SUPERMAN ASCENDANCY by David B Samuels Based on characters appearing in DC Comics EMAIL: FIRST DRAFT
[email protected] 30 May 2005 S U P E R M A N A S C E N D A N C Y FADE IN: EXT. SPACE Stars illuminate the inky blackness. For a few moments nothing happens. Then an OBJECT moves into frame, PAST CAMERA. We PAN WITH the object as it makes it's way through space, eventually panning around to reveal it's destination - Earth. As the object moves towards the atmosphere of the planet, it begins to burn bright red. Rocket thrusters on the back light up. A satellite in orbit of Earth turns slightly, pointing itself at the object. CLOSER IN we can see the logo on the side - a stylised 'L' and the words: LexSat-95. EXT. MONITORING STATION -- NIGHT CLOSE on the L-shaped logo - beneath it we see the words: LexCorp - bringing the future to you today We PAN UP to reveal a network of gigantic satellite dishes pointed at the heavens, illuminated by a full moon. SUPER: LexCorp satellite monitoring station, Corto Maltese INT. MONITORING STATION -- NIGHT The place is dark and near deserted, the only light coming from the monitors. Two TECHNICIANS are present - one idly playing solitaire, filing-cabinet bottle of Vodka on the go, the other snoozing in his chair. On a monitor in the background, we see a red blip begin to descend into the atmosphere. EXT. SPACE The object begins to glow bright red as it descends into the atmosphere.