and 'locations of the various depart- Armory Board, issue of corporate stock for recon- ments, 3407. structing vault on 34th street front of the 71st Regi- Claims allowed, 3807, 3873. ment Armory, etc., authorized, 3940. Claims disallowed, 3807, 3873. PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF— Application for the cancellation of assessments, pur• • Corporation sale of certain City real estate, 3861. Auction sale, advertisement of, 3862. suant to section 221-A of the charter, 3524, 3940. Interest on City bonds and stocks, 3862. Changes in the department, 3406, 3447, 3554, 3669, 3715, Assessments, petitions for cancellation of— Miscellaneous applications disposed of, 3807. 3912, 4052. Miscellaneous applications denied, 3807. Association for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Meteorological Observatory, weekly report, 3451, 3850, Mutes, Manhattan, 3938. Proposals, opening of, 3846, 3873. 3912. Sale of buildings and appurtenances thereto on City Convent of Jesus, Mary, Inc., denial of application. Proposals— for cancellation of, The Bronx, 3937. real estate, 3861. Contract No. 1 for the erection and completion of a Sureties on contracts, 3862. Congregation Rudolph Sholum, Manhattan, 3939. comfort station in Astoria Park, Astoria, Queens, Emanu-el Congregation of the City of New York, Tax, application filed, 3807. 3554. Tax and 221-A, application filed, 3873. Manhattan, 3940. Contract No. 2, installation and completion of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Queens, 3939. FIRE DEPARTMENT— plumbing work for a comfort station in Astoria Hebrew Educational Society, Brooklyn, 3939. Board of Review- Park, Queens, 3554. New York Congregational Home for the Aged, Proposals- Contract No. 3, installation and completion of the heat- Brooklyn, 3940. Furnishing 175 break glass doors and installing in- ing work for a comfort station in Astoria Park, Roman Catholic Church of St. Athanasius, Brook- terior conduits and wires and installing fire alarm Queens, 3554. lyn, 3938. boxes in public schools in Manhattan, 3449. Erecting wire mesh fences around certain lawns in Furnishing assembling and erecting picket fences at Central and other City Parks in Manhattan, 3862. Assignments of various articles— Manhattan Central Office on Transverse road No. For, the improvement of Ocean parkway traffic road Correction, Department of, 3034. 2, 3449. between Kings highway and Avenue W, Brooklyn, Fire Department, 3521. Weekly transactions, 3405, 3876. 3554. Health, Department, 3521. HEALTH DEPARTMENT— Repaving where directed with cement pavement cer- Plant and Structures, Department of, 3520. Minutes of April 29, 1920, 3649. tain walks in Battery Park, Manhattan, 3862.. Public Welfare, Department of, 3521. Public Markets, Department of, 3034. Minutes of May 6, 1920, 3975. POLICE DEPARTMENT— Proposals— Proposals— Board meetings, 3407. Repairing and painting certain baby health stations, Installation of new plumbing work and fixtures in the Baltz, Edward, release to of the City's interest in a for the Department of Health, City of New York, 90th Precinct station house, 3407. portion of Old htunterfly road, Brooklyn, 3936. proposition A,. sixteen (16) baby health stations, Making and completing alterations, repairs and im- Court fines, payable to— Borough of Manhattan and The Bronx, 3722. provements at the 90th Precinct station house, 3407. American Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to Weekly summary of Vital Statistics, 3405, 3715, 3759, Painting the interior and exterior of the 72d Precinct Animals, 3935. 3874. station house, 3407. Conservative Commission of the State of New York, JURORS, COMMISSIONER OF, NEW YORK Special regulations for vehicular traffic, 3651. 3523. Humane Society of New York, 3935. COUNT Unclaimed property, owners wanted for, 3425, 3670. Commissioner of Public Works, Queens, communica- Changes in the department, 3559. Weekly reports, 3422, 3668, 3875. LAW DEPARTMENT— tion from, in regard to an advertising sign on City PLANT AND STRUCTURES, DEPARTMENT OF- Agreements approved, 3543, 3622, 3649, 3695, 3696, 3738, property on Central avenue and Proctor street, Proposals- 3849. • Queens, 3935. Bonds approved, 3543, 3622, 3649, 3695, 3696, 3738, 3849, Construction of the Eastchester Bridge over East- Criminal Court Building, resolution, authorizing the 3850. chester Creek, 3449. President, Borough of Manhattan, to permit the tem- Contracts, etc., drafted, examined and approved as to For furnishing horses with harness and Drivers, for porary use by the Jewish Board of Arbitration of form, 3543, 3622, 3649, 3695, 3696, 3738, 3849, 3850. carting coal to and removing ashes, etc., from the the small Grand Jury room 3934. Deeds approved, 3622, 3850. Municipal Ferryboats and Terminal Buildings dur- County of Westchester, lease in perpetuity for high- Judgments, orders and decrees entered, 3542, 3622, 3649, ing the second half of the year 1920, 3988. way purposes of two small parcels of land in the 3695, 3737, 3849. Repairs to asphalt pavements on the bridges over the Town of Bedford, County of Westchester, 3519. Judgments were entered in favor of plaintiffs, 3542, 3622, Harlem River, 3988. Dock Department, approval of lease to the Weber- 3649, 3695, 3696, 3738, 3849, 3850. Weekly reports, 3447, 3976. McLoughlin Co., of certain bulkhead between 30th Leases approved, 3543, 3622, 3649, 3696, 3738, 4849. PURCHASE, BOARD OF- and 31st streets, North River, Manhattan, 3525. Opinions rendered to various departments, 3542, 3622, Proposals- Dock Department, request of, for approval of con- 3549, 3695, 3696, 3738, 3849, 3850. Bottles, corks, boxes and other druggists' sundries, demnation proceedings for the acquisition of title to Record of court work, 3542, 3622, 3649, 3695, 3696, 3737, 3411. property between the southerly side of Pier Old 1, 3849, 3850. Chloride of lime, etc., 3411. etc., 3526. Flour, 3411. Releases approved, 3649, 3849, 3850. Education, Board of, hiring by. of the Liberty Theatre, Suits and special proceedings instituted, 3542, 3621, 3648, Fire hose, 3411. 3694, 3695, 3737, 3849. Gasolene and kerosene, 3412. Nos. 66-70 Beach street, Stapleton, S. I., for June Weekly report of the Corporation Counsel, 3543, 3621, Horseshoe pads and hoof protectors, 3412. 24, 1920, 3516. 3648, 3694, 3695, 3737, 3848, 3849. Iron and steel, 3411. Leases, authorized or requested- MANHATTAN, BOROUGH OF— Lubricating oils, 3411. Educ ion, Board of, No. 236 East 105th street, Man- Auction sale, advertisement of, 3408. Life preservers and ring buoys; 3412. han, 3515. Bureau of Buildings, weekly report of, 3404, 3447, 3669, Motor driven water tower, 3411. Education, Board of, Clason Point road, The Bronx, 4034, 4064, 4052. Motorcycles, 3411. 3516. - Changes in the department, 3424, 3447, 3554, 3669, 3715, Meats and poultry, 3411. Education, Board of, No. 162 2d avenue, Manhattan, 3912, 4052. Manufacturing supplies, 3412. 3516. Proposals— Nails, bolts, nuts, rivets, etc., 3412. Education, Board of, No. 147 Avenue B, Manhattan, Alterations and improvements to sewers, 3409. Paints, oils, butter, cheese, eggs, bread and rolls, 3929. Cleaning sewers, 3408. etc., 3412. Education, Board of, No. 687 Tinton avenue, The Delivering, storing and trimming coal for use of the Sugar, 3412. Bronx, 3930. various public buildjngs, courts, etc., 3917. Stock and fresh fruits and vegetables, 3411. Education, Board of, No. 288 East Broadway, Man- One thousand (1,000) enameled plates for street signs, Walker Gordon milk, 3411. hattan, 3930. 3680. X-ray equipment, 3411. Education, Board of, West 139th street, 3930. Repairing and restoring wood block and granite block Yeast, 3411. Education, Board of, plot of land, northeast corner pavements, etc., 3680. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION— of Church avenue and 48th street, Brooklyn, 3930. Regulating and repaving with asphalt block pavement, Calendar of hearings, 3403, 3419, 3435, 3459, 3539, 3555, Fire Department, north side of Lawrence avenue, 4035, 4036. 3571, 3635, 3663, 3711, 3731, 3755, 3807, 3891, 3907, east of 3d street, Parkville, Brooklyn, 3932. Six million (6,000,000) pounds of coal, buckwheat No. 3927, 3959, 3991. 2, alongside of dock of the asphalt plant, 90th and Health, Department of, No. 331 Broome street, Man- 91st streets, East River, 3409. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, NEW YORK hattan, 3517. Seventy-five thousand (75,000) sewer bricks, 3680. COUNTY— Health, Department of, No. 225 East 107th street, Weekly reports, 3404, 3447, 3759, 3912, 4034, 4064. Report for quarter ended March 31, 1920, 3543. Manhattan, 3517. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— PUBLIC WELFARE, DEPARTMENT OF- Health, Department of, No. 49 Amboy street, Brook- Amended notices of examinations, 3411. Proposals- lyn, 3931. Eligible lists— Erection and completion of interior partitions in the Health, Department of, No. 138 Hunter avenue, Long Assistant Engineer, 3927, 4063. Greenpoint Hospital, Brooklyn, 3682. Island City, Queens, 3932. Bookkeeper, 3959. Repairs to the boiler settings and the installation of Public Welfare, Department of, No. 200 Adelphi Clerks, 3435, 3515. new boiler fronts, etc., power house, Kings County street, Brooklyn, 3932. Deputy Assistant Corporation Counsel, 3711. Hospital, Brooklyn, 3408. Queens, President, Borough of, southeast corner of Hydrographer and Typewriter, 3711. Weekly report, 3669. Grand street and Nagy avenue, Maspeth, Queens, Investigator, Civil Service, 3539. PUBLIC MARKETS, DEPARTMENT OF— 3517. Medical Examiner, Children's Court, 3435, Changes in the department, 3505, 3912, 4052. Queens, President, Borough of, No. 11 South Grove Physician, 3711, avenue, Rockaway Beach, Queens, 3578. Probation Officer, 3927. QUEENS, BOROUGH OF— Changes in department, 3850, 3912. ~treet Cleaning, Department of, Nos. 503-505 West Pilot, 4063. 28th street, Manhattan, 3516. - Stenographer and Typewriter, 3711. Local Board meetings, advertisement of, 4053. Proposals— Street Cleaning, Department of, stable premises on Social Investigator (Male), 3927. 67th street, west of 18th avenue, Brooklyn, 3931. Stationary Engineer, 4063. Construction of sewers, 3409, 3450. Furnishing and delivering 7,700 net tons (2,000 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Ticket Agent, 3435. No. 851 4th avenue, Brooklyn, 3578. Transitman, 3927. pounds each) of steam ashes as directed in the Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Examinations, notices of— Borough of Queens, 3450. No. 6 North Fairview avenue, Rockaway Beach, Assistant Engineer, Bureau of Buildings, 3410. RICHMOND. BOROUGH OF— Queens, 3932. Automobile Engineman and Auto Truck Driver, 3452. Bureau of Buildings, weekly report of 3423, 3669, 3715, Inspector of Food (Milk), 3410. 3912, 4052. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, premises at Phoenicia, New York, 3932. Inspector- of Licensed Vehicles, 3452. Proposals— Keeper of Menagerie, 3452. Broken stone, 4063. Minutes of meeting of May 27, 1920, 3515. Mechanical Draftsman (Heating and Ventilating), Constructing temporary sanitary sewers, etc., 4063. Minutes of meeting of , 1920, 3928. 3410. Erection and completion of a building containing Municipal Civil Service Commission, hiring by, of Mechanical Draftsman (Ship Drafting), 3410. paint shop, etc., at the store yard of the Bureau of premises in the Central Opera House, East 67th Patrolman, Police Department, 3410. Highways, West Brighton, Richmond, 3412. street, Manhattan, for Tuesday, September 21, 1920, Stenographer and Typewriter, 3410. Furnishing and applying a bituminous material on Telegraph Operator Despatcher (Male), Fire Depart- 3933. streets, 4063. Police Department, hiring by, of premises No. 237 West ment, 3410. For construction of bridge at Martling lane, Rich- List of applications for position of Patrolman, 3515, 135th street, Manhattan, 3524. mond, 4063. Police Department, turning over by, of the steamer 3683, 3867, 4052. - Grits in district Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 4063. Minutes of meeting of April 7, 1920, 3502. "Patrol," 3934. Repaving with concrete cement, 3412, 4063. Public Welfare, Department of, denial of request of, Minutes of meeting of April 14, 1920, 3619. Repaving with bituminous macadam pavement, 3412. Minutes of meeting of April 21, 1920, 3692. for the assignment to, of the steamer "Patrol," 3934. Minutes of meeting of April 28, 1920, 4070. Weekly reports, 3405, 3874. Plant and Structures, Department of, request of, for Minutes of special meeting April 26, 27, 29, 30, 1920, SURROGATE, NEW YORK COUNTY— approval of condemnation proceedings for the ac- 4083. Changes in the department, 3715, 3912. quisition of waterfront property, south of Dyckman Proposed amendment to classifications, 3410. Surrogate, Kings County, 3669. street, North River, Manhattan, 3524.


SINKING FUND, COMMISSIONERS OF THE - SINKING FUND, COMMISSIONERS OF THE—, SUPREME COURT, FIRST DEPARTMENT Plant and Structures, Department of, request of, for ing to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment that C3 .filingbillsof,3417,3630, + approval of condemnation proceedings for the ac- theComptroller be authorized to issue corporate quisition of title" to property at the foot of Astoria stock, the proceeds to be used for a permanent dis- Claims, notice to. file, 3548, 3658, 3706, 3904. avenue, between Mill street and East River, Queens, posal plant under the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, Final reports, filing of, 3507, 3630, 3706, 3989. 3524. 3526. Filing tentative decree, notice to file objections, 3417, Plant and Structures, Department of, request of, for Transit Construction Commissioner, approval of We 3433. approval of plan for improvement of the waterfront by, at public auction of parcel of land on the westerly Hearings on qualifications, 2248, 2469. on the North River in the vicinity of Dyckman street, side of Nostrand avenue, between Eastern Parkway Preliminary abstracts, filing, 3029, 3750. Manhattan, 3941. and Union street, Brooklyn, 3520. SUPREME COURT, SECOND DEPARTMENT— Plant and Structures, Department of, request of, for ;'ransit Construction Commissioner, approval of sale Application to Court to condemn property, 3434, 3566. approval of plan for improvement of the waterfront by, at public auction of a triangular parcel of land Costs, filing bills of, 3418, 3434, 3508, 3550, 3680, 3752, on the East River in the vicinity of Fulton avenue, situated on the westerly side of Flatbush avenue ex- 3904. Astoria, Queens, for ferry purposes, 3941. tension, between DeKalb avenue and Fulton street, Claims,, notice to file, 3417, 3434. Refunding of Croton water rents, 3522, 3934. Brooklyn, 3520. Final reports, filing of, 3508, 3679. Refunding of jury fees, 3522. White, Clara P., approval of request of for free trans- Hearings on qualifications, ,3417, 3434, 3508. Refund to Fillmore & Slade, 3522. portation over the Municipal ferry, 323. Preliminary abstracts, filing, 3418, 3772. Refund to the F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Company, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, communication TRANSIT CONSTRUCTION COMMISSIONER— 3523. from, relative to an encroachment on the City's had Invitation to contractors, 3408. Refund to Lehmaier, Schwartz & Co., 3934. located between East Main street and Brookside ave- TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, DEPARTMENT OF— Refund to the Terminal Warehouse Company, 3935. nue, in the Village of Mount-Kisco, Westchester Detailed list of exempt properties of The City of New Redemption and cancellation of $2,000,000 of consoli- County, 3518. . York, 1920—Supplement. dated stock which becomes due July 1, 1920, 3934. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, re- TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT— Sale and removal of buildings, Nos. 1405 and 1413 assignment to, of Lochran feed-water heater and ,Changes in the department, 4052. Washington avenue, The Bronx, 3521. purifier, etc., 3521. WATER SUPPLY, BOARD OF— Sale and removal of buildings located at Shaft No. 3 STREET CLEANING, DEPARTMENT- OF— Changes in the department, 3912. of the Moodna pressure tunnel at Firthcliffe, in the Proposals— • - Expenditures and estimated liabilities incurred during Town of Cornwall, 3522. Ashes, rubbish, etc., disposal of, 3916. the month of May, 1920, 3715. Sale at public auction of a parcel of land on the east For all the horse manure, stable waste, etc., which WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY, DE- side of East 151st street, The Bronx, 3035. accumulate at the stables in the Borough of Brook- PARTMENT OF— Sale and removal of encroachments— lyn and The Bronx during the period July 1, 1920, Auction sale by sealed bids, 4094. Lying within the lines of Neptune avenue from West to June 30, 1921, 3416. Proposals— 8th to West 15th streets, Brooklyn, 3522. Sale of condemned property, 3896. Painting bridges in the Croton water shed, 3412. Lying within the lines of damage parcel No. 500 of STANDARD AND APPEALS, BOARD OF— Section I, for removing and disposing of ashes from the Liberty avenue proceeding, Queens, 3522. Board meetings, 3407. the 98th Street Pumping Station, Manhattan, 3988. Lying within the lines of Bear Swamp road from STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION, DEPART- Section II, for removing and disposing of ashes from Morris Park avenue to Rhinelander avenue and MENT OF LABOR— the 179th Street Pumping *Station, Manhattan, drainage parcels Nos. 143 to 163, The Bronx, 3522. Public notice, 3408, 3946, 3980. 3988. Street Cleaning, Department of, resolution recommend- Resolutions adopted, 3946, 3980. Weekly reports, 3446, 4064.