THE CITY RECD 1?. INDEX FOR JUNE, 1920. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS-= Changes in the department, 3876. Resolution, relative to sale of tickets of admission to Resolution for special revenue bonds- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- places of amusements, 3443. American Legion, New York County, 3684. American Legion, Kings County, request for author- Resolutions recommending establishment of various American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, ity to draw on account of expenses in connection grades of positions- The Bronx, 3685. with Memorial Day observances, 3640. City Magistrates' Court, 3783. American Legion in East New York and Bushwick Authorization to purchase various articles without pub- City Departments, 3782. Section, Brooklyn, 3685. lic letting- •Correction, Department of, 3784. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 3683. Bronx, President, Borough of, 3641, 3785. Education, Department of, 3784. Education, Board of, 3440. County Clerk, New York County, 3685. Fire Department, 3783. Education, Board of, 3686. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3962. Law Department, 3783. Queens, President, Borough of, 3777. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3685. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3783. Resolution appointing various persons City Surveyors, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3784. 3783. 3683. Parks, Department of, Brooklyn, 3785. Resolution releasing the Soraci Contractigg Company Authorized to enter into contract without public Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, letting- 3784. from penalty accrued under contract with the Depart- Fire Commissioner, 3643. ment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity on pay- Resolution, granting permission for public collection of ment of nominal damages, 3685. Richmond, President, Borough of, 3962. funds by Aid Association, for ex-patients of Denver Board meetings, 3407. Sanatoriums, 3644. St. Michael's Church, Brooklyn, Pastor of, permission Code of Ordinances, amendments of relating to- Resolution in memoriam, 3443. granted to collect funds publicly, 3683. Billiard and pool tables, 3644. Resolution authorizing the special Committee of the Salvation Army Home Service appeal, permission Discharge of small arms, 3442. Board of Estimate and Apportionment on City cele- granted to collect funds publicly, 3685. Location and designation of public markets, 3442. bration of Independence Day to make expenditures ARMORY, BOARD OF- Masonry construction and in particular to wall thick- without public letting, 3644. Proposals- nesses of small "residence" buildings, 3788. Finishing and completing Lecture Hall, 8th Coast Resolution, granting permission to the Serbian Child Defense Command Armory, Jerome avenue and "Peddlers" and in particular to restricted streets and Welfare Committee of America to collect funds pub- places, 3642. Kingsbridge road, The Bronx, 3433. licly, 3788. Reconstruct roof of drill shed, old 8th Coast Defense Persons to be licensed as engineers, 3778. Resolution, granting permission to Beauvais Post, Sidewalk shed, 3788. Command Armory, Park avenue, 94th and y5th American Legion, to collect funds publicly in the streets, Manhattan, 3433. "Wood Construction" and in particular to wood Borough of Richmond, 3788. beams and girders,.3788. Resolution, granting permission to the Congregation ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Warning or signalling devices on motor vehicles, B'nai Israel of Washington Heights to construct a Annual apportionment in former Town of New Utrecht, 3438. vault without payment of the usual fee, 3788. 3413. Communications from- Resolution, requesting leave of absence of employees, Assessments and awards, completion of- . Community Council, 3959. 3515. Bronx, Borough of, 4171. Local freight agents' association, 3775. Brooklyn, Borough of, 3413. 3536, 3568, 3948. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various Resolution, appointing Edward Bergman as City Sur- veyor, 3788. Manhattan, Borough of, 4171. persons, 3442, 3644, 3787. Queens, Borough of, 3413, 3536, 4171. Establishing various grades of positions- Resolution, appointing Robert Eagar as City Surveyor, 3788. Notice to present claims for damages- Assistant Engineer, 3785. Resolution, granting permission to the St. Catherine Bronx. Borough of, 3743. Auditor and Farmer, 3784. Brooklyn, Borough of, 3743. • Welfare Association to conduct a flower'sale on the Court Attendant, 3283. streets of the City, 3971. Manhattan, Borough of, 3743. Clerks, 3783, 3784. Resolution, granting permission to the Mount Carmel Queens, Borough of, 3743. Fire Prevention Inspector, 3783. Society to collect funds publicly, 3971. Report for quarter ended March 31, 1920, 3736. Helper, 3784. Resolution, granting permission to the Universal Ne- BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS- janitor Engineer, 3784. gro Improvement Association to conduct a flower Auction sale, advertisement of, 3698. Law Clerk, 3783. Minutes of meeting of May 18, 1920, 3976. Rodman and Inspector, 3784. sale, 3970. Stenographer and Typewriter, 3783. Report of the Committee on Rules, in.favor of filing BRONX, BOROUGH OF THE- Education, Board of, requested to explain non-payment resolutions, etc., 3642, 3643. Bureau of Buildings, public notice, 3425. of bonus to men teachers on Schedule VI and VII, Salaries and Offices, Committee on, reports of- Bureau of Buildings, weekly reports of, 3404, 3447, 3669, City Departments, 3782, 3715, 3912. 3781. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, appropriating Child Welfare, 3970. Changes in the department, 3715, 3912, $961.31 to provide for increases in salaries of two Education, Board of, 3969. Minutes of Local Board meetings, 3423. clerks in the Department of Education, 3787. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3969. Proposals- Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, appropriating Parks, Department of, Brooklyn, 3969. Asphaltic cement, 3425. $6,500 to provide for strengthening the floors of the Seventh District Municipal Court, Manhattan, estab- Asphalt road oil, 3425. Textile School, etc., 3787. lishing a new part in the, 3779. Broken trap rock stone, 3425. Finance Committee on reports relating to- Special revenue bonds, request for- Fine sand, 3425. Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 3964. City Clerk, New York County, 3440. Limestone dust and other suitable inorganic dust, Child Welfare, Board of, 3968. City Clerk, Richmond County. 3437. 3425. Education, Board of, 3969. Child Welfare, Board of, 3637. Portland cement, 3425. ' Health, Commissioner of, 3964. District Attorney, Bronx County, 3637. Paving pitch, 3425. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3967. Fire Department, 3439. Weekly reports, 3447, 3912, 3988. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3964. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3437, 3936. BROOKLYN, BOROUGH OF- Purchase, Board of, 3964. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 3637. Bureau of Buildings, General Order No. 37, 3651. I Richmond, President, Borough of, 3964. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 3936. Changes in the department, 3715, 3912. Register, Kings County, 3964. Plant and Structures, Department of 3637, 3783. Proposals- Sheriff, New York County, 3968. Sheriff. Bronx County, 3636. Constructing sewers, 3425, 3719. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Commissioner of, Sheriff, Kings County, 3637. Fencing lots on southwest side of Visitation place, 3964. Water Sunoly, Gas and Electricity, Department of, 3671. Health, Commissioner of, request for special revenue 3636, 3783. Regulating and repaving, 3425, 3719. bonds, to cover the running expenses of the Straus APPEALS, BOARD OF- Repairing pipe sewer, 3671. Milk Laboratory and Milk Dispensing Stations, Board Meetings, 3407. Weekly report, 3423. APPROVED PAPERS- taken over and accepted by the City as a gift from CITY CHAMBERLAIN, OFFICE OF- Nathan Straus, 3777. Authorization to purchase various articles without public letting- Weekly reports, 3543, 3759. Minutes of meeting of June 1, 1920, 3435. Changes in the department, 3505, 3715. Minutes of meeting of June 8, 1920, 3635. District Attorney, Richmond County, 3685. Purchase, Board of, 3683. CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF- Minutes of meeting of June 15, 1920, 3775. Proposals- Minutes of meeting of June 22, 1920, 3959. Plant and Stfuctures, Department of, 3683. Manhattan, President, Borough of, request for special Street Cleaning, Department of, 3683. Contract No. 1, for the construction and completion revenue bonds for completing repairs to Riverside Beth David Hospital, Manhattan, permission granted of the water mains to the buildings of the New Drive Viaduct, 3641. to collect funds publicly, 3684. York City Women's Farm Colony at Greycourt, Notice of public hearings, 3459. Code of Ordinances, amendments of, relating to- Orange County, New York, 3793. Public Letting, Committee on, reports of, relating to- Discharge of small arms, 3685. Contract No. 3, for the installation and completion Docks, Commissioner of, 3965. Location and designation of public markets, 3685. of the electric underground service to the building Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3965. Markets, by incorporating therein an article relating of the New York City Women's Farm Colony at Parks, Commissioner of, 3963. to the manufacture and sale of ice, 3686. Greycourt, Orange County, New York, 3793. Purchase, Board of, 3965. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing; 3684, Construction and completion of the bins and electric Queens, President, Borough of, 3965. 3685. work of the root cellar of the New York City Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, authorized to Establishing grades of positions- Reformatory
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