BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Union luob ii Tawn Cjje &$ournal. Of nil klndi, fwnphUU, Raporta, School Ra porta, Poatara ud Band btlla for Tbaa- The Union and Journal tr«», Conoarta, W«ddls( Card*, Vlilting CiHi, at AO-la D ail new Blank Bank Is published erery rrlday moraine, $1 Cardi, Dnebtlllj, BaealpU, If within three uiouth* Iron the 4dr»a««,ur psl«i Cheeka, Labala of ararjr Inanranaa data of snbaerlptioa. #i00 If delayed 1111 the U- deaerlptlon, plratlou of the year. The Union and Journal. Pollcaa. Forwarding Car da, Bllli of Lading, *«., TBBM9 or ASTianatso. prlnud In Colon or with Bronaa, aiinM the 15 On* square (beiag tpM« ooeupled bjr »l tha Union II 00 and Journal Offloa lines of solid nonpareil type—three weeks. "Eternal Hostility to ererr form of OppreMlon o?«r the Mud or Body of M#n.w-Jnniio*. Baah »uooeding week, without change of matter, 23 WITH RBATMBS8 AND DISPATCH. Dirlf. 3mof Omiti I af One $«uo |li»oo TWO DOLLARS AT TUE CLOSE OF THE YEAR. square, $100 |3M PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE, Orders for MORNING, printing raapaatAiUjr aollaltad, and Advertisements. In order to secure lasertlon. £T aflbrt mada to him be handed In by Wednesday noon. ar«rJ glra aatUfkcUon. LOU 18 0. COWAN, • Paornirron. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1863. Number 8. orriCB-Haaaat Blaak« UWrtr ■». B. U. HAYES, t Kditvb. BIDDEFORD, MAINE, MORNING, ■ 1 Oct. Hooka's Pouct.—'The tbetn. As each battle-worn and BiokneMOf the Volun- Washington no it beat to the scenes, that often surround them, are, upon Mortality •And how would that bo ! What would rise mora, the captain judged try heaped of the Tribune votcran the torn and '•atari teers. correspondent Chicago stys run the risk of off, so that a small garments rolled in blood. gases upon bloodj you do?' naked Susr, curiously. moving of (Jen. Hooker: is often when shall and whose star is then odrn."-a boat could bo sent to the rescue. The question askod, stripes" every bright, •B?gin tearing your falsi and worthies on 'From what I can hear I that be ie by the Freedom to 'The Report tho Mortality judge The result of this hazardous wo have peaco? When will this war cease, long loud ringing shoot of preliminary image from my heart!'cried Charles, furi- experiment tho Volunteer Force® of the too wise to bi« into a gen* AND WHENCE P in the will be the of and Sicknost of prccipitata troops WHO. was succc»ful. was rescued tho and this bloody panorama, now world, offering every loyal Susy by passing a favorable ously. and United States Government, during the pres- cral engagement, unless very op* to before come to an end ? The heart. God speed the when •It would be a curious of business, and a boat reached Charles in time review us, only dsy peace piece rope, ent E. B. of the until hare learned shall be ours. To this end war,' by Elliott, Actuary portunity occurs, the/ by not succeed save him also. answer that can be given to this question is, prosperity again alone, and you would oither,' ■mall success to confidence in themselves. Mot from Jermaalem Charley; let us and United States Sanitary Corami«Ion, pre- put Both sufferers were taken on board the when this nation in humiliation bows hopo pray. To Heaven the path aaeend* i •aid Susy. deep sents facta of interest. It He vu to have said after the battle univer- Antuont Busnks. many appears reported Ae near, u mire, aa straight the way said 'as which now moved off to beforo Him, who holds the of I should and would succeed,' he, steamboat, rapidlj reigns of was as effi- Roek 111. from the returnes that the general mortality Fredericksburg that the army That lead* to the eelestlal day. heartless make for lost time. sal and his for Island, shall see, if you wish, cruel, up government, implores pardon cient as it ever the From the fertheet realm*>xtendi you of the army has been gradually increasing had been, to play part And thus, when our hero regained his con- our sins. Frigid or torrid »one. girl!' sinco tho commencement of the war, and of an army of observation, whose work it dear. I lore sciousness, ho found himself many miles the many evils that all •But I don't wish, Charley, Among pervade that the rate of the autumnal months is should be to hold the where be waa how or when we itart ? enemy What matters from homo. Of course his first anxious in* classes of tho there aro to have you love me,' said Susy. community; three, returns One la the erown to all; dearly about twico that indicated by the and to barraM him by raids. This remark, the foolish was for and when informed that that stand out in bold relief. Ipsallanews. bat raoe. then,' cried quiry Susy, One la the hard glorious •Why, youth, quito for the summer period, and the winter rate which embodies the opinion of Qen. Sigol Whatever be oar startlng-plaoe ; won orer dearest she was his 1st, which is a sin of crimson again—'why, then, Susy, rapidlj recovering, happinoss Slavery, in turn doubles that of autumn. Two thirds afford some indications of the the earth the eall Tho Inhabitants of our Northern also, may Rings round will not consent ?' seemed Ho showed his content- has been to exist among us, you complete. dye, permitted of tho doaths of the officers and five-sixths course which (Jen. Hooker will That aaya, Arlae, depart! Waters. probable pur* I said I likod to bo loved,' re- ment over and into a and thousands out of self-interest have sought •Remember, by turning falling deep of thoeo of the inen result from disease and sue, at first—a course in marked contrast the balm ann-loved lalea to extend it from East to and from tho From breathing, about quiet sleep. Wost, and one- plied Su«y. 'Ididnotsay anything accident; tho remaining one-third with that which the army of the Potomso Of the bright Southern sea. About sunsot a camo to him that Atlantic to tho Pacific Ocean. Tho of tho seal and cetacean* But, pray how loug did you say you message pursuit by caused woundi From the dead North'* eload-ihadowed loving. sixth, respectively, being by has from the The inaxim pole to see is tho first born of races of and pursued beginning. bad been me, in that little Miss B desired him. 2d, Pride, which Evils, the civilixcd Eurnpo America, We gather to one gladaoiae goal- courting pretty received in battlo. The entire death rate a General to foel of the enemy her on a sofa in tho the eldest of the Rip on with and directing One oomtuon home In of lie found cap- and duughter Dragon, carried systematic perseverance Thee, speech yours?' lying from all causes for offioers is stands a reasonable chance of be- all thirty-throe, every day, City of sun and smiles ! 'Throe Charles. tain's state room, whioh hud boon given up has for a series of years been fostered hy the of science, must eventually lung years,' replied appliances and for men ono thousand. carried out now. officers who has more fifty-four per ing Young and to her. rfho looked very pale, and somo- classes of the community,—nay more, it drivo theso animals from their access!* The eold roagh billow hinder* none i 'Neatly accurately quoted, Charley, It that tho of the ar- are to themselves will have she out hor hand to not in hearts of thoso to reccssw of tho appears mortality eager distinguish Nor the calm, fair mala i but know cousin Richel was what suffering but held only reigned supreme ble haunts the extremo po- help* you my only mies recruited at tho west, and which operate Stewart will get Rolands for The brown rock of whilo tho tears stood in but has been chcrished in the bosom area. tho opportunities. Norwegian gloom, won after fiv » You don't him very without, lar highly pro- yeirs' courtship. gratefully, Already formerly a over three times that Tbe verdure of Tahltlan gloom, at tho west, is little his Olivers. Daring expeditions, successful I aiu to rate her oyei. of the church. ductive seas of and Davis'Straits The sands of Mlsralm's plain. suppo*) going inysjlf any cheaper Spitsbergen of tho rocruitod in the Middle and inroads, will not be the of ono ft of troops prerogative than sho do ? wo this •Charles/ oho said, without offering 3d, Intemperance, the Fell Destroyer are almost fished out, and tho inlets and Or peak* of Lebanoa. did, you Suppose drop Now States, and which serve tho side It will be shown that our men want to coo a England only. for two years: that time word of thanks, «1 clergyman. millions of our race, has not only been per- channols of the Mela lenognita ■ubjoct perhttjw by Archipoligo the Wostcrn rato from are tho Ai from the green landa of the vine. armies ol tho East; and junior officers quite the equals or 1 be able to work to the fall- Ia there ono on board?' mitted, like tho vulturo to feed on the liver have been invaded tho winders. At pres- 8o from tbe touw wastes pale, may myself up by wounds five times, and that from dis- and that would have the to are being enemy they proved We tod tbe ever love there is no what *1 will go and see,'said Charles, moving of this nation, bat has been suffered stalk ent tho Mrta Island among open road, ing-in knowing Incognita as point; oase and accident a little lesi than throo times facts to be so, had orders permitted, they To the dear eity ot oar God i wonders time effect! to the door; but a dreadful thought striking our streets at noon and drag, tho most areas; may day, annually densely populated E«juimo rates in the on lUssiaa or Hurman as as the have it on few occasions which From steppe, vale.
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