University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-10-1906 Sierra County Advocate, 1906-08-10 J.E. Curren Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1906-08-10." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news/2110 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Or-- Y 7 (j-- Sierra COUHTY AWOGATE Vol. XXIV. Hillsboro, Slorra County, Now Mexico, Friday, August 10, 1000. $2.00 Per Year No. 20. A. D. ELLIOTT, Articles of Incorportion of We, the undersigned, John Kaser, Hillsboro Mines and Reduction Frank I. Giveu, IL A. Wolford, citizen Attoruey-at-La- w, of the United StateH, being desirous of Company. VlEl H. RMNS - forming a ci poration, under and pur- ili.'Uboro, li. a. suant to the laws of the T of New Territory of New Mexico. rritory Mexico, in the United Btatesof Office of the Secretary. America, entitled an "Act fo the for- II. A. Certificate of Comparison. Regtilite WOLFOnD, mation and government of General Merchandise I, J. V. Ruynolds, secretary of the Corporations Attorney and Councillor at Law, tor Mining Industrfal Territory of New Mexico, do hereby cer Manufacturing, and other Purfuiits" C. B. 58 Hillsboro, New Mexico. tify that tiiere was tiled for record in this No, app- roved March 15th A. I). 1905) have oilice at Two o'clock P. M., on the made, Office, one door west of Post Office. signed and executed, and do cer- Thirtieth day of Julv, A. D. liKXi, hereby Wit" the Non-Liabil- tify following articles of Mil Certificate of Stockholders' ity incorpor ation: of - vm. II. CUCHER, 1. The of thiH DRY GOODS HILLSBORO MINES AND REDUC- mime corporation in "Hillsboro Mines and Reduction Com Motary Public, TION COMPANY. Groceries (No. 452(5.); pany." 2. The location of its oilier - II. and also, that I have compared the fol principal Furniture, Mine Supplies, 6rain Ilttsboro, . a in said Territory is Hillsboro, New Mx- - Hty, lowing copy of the with the sime, ico, and Vincent Kasper ia de original thereof now on file, and declare hereby 1. CIVOJ. signated as the in a. O., it to be a correct transcript therefrom Statutory Agent Offline Onice Drug Store. and of the whole thereof. charge thereof, upom whom process It agaiiiHtsaid corporation be n. Given under my hand and the Great may served, I. & Co. Tailor-Had-e K&ftboro, a and to act as such until Ids suc- Agent for L Gatzert Fine Clothing Seal of the Territory of New Mexico, at agent cessor is named, an provided law. the City of Santa Fe, the Capital, on by White Sewing Uichlne Company A branch office of paid is al- ALOYS PRSICCSR, this 30th day of July. A. D. 1900. company so established in the of New York-Stat- Seal J. W. KAYNOLDS, City and of New York. Asoayer CAemist, of New Meiico. Secretary The Assay Office at Laidlaw Building, West CERTIFICATE 3. objects for kucIi coi poration is formed to on of Court House. of carry and conduct a general To mining, nulling and business - NON-- LI ABILITY. smelting Hillsboro. II. P. in the haid of New This is to certify that the undersigned Territory Mexico, and also elsewhere in the states and ter- subscribers to the capital slock and in ritories of the United States and the Re- of a certain corporation via the corporators of and for MEAT MARKET known as the public Mexico, such purposes to Coolest and Shortest Way to all Colorado Points. "Ililluboro Mines and Reduction purchase, own, lfane. hold, ttioitiraua. sell and convey real estate and personal ROUND-TRI- II ' SPECIAL P RATES ALL SUMMER Company" property within the limita of the United COLD under the lavrs of tho duly incorporated States and the Republfc of Mexico, in TO COLORADO and all Points is tbe NORTH and EAST of New Mexico, certificate of PORK and MUTTON. Ternary cluding the buying, owning, leasing, which has been executed The duly signed, mortgaging, conveying andsellingmines, aud and is riled herewith The Fresh Fisb, acknowledged mining claims and interests therein, with the of the of Shortest Secretary Territory also the buying and selling, mining, ex- EFTS! Htrrey New Mexico, do and de- - Serves SAUSAGES, hereby certify cavating, milling, washing, smelting and Wiy litre that there shall be no ftock holders' To otherwise treating gold, silver, copper, the on account of stock intmed Colorado. Meals. EGOS and BUTTER. lability any and other metallic ores and extracting as full Klvorvt.hinor un Ton . heieafter, pnidand therefrom the g !d, silver, copper and Direct Car Connections to I the said "Hilluboro Sleeping Denver and Intermediate Points. by said corporation, other metals therein contained, aud aho Mines and Reduction We will be glad to fornieh detailed information relative to Colo-- CO Company.' for the ptirposo of building, construct- M3fl(Ct In Witness Whereof, we have here Jj() ing and owning such buildings, ma Jfjt unto Bubacribed our names aod affixed chinery, 1 1 phones, tramways, flumes, It is tbe Best State our seals this 27th of July A. day I. wells, reservoirs and waterways as may E. TEAFORD, WO. in this section in which to take a summer outing. be to carry out the of John Kaaaer Seal neeeary objects Write or call on paid corporation . And also for the Frank I. Given pur - 8a) pose of a general merchandise business J. S. MORRISON, W. R. BROWN, A. Wolford II. JSeal connected with the business heretofore of New ) City Pass Agent. I). P. A., Territory Mexico, mentioned in of cor BS. the objects this Mills Building. El Paso, Texas. County of Sierra. ) poration. The amount of tlie authorized The Atchison & Santa Fe Beit remembered that on this, the 27th capital Topka Railway. of A.JI. J'MW, .hut'iri. me, Abel jnjcb jcorparatwv sbalWbe One-- - day f r M July fiJ,oJ undersigned, a Notary Public within and Million Dollars (tl.000,000) which shall Livery and Feed Stable. for said county, appeared John Kasper, be divided into One Million Shares, of the value of One Dollar Hillsboro, New Mexico. Frank I. Given, and H. A. Wolford par (tl.00) each; and to me known to be the same persons the amount of the cspital stock with described in, and who e.xecutod the fore- which said corporation will commence will be THE PARLOH SALOON, going instrument, and they each acknow- business hix Hundred Thousand . S?7 Si Health is he sealed and execut- Dollars (1(500,000). The remaining Four ledge that signed, More Than TC3 EUHPIir. Proprlotor ed the same as his free act and deed, for Hundred Thousand Shares of the t itnl the uses and purposes therein set forth. authorized capital stock of suoli corpor- Pool and Billiads. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto ation shall be held as treasury stock. subscribed my name aud affixed my of- 5. The names, residences and post-oflie- e ficial seal the day and year in this cer- address of the incorporators nu l - - of hi : LINIMENT r a js srs- N KKJsboro, II. P. tificate first above mentioned. number shares subscribed for by ca.'li tV'J ;i .".'SE KINO Lee II. Crews, of them ivs:oetiv 'ly h ih follows: The Notary Public, Nam,-- : John Kanser, Residence. OF am- SNOW Sierra Co., N. M. York City, N. Y., Sharos 59,0iK), THEM SILVER LEAF SALOON, ENDORSED: ount. $59S,000. Name: Frank I Given, LINIMENT ALL Tomlinson No.452G. Cr. Rec'd. Vol. 5 Page 408 Residsnce, (Old Non-Liabili- New Stand) Cert, of Stockholders ty Hillsboro, Mexico, Sharos, 1,000, AND Hillsboro, N. Mex HILLSBORO MINES AND REDUC- Amount, $1,000. TION COMPANY. Name: II. A. Wolford, Resideaee, have health. What is more to man you will always good a Fresh Wines, Filed in office of Secretary of New Hillsboro, New Mexico, Shares, 1,000 than good health? All the money In the world can't; make health is Ballard's Snow Mexico, July 30, 1906 2 p. va. Amount, $1,000. happiness where unknown, Liniment Liquors and. Cigars. 0. The period for the duration of said ,--fI Rheumatism, Cuts, Burns, Sprains, Neuralgia, J. W. RAYNOLDS, TfirC Good Clob Room. company shall be fifty years. A Kn,Sores stlff Joints, Contracted Muscles. Lame Secretary. VUiVLtU Back and all the Ills that Flesh is Heir to. The business affairs of said corpor- W. A. SHEPARD, Territory of New Mexico. ation shall be by a Board of Office of the managed One Knows. Ptopiietor. Secretary. Directors which shall consist of three Who Certificate of Comparison. members, unless hereafter iacrsaaed, as J. G. Scott, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, writes; " I cannot W. of the I, J. Raynolds, Secretary d too highly praise your Ballard's Snow Liniment for provided by law and the following-name- cauBed Territory of New Mexico, do hereby cer- the relief of acute rheumatism, by sudden change O THE O t, John Kasser, Frank I, to I also there was filed for record in this persons, and exposure the weather. recommend your tify that Given and II. A. all of whom Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs and oolds. Two o'clock P. M. ou the WtlforJ, GREEN ROOM office at are shareholders in said These used defy all pain.
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