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Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-10-1906 Sierra County Advocate, 1906-08-10 J.E. Curren

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Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1906-08-10." (1906).

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A. D. ELLIOTT, Articles of Incorportion of We, the undersigned, John Kaser, Hillsboro Mines and Reduction Frank I. Giveu, IL A. Wolford, citizen Attoruey-at-La- w, of the United StateH, being desirous of Company. VlEl H. RMNS - forming a ci poration, under and pur- ili.'Uboro, li. a. suant to the laws of the T of New Territory of New Mexico. rritory Mexico, in the United Btatesof Office of the Secretary. America, entitled an "Act fo the for- II. A. Certificate of Comparison. Regtilite WOLFOnD, mation and government of General Merchandise I, J. V. Ruynolds, secretary of the Corporations Attorney and Councillor at Law, tor Mining Industrfal Territory of New Mexico, do hereby cer Manufacturing, and other Purfuiits" C. B. 58 Hillsboro, New Mexico. tify that tiiere was tiled for record in this No, app- roved March 15th A. I). 1905) have oilice at Two o'clock P. M., on the made, Office, one door west of Post Office. signed and executed, and do cer- Thirtieth day of Julv, A. D. liKXi, hereby Wit" the Non-Liabil- tify following articles of Mil Certificate of Stockholders' ity incorpor ation: of - vm. II. CUCHER, 1. The of thiH DRY GOODS HILLSBORO MINES AND REDUC- mime corporation in "Hillsboro Mines and Reduction Com Motary Public, TION COMPANY. Groceries (No. 452(5.); pany." 2. The location of its oilier - II. and also, that I have compared the fol principal Furniture, Mine Supplies, 6rain Ilttsboro, . a in said Territory is Hillsboro, New Mx- - Hty, lowing copy of the with the sime, ico, and Vincent Kasper ia de original thereof now on file, and declare hereby 1. CIVOJ. signated as the in a. O., it to be a correct transcript therefrom Statutory Agent Offline Onice Drug Store. and of the whole thereof. charge thereof, upom whom process It agaiiiHtsaid corporation be n. Given under my hand and the Great may served, I. & Co. Tailor-Had-e K&ftboro, a and to act as such until Ids suc- Agent for L Gatzert Fine Clothing Seal of the Territory of New Mexico, at agent cessor is named, an provided law. the City of Santa Fe, the Capital, on by White Sewing Uichlne Company A branch office of paid is al- ALOYS PRSICCSR, this 30th day of July. A. D. 1900. company so established in the of New York-Stat- Seal J. W. KAYNOLDS, City and of New York. Asoayer CAemist, of New Meiico. Secretary The Assay Office at Laidlaw Building, West CERTIFICATE 3. objects for kucIi coi poration is formed to on of Court House. of carry and conduct a general To mining, nulling and business - NON-- LI ABILITY. smelting Hillsboro. II. P. in the haid of New This is to certify that the undersigned Territory Mexico, and also elsewhere in the states and ter- subscribers to the capital slock and in ritories of the United States and the Re- of a certain corporation via the corporators of and for MEAT MARKET known as the public Mexico, such purposes to Coolest and Shortest Way to all Colorado Points. "Ililluboro Mines and Reduction purchase, own, lfane. hold, ttioitiraua. sell and convey real estate and personal ROUND-TRI- II ' SPECIAL P RATES ALL SUMMER Company" property within the limita of the United COLD under the lavrs of tho duly incorporated States and the Republfc of Mexico, in TO COLORADO and all Points is tbe NORTH and EAST of New Mexico, certificate of PORK and MUTTON. Ternary cluding the buying, owning, leasing, which has been executed The duly signed, mortgaging, conveying andsellingmines, aud and is riled herewith The Fresh Fisb, acknowledged mining claims and interests therein, with the of the of Shortest Secretary Territory also the buying and selling, mining, ex- EFTS! Htrrey New Mexico, do and de- - Serves SAUSAGES, hereby certify cavating, milling, washing, smelting and Wiy litre that there shall be no ftock holders' To otherwise treating gold, silver, copper, the on account of stock intmed Colorado. Meals. EGOS and BUTTER. lability any and other metallic ores and extracting as full Klvorvt.hinor un Ton . heieafter, pnidand therefrom the g !d, silver, copper and Direct Car Connections to I the said "Hilluboro Sleeping Denver and Intermediate Points. by said corporation, other metals therein contained, aud aho Mines and Reduction We will be glad to fornieh detailed information relative to Colo-- CO Company.' for the ptirposo of building, construct- M3fl(Ct In Witness Whereof, we have here Jj() ing and owning such buildings, ma Jfjt unto Bubacribed our names aod affixed chinery, 1 1 phones, tramways, flumes, It is tbe Best State our seals this 27th of July A. day I. wells, reservoirs and waterways as may E. TEAFORD, WO. in this section in which to take a summer outing. be to carry out the of John Kaaaer Seal neeeary objects Write or call on paid corporation . And also for the Frank I. Given pur - 8a) pose of a general merchandise business J. S. MORRISON, W. R. BROWN, A. Wolford II. JSeal connected with the business heretofore of New ) City Pass Agent. I). P. A., Territory Mexico, mentioned in of cor BS. the objects this Mills Building. El Paso, Texas. County of Sierra. ) poration. The amount of tlie authorized The Atchison & Santa Fe Beit remembered that on this, the 27th capital Topka Railway. of A.JI. J'MW, .hut'iri. me, Abel jnjcb jcorparatwv sbalWbe One-- - day f r M July fiJ,oJ undersigned, a Notary Public within and Million Dollars (tl.000,000) which shall Livery and Feed Stable. for said county, appeared John Kasper, be divided into One Million Shares, of the value of One Dollar Hillsboro, New Mexico. Frank I. Given, and H. A. Wolford par (tl.00) each; and to me known to be the same persons the amount of the cspital stock with described in, and who e.xecutod the fore- which said corporation will commence will be THE PARLOH SALOON, going instrument, and they each acknow- business hix Hundred Thousand . S?7 Si Health is he sealed and execut- Dollars (1(500,000). The remaining Four ledge that signed, More Than TC3 EUHPIir. Proprlotor ed the same as his free act and deed, for Hundred Thousand Shares of the t itnl the uses and purposes therein set forth. authorized capital stock of suoli corpor- Pool and Billiads. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto ation shall be held as treasury stock. subscribed my name aud affixed my of- 5. The names, residences and post-oflie- e ficial seal the day and year in this cer- address of the incorporators nu l - - of hi : LINIMENT r a js srs- N KKJsboro, II. P. tificate first above mentioned. number shares subscribed for by ca.'li tV'J ;i .".'SE KINO Lee II. Crews, of them ivs:oetiv 'ly h ih follows: The Notary Public, Nam,-- : John Kanser, Residence. OF am- Sierra Co., N. M. York City, N. Y., Sharos 59,0iK), THEM SILVER LEAF SALOON, ENDORSED: ount. $59S,000. Name: Frank I Given, LINIMENT ALL Tomlinson No.452G. Cr. Rec'd. Vol. 5 Page 408 Residsnce, (Old Non-Liabili- New Stand) Cert, of Stockholders ty Hillsboro, Mexico, Sharos, 1,000, AND Hillsboro, N. Mex HILLSBORO MINES AND REDUC- Amount, $1,000. TION COMPANY. Name: II. A. Wolford, Resideaee, have health. What is more to man you will always good a Fresh Wines, Filed in office of Secretary of New Hillsboro, New Mexico, Shares, 1,000 than good health? All the money In the world can't; make health is Ballard's Snow Mexico, July 30, 1906 2 p. va. Amount, $1,000. happiness where unknown, Liniment Liquors and. Cigars. 0. The period for the duration of said ,--fI Rheumatism, Cuts, Burns, Sprains, Neuralgia, J. W. RAYNOLDS, TfirC Good Clob Room. company shall be fifty years. A Kn,Sores stlff Joints, Contracted Muscles. Lame Secretary. VUiVLtU Back and all the Ills that Flesh is Heir to. The business affairs of said corpor- W. A. SHEPARD, Territory of New Mexico. ation shall be by a Board of Office of the managed One Knows. Ptopiietor. Secretary. Directors which shall consist of three Who Certificate of Comparison. members, unless hereafter iacrsaaed, as J. G. Scott, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, writes; " I cannot W. of the I, J. Raynolds, Secretary d too highly praise your Ballard's Snow Liniment for provided by law and the following-name- cauBed Territory of New Mexico, do hereby cer- the relief of acute rheumatism, by sudden change O THE O t, John Kasser, Frank I, to I also there was filed for record in this persons, and exposure the weather. recommend your tify that Given and II. A. all of whom Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs and oolds. Two o'clock P. M. ou the WtlforJ, GREEN ROOM office at are shareholders in said These used defy all pain. of A. D. corporation, together Thirtieth day July 1900, nwl ... - . ORT THE GENUINE. Three Sixes 25c. Sflc. Articles of ot me Winer, Liquors and Cigars. Incorporation are to act s such di- n HILLSBORO MINES AND REDUC- hereby designated Good Club Room rectors for the first three months after TION COMPANY". Co. the of this certificate of incorpor- Ballard Snow Liniment (No. 4525.)a filing ation, and thereafter the directors shall f nana ovwriw tCHAS. H. MEYERS, Propr. and also, that I have compared the fol- awaua kvl, be elected annually , as provided by law of the same, with the origin- lowing copy who shall hold office forone and un- ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI. and declare it to be a cor- year o o al now on file, til others are chosen in their stead. therefrom and of the whole rect transcript The hoard of directors shall have thereof. to make and alter the laws of THE under hand and the Great power by Given my said to the of the Sold and Recommended by of New Mexico, at company, subject right Seal of the Territory stockholders to alter or the same. Poet Office Store. of Panta the on repeal Ceo. T. Miller, Drug the City Fe, Cspital, Said board of directors shall also have of A. D. 1900, this 30th day July, to an recommittal J. W. RAYNOLDS, power appoint executj rJust openeu- -r of not less than throe members to act of New Mexico. Secretary for and in the name of said board, sub- of - Fins Liquors ail Cigars Articles Incorporation ject to 9uch limitations as may be pro- . of the MINES AND REDUC- HILLSBORO (Continued on page 2) A, J. BOBBITT, Propr, TION COMPANY. "WANTE- D- ItitorrurUion regtjrrt'ng tho nador the oi Suid Section 2324, HILLStORO LOPGENO. 1?, yood uitd p;rach, apple pr apricot s provisions au.ires-- i of uinrles . Kooerts. iJiSHft-dres- J. W. Stick. dues .not our brood 29-0- tre'J last was Siena County or Qjt.a Ana PirBt pub. Jun. - 1883. Small can V. Q. Thorrpaon, Proprietor- 9' birdti threo ij Thi m wt de: County itbdut recoverv iys. probably be .mate. .ddre8, flitr siructive bird, is a email grey bird, vey KpaMwin A Sons, Washington, D. C. Notice of Forfeiture T biorru County dvwaje ja iitreI with a bill like a To J. H. his adminis- at the Pont Olfice at II ill Wo, Sierra parrot, They Crate, heirs, settle on a fruit treobke a f war in trators unji Willis and all persons pounty, New Mexico, for tiarn-msi.- PROSPECTIVE. Examinatlona of claiming Untlpr or through him or them, hrougbthe IJ. S. Mai!-)- , fts bhcomJ claw of bees, and just eat the top part Mines Reported on. Hampling an ) As and to a I whom it mav concern: natter. of the peach out, leaving the ;ed eayinj.' a fpw'ial'y. J. M SMITH, You dno eai'Jj of you are hereby uoti- - ilermosa, N. M 11 ed that the underHiifceu has expended exposed. Apples und pi .una tiey mesuin or iuu.uu ea-f- t lor the years knock off the No J9Ulana 1905 in labor .and improve FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1906. cleur trep. oae FOR s SALE! mentg upon the Emporer tuirie or mining knows v.h-- are. or where claim they 130 Mutton Gontu at $1.50 pt head. situated in the Las Animas Mining A. O. U. ;U--y a Pistiiet, Sierra Aew Mexico, in Additional Local. cam from. Locdly tfyey fre , CrABKlEL MlRAND, Oounty, every Second and Fourth We4 .. order to hold 8Udi under the 0. N. M. premises ... called "tweets," from a noisa th?y P. AndresH, Heroiosa, provisions of Section !324, Revised Stat pesday of each tnouth t Junl5 4w of Clood prevail tbrocight tie make that bus that sound. They utes the United State, and if within J. V, HILER, M. W, r;js ninety d:iys after this by publi- Vleiprder. county and pood grass and fit about the ei?e of the tb CAIL IV. PA'lVSpN. aie cturion TWENTY-SIXT- H cation yon fail or lefuae contribute , r r-- cattle are lb abundance. snow bird, Forne of them being red your porpi rt ion of such exjendittire as ANNUAL TERRITORIAL to tlier wfth the cost of this TOM BOSS. Miss Lucipda Chaye; line ie headed, but most of a grey color. publication, the interest of J. II. Crane, lot ami from Las Ciuces whpre No bird ever inhabited and his heirs, administrators or apsiirns Address: Hertnoea, Sierra Co., N. M, tbja region insaid claim', will become the a few mining pear IIfcir'ioa, N. M. phe fpect days with friend that can make a mark tq them jn property of the undersigned under the .Range of The ALBUQUERQUE, - New Mexico. provisions ot said Section 2324. Hiss JJdna Anderson returned point destructiyenees. W. Sept. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 C. HnseAKD. Monday from Socorro wheresbe af- - only remedy thus far suggested is Fjrt pub Jan 12-0- Fairs for a of a but the teachers' institute. the stocking of the neighborhood quarter century fendfd pone to equal this. While pix- - with cftte.and them to hunt Notice for there fha experienced training tlO.OOG.OO in Hublloation. purees for horse racing. office teen tremors. bird. A dozen cats to each bouge Land at Las Cruees. N. M , May earthquake $1,500.00 for bae bail. 10,11)06. m be might beneficial. However, a Notici is a email lorr.u ot tijeo is now f 1,000.00 for fruit and ex- hereby iven that the follow 22 r i 1 or a 32 vegetable ing-name- d settler has fil.--d notice of on targpt guage shot his All f .working the JJigelow gtocp of hibit. intuition to make final horsetj audi marea branded gun in every bouse and io the proof in support claims. This croup constats of Free otrget Carnivals. Flower Parade, of bis claim, and that aud proor will be Ladder on right thigh. hands of made before olairKB, the HI one industrious boy the Probate Cb'ik of Sierra four Oregon, Opal, Poultry Show. Hills-bom- , All horses aud"marea would assist in the County, New M"xic ., at N. branded t( and ia estenn;patjon M.. on S-- , porado pale. John Bright Oov Boy Knees. June Kith, MOO, viz: SKVi & on left shoulder. All horses and re- ol tne tweet. r.f HKH HWH scc. 25. T. 16 S., n. 5 W., in charge of the work arid he bomelhitig Jersey Slock Show. wo. mares will to I'.niry .L'lH of JUAN ANALLA, Ar branded Diamond N on left an excellent of this character have ha vJodp, N. M. ports showiug high Ladies' half milo race, rey. shoulder or Increase to be or an orchard will only be a nuia-- Ho names the following witnesses to thigh. jjraje gold ore. The claims are branded as in cut. ance to the If these and scores of other attractions. prove nig continuous residence noon arm situated in heart of the rnain gojd community. t uiiivauon 01. saia viz: tn.Soi.t ' lano, Lelt of the aud have a )irds spread out over the country, francisco M. Hoiornuez. of Arrev. N. camp good M. Urhanol. of Arrev. N. M it will be only a few before a Arrey. H. A. K1NGEH.& COMPANY, record as producers of gold yuars Jose Trujillo y Sandoval, of Avrey, IJ. reward will to , Notice for Publication. iviuar-i- 3114 The teachers' haye be paid, for ii, Atnila, of Arrey, N. M. P ? S5 L, C.' institute held at Id purliiient of the Interior, Any peiaon wlio desires to Drotest their extermination. auamstthn Hocorro recently, whjph waa largely Lund Crlice at Las Cruees, N. M allowance of such proof, or nuo knows or any sahstantial reason, attended and a decided success, July 19, 190ti. under tho and ARTICKEH liw the regulations of the had a from JF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby giyen that Martin Interior Department, such good representation Luther Kadev of Lake N. why proof Valley, M., snould not be allowed, Till be given an Sierra coutity. So far as heard (Cc.iuinned frntn h.iri tiled notice of luu intention to make at the ab va page I) in opnoitiiaitv mentions,.! from (lnid proof Htipport ot ids claim, via: (into and to crons wit- Sierrra county was repree viMitd in by-Uw- place examine the ep'ed the HomeFtcad Fntrv Nr.. 24K!) miide, for nesses of as follows said claimant, and to offer evi- Miss Edna Anderson, In Vitno3 Whereof the pai eevend tie SWM NF'A SE'4 NW14 fsection dence in rebuttal of that submitte.i 17 7 and by Range rear Hills'ioro, N. M. Miss. Florence Miller, Miss Mabel su!)8criWors to die forexf etrtifiptitp of ..', Township S., Range VV, liillUlilUl. that hh ill proof will lie ma le before Pro Ei'okne Van Jo II Ripht Hip and Side. Miss incorporation have hereunto subscribed k Pattkn, Parks, Jessie , Mr. Aug- bate lei sierra Countv, at Ilillsboro, l irst 18-0- s pub May KegiMter. Increase branded their niiniPH and sllixpJ' Si-u- t'ds N, M., on l, pa Eight This ust Mayor, Mr. and Mrs, Antonio September o2 7th day of J14 ly. lOOd. He na'iiea the folio wiNn? witneSfS to and, Bight Side. and Mr. A mad a Gonzales. his continuous resilience 8. L. S Phavez Jjtm Kiisaer Peal prove upon, Notice for Publicat on. C, branded L. Cleftpide. aiid cultivation of, the land, viz: Depariinent of the Interior. Ear Marks: and two slits Wp pre jo receipt of (he August Frank I, Given (Seal Churl!i McKiniiHV of lake Crop right Valley, Land Oflice at Las N. M left. number of the American Producer II, A, Wolford Soul N..M. (Jeorire McKinnev of Lake Val- Crmes, underdit of Niiw Mi-xic- 1 N. M. Kufus J. of Territory ley, Itryant E:ke A- - a Notice is following-n- H. RINGER, Chicago publication. The Pro Viylley, N. M. Knight of Laie hereby given that the i . i amed settler has filed notice of his P.O. Address. Hillsboro. Sierra. uucer is one or tne host of Sierra, ) Vbllov.N. M, (In. mining County intention ta make final proof in New Mexico. He it Eugkkr Van Patten, support journals anywhere in the country, rctneml.oreil that on this, tho27lh of hie claim, and that f aid proof will be of Registir. inado before dny July, A, I). I'JOG, toforo me, the First 27-0- Probate Clerk of Sierra fho August number coutaius an pub. JUly at iinilerHiptied Notary Public, within and County, IJiilsboro, N, Mon June 11. LS ANIMAS LAND & CAT juleitsting arljule on the mining litOti, via : lor llje c unity of bierm, Territory of Notice for Pub fcatlon. JAMES M. SMITH. Hei ...osa. N. TLE CO. of Sierra and CJrant f industry iew Mexico, pers..n,dy npppared John Pcjiartmept of the Interior. fortlieNK NW4 Sec. 20 T. 13 S., II. puuutjcB, by (J. T. l?uir, of King- Ka.Mser, Frank I. (liven and A. Wol-fo- r II, Land Ollice at LattCiuces, N. M., He names the N. M. is accom- I, ai d to tne known to be tho following witnesses to ston, The article fame July 90, prove his continuous residence nn.m ai.H panied by seVfral illustrations persons doHcribed in and who executed Ntitli-- is hereby given that CharleH Clillivsiion ot ssid Lmd vi of N. 'J the foreuoin 'instrument, and tjioy each JoBfph Giaham Fugle, M., has Telenor rujilio, of Cuehillo, N. M.. that canuot be tiled notice h is l surpassed by any of intention to make final Cabrn .Miranda, of Ilormosa, N. M.. acknowledge thuthe pigntnl, R6;t!td and five in of his . ningflzine woik. are new and year proof support claim, ..,..i...n hi uerm )hH, in. Sail-tia- gc, Post Office: They executed the name his free act and No. .."rn, .il., HiUsboro, Sierra Count vii! Homestead Entry made, Miranda, Hermos, N. M. N. M. e, accurate and have never d. for n ty, Range, Autinas Ranch, Sier ed, (or tho uacH and purpones therein the SW'4' 21, Town- Kdqenk Van Patten, 14 a')iS . UaiiL'e 2 V., ra Connty. Ear marks, tinder half cron le;n use by any other net forth. and that said Kegister publication, cr In proof will be made bef re K. gi.-t- and IivhI pub. April 20-O- e:ich tar. Hordes brand same as The article is in form Witness H'liereof, I have hereunto at. cattle, mining good Receiver, Las Cruees, N. M., on Sep but on left shoulder. fiul.8, 'rihed i,jy hati(l hiuI atrixed my of teniber 1, 19()(i. 'I V t M t t .4 V V kf. V At if t " noiai H'nti 1110 ana m certi- - r niramJfsliro'iffiirowrtnesws'tu in in the of in 'lay year Application No. 3,513. doing way mining tu ato above mention ed. pfoye I'.ia continuous restJunce upon, Notice for Publication. rRWt hip, Somti and cum vnr.ion m . t tin 1 Ieft the houII o u portion cf the 15'acL, Luc II. tun, viz: iWn h,P. fc3 same on side. Crews, II. C. Smith of Las Cruees, N, f. A. Department of the Inferior. Mr. Land Oiflr at Las WO leftside. 22 Jlange. liari, with peu and Notary Public, 1. Litton of Kincon, N. M. H. A Ortices, N, M 22 tight hip. A:arch, 10, 1900. right hip ) will continue to Sierr.i N. M. Yos' of N. M. Lee McLeudon 22 on ,he same animal. rut, probably Coutity, Englo Notice is eiven that the follow right thigh. of N. M. hereby L A tl;e of KNlJO.RSKD: Englo, nmd settler bus filed notice of his in R(leftS'dehoMes. mining industry No. Euokne Van Cor, Rec'd, Vol. ft Page 408. Patten, tent ion to make timd proof in supp..rt, of W. J . BORLAND, southern New Mexico. This ia Renister. his Manager. ArticleH of Incorporation claim, and that said proof will be f irst pun. July 27-0- made before Probate of (ho third illustrated article from HILLSP.OUO MINKS AND REDUC- Clerk Sierra in County, N. M., at Hillsboro, N. M.. on bis facih pen, all, giving twelve TION COMPANY. tt, viz: IS9 April 1900,. scenes true to that Filed innfttVe of of Now Mex- Notice for Publication. JAMES i-- Lake inming life, Secretary NUNS, Valley. N. A,TL&S.Lake YaUey, N. M.4 Aug. ;0, 1905 ico 30, lilO(J,2 m. Department of the Interior. Mfor the 2 h SliJ SWU Sec. 13 vould bo Laid to July p. 1 equal. Land Oflice at Laa Cruees, N. Lot Sec. 14 & NE4 NEU Sec. 23. T. Train, Train. J, W, Kaynolda, M., 17 8. R. 8 IV. July 20, 1906. 823 826 The L'tith Secretary, Notice is berebv Leslie He names the Annual Territorial Fair given that following witnesses to Lev a. xn. 09. Graham of N, M., has filed notice prove ins p. ar in next is Engle, continuous residence upon and Albuquerque September of his intention to make final Com tuiuinuii 01, bhiu tana, viz: 8.00 Rinoon 2.00 '.'Ir Finds the Spot." The Oil VY. 41 t'oing to eclipse anything of the mutation proof in support of his claim. James Mackey, of Lake Valley, N. 8.20 Hatcb 1.40 we Btruck is the Oil 430U James Lin. J ted for the tliat btruck viz: Homestead Kntry No. made. M, Tabor, of Lake Valley, N 10,25 Kutt 12.30 allenn M , quarler while others have for the BE1 NW4 ; NE.V4" HE Sec. Guy W. Beals. of Lake Valley, N. passed iN e of a century. It is going to be on away, io ami 'o s a Section 14. lownshm M. Thomas Richardson, of Lake Val- eyll.40 let simply because it cures your pains, 14 8., Range S V and that said proof ley, N . M. train on Lakfl a much more ambitious scale thap will Sunday service aches, bruises, epnuna, cuts and be made before Reeiater and Re Eugene Van Fatten, Valley branch ia discontinued ever before and over twelve thou-- . ceiver, at Las Cruees, N. M., on Sep- - burns quicker than any other Register. Trai Band is 1, l'.iuti. First pub. Mar. 16 00 run daily exoept Sunda, dollars already available. known remedy, Hunt's Liehtnine 1 Ie mimes the following witnesses to of Arrey, N M. Brnno With the biggest Carnival Compa- Oil. It's fine for cl.iccer bitea. prove his continuous residence upon. Carabajal, of Ar- - Jab. 0. Bixleb, Agent. aud cultivation the viz: rey, N. M. in the United For sale at the Tost Office Dtas of, land; Euobnb Van ny States, Ualoon Lee McLendon of Kngle, N. M. E. Patten, Store. KegiHter. racing, "llockless Hussell", theor.e D. Henderson of Engle, N. M, E, J. First pub Mar. 16 06. E. BURLINGAME & CO. flrahnm of Engle, N. M. A. B. Sowell legged bicyclist who dives from a of N. 4SSAY Nevku Fails. ''There is one re Fnlc, M. OFnCE- -sfi hundred foot platform in a tank of Luoene Van Fatten, medy, and only ono I have ever Ktnriater. Notice stabliihedin Colondo.1866. Samples by wail ot a herd of the for- . of Forfeiture. xprei will receive and water; elephants; to cure First pub. 27-0- found, without fail such July To J. W, Henlev. his heirs artmi; 3old fcSllrer Bullion mer champion Bronco Buster of tratora and troubles in my family as eczema, assigns and all persons claim- Concentration Tests Rte;i?,f190 - the world, Thad Tower, and his ing under and through him or ,,,ormr.'- ringworm aud all others of an itch- them, and VT3f-U- 3t Notice of to all it may Paavar. Cl and Forfeiture. concern; . Vanrepegt.. successor, Harry Danks, car ing character. That remedy ia Yah nH ok ...... I. . Cure. We alwavs use and g loada of the worst brouoos in the Hunt's it trators assigns and all personsclaim-in- .ui unuersignea nas expended n, of West. There's to be some- and it never fails." W. M. Chris-tai- under or through him or them, and fbesuin flOO.OOforthe year 1905 in going to all whom it concern : UU1 Tenn. For Bale may ",,u "uprovementa upon the Fuller-to- n in that Hutherford, You and of are noti- or thing doing Albuquerque at Tost Office Store. each you hereby mine mining claim situate,! in Drug fied that the undersigued "has 8TAni,I?4W.MiD.iD8 will make the (Southwest sit H,p expended o Strict, Sierra the sum of flOO OOforthe year 1905 in tw Mexico, inordertoholdsuch aud listen. labor vuu;,7, 1 and improvements upon the Premws under the provisions of Section . a JT. r1 One Bottle on Less Malaria Golden Courier mine or mining claim sit- 2324 Revised Statutes of the United uated in the Animaa Mining District, States, and if within is easy to contract in some locali- this ninety daya after Kingston. Sierra Connty, New Mexico, in order to notice by publication you fail or hoi 1 to ties, and hard to get rid of that is such premises under the provisions contribute your porportion of The Kingston fruit crop bidsfair if the is net used.. of Section 2324. Revised Statutes of 8ncfPendture as proper remedy the United and if within cost of this together to be The whom Cheatham's Chill Tonio frees States, ninety publication, destroyed. bird, any days afier this notice by publication you terest o J W. Henley, abd his hlin, one from it and fail or refuie to. 'vc.ur - adminutntoraor 7?e baie all cultivated for years is promptly thorough: uatibuta tonsor- assigns, in said mining ly. It is pua;ariteed to otr tion of such eiperiditiyo aa. eo-ne- r, claim, will become tb of he and any coet property the destroyer. Every lady kind of chills. One bottlo or less together with the ofthis publication, "ion UDder the Provi6iono' Sec- - the Interest of W. S. "3r rtanin Kingston feels like vvearing will do it. For sale at Post Office Hopewell, and hia heir, administrators or assigns, will bo F. IIlLTSCHKB. birds in A 19-0- a dorsn their bats. Drug Store. come the property of the undcrai-jn- J, First pub. Jan. 0. County AJocafca, iu the Grayson picture; n few init Htv.i Milling Company. FK 1ST The 'rUlnaoro Mining churu 0rra more JJ hkIs will cut ehau-n-- a diieet t l heinK l?iJfrtt ti length, und?0flt-i- THOMPSON, Proprietor. through abuva the pjit'sonnge in whith, ji''u'U ct the iniiutl. of w O. of t and will let this vi:i, tti loi'u'um tiis rL'tin twin biilding the tmiin rconUl u pgo 4'ni. in t ok "V" ot n i i uA vjt-A- sierra Couuty. water of the creek ewt-e- the town Nliuiiit lo .itiouft the 0iMi:i of the tar jJ vjs1 w olT;.al Prob.ito Clt'i k in tlm C'ou:,iJ' if y.cua, Pro from oiih end to the other. Ah the Tenifoi v f New Mexiro: Th finest and miniature on the AUGUST 10, 1906. i strongest wagon "SIOMY. dyke ooiuiniti eeem to he dad 6KtN l h.i l.utl.j Mmi-- Minim; to situ ite ii s ti I I'itii. t Iwing l.r00 market the world it ia now to 1 up the linwiir foe t on 1 Little Sianhy h!e, Will outlast twenty ant! to with IU),) ffwt in wi.itn on ordinary wai;ms only LOCAL rjEWS. property holder take the n fi- tiigitht-- wh . tter of said elo. The loeotion of thin HALF THE PP.ICr-- in hand and complete the diky I'laiin id ut in hook TreiwI is at Floma hot rfiottii p g f06 "F" model ot the l fcige and protect the town from further of Mining locutions in the County of A perfect popular Studcbaker arm Wagon. spriDgs. Sierra damage by water, Two yeajjj ogo THIRD The Bona Sliuini? oUim uow drives . M. & Geo. Meyere last Sunday a large flood situate in KJiiJ Pistrict aud lx?i g lfiOO W. M, Robins, Local Hillsboro. N. M. sweep nil 300 feet cide agent, Co'e delivery wsrod. the town and ftvt in ltuK'h ru each through did conci, i f tht iniddli) of tliis vein. The location and 1 Mrs. Will M. Robins daugh- derable damage; there was alo a notice of this iitn in ret oided at pae 2M), in book of locations ir. are doinR El Paeo.. flood ontbefifthof this "F" Mining EH3. ter light month. tlie olTi'-- nforei'iid: L. 1BOPEIR1 & CO., uew will be FOlTi;Ti!-Th.'M- den The wallB of the jail At 4 p. tn., Rujo Mining, Wednesday, August t'laint ia 8 ud Mininc in a few piluiitp l'i.trict, completed days. 8tb, 1906, at the residence of the and bo in s MDO linear feet along t .e led.', Martin hae opened a bride's Mr. Bruce tosre.iher with liOO fet of forfait? cronnd Mrs. J3enj, parents, Sydney and on earli ide of The General to nl.i'ig saire. Agents, reetanrant in the building et Barnes and Mie.B Ellen Richard-eon- , locution t otice it tiiin claim is recorded ball. eldest of Mr. and at (i&ge (73 in hcoU "A" tf Mining the e!ag daughter local ituiM in the olRi e ; LAKE VALLEY. - - Hew Mexico; Mrs. a.eail Jobn Kasser left Tuesday morn-iD- g John Richardson, were join- FIFTH The Satisfaction claim situate in naid Histrict and beitie 13i'0 eaot be on ed in holy bonds of wedlock in the Minins for the wlere goes linoar feot aloiif the loi'e, together with business. presence of a large number of .'100 fwe of Kiii face itround alone and on mining each Huh The. location notice friends, The ceremony was per- ofam. Mrs. George Richardson, who of this claim N recorded at pae 072, in formed by Judge J. E. Smith. hook "A" of Mining lotsatious in the unffered an attack of fever, ia now The contracting parties are well oflice tifoiemiiil; ponvalesoent. SIXTH .The Fresno Mining claim known been nai l M Las here, having reared in fituate in ininjf lintrief, and being Mrs. Paula (Jostales, of 1500 linear foi't on the Iresmo lode, to this vicinity, The wedding pres- Mi is here visiting her daugh- gether with .'1)0 It;et on the Western side Sierra Oruoee, County ents were numerous, beautiful and of the mid lln of said vein, at the surface. Mrs. M. Flores. of in re- ter, useful. Among the presents were The location notice this claim HILLSBORO, NEW MEXICO has further im- corded at piige 4"J and 458 in hook "D" Tom. Murphy two solid silver cups and paucere, of Mining locatioi.s the cilice afore-Kiil- ; proved bis residence by building gold lined, a gift from Hillnboro hie veranda. SEVKNTII The Homestake Mining 0u addition to Lodge A. O.U. W.No.12, of which claim Bitn.ite in haid I'is!iit, nud being General Banliing Business Al. Laseoi barked id the order the is a member. The 1500 fet along the lode and 30J feet on Shepard groom either side of name. The location notice cattle busings again, He recent- evening was Bpent in dancing and of th! claim ii lecoicled at page 451 of b if Aiiiiiic the of Transacted purchased a herd of 200 head of other The uk "D" ltittiieiu ly pleasantries. happy fice s aforesaid W. N. cattle which bubus located on the couple have a host of friends who EKiH HI Tho O klen Courier Min- - J. W. XOLLARS, President. BUCHER, CaahUe. situate Laa Animas Seco. wish them a happy, and prosper- - iri(f Claim, Mininjj in of in the Mr. and Mrs. Barnes ex. DiHtrict, the County Sierra, George Richardson returned ouslife. Territory of New Mexico, being fifteen where pect to go to Aiiiona in a few hund'-o- linear feet along this lode, Tuesday from Alamogurdo of mineral bear- GEO. T. MILLER weeks. ledge, vein, and deposit he went last week to visit his sietf r ing rock in place, together with three on the who was ill and whom he bundled leet of surface ground Ida very Judge Smith's justices' court south side of the ndddla of Bald lodge, ' left in a much better condition. was full of business the ledge, vein and deposit, and three hun- during dred feot on t'ie north Bide of the mid- we ar-- t and This week publish the first threedaygof this week, Tues dle of said io le, ledge, vein, am'. Uepoeit. Drugs Hills-boroMinesa- Stationery I x "n cles of incorporation of ths was a warm day. Some highly The ationof tins tlim is rei or"t day poge 702, in Rook "D" of Minine Lo- Reduction compa- colored sayings passed between the cations in the o Hice of the Probate Clerk Paints, Oils and Window Glass to develop court and a well koown and ex t flicio Recorder m and for said ny recently organized attorney count v and territory. Order Mall Attention certain mines in this district. who was representing 6ome parties NINTH T ie Corona Mine and Min by given Especial in and Compounded Day and Night, there was a at who were defendants in some civil ing claim situate paid District, Precriplon yesterday picnic being 1500 linear feet along the lode, to- falls on of the the Peroha. little cases. As toe compliments in gether with :?00 feet on either side HIU.SBORO, . . . NEW MEXICO. Roy McVeigh whs there, and like creased in volume the mr became name. 1 lie location notice ol tins ciami he went to the bottom iB record d at page fr)0, of book "F" of McGinty, more and the location ia tne office aforesaid. of the sea. Paul Given, was also oppressive, finally Mining of the second invited the TF.NT W Ko liioti m Mill, together there, and made a Fnnston plan Re part part with boilers, engines, machinery, tools, Rov fell into the pool and went to part of the first part out into the fixture, .md appliances therein, and con- T. C. of- LONG Panl in and nected therewith, hoist house, a."say tbc bottom, clanged .open to settle the matter in the store IN his little friend to fices, tenement homes, buildings, DEALER brooght safely good old fashioned way; then the and other improvements thereon. Bhore. Roy he would above are more par-ticular- lv gays prefer of the first fined the The properties less water in hie picnics. part part part desciibed in a mortgage given 0f the second part $5.03 far con. bv the Philadelphia Mining and Milling DRYGOODSrGROCERIES.PROVISIONS Mr. David Diamger returned to The L'nion Trust Company tempt of court! EJowever, just at Cuinpanv, ist Friday from a four months of rittiburgh, dated September 5th, the critical moment, the dove of 1898, and located iu Siorra County, ler HAY, GRAIN AMD COUNTRY PRODUCE book Bojourn in southern California. window of ritorv or New Mexico, in mortgage peace entered the east pur-noa- e While there he met a number of volume 'C" pag,; 504, it being the the court room and deposited a to Hell nil t'l e property real and pet aoliVifiramxiH.. , siait-e- d A Ui SUPPLIES Ha it m 4 i'ib.'d j uVLaoctjfy?e. i v J Cottonwood limb on the the bar or TKKjiS OF c A Lh...... juiums; the soldiers' home at Santa at justice and that settled it- - the 25 por cent, of the purchase price HILLSBORO, NEW MEXICO Monica where he Baw several old the time of n;il and the balance wi'hin court remitte d the fine and the to soldiers from this section who are five flays. Trustee reserves the riht proceedings of the court proceed- refuse any and ail bid3. For further passing their last daya in content- particulars anplv to ed to a finish. UNION TRUST COMPANV A. ment and THE i comfort. of T Lost At Kingston, or between Pittsburgh, The Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Trustee. that place and Hillsboro, iron cam' First pub July Pa., of July 6th, contains the fol- era tripod .$1 reward at this office lowing notice: "On July 4tb, 1906, for return of same. General Merchandise John Sydney Crawford, died at . the residence of his son, at Mystic, 7 wanP.ll m Codd., in his 67th year. Funeral "Nails." "Nails are a mighty services at EVA G. DISIPiGER'S Mystic, Friday, July good thing particularly' finger 6tb." Thedeceased was well known nails but I doD't believe they Jewelry Store in this section, being odo of the were intended solely foi scratching When You Want HARDWARE leading and citizens of thongb I need mine largely for progressive several I Clocks, Kingston the that purpose for years. Watches, during palmy days was affected and had to do of that famous old sorely Silverware, camp. it. One application of Hunt's Jewelry, Ammunition for and Rifles relieved itch Shotguns The annual flood season is on Care, however, my Novelties, Etc. me en- and considerable and less than a box cured Screen and Panel Doors damaga has been M. Tex- done in tirely." J. Ward, Index, Mexico, California, Texas For sale at tbe Po6t Office and as. Colorado, so far however, New Drug Stroe. Mexico has escaped serious dam- General Supply Company in Sierra age by water, but the rainy season Largest is on and Public Sale of Valuable it is likely that some- County thing will be doing in that line be- Mining Property. CANDIES, AttbePostoftce fore the season closes. A good NOTICE is hereby given that on Wed- sized flood at 3 P. M., paesed through Cuchi-I- I nesday, September 19tb, 1906, laol Friday evening and did Pitts- some pany, Fourth Avenue, City of DRY GOODS damage to the the buildings. burgh, and State of Pennsylvania, Hillsboro is not immune from floods undersigned Trustee will offer at public MARKS T. at this season of the the mininur claims, and MEAT year and it is sale, following and high time that locations of the Philadelphia Mining steps be taken to situate in 18 Animas Milling Company, New complete the dyke that was started Mining District, County of Kierra, oingular, the Pork, Bee and .Mutton. A a Mexico.togetherwithalland me warning, the flood dips.spursand angles, and alsoah the Co. of last mineral Egga, - Miller & Friday evening wrecked the tafs, ores, gold, eilverj and other teller; end and earth therem, the . of Keller, fc Go's bearing quartz.rock SaQBagea par mUt buildings, improvement ways, wates, water-course- Hame. hay bousa There seve-t-l ditches, pipelines, rights, ' lge are and - and New Mexico po.uts liberties, privileges, hereditaments, Lake Valley Hillsboro, ofdang along the creek $abioever thereto be wat need appurtenances anct BARKA & RICHARDSON, immediate attention, longing bx in njr wise appertaining, the reversion and remainders thereoi, Wt prominent of whiob i& of said Mtu- - ropriefon located together with tbe franchises and $2Qfi lake Valhy, EillsDoro Kirgstco low Pric.4 P&disnab Witch it & Mid IERRA Non-Magnet- ic Micial 6Utt Cam F11C7 GJATUtttd For Ml br ALL JEWELERS UlMtratri Bookkt 04 nqftt, ahawliif COUNTY for Hillsboro and Kingston. ZT IV. A COLORED Valley, r FANCY Bid Ccod DIALS Quick tiiaft. New and comfortablelHacki and Coacbei HtMewEfl(ful Witcb Co. NEW MEXICO S oi'c Factorial Wurti7,Cn. FRED VV. MlbTER, Proprietor. Offlu- a- M. lark, Calcaja. Mirraaoat.. Is Situated in a El Paso Monte BO YEARS' a44r EXPERIENCE ism pical ilimefe 4

J rTuitr MaMK .V DONt and is noted for its COWfWOMTt A. Aavone MfiiUnftf akateh and daaertptlon may alntlr onr opinion fraa wbMh.r an r.r..ttonacrllnMarobaalr Communion Hoik Hrtotlf Itroath Munn Co. raoalTe ril.uuwlal taawithout cfcaraa, la IM and otk, Health, Wealth Beauty as Sdtniltic Jlarlcan. pAi A h(inrtoialf lllurtratad waMf . l.Rrratt of any (riant Wo l"rnal. 1 " np) - 4c l- cri four nioniua. oumbki RAILWAY DCti OOloa, r St. WMhlugtun. 1. C. - " Also its Rich Mines ""EAST Th Night Express leavee El Paso at 6:50 p. it'., Vorntain tim to New mi - w and reetibule trains tbroab Orleans, Slrevejxrt L' uih w i t lie ot rlHii?e. ( nines through alffjuf Lf ApellS to 8. Louis, Sqievepnrt, New Orleans ai d interrjoedirife f pint. Direct con-ectio- uB made for nil points North, Eatt and SouUiewft. AsV jodi lo-,- al agnt for ochdulep, rates nndjotber informatinn, or addreaa Vjj R. W. CURHh, Sooth wet-jer- Paaaeoger Agent El IW.Texaa L. O. ',EON AO I), I raveling PaasenRer Agent. El Paso Tex. E. P. 1URNEB. Gen'l Paaeenger Agent, Dal la, Trial. mem LEAD, mm AND "No trouble to anawer queation." ALU STEVEWS riFliSADHSTGLS

lift, 1111311 AID ACC8.ATE, The Only Perfect Writing Machine Made. THE FAVORITE RIFLE The writing is in ten w p'ain view of the operator a!) AaNaaa ahk. Q a)t. .CHJT etime. Simplest and Mineral Resources a ajadwa ta V&JfiT s atrongest construction, rapid action easy touch. 'ait ' ia an accurate riflo and pots every shot Ada'plea"to klnhs "o where you hold it. Weight 4 J pound n. InexhausflYC and unex- work best for Made in three calibera .22, .23 and .32 arc practically tabulating Uim Fire. and invoice amc; plored and an excellent Field wor':, Uni- He. IT, Plait HfhU. . . $1.00 presents versal keyboard, remov Nt. Tir . . 1.10 IS, Sights, for the prospector and capitaliste Such able type action, instant, W here theee rifles are not carried in cleaned. stock by dealer ire will eend, eipreas ly on of Send of mineral zones that have prepaid reoeipt price. otamp portions the Send for for catalog describing comp!s line Catalogue, Taluable informauoa to and containing now be-- Ma- abooten. been unexplored in the past are Pittsburg Writing chine Co , 208 Wood Tie J. Steteii Airs i:a Twi Co. and St., Inopened up with gratifying results Pa. UK ' CHrC0m FAUJ, KAS5. Pittsburg, rich mines are being developed. LarJe W O. Thompson, local agent, Hillsboro, New Mex, are now In course of BEST FOlitllE reduction works construction and capitalists are now BOWELS In It yo hTn"i a rrruLr, healthy moinl tfca anxious to Invest Sierra County eor day, you r ill or sill b. Kaep your bowalaopan, and be well. Frrcla the ebapeof ia lent pliialu or pill polion, U dkiureroui. Tbe emeeth-ee- l, oealaat. mull pertnet ay ol keeping tb bowel fleer and oleaa U t tab Mining. William Randolph Hearst. f(JJ CATHARTIC Prints all the news of the Great Southwest. And all the news of the great ound world. News of interest to the work'ng man. O. Hi 1ST . C . EAT EM LIKE CANDY ill 4. ova ui niiuov n uuaiutiiCaS man. Tait Oood, rimnt, raUth', Pott. loQodb aiLkni, W or Urlx, W, . and coat feararbot. Writs for!., mpU, aad bookld o News of interest to the financer and hanker. (ettth. Addroa (ra - U artauaa aiaiar coarisv. uiiOar iw tobi. Its News of interest to the housekeeper. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAII lattle Manges News of interest to the woman of tashion. Illustrations that instruct andamuse the are the natural childim and gro E'C. BL'RLI.NOAMB & CO., are unequaled They ups. ASSAY OfnCE-O'o- oHY home of all range stock. Cattle Horses. 'WjJi-- d iaf otofadA.laVSo. hmpln by Manor Los it ai will taxeivc iromrd and rarrf ul ancatknj Essminer is M and & Asgslss its 6cldi5ilief5uWci aRttr-fcceestrttl- Sheep Goats thrive vigorously kst id tif Tejts"-,- '" throughout the year