Index for June, 1920
THE CITY RECD 1?. INDEX FOR JUNE, 1920. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS-= Changes in the department, 3876. Resolution, relative to sale of tickets of admission to Resolution for special revenue bonds- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- places of amusements, 3443. American Legion, New York County, 3684. American Legion, Kings County, request for author- Resolutions recommending establishment of various American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, ity to draw on account of expenses in connection grades of positions- The Bronx, 3685. with Memorial Day observances, 3640. City Magistrates' Court, 3783. American Legion in East New York and Bushwick Authorization to purchase various articles without pub- City Departments, 3782. Section, Brooklyn, 3685. lic letting- •Correction, Department of, 3784. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 3683. Bronx, President, Borough of, 3641, 3785. Education, Department of, 3784. Education, Board of, 3440. County Clerk, New York County, 3685. Fire Department, 3783. Education, Board of, 3686. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3962. Law Department, 3783. Queens, President, Borough of, 3777. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3685. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3783. Resolution appointing various persons City Surveyors, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3784. 3783. 3683. Parks, Department of, Brooklyn, 3785. Resolution releasing the Soraci Contractigg Company Authorized to enter into contract without public Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, letting- 3784. from penalty accrued under contract with the Depart- Fire Commissioner, 3643. ment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity on pay- Resolution, granting permission for public collection of ment of nominal damages, 3685. Richmond, President, Borough of, 3962. funds by Aid Association, for ex-patients of Denver Board meetings, 3407.
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