Munich Personal RePEc Archive Economic Philosophy of al-Mawardi: Economic Behavior in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din and al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyah Jaelani, Aan State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon 25 March 2016 Online at MPRA Paper No. 70339, posted 29 Mar 2016 15:49 UTC Economic Philosophy of al-Mawardi: Economic Behavior in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din and al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyah Dr. Aan Jaelani, M.Ag Program Pascasarjana Ekonomi Islam, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Jl. Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Cirebon 45132 Website:; Email:
[email protected] Abstract Economic behavior in the study of Islamic economics is the basis for the government to portray political ethics and ethical economic functions of individuals in functioning as a member of society. Secular ethics and religious ethics, according to al-Mawardi, as the code of conduct in conducting economic practices by the government and every member of society to uphold the principle of mashlahah (goodness). By the middle or moderate principles, both ethical underpinning for anyone in private and institutional (government) in carrying out economic activities to realize the happiness of the world and the hereafter. Keywords: Philosophy of economics, behavioral economics, ethics, religion, Islamic Economic JEL Classification: B31, B41, D01, D6, H1, H5, N01, N25, N35, Z12 A. Introduction Moral teachings in the Qur’an about economic practice can be a source for the preparation of statutory legal. Transactions in the business, for example, is not allowed to proceed according to individual desires, after the Qur'an provides expressly rule on it (Mustaq Ahmad, 2001: 155).