VOLUME XXII. BIDDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1866. NUMBER 31. till or boys eighteen nineteen yean old. 1 with its is as rivid be t)M Toted* late UNION AND JOURNAL, MEDICAL. day itself) events,—all [Titan Mi.) him. The Confederacy wuz whipped heck , HTTim (anion* Rev. Dr. Macdooald, THE bore it > patieatly, uncomplainingly. fore ine as it were but KABBT. hut it Mill sweet* oaths thet it wiu ol vu at J. B. BUTXi&R, Bdltor, lytrg. yesterday. hefty Fcrrintosb, crowing Kessock on **What is he fit for J" one would The every evening came; and there, in tin right ell the time. oue of his frequent journeys. The day and no one II r "Tin 8D0H THUO AS DEATH. ask, could answer, not even aat Prracbct flrta lb* P*r*ble waa BUTLER 6c OO. THERE'S VO my- dimly-lit gallery, I waiting, with in} The didn't demand reel , very stormy, and there mi J. Z. Aura Dl MmhM*—TW Pr«4l|al S*a"—Aa Ialerrapll«a« Prodigal pot piei difficulty Ttoe'a no aoah w d*U" aelf. master "iimUM Ik* thing beside me. "8am, sait end in the boat acroas. An old jmr.w tf w*hta «*» » tklac.*aad my boy," purple robes, and rich, hut tc getting woman, Ta»«k |1»0 par f*1 o»ara««ai Ika To thoee who thlak i begged ■■■!«>» w« »« Mil a *» In ■omji. It aright 1 wandered about the In the ram- |1 M »« tfa ewy jmt rectory my master, "it's a great risk; it's is be • servant unto the more one of the the HfM in* II I, —i» TU bat the racer off gettinj Co.irxsniT X Roads, (wich tenable broth jNMrngtra, quoted laying MT (ruta« aplcWxl oaatlng mer ) In klrutM. Mtt«r«d *1 evenings and beard her 1 tried full. There's the in the ut ren that were coats was fiaoo any | What moat Impede* hU flight ting; very squire and my lad] Stait Kentucky.) > wich stayed. The South comes bee) where there black there Ifct m «f eouqr poMaga. bat om lttllo hard to the old to let me come in. 1806. Tit Mt, get gantiner help just Keep your eyes on you] July 6, J demtmdm office, uv wich the fluted calf am always bad weather, and asked the doctor Llf»1 drama'matt oonUla i him the and when 1 and 1 last or rather tried to • carry watering'pota, book, feel what you're am preached Sabbath, and robes is end con< if he could gire any reason for it. lie an- W«t*r,M>ld all keener Uu tho re«t. playing, rings purpje typical, SaraMC*RhIm by DraggUU Om rtnali as 1 entered tbe rector1! from the ut the Son. Wi 1 succeeded, felt, think you're in the little I've parable Prodigal more in with his usual And than u owl of pain. shop; brough siderably share the Government thar i swered, quickness, that min- uoa garden, that I was a 0 a hod a 1 notice i 1 Irikijw entering paradise. bit of loather to and he i splendid congregashun. it bed before it kicked over the tracee end isters were at war with Satan, and that bo IVrrt no neh thine u death" help you," put Ite wtahMakad Is iwrfv* Mm MfW I »kM months, when, after the horrible la- of revival uv the work in tbia uvthe Dim hwi That wbleh ta Uim bIinIM. happy pieco that black leather that has a part went out like the lost tribes uv Israel. he, as the of the power of • mi win I Urn* mm— h 8. T.—1MB.—X—'TIm laout of Plantation Bit pe supposed prince art Mi Wpr tf|« m me la ail «Ma la «>aa ta ehalaa bora or the 1 used to follow tbe culiar scent ocratic which cheer* •Btmtd Ik* im. UnMMM Mart wa mI>I mi aonawhal (Urtllag Th»j la life eecaplag from tho weary day, acid in front of me. The seen vineyard reely the ISible hed hi) i the air, was at the bottom of the natter, uald lU tlx Mt high froa Iba Park U 8pom prodigal stopped bkl lb* ma ot lha |^r. Broadway That hare m long enthralled old and hear ber old of it The demonatnuhun our frienda made it 1 ih tUraal Draka*a naaatkelory U oaa •( the la gardener, sing. My revived me; the memery of the manj patient and remarked to him thus: *1 an i Coming back some time after, the day waa .JtaUoM of Now Yark. It U aaM that Drake TU a oooa hlddea aUr, uv JOB PRINTING, withered hearts beat fiiller and freer when hour* I bad the canin Grinnel Roaao > fine. waa tka roaka la tha BaaNraMalaa with kli tha apent there came back to me a Memphia, by willin to come back on conditions. Yo< The old woman there mmmmm Iki iIm( palnte<1 alt PUrcIng through night, again, at || Hifc, lai lW partarjto haaj comes a 1 cabalUtla ~s. T—I *0—X." and tkaa pi tka ok tho memory back to me now. and 1 felt as and the call for Johnaou Couvenahun it and To ihlaa la gantla radlanoe forth once, calm as if 1 were indeet must pey my debts—you must gire me ar , thia time quietly remarked, rather to Ita Alas! alas! awkwsrdness ban- all, all hev to com An Id klndrad light. my again there. Philadelphia, conspired ckal share ur the (arm with the other boyi i the discomfiture of the doctor, M1 see you souls uv ished me. She met me one in the She came at fort tlra the Dimocrisy and encour hare made •Thera'a no inoh thing a* death'* evening last, and service began. C —yoo must treat ine in ell reapeeks just« ; your peace with the prinee of li«la arar did. ara aaad bjr aJI alaaaaa of 11k as I was the with me to renewed effort. It ia TRAVEL. Tkay la aatura nothing dlea! garden, coming aloug path that I Shall 1 ever its age bringing t if I hadn't gone out, and—this is essentia I the power of the air." The an- aaaaaalty, and ara doalk oa Oripapila oartala night forget pleas following Fioot each nil rauinant of decay cans full of and to and forth fruit. one last week five North Tkay ara vary lavicoraUag wkaa langald and waak my water, spoke me, urea?—the wondering looka of the friendi Only —yoo must uke with me ell the sharper i ecdoto shows Dr. Macdonald's lovo of ma- ib4 § grail iii Mil Mr H»m« form* of Ufa arlae, era men were aent whiriin out uv tbia sec x*xrw said,'— and came who ruined me, all the and thieve* i in the course a tour lUJUtoUA tfRlJIU WATUL^old by all Dra&cUb Tha foiled leaf that folia. neighbors who and found in me gamblers sic:—"Once, of in dusted in the to "You're the that broke the vase, tion—they night eaeap with whom I fell wuz be fell in an All aara and brown to earth. boy tho despised, awkward, left-handed sad in while I away, aw I Skye, with old piper, whom bo STEAM LINE as a ebali with tha a ha aren't ?" leavin their prey for thi Era long uilnxle pea you dler's the of which hangin, goods make them head men on the am I made play his fkrorite tunes. When done birth. apprentice, prodigy the) place, **!■ the hill* froa Um Ira I aaaldad my- Thai giro tha fluwrot I did could not hev bin killed ant 1 lifting not, reply; my strength bad rumors. was righteous—aix niggcra above 1 her with me the two , tho 41 havo a | — a lieard O it I Tht all, harlot Mid, to ask of 8A00 AID B08T0H! Mlf rery wrerely on haad alaoet to erUp glorious piper question BIDPEFORD, • • • The Mexican ■Thara'a no aath thing aa death" forsook me. I can* on the one Hurow officer shot there i 1 Tbi lurtur* «m uubMnbli. dropped ray first few strokes of bow me confl Trooly wich wuz the prime cause ur my ruin, am | you,Dr. Macdonald.' what is it?' LIbImiI r«ll«n4 th* pain ilwut laae- Tla hut tha bloaaoai my gave 'Well, .VuUig apray, where and flooded to encourage ua. I PiomIIw "K5TKR- d It healed and left w; little ground, they upset away and 1 did and knew everything must bev II of the beet rooms , 'Some ministers that we are no TImIm A lately. rapidly, Slaking beft) re tha oomlng fruit. dence, well, it, througt they in Um say pipers PRISK" »ada Mr Sn( to ***' in a moment tome seeds on which the rec- The house win full. The weather wui ! trip Phllada." That aeaka tha avamar'a the the and on tc house, end must be treated ez better than the devil's lot. ClAi Fobtib. «30 Dread St., ray hymn, through chants, your daugh- servants; now, you MH mSSkf evsninf U k of what Um Maetang tor set most More. end the incense uv nil merely MDpl* Tla bat tha bad dlaplajred, especial the anthem before the sermon. That wsi hot, pleasant minglet ter*. To avoid the other* have me here for a Liaimeat will do. It liralubl*In all euM oi displeasin II! kept playing long time, IHPLU pats erne mnn nones.
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