^Isitls^S^^Ft Of

^Isitls^S^^Ft Of

Tl"* in T>T*tnWnf \K>7 wr.-th.« of Mr I?iirh»r,an a a.rrninati..o. FARMERS ASD t ARMISU. iii'txii.g. The great rock.« aeeui to tij, Patietst i ALI. KLÜATTA HF TM, UKW-TOM*. I'an Weftke. N«Ttb (^.n,'""»- j'i '.»V»«lirgt«*.wl* opponents ' <" es Z ic.i.i.kv mm MMllMailil of ao-nc- ihr«. P..*,, with Mr" And yet, hr menr* fit m private indentation," mys¬ waiters a.-e no bapr*.' We hate a-t lost so much YACHT CLVtW » rr- Buchn(, .,, u. w i 1R t,., a .(* wc ree«ivrd. » .bot, I* It* firatda, ,,, Ifc, . (; ,.F. divulged. BOJd pauabaho (.um'«!, WAJ.!K> MM UM pcarer TV Tres-rer report teriously ADPKFS* OK RAUM» KMP.KN»»>f. The wu[\» aar mm, it . machine winch irf asaTe ^.tura» at it* Im», m miw) That 1Mb an of tie AMwwitüou, Tboojof. H. BeoAea i aarth y r*rstta »"». mm Trrk y^-i,, r ,,H waa «f W0..W0. Tb.» exp* j r bnvritw Im£ place underpay TV fmW tt b<< vcar .. s 'iTni The A.M«.W'n will ,,,, ^ that it waa anrounr-ed 6*55« r«irf n mad" to towe fl« the b loiMi .., pf th« I The At.nua! Agr:i-n!tura! Fan io Middlesex Coonty. yie'd* ir* rurf to v»-ry application of tofr'Bott. > fl7.<MV l-proverb . «i mai .>t |n the «<r-m i»f Theyisehfs //,,r',',, ,nd Th« Nrvr-Y>*it Tarac*,. rrto*t fraud", that have f>r»r been rx-riie- in k ..u »t ( i.nr. n). J ,. plant Bjaaaawf Bat*. aajfsaj vmf.-.Hy. -rfy^||rj evn j* WWW. "2 stupendous Mm. plain Wedoe-«iay Every t rec »wefs .11 session 25J, aAer it and ia on the I4tb nry civilised I the plan t development beajtae. The ran draw on MMMfJ abr**** *f haoy fJo. m\ «tt Head. !,.., r<«,t.nue *>rUy aWOSSlad, Jar /Vcs tratod upon petfple n. r -.-es Ii! erer.t af IM Car w%* the dehreryof tha wh. of 1 >. raBaW, a* follows There is an nmrnrntm mtkm r>f propriety bj the rum. Iba I«- «ir. ..rthr whole eart»\ or IBM rofiing main. Island around tM "»BOT H tbr iWMit fi-Wrat hprt r**» <>f fi.;.'»!!!; a-fdre-w« Mr. Kn!p* Wahhp Km- -jb at Thr tre* 11 all M tion imbibing from aba gTnun I Hlrr ffroMB Mrilr». " aa a/tka revelation prim'.- eoareenat*oaaoa by pip*, c and theore MMMl u- i V. IK*. Iff* HllJIlalf t*!*ir«r*ea fit plaint hl Ha .mm the air tta twig«. with all Ks irg it from ti worth MAtj Wclncinv. Sept da>*JÜ 5a.hi^aSlSSMffftu- tha»**.»aT ^rVswäWaWI a* tbapart of those who applaud such ao -iau p an the sHaMa* Raste, by and t.iet..*. >-,u OKI-**"« and iDter.-i.tmg satwd.r,"* '. T! re ia an im' ense. ik-M-rt ¦ IioUltb* *»>'HU *nd WrM, h*j*a i" In ol Ist« gW°".?» Presidential ¦awafaa Saria, ai* latorlaJI thatl ÜB. PWIBSSf, I«1fItl MD GSaTTLBstliS mijrht. atn.rvsph. distillery. r*r /V.»»* receipt «- a »UUT Wa.tlnit.B Hr *r»a not but must ta IIa» and the carbon from lant*. ti.e bue, irvia Um 9wm tlh-t-.lk>wiDf only pr^mpUr. Uflrn lr. further payirg hit rr^prrt* fa Um r.. Trrv.rnt»t u» i." annivrrsart that BBSSM U >m Mt, arofctay eiygeo | tolle Jviüh-Wc* Spit, turn-fig, treat ******* ' Prraid. nt. who krxart too »rl: tb* larr.arieflas of p..»«-there . the rwwr aalU on Ha a*ws I . fl and of glohr. «" » mv 111*V t* r<ia rda*? hiail di*r-rc,-e of aa a aMral for the town Mr. Vtrr.tr savs- tie*, ¦ nsn eatfcw food wifl tkoo rojrol festival, ahoorbanej arwj mm\ mrni Mil b*>:»»- »»saaMdMsM haar eftaiaa critics of - MM, as Mill Tarry epe'"h. c , Ir Iba r>-< tr-un winch all ti. imta spring, aud ÜM ve-m.to prevailing irn aaJ attraattm The sera «rhu wro ii*in Mr »«> T«wn and country, tradca arnl marutVtare,, rptacJa I r*M tM .. report af the ar« usatiora ajrairmt an account of a.l .. a:r take* (erva X». off Sutten iMMMl »tl taVuety tapers Cros. aud nutnl.ers dying bar an a enemies t*fr.r*he k.-. fri airf'nt and wn n-» BaflaO soft I and ». 4di. r r~«n and w.*» c, it.] batewhici retan, I b aible IS, ... V.ra - nr. ar.d bem*. t .-. a-« bia. IhiO of a pa-e.r/*, a»a;oe. 7V laymen and .«« VI ma<. Onr «en«es arr and br. water. MM irf*. »» Appendr-1 .,.(* Mm**** .''!;.¦1.¦aaaaalu fur tkah up..i. rpcerb worthy I r. vr ac go *! wiü, L.cacs* nn rqaai *»..',. in neeptioa. only fMfl HM ItaMM al CiiKlbuatl hi rVaai - aus« t..¦' a I W.iU nfij:. Mar and 7V , cquai ve do not m*,le ¦ aaaalliiM fkf Fil. Hasasajriaa Vmtou, Ti of the farmer. It wrü with *E »'.ra h Iba of the moment. They :» . f m»t.. <.«.». MBterisss* 'TU arU ,.f -be anfcaf .o IM r .rrt-ntr ff. impression* \ 1*1 toihe.'ti. ¦fkjr* steamer swa****af MaJaiMj.' ifadraaaaat Somtk bate boaa ¦oaf f.-r!: !.» tbair i ¦ j l sj ai e abaI [t aaaBanaatradad to tanaa that theer a*, *R thr MU m - him. We lia* ABan-rml r. -,..;n. l..r h,vard taatrawa fataahaasViUha tb.«, 1*1 d.« wsi- it weh' with r'Y*my. TH» IWTWII' b«t aaalsisisaishf " rdirrrrr». Divided among thsse several mar rr«.r and I,air, -Oft. s ree..ra!.ie imprrMoon BBM hfr Bat liarsa fmttmkh i ia hi< byti %».-/¦ Vale im* favored him, st l en rbaiaaareanaaVfafjreeoe reJabajwind. FiiifCu. uinfi»»s,,,f- /ref aaAmpvmrd law at am ho, IT the fc^ByBk«J*Bpr»«B^ h- f..i.r.d aoeh r&avm M tbeet: Hi u isMialiaful praise, TJ h. ;e-vr. what i* true, tLnt one-half the i Irde be might be called upon to So that the d:d «k^uxI What th* heeS oien ha» - he! i i. ih CuMmh n o Tbepda atd aaav. (.. **¦**. /..* . »uiuberU.»« interview re-a'ly to (be p.-rniifn-t. TV trtaWtrt nre W» all the the hkjbMSL ruli* the IM "»"i» H a> k> tawta im«»«* I** he* ot tl.e (roverumetit. nf was. mat be ÜPO n ri war said tha; «m h or *urh a mac »v -...i whirl e.inp.ee great X ff f*4*- rjZ ,.,a .1 the object that interview imagined i:e ever bad: took hitn ham) ¦aid DM twist we cultivate, an- made of Im fact that other 'could have been dis¬ "«waeifBerre bjflH ..-i-! .'aue it was IrMMmI v the fOf) mM Intatfaatoj, ft 00 subject find advanced Iura, assisted his lamiiy, et|s-ndi-d all th> uptra ti.r l*..-iiaj.* of at.itnnla. and and tavisible otygen. t H Fil Rf ?*f ^iSitlS^S^^ '«garay, cussed bttWMO thr parties for. as I bllTa said ia . n t im<wt. rrwaril» hjivon by np plants, AaaaaBs.iroegly^l.ihs.ral in cam- the will nt'»c. y for bJatt, ani even educated him. At»d. at ...(* tii«- uiost valm-d ai Nature |g aa subtle aa ahe n< stroug. Her pro- ir« Vgi the army a* the. columns The Pmt " 'e^oefai ItM ?* thes« and of » to errat «TYi>,re*i.i>r,lfoi..ir. remarks, II Wmtl 0* r grrnt It-at «»»» the Forre-t !«tter, public naaaat raf and re< .instruction might be fl be in. I no cause of dirT-reuc« with Mr. beat, lir«Nwnl war IM er'wn of (rrnss, give orrly deca npaaarJaa l< ?'l It! "I sbesW show, had i. .- rw rarest pemeted public wbadi to u. in eve>ry mar. *. folh-wed ...it in I . r i-rn-'e« of eiir-terre, ra*:k IrJU »: i i Zc+mXH* was not i ..bted. ought irograee the ..>* .-I II F~ ' ot the Liberal» that of Km «ae. We had if the preserva of a, . aa a »seces» Buchanan beyond long substance of tin- of the in- by tkr acclaination annynsr to hum with ;utcrnal tire -1 iVinaJ I**' American Ministor, was «tili in to talk about matter«. Not onlr Bach it tbo p*r»«.na! part wh-> tM faith of .«ae mam lists* ÜM raiik. tavtiefal heir.f*. Thap ilca.Si M Mr. For»vtr\ sire* ce**ed private di.'u. .; aadei which I bora baoaj tried, and IM anny. by which »arten whiie it Works. 'Hie BjeaejeJaa SS.2 «I.S43 J.WS.7 »..»> w liere he would remain fur the onversatioo as detailed take but, as tue npou r*t of IM who!.' army, but >>( the whole great MM.9rb Bierce is! IsCBhays did pl.-uv, which f am now be tried these [&w. dependence, work ii tnao m in all. <>r until thr vomit., had disappeared to whom I related it after I left the Prcc- cg by newspaper rests or the till." of the grortad who uro*)» the *>».* «^re'«l werk». I er». Mate There i» .k* gravitation, who wri! arm:' I Mi.V.K 3.«».? it:u to render traveling safe. maryfrierd*mansion will remember, many other things IM tiwwi sbowld be tmitv rir«trolly awarded to f,..|te! *,* Iht.l KkM.I 49M.t I« a> |?t*l , nVieaiJy dential A« Mr U ror i» ia the habit af rr-ad;r,g all t.'.e«e- now, down an whub cannot »arry, and at he Zaafi.

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