BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Union luob ii Tawn Cjje &$ournal. Of nil klndi, fwnphUU, Raporta, School Ra porta, Poatara ud Band btlla for Tbaa- The Union and Journal tr«», Conoarta, W«ddls( Card*, Vlilting CiHi, at AO-la D ail new Blank Bank Is published erery rrlday moraine, $1 Cardi, Dnebtlllj, BaealpU, If within three uiouth* Iron the 4dr»a««,ur psl«i Cheeka, Labala of ararjr Inanranaa data of snbaerlptioa. #i00 If delayed 1111 the U- deaerlptlon, plratlou of the year. The Union and Journal. Pollcaa. Forwarding Car da, Bllli of Lading, *«., TBBM9 or ASTianatso. prlnud In Colon or with Bronaa, aiinM the 15 On* square (beiag tpM« ooeupled bjr »l tha Union II 00 and Journal Offloa lines of solid nonpareil type—three weeks. "Eternal Hostility to ererr form of OppreMlon o?«r the Mud or Body of M#n.w-Jnniio*. Baah »uooeding week, without change of matter, 23 WITH RBATMBS8 AND DISPATCH. Dirlf. 3mof Omiti I af One $«uo |li»oo TWO DOLLARS AT TUE CLOSE OF THE YEAR. square, $100 |3M PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE, Orders for MORNING, printing raapaatAiUjr aollaltad, and Advertisements. In order to secure lasertlon. £T aflbrt mada to him be handed In by Wednesday noon. ar«rJ glra aatUfkcUon. LOU 18 0. COWAN, • Paornirron. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1863. Number 8. orriCB-Haaaat Blaak« UWrtr ■». B. U. HAYES, t Kditvb. BIDDEFORD, MAINE, MORNING,

■ 1 Oct. Hooka's Pouct.—'The tbetn. As each battle-worn and BiokneMOf the Volun- Washington no it beat to the scenes, that often surround them, are, upon Mortality •And how would that bo ! What would rise mora, the captain judged try heaped of the Tribune votcran the torn and '•atari teers. correspondent Chicago stys run the risk of off, so that a small garments rolled in blood. gases upon bloodj you do?' naked Susr, curiously. moving of (Jen. Hooker: is often when shall and whose star is then odrn."-a boat could bo sent to the rescue. The question askod, stripes" every bright, •B?gin tearing your falsi and worthies on 'From what I can hear I that be ie by the Freedom to 'The Report tho Mortality judge The result of this hazardous wo have peaco? When will this war cease, long loud ringing shoot of preliminary image from my heart!'cried Charles, furi- experiment tho Volunteer Force® of the too wise to bi« into a gen* AND WHENCE P in the will be the of and Sicknost of prccipitata troops WHO. was succc»ful. was rescued tho and this bloody panorama, now world, offering every loyal Susy by passing a favorable ously. and United States Government, during the pres- cral engagement, unless very op* to before come to an end ? The heart. God speed the when •It would be a curious of business, and a boat reached Charles in time review us, only dsy peace piece rope, ent E. B. of the until hare learned shall be ours. To this end war,' by Elliott, Actuary portunity occurs, the/ by not succeed save him also. answer that can be given to this question is, prosperity again alone, and you would oither,' ■mall success to confidence in themselves. Mot from Jermaalem Charley; let us and United States Sanitary Corami«Ion, pre- put Both sufferers were taken on board the when this nation in humiliation bows hopo pray. To Heaven the path aaeend* i •aid Susy. deep sents facta of interest. It He vu to have said after the battle univer- Antuont Busnks. many appears reported Ae near, u mire, aa straight the way said 'as which now moved off to beforo Him, who holds the of I should and would succeed,' he, steamboat, rapidlj reigns of was as effi- Roek 111. from the returnes that the general mortality Fredericksburg that the army That lead* to the eelestlal day. heartless make for lost time. sal and his for Island, shall see, if you wish, cruel, up government, implores pardon cient as it ever the From the fertheet realm*>xtendi you of the army has been gradually increasing had been, to play part And thus, when our hero regained his con- our sins. Frigid or torrid »one. girl!' sinco tho commencement of the war, and of an army of observation, whose work it dear. I lore sciousness, ho found himself many miles the many evils that all •But I don't wish, Charley, Among pervade that the rate of the autumnal months is should be to hold the where be waa how or when we itart ? enemy What matters from homo. Of course his first anxious in* classes of tho there aro to have you love me,' said Susy. community; three, returns One la the erown to all; dearly about twico that indicated by the and to barraM him by raids. This remark, the foolish was for and when informed that that stand out in bold relief. Ipsallanews. bat raoe. then,' cried quiry Susy, One la the hard glorious •Why, youth, quito for the summer period, and the winter rate which embodies the opinion of Qen. Sigol Whatever be oar startlng-plaoe ; won orer dearest she was his 1st, which is a sin of crimson again—'why, then, Susy, rapidlj recovering, happinoss Slavery, in turn doubles that of autumn. Two thirds afford some indications of the the earth the eall Tho Inhabitants of our Northern also, may Rings round will not consent ?' seemed Ho showed his content- has been to exist among us, you complete. dye, permitted of tho doaths of the officers and five-sixths course which (Jen. Hooker will That aaya, Arlae, depart! Waters. probable pur* I said I likod to bo loved,' re- ment over and into a and thousands out of self-interest have sought •Remember, by turning falling deep of thoeo of the inen result from disease and sue, at first—a course in marked contrast the balm ann-loved lalea to extend it from East to and from tho From breathing, about quiet sleep. Wost, and one- plied Su«y. 'Ididnotsay anything accident; tho remaining one-third with that which the army of the Potomso Of the bright Southern sea. About sunsot a camo to him that Atlantic to tho Pacific Ocean. Tho of tho seal and cetacean* But, pray how loug did you say you message pursuit by caused woundi From the dead North'* eload-ihadowed loving. sixth, respectively, being by has from the The inaxim pole to see is tho first born of races of and pursued beginning. bad been me, in that little Miss B desired him. 2d, Pride, which Evils, the civilixcd Eurnpo America, We gather to one gladaoiae goal- courting pretty received in battlo. The entire death rate a General to foel of the enemy her on a sofa in tho the eldest of the Rip on with and directing One oomtuon home In of lie found cap- and duughter Dragon, carried systematic perseverance Thee, speech yours?' lying from all causes for offioers is stands a reasonable chance of be- all thirty-throe, every day, City of sun and smiles ! 'Throe Charles. tain's state room, whioh hud boon given up has for a series of years been fostered hy the of science, must eventually lung years,' replied appliances and for men ono thousand. carried out now. officers who has more fifty-four per ing Young and to her. rfho looked very pale, and somo- classes of the community,—nay more, it drivo theso animals from their access!* The eold roagh billow hinder* none i 'Neatly accurately quoted, Charley, It that tho of the ar- are to themselves will have she out hor hand to not in hearts of thoso to reccssw of tho appears mortality eager distinguish Nor the calm, fair mala i but know cousin Richel was what suffering but held only reigned supreme ble haunts the extremo po- help* you my only mies recruited at tho west, and which operate Stewart will get Rolands for The brown rock of whilo tho tears stood in but has been chcrished in the bosom area. tho opportunities. Norwegian gloom, won after fiv » You don't him very without, lar highly pro- yeirs' courtship. gratefully, Already formerly a over three times that Tbe verdure of Tahltlan gloom, at tho west, is little his Olivers. Daring expeditions, successful I aiu to rate her oyei. of the church. ductive seas of and Davis'Straits The sands of Mlsralm's plain. suppo*) going inysjlf any cheaper Spitsbergen of tho rocruitod in the Middle and inroads, will not be the of ono ft of troops prerogative than sho do ? wo this •Charles/ oho said, without offering 3d, Intemperance, the Fell Destroyer are almost fished out, and tho inlets and Or peak* of Lebanoa. did, you Suppose drop Now States, and which serve tho side It will be shown that our men want to coo a England only. for two years: that time word of thanks, «1 clergyman. millions of our race, has not only been per- channols of the Mela lenognita ■ubjoct perhttjw by Archipoligo the Wostcrn rato from are tho Ai from the green landa of the vine. armies ol tho East; and junior officers quite the equals or 1 be able to work to the fall- Ia there ono on board?' mitted, like tho vulturo to feed on the liver have been invaded tho winders. At pres- 8o from tbe touw wastes pale, may myself up by wounds five times, and that from dis- and that would have the to are being enemy they proved We tod tbe ever love there is no what *1 will go and see,'said Charles, moving of this nation, bat has been suffered stalk ent tho Mrta Island among open road, ing-in knowing Incognita as point; oase and accident a little lesi than throo times facts to be so, had orders permitted, they To the dear eity ot oar God i wonders time effect! to the door; but a dreadful thought striking our streets at noon and drag, tho most areas; may day, annually densely populated E«juimo rates in the on lUssiaa or Hurman as as the have it on few occasions which From steppe, vale. do to the of our follow men. are great corresponding proved 'If are not in love now you nover him, ho turnod, exclaiming, 'Susy, you tomb, 300,000 but should tho souls and whales which Or terraoed Palestine. you East. It is also shown that tho number ol have been allowed.' wo a tbey will returned 'and 1 not think Littlo did think fow years ago that there be driven be,' Charles, sturdily, eagorly pursuid by Europeans. and of 'deserters' in the Eastern from Jordan's *aereU stream to our 'missing' Not swift will answer now or never.' 'That I am to die?' said sho antici- wu should come this! that land should to remove elsewhere, tho natives, after much Addresses. bare my going tnoro double the num- Odd Letter Alone we aount above ; volunteer army is than •Never, then,* pating bin*. •No, Charles; but 1 want to bo drenched with human blood ! Little did suffering, must also abandon there ancient The lust number of Holbrook's excellent ladus or Danube, Thames or Rhone, laughed Susy. ber of tho classes in tho Western volunteei a wo while wo were un- of the Polar soas wore and unknown— But she had a too far. Her of- see think that, enjoying seats. It the fishes United States Mail contains the River* unsamUd gone step clergyman.' forcca. following From each the home of love ten tried lover was now too much In Charles went nnd soon returned, accom- interrupted peace and that a well known, wo should And tho batch of curious addresses on letters severely prosperity, probably returns of tlio from the recently with Taking tho poriod beckons heavenly gleam. earnest to bear her trifling any panied by » minister. plun was then maturing in tho Cabinot of much tho samo on every meridian; carricd the mails; longer. species latof 1861, to tho 1st of March, 18< bj • I thank for to said to overturn and tho best of tho when ico is Juno, Not from gray Olivet alone 'Never be it then !' he cried ; and soiling you sir, coming me,' darkness, destroy tho temperature sea, pres- llokey pokey wiokey wag. G2 ft« the basis of calculation, it is ostimated We see the gates of life ; his hat he strode from the room. to tho latter as ho entered. 'I have n that was over devised human ent. but littlo near tho surfaco. Dr. Take this letter to Oilly Strong, angrily Susy government by varying ol From Molven's heath or Jungfraa'a that to securo in tho field a constant forco listoned to his roceeding footiteps strango request to make to you. Would wisdom. But, amid tho awful scourge that Sutherland found tho mean in Davis* Straits Who lives at Bristol, in R. I.. We weloome the descending glow Susy cflcctivo men. the nation must not Had her in- in tho and with hns fallen on this let us not des- and Lancaster Sound to be a littlo below 33" 500,000 lie's a bully boy and has a glass aye. and with disomy. she. indeed, by you object, sir, presence, generation, Of pearl erysollte. only maintain 58,000 sick men, but must al- sun. love of alienated that no- tho consent of to unito mo to but chorish tho that lie tho in theso months less than And the unletting corrigible coquetry my mother, pair; fondly hopo, F., range being as fast as you can, so rocruit tho ranks of tho enlisted Hurry up her to the heart that who sees a when ho ami tem- but in tho surface portion ble, manly heart? It smote gcntloman?' sparrow falls, threo degress; Soptcrabcr And carry this letter to my MaryAnn ; Not from Jerusalem alone of theso forces with new material at tho rato so. she heard him the If tho Minister was astonished nt this re- tho wind to tho shorne ere water a or two coldor. In in State of The church asoends to Uod j to think As open pers lamb, will, becomes degroo She lives Lancaster, Pa, of annum so as tho war to the "sheath seas moan was 35 1-2° 123,000 por long is titrangcr* of every tongue and ollme, front door, impelled by a feeling of despair, quest, Charles was infinitely moro so. long, nay Destroying Angel, tho Spitsbergen tho And her tothsrnams U believe) McKay. and shall lam—a ruto somewhat exceeding 10.000 Pllgrima of every land time, sho raised the and for- •What did said ho. 'Did sword, it is summer, to Sir John Frank- window-sash, leaning you say,Susy?' thy enough." during according To tho euro of Mick Mullen for Dennis Throng the well-trodden road recruits month. Of tbeso 123,000 annual : I hear Yours lin's and Sir Edward trials. At con- per That leada to the throne. ward, whispered nright?' Respectfully. Parry's Kilfalo America Now York or Bostaneat the up recruits 83,000 are to losses by death will be at tho boat •I bclicvo so, said nt his siderablo tho is supply 'Charley, Charley.' yon Susy, smiling depth tompcraturo greater stono or eliewhcther for his cousan For the Union and Journal. and discharges from sorvice, (exclusive of tho cutting to-morrow to bid me won't you? eager amazement. 'Docs tho scheino moot and more uniform, and a comparative uni- good-byo, for of term of enlist- Barnard Gerati. •' SOUNDS FROM THE "WEST. to discbarges expiration we are friends your of animal lifo is likely prevail Surely approval?' formity for desertion and in Seller. ono ment:) 34,000 missing Luolnda a fair young miss. Storjj As sho spoke she drew a rose from her bo- •It was heaven inspired !* cried the poor there. There is, however, remarkable Joucs, Cjje and to othor losses a of in tho action; 0,000 supply spe- Will find note inside of this ; som, and threw it to him, and ho brushod it fellow, frantic with joy ; but a shade coming Tho highest, noblest aspirations ofton find difTorenco in the presence sturgeons TH E wbioh aasend from cified and unspecified. as if it had boon and on over his radiant face, ho added, gravely, their railiution in tho dust; while tho moat rivers of Asia, into tboy away poison, paasod Fire hundred thousand aoo are ■» IMPMOM1/T11 lif i 'but, have you considered ? Remember, bumble soul, aa often finds itself the sea, whoreas no sturgeons have as yet «ritf»Qt>okingup. > ^ Susy, unaspiring iey in number to tbe number of men in tho American riven that fall oquivalant Patrick Smith thtf rest of that* day in tearr-r- I want your love, not your gratitude. I honored and and why may not I, been deteoted Sdsy spent respected, in 573 of tho arcrage numerical ** bo satisfied with less.' into the not even into tho Mc- rogimonts Riepoasofls * next the bustlo of will nothing a hutublo individual, unknown to honor nod polar basin, Fot heaven's sake, do be serious, if Early morning departure 872 men the 58, NV Susy, sources are situated so fsr strength, (that is, eaoh); began. Susy was going to accompany her 'Do not bo concerned about that, dear to fame, turn scribbler, and for the Kensie, whose can, for Are minutes. cease public, are to 67 of for you Pray, pray with thoso rivers that 000 siok cquivelant regiments [Mefnt Rye poatoffloe.] widowed and invalid mother on a for Charles,' gazing at him very forth sentiments. That I can South as to interlock this which ia hut cruel with trip replied Susy, boldly put my : and the entire In oare of mis trifling, playing and and average numerical strength her health. her tears; 'bo assured you do so without lack of or fear of criti- fall into the Pacific Hudson's Bay, us this as it tenderly through honosty Peter Hoff Stanford my let treat subject toroc of men neoeaury to bo main- feeling*; u a in fine of several 558,000 As they reacnea mo wnan ana uwccnu have them both, and had the first long, long cism is plain, having no reputation us abound sturgeons species. Post office for mis maragrst dewrvee, soberly and seriously.' Trout of various kinds and of large siio tained, in order to sscure the service of 500, from the eyes made them- before your had tho last.' writer to loose but in that as i for gat her name 'Well then!' cried the carriage, Susy's everything respect is to 010 there, laughing, inhabit the rivers that fall into the Arctic 000 effective men' equiavlent reg- state of Ksnuoat. selves for one wished for facc; •But, Susy, you said only yesterday—' to In this crisis of our black to whom Charles busy searching gain. important • eyed girl Wesley sea, and on the American coast, near the imen ta of average strength. was to be seen. •Never mind what I said in- words of ? but it oowhcro yesterday,' nation's peril, burning eloquenco Bad spoke. 'There, then, is that grave enough mouth of river, a resem- Company. The steamboat and with some of her old are not needed to stir emotions Coppermino specios are turned Uj panting puffing, terrupted Susy, spirit up patriotio See the oorners of my mouth duly tho soatrout of was abundant Stand by tho Flag. to be let loose. mother, out. 'Just mind what I say or firo the blood of men, women and children bling Fngland and I am as impatient Susy's breaking to-day. a wise teaohcr of th« al- down, and my eyes rolled up, in the shallows. The true Salmo sola is said Sophron, people, aided the servant-man who If I was a fool once, is that any reason I to and strive for the of man, the sober as a who has of by accompanied fight rights to he be- lowed not even his grown op sons and daugh- patient caught sight to be rare in but others of tho Every man, whatever party may had crowed the must be one always? But, indeed, Charles,' of the Constitution and the Sihoria, genius the instruments. Do I suit ?' them, already gangway hopes liberty, the honor of the main- ters to go with men whose conduct was nol dentist's you such as the Kundasha, and Golxa, and tho long, who wishes (lag which between the wharf and the boat, she added, more softly, 'I havo always meant banner. The response suit me and know it lay star-spangled joyful to the and "Dear father," mid 'You anyhow, you are common. In America, too, four tained, will respond cordially maoly pure beooming. was when to bo wife—the I have is of the best and noblest of America's sons, to Lenok, cried Charles, and Susy reluctantly following, your only scruple written at the fair Eulalia to bim one day, whoo ha well, witch!' gaiing. or and like those of sentiments of Washington Irving, you that I am not half for our when free five great trouts chars, the sound of a roioo behind her—the very good enough you." the calls of sterling President, forbade the Lucinda to into a smile, at the faoo, puckered the time of our last war with Great Britain. lightminded go with pretty to Greenland, all the lakes in the she was to hear—startled her. It is needless say how this discussion is invaded, and our noble people largo demurenees. But he roioe longing territory Capital, as were then. the of her brother. "Dsar father, in its affectation of The when furred They are as true to-day they oonpany ^p her ended. The reader has divined that natnecake of that man the of Arctio regions. natives, his and he She turned to look round, and, missing already personification thou must us m very childish, if thoa was not to be driven from point, to make of He writes: regard Charles continued his and thus, in and love of Coun* animals fail, know how clothing time fell into the water. journey; patriotism self-sacrificing believest this to be to us." resumed after a pause, 'The footing, the salmon kind. •Wbatcvcr we may think of the expediency way dangerous gravely, the courso of one eventful he risked a threatened armed the skins of large fishes of to had day try—Washington,— by we can- But the father took an has come when I (eel I haves Another instant, and Charles thrown on or of tho war, silently extinguished Susy, right a an Mar- The skins of tho burbot is used inexpediency present life, saved life, mado 'Impromptu bands of villains and traitors, shows tho (Lota) coal from tho and rached it to bis an answer to my suit. You off his coat, and out 'Tell not feel indifferent to its \V hen hearth, deuund explicit calling loudly, an tho in of for windows. In operations. and set out on wed- unbounded of our Obi placo glass said earnest not to let the wheel and to riage," unexpected and oourago young with those "It does not burfc* child," have trilled with my feelings long the captain stir, quality abound in Hud- over our arms come in competition daughter. ding trip. men to he while it should cause America, though sturgeons "take it now." Eulalia did so, and tba restless under lower me a ho into the river. unsurpassed, for our hon- ho, enough. I have grown my ropo!" sprang and in tho rivers that fall into of thoenomy, jealousy country's tho cheeks of those son's Bay, band becamc and un- But of her whom he was his life to cowardly, intoloruhly other consideration delicate white smutty, fettejs.' risking tho Northern Pacific, none exist in the Ma- or will swallow up every mean individuals who with trai- so, her white "One them off the •ave, he was unable to any trace. svuipathizo —our will over tho flag expectedly garment. 'Shake Charley,' interrupted perceive kensie or in river thnt falls into tho feelingH accompany and over tho short-lived successes any cannot be too said Eulalia with a defiant toss of the that tho current of the river tors, rejoice to In its careful," peevishly, saucy girl, pretty, Judging Contiiumicatimts Arctic Sea, but in Siberia this fish is said by of our country battle, rejoicing glo- of tho enemic* to the beet and most "when one handles coal." r* '1 to do it.' have carried her a little forward, ho glorious over for thcro is no "Surely so," head which plainly said, defy you might to bo Icm In theso lamonting its defeat; the sun o'er snono Pallas merely frequent ry, know ho siw her Journal. government upon,—to tho father. "Thou seest, my child, 'I cannot Susy, I cannot, and you swam around the wheel, but still For the Union and mentions such as ourselves from the plied of aolf and north-flowing riron, and Wrangoll thing reloasing ns with the blood reproach, that if the coal docs not U will smut. the lover, not, and seiied his hoart ho conjec- Mr. Editor linglo tho Ko- of the contest. He who fancios burn, il,' replied hapless impatiently. despair the tho sturgeon ns ono of tho fishes of consequcnces — to hide thoir faoes from tho of with the said 'tako tured that sho bo under tho boat. Ho A succowful Loveo was thoy gmo oon- So does intercourse imiuoflfrmon." m 'That being case,' Susy, my might Sir, very also ontor the Obi, he can stand aloof in Interest, and by world for chame. Like the Tories of 1776 lyma district. Sturgeons them and don't strained his to see tho water, holdcn in this on tho 4th in or- very can him- advice—wear gracefully, eyes through place, inst, nnadromous fishes of that the war exonerate A Neat AnoaEM —A letter Ihs will bo to loare thoir for and like other domning present bearing so it makes them hurt and at far below tho sur- to raiiw funds in aid or our sick nnd they glad country is and jerk ; only length discerned, per streams that flow self from tho shame of its disasters wofully address was mailod in pull the scorn, con- river, ascond the tributary following recently a soldiers. At this festival tho fol- their good, toescapo what seemed to bo the end of float- wounded country's nations will not trouble » < face, mistaken. Other Rochester: > jj \ you.' of lover from tho mountains, and therein they pass f was and overy 1D« IIIID luruou miu between tho wheel and communication rccoivod, which, tempt righteous indignation about our internal JUIing »w»j aii^riij, ing garment, lodged lowing Such of thorn as remain in the themselves wranglings To Hiram Allen, Oswboo, of his Thoso who talk revo- the wintor. and down the room, eti- tho rounded bottom of the boat. if dcoin it it country. poople will not ask who walked eilently op | jou worthy, you may give pub- are said to dio of oonvulsions and questions. Thry it roadeth wjcgo-oo ; here at tho North and a desire main stream party Transposed, thia were the unfortunate lution express or wo but fretting and fuming internally. Susy If indeed girl, licity. but it is said also, among us fought, why fought: and you will sea dently will 'ero cravo tho in tho month of January ; Tr*n»poeed again, of the window and the least movement of the wheel must inevi- KsNNmuNKroRT, Feb. 4th, 1863. to help it along, long Tho of defeat will meantime, looked out these tisb crowd io holes how we fought. disgrace That thus it runstb, soco-wb; tin and to that together deep hie crush and in his terror, Mr Dkar Sir :—As I cannot attend ineroy of Indignant soldiery plead to tho contrivers of the war Charlaa continued moody walk. tably her, Charles, jour severo and not bo oonfinod once and it yawned. us of tho river the season, Transposed mors, will show 1 a humane for Lot during a beautiful bird on that lilac fancied it was to turn.— festive this evening, thought government pardon. or in or tho conductors of 'Oh, what already beginning gathering remain thoro at rest. Fish can bo the party power, A common so-we-oo ! that theso are few, for tho preserved adage, x 'Do oome and Us dived and clutchod at the but I could do no less, than to contribute my rejoice people but will extend to the whole na- two!' cried busy, suddenly. garment, winior in Arotio climatos in a froxen tho battle, A we and our common all the jo—jo go in life's Great Mail, and almost ex* in if to alleviate tho honor of humanity country If •M it.' missed it. lie rose, panting, mito, order, possible, tho closo tion and come home to every individual. man state, but even when taken toward If well directed, oan't fail— suf- let us bo thnnkful. We can ask no the win« hausted but to get breath necessities, and it may be, tho absolute duly tho name of Auicrica is to bo rendered hon- Chariot mechanically approached scarcely waiting of the summor months and in the a tale? to sustain a because it is in but hung up If badly 'thereby hangt he under. This time his ef- of our fellow men, now far on party power, we shall eaoh dow and looked out. plunged again ferings away it in an eatable state, orabloin the fight, participate Hock. Dtm. we can that word open air, keeps though forts wero crowned with success, at least so tho battle field. ask, nay demand, they by we must inovi- •Dont think, said soma tho in tho honor ; if othorwiso, y>u Charley,' Suey, no not without taint, till ihe matter following or Mia he was able to form to Wo have had abundant that those and deed support government, our sharo of tho Infm'kxck Uood Uoou.—"ll," her hand on hia arm, and up far that bring Suay's proof, a of vital iru- ignominy.' looking ox* It is theroforo viand tably support laying it. Id times of war an spring. a the surface of the water, but she seemed to- little tokens of and acts of who administers vol. 310. Diininl Webitor to friend, "religion* book* 'don't you think you oould manage remembrance, to the rative fur-traders —Seo Lifo, 1st, p. eagerly, bo civil portancc residing the mm lifeless. kindness frionds at homo, have ccutive ii not bound to governed by are not widelj circulated among tally performed by nonr river* or lakes.—"The Polar R* of the war. If large and PiioTomurnr. The Paru oor- do not be- was now so exhausted that not n but a influence laws in his mode oonduoting Smoking in thia and tbo 'What, dear?' aakod Chariot, all hia Charles nearly only cheering, salutary Sir John Richardson. country, people Suey it a to by Nnoa know what is to of mind left our while watch the President deems military necessity giont" of Iho Ixindon Photographic come 1 do no» tendernea awakened by her manner, 'what?' he had only sufficient presence upon soldiers, keeping by respondont rcligioua, or the in room of a a There ii soma to him while he in tho or on the field of confiscate rebel property emancipate elates that tobaoco mnoking the beoomo of ui at nation." a of salt on hh tail,' returned to clasp Susy convulsively night, hospitals, 'Drop pinch to or Whtmn Gknkralj. on aro it is man's him, Tin SrvrwsNTs where tho are dorcl- in tble one eenteneo for eoletnn refac- an afleetion ol •im- himself afloat to tho strifo. Wo, therefore, who in comfort slaves, every duty support pliotographor, pictures thing the provoking girl, with kept by holding with the how much feel A who has oomuiunicated an effect. lie states thnt on the of and wheel. and at home, should do all wo can to no matter they may opposed person has injurious tion part ererj patriot mry for, then, you know you would peacc oped plicit*: a man he is and in an God aod Hie Word ara not la llin ftail Ut their and to the measure. When says different generals brigadiers an artist in Paris instantanoons ohriatian. If catch it.' i>Ul IUI5, UUJW chccr up spirits, alleviate their loy- major attempted act of the set Grant's with the understand* tha Deril flUl and him iu he that while stand as a barrier be- al but every President, General army, in tho of several smoking our midst, be; anarchj ilia anewcr waa to (ling her off, and with :iUo to fail noon, perceived sufferings, they opposes process presenoe as a black hearted Traitor! that ha wanted an on the was and was now to turn tween us, this and the most him down ing 'expression and every negative raiarule, degradation miaery, corruption a auppreaeod exclamation, ho turned angrily it really beginning slowly present evening, photographers, time for boasts of is of the aotion of the State legislatures he the same darkneea, will without around. By a desperate effort he struck hit terrifio scourge, ever before let loose on fallen The loyalty passed, subject 'fogged.' Next daj repeated and reign mitigation away. men abuse our that when with the same breath in Illinois and Indina, reports they dep- room had been thoroughly and without and. Ilis waU Ihui tiino tu than I foot one of the nMto j.ush man. after tho tongar before, against paddle* process came our noble Secession- recated and denounoed the to the wer« the as while 1 have in it rulers and army. Copperheads and ventilated, and Images sod hi* cogitation* murg wrnnt; lor I himself m far from danger possible.— And, my pen hand, may malign aired I/>Mm Sauo—New Rkxipt. An IrMi- boasts of and a man. Gen. John A Logan, a Democrat, facts eervo to prove h« did not oeed of art-1 As ho did so, touched his head, not bo nmi-w to that the nut how of this ists at tho North loyalty loudly out Numerous any Susy's artfully something say, " porfcct. man, who bad a reetaurant is over their hearts im- remarked : Tell them for me, and lataly opened hit notic«. a Now life and wicked but a veil np North, of theso observations, photog- Iom devieea to allure At laat lie and his hand grasped rope. causrirss, unnatural, rebellion, frequently, the truth here, of * for lobatar Mokan* we can the are to do habit of smoking In hoar^ receipt making must been lost to sense as that worn the false that whip rebels, going who are in tho ■topped abruptlj before her, and aaid: seemed now infused in him. Ho gathered have every of duty penetrable by raphers mlad. tha reoommendad and when we are dono we are to return rooms rest assured that Among iogredianta three 1 hare and fastened the round owod to their fellow men, their na, which if it were raised it, manjr 'Susy, for loog yeira been all his energies, rope they country, their operating wm aweet oil. Ha went to the "a and " horribler than bell e'er traoed on homo. When we thoro wo shall t» cause of numerous inexplicable grocer without oither oonfoeaion or consciousness then for- and their Uod, or never would havo Feature* get yet this is tho jour auitor, Susy's waist; entirely they for and wm told had nom. its own brood, to any inquired ii, tbey on Often aa kindled this fhmo of human which strong enough summarily punish failures. promise of marriage jour part. sook him. up strife, No Demon of the WmU, "What kind of oil ba. Tin in the seooasion or ba*eye?"Mye demanded to know aentimenta In the soeoo, is now the No churchward shoal caught lingering sympathiser* peace preachers oelebrated I hare jour meantimo the witness of the sweeping through land,—deci- CuXDKXfXD Amcmwt.—A verjr answered kerosene. ••Then, Wtb, light, we to in our grocer re- our and that may be able find way." toward me, have slter Charles' directions to the eitioa, the Ameri- sun human 'Tho world we inhabit jou alwaya coqtiettishly giving cap- mating staining Of the bleat e'er blaatad sight. in his Scotch divine sajrs: I'll take tfiat!M so so fierce as those." General Loom is waa strong _ me an anewer. This atat* of inuat tain, had watched exer- can soil with human gore! But so it is! With lineaments foul, equally an that must fuaed thing* his struggles and "Illinois most have had origin; origin no hand that is raised Another said: baa diaoorerad a math- I lore aa better than tions with hreathleM And now, while we are at home, surrounded But Spare language. general a cause must at CHU+. you, you know, intere»t. The rope had enough. in have oonsistsd in cause; that QTA dyer Lyone no nutter whoro the and all Western soldiers are unanimous ba Ajed riolet. Tba life ; bat I will no be your been to him and but in kind ml and friends, and in the the government, thai must od wbieb wood on/ my longer play- tlung again again, by enjoy- against haa raised hia have been intelligent; intelligence by Mark the traitor as man who two immarataoa-ooa To-morrow you ere going away to the excitement ot his and semi-in- ment of all that oan comfort and embellish hand be found. deep denouncing e?sry efficient; that efficiency must have ooloria produced by thing. (eelingt, contentions or amnsstisc, have been he us was for his crime is as ▼oioe for of a diatanoe, to be abeant for montha, and if ssnsibility, had been of arall- human life, it would be well for to remem- Cain marked, groat peace,peeoe that ultimate mutt la Iodine potasrfum oootainlng eighty incapable to be the been ultimata; power' God and man. When and are anxious allowed prir- of that the thia throw aaide himself of the aid. the of thousands of our in the of victory only gramiaee ingredient per quart; you oannot, very day your tag proff«re