A Top 150 of Sci Fi (Horror and Fantasy) TV from IMDB. Sorted by Score (A Combination of Rating and Votes)
A Top 150 of Sci Fi (Horror and Fantasy) TV from IMDB. Sorted by Score (a combination of Rating and Votes) # Name Year Rating Votes Score 1 Firefly 2002 9.5 39,178 372,191.00 2 Battlestar Galactica (new) 2004 9.0 35,128 316,152.00 3 Lost 2004 8.7 33,481 291,284.70 4 Futurama 1999 9.2 30,597 281,492.40 5 X-Files 1993 9.0 27,823 250,407.00 6 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1997 8.5 28,520 242,420.00 7 Smallville 2001 7.8 25,968 202,550.40 8 It 1990 6.8 26,523 180,356.40 9 Walking Dead 2010 9.2 19,140 176,088.00 10 Hercules 1997 6.8 23,000 156,400.00 11 Jericho 2006 8.2 16,411 134,570.20 12 Stargate SG-1 1997 8.6 15,439 132,775.40 13 Doctor Who (new) 2005 8.8 14,897 131,093.60 14 Star Trek: TNG 1987 8.8 13,964 122,883.20 15 Angel 1999 8.5 14,376 122,196.00 16 Supernatural 2005 9.0 13,124 118,116.00 17 Dead Like Me 2003 8.7 11,015 95,830.50 18 Carnivale 2003 9.0 9,940 89,460.00 19 Star Trek (org) 1966 8.6 10,402 89,457.20 20 Cowboy Bebop 1998 9.3 8,840 82,212.00 21 Lost Room 2006 8.3 9,500 78,850.00 22 Batman: TAS 1992 9.2 8,454 77,776.80 23 Star Trek: Voyager 1995 7.5 9,553 71,647.50 24 Twilight Zone (org) 1959 9.5 7,416 70,452.00 25 Third Rock from the Sun 1996 8.0 8,802 70,416.00 26 Life on Mars 2006 8.9 7,768 69,135.20 27 The 4400 2004 7.9 8,593 67,884.70 28 Star Trek: DS9 1993 8.1 8,357 67,691.70 29 Terminator: Sarah Conner Chron 2008 7.7 8,316 64,033.20 30 Babylon 5 1994 8.7 6,542 56,915.40 31 Farscape 1999 8.7 6,499 56,541.30 32 Red Dwarf 1988 9.0 6,257 56,313.00 33 Star Trek: Enterprise 2001 7.4 7,549 55,862.60 34 MST3K 1988 9.4 5,829 54,792.60
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