Tl"* in T>T*tnWnf \K>7 wr.-th.« of Mr I?iirh»r,an a a.rrninati..o. FARMERS ASD t ARMISU. iii'txii.g. The great rock.« aeeui to tij, Patietst i ALI. KLÜATTA HF TM, UKW-TOM*. I'an Weftke. N«Ttb (^.n,'""»- j'i '.»V»«lirgt«*.wl* opponents ' <" es Z ic.i.i.kv mm MMllMailil of ao-nc- ihr«. P..*,, with Mr" And yet, hr menr* fit m private indentation," mys¬ waiters a.-e no bapr*.' We hate a-t lost so much CLVtW » rr- Buchn(, .,, u. w i 1R t,., a .(* wc ree«ivrd. » .bot, I* It* firatda, ,,, Ifc, . (; ,.F. divulged. BOJd pauabaho (.um'«!, WAJ.!K> MM UM pcarer TV Tres-rer report teriously ADPKFS* OK RAUM» KMP.KN»»>f. The wu[\» aar mm, it . machine winch irf asaTe ^.tura» at it* Im», m miw) That 1Mb an of tie AMwwitüou, Tboojof. H. BeoAea i aarth y r*rstta »"». mm Trrk y^-i,, r ,,H waa «f W0..W0. Tb.» exp* j r bnvritw Im£ place underpay TV fmW tt b<< vcar .. s 'iTni The A.M«.W'n will ,,,, ^ that it waa anrounr-ed 6*55« r«irf n mad" to towe fl« the b loiMi .., pf th« I The At.nua! Agr:i-n!tura! Fan io Middlesex Coonty. yie'd* ir* rurf to v»-ry application of tofr'Bott. > fl7.t |n the «*it Tarac*,. rrto*t fraud", that have f>r»r been rx-riie- in k ..u »t ( n). J ,. plant Bjaaaawf Bat*. aajfsaj vmf.-.Hy. -rfy^||rj evn j* WWW. "2 stupendous Mm. plain Wedoe-«iay Every t rec »wefs .11 session 25J, aAer it and ia on the I4tb nry civilised I the plan t development beajtae. The ran draw on MMMfJ abr**** *f haoy fJo. m\ «tt Head. !,.., r<«,t.nue *>rUy aWOSSlad, Jar /Vcs tratod upon petfple n. r -.-es Ii! erer.t af IM Car w%* the dehreryof tha wh. of 1 >. raBaW, a* follows There is an nmrnrntm mtkm r>f propriety bj the rum. Iba I«- «ir. ..rthr whole eart»\ or IBM rofiing main. Island around tM "»BOT H tbr iWMit fi-Wrat hprt r**» <>f fi.;.'»!!!; a-fdre-w« Mr. Kn!p* Wahhp Km- -jb at Thr tre* 11 all M tion imbibing from aba gTnun I Hlrr ffroMB Mrilr». " aa a/tka revelation prim'.- eoareenat*oaaoa by pip*, c and theore MMMl u- i V. IK*. Iff* HllJIlalf t*!*ir«r*ea fit plaint hl Ha .mm the air tta twig«. with all Ks irg it from ti worth MAtj Wclncinv. Sept *JÜda> 5a.hi^aSlSSMffftu- tha»**.»aT ^rVswäWaWI a* tbapart of those who applaud such ao -iau p an the sHaMa* Raste, by and t.iet..*. >-,u OKI-**"« and iDter.-i.tmg satwd.r,"* '. T! re ia an im' ense. ik-M-rt ¦ IioUltb* *»>'HU *nd WrM, h*j*a i" In ol Ist« gW°".?» Presidential ¦awafaa Saria, ai* latorlaJI thatl ÜB. PWIBSSf, I«1fItl MD GSaTTLBstliS mijrht. atn.rvsph. distillery. r*r /V.»»* receipt «- a »UUT .tlnit.B Hr *r»a not but must ta IIa» and the carbon from lant*. ti.e bue, irvia Um 9wm>wiDf only pr^mpUr. Uflrn lr. further payirg hit rr^prrt* fa Um r.. Trrv.rnt»t u» i." annivrrsart that BBSSM U >m Mt, arofctay eiygeo | tolle Jviüh-Wc* Spit, turn-fig, treat ******* ' Prraid. nt. who krxart too »rl: tb* larr.arieflas of p..»«-there . the rwwr aalU on Ha a*ws I . fl and of glohr. «" » mv 111*V t* r:»»- »»saaMdMsM haar eftaiaa critics of - MM, as Mill Tarry epe'"h. c , Ir Iba r>-< tr-un winch all ti. imta spring, aud ÜM prevailing irn aaJ attraattm The sera «rhu wro ii*in Mr »«> T«wn and country, tradca arnl marutVtare,, rptacJa I r*M tM .. report af the ar« usatiora ajrairmt an account of a.l .. a:r take* (erva X». off Sutten iMMMl »tl taVuety tapers Cros. aud nutnl.ers dying bar an a enemies t*fr.r*he k.-. fri airf'nt and wn n-» BaflaO soft I and ». 4di. r r~«n and w.*» c, it.] batewhici retan, I b aible IS, ... V.ra - nr. ar.d bem*. t .-. a-« bia. . IhiO of a pa-e.r/*, a»a;oe. 7V laymen and .«« VI ma<. Onr «en«es arr and br. water. MM irf*. »» Appendr-1 .,.(* Mm**** .''!;.¦1.¦aaaaalu fur tkah up..i. rpcerb worthy I r. vr ac go *! wiü, L.cacs* nn rqaai *»..',. in neeptioa. only fMfl HM ItaMM al CiiKlbuatl hi rVaai - aus« t..¦' a I W.iU nfij:. Mar and 7V , cquai ve do not m*,le ¦ aaaalliiM fkf Fil. Hasasajriaa Vmtou, Ti of the farmer. It wrü with *E »'.ra h Iba of the moment. They :» . . f m»t.. <.«.». MBterisss* 'TU arU ,.f -be anfcaf .o IM r .rrt-ntr ff. impression* \ 1*1 toihe.'ti. ¦fkjr* steamer swa****af MaJaiMj.' ifadraaaaat Somtk bate boaa ¦oaf f.-r!: !.» tbair i ¦ j l sj ai e abaI [t aaaBanaatradad to tanaa that theer a*, *R thr MU m - him. We lia* ABan-rml r. -,..;n. l..r h,vard taatrawa fataahaasViUha tb.«, 1*1 d.« wsi- it weh' with r'Y*my. TH» IWTWII' b«t aaalsisisaishf " rdirrrrr». Divided among thsse several mar rr«.r and I,air, -Oft. s ree..ra!.ie imprrMoon BBM hfr Bat liarsa fmttmkh i ia hi< byti %».-/¦ Vale im* favored him, st l en rbaiaaareanaaVfafjreeoe reJabajwind. FiiifCu. uinfi»»s,,,f- /ref aaAmpvmrd law at am ho, IT the fc^ByBk«J*Bpr»«B^ h- f..i.r.d aoeh r&avm M tbeet: Hi u isMialiaful praise, TJ h. ;e-vr. what i* true, tLnt one-half the i Irde be might be called upon to So that the d:d «k^uxI What th* heeS oien ha» - he! i i. ih CuMmh n o Tbepda atd aaav. (.. **¦**. /..* . »uiuberU.»« interview re-a'ly to (be p.-rniifn-t. TV trtaWtrt nre W» all the the hkjbMSL ruli* the IM "»"i» H a> k> tawta im«»«* I** he* ot tl.e (roverumetit. nf was. mat be ÜPO n ri war said tha; «m h or *urh a mac »v -...i whirl great X ff f*4*- rjZ ,.,a .1 the object that interview imagined i:e ever bad: took hitn ham) ¦aid DM twist we cultivate, an- made of Im fact that other 'could have been dis¬ "«waeifBerre bjflH ..-i-! .'aue it was IrMMmI v the fOf) mM Intatfaatoj, ft 00 subject find advanced Iura, assisted his lamiiy, et|s-ndi-d all th> uptra ti.r l*..-iiaj.* of at.itnnla. and and tavisible otygen. t H Fil Rf ?*f ^iSitlS^S^^ '«, cussed bttWMO thr parties for. as I bllTa said ia . n t im,re*i.i>r, remarks, II Wmtl 0* r grrnt It-at «»»» the Forre-t !«tter, public naaaat raf and re< .instruction might be fl be in. I no cause of dirT-reuc« with Mr. beat, lir«Nwnl war IM er'wn of (rrnss, give orrly deca npaaarJaa l< ?'l It! "I sbesW show, had i. .- rw rarest pemeted public wbadi to u. in eve>ry mar. *. folh-wed in I . r i-rn-'e« of eiir-terre, ra*:k IrJU »: i i Zc+mXH* was not i ..bted. ought irograee the ..>* .-I II F~ ' ot the Liberal» that of Km «ae. We had if the preserva of a, . aa a »seces» Buchanan beyond long substance of tin- of the in- by tkr acclaination annynsr to hum with ;utcrnal tire -1 iVinaJ I**' American Ministor, was «tili in to talk about matter«. Not onlr Bach it tbo p*r»«.na! part wh-> tM faith of .«ae mam lists* ÜM raiik. tavtiefal heir.f*. Thap ilca.Si M Mr. For»vtr\ sire* ce**ed private di.'u. .; aadei which I bora baoaj tried, and IM anny. by which »arten whiie it Works. 'Hie BjeaejeJaa SS.2 «I.S43 J.WS.7 »..»> w liere he would remain fur the onversatioo as detailed take but, as tue npou r*t of IM who!.' army, but >>( the whole great MM.9rb Bierce is! IsCBhays did pl.-uv, which f am now be tried these [&w. dependence, work ii tnao m in all. <>r until thr vomit., had disappeared to whom I related it after I left the Prcc- cg by newspaper rests or the till." of the grortad who uro*)» the *>».* «^re'«l werk». I er». Mate There i» .k* gravitation, who wri! arm:' I Mi.V.K 3.«».? it:u to render traveling safe. maryfrierd*mansion will remember, many other things IM tiwwi sbowld be tmitv rir«trolly awarded to f,..|te! *,* Iht.l KkM.I 49M.t I« a> |?t*l , nVieaiJy dential A« Mr U ror i» ia the habit af rr-ad;r,g all t.'.e«e- now, down an whub cannot »arry, and at he Zaafi. i Were omitted in the statement which I gare at farmer. Leim tint-,look ad the onatjltho of IM weiabt you r-N .« | TM «.Stl |t;M Tarry- be ban wen all thc»s- charer-. I wonder how- Dm wants aid h. to bia fFlkrW'4aborera. 7 . » said to me: jtnn nls, or the rhu. wi'h the h'w, at \tm -tren/tii or, I Envwi wbare fad V,.'..ra « M S.ltaa.4 Ii wn. Among others, the President them. I think I aud if ho farmer, in masses, and aata h* irreeoosiwai *honi- i»a. Mla. JH. i« II .»«7.9 4,»47.4 l:0| |.|# tVv.r at Iii«? Mouth. " he felt gaj rirnding kressr, at greater an »Sa, Wednesday, Sept. 0, " -t- -La:* ,u lit- future winch I your year shops, transports of Kansas the of Kai It.-ser means. aieiLi- great - aas* wrf *al less Shaw ..f Ik* Bonn! of Hraltb for the we.-k port my policv, people unstet ba w ould have said, and I tl:ink he bt wiih r- af m k a thousand BaW thai Hi far greater 8sli>*o tum fare*.* w TV put .' vote at the election winch is to come off 00 Um swer, aaih, beMa the of this eorrttry. «t ho>.< Kvjfi .»Heranv. lj ,«v*i 7>e- rjatrr /»»r. rr^rt that of tbe tbe wil Will Vet bntoto ba is eumaioued to hi* a<,a. account ppeaa people lo r la Ha fa enter Mm «nralb /ert n .* similar In vri-ek. fig- . say tti* lanner h that 'S is* hi.* to construct power rapacity ,M -iSa>.« i« rrry preceding MM of December (fiat e'ertK.n, it will bv» remem¬ '. The g!-wy of weMd exists, Mtaarfshat * We. ti eee., are fab*-. n un- and its the vegetable .... 3:4» M* k «lidiug Jl'th total deaths, tie**, rallod nnder the of toe All arg--- basely tT.,raey to create. 1^" »4titrs borrow and Itiutat-, travel pere<. My agency ir. ¦.s: >:.s :.:s*.s ,n,h«ova* bered, having auspices ;. sni in needtut to *»7S.* . frver aWlka, 160. Week ending for the of dar ao obligattoM roe.not one The .»Mjg,.t exchange, and aiake fortunes hv spevi and dex- I cairytng eoiutiori the* elrus-tits every [Mad.1 ¦ fj; It will be *e- i the minority I,ogisjatnr* purpose* putting' all fa) the other side. I prvrr hsM hirr«pe< ood Water! that ailraobi a rabOBa\aee as C'i »»> .'."> !*.« raa* y imo caid BM *t« «t hif ¦apawiaa ennp«»wder^-tlje electne lks*» during whole n st last .... «tff abw*tbat under circumstance* uf fraud and infamy which will inter' «t. h«v; an.1 ,,a< nrji ed h'tt 'he opt pei'mit-'vp activity, in a of water n amount to thsrt which Mari»r,t.SI. S5.I i.ltt.a ot deaihl of aud of fever death* ': with He being . the letal Lumber 9, soon tie He aaid further: I know romponnd epi:.t jW> stands »Io-.' to nature: obtain* fn>m the earth t drop equal NArraaar«::. ..Hi. .... ia not forgotten,. mi t-e than I am never 's iioai a t ...... I troui the Tb* i^h' M '''e Chanty Hospital dtriug the ajora r-ey far parti to-day. | the f.w*i wh.rh was not h« hascamwt tobe. And i dlaabarsjad quote ra: r».Hi «3.1 ».ODH.S . f>l ML "that you have the strong side of this qnatation. I that was haw aa one as Sr» ad: exact I" < lot k evening, a* " I ad a Haod relative aVrotaakla r t Ii« farm its AH I Fsrraday. boar* radia#t Monday reported t an ort the but I dut dignity. * SI <>t Health, wen while for the M Lour* know that you carry people, appeal Km I r.ever- ai-sist.aj his Ho started his |Mo OSOBSOttwOOd g^\es While the farmer has these r-tand fv'irew laborers to Tt he rn *»-.-rd 1. Ute Dotri " to xtatid with if I do not adhere. ry. faratly. met. frei this M he ta«tr ratn-al emfJnywat.' The I al'.owanrr to *rlK n'j Tt.tA taen't ft, ral « 4* . v. reached 18. you to Brat, because, first l-sinr in 9 vear» ajfo, w;fho"t a < assist him. and the**- t,.«.ls to work with, it ? Th» la*t Tuesday mug they " new and LaMaatat op- farmer »v the §r»» man, and «I! nobjlit 1 rests >>n uisjestic *i.. »..*¦ »n th.-ar a.-ea«. 1858. It) my policy Alnbaaaa, (renrjri* MraMssippi mtt% his fir.t must be owned rbat he is not to their 18* f«M*. Ai at ITA, Wednesday, Sept. Ä " HaaUajgbt TirPfn*»flr,7niar. »od ms of laud. Men do not like hard quite OOtapotaeJ t Thf I n* a at^a ia eatw»'a'ej a« \ «.»mu» will sceth from the Pinoa." ft is prob¬ peatfaantise, when I war» the rrrurt tlru possession His servants are ssiu-tune« too «tros«- for continues Not a case of probably own banf-esnierf rriearts. sjaaapA. we t but man has an direction. and «tid not *»»»?. TM (>ur city healthy. yellow able that the memory of Mr. Knrhacflm wMI be Mitmt- «i -a very 0001*/ ercptiona' are too Hut this IM JuhH. Vu'tori» Off**y. marred. Ir.e pahha man in PSHadelphia; when both people and a fire that this i i the him. I'm to>la «harp. iueqtuluty sentence*. for * n .- f"r tiliare, and ling original 1130. Tbr** /»-re:kea W*. lafed when he rends these As 7V were nn when own fViend-i tiads it.s remrdv in gradually tiSird r\*M gnt away at abtiot ti»vi«.'»H, WwW.jday.Sept. 9. whether it *i«aks for not rsaWalaa« araitsst my pool "f I.i» id."e. that he himself is racosod practice. Experience ya Wasbtuatou to ia> ¦ tiare t*. scratch with a stick be will walk till he has t«st>d M'Mtfi r, Wednesday, Sept. "9, ruined uum, which recomnieada him to tha, -nie 1». at t.i w:ndwarii «11 the to t!«- liwHt »hart. Tha auv ir.-. to the wo aid have lUsje proiact car, but the oldest smrrng n<. row way The tfrw-Ori.'Bii* papers contain niter from After a furftier brief rcferencn interview, C*bl. trieae his fortunes, wbirb be tier tbtin- will him corn for, he uitlsl Luin- the railway fogies iu the wblib give that the Maam Cable w» laid, w-mld s.-t out" to breea*. foweriT. aV*or* rtie apit, wii* q>ii*a which report the total number of dcath» by fe> continuea: had be not toolisl.l« given up everything 'lue vn e acaolig the ivuit- harrl'y T'ia*. F. self j 'etOJt ti to his across the ocean swimming with at ?erat OalTeston this season at 47. There wi re still, of the wetltk but ais w:fe> property, to support me, raiher Ka» it» e. «eut dispatch a latter by li^ht. TTlien we readied the lower bay hatf-paat Tit Umkm goes on to say, speakmg report of (letieral Pittre ers of cort. The DfooMtioo While «och great encrg » « are work¬ however, kW that remained tinder treatment. the Cabinet than ba>e rt raid l"t:nt he left charm of elOM to Crod, He who it ia bis month. one. iheMaune-nirc, Mr. CV>rnweli't aew yaeltt. waa meeting alb r*eehrtwfull. H'-^e>e. I ne*»ee was af any aeewt- starding ing for the farmer, he in also to recolleet the great Then I tlenk the p«ty, the trano,'i;I!:ty, the is l«Ule. that is th* aouadraa at leaat two milea aheai. After <¦' aa- airet* in WoahlMttaa. The tiririnia dele, jrives. aad ps atr that ts in small things. It very leading; "The saotyhe Mis thatMhawsl sasaOhaf is, tk* hhs Kersey mm*e ice of the iriunlrymai, his iiab-pemh-nce, in a few we'l to Her .. consists tbe wuiifwaid. J\>BS£Y ON iurULAR SOVEREIGNTY. louut uf hii ..»:, i eijrereelM/ii, Ui».! a We eeWtWM ealioi in t .-r »er a^atn-t uie. and I care vl" Its internal force simple her (MM Keberen. ,r>liK, trholl; always all the art* to bfkOL tbe required. for at the of e. tu aaeert the* Mr Walker aswef an'liunrea »i.y one in ttf tbat was, erlaewberar. to natp him. lie was pleasing belongingof «I trees, and its arrangements. I.ook, instance, puBWIS I ."he Iii:-tin. hugirad the |*.rg Inlaati siioee aa ntaea he> i the Presiden'. ami Cabin*' bj exsreaaiiJK a euapi'ioii powerless !ok at that hiindsrsia of miles the editor of " to the because and prairie, Ve»t Col. John W. Fokmet, accomplished that would bebare t-eart'-r ..n.r elected t'reiVsiup reaction on the workman, in giving luia astretH,ih at rare inter¬ M paawible, and mitde the nuMtt i*f b.a BiMaition. they editor and aL b-raest maa, and ^ben begot ot off, nut a stick or a stone upon it, except run, a and able \ working like the face and manners nature, all to a rail raiuii .SiuirtUMin'a new tbe Jkt Pkuudtif.hta publishes lengtLy This is a eomewhai unfortunate denial, appearing, t re be of but uie and filled bis office plain dignity, re- vals. Well, the farmer manages put up fence, yaoht Mawyarvt, luniway of lie thought nobody mi n are oaoouhh of. All of u* kaep the farm io rise. was Ol .rtsr in bi*journal in vindication of tha principle | as it does, in The Wtuhiug'on I'mon, inasmuch aitho with ma of me first and always. and ami at once seeds sprout aasi crops It only U-tiaeeuthe shores; i'kmsb alter ber and urar IM between J. Walker friends.thir.k'B*; a»Tvc as aa asylnm wkere to bide tneir poverty that them dowv Plant it T o'arSoverv-grity, and in reply to thi» assaults of report of tbat conversation Kokerf He was m? th'e, <,,rstsi.t anaeltlsN, romansir friepd. if U> not MOOiodJ in Who the browse an4 tire kept shor*tlie Kaney kej»t her «vaitiaa Ml, f and the Cabinet was c< mmunicated one of the edit¬ Wa'bwh and their rolitJide, they m»ciety. tniif tree the roadside and it will not al¬ Jersey T*r r?a*Ais*?.j.; fatun and other Lecompton organs by It won't no fo* you, B.'noett, Pryur, knows bew isiany remtrveful udnnces are turned thus by produce, We gjre l^ie order of ronnding: ors of The W*Ma*Mj"Mfl I 'nxun, on more than 0000000« Wendell, to talk about that Porrert letter, und such ol the iiud though it n-cei res many Irirrts from proj,st««l stones bis s; late at Tarrytown in bchajf woe no confidence and nt away from the competflioti* shtrp ci*auting- to come tmk nioT »t THr a. v«. srrT. ttpoa (Forney spes-ch tdoa. when there imuosed, i.i i.-t-nrt. I kii'iw Porney battler tliaa all uf you: aud of the Courts and and sticks, that fruit is d wired dnwn, and t. room, from th* mortif/\ag cunning ta tbe Hob. Joha H. Uark We have only room lor the time that editor was the kuuwn public and active to irave sitruse thin, I have no fruit has pine erode into the bowsla of small of the Administration. even d I were disposed you the Senates. After th-* man hae been degraded though let it Msiie*rsui«.S S* risj.t 4* the addresa. adversary of the Kansas policy rev t fti'i: defended bim, and' know b a heart too well, t" activ« labor boy-'. But put a fence arimnd it, the boy* witT M Nartasaiia*.*t by stimulus poor a rime in and if 8. ud.i C. rtaun well deiimrd doctrines fundamental princi¬ be compelled to mike itgoo<1 by furnishing aeeusation rnrw made againtrt bun that does not recoil pump " children, wliom Nature drops pine Mari|>osa, grows vrho w> re his be tooolroi. Well, my or trees feet in The I na, m thia race, waa enured a* a arsVeJaaw such that to re- or namee ol respectable witnesses, present with Ita Ii M fataa apon its authors, ani aseiat instead strength, te the land to be re- three four centuries, prialaring thi»*y ple*, fonnally repudiates principles, between I have injured, shall go back was it done T did not a* usual. Har drre'.iction is the of exalted when he described thia celebrated interview ti hulling I an. cured that which should have been sircumterence. How They yacht; but did not sail a* well tstkc such part patriotism; W aiker aud the Cabinet and Presideul Ilucha- rruited aiid by on a but in a where fbnnd a Got. and shall now be therr ridge, basin, they which bad beea enlari^-1. were nat uieaa tvrtd that when .lames Buchanan turned hi* back upon and without (Jov. or on those my nursery hospital." and and where could them¬ sails, nan; thus, calling upon Walker, rtucbt to congratulate the Administtation ia a »n of remarkalik* ivntltUous. Srowaap dry soil, they protaot with the aa- doctriue of the Cincinnati or the I to rest this is Tbe fanner pers sun in and from ared, and she consei|,awutly entered the Popular SovertiKiity the President, Cabinet, beg part wfn> do support tlie.T pec,int. policy. It but right is and and it is of bo turn selves from the by growing groves, oa-n volnnteeriHl and oft re¬ of statement tbe authority theetia.sses Mis olTa-e preciMt impiirlaut, the winds the mon'ntain shelter. The who den-tanding that were to be measare I after and npon bis my upon distinguished t h«t. when 7 Jr f'nroa closes i?aeyes upon to to him in rose < "lor. You must take I. m by plinter they fdatform, of the editor of The \\'uihini;ttm I nwn hiini.tilf. and other enemies of the try paint saw them remembered his orchard at hones, where the rar«. Her as to allowaoee of lime, of fidelity to that platform, he relcasod of ttas Meet-sailitHsts Republic as he stand*. Nollui g is arbitrary or aaMMXMStol poeitio*. flated plevljfes who have \ olimteor-d to supply their in Uta ra their tuiai, should give to Tkt j'irt the a destroying wind made his paars aud determined. The ear¬ citiaen from obedienc- to the new and her. tical 1 notice tbn ed¬ loath, '-bey, in his condition, and thrn foie one resjieefs rather every year not better ha* ti«t, then'fore, been Madgf* Bvery ready abuse of the Tarrytown speech, /.'mwmi and its espec'si cause tlsvir best aid and thus than himself. He bends to the peat lies look as bleak as suffering virtue, whieh of he had -*t iv a mislel of Democratic of The A'. K. Hrr^'il, the infamous dames (inrdnn of the eb-ments of bix office while the fat Ilemoerata. that had ned a topsail all through the race, wiO, taeed which Of itor it is that the thoraugh supporters proscrip¬ the wcathor and the .- Is, as than Abolitionists, ns I a min d an be« only order of the si neons and the National trrew 1« adde.1 to her nailing tinan. Vrosn thodouth- tvrtbt-doxy. Yet Mr. Forney and those who act with Ilennett. Addressing, do, Heooe, tion af r-rivaff opinion and the itn-mad Kansas policy of the liend to the wind. He maxes his got their tap-roots into Treasury, eourte, is if a,»cmcnt will ho re/id m.-n - the tail* went home biult a ( aii-e, I pn cms, by of tie Adn iiiis juicn are to I found in thsat concen- labor. He is a slow stout ami hearty. Si be and nigh to the hghtelny. the *ea was ,ja 4e rough, Ijh deniit-d, while rt-pettfully protesting, to ovupy am surethat I c^immit no offense wiieu little by little, and by bard of nis and arter that UestS|it, of all parties, I tifttien of enmity to tlie America» l'nion, 2?ie CharWt- gaini time and nature, and not wall on Iba exposed side orchard, the to and ti^lil 0 of honest and resjiectful difference, rather 1 atteiitioL to the manner in which tlr- that ilk. wh" the being regulated by Iiis ta tho si/.e af m< Ions, and his vmc.s causing yachts p.lcn (r'uege merrily. ptwtion recall public ltti Merrtiry, aird these of regard wattlie*. He takes the beet of the sea >us, of paaabea grew held her own at the head of iha into a fretful and in a wild and n at ted bis the of us and vho would hsvak laws rerson,y City ran out of all contiol. The little Maanarsing than fly passion indulge Otsaskaj uewspaper during campaign ('¦¦ttxtitUioii .Vktvary, e of Nature never h irri'''', of shame a life no ti plants, and chemistry. a man that he could have a whole feet this stretth, the Btiaatural oppoeition. This could not be tolerated by 1 ¦*-'.'.. A long life iirightcnuu by ard treaties wheirve? mcasi^n dcman'ki. and only atom, atom, bttle little, Iot I have heard say beautifully, Uebeccatollowiaf a life of selfishness, of essarv t