Iver Turns 80 Dynamic Past Than That of the East African Coun- Did Not End There, However; a Son from Her Se- Try of Ethiopia Would Be Hard to Find
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Thursday November 6, 1980 Volume 64, No. 8 rro Augustana Student involved in homeland conflict threat, past friendship was pushed aside. Ras He is, on the surface, a quiet, polite young Tafari was sent to a distant province—safely out man who occasionally flashes a brilliant, toothy of the new king's way. smile when encountering yet another amus- But ironically, this aggressive and resourceful ing—and purely American—quirk of behavior. young man used this reprimand to its best advan- But Degefa Atomsa, an Augustana student tage. Living near the border of Ethiopia, Tafari originally from Ethiopia, is far more just than a was not so far removed from influence on the person with a friendly manner and an inherent throne as the young king Egasu thought. Ras curiosity about a Western culture so different Tafari was able to purchase alcohol from such from his own. Two or three hours of frank countries as France and Italy and use it to bribe discussion concerning the current Communistic the king's ministers back home. state of his homeland, how his country came to The power struggle grew, and events worsen- be under such a power and what he is doing per- ed. Ras Tafari's astute estimations of human sonally to reverse this situation reveals a man behavior soon rewarded him with the throne, who, with others of the same mind, has one and he titled himself Haile S,elassie I. Egasu, once unswerving objective in life: "We have a simple Haile Selassie's childhood playmate, was ar- aim—to overthrow the government and set up a rested by the new ruler and later assassinated (or people's government, a popularly elected "eliminated" as Ethiopians say). This story of one remote African nation's inner government." After the initial greetings and even a small ex- conflicts could be listened to with only a fair change of opinion concerning the 1980 Presiden- amount of interest if the plot did not thicken at tial candidates, Degefa began to focus the discus- this point. Without the slightest waver or percep- Iver Spilde, Augustana's postmaster for the past 21 years, sion on an all-consuming interest of his: the tible change in voice, Degefa commented that celebrated his 80th birthday Tuesday, Nov. 4. Iver came to Communistic control of Ethiopia. The future of Egasu, the deposed king, had been married to Augustana when the Commons firstopened in Dec. 1959. Degefa's aunt. He went on in equally calm tones this nation and its 30,000,000 people had become a major concern, but in order to comprehend to say that she had been imprisoned at the time what the future will bring, he said, one must first of Selassie's takeover, but later was released and understand the past. And a more complex, had remarried. Her encounters with the new king Iver turns 80 dynamic past than that of the East African coun- did not end there, however; a son from her se- try of Ethiopia would be hard to find. cond marriage, who had been educated at Har- By Janine Rew in the Commons. He proceeded To make it simpler for an uninformed listener, vard and later returned to Ethiopia to become a to herd them into a back closet. university president himself, was forced by Haile Happy birthday, Iver! Degefa did not start with Ethiopia's very beginn- On Nov. 4, Augustana's "Well, at the end of the day, ing, but with certain events in its history which Selassie to marry one of the dictator's grand- we had six nice fresh eggs!" he daughters. His education and high position were favorite postman, Iver Spilde, were to be the springboard for the Communist turned 80 years old. said. takeover that, in Degefa's mind, has been the thought to be valuable resources by the ruler. He joined the post office staff Degefa generously pointed out that Haile On Friday, Nov. 7, country's ultimate injury. He told me the tale of Augustana will celebrate the oc- in 1966. Haile Selassie, authoritarian dictator of Ethiopia Selassie did some good for Ethiopia: several Iver and his wife Ana have schools were opened and air services established. casion at a birthday party given who ruled from 1905 - 1974. The story reminded two daughters and five grand- But the ruler's downfall came when the people in Iver's honor in the Commons me somehow of a fantastic fairy tale—a fairy tale lounge from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. children. laced with undertones of very real violence. began wanting a more democratic, Western-style Iver, along with Lloyd Frick, government and more education. Selassie felt How does Iver feel about be- Once upon a time there were two little boys, ing 80 years old? hosts an annual cider party, set one the grandson of a king and the heir apparent threatened, and so he stopped work on school this year for Monday, Dec. 1 in construction and began hoarding the country's "I enjoy the way Augie treats to the throne of Ethiopia (Egasu Michael Teferi me," said Iver. "The kids have the Commons lounge. This Mekonen) and the other the son of a high gold in Switzerland. Ethiopia soon became the yearly event was begun in 1966 least developed nation in the whole world. been so wonderful, and they're military commander of the king's (Ras Tafari). the ones that keep me feeling so when Iver's son Herbert was Now, the two boys became close friends and A great drought where more than 100,000 peo- killed in an airplane accident. ple died was the catalyst which set off the revolt young!" grew up as brothers, but one day, as was in- Iver has been working in the Iver and Ana wanted to do evitable, the king died. Egasu, now an 18-year- that deposed Haile Selassie. Unfortunately, the something to repay the democratic government desired by the Ethio- Morrison Commons as long as old, was subsequently put upon the throne to the building has existed. Augustana community for their rule. It was then that Egasu's lifetime companion pians was not to be. A provisional military thoughtfulness and comfort at government was set up, and since then, three dif- He became a part of the changed. Ras Tafari felt worthy of the throne, Augustana staff on Dee. 1, that time. The cider party too, and when Egasu sensed this imminent to page 5 1959, after retiring from farm- became so popular with the ing in Clark County near students that Lloyd Frick has Willow Lake, $D. helped since 1970. "At that time, the Commons One of the most prestigious was brand new," said Iver. "I highlights Iver's later years was helped move the bookstore his appearance in a First Sioux from Old Main and the Post Of- Falls advertisement in Time fice and the Huddle from the magazine. Iver has also done gym. It was during Christmas television spots for First Sioux vacation. I was there all along, Falls which can still be seen to- and boy, was I ever busy," he day. went on to say. Iver has a special place in the Iver reminisced about one hearts of the Augustana com- early Halloween morning. He munity. He can be wished hap- had come to work only to find py birthday at his party on Fri- eight chickens running around day. Debaters place By Cathy Qualseth Augustana debaters were suc- (North Carolina), University of cessful 'in competition at the Kentucky, Dartmouth (New University of North Carolina Hampshire), Carson Newman tournament in Chapel Hill held (Tennessee) and Emory on Oct. 25-27. The team of (Georgia). They lost to Army in Students and faculty advsiors have been chosen to head the All Nations Festival scheduled for senior Loral Peterson, Wyom- octo-finals and placed ninth Dec. 6. They include, from left to right, row 4: Dennis Lalk, Jonathon Mertz, Tom Block, Jay ing, MN, and sophomore Mat- overall. Peterson was recogniz- Pond, Kathy Meister, Peder Fedde, Mark Schroeder, Lisa Hirsch, Deb Guthals, John Klus, J.R. thew Entenza, Worthington, ed as the fourth place speaker. Smith and Jerry Primm. Row 3: Gary Olson, Brad Hindbjorgen, Drew Fossum, LuAnn Deibert, MN, coached by Professor The debate topic this year is Kathy Dolan, Diane Libby, Barb Winter, Linda Pederson, Barb Lange, Doris Johnson, Jill Michael Pfau, were ranked "Resolved: That the United Laumer, Brad Twedt and Doris Huseboe. Row 2: Sonia Gaarder, Kris Anthony,Diana Klus, Jen- third going into elimination States should significantly in- nifer Miles, Teresa Braun and Lisa Smith. Row 1: Buck Dopp, Wally Hufford, Lisa Wahlstrom, rounds. crease its foreign military com- Lynnae Sorenson, Lori Bunjer and Betsy Prochazaka. Missing are Lyle Anderson, Reuben Peter- In preliminary rounds they mitments. son, Dan lseminger, Frederick Rusch, Mike McQuady, Dilwyn Rogers, Larry Tieszen, Sandra met teams from Samford The debate squad will be in Looney and Kelly Welsh. (Alabama), University of Kansas for competition Nov. Massachusetts, Wake Forest 7-9. opinion Voters voice frustration isolated opinion should not make or break a' candidate. error The returns are in. The hoopla, the Another outstanding feature of this Augustana horserace, the campaign propaganda are presidential election was the focus on per- finally over. sonality and image rather than on high in- The most striking point of Election 80 is not tellect or political ability. Carter is after all a Since 1899 who won but the overall conservative swing "good old boy from the South," and Reagan, "an ex-actor from grade-B films." of the country.