till or boys eighteen nineteen yean old. 1 with its is as rivid be t)M Toted* late UNION AND JOURNAL, MEDICAL. day itself) events,—all [Titan Mi.) him. The Confederacy wuz whipped heck , HTTim (anion* Rev. Dr. Macdooald, THE bore it > patieatly, uncomplainingly. fore ine as it were but KABBT. hut it Mill sweet* oaths thet it wiu ol vu at J. B. BUTXi&R, Bdltor, lytrg. yesterday. hefty Fcrrintosb, crowing Kessock on **What is he fit for J" one would The every evening came; and there, in tin right ell the time. oue of his frequent journeys. The day and no one II r "Tin 8D0H THUO AS DEATH. ask, could answer, not even aat Prracbct flrta lb* P*r*ble waa BUTLER 6c OO. THERE'S VO my- dimly-lit gallery, I waiting, with in} The didn't demand reel , very stormy, and there mi J. Z. Aura Dl MmhM*—TW Pr«4l|al S*a"—Aa Ialerrapll«a« Prodigal pot piei difficulty Ttoe'a no aoah w d*U" aelf. master "iimUM Ik* thing beside me. "8am, sait end in the boat acroas. An old jmr.w tf w*hta «*» » tklac.*aad my boy," purple robes, and rich, hut tc getting woman, Ta»«k |1»0 par f*1 o»ara««ai Ika To thoee who thlak i begged ■■■!«>» w« »« Mil a *» In ■omji. It aright 1 wandered about the In the ram- |1 M »« tfa ewy jmt rectory my master, "it's a great risk; it's is be • servant unto the more one of the the HfM in* II I, —i» TU bat the racer off gettinj Co.irxsniT X Roads, (wich tenable broth jNMrngtra, quoted laying MT (ruta« aplcWxl oaatlng mer ) In klrutM. Mtt«r«d *1 evenings and beard her 1 tried full. There's the in the ut ren that were coats was fiaoo any | What moat Impede* hU flight ting; very squire and my lad] Stait Kentucky.) > wich stayed. The South comes bee) where there black there Ifct m «f eouqr poMaga. bat om lttllo hard to the old to let me come in. 1806. Tit Mt, get gantiner help just Keep your eyes on you] July 6, J demtmdm office, uv wich the fluted calf am always bad weather, and asked the doctor Llf»1 drama'matt oonUla i him the and when 1 and 1 last or rather tried to • carry watering'pota, book, feel what you're am preached Sabbath, and robes is end con< if he could gire any reason for it. lie an- W«t*r,M>ld all keener Uu tho re«t. playing, rings purpje typical, SaraMC*RhIm by DraggUU Om rtnali as 1 entered tbe rector1! from the ut the Son. Wi 1 succeeded, felt, think you're in the little I've parable Prodigal more in with his usual And than u owl of pain. shop; brough siderably share the Government thar i swered, quickness, that min- uoa garden, that I was a 0 a hod a 1 notice i 1 Irikijw entering paradise. bit of loather to and he i splendid congregashun. it bed before it kicked over the tracee end isters were at war with Satan, and that bo IVrrt no neh thine u death" help you," put Ite wtahMakad Is iwrfv* Mm MfW I »kM months, when, after the horrible la- of revival uv the work in tbia uvthe Dim hwi That wbleh ta Uim bIinIM. happy pieco that black leather that has a part went out like the lost tribes uv Israel. he, as the of the power of • mi win I Urn* mm— h 8. T.—1MB.—X—'TIm laout of Plantation Bit pe supposed prince art Mi Wpr tf|« m me la ail «Ma la «>aa ta ehalaa bora or the 1 used to follow tbe culiar scent ocratic which cheer* •Btmtd Ik* im. UnMMM Mart mI>I mi aonawhal (Urtllag Th»j la life eecaplag from tho weary day, acid in front of me. The seen vineyard reely the ISible hed hi) i the air, was at the bottom of the natter, uald lU tlx Mt high froa Iba Park U 8pom prodigal stopped bkl lb* ma ot lha |^r. Broadway That hare m long enthralled old and hear ber old of it The demonatnuhun our frienda made it 1 ih tUraal Draka*a naaatkelory U oaa •( the la gardener, sing. My revived me; the memery of the manj patient and remarked to him thus: *1 an i Coming back some time after, the day waa .JtaUoM of Now Yark. It U aaM that Drake TU a oooa hlddea aUr, uv JOB PRINTING, withered hearts beat fiiller and freer when hour* I bad the canin Grinnel Roaao > fine. waa tka roaka la tha BaaNraMalaa with kli tha apent there came back to me a Memphia, by willin to come back on conditions. Yo< The old woman there mmmmm Iki iIm( palnte<1 alt PUrcIng through night, again, at || Hifc, lai lW partarjto haaj comes a 1 cabalUtla ~s. T—I *0—X." and tkaa pi tka ok tho memory back to me now. and 1 felt as and the call for Johnaou Couvenahun it and To ihlaa la gantla radlanoe forth once, calm as if 1 were indeet must pey my debts—you must gire me ar , thia time quietly remarked, rather to Ita Alas! alas! awkwsrdness ban- all, all hev to com An Id klndrad light. my again there. Philadelphia, conspired ckal share ur the (arm with the other boyi i the discomfiture of the doctor, M1 see you souls uv ished me. She met me one in the She came at fort tlra the Dimocrisy and encour hare made •Thera'a no inoh thing a* death'* evening last, and service began. C —yoo must treat ine in ell reapeeks just« ; your peace with the prinee of li«la arar did. ara aaad bjr aJI alaaaaa of 11k as I was the with me to renewed effort. It ia TRAVEL. Tkay la aatura nothing dlea! garden, coming aloug path that I Shall 1 ever its age bringing t if I hadn't gone out, and—this is essentia I the power of the air." The an- aaaaaalty, and ara doalk oa Oripapila oartala night forget pleas following Fioot each nil rauinant of decay cans full of and to and forth fruit. one last week five North Tkay ara vary lavicoraUag wkaa langald and waak my water, spoke me, urea?—the wondering looka of the friendi Only —yoo must uke with me ell the sharper i ecdoto shows Dr. Macdonald's lovo of ma- ib4 § grail iii Mil Mr H»m« form* of Ufa arlae, era men were aent whiriin out uv tbia sec x*xrw said,'— and came who ruined me, all the and thieve* i in the course a tour lUJUtoUA tfRlJIU WATUL^old by all Dra&cUb Tha foiled leaf that folia. neighbors who and found in me gamblers sic:—"Once, of in dusted in the to "You're the that broke the vase, tion—they night eaeap with whom I fell wuz be fell in an All aara and brown to earth. boy tho despised, awkward, left-handed sad in while I away, aw I Skye, with old piper, whom bo STEAM LINE as a ebali with tha a ha aren't ?" leavin their prey for thi Era long uilnxle pea you dler's the of which hangin, goods make them head men on the am I made play his fkrorite tunes. When done birth. apprentice, prodigy the) place, **!■ the hill* froa Um Ira I aaaldad my- Thai giro tha fluwrot I did could not hev bin killed ant 1 lifting not, reply; my strength bad rumors. was righteous—aix niggcra above 1 her with me the two , tho 41 havo a | — a lieard O it I Tht all, harlot Mid, to ask of 8A00 AID B08T0H! Mlf rery wrerely on haad alaoet to erUp glorious piper question BIDPEFORD, • • • The Mexican ■Thara'a no aath thing aa death" forsook me. I can* on the one Hurow officer shot there i 1 Tbi lurtur* «m uubMnbli. dropped ray first few strokes of bow me confl Trooly wich wuz the prime cause ur my ruin, am | you,Dr. Macdonald.' what is it?' LIbImiI r«ll«n4 th* pain ilwut laae- Tla hut tha bloaaoai my gave 'Well, .VuUig apray, where and flooded to encourage ua. I PiomIIw "K5TKR- d It healed and left w; little ground, they upset away and 1 did and knew everything must bev II of the beet rooms , 'Some ministers that we are no TImIm A lately. rapidly, Slaking beft) re tha oomlng fruit. dence, well, it, througt they in Um say pipers PRISK" »ada Mr Sn( to ***' in a moment tome seeds on which the rec- The house win full. The weather wui ! trip Phllada." That aeaka tha avamar'a the the and on tc house, end must be treated ez better than the devil's lot. ClAi Fobtib. «30 Dread St., ray hymn, through chants, your daugh- servants; now, you MH mSSkf evsninf U k of what Um Maetang tor set most More. end the incense uv nil merely MDpl* Tla bat tha bad dlaplajred, especial the anthem before the sermon. That wsi hot, pleasant minglet ter*. To avoid the other* have me here for a Liaimeat will do. It liralubl*In all euM oi displeasin II! kept playing long time, IHPLU pats erne mnn nones. |1« Aa eooea tho flower | wich ariz wuj ! wwadk, iprilu, nil, brnlaea, *parln«, perfoot "flow awkward, to be aure!" she ex- tobacco and snuff dreas em in different and I am sure if •welllage, 1 tho gem of the it was Ilandel'i whisky, clothes, but here you thought there was Bkldefbnl k I •I* either nan or baaat. TU folth exehancad for alght evening; they From 8aoo, Boston, upon claimed. MAnd how uncle will he." to me. The tun shone in on Deek must or eoanUrftlU. Nona If un- angry then new "1 know that Re- gratefhl stay. Otherwise I'll out harm in it would't have done Tuesdays A Fridays. | Mondays k TharmTs. Baware genuine A ad weartaaaa for power. anthem, my go again." you it. laaa wrapped la One (iNl-ulttd encraringe. hear- 1 turned and fled, and from that time the in face ex he ant O. Chealat, aad deemer liveth." Pogram'a gently slept, the old would hei What, should I answer to one af- Por M|ht or punp to Dostoa. st presest, I ing the signature of WTWeetbrooT. Probably gentleman then, any of 1>«ma* IUriks A Nat was me. sun hiin 1 ; tha prumi* *Uap Co., rectory gate closed against It when the hits square kin allu: became and ter tliis who 1 am apply oa board to CspU P. W. Lsavstt, at Is), Yart began—harsh, Inharmonious, out ol indignant, wood bev remarket! ssys the devil's servant, all ! led a life for the toll wher he aits, eren ef it is dark. Hi 1 to aad fkarl 8ARAT0UA BPR1NG WATS lipoid by DraggtaU miserably unhappy tune—I knew not why or bow; but as il him to go and never let him aee hii i and going to hell ?' Tell them,' aaid tho or Biddtfurd. next ihreo years; 1 had one consola- drinks instead uv com For fTsiffht or passsc* to 8aoo ^Hbrclliincflns. only progressed, a spell seemed upon all bui apple-jack whisky audacious fnce agin, or rather, he would doctor, that the Bible saya that there will tion tho whole of that time. and chaws fine cut tohacker instead uv apply to Capt Crocker, Agent, Dattsry Wharf, during weary her and one ono the instruments her strangled the harlots, scattered the he music in heaven, but that it who a haad of hair, awl IU myself; by saya nothing All value beautiful I aaw her at church and heard her and when in the 1 preeervatlou frva Mtatlirt baldnaaa and tarn lag IFmn Obm * W«ek.) sing censed and were silent; one ono the plug, conackontly i»ulpit choked tho of music in hell.'" oa by black-legs£and young sprout Will taks psMingirs to aad froaths Pool I gray, will not tell to aaa Lyon*' celebrated Ka- there. I could hear else when she kin the aroma uv hit It aahaa tba tali rich, eoft and nothing voices died away and were lost, and she distinguish pecooliar into submission. Them's me. 1 am anz< her taalron. glneey, I SUNDAY * CEHTURY AGO. rifular trips. eradleatea dandruff. and raaaee the balr to crow clear and abore the breath from Uioeo around him. sang, distinct, confined, and 1 and driven on ious to kill that fatted and am also Cast Iron PaEDJCDiCM.—Someone BtddsJord, July llth, I860. 99 with luxuriant beauty. It la void everywhere. alone, bound",together calf, ap- nnsal sounds that came from the voices of sed ut ez hot K. TIIOMAB LYON, Chealat, N. Y. An old brown leather covered an irresistible went the ••My brethren'' I.sicli yoo anxious to on robes and shoes. Bui to Aaron Burr to know the beat all book, the by impulse, through put yoo plied way ftARATOUAHI'Rl.NU WATKRaold by DruggUU others,—hers alone sweet and Bibles in kin to from the fool. loaves yellow, tho writing scarcely legible, pure, good. anthem */ono soul, one spirit aeemed to an- yoor houses, get somebody alas the calf suffered from want uv otten- of influencing a prominent inaa to adopt a Ticursion It was a blessed time. I would not miss a read the to wich I shel call The fhst eailioc yseht "Bonlta." CsuL Cook, from time and decay: evidently an old, imate both. The whole congregation lis- yoo parable yoor tion so long doorin the late misunderataudina certain policy. will be ■tstiooed at ths Pool tor ths benefit of servic# in church for all that attention. A man wunat a time had Pin It'— A MS. To the fire or to Sunday's tened breathless aa to an and she, upon that he's too robes was all cut "Has he it?" asked tho sll wishing to awke excursions at sea. W«« jmarUrnltniliiUlHr neglected my private nngel; poor—the up argued against parties country bona alter a M^oum of a law Booth* In ofler. Three miles Sun- ez men hev and wun ut is 33 toas old thoroughly •helf ? Which T might good every self-absorbed, and like one iu a trancc, •on*, many sincc, into bloo kotes for the we sent out to Hakl yseht toansffe, New waa hardly reeognlaed by her friend* sang, sojera wily politician. manner York, aad Sited up ia a handsome a fluahed laoa. *ha had a eoft, there and hack did 1 to cm was a one. He left his homo and ssaworthy la plaea of ruatle, These were reflections as I looked day heavily plod me with a delicious sense of p*ace tough (fetch yoo in—the shoes they wore out, and ••Yea." of aad Is e«>m- of alaoet Barbie aaoothaeaei my filling ft>r ths aoeommodatioB patrons, ruby eoiapUitun, hear and feel well rewarded. 1 shared went into for man of it. aba bat 17. bhe her, and the like of which I have countries, makin tho okl tho Davis wore the "Has bo written aaadsd by oae of ths most experienced Mas- and lutoad really apMMtil over the paper* of my late uncle, the rector exultation, rings—JefTson only against it?" told Uicui *ba uaad lla*ao'a Magnolia her and heaviness. I knew she ut tsrs in ths Cnltsd States. plainly joys when never known »hel out his share the estate, and he Ht- wo hev. come Halm, aiinta. voice, the last note 1 full forward on or rather did when they went to Noo Or- hut till then cbaw husks. be had it would bo gssssngsrs girt for the shelf; and 1 had my reward, for I triumphant the written, improbable, for sAllATOtiAM'ltINU WATEIt,*old by all OniQliU minutest shade of so I difference, could tell desk in n swoon. leans, in the days when yoo hod a or a man aeldom when found in the crabbed a simple nigger Lookin around, thin armed tyrant remark* changes ho has put cljnrnrters when her heart was and when sad. to light When 1 recovered I found at two wich yoo cood soli supply em with himself in black and white." story, evidently written towards the close myself rd that there'would Iks no more Ouo she as 1 had nover preaching Sunday sang yet homo in own room, with the the money, lie played draw and faro, "Does de facts contradict ?" Ilelm*tr««t'* Inlaltabla Hair Coloring ba* been of the writer's life. This I now my rector, poker that day, nihlj sadly «lis- my theory story heanl not but so so „tho ^congregation for over her, loudly, wren la lie drank drinks and boarded at an ■taadlly growing In favor twenty year* a more tenderly, doctor, and my | there, and heard the fancy big said irato Frenchman to one who had root* of the transcribe into modern stylo. pcracd. Portland, sac©« raisin ilk. It aeta upva Uio abeorbeat* at tha 1 knew the bad color de- • lovingly; change come,— doctor hotels, and ho followed after women thrown aotno facts his hair,and change* It to tta original by ••He'll be fit lor nothing.'' an awkard say,— strange I'm heart lick. At every turn I make against farorito graaa. All Inttaalaneou* dye* deaden and injure she it thrilled in her and at loved; voice; M1 told ho dear wich it Ixist a man nor one "den so much for do Bxnnmer Arrangement, tha hair. Ileiuutreet** m a dee, but U certain who holds his awl and cuts his food you would, my madam; quicker any that Unrow stare* mo in the face and coun- theory?" de].worsQ booby was IMUT, HAT 14TB. ISM. la IU IU and U a beau- tho evening service ho there. 1 saw hiiiuII sin the dcTil hcz ez OOHHMCUC reeulta, proaetea growth, with hi* left hand." 1 knew he would." yet invcuted, yoor teracts best endeavor*. It's curious facta." tlful Hair Pukmimu. Price au aanU and $l.ou. him. A soldier, I knew his with my TRAINS LIAVlil FOLLOWS* Hold bv all dealer*. by bearing, •Thank murmured mother. pastor kin Uv counw his So said my father; and so, alas ! I felt. God," my testify. pile give though what different sermons kin be Kxp. SAKAtoUAM'Kl.Nti WATKRaold by all DruggliU cruel, hard, gray eyes; and she 1 knew V At a Flower Festival at the r.«. sang, dear how wo havo fearod for out, and he did this Crystal A.M. r.«. 1 was awkward. 1 wm fiftocu; thick-set, "My l>oy, got down, my friends, preached from the same text, and its all * 1W M» it. 1 detected a treinhlo and in Palace, a constant stream of MMTLAXl> * * gratitude ingenuous yootli, to rags and Sydenham, J k •-JO >•» but 1 could not you." wretchedness, curious how our 'folks listen to a m.„«h Jt M«. i t. *• D*l»< strong, terribly clumsy. notes. was as quiet visitors into the ** the 1 felt she to suffer, 1 had poured tropical dejiaitment Ckft BinMk 4k What a difference ! I was courted and and ended in being an overseer uv kino. •«^ JJJ make a collar, nor sew a of blinkers, Ablishnist who hex muskets to back him. iwwW.ua H4Mk or anajca Qiaaaa—i pair suffered not that I I had no voice. to aee a which had been advertised as £ Lyon's Kxtract fuaaJ ; sang. made much of. "Genius!" and * What did ho do? He ariz and went to his plant VMIMW, 4k ImII|n(I«r, Niiiim, llitrtbin, Rtak IIm4m nor stuflT a saddle, nor do that J Very V. fy., ^ "£•do. V IA 1M III anything A wss all Pbtbolkum Nasby, tho and was I'bolara Morhua, A«.,«k*(t a nmli|.|wl«l •Dm- harsh, guttural sound 1 could and the old man saw Raphantu coudatut, represented do. Jo. 1» a 47 U1 to able to givo clover!" "Delightful talent!" such were father, him afar off hTuW-cJ ■Uil la Ita emr»M priptnllsi Hd ought bo do. My fingers seemed Lait Pastor uv the Church ur the to be a new and delicioua crson been expedition proved altogether d«. 4k U-M T.JO lOJ* car|icntering, Jus finger to tho left." •That tune." so method of tho ladies. 4k tt« TJJ much talk altout; and then, when the success. Wo spent our share uv tho estate, Mtoasting" W.rtHeofW, 4k oft* with au axe; then ho went to u 4k Kft nearly "At church." Tho man whoso blood boiled with in- Pc,i-tera' AMD miOORATOR. he, Christians, 44 himself! them. T" so did it was dreadful for rnc to sue Stnto and cleaned us out. baiting North ikrvitt, htmmik, K»**mrrr~^ as the God meant him to T There ! Hymn you ; Rights, they've Amoni Modlclnaa, it la Woman1! Baal good The who has been M dono 1 did so. with fixed on her. Our are em|»ty. No man doth the s|>oculator No falls lighter than the anow of Tfmta. wtth hmn CW uttrbnl, Frlandl Look at him now, that hack you your eyes watching pockets " TV'rto'rrrt^lu cutting strap to to44 wtt k»«« BtaMM fcr NOwlril A.M. "Good ; Know of so half dollar in sweet brown," know how dip in without none for it never melts. Lcvrorrhaa (<* Aanurlm («mii|ih—«im). the with his left baud.'* very good. anything her And then to look at her, pleasant jingle unison age; heavier, |T'm•*• 4 CM L*m »kw TV»«H *• I ■ ih«»il Whltea), for squire eagerly. ItiwktIhh (Avwinal, (|«ln(td mnvtrua- Sam?" bis By—Mimilwa music, at tho stained window as its fellows ! our wallets is barren uv of burning fingers. If a and a ot wero »'n I'» «i»i- i. Nrk II. *u.).», ntn« iIwd an»ot»m, 1 heard him ; the knifo and the staring up glass agin toper gallon whiskey ulipped, the latest at i—Mai eenatlpaMl hwwrto, she see The Fenians, tendering style of •VrUUITBUPBirT. Mrraiita, drptviaion, leather was divided a mo- ••Nothing." if could it, miles and miles currency, and the groccry left which would be drunk lint ? and lh« I——Mi irmpiunx long strip of in through j>ostal keepers together, May 10.1 l»r|4»»'w, tmulollty, "Like to?" an Irish stew, and how to _ «*»_ 4 Um wl Jtalal twlillia MM—Oi thla into the I'm sure, tho liko mourn and refuse to be comforted l>ecoz we asking get along JVBTU1*. f AkufenUa BilWf* which art attended by piece able to soul's fiill of The man who has no at they buy they SUMMER A**AWOBM*KTI alwajs play anything. My I screamed, and father ran and our woo, and wood be tend'tn ef tho reputation steak, Kid ltr| IH*lim- of the and his into the your up hop it out tlie first skin, finger gashed music. I can't a but 1 could how to one. day. 8W*m- sing note, play carried down and armies which theso countries get TM i«« m*>|oIbk you brought you homo past through " tpUadkl 44 to know A cruel turned a btldheaded friend m UwbMw. ml DODD'8 NERVINE bargain." 1 were A raw recruit what {■ the wag rwwi City. anything if taught.'' in Fanner Slado's four-wheeler." hod loft us any. We bov kum back. In 'NMIIMI. win •■HI l«rth#r»c- of Nm««a In to soothe an pgaallaw tha rimdatl— Um mid, |ima Tho rector endeavored my •'So shall, Come home and that if when he is mus- into enemy by advising him to have bis IUm ruwwIiMi Um iw abwlaba rf iha tonal «a< JirOw »«'■ i*» you fam,iny boy After this I had an invitation to to and dirt we hev wended our to 'rightdrew," >.iU WKarT hftUlMl. «T*rT M**- go up rags way rualatia Um baaita. and ir»t<»*a tha vital or- father's anger, while 1 tandaged my finger. the ho to the head frescoed. with mo. these skins, and you shall tho to tered into army ought pep|>er 4**, TaoMay. W«da*«lay. Tfc«r»4ay Friday. ■aax toUwtr aaiiiral activity. It mlau Ma t»rn « or Carry rectory, and there in the winter and ask be taken .back. Now, •*- "You'd better k't him come for that long Washington mil •'•lock r. M., ud Coalral WhMl B«*toa, Hh*r |u«—m aa Jrur, and aa aa larlfarator win atoke up at once." or await assault. 44Heroine" is, as a ud begin we used to sit; and while I don't our Father, the Govtnent, fulfill enemy perhaps, peculiar . r* Monday, Ta«odar, WodnooUy. Tbaiwiay tfroag and baakhr Um n*t«t lyMna vase Mr. 1 should like a case to evenings play- why to Walters; I went hoine with and found that he A individual who dislikes loaf- wonl as in our lifWMtT o'elook P.M. lb wi—aa AwU daralr frtrrt raitoaMai haateh him, ed, she sung. O those times! when tho don't it sec us ofar off hungry any language. The two far*—In Cabin, f 1.19. Ob D^k, 11.00. anttl tbahMUMnwhly triad Md** Narrlaa, AH drag- fit it. for it's as all that old Ital- happy skripter? Why very fragile, was one of the in the choir of his to become a44 well bred man." firot letters of it are the three first a N.B. ■aokkoalUIMaWMdwItt a aril H Prka $1.0*1. player* she lovod me, hut as a dear friend and run to meet us? don t it on- ing—how male, larfaaa®;af gtau ian and lino it with the softest only ; Why put Uf of BUU Room*. for Um glass is; the man who has needed much in his life a yo«B«id>|lwi II* B. Siarrr ft Ca.. Paorwawan, |wrish, his instrument bring violoncello. and I loved her as I never to us a ?—where's the A brave man, and the whole wonl brave l.JU. Mil IMallto*. and U»wIU«« rT?l?^H had loved before purple robe ring for »Mh lyrJO 7» fuUau New Tor*. leather, please.'' und to will inako him that by taking tkU Um. »a»»a«:* 8%., 1 took niy first lewon, froru that time or could love not our and the shoes our know if drinking yeast woman. »*•» »• I mob again. I do know the finger, for feet ? and • D.I* lpttx will bo «•«!•. u4 hoorl of Ami so 1 went with the rector to commcnced a new life. after rise farther. ».nt.«V of Mrltlag la BmUib at >»'• bring Evening kind of love I had fbr her. 1 was but a lit* where'a the fatted calf he ought to kill? any It was a happy sentiment of some devout U* ilthl «UI b»aToW«d. hack the yum, two chamois leathers the I to to taking evening, and sometimes during day, tlo older than she hut I as a them Ablishnistsis worse Country editors—to learn how rehash TInmU arrlva la aoaooa *»r *M«ipn was, felt father My brethren, than writer, that God curies bis people only lk« wrllMl Iralu of Um ally. ■lbll .VC.Ull.IL UUUIt. to it in. wandered over to his little and wnile an article. Uk« bring shop, feel to his a sweet tender- infiddles—while they tho old when cannot he our weak- TIM in not bw might daughter; preach gospel they they walk, pities Company r*«poa«tblo " at hoots to mi amount umMIii **» la *alao, We readied the house, ami 1 waited in he snt, stitch, stitch, tho and shoes, won't it. For The would be to ness and lovo that made me pitiful towanls practice my |*rt I intelligent public glad ness, but not our sloth. FAMILY PHYSICIAN" while went to fetch it Ho over and over all tho music the passege he 1 played again her. I knew she loved a man At this a to that know of tho Professor: n Iff PRINT, unworthy of poiut sargont belougin Mr. coining home late •I rata*. came a the church. Prior was a Pnllup "pretty back with large vase, tenderly wrap- I could get from and I at alio felt this her infernal Burow, who wuz in tho owdience Whether Tuck professional or rr..«u uum m BY PR- BAMCKL 8UKLDON FITVIf. A. V If. D. her, think, times, full,-' finds the walking slippery, and ex- a^, in the leather*. Alas ! At that mo. "You've a beautiful fingering, Sam, my with uv soldiers to make uv cook ? ««*' Tti JmlAtr wwmi Jtfrdfcef Warla. ped self, and kuew I felt it. enough opposin rortUad. Ho».3B. I HA. #/ ** claims: "V-v-very singular ; wh-when-ever inent then- came from the the and it doci look a a What is the correct mode of room, against t»oy, lieautiful, though 1 was free of the rector's houso him unpleasant, eed he bed bin sort uv larding Ill* Mil Lac tare* n Iha rnrwtlM of Onaaap- perfectly water freezes It alius fr-freezes, with the — IHiimii of the IM Kulee to door of which I was the sound of littlo awkward to see an to a the leau earth ?" Fare Reduced to Bonton. II,.it, standing, you bowing away at and wo used to find in our music a exhortcr in his day, and desired say DtMrT* Health and Lite to 1 Ilia wired Year*.— last, aide no to 44 slippery up; singular!" md thoaaand*. m«1 hare «rrW a voice A voice that thrilled me with your left, it makes difference word in uv that ez Can a cutlet In cooked from • false kai« Keen by singing. means of convene that our tongues could explanation parable, ap- to all had health to all who bare What's that ar a on a hope reader*, voice I hear now as 1 write You ought to lw a fine Sam." to sez calf?" pictur J?" asked fuiniu.l it* through,—a you. player, never have known. All the present time, nnd lie, M IUUUB AJUUAUMU1. teaching*. me,—thoao days! plicable in a store the Dr. Kttch'* alui In thla new book I* to dlre*i hab- so so 1 was but 1 was 1 In a bill of should horse-meat steaks countryman print other these linos,—so clear, sweat, pure, it enthusiastic, poor. Gone ! ! arc 1 aui remoinlwr 1 to tho faro, day nUw Um ilifiw of Um Fort ao aa at old Mb Alas gone. interrupted, belong Autktr it* to ladlapoeiUon,—to uuip they to tho who was over UaJ BImm fMkX will ma u ft>l hum to treat dla- was as if an had revealed itself to wanted an instrument of my own, but 1 had now the church come under the head of Ihrt d'CEuvre ? proprietor, turning rMTIL Vumpmmy poeitioa prerrat dl**a*e,—and angel Sho left us at last, and in a few her church military, wich is,just )<■»» eaae tu w terha|M and as I sit in the old proceeded very uninterrupted Far* la Oabla |l 30 dlptbertat regulate agnin rcctory parlor, tell! which Is Josh and which is his the •toawoh and anenly-shown FOR SALE. •be came out and stifi* for other make war unto tho old didn't fellow let his stake bum while ho was of seod, and a dozen tha llaart, Dytpepela. lleadaehee, Ueer Coca- every impulse, should, and affection of the daughter of her gentleman—be |«ekage custard-pie fftea, Kidney Female Coai- rcs|iect 44 plalata, Coatplalala, 8ho who bad the niece under the intluenco of sound, move with bum his house, and hams, tear up his gar- hiinscIC That's what's the mar- tuince-pie The gentleman prompt- alai-tU. KheaaaaUaaa, N«aral*ta, Kkla LMeea angcl-voice—his whom I loved so silently, ao tenderly, and cooking plants. aad (reck ao him (bur Farm tor Sato «ad all dlaeaaea dleeeleratloaa, lea, —came out. ami 1 saw her. I forgot the such ease, and oxactneas. den; bum his fences and knock down the tyr!" ly filled the order by sending it., which attack aad deetror the eoapUila*. precision, so long. at a*ad elaae at dlaaaeaa, wkbk tha pa- and stood >eecb at ooo balance uv the children. Not lie and a amall The (real disaster, »| lowly gasing "Sam, my boy," snid the cobbler, day, I ait In the old seat in the church now any. goose eggs dog. WATBilOROir.il. Uaal ar kM frtenda eaa al way a doatec,aa4 Ibr which her lace. • sluill havo nn and went a Sleep.—'To bring about men have we inane one ineaa ami you instrument, your ami ; and, onco in the year, tho okl away peaceably, misgwdtd, good- sleep An art by which k w*n< play recourse |U<1 iwl. OalMM IN w» t hrp I«ft 4 •You awkward scoundrel! look at Hither shall it for or the whole for nothin, but a to various contrivances. a because re- your buy you, antliem ; but tlie voice is that filled the yet ptactabU good-for- JWron, one enemy w kmng (ante J .«* • taaTy |tv«U> 4 wmmi, u»l tmk M rf gone work. he come uv own before at used to Thirty pounds! shall cry shame him.*' a nothin. Secondly l*ek hia retiring night, him- w • niucli «troof*r principle than children. Colda. of tha Lane fa- Fifty pounds! |wrish upon okl church as with glory that day. 1 feel indulge vrnjr® l'un|«atl«a Laaga. a '-iS;a5ri-~— rer. luaa. Me. Mardlei Ibr each of An invaluable treasure gone in ••But lie don't know a wonl of I akkord. The old man didn't after him self with ponset of which RryalpeUa. irreparable this," as sounds awcll and the go strong ale, three are peea. whteh the ateh or tbalr ftteada can the out, strings gratitude. a moment don't better £t£lS,llLS2?Sf* ""JowS S5SS.iT1 aad adiaiauter. Why you *|*ak? said. and for four years at a cost uv half his helped than wine to subdue the Mid a natural father to 1>M. prepare awereeeAilly Why vibrate under withered I am fight "Arthur," good *M». kh, 1K*> the my fingers, If* Beat give* proper treaUaeat al tka Ilalr it?'* •nerer to subdue and hiin of hia did you drop miou, nam. my lie snail ne near MilMtance him bring sprightly activity faucy. Harvey, "1 did not know till to- aad Teeth, a* aa la preeerre both la health aad noy, InH wailing to be her under the okl his young hopeful, beaaty tkr*a|k lift. It* aeal gleeea remedy hr 1 said, np. to know of it and be me his but when he bed run hia who the circulation of the blood, TAB■ FOB SAliir ••Urop it" waking "Drop glad ;** told trre and it nearer to lawk, through pile taught that you had been whipped Isst week." ■aa alahana. Flaally. h* gleee reel pee fee are par- yew outside, may be, day llalr Water aad Tooth what?" And then it flashed upon me and hw share av the estate and used, iike induce somnolence the *1 IN IUJMU lag l>ya. Calegae readar, plane. her Mill In tbe future. squandred Franklin,\to ••Didn't you, pa f replied IwpcfuL VAAM ■IftlfED alt by aay other preparatleaa longed-for Mil* ftwa Ika MlUt, m» aaaaryad and I summered out, "She At certain timet it was lie came l*»ck like a out of bed about CURD. I It laaallUteaa w« eaa do to advlaa ear raadvra again, sang!" cuatomary f°r the got hungry whipped by getting and walking knew it at tlie time." UlalBc A mm of land all u4«r te aklalaaad read thia boak. It baa 7t pane t she did was there oc- choir* of until half ilw warmth '• mm mto *r MlUrsikm. TW» "And If sing, any neighboring churcbea to each Eimvi Railroad in NtwHianaiRi. dog. congealod, after which runt piice Uooate. Bead J4 eaata te l>r. S. 8» Kltch, Jto. help A hypocrite may torn bU without atwat. Maaa Ba to casion to beautifUJ and h was a and soon in- BTiaaial Bualaa. parttewtar drop my vase, you doubly other, arranged that the choir or —At the annual of die Stockhold- My friends, let ine draw ■mall parallel of the blankets was welcome his character! Hre htteBia, Town, c'eanty aad Slate 1 ineeUhg csll the turning blockhead ? out of the our should and on the next between tlicae cans. duced slumber. Other boah will ha aaai te yaa by aaaU.&ae if | stupid There, go pariah play sing er* of th« EaMrrn railroad in New persons workmen find* hi* tn«k a llanip die No frithfid pea- do, before do any farther mis- at his and The son went out—so did the bards to their and com|>el presence house, you Sunday morning parish church, ■hire, held July 10, tha prodigal aid, Wo must all toil or steal—no matter following gvntleincn the ot time. »IU» IhMM. J »U and tell fiuher to that be and hie choir should eome over to South—thus the cases is alike. of Death's half broiWr by magic •M xllMy^TtW ST chief, your boraowhipyou were chooeen Directors: forly wo our MKT bow name stealing. 5p£&sf&&^MllMU »<«()«■ lutac wi Shack fbrd. to to at but in seem what it openly foe ed at her and went a in your own hands so. to dotarmioM not go sleep all, r»rt£»«rt*—hw >«•&•(. face, shambling away, plaoe church; and, pfeaee era it a RVJIKJI ITTRRT. At the Direct org meetin*, & T. Raad waa and look If it be where other laws wanting, imposes »K and altered There wee • do as well there as The to draw up the blinds, out, Hi«il»I.A»»Ur.liM> changed being. God, you you*vedooe elected Wm. H. llackett Prodigal spent only what wine hie to Preaident, Clerk, at to law upon itself. horse-eoHars and bone it will be the The ■ ch-ar the stars, endeavoring world where ahoaa, here, proudest day 1 shall and J. B. Parker Treasurer. spend. Confederacy apent not only night, whither are The render of in FOB SALE! tenons and mortiass, or left, know, 8am, my and faibareand all it but all it cood when it divine they travelling through leading pop-corn Spring- m iinr Inn vttfe >■» Uip infinite of This ex- field b an enthusiastic Methodist, but ha entered not That world 1 had seen; I had mother will say to, too." The Nabraaka hi knowd its to wnseot wurth the gulfs space. pious IT* Legielature, joint promises pay with JOB How I ercise gradually subdues if anything can, mingled things husinsss thiap spirits, PRINTING! breathed its air and board its voices. practised, morning, noon, and ballot, haa elected Maj--Oen. John M. the m(table paper wus onto. Mj^TrtJmasnagga: they fwtotsd of the and al at a late out father heard of and for the how the old asaa to the pertuibauona mind, brinfs prayer meeting, by crying Ktf^tjtaissrsxfrjskNH tot if MnikMtlM My my misfortune, night, great day | tad Mr. T. W. Tipton the United The when be did come back, Mlto^totorimUmt Ilagar Prodigal to in the lot of tout UwiMilr«Mw7. ttmbfta»M«*wp without at a was to on, aaif our will, the tranquility when attempting join laid the strap across my shoulder* darkly hinted that be 8talee both The Le- come ex ex the coneciousoasa that against "pop-corn," ftMMk A^J *7 wttor to OILMAN. 'OB* HAXKOM. prodigy Senate, Reptibficana. penitent for in were at the and then the we covert.—CXmUr't Jeurwrf. responses of MAmen." A^fL hasitaiion, my young days boys forthcoming festival; gielature has adjourned mm die. be bed made a fool of hiswlf cood make GENERAL BUIOCAEY. The citiiens of Eliot, la Urp numbere, at- SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tbe cnoj- BEPBE8ENTATI0N Of TENNESSEE. the faneral of H. Cram la them every poauble succeas. traded Benjamin GEN. LOGAB ON BEC0N8TBU0TI0K. York end Brooklyn, that town, oa Sunday last. Mr. Cram waa fur em is in New 17* Tho Nation mji of th« last bio- WANTED! racing The IdNitie. or the Eaatern Rail, & ten in Sa- extent Several "a National ■any jtan la th« employ Union At the of sold not to an alarming of Andrew Johnson, by A FAJTIirUL wtM* putato rutfc la Um cii7, Academy. fit* journal grand gathering though prapliv «• to HOT, Limington one it on the an abaunl road aad op within a ehort fa* and with in and Man,'' that is, whole, corporation, to town Um PrtoUn* BoiIimm \ or on* win firm • atui- lem, IIL, Ciooik Sherman Logan, cases have occurred Philadelphia resolution restoring Ten- The following Joint to that ho ia better fitted to be resigned bis position on aecoant M Um Traatooa of thli Inttltntton hara daUrmfoori members was laat attempt prove time, (when tilnn to do Um diofw In the office. Apply Jomu I860. (»ov. made addrewes. From The Tennessee to her relations to tb« Union, to tha School on IU old footing, ud to thai ME., JULY 27, Oglesliy, in Boston. nessee in the name of the than wac the oldest Conductor on the FIB pat BIDDEFOED, my legislate people of ill health) ••4 k»n ra U»Awe*r lHCi the government Confirm itself. Portland trains of that road. line Bld States, *nd the ibhal>itants Mid or to W. 0. Lord, A. M, for many yaara connected a man uf this land said ; * |h» United 'destined to prevail.'' when certain great were gain ground at 3 o'clock in the afternoon dally, wllb tha He boo I, will tab* of lu In- JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, trai- Stale in pursuance of an act of Congress returning HOMCEOPATHI8T, again cbargc thut treason mutt be made odious and rim- »ea thai aa loaUoaU** la af- OF BRUNSWICK. JUDICIAL OOUBT. to lie in a elate of insurrection against When Sherman recently pasaed to bis beautiful scat beside the swift «•«■» tliat. SUPREME declared HT enjoy to Dr. la tba NTirtI ti can b* bad tors must lie and not only ho stuck his head (fctce—of Uvrr) forded, Uiptrtaitnli, |»utiishcd, ami the United States, and through Hamilton, Ohio, ing Picataqua. At the time of his deccase, at tba W Hamlnarlaa la the him*. TO CONORItS. hut that must lie State Government c.*n only asked the name ol RACO AMD BIDDKrORD, MAINS. tba >ftll Tam, wblati cor*taen*ei oa Wad- MMMCNTATtVCa they impoverished, 1^-A.W TERM. H'Arrfai,.said out the car window and not was sud- for lw distributed relatione in which though unexpected, quite I"**, We bar# aacarod the ear- JOlIN LY3CII, I> that their must be restored to ju former political "Hamilton." wns the oeaday.Aaguat?* ]«T DwTBKT property would de- of the lair the ulnto. reply, the office of Town Treasurer. A Offlo* oyer Hill's Market 8«oo. rlcei of Mim Aoibi M. Lord, of Portland, aa In- a III.AINK. imT4. the that he the Union by the conaeot making here." den, he held JAM»> numng loynl |ieople, jvlt, 1800. "and a many Cop|N.*rheads •truetreaa and Teacher of Mutla. Mlaa Lord *111 to worms DISTRICT, PORTLAND, of the United 8utcs, and good train from Boston, arrived at Eliot IU»M«k« a Mr*. Jto. » of Ut« m joiix a. rrruw, BtMm. clare that were entitled reprcsenta- power to to special Iloopfr**, St., hare Uta prlnclyal charge Dapartatal of 4th they he of raid State did on the "Tell tho go limzil, If H'htrrat, the people Copperheads Pres- aiDDiroao. SI Lanrnagaa. A* to har •Kill and asaaatlon la per- » mdnkt rKKiuM, rm the States? (No.) re- at noon, bringiug Superintendent tion in Vnitcd which a l«r«e where was tho Depot tha PI*a< forta, *ba la raakoned of express- are the Yurk County c»»ei 33d day of February, 1K63, by |>opular they belong," general's forming upon he hud a very strange way The following cottof die Eastern Road and a large number tha baat, and m bar a ao doobt that bar In did, on that acsslon of the vote, and a Constitution whereby m im) use. among Thai is all I can say hare been argued at the present adopt ratify itruetlon will ba to bar a*eom|>IUhmant«. ing himself. waa aholiabed and all ordinaaoea and of mra, express men, tick- PORTT.AXD. ««|ual sir the work of In Portlaad, to hear quee« slavery the conductors, engine For aand for circular aitbar to tb* No, j Court, sitting debta contracted under Tlio New Bedford Mercury says foil particulars COUNTY CONVENTION. (IjiiiL'liti'r.) Supreme lawa of secession and 0f* all of whom came to j or ISAAC L UNION subject. to WnUrn District ■ et masters, clerks, &o., Principal to MITCHELL.8*«»'y. this belongs loyal tlons of Ian arlilnj In the noil and Told, and i of ex-Govcrnor Clitl'ordV 3w3l restoration in country the aaice were declared announcement ons of the Lini»uto*, July aw, IK6C. Voters of the County of York ra. l>anlel Ward k their to tho memory of The I'nion not to traitors, and while John 8. 8ur. Part. a Government baa t>een or. willi (he pay retpects MILLIKEN & to a conven- men, and loyal fayward, Instru. Jt'Ar/-ras, State name in connection Philadelphia OEERING, to tend delegate antlon the following rat- I " CO.,1 are al. Thlalaan upon ! which haa was n ol and nrbane conductors New requested at are iu this work IAJC. "We hare under aaid Conatituiiun I convention movement most upright Eng- Machine Cou be held at tb« Town Hall. Alfred. men engaged (icrfortiimg ■ent. Pee, 4tti. panned of the piece WHOLESALE Hardy tion to must to kennei>uul|»>rU acoount* between us and ified the amendment to the Constitution which those who land has ever honored. Ths management of on 7.1*W,1 and restoring this country, they say this day examined the impertinence, 10 A. M.. Tuesday August and And due them a bal- slavery, and alao the gratuitous of Um Maeliina Com- o'clock, lor wo intend to M/«srs Lewis k Hay want United States abolishing it need- hare been celebrated for their DIRECTORS Hardy of nominating candidate* these traitors: "Cattlemen, anil know liiit opinions thought the Eastern Road ara W> meat at tha Office of tba tor the ance of amendment by the 30th Congress, political rIBpany raqaetted purpose Treasurer. these whenever we I). A B. Ward." projwsed men to be found to DRY GOODS, Co. on at 4 M to hanr three Senators. County Shrrlftj confer rights ujion you A tie it. John A. Wheeler. had done other acta anu denoting Icm to noticc. success in securing the best Raturday. P. July IXth, 1*0. at the note the la en- proclaiming of Treasurer and act »ucb butlaeM aa to be are to. It is not tor to the If the ahore I* a pllf it was an in- 31 Commercial St. Report apoo and Ca Commissioner, supported minded you aa^r promissory barred the therefore, be it tint Mr. Har- run and control their trains, and 1 ba before tba otlwr busi- to if nol, it U by loyalty, It will be recollcctod announce may brought meeting election, and for any time when it shall lie done, lait it is lor us titled Judgment; Dv the Sanats and House of Rep- J to MILLTKEX * CO. he* y*rr to CIlARLKM Treaaorer. September con- Statue of Limitations. Rnulvfl, at to witness this testimonial »e- 11AH0V, come before the our Statea in United States Minister Portugal, teresting sight to their t'rnmdi ami the 7V*i< tlwt they hare 26th. ihta. 31 our iu resentatives of the United Congrea« vey, nidilaford. Ma.. July ~ ness that may property to It is in bauds power. Edwin D. Smith for pHf. the DIKRTNO, ■in-1. and «rr <«ay. Dottrme for dells. of Is here- some time since wrote a letter the worth of the lamented deoeased in cured a oanniralton* «tnrr oa Cw |tr|«ml to (how aa oanplete a Uim of fry iVotlceT will bu as fol- in writing. restored to her former relatione to of It was n letter, saya of so many former associates on this Copartnership Tbe basis of representation Argued re. Affr Allen. by practical Congress. private presence were em la IhU C1I7. bare thla a vileges in this country. (Good, good. t'J. Jene Allen, Applt, entitled to be at wish of the 1 undtnlfiml t w*t IVtre for Nunuel lawful our The tho view of the Judge Probate. 1 no piTHmuiC !9IIII|JIJ vvuvicw diplomatic mouth. The service*, Caaket* to he found In the cnunty. Alan, totes cast Cony by recognition. Jury sustained out the are aaauml UmI no ihall e\Ut for h4uk every seventy-Are Kimball. the this Mr. have stricken ap- thuee* neceMtty htmUlml to nnler at low prfcva. The aaily fdao* lu Uta election of 1865. A we to them shall not Howard k Cleave*. nut of which are assumed, while resolu- llarvey, were conducted by the Rev. for OoarU. U3m30 at the say perform, they A Hamilton. to from pressive character, btfo+i tliia Ckjr Dry where Oaaketa are foruiahnt to order. gubernatorial they Drew is a doolaration of It for the mission Portugal County votes will be entitled to an cannot until we they shull. tion merely opinion. prupriation of Portsmouth. The fraction of forty |icrform my To be In writing. it that no he A. T. Patterson, special argued ?s. Wm. P. 110 legislation, nor does confer any the hill, and directed money SAW TXLINO AND JOB WORK delegate. but some of the op|»sition any, why, 7IX York Co. Mutual Fire In*. Co., comprises at five additional Oh, in Court wliloh is binding u|*>n the from the train returned to Boston half-past will be In »eiaJoo at the to be re- Abbott. Uu afKuuivut. Pitt nonsuit respective fur its support contiageni duo* at abort aod alt work d oe by m will f\n aat- Tbe Committee if do liot allow these power It does paid a TO FEMALES. notinr, you people House*, the Executive or the Statoa. I*. M. Mr. Cram was able week be- IMPORTANT WftKtkw. llouse at V o'clock A. M. the Uuion below. • fund. o'clock OR. DOW contlnueatoderot* bla County there is one-half of Oak as. not to their Bents in the Seua- The celebrated Howard k Cleave*. admit Congress from which 9uiMi*« of Is as follows: presented, D. Smith. fore his death to visit tiloucester of all dlaeaae* Inei. IT Al uie cjw The appointment delegates and the laws that you |>us* Edwin tors nnd Ueiiresentatives from Tcunessee, for The editor of tlio Racine (Wis.] entIra lime to the treatment unrepresented, OT on lie'leaves a bccause u To be in writing. the of the resolution, he returned Monday. to the (female »y item. Ad of twen. Acton. 9 Llmorlek. in nre unconstitutional argued y». Ellia notwithstanding passige « place dent experience 175 MAIN Congress 71. York Co. Mutual Klr« Ins. Co., Journal had his hen-roost invaded by DEARIXG'S BI'ILDI\C, STREET, a Mmiufctun, la Court be- etch House in the exercise of ita constitutional widow and three sons. enable* biut lo guarantee ipeedy Alfred. of the country is unrepresented. On assumpsit. Pitt nonsuit sad hnvoc ty-tbree yetra lliddrfard, M*lat> 4 Lyuian. portion Dodge. to for itself of the election returns negro, who innde writ emu of Berwtek, rlcM judge light-fingered to hear of the fkvorable re- and permanent relief In the i-rpr** Btdvitfunl, I N««(U:t, (Laughter.) low. at its We are pleased J. M. DKAR1MO. and of ita members, may Tho editor lion all atkir Mnmtmal S North tWrwisk, the same Howard Cleave*. Oakes. qualifications I among the poultry. smarting our oltlsens the and Drrmgiminlt,tTotu KAMX IL I'tUUU'KY. Bulis, Well. I presume upon hypo- Edwin 11. 8mlth. discretion admit them or continue to exolude met with from by gen- <'»rnt«6, 3 hntuldi], ception ir*»•». 4 BhapWlxh. the wnr arc unconstitutional I Queetlona* to validity appraiser*' were a neoessary and binding It hns lieen that had tlio John- has It admits, 1 nturn thank! to tlw riU»n« of the 11 tbo of C9. Sect. pre- suggested telligent man who examined tarnished to thoao who with to re- my County JloUls, a lulbnt, was not under Revised Statute KW,Chap. to the admission of members of Con* N. 1).—Board iw darin* tlx i«*i i>«r Davis' of the country reprc. levy that It waa theeatato cedent sonists made advances the su- IRttnU idrauri ■i®o 4 Houih Berwick. part where stated veto proper morning without that it is incomparably to «<■ tl>ail Kiaailaak. be 3. they merely It would in tha event of a hesitation, main under treatment. fmn, ami (h>j«p, by ilrtft attention basiima, 4 sented. So it might in the debtor" without »a) Ingwlieth- Krers, happen would have been « V-' 1 Haurkorv* (Laughter.) in fce of after the them in this M • (mntiouaiMT uf ill" HIM. All In Ksaaskaakport, simple In common, in the that 8enatora and Repreeen- robbery, to any Atlas ever published Jane 1) 30 |rt« representation or Verdict bo admitted to the Houses change Lo*aa©«, 4 York. sesloa, reversion remainder." Utives could only country,after reading the following testimony: and all baring druurot* afalnat me err r»^ja»t- now euunciatrtl by the op|iositioii vote cach of the Journal. paymeat, wa* f)>r dvfl Congress by a two-thirds of *1 In iccacnt Uie uox hr |wynrui. J m. hbbrinu, in this land is correct; Dtrnas Soars: of Youth. to the Union |icople Edwin U. Smith. two Houses. From Errors ai jmi. nrntisu. KYLVBlTKR UTTLBFIKLti. moment Drew k Hamilton. Moore. §y The admission of representatives froti Drown have cumin- ~ Calea tlMit is, that these the very Aujouc other reason*, recited in the pream- President University—I who aufffered fl>r year* from Nerr- people, on brief*. Tennessee will leavs the balance of al- A eenlleman JIUT.UBBV Submitted in the reso- parties is] with care Johnson Family Alio*, and though an.l all the cffocti of Lneon UKliaUK UICTCIIBLL, th«v laid down their arms, although they tloodwln vs. (laorge Itowden. Suit ble, for the declarations contained oui Debility, Premature l>ecajr, inCompany. 7J. Asahel most undisturbed. Ia the Senate, Mr. David been able to minutely into tie- VKANC18 BACON, Coaotjr Coiu- had to be In defl'a. hand* fbr is the rat Ideation, the State Govern- I have not go Indlaerctlon, will, for tbo sake of Buffering Treajurer of tha Laoonla hereby had forfeited their lives, although they Ibr tanner alleged plaeed lution, by I T. son.In.law of Andrew Johnson, km well youthful Company B. MUOIiy, delonoe a revocation; to the Patterson, tails to their accuracy, I humanity, »eod/re« to all who need It. the rcclpo notlaa that the amount of all Um umi>- JOHN had the pUf. by ouo ltauinlell| ment of Tciiuiauce, of tit# anwuduients the hit verify TI1Kf1ve» lalltse. forfeited their although they wa* Irrevocable. Ar- may be olassed with Conservatives; it ir moat American and dlroctlona for making the almuh remedy by and actually AMNIO LBAVIT¥. property, an*wcr, the of the United States abolishing | satisfied that .the complete raant* voted t>y raid Company paid W. and all appropriation constitution I in 1809. Mr. J. 8. Fowler, whosi which he wa* cured. Hulferera wlthlng t«» iir an>1 »eve» th»u»and doltfera. that JMITH IIA.NMi>\. forfeited their rights, civil |ioliticul, by tho term expires atlaa extant, especially for the United .States oflt.by In. I» one million r. BOOOY. gued. k Hamilton. slavery; also the amendment proposed as a Rvli* tho adrcrtlwr'i can do *» by addressing raiiltal »tock I* one million BOMUND thoso canie back to them, and tlint K. 0. Smith. Drew term ends in 1871, is known strong Territories. The designa- experience, the amount of exlttlnx rights I) Clark. Ao* If, as it also deolared and New particular juiiy h. ounr.y, due (h>ni raid 74. Ueo W. Bruce r*. Nathaniel thirty-ninth Congress. oal. In th« the representatives elected town the com- dollar*) Uiat Uia debt* Company Jaly 3,1««4. were as restored as entitled for State oan on- House, tion and outline of every and 13 Chiimhrt Strut, 4fim Y»rk. three llioa* fully tloa of clausuui. Vcrdlct pltf, iu the said government | E. Horace lyio It*. amount to thrca liundrad Mid thirty, they fully Treapasa i|uare on preamble, as Unionists are Nathaniel Taylor, index the 8tate and tliat to tho and of American Motion f"r new trial and exoeptlona be restored to its former political relations plete geographical naming •and, ill hundred ami tlji and lUiVilollart v right* privileges $17 ly William D Stokes, 8. M Arnrll, ami render it in aa that two witnesses not (hewn lobe ex|>erta of the law making | Maynard. to whioh each town helonga, the amount of oapltal »laak Invented real CAUCUS. a as well us in gn>und in the Union, by the oonsent are county citi/eus iu representative any of tho amount Inaao K. Hawkins. The Democrats Klmunr to which has Make Your Own machinery and ulktr Sxture*, la were allowed to give their estimate of tho united Slates, it would really easy for the reader And any place Honp. tata, building*, other as other in this and power i and W nina and tliuuiand, nine hun- In %t the uny jieople of damage done. Aicued. Motion exoeptlona which William D. Campbell, John in the latest account of hundred twenty-nine TV# <4 I.; man »r» cii|iacity, seem to follow that the resolution, Cooper. a name even newapaper and dellart i that thn tUruNkaiM overruled. on verdict. joint Left w ion. most dred and nlnety-alx t» land. Judgment sanction of war. it is a atlas, its GREASE. the real ettafe <>r on M, »l & oVtock I*. M., -» -• 1—*—ii Kdwln H. Smith. at this lata has received the the Though general AND USING TOUR WASTE la«t eitlmated value affixed !• T >»n U«m htlnhjr, A«f. Drew k 11 a in 11 to-1. data, to BY SATING J lllll WIIIIIIK IIIUl UIU |Ku|nv 11. McKennoy. been elec remarkable feature is its large additions •aid the Arteeeori of Dlddaford, In tb» CmrmUno. IS. FrauoiiUullinon.lv*. Enoch should have passed, approved The Southern advocate the Coinpanr by •buM Dvhgataa ** Count/ Verdict for Congress, 3T papers and tho amount o| one Box of the which the aame li la aeren hundred eeven* their or the little they have got Action to recover fbr pltfY services. and in the statute books before any tion of men who have fought for the South ai American geography great Duy locatedf By ofdOT of Town C>«uwitur ro the B. Bkars, Ik>• ton, MaaaaahaMtU, TV •# thta see rv|ue«4nl \» m*rt la willing, objection. ala., applts. Action centation, may nevertheless, during is to be called a Union Convention ! We havi new county. Re|*»MJesns Oly into. Pitf. uooault in they K. I. of lat and fith I&M.) July 21,1*06 J hut 1 do want to fu*lu{ pltTa. vote la Nov., relations and ren President Drown University, Prov., (ratento Fab., CHim HALL, !*<». 1» WW>inirt"«» SL. uo to he their executioner; to dismiss suspension of their former practical yet to Isara that Rebels, Copperheads TMl'Mlfl Court beluwt exoept and dlia motion voico with "* co- was rendered by to the Union have an potent ejrsdrs can make a Union of any kind IlldJeford. Me., July A IMC. ComtnonwailtK MaitaehuutU. TuwUy Kmtlnc, Jul; JIM, »* Uw |-en""» cbm»io« thing* because It appear* that judgment equally loyal —OR— qf land. h» tktir commt. other and in to amend W. C. Peckhatn. thi» •" «» C«n»«*um. tut cue of the citizen* of this I he Trial Jui t Ice v*. defendant* loyal States, provisions Tribune. Esq.i SrrpoLt, aa. Then biu Citt Com. 1 want recognised Jr. Es«i. exis- On evening two young girls with considerable euro, and aiu satlnfled eniy him auhaeribad, la traa. In my pr«»eniw tence of the nation. years I can bestow. a man. 1 want «#• comuieudation I thta *dlat. lata. And State*, and not a* disgraced 10 mmun ■■k.-uu^v It will make 10 POUN US of excellent llard 8otp, and before ma,at Doaton, July *i Win, K. tioltliwalt. A tirlei reference my were drowned ai Great N. whlli J. M. Pai.mkh. resident as 77. Edward Moltrlde Palls, If., or UAIiUINHof the be»l Soil only am CommlMloner ol tbo Htato M Maine, to be at the samo time, a | litis to last, will show the steps J3 vary Noap.for I recognized, eauauiu Involving ll>« 4th of December ou box. forMb duly comml»#loned and auallAud Al>|ili. rrM>|ijn <|u»re to Tho mother of Miss Mvldox, at from some of om about :u CKNTM. Direction* each In *aid Suflolk, CONTENTION. more lor his down the Pool. Venliet Executive for the restoration bathing. We have seen other letters law* of Maine, t» COUNTY man who Imw done country a little strip of wok to taken by the at all 1'rug and Orucory More*. by the (Jovernor and under lit* AM motion fir n now trial. of the States that to rescue them, was also drowned. the work affidavit*, aukn»wied«iu*oU of It is desirable that there should lie a than a traitor. I want it to he m fur »li"Tl. pltf. their constitutional relations tempting prominent citiions recommending lake ilepotltlom, very (Applause.) Ar'uud. Motion overruled. Ju>l^ui«ut on m- the rebellion. the DIRECTION'ft* deed*. Ac., to be u*rd and recorded Id Malaa. so (ten. Sherman hid beeu affected hy Upon are to be hereof the Union m«*n of thi* in this land that may highly, and which published Wltnesa band and official teal, at Mid lloaton, full of dm. of net ire hostilities, gov- one of Into threo of my representation In-fore the American Edwin D. Smith. cessation provisional ourcitixen* Tat box Haponlfler gallon* stand here to-day peo- 8. W. Luijuoj. were We aro indebted to John Hanklnson of Port tcr. Mr. Peckham will call upon oil the end. and let tbe bex boll until thl* July aiii, 1860. one week from next ami Wm. R. Wakafleld r». Inhabitants of ernors were appointed,conventions callsd, water,(knock BAMCKL JKN.NIWJf, county, Tuesday, a 7rinnl7'J. then take out the add four in light, higher socially, v- «aine. On notes the legislatures for for »lino litho- Let no one fail to examino the wori box), lw3l pie prouder Kenni i>un k |» r! Wm Perry governors elected by people, land, Gi-neral Agent Main*, generally. Itemptic* Commlaeluner for Maine In lloeton w« to meet not a full than for and a half of fat. and let It toi/ 3 hour* and hope ouly delegation, and every way, van t» men substitutes. Verdict* and senators nnd representatives Th poundi (Htlitically Ki procuring assembled, of the rains of that city. In detail. in minute*. Then add attnall halfplnt nf wilt, and who morally, the man who and delta exevpt To be argued in writing. of the United State*. graph picture Co. hut a of all the does Joe Johnston, (ought lilir*. chosen to tho Congress let It continue boiling r> mlnutoi longer, when Peppcrcll ,1lnnn(ncl'K meeting Republican* 11. KalrUeld. 8. W. Luquai. of the United view is taken from the Observatory on Muiyoy you him ill the armies of treason. At the same time tho courts add hall a of kit water, and let It com* to a K Treaaum of the IVm«tII Uiirabrtunm C«mi«i.y the situation ami who can spare against (Ap- Ml. J»i. Rnli«rti all the appreciate »r States reopened. preserved. boll. herrby five* — To m ,'url by American Ufa Drop*." or box to wet It round the ride*, then empty tbo mrnU vetnt «M Cimiimiij mat inaaU; |aH la, »*«e tho time to he present. The Wm. Kiuery. Kltnhull. the custom houses re established |>ostal Address aa above. Also to our friend R. C quickly by the Writ de to the con- In to itand all nlzht, and cut In bare In Ui« million d«IUr> | thai tlir amount uf eibtlnf capital M<«k After upon Wm. H. re l/wnwo D. Btaplee. resumed. Tho amendment one Mandanl In America- •oap i to be tho touching impressively 81. Nmoo, erations XT There li bat perfume uee a few wteki. thn auetail <4 Mnrk In* York more below To tho Shannon of this for a map of Portland morning. It Kill bo lit P>r In U one million d"IUr» ; that capital county especially—is huntine n-|ikjlti»lo. lid. uouauU anil accvj'ta. stitution slavery fororer within city ex other n«- rights of the frecduien to government pro* abolishing Pbalon's "Nliflit-lll<»«mlnu LVrcu*." All the foreign veetad In ml cetatc, InULlinir*. machinery aud in thi* Statu between those be »r*u—I in writing. was also to tho an accurate outline of the burnt dis N«fl Neap, t»u bottle ground Smith. limits of the country submitted giving the I* *rv«ti hui»lr>d and nMcty-alne thooMitd hun- to the dishon* Juo. M. Ooulwiu. Kdwln n. Itjcu lure l«*u rulnl nit of llie markrt by |4vwii the of add- lure*, teetion, (Jen. Logan alluded were thus invited to nnd did Made in tbe nint way, with exception flftrni dvllara atirf U-luO, aad the MrjiliM eam- a and In ts. Iiaau N. Clifford aud States, nnd they triot with thenatnea ot streets, &o. the drot ami which |hi.u*o S'i. Alfred Ctw*ley equity, UrtlT. Tlito It not however, ">tlshl-llt'«oiii niteeu of water and no fait. Ally* ui aame vllhin principles conquered a thus exorcising the rsgteMsi, Ing gallon* ln(* of tlf C<*u|«iiy are alax iuv«tn| lit* of at al In wrtllatf. in ratification, OiaM oriug loyal graves Augusta: Pibe.trtfurd particulate Cerent" to them all. b<4d by tlrujorM ntij it m iron (lit. Uir Huie that thr dil«a tlur fraa mM Cuatpaay amount those or a lack of them, which Son. Juo M. (loodwlii. functions to n State. In log being »u|«rtoc principles, I*. KuUiiun k highest pertaining • U»t ntiiaaUd vala* afltinl a> Hence 1 want him to have of r». K. Cur- to |4T7,lU 6Ji that Uie 83. Wai. II. Ciller, i»«l IHwul, Helen all these States through their INTELLIGENCE Waned at our protection addition nearly L00AL k COUNTY everywhere. IIk n*l tiUinl <4 Mkl t>«n|iany by the Aimmi of tlld* every step agnin*C nationality. the law. 1 am ill of his it. 1 Action to rvcorer |>tff*a ) of rvnta of had and Hut True, favor having Adiniutalratrlv. conventions and legislatures adopted at Da. Hick Strangc, In ahidi iIkt «ur»e U lov»tr.|, W ami no more ex- rier, Verdict below wu foe ptff., and Tli'* who lure not jenrej the virtual Mm), ll.l'Jj.MXUO Our frit*nds liave 1 ask moth- kind In K**t ie**lnkport. of whereby and In Ule United hMUkI to all Um Uul*> »f copperhead ask you, my couutryuicn, you, ratified eonstitutious government have una Every young lady gentleman the airfrriratr Vilif' Pfi^vfty dafcmUut excelled. Argucl. and The of the P. B. A. P. R. n ssll's Btsit will rrgnt delaya, when 11*7 mueh to their ad- Gen. who are around in this little T>aif k Itoiiny. was abolished, aod all ordinances Superintendent (Stale* can bear eoaiethlnc very aakl oorpunaluu by aald Amui, k U ,5A>*MW. jiectuncy of defeating Chamberlain ers, sitting Klwin It. South. slavery l11 lital la cUimnt lor m. lh huuihugxed ocean tide; nor do they expect will see no pxl, then the politioal llef, ec|Ml All othora will addrcu their ulmdient eer- July 21,1«M. i of whoso faces you IkUH- A Uourue, Drew 4 Hamilton, had Portland at (1 30 P. M. This is an excellent ar pltaro Georgia, their relations to the Federal Government not fall to give It a blr trial. Adrerliaed In another cut TIKIS. CHil'MAN, candidates in the other can never IVrla. KlmNUI. vant, the Congressional more on earth, whoso graves you been recognixed nnd ac- rangeincut, as rents and board are much cheap tUI Druadway,New Vork. Commonwtiilth of MmtafhuttUt. Si. lUnwm Ctanent* and al., va. Wm. Ou|itUI. fully nnd completely wan. lylO a limit and the old fathers, of k*. Tlnti the abnvw districts. Hut hero huve ho|w visit aguin, |terhaps, Joed to k Wvntwfth. Wm. Kirx-ry. the Kxecutlvo Department er here and in Saoo. than in Portland where s< Permit, |irwnally appparad tliey knowledged by we are eonf.dei.t fmta actual ix that often VV. va. of BUdetalL lU-|w>rt nnd tho of the tr Tiere l«, experience, nannl Mm. Th**urrr llw IV,.|«-rrtl Man*- which too, and the little prattling babe, Srt. Jw|.h lluMon City the Oivernment, completion tho lati To I>wl(hl, of .Mr. for Congresn, new llw many have been rendered homeless by that can wilt ConsumptivcM. w>l mn>W IImI ltd* aluve ■tal*. delbuting Lynch when will (4 (Vtnniillw on 1 ration f wnjr accc|4<>l by Jnljje work of reconstruction which has progressed other article of *m|> mHimUctuml, mm|>rle tirtiiriii){ Ommjamj, ask* his mother, u.Mother, my Ov Att'r. b tw, In air |>ra*nK« and lar- nud that at NUI l*riu«, ami |>llh. excepted. Kimball, to and mechanics and now so muol llanxin *ur »f Mr««r». Irathe k llnre, In a* advertlrcr, having beeo restored to health In iD**nl, liy him anl«crilnl, defeat, for their purjioNC* so was submitted Congress, upon fire; laborors, tlie Htsim The 1MKV Aad I am a present father return to me?" to have the > Kdwlo II. Smith. favorably after tvo ate, .-it Ituatxi, tliia July 'Jl«t, again I'm A lliniilt ii. to ad- of and li a Tow weeks by a very rlinplo remedy, having be On unto uf lund. which devolved all pertaining needed in can livo here and do bus! tlie cl -xiuiii^ «|4 M.un>\ re*l HorniM and Ju lk'io.i.1 v. 1I1 n who cui'|>lnl minion nous in Portland with the additional ex the important prwjierty of *|ieiiding well. and that dreivl dlrearo MMRNN I* Mk.duly C'>aaiUi by to the election of traitors in the South have their had only tlon, t-i Ukr ac- worth more them than gathering*, Dane ii Bourne. Moore, Drew k Hamilton. sentatives th'iscn from States whose people to make known to hi* fWllnw-fufrercr* the andvr tlx' U«n ni Mainr, >lr|k^ttiuua, aflatarlU, anxlou* in to strew of (lowers va. of Sanlord. This had of car faro which isouly 88 per month. desire lie will rend a of d«>l«, kr., to be u»*i awl mojnlol It is tlie old day uftcr day, gurlaud* M. Jivl K. Mm! ton Inh-iliitanta in tho rebellion. All these steps pense means of cure. To all who It, kiKxrledj{uietita hull*a dozen Governor*. story, In Mir verdleti f >r engaged of with MjiI'm). the of that thev r\«e has he>si tried fmr tim-a, tvaulliu; bein t »ken when on the 4th day of December, copy of the prtrerlptlnn ured (free chargc), iijmiii groves rebel soldiers, la a wilt fir Kittkiit Navt Yabii, July 23th, 1800. Vt iturm hail I an I official md thit July '.1*t, 1M4. so the ami one dieatfrvnoent. It |«-r*->nal assembled. tho direction* for preparing and u*ing the rame, my U|ion |teople by in a* a* lite |iUintilf to.vn la 18 >3, the Congress MARKETS. |iaiiifully impressed may livo their memory long def.-ct lu highway, fie which ilift. thirty-ninth Kniivn:—The for the te will Nnd a turr rurr Contumption, 9AMUKL JfiMMIMX, injury through mouths have since that Mr. appropriations which they for of tho rebel* to lireak ne- m >iwa f .r uew trul on of luader Maine In IV«t «i. 1»31 tho war, seeking shall last, if some |»oar, old, decrepid llabH PlfT. ground been ami the of some of the Forln Ailkma, llrontkilit, Commi«^ai>T time, nnd no otlior plan having proposed pairs, completion The object of tU»advertlrer us the who hu* hi* the of lUituir**. l.nng Afftrhont. only the lines. Let picket gro, gained liberty by Klnln It Smith. Iyiw, Drrw k Hamilton. for tho measures instituted by in thi/» ur Prico Current. the l« to benefit tho afflict* through loyal Kin; lull, by Congress, Government building*, &c., vicinity Biddeford and Saco Retail In fending nrricrlptlon uairr rower of American arms, va. Israiaril K. Bean. Kaiti-ml lijr in which he •ooceivrr to 9nco on the 7th. march and prowess *V. Uwotk« 11. Cral( theKxecutive.it is now declare! thejoiut ed, and apread information enemy heavily entrv Nilt wiu for li- as follows: CustJm Homo In Portsmouth COMKCTED WKNLT. fulfcrer N rr- come with u basket of dowers, d-ft. on n*ti|iUinl of ikmi hy I'lflT. that the be Invaluable, and he hope* every will try Tir«ii grave |>oor loyal tcn• I lite caae. Jialfiuent the venlk't. a I'artle* within;; the proecriptiun »'4nl Mkl M»l Miull; iu, U uu« inUUo with the Union, and at the mouth of thi prove blorrlng. 1 lijr Oau|uiiy |«ld the to do Jn M. florvlwln. former relations 00; Fort Constitution will »-»eu tho««ii»l atvl lw» liumlnal d.4Ur* ; dial Utr> GEN. SHERIDAN'S OPINION. soldier, that he shall have right it, Klwin R. ftoith. practical ® .. return mail, pleoreaddrer* ant f>^ mm Senators ratine, V Inuhol [/>•») by Dak; va. H imnel T. Slunoou. Coni|4alnt is again entitled to be represented by APPI.ES, Hrr. EDWARD A. WIIJOIf, ain-Hint llw> •-\Mliik|f r.i|«Ul Mick U tU bundmt ami tuid thai no shall havo the lo Juaei