The Royal Engineers, Last Post Battlefield Tour 2018 Zondag 12 augustus - Brunssum Sunday 12th august - Brunssum

We Will Remember Them Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

To commemorate the Role of the Royal Engineers during WW2 and the 100th Anniversary of the end of WW1 in Europe. The R.E.A Birmingham, alongside Thanet and District Branch are organising a 6 Day tour of WW2 and WW1 battlefield sites, looking at the involvement of the brave Sappers in both conflicts. The Aim of the Visit along with serving soldiers, veterans, and WW2 veterans is to promote the Corps de esprit. (Don’t break the link) We would like to make this trip the biggest dis- play of Engineer standards ever to take place at the Menin Gate.

The brief itinerary for Tour as follows:

FRI 10th Travel from Oldbury Birmingham Meet at Brompton barracks 10am. Travel to Dover, ferry to Dunkirk then onto Eindhoven region of Holland for a 4 night stay at Novatel (Breakfast included).

Sat 11th Travel to Ijzendijke to commemorate the 27 fallen sappers of 284 assault company who lost their lives in a terrible accident With a last post ceremony at the memorial in the morning, followed by the rest of the day spent visiting Wings and Wheels a WW2 rally and other local sites. Evening events with locals, to be arranged. Then return to hotel, in Eindhoven

Sun 12th Travel to Brunssum in Holland to Visit last resting place of 31 Sappers of 241 company and 22 K.O.S.B’s who were killed in a terrible accident Involving tank mines, plus 17 Royal Engi- neers of 204 Company who also lost their lives in a tank mine accident. The local town’s folk have adopted and tend to the Sappers, and other fallen hero’s graves. We then move on to the location of Accident in the town of Tripsrath in Germany, to visit site. Evening events with locals, to be arranged. Then return to hotel

Mon 13th Visit to / Rees Area. Day to be arranged by our airborne contingent. Return to Eindhoven hotel Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Tue 14th Leave Hotel in the morning and travel to Ypres, spend day at local sites of your choice in Ypres The Last Post ceremony in the evening 20:00hrs. (Standards, medals, Berets, Smart Dress) We will be staying at the Novatel in Ypres. (Breakfast included)

Wed 15th. Spend day visiting WW1 Engineer based sites (Lochnagar crater, Hackett memorial, Tunnel- lers Memorial. (Etc.) Evening Last night drinking falling down water event.

Thu 16th Return journey to Dunkirk port including short visit to cemetery, via ‘PJ’s’ arriving at Sgts Mess Brompton Barracks then back to Birmingham.

Parking will hopefully be arranged for those that would wish to leave their private cars at the barracks in Oldbury or Brompton for the weekend. The price based on a minimum of 50 passengers travelling is £470 per person sharing a twin/double room. The single room supplement of £45 per person per night. Lunch and evening meals are to be paid for by in- dividuals attending. There will be a £200 deposit required to confirm your place and Seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Anyone wishing to attend should contact or complete and return the attached proforma to Mark Finn on 07805 181049 or mark- [email protected] ASAP. The details within the proforma are required for the coach and tour operator.

According to CWGC the Royal Engineers lost 21,716 hero's in the period 1914/1918 WW1 According to CWGC the Royal Engineers lost 12,205 hero's in the period 1939/1945 WW2 Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Royal Engineers naar Brunssum - Zondag 12 augustus 2018

Zondag 12 augustus 2018 zal een grote delegatie van de Royal Engi- neers Association uit Engeland Brunssum War Cemetery bezoeken. Dit om de laatste eer te bewijzen aan hun in 1944-1945 gevallen strijd- makkers, welke hier in Brunssum liggen begraven. Men zal onder an- dere een mis verzorgen op het kerkhof. Ook zal men de plaatsen net over de Duitse grens bezoeken waar deze mannen zijn gevallen (Awacs Basis & Tripsrath) Later op de dag wil men graag in contact komen met onze adoptanten! Ook zullen op deze dag onze ere beschermheer, Majoor Marco Kroon en beschermheer Dhr. Rex Thompson aanwezig zijn.

Nadere informatie volgt zo spoedig mogelijk!

Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

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Met welk doel en op basis van welke grondslag wij persoonsgegevens verwerken Stichting War Cemetery Brunssum verwerkt uw persoonsgegevens voor de volgende doelen: Verzenden van onze nieuwsbrief en of mail + Adoptanten register.

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Gebruik van foto’s: Wij gebruiken foto’s slechts ter illustratie in onze nieuwsbrieven, Facebook en op onze website (uiteraard werken wij met bronvermelding). Onze foto’s hebben betrekking op de begraafplaats, herden- kingen, sponsoren en vrienden. Wij gaan dan ook zorgvuldig om met deze foto’s en het is niet de bedoe- ling om iemand te schaden op welke manier dan ook. Neemt U om een of andere reden aanstoot aan een van de geplaatste foto’s! Laat het ons dan zo spoedig mogelijk weten via warcemeterybruns- [email protected] Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Laat ik me even voorstellen - Let me introduce myself

Rex Thompson

Beschermheer - Patron Stichting War Cemetery Brunssum Foundation War Cemetery Brunssum

Foto: Anja Timmers Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Squadron Leader Renick (Rex) Thompson, Royal Air Force, (Retired)

Squadron Leader Rex Thompson was born in Basseterre, St. Kitts, West Indies, in November 1956 and moved to the UK in 1968. He was educated at Spring- field Junior School and Moseley Secondary School in Birmingham before joining the Royal Air Force in November 1977. Following graduation as an Air Radar technician, he served at RAF Marham and RAF Chivenor before obtaining his officer commission in the rank of Flying Officer in July 1985 in the Administrati- ve Secretarial branch. Further to tours at RAF Chilmark and promoted to Flight when posted to RAF St Athan, he was subsequently posted to the Sultan’s of Oman Air Force on Loan Service at the start of the Gulf War in 1990. Consequently, there followed a tour commencing in December 1992 in recruiting, as Officer Commanding (OC) Careers Information Office Liverpool. In September1994, he was posted to HQ AFCENT (Brunssum, ) in the Secretariat to the Chief of Staff, on promotion to Squadron Leader. After his return to the UK in 1997, he completed a tour at RAF High Wycombe as OC Personnel Management Squadron and Deputy Station Commander before mo- ving to the Equal Opportunities desk in the RAF Employment Policy Directorate at RAF Innsworth. He retired from the Royal Air Force in November 2000. Not being able to keep still, he joined the Ministry Of Defence (UK) as a Retired Officer/Civil Servant and served as the Housing and Welfare Offiicer atJHQ Rheindahlen from 2003 to 2013 and as the Station Staff Officer at Javelin Bar- racks (ex-RAF Bruggen), from 2013 to 2016. He retired again in 2016 from the Civil Service. Rex is a Life Member of the Royal Air Forces Association and has served as a RAF Association Liasion Officer during his time in the Royal Air Force. His retirement has allowed him more time to attend to his duties as since March 2005 he has been (and continues to be), Chairman of the Royal Air Forces Amsterdam Branch Club Limburg, which have their gatherings in Brunssum. Rex is married to Gon (a Dutch national from Brunssum); they have two daugh- ters and a son. Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Squadron Leader Renick( Rex) Thompson, Royal Air Force, (Retired)

Squadron Leader Rex Thompson is geboren in Basseterre, St Kitts, West Indie, in november 1956 en verhuisde naar Engeland in 1968. Hij ging naar Springfield Junior School en Mosely Secondary School in Birmingham, voordat hij aangeno- men werd bij de Royal Air Force in november 1977. Nadat hij geslaagd was als Air Radar technician, diende hij in RAF Marham en RAF Chivenor, voordat hij officier werd in de rang van Flying Officer in juli 1985 in de Administrative Secretarial Branch. Na een post in RAF Chilmark werd hij gepromoveerd tot Flight Lieutenant, toen hij naar RAF St Athan werd geplaatst. Hierna volgde een post naar de Sultan’s of Oman Air Force aan het begin van de Golf oorlog in 1990. In december 1992 werd hij in Liverpool geplaatst in het recruiting Office als Officer Commanding (OC) Careers Information Office Liverpool. In september 1994 werd hij in Brunssum geplaatst, HQ AFCENT, in het secretari- aat van de Chief of Staff, nadat hij gepromoveerd was tot Squadron Leader. Hij keerde terug naar Engeland in september 1997, waar hij 2 jaar in RAF High Wycombe diende als OC Personnel Management Squadron en Deputy Station Commander. Hierna ging hij naar de Equal Opportunities desk bij het RAF Em- ployment Policy Dictorate op RAF Innsworth. Hij ging met pensioen van de RAF in november 2000.

Na zijn pensioen van de RAF werkte hij bij het Engelse ministerie van defensie als een Retired Officer/Civil Servant als Housing en Welfare Officer opJHQ Rheindahlen van 2003 tot 2013 en als Station Staff Officer op Javelin Barracks ( ex RAF Bruggen) van 2013 tot 2016. Hij ging met pensioen van civiele dienst in 2016.

Rex is een life member van de Royal Air Forces Association en is altijd een RAFA Liaison Officer geweest tijdens zijn jaren in de RAF. Na zijn pensioen kreeg hij meer tijd voor zijn liefdadigheidswerk bij de RAFA . Sinds 2005 is hij Voorzitter van de Royal Air Forces Amsterdam Branch Club Limburg, die hun vergaderin- gen in Brunssum houden. Rex is getrouwd met Gon ( Nederlandse, afkomstig uit Brunssum); zij hebben 2 dochters en een zoon. Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

4 May 2018 - Lancaster Flyover Brunssum - BBMF Thank you!

Foto’s: Paul Peeters Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Dodenherdenking 4 mei 2018 Remembrance Day 4th may 2018 Foto’s: Don Fulford Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Canadian Corner Akerstraat 7a 6445 CL Brunssum +31 (0)45 525 54 54 +31 (0)6 52 39 42 52 [email protected]

Geldig van 1-6-2018 tot 1-1-2019 Valid from 1-6-2018 until 1-1-2019 Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

What is the NAIL? Following World War Two (WWII), the Netherlands-America Institute (NAI) was established at Amsterdam in 1946. The NAI placed great emphasis on exchange/scholarship program- mes between the Netherlands and America. However, the Limburg Chapter of the NAI de- termined they wished to place more focus on the long-term sustainment of robust friendships between the US and Limburg. This was driven by the fact that the US played a huge role in the Allied liberation of South Limburg in WWII and Margraten Cemetery (today the resting place of 8301 American soldiers) together with its Adoption Programme where- by local families look after the graves, had been set up in 1946. This undercurrent of opini- on gave rise to a more independent branch of the NAI, the Netherlands America Institute Limburg (NAIL), in 1952. Similar groups established after the Second World War elsewhere in the Netherlands have ceased to function, but the NAIL remains strong.

The NAIL is a non-political organization and most members are, or have been, part of mili- tary and/or civilian national and/or international entities. Today, the NAIL has circa300 members comprising American, Belgian, British, Dutch, German, Irish, Italian and Spanish nationals. We have established strong ties with the US Embassy and its Consul General in The Hague, the US communities of US Army Garrison Schinnen (including personnel of the US Coast Guard based at that location), Joint Force Command Brunssum, NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, AFNORTH International School, the Limburg Veterans Day Foundation, the SHAK 1944 Foundation, the Overseas Americans Remember Foundation and the Foundati- on of the Adoption of American Graves Margraten.

What do we do? Essentially the NAIL is a platform facilitating people to connect, to identify synergies and to establish networks resulting in mutual understanding and appreciation. This platform gene- rates a wide range of activities. NAIL events are the annual Memorial Eve gathering and participation in Memorial Day Services the following Day, and the celebration of the birthday of the Netherlands King, Willem-Alexander. Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

Other activities include themed dinner & dance events, beer calls, meetings, excursions/ visits to local breweries, international organizations such as EUROCONTROL and European Institutions such as the EU Parliament & Commission, factories, historic sites, museums, castles and selected regional restaurants. The NAIL also sponsors special guest lectures on topics of interest. If you have a particular field of expertise or interest, we would welcome having you speak at a NAIL-organized event! In keeping with an objective to broaden the appeal and reach of the NAIL over recent years we have sponsored a number of local and regional projects. Amongst others, these have included the American Spouses Club Auction, the Open Air Theatre at Valkenburg, the Ter- ry Fox Run and the Schutterij St. Gertrudis Amstenrade. But, we should not forget that we aim to promote & preserve the cultural, economic and social contacts between the Netherlands and the USA. Furthermore, the provision of infor- mation & assistance to Americans residing in Limburg and elsewhere in the Netherlands is an essential objective for us.

How is the NAIL organized? The NAIL has a Board comprising of 7 voting members and 4 advisors. It is fully accounta- ble for its actions to its members. To ensure transparency and accountability a General Membership Meeting is held annually. How Do I Join? Are you interested to join, but would appreciate additional clarification and/or informati- on? Please contact :Secretary: Lieutenant Roger Schijven; T: +31 06 150 317 73; E-mail: [email protected] Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

America- Europe Friendship Association

Feel welcome at one Transatlantic Allied network of a Association of Friends Objective,to promote and stimulate friendlyand mutual relations between America and Europe

 No Annual membership fee!  Many organized activities and gatherings  Only one-time registration fee from € 15,00 p.p..

Interested in joining a fun and international organization? Have more information or do you want to sign up for a membership? Please contact our International President Dr. Arthur Lieuwen at email address: [email protected] Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

The Board of the “ America Europe Friendship Association” hosted a very succesful Allied Memorial Eve Dinner event at Castle Wittem on May 26th. US Deputy Chief of Mission Crowley, US Consul General McCawley and the Belgium Minister of State Claes, US Coast Guard, US Army Europe and JFCBS attended. Flag Ceremony and Last Post by Schutterij St’ Gertrudis Amstenrade! Wellcome by Mayor Ramaekers of Gulpen-Wittem. Impressive speeches by DCM Crowley and Minister of State Claes regarding transat- lantic cooperation and friendship Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

We Will Remember Sapper WAKEFIELD, THOMAS ERIC

Service Number 1922441

Died 14/11/1944

Aged 24

204 Field Coy. Royal Engineers

Son of Thomas and Edna Wakefield; husband of Ver- onica Wakefield, of Torquay, Devon.



Tevens willen wij nog even onze diensten onder uw aandacht brengen. Naast de verkoop van kwaliteit schoenen voor dames en heren verzor- gen wij ook het volgende: - Schoenmakerij door professionele schoenmaker - Schoenpoetsservice - Verven van schoenen - Aanpassen van schoenen in maat en vorm - Stomerij / wasserij - Kledingherstel- en kledingverstelwerk

Winkelcentrum de Parel Het Winkelcentrum 4, 6441 BZ Brunssum Telefoon 045-7370306 Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter Steun ons en word een 50 euro vriend. Support our foundation and become a 50 euro friend. Nieuwsbrief - Newsletter

50 euro vrienden - 50 euro friends

Draagt U onze stichting een warm hart toe! Steun ons dan en word een 50 euro vriend. Support our foundation and become a 50 euro friend.

Voor meer informatie - For more information: Shirley van Dishoeck-Sinfield [email protected] Tel: 0615058820

Herdenk hen die gevallen zijn voor onze vrijheid Remember those who fell for our freedom


De Brunssumse Stoottroeper, Heini Limbourg (5de van rechts) bij de Atlantikwall in Frankrijk.

The Dutch Stormtrooper (from Brunssum), Heini Limbourg (5th from right) at the Atlantic wall in France.

Tel: +31-(0)45-5256377 - E-mail: [email protected]

Bank: Regiobank - Reknr-Bankaccount: NL35 RBRB 0929 4919 12

Stichting War Cemetery Brunssum

The First Commonwealth Cemetery with graveadoption in the World!