Death Certificate Index - Greene (1920-June 1921, 1936-1939) 4/16/2015

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Death Certificate Index - Greene (1920-June 1921, 1936-1939) 4/16/2015 Death Certificate Index - Greene (1920-June 1921, 1936-1939) 4/16/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Abraham, Alice Belle 02 Aug. 1871 Iowa 02 Dec. 1937 Greene Smith H37-0108 D2830 Adamson, Chalkley E. 05 July 1880 Iowa 14 Oct. 1920 Greene Allman 37-01461 D2184 Adkins, Amanda Jane 18 Sept. 1853 Iowa 29 Jan. 1936 Greene G37-0015D2793 Adkins, Minnie Belle 08 Apr. 1876 Iowa 16 Mar. 1936 Greene Pruitt G37-0033 D2793 Adrian, Sarah Jane 27 Dec. 1869 Illinois 23 Oct. 1937 Greene Guyer H37-0099 D2830 Ainsworth, Harriet Mary 06 Aug. 1866 Iowa 14 Apr. 1937 Greene Stevens H37-0039 D2830 Albert, Nellie Mabele 31 Jan. 1879 Nebraska 05 Feb. 1938 Greene Pendleton J37-0021 D2864 Allan, Lucenda 18 June 1843 Ohio 04 Feb. 1920 Greene Wise 37-01366 D2184 Allen, Alexander 18 Aug. 1870 Ireland 30 Dec. 1937 Greene Anderson H37-0118 D2830 Allison, Harold A. 01 Dec. 1908 Washington 22 July 1939 Greene Lillard 37-0075 D2897 Ammerman, Samuel Bruce 20 May 1843 Illinois 25 July 1920 Greene Unknown 37-01433 D2184 Anchutz, Maria 25 Jan. 1864 Germany 13 Mar. 1938 Greene Unknown J37-0041 D2864 Anderson, Amarda J. 22 Dec. 1843 Illinois 12 Feb. 1920 Greene Waters 37-01368 D2184 Anderson, Carl Manford 1882 Sweden 08 Dec. 1920 Greene Johnson 37-01479 D2184 Anderson, Darrow Wesley 08 Oct. 1938 Iowa 10 Oct. 1938 Greene Thomsen J37-0134 D2864 Anderson, Eleanor Jane 03 Oct. 1853 Ohio 20 June 1938 Greene Horney J37-0069 D2864 Anderson, Howard Mairon 13 July 1890 Iowa 01 Jan. 1937 Greene Missinghan H37-0006 D2830 Anderson, James L. 22 Jan. 1841 Holland 06 Feb. 1920 Greene Mackey 37-01369 D2184 Anderson, Leta Bernice 30 June 1920 14 Feb. 1921 Greene Amey 37-01488 D2184 Anderson, Varal 01 Feb. 1883 Illinois 15 Apr. 1936 Greene McCann G37-0059 D2793 Anderson, William Theodore 12 Aug. 1847 Ohio 30 June 1937 Greene Jones H37-0054 D2830 Andrew, Mary Evelyn 29 July 1875 Iowa 18 May 1937 Greene Dennis H37-0043 D2830 Anschutz, Ludwig 21 Apr. 1851 Germany 31 Jan. 1937 Greene Unknown H37-0013 D2830 Arbuckle, Joy James 22 Jan. 1938 Iowa 08 Sept. 1938 Greene Shorey J37-0118 D2864 Armstrong, Irene Brown 21 May 1885 Canada 16 Nov. 1938 Greene Baker J37-0141 D2864 Arnold, Maria 23 Sept. 1842 Illinois 14 Apr. 1920 Greene Ruth 37-01407 D2184 Atchinson, Charles Elsworth 15 Jan. 1874 Illinois 22 June 1937 Greene Pittman H37-0060 D2830 Atkins, George Leonard 11 June 1921 Iowa 16 June 1921 Greene Cain 37-01487 D2184 Ault, Donald Earhart 23 Dec. 1900 Iowa 10 June 1936 Greene Earhart G37-0072 D2793 Ausburger, Kathrine 25 Sept. 1841 Germany 28 Feb. 1920 Greene Olinger 37-01370 D2184 Baker, Cora Faye 16 Mar. 1893 Iowa 21 Apr. 1938 Greene Stearns J37-0058 D2864 Baker, Julia Charlotte 18 Jan. 1860 Michigan 08 Apr. 1937 Greene Reed H37-0030 D2830 Page 1 Death Certificate Index - Greene (1920-June 1921, 1936-1939) 4/16/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Banning, William Jay 21 Oct. 1866 Illinois 21 Jan. 1936 Greene Phelps G37-0024 D2793 Barber, Henrietta Stanfield 20 Oct. 1865 Indiana 15 Sept. 1938 Greene Baron J37-0104 D2864 Barbero, Josephine 17 Aug. 1869 Illinois 05 July 1937 Greene Mayne H37-0061 D2830 Barker, Annie Rachael 04 June 1856 Illinois 17 Dec. 1937 Greene Stone H37-0114 D2830 Barker, William Lewis 19 Mar. 1861 Wisconsin 28 Jan. 1920 Greene Roberts 37-01355 D2184 Barnes, Lucille Melvina 27 Apr. 1919 Iowa 11 Mar. 1921 Greene Dunbar 37-01489 D2184 Barrett, Christina Goodman 21 July 1858 Iowa 30 June 1938 Greene Wemmer J37-0073 D2864 Barrett, Martha Emeline 24 June 1879 Iowa 01 Feb. 1920 Greene Hubbard 37-01371 D2184 Bartlett, Neva Merle 12 Jan. 1889 Iowa 03 June 1939 Greene Cronk 37-0059 D2897 Bartley, Donna Jean 23 Oct. 1931 Iowa 17 July 1936 Greene Boyle G37-0079 D2793 Bartley, John Silas 22 Feb. 1857 Iowa 27 Apr. 1936 Greene Wright G37-0061 D2793 Batcheller, Ira 24 July 1840 New Hampshire 22 Nov. 1920 Greene Unknown 37-01471 D2184 Batcheller, Lydia 28 May 1863 New York 20 Sept. 1937 Greene Kimm H37-0081 D2830 Batcheller, Martin V. 13 Jan. 1863 Iowa 02 Nov. 1937 Greene Simmons H37-0103 D2830 Bates, Estella 15 July 1875 Iowa 20 May 1938 Greene Dennie J37-0080 D2864 Bates, Noble F. 07 July 1856 Illinois 08 Aug. 1937 Greene Waters H37-0069 D2830 Bauer, Christian 15 Feb. 1856 New York 06 July 1936 Greene Pheobe G37-0125 D2793 Bauer, Esther A. 28 Mar. 1858 Iowa 13 July 1937 Greene McBurney H37-0067 D2830 Baughman, John Wesley 31 Mar. 1859 Ohio 23 Nov. 1936 Greene Unknown G37-0113 D2793 Beals, Thomas Barrett 24 Feb. 1868 Kansas 11 July 1939 Greene Herring 37-0065 D2897 Beary, John G. 19 Nov. 1911 Iowa 10 Sept. 1938 Greene Graham J37-0107 D2864 Beaty, Mildred 07 Dec. 1897 Iowa 27 Mar. 1938 Greene Azbun J37-0022 D2864 Beaty, Sarah Malinda 11 May 1869 Iowa 15 July 1937 Greene Parker H37-0065 D2830 Beebe, Dick 05 Nov. 1880 Iowa 03 Oct. 1938 Greene Wright J37-0119 D2864 Beebe, Everette Delmer 27 May 1892 Iowa 12 Dec. 1937 Greene Mischke H37-0115 D2830 Beebe, Orville Wesley 06 Nov. 1867 Iowa 09 July 19398 Greene Wright J37-0081 D2864 Bell, Hannah Margaret 21 July 1854 Iowa 10 Sept. 1920 Greene Morse 37-01453 D2184 Benad, William Earnest 22 July 1891 Missouri 19 Oct. 1938 Greene Adam J37-0132 D2864 Bennett, Harley Dwight 15 Jan. 1911 Iowa 04 Aug. 1920 Greene Derry 37-01447 D2184 Bennett, Mary Ellen 15 Mar. 1873 Iowa 31 Aug. 1939 Greene Rhoades 37-0079 D2897 Bently, Fanny R. 04 Dec. 1850 Pennsylvania 09 June 1938 Greene Unknown J37-0071 D2864 Berend, Sophia Marie Caroline Christine 06 June 1864 Germany 25 Oct. 1937 Greene Unknown H37-0091 D2830 Page 2 Death Certificate Index - Greene (1920-June 1921, 1936-1939) 4/16/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Berning, Louis John 09 Feb. 1879 Iowa 10 Dec. 1938 Greene Beckman J37-0156 D2864 Black, Bertha Dennhardt 06 Oct. 1908 South Dakota 25 Aug. 1936 Greene Fetherstone G37-0098 D2793 Black, Estella Viola 13 Oct. 1874 Iowa 14 Oct. 1936 Greene VanScoyoc G37-0100 D2793 Black, Jonathan Robert 10 Feb. 1862 Pennsylvania 22 Nov. 1939 Greene Donnely 37-0112 D2897 Blake, Susie Elizabeth 22 June 1862 Canada 28 May 1939 Greene Taylor 37-0043 D2897 Blake, William Ambrose 22 Mar. 1891 Iowa 12 Jan. 1937 Greene Clipperton H37-0005 D2830 Bonner, Anna May 16 Feb. 1878 Iowa 15 May 1938 Greene Unknown J37-0060 D2864 Boston, Matilda 16 June 1865 Nebraska 23 Jan. 1936 Greene Pooler G37-0006 D2793 Bouchard, Lida 27 Jan. 1897 Illinois 29 May 1920 Greene Chayer 37-01419 D2184 Bouchard, Walter 07 Feb. 1890 Illinois 18 Dec. 1939 Greene Chayer 37-0114 D2897 Bowen, Charles W. 03 Apr. 1854 Pennsylvania 13 Apr. 1939 Greene Fransue 37-0036 D2897 Bower, Edward D. 16 Nov. 1852 New Jersey 19 Apr. 1938 Greene Gillmartin J37-0042 D2864 Bowley, George 01 Oct. 1841 England 05 June 1921 Greene Wright 37-01490 D2184 Bradshaw, Ida Almira 10 Mar. 1873 Illinois 22 Jan. 1937 Greene Smith H37-0010 D2830 Brafford, Andry Levon 01 Jan. 1920 Iowa 20 Sept. 1920 Greene Slocum 37-01454 D2184 Brandon, Estelle Marie 11 June 1854 Massachusetts 23 Aug. 1938 Greene Rice J37-0101 D2864 Brant, Ruben Wagner 14 July 1883 Pennsylvania 14 Aug. 1937 Greene Hoover H37-0076 D2830 Bray, William Henry 20 Oct. 1874 Tennessee 04 July 1938 Greene Seals J37-0089 D2864 Brian, Flora Ella 20 July 1856 New York 08 Nov. 1939 Greene Felt 37-0123 D2897 Brinks, W.W. 23 Sept. 1841 Alabama 06 July 1920 Greene 37-01434 D2184 Brock, Mary c.1864 Illinois 04 Dec. 1920 Greene Hurley 37-01480 D2184 Brock, Samuel Nelson 10 Nov. 1869 Iowa 01 Sept. 1939 Greene Morlan 37-0093 D2897 Brockway, Helen M. 27 July 1857 Iowa 24 Feb. 1938 Greene Streeter J37-0015 D2864 Brown, Dorothy Louise 17 Nov. 1916 Iowa 13 July 1920 Greene Becker 37-01435 D2184 Brown, Henry Elsworth 02 Aug. 1865 Illinois 08 Feb. 1939 Greene Norton 037-0020 D2897 Brown, Ida Rose 01 Aug. 1856 Ohio 29 July 1938 Greene Crafs J37-0085 D2864 Brown, John Fred 09 Dec. 1879 Germany 09 Mar. 1939 Greene Unknown 037-0030 D2897 Brown, Katie Abelina 14 Apr. 1868 Denmark 27 Feb. 1939 Greene Unknown 037-0015 D2897 Brown, William Merlin 24 Mar. 1879 Iowa 29 May 1939 Greene Gross 37-0057 D2897 Bryan, Charley Newcomb 10 July 1865 Illinois 11 Apr. 1939 Greene Newcomb 37-0034 D2897 Buchmiller, Elmer Richard 30 Sept. 1901 Iowa 04 Apr. 1938 Greene Clopton J37-0045 D2864 Buchmiller, Frank Ludwig 17 June 1867 Illinois 14 May 1939 Greene Grahmilick 37-0044 D2897 Page 3 Death Certificate Index - Greene (1920-June 1921, 1936-1939) 4/16/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Buck, Floyd L. 27 Mar. 1883 Iowa 27 Mar. 1936 Greene Sayles G37-0016 D2793 Burgoan, Sophia 17 July 1858 Illinois 07 July 1920 Greene Unknown 37-01436 D2184 Burke, John J. 04 May 1873 Illinois 16 Feb. 1936 Greene Kigher G37-0013 D2793 Burkhardt, Fredricka 15 Apr. 1852 Germany 02 Oct. 1938 Greene Unknown J37-0128 D2864 Busch, George 21 Dec. 1854 Germany 10 Feb. 1936 Greene Unknown G37-0011 D2793 Busey, Isabelle 05 Apr.
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