i' — — , , '

The Hartford Republican

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• : r- - — — ;il Mrs H. Olllosplp nnd t' 11 Tiiylor. THE BODY OF MRS. JAS. dirfort'!irf>'< of l. niperaiiK'nt of Iradi ILLEiGAL PERMITS Tnylor'H homr on Mill stnt't Monday IRISil PEACE HOPES 11. Ill and (if interentH. In order to do BETUKN8 ^HOW iifipinoon Ari.r iiwtnoss matters LYONS BURIED HERE thai, all partien must be prepared to Uqaor To Talae of had b«en attended to an hour was NOTABLY give and take." . BIIOUTES ntoBady WKMnnhi. enjoyed br He repeatedly emphasised apent soelallr and much The remains of Jifi. Lyona. notleo the ne- MUCH CROSSING all. Mnrtd to about [eaaalty of peace, saying that it was lAMfecoa WM (if wlidMi' ili iitli ;i|i|)i>nr('il hi tlic-if rol Phllndelhia .N iv 8. —LIqnor vat* thirtr I needed tor we:rart> of the Smpire, as umns iHHt wi'ck, wore hrcniKlil lioinc Lloyd George Says ued St $260,000,000 has been with- -.1 ^» ' Chance well HH fr.r the good- relations ot the f i for burial, arrirlnK ticrf iirly Sat drawn from federal bonded BKPinUlvAM TO COMS Hrltl of Tiiiirxl.Tv laBtoiul of London, Nor. 1. The lord mayor's Declaring that there eonid be no — | hon-.c of Mr. and Mm. J. H. B. Car- tor of prohibition for Pennsylvania. ing ibu wt(k of thanksgiving, v.h'<::i banquet this erenlag at Oalid Halt paaee aad that a great opportunity uiiii i; :; (I'l liuK, Siitiirdiiv affornoon, The fraud l.bSE n^THE DISTIUCT rs - was revealed. Ratter wlU nueaor'ioto patUac tt to .i>' more national would be lost It each party approach- assumed than Import- , Kev. T. T Kri'zlfr. I hi' lindy was tor by said when the Connterfeil permltv WedBMklar oTeiilng. Onr roaaon ance when pi'inie MlnlHii^r David Loyd ed the tani^led problem determined deposited in Onkwood OniPtoiy in were returned to the Pblladrtphia aS> doInK tM* I* to IP*" OX'* *Otttt th« O.'orge. replyiiiK lo the .Mayor'n toaKt not to bndKe nn inch, he exelnlined:. tka proaeneo ot a large gathering of flee. l.onrrit nf )i'.li who pri' in 'li-' runffri'iire in trtoBds and rolatfrao. Ths I*Tt«h dis- eight firms, which, ceeording to Ofto hori'lofori' fiij()y<'rt custom of such gatherings at the his- iiciiair of the liritish Uuverniiient and Slack And Smith By firryinn play of natare's falmt flowars gare Krause,' secretary of the Phtladel'- 'Ihiif^f «lii> i(iiit(>ini'la<" torlc Onlld Vsll ot speaking hia mlad people regard ourselves there as the tdken to the high eataom In wblcli the un in that N- phl^ A88oe<8tn>n of Phnrmnclsts, do Safe Margins udvoi liH^taiirp who and cor- from-S New York, Nov. 9. —Ml»s Helen rpsulta of TuesdsT- s» by not later than Tnaadny, foreign policirs In his annual Guild not l^trsy It" ThH election were: .Mr. Jas. timo their attended the funeral 3mall, fornver clerk in the office ot ri'iurn.v respondents will kindly speerh. iiiit Id lh<- —— »

Tko of the "aeventh generation" from th'< lutantlr I- Betlla builitM cirelM. I IN (ifll D I n MILLIONS i PrIacMi tMineka, who reltnqnltbfrd rnnn from nn^Iiii with a fMtory t HEIBS WAR FOR JtfilfAlOU throne f.ir love. hn!l. Ih" prnninipr from Fmtikfuri uppciiln- fim>s li UMl cmatest. with a hanklnn projort, thP SUITM SEA ISLE m siivu When Mrs. Nolte Irarned that Mrs. IISAMAMENT tor from Munich wlHi an iiloa, aii'l I,nridr>>< K w .s leriving the I'nlted ^ tb« harrttW dlt'prlor of a hsrd- Why S;..tes foi Or in to rlalin the estate Old Mine Shaft of Spaniar J« DMcendanto Of Disinherited she annoiirred her Intention of im- Kano Says ThM ii,^, onijr on* objMt la coming to Princess After Fortune mediately beginning a legal contest Is Scene Of Mucli Ex- ? nil Country Waal* Td liwun and that u to m« H«fo Suffer hilrnHs. the myattrr of tl««ni». And Lands' for the fortnne. pectation and Hope. what right dors the Ro to take Mho Ml mari'k of commtm. the die- "By pomession of this Isiai^ v hc.i there ' tator of O^rmany. Canlai "Did • i afff) of tho v- ' a dingy. «Bpr«- nro others who an Here in D«rlln, In Durango. Col.. No. ."i.— With a l>nlrh urgently wel- aitt the Nov. ». vigorous enih generation' from the incsNit Is more tentloua Itl-tarnUbed oftlct, Arvada, Col., —A veritable "Captain Kldd" treasure br other Juggler tor port of tbe huge es- prince»s?" Mrs. Nolte demanded JmJtnBh than la any wiard—the grMtMt moMr legal battle a their objective, two old-tlgfo fssl- "I do not understand how Mrs. Ken ., the eannlbal Is- jciiardinf lo Vlaeoaat lace the days of Braaat Tenik Hoo- tate mtMk laelnd« of the ' S;\n Jttsa country" dents Bufterfd for long nation on the llhdreeead oao th» nti group, Landrock. 4if sll of us, le to be tho "I g njTweMits that lej- —taciturn, aoinbre-yetf, land ot Offau. M hate slatted opei itiniis near Treaonre ot this time Willi womanljr weak- -MnTlons Coiinril. por-ional Charm on be waged hy Mrs. P. Nolle, ot only one to raeoive a shara of «n(i without iiiH win . Peak, in the Sui .Inaii moiinii'lr estate," said. "I ot the ness," gay* Mrg. J. R cr.intpcl Inlcrna- depend for this village, before It f Into the Mrs. Motto am to »ui (niorvlo-.v wliirii .«() iinTi) fln.ir.rlera v: » range, thirty-five mllei northeast 'seventh enantlon' and oaa prove Simpson, of 57 Spruce \. rvico \ l.....i'-...hiii o. .Ml- l.oilis Landrock, of il i Piicri"ss. of tbls city. In an effort to locale a it." St,Ath«riU«,N.C. "I hojios and ; who Xeli who. it !< claimed, has .1! Jtif .th(- feolliiKs'. Sllnnea U • bu*y iimn Omaha, to Horr hoard of fold and silver estimated Rng^f aol to Am piKB fnllrwt .Sotiih Island Thrci.l'^ of liesc.'tit f|cm Pilncein hl'^Ml \< •I « ' a., Yet hA air'eady left for the Sea nsuB ofwi I W ( doaauvwm hotWW* afpear to*^ be bvsy. |30,000.0or. mwr"^* htf vatttod St upward of wiMft K nMH M fHort for a estate. Anneka have hfen followed with great often blamed as being |, , tremeadona worher, a dark-vta to eetabllah her claim to the Charles Lee. M j Wlllinin Harker and I would :-lsleiire bcf forilgn Invasion suniethinR over IHO rentnries ann. is finding new claim- 3)tT tb' He nntrols enormous trc i.-.Mr' hidrten by a bacic, and down in my I will he^ of sn Invasion by tbe!py|,|j£ varloiiH seellonH of the roun- of the legal fireworks that -\r!iitii I i Tho coiipiuiie. They all have ants In 5aB- band ot Spaniards several centuries side tlierc was a great in dlspl„vcil ia the til ny-slded COUtOSt * as ih' fir.st. Thi'ii. the rilr nor-;. b-i- his Is the will try. and iiilernatlon il coinplirallons -"Mhtwrta board of ago. dctl of gorcncss. I was n, 1. fi i.y Prince nineteenth reniiirles. develop before an agreement is i;or the mill Wob- ««iaMgaeiftb and that move* the boarda. hia the policy inay CONconI Rlrhnt aad rira. Mfvoag igid gggflr tap- to eloae her coun- hIa reached that will result In a satis- bert. .Jl^aai-4na oUlgad that la pursued. He rcllea, ou According to the romantic story by Buropean equitable destrlbutlon of tiJ tu tna of een«ao8t own Judgment, and not on that of factory aad frofi; :ri,il;(i.i I" ^'n- lireRiilar bowel mo.eniruis lend to iiandeil down ower of Brlt- valne ot which Is es- Ma)IHBHi natlOBi. The 'others. He doea not ask advice, nor the legacy, the rri;,.iii. .Sii.iiilsh for- chronic eonitlpation and a constipat- (ration in tbi.- • ifj'n'lnd ilini India and Slnga- giToa orders In- timated to exceid IIO.OSS.OOO. »v does he gire It. Hs tune hunter-. Iiarr-.is<..>il by sivage In- ed habit tills the ysMhi with Impu- 3tf.-i- o iloi.K KoiiK Tiie French came In addition to the money Involved steail. diana, after the former had sernred rities. Herblne is a great bowel (ic hlii. China. Thr Dtitrh title of of «h" CiiKilbal ( - ii-ti"ii I u< : "Queen -*s»»'>.ru< Ho Is ii trr nu-iidoi; r. gold snd silver by the system, vi- large quantities ot ' regulator. It purttiee rnrlusuts - H.nl: the rioiith hii l