Annual Report PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A

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Annual Report PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A Annual report PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. for 2017 Table of contents Foreword by the President of the Management Board..............................................................................4 Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board .........................................................5 Financial result...........................................................................................................................................................6 Company assets.................................................................................................................................................................6 Source of assets financing..............................................................................................................................................8 Equity....................................................................................................................................................................8 External capital...................................................................................................................................................................8 Economic-financial results...............................................................................................................................................10 Train path sales........................................................................................................................................................13 Rendering access to railway infrastructure......................................................................................................................13 Data concerning completed international carriages......................................................................................................14 Table of contents Table Operation systems...........................................................................................................................................................15 Infrastructure...........................................................................................................................................................16 Rail roads.........................................................................................................................................................................16 Automatics and Telecommunication................................................................................................................................18 Electrical power devices..................................................................................................................................................23 Traction network...............................................................................................................................................................24 Track Machinery Plant......................................................................................................................................................29 Diagnostics....................................................................................................................................................................29 Passenger Service Facilities............................................................................................................................................32 Safety......................................................................................................................................................37 Statistics of railway events..............................................................................................................................................37 Measures taken to improve the safety of railway traffic...............................................................................................39 Railway technical emergency response service and fire protection................................................................................43 Railway Security Guard...................................................................................................................................................44 Social campaign Safe Crossing – “Risk Barrier!”........................................................................................................46 Development prospects.......................................................................................................................................48 General strategic framework...........................................................................................................................................48 Interoperability...........................................................................................................................................................50 Research and development activities............................................................................................................................50 Development of freight corridors.....................................................................................................................................52 International cooperation.................................................................................................................................................52 Information Technology....................................................................................................................................................53 Geoinformation...............................................................................................................................................................55 Environmental protection.................................................................................................................................................57 2 Annual report 2017 Investments............................................................................................................................................................59 Financial framework 2014-2020.......................................................................................................................................59 Sources of financing.......................................................................................................................................................70 Investment Forum............................................................................................................................................................73 Human resources....................................................................................................................................................76 Employment analysis.......................................................................................................................................................76 Staff development............................................................................................................................................................78 External communication......................................................................................................................................81 Contact details..........................................................................................................................................................83 Map of railway lines ...............................................................................................................................................84 Table of contents Table Annual report 2017 3 structures. The railway lines actually become a construction site. This is a huge challenge, be- cause apart from running the investment we are responsible for running the trains. PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. is the largest beneficiary of EU funds from the “Connecting Europe Facility” (CEF) funding instrument. In 2017, 4 projects submitted in the third call for applications under CEF received EU support. In total, 21 projects received more than EUR 4 billion in support under three CEF calls for ap- plications. These investments will contribute to the restoration of the railway’s rightful place in the country’s transport system. The standard of travel and safety on regional routes will be incre- ased and the conditions for transporting goods will be improved. Ireneusz Merchel President of the Management Board PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. We have worked intensively throughout the past year to provide passengers with faster and more To whom it may concern, comfortable journeys. New railway stops have been created, e.g. in Kraków and Gorzów Wiel- for the third time I have the pleasure to present kopolski, which have become convenient inter- to you the annual report of PKP Polskie Linie changes integrated with public transport. Today, Kolejowe S.A. The Company’s Management they make it easier to get to work and school by Board together with a team of competent em- train. Behind the projects are concrete actions, Foreword by the President of Management Board ployees made every effort to ensure that our real benefits for society and the economy. Un- partners and individuals engaged in railway doubtedly, this type of investment is the Kraków issues receive a reliable spectrum of knowled- Zabłocie - Kraków Podgórze link. The largest ge about PLK’s activity. The document presents railway flyover over Kraków since 10 December all areas of our activity. The publication informs 2017 not
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