TJktmmxam ilanr^rBtnr lEvnting Ifm tt

the year’s budget has bean prepar- detention in the police station to ba street, arrested for aaaault ind ABODTTOVN STRIKE MAY STIR UNION ORGANIZER booked, a large group of strikers breach ot the peace; Joseph How- SELECTMAN MARTIN Tbs matter of the reduction of and strike sjrmpaUilxars crowded arth, 3D9 Main straeL Ntw Britain, tha aaaeasment oo Howell Cheney’s iCr. aad M n . WUUan Me-. the police station, angered at the breach ot the peace; Anthony Bear- Gibe and Mr. aad Mr*. itsSm home will be among tbe business arrest of tba strike leader. At toe rea, 138 EUdrldge straat, Manchaa- IS FATHER OF A SON ,, MoaMt, Jr., and aea Alton oc BOARITS MEETING tabled from prevloua aeaakma of the ARRESTED TODAY Urns o f the a i r ^ Mecca fMl to Um tar, breach of the peace; Joaepbine r t ' fbaaneU atroat bare iwtnmed (raai board. ground and other union leaders Tiato, 58 Lafayette street. New apanUttig a aaeation with ralatlTM The blUa to ba ^iproved tonight asked permission for an examination Britain, breach ot tha peace and dia-' Second Member of Board to MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLACE CHARM at Ouanore, Pa. While at Dunmore for payment include the annual of the official to determine If he had orierly conduct; Henry Jaeger, Greet a New Boy Dorinff the An informal reception will be giv­ tbar Tiaitad throufh tbe Hudaoa Selectmeo Expected to Di^ salarlea of the selectmen and the Joseph Mecta Booked at sustained jan Injury. Gloucester, N. J., educational direc­ Preaent Year. en at the North Methodist church I AdvertWag m Fags 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 4937 o e u mtnaa and ware vary latareatad semi-annual salaries of the mem­ Irving Horowltx, general organis­ tor o f tbe IIX3WU, breach o f the tonight from 8 to 10 in honor of (TWELVB PAGES) ta aea bow eoal la mined aa well aa coss Action Thb Week On bers of tbe Board o f BMucatlon. ' Police Station; Strikers er In charge of tbe strike activity, peace and Genevieve Clachero, of A son. Alien, waa bom laat night Rev. W. F. Taylor, former minister IbHBad a t IMnc at the bottom ot a protested to Chief of Police Samuel 184 Washington street. New Britain, la Memorial hospital to Selectman of the church who is now living la eoal mitta. Altadena, CXI., and la on a trip East Gordon Impoeition of bond of |10O breach of the peace. aad Mrs. Richard Martin of 38 CaOmg State Police. Protest the Action. for Mecca’s release. Chief Gordon All of the above have been releas­ It is not restricted to memters of .Sunday achool aeholam o f the REGISTER VOTERS told the strike leader that bond of Maple street The child la a grand­ the church, any of the townspeople Oospal haD wW haye their annual ed on cash bond fbr their appear­ son of Mrs. Nora T. Smith of 33 1100 muat be produced or Mecca ance in town court Tuesday, who knew Pastor Taylor wU] be ptoUe toaaorrow at Maaon’a beach, would remain In jail until Tuesday's Golway street Manchester, and At- welcome to attend. Oohtmbla laka The trip win be The mdependeht Cloak company LAST HME TODAY Joseph Mecca, SO, 'an organiser trial. made hr bua and the children ahould strike. It waa expected today, will o f the Ynternatlonal Ladlea Gar­ ba at the hall at • o’clock. 'The re­ ment Workers Union and residing 'Ihg_arreat of Mecca thla morning be the subject of considerable dis­ Increases to eight, the number of turn trip from the lake will be made cussion during tonight’s meeting of at 321 Pine street, Manchester waa AMERICANS KILLED striking employees of the Inde­ about 6 o’clock. tbe Board of Selectmen In the Board to Be in Session Until arrested early this morning by State I------' » Policeman Loren C. Larson of Staf­ pendent Cloak Company and officers Municipal building. of the International Ladles Gar­ Mr. and Mia. John M. Kletale of Since the board last Tuesday 10 Tonight to Receive ford Sptinga barracks and booked Woman Held In Mystery Deaths | Moll atraet have retunied after a authorlxed Its chairman to call for on a charge of breach of the peace, ment Workgra Union who will ap­ RUSS AVIATORS LONG waek’a automobile tour o f Maine loitering and resisting arreat. He pear In town court ’Tuesday morn­ state police aaaistance whenever ing for trial. and New Hampablre. * Chief o f Police Samuel G, Gordon Enrollments. waa released on bond o f glOO for hla deemed It necessary. Its members appearance in the town court Tues­ 'The others airested were Joseph have been severely criticised by tbe day morning at 10 o’clock. Rich of New Britain, charged with The Registrars of Voters today destruction of private property; OVERDUE ON FLIGHT; AT LEAST THREE FELLED The arrest of Mecca occurred CHENEY WORKERS strikers and others In tbe picket will be In the Municipal building of- Mias Hmttla Vince o f 147 Birch Una at the Pina and Pleasant street flea o f the town clerk from 1 to 10 during tha arrival of the buses and plant o f tha Cloak company. Some p. m. to. enroll unaffUiated voters cars from New Britain with the IN PICKET LINE of the selectmen are understood to with a political party and to traiia Workers for the Independent a o a k FEAR THEY’RE DOYYN have since regret|;ed their'action. ter persona who wish to change par­ Company plant. He waa leading tbe PEOPLE WILL TALK Leaders of the strike are expect­ ties. picket line and waa ordered by and wbat tiiey ray depeada on you. ed to proteat during tonight’s ses­ Today wlirba tha'laat opportuni­ Officer Larson to keep moving In *Y>at’e why so many people reoom' DURING SHANGHAI sion against tbe use o f state poUca- ty to register befora the primary line but refused and the arrest was mead F tk w iof Sympathetic Vote men hers and to request that a port­ elections four weeks next ’Tuesday. made. Mecca has been In charge ot U d Report from Pflot sdj|SEE BUT LTITLE able public address system, dis­ Voters transferring from the roater the picket lines during the strike SAM Y U L Y E S Last Night Number Job mantled from tbe auto ot one of the of one party to another will not be since early ’Tuesday morning. SHOE REPAIR SERVICE One of the Motors Had 0FnCIAI5 MAY Fightingr Rages In This Area Fear Otiier Americans An0 leaders by tbe state police, be re­ able to participate In any caucus or Immediately after hie arreat and 701 Main Street ,t V v e » - stored to them. primary during tha next alx months Faded; Alaslun Fliers CHANCE BLACK Cloak Protest Also Fay Bills Tbe pamphlet of voters registered Among Hondreds of V i^ BUla Incurred by the town during with tha RepubUcan and Democrat- URGE REMOVAL the last month will ba befora the te partlea, published biennially by Ready to Start On Search. WILL BE BEATEN tints of Aerial W a rfa ij A number o f tbe membara o f Lo­ board for ^proval. It wjU be the tha reglstiara will be revised and re­ cal tt. Textile Workera Oryanlxlna last session of the selectmen prior printed thla year. ’The list o f all Now Is Tmb ■ OFSTATEFORCE Oommlttoe of the CIO o f Cheney to the end of tbe fiscal year Sunday, voters, arranged alphabetically rairbanka, Alaaka, Aug. 14.— Orer Shanghai Noted M i» and tha laat meeting during which without party dlatincUon, la re'vlaed M oney-Saving Time Leading Foe of Confirmation > Brotbaia >>laed the atrlkera picket 3 - g this afternoon Shanghai, Ang. 14.— (A P )-^ cam aa on pravloua mornlnga were Moscow Uma (5 p. m. Friday, EST) Committee assured today a favor­ her acqu^Unces to dlS’ Capt. Patrick Hayci, chief of detectives the Selectmen and police commis­ di'lvau dtractly Into the yrounda of (right), holds a botUe bearing a poison label which poUcs aald waa sioners, It was expected thla morn­ At least three prominent A m ei^ tha motor had failed. able report, probably Monday, on found In M n. Hnhn's homo. ing. will recommend that stats po- the fketoiy and unloaded at the aide SHOES »l-98 lAvaneSsky said be intended to the nomination of Senator Black lean residents o t Shanghai w erdl OBtranea to tha plant, aeveral hun­ licemefl who did duty four days this proceed here on three motors. He week at tbe Independent Cloak com­ dred feat diatant from tha Fine Were aald a damaged oU line put the (D-Ala) to the Supreme Court. Ten killed and two other Americans' atraet picket Hnaa. $2.45 committee members aald they would pany atrUie be withdrawn. wounded today in Chinese-Ja]^'| engine out of commission but gavs voU to confirm tbe Liberal Ala­ Asked during a protest mass Laat nliht it waa reported that a BO hint be and hla five companions KDISZCIEDREN, window ta one o f tha buaea uaed for baman. co-aponaor of tba adminis­ HGHT NEW MERGER meeting ta the Municipal building aneae aerial warfare thi|' Intended to interrupt their fllgBt, rat night to recall the state troop­ trnnaportlad tba help to and from Intended to end at Oakland, Calif. tration wage-hour bill. Three mem­ hulled death into crowdeg ’ Jfew Britain had bora cracked by a bers were definitely opposed, while ers, the Selectmen, after a lengthy A few seconds later Moscow lost COMMiTSSDICM discussion, postponed action. ’The psrta of the International Set«- atoaa thrown from the croard and contact with tbe fliers. four others still were non-coAmlt- OF HOLDING UNITS lal. ’Two o f these were leaning to­ / decision to ask state aid waa made tlement. aaetber private car waa aeen with ’Ilia plans was 15 hours overdue In a joint eeaalon Uat ’Tuesday and a eraekad window. No reporta of ward oonflrmatlon, two against. Dr. Frank J. RawlinaoiL'ons] here at 8 a m., BIST, and an In- The eighteenth member of the tbe Selectmen preferred to take any damaca dona were given Chief Oor- ertaslng number of observers be­ rescinding action at a similar meet­ of the outstanding mlHlonarial j 'blue coal* lieved It mlgbt already be down. It committee. Senator Norris (Ind- Third Child Shot by Father Two Van Sweringin Compan­ ing. in China, and H. S. Hongsber^jl^ Neb.) baa left Washington for tbe Lenders Promise Peoee Aid Better heat fo r less money la 4,000 miles here from Moscow, remainder o f the aesalon because of wealthy m otorcar dealer, mdt~l SALE ON SANDALS ...... $1.00 i Good Weather in Critical Condition h Manchester workers on strike 111 health. ies Seek Injonctions to from tbe cloak plant, together with death as Chinese bomb! %000 KIDDIES ATTEND Weather waa reported good In Despite this Une-up and ap­ nortbam Alaska but the Soviet 5-1 Frank Libertl of Garfield, N. J„ and planes, supposedly aiming proval yesterday by a aub-commlt- Long Island Irving Horowlts of New fork, In- weather camp near the North Pole L*e> the battle over Black'a nomina­ Block Reorganizing Moto. caunese-Japanera erisla now craters ta Japanese concentrations, droiM OOBE HOLLOW PARTY THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. said the sky thara was bvsreaat, ternaUonal Ladles’ Garment Work- BROWNiO^ SHOE STORE OmO, Lumber, Mmoim* Supplies, Faint ------# -r—— oesrarai^wras vs« MUM UMhu W Ua UM ped their missiles into crowd~“ artth vlsiblll^ batwara tea and U tion waa far from raded. A Uttls era Union organlaera and strike sung Forts on tra n^ etarUng with to^Woo- cmmaihstrsbt MM Mala Sta TeL 414M Maacbeater group ta tha Srasts eras combing leaders, promTud to do an . thsy A^> to. the Wbujgpoo rtvsr atom C downtown areas, VflHaw B>0s8. Tba-tamperaturs was 81 ds- taland Fotfc, N. T„ Ang. 11;.^ '■“ BilHmOTe. Auff.- (A P )—The guna have •**•“l ?*?* to psmrssit s o toy e T A p a ira e . T r a 0«pltd Bala Biff Crowd la On grsas Fahrenhsit his reootd and looking up legal pre emiW to prevent sny disorder if the dlvlalons of the cailness army t ______dredi. (AP)—Mattel Hordachewakl, 81- first round In a legal battle to block state police withdraw from the r ths Cailness army ara reported ta poMtlon at Woosui^ Woosui (3) Hand to Receive Gifts vt Levaneffaky was to land hers, *^*™*‘*P* shslied Sbangra’s gtonTmunid^'iitoai^ (g).* Dr. Robert Reischauer, i(L.__ (Csnttnosd so Fags rtora) year-old gardener, kept telling his a merger o t the top-holding oom- strike scene. BofrashaicB ta. then proceed to anotber refueling Although broached during last wl^e flrra roaredthrough ths cailnsse areas of KJangan (4) and Chapal tided by the United StatM coib>J stop at Edmonton, Alberta. children all day yesterday: panlea of the old Van Sweringen "Now say gi^-bye to your fa night’s meeting, possible ways of smashed at Japanese positions ta tha Hongkew sulate as a professor of inteiH The annual (Boba Hollow party In pioneering the course, which raUroad sysUm neared an end to­ policing the strike area without de­ blockadsd by toe caunese dlrecUy off too ther. Come now, say good-bye to day. Attorneya were ready to close waterfront of toe French concession (7) to prevent Japanese attacks national relations at Princetooj^ for tha local Uddiaa waa held -ea- called for a fiist rsffuelllng stop PONDERS A CHANGE your father." tracting from routine police protec­ tot here, the huge plane carried a smaU thsir argumenU afUr new phases of on government dockyards and arsenals aa well aa------to protect toe air was hit by a bomb in the lobby j tarday afternoon at the pool on He aald It so often It annoyed hla tion In tbe remainder of the town Spring atraet. Deqilte the atonny freight cargo In addition to its six the case bad been presented to Chief were not diacusaed. drome at Lunghora. of the Palace hotd on NankinRl PKEE TUBE! occupants, twlcs tha number ot two wife, Vera, she recalled today. She Judge Samuel K. Dennis ta Clreui; araatber 3,000 klddiea were In line told him to stop It, but he perslatad. If tha state troopers are orlth- road and died a few hours lateigf at 1 o’clock and received an aamrt- previous trans-Polar flights which IN POLICY ON GOLD Court No. 3. drawn from Mancheater tt waa con­ With Every Re-Tread Tire Sold for Cash. Mrs. Hordachewakl didn’t know Two injunction sulU wers filed in a hospitaL . His leg aiMlI ment of lea cream, candy, gum, eoda mdsd In tba United BUtea. what to make of It sidered likely that picketing support and other lafraihmenta. A doubla One Week Only! Order Now! Official Information was i«/-iriny against the proposed oonsolldation from other unions here will be with­ LTFIXE GIRL’S DBA’IH blown off. Today she understood. Lata laat of the holding companies, the Al­ DEWEY MAY ENTER IS HALF AVENGED portion waa given the large ptjup rporatlon and the Ctaeea TWOC ot Cno, consisting of 1800 peaks Corporation. CMnon City, Q>lo., Aug. 14.— cans were among those ... The novelty ewlmmlng racea In ad the gasoline probably would ba (Oonttoued on Page Three) Cheney Brothers employees,, voted estimated by poliM at 600. the evening were conducted aucceea- exhausted at 3 a m. (E Si:) today, ifiation by H i^er Tax Plaintiffs In one suit wers ’Tri' to give moral support and to do POUHCAL CONTEST (AP)—Tbe hatchet slaying of fully. The event! were watermelon 30% Off List Price a fsw minutes abort of 40 hours Continental Corporation and Select picket duty. They were to start 15-year-old Dorothy Drain oraa Thass psopla died horribly ia taM] light, duck chaae, dog race, egg nd after tbe takeoff. ed Industries,Inc. The Rroseco rat night but tbe shop eloaed down half avenged today—one day tfirtilc boDiotBfs, one sew | Cathay hotel at tbs IntsrsscUca apooo race, and other novelty cventa With Your Old Tires On Our New Listing. There was no Indication Russian On Foreign Capital Here. Corporation and tha Aldebarran before they started. short of the annivaraary of her 0(1 planntd by Inatructor Edwin Llth- officials had asked a search be LOYALISTS ADVANCE Corporation alao aought to block tbe ’The local union members orere re­ New York Repvbiicaiis Urge death. Nanking road aad toa Bund, haattl wtn and hla aaaUtanti. Here Are Some of Our Prices: started for the fliers, but Alaskan merger. ^ ported to have decided to assist In Frank Aguilar, 84, was cxe- ' The committee la grateful to the 6.00x16 brand new. Kellya not P®*tlon o f foreign deposits aa ad- and irould be detrimental to Chaaa- plcluts ware oo duty during the ally-famoua special rackats prosecu­ $16.55 $11.55 $5.00 you pay ua latarl dlUoaal reserves. trolled seetioaa of toe dty. , -rci! following concerna which contribut­ Preparations 117 Officers, No Prirates, to peaks stockholders. “ •'Jy of tha forenoon. The tor, to nm for district attornay ta _ Other Fofolgaera RUM ed to the success of the annual par­ Under tha present aterillution Undsr the plan, as outlined ta stra poUce were not preaent and Besldee toe two Americans, eta* < program, tha ’Treasury borrowa Hendaye, Franeo-Spantsh Fttmt- toe city’s RepubUcan primary, o ito KILL I , HURT MANY ty. Tha concerns and their dona- Lubrication Pace Powder...... $1.00 ler, Aug. 14.— (A P )—Government court, Chesapeake Corporation skeleton force o f local poUceman Indications toe effort would suc­ eral other forelgnera arera rsportoi 4-PLY TIRES OU Ctomgo, Mass at Devens to Umpire from the money market to pay for ;;>atrolled the area ta charge o f Po­ killed. . ' .ttoBS are: Royal Ice Cream Com- Job Two-Tone troops thrust forward a mile in a ceed. ,'pany, Uancheater Bottling Works, 4.75x19 $9.55 $6.68 $2.87 5 qoarts HOSIERY gold acquialUona. This removes (OMttarad on Faga Throe) nce (toptatn Herman O. Scbendel. Inrlng Ben Cooper, who had been Dr. Rawllnson and Honlsberg dtsiii i Ooldni SbHI "**!??1** ^ Brunete front Capitol Candy Company, Sliver Astrinffent Tonic .... $1.00 from tha supply of Iradable money Lata rat night,‘Organiser Libertl designated for toe nomlnatioo Iw ta toe bombing on Avenue Bdarard’ 5.00x19 $10.30 SOC . Map-Pin Campaign. auma equal to those put In by gold outride Madrid today as tbe In- WestriDe Resident Dies from Brothere Candy Company, Bcekman $7.21 $3.09 Skin Freshener ...... fl.OO COLORS: totnimered out new gains reported that be had received a tele­ the New 'York couKty Republican yn , at one of toe busiest tatsrase* ) Oum Company, Curtli Candy Com- Imports, and keeps the credit sup­ gram from headquarters of the coramltra, declined two minutes be­ Uona o f toe d ty , arbere aa aatimat*^ 5.25x18 $11.40 $7.98 $3.42 Foundation Cream ... 75c ply even. on the long Teruel spearhead 100 -pany. ’ThOM who assisted In the nuira east of Spain’s principal city. LAYOFFS FOLLOW ILGWU pledging complete moral fore toe midnight deadline last night Injories; List of Ikose sd SOO, mostly Chtnsss, avers k U M ' , distribution rad acted ea judges o; 5.50x17 Deep Pore Cleanaer .. 75c # BIush-Glo 0 Cubantan Boston, Aug. 14.— (A P )—caned Feared -Credit InSarion” and financial support of the strike “In favor of Mr. Dewey.” Dr. Rawllnson. 66. arito bis ortfa« $12.50 $8.75 $3.75 locked In the 18-month- here. tha aventa were Gertrude Coleman, Geansiiiff Cream ... .$1.00 • Plaa Beiffe • Swanky to "war,’ ’ 117 army officers prepar­ Formerly, the ’Treasury paid for old clvU war concentrated their bat­ Although Dewey hlmaelf rsmata- sad 15-ysar-old daugbtsr, Jean, arao' Mrs. Law, George Leary, Irene Tif­ 6.00x16 $14.00 $9.80 $4.20 Campbell’s Service Station ed today to don field tmiforins and gold acquisitions through the iasu- tle efforts oa aeparate central Span- Nine Await Trial ad non-committal—be baa until in die Other Aeddents. motorlpg past toe tataiasctioa arhSM > fany, Suaan S a ^ Peter Server, Dl- FREE TU BE! Ooraer Mata Stsost rad MMdto Tompika Cold C ream ...... $1.00 report Immediately to Fort Devena ■ara of currency against tha gold. w fronta and each chalked up H R . WAGE BOOST Aa the first week of the strike 'Tuesday to file as a aubatituU for tos bombs fell. He stopped tbe car * rector Gertrude Fenerty and aaslat- FR E E T U B E ! Flat Tire — Ont of Oaa — Battery TrooMt at Ayer, Maas., to watch the Ameri­ swell the supply ot vi^riea In the ahelt-torn sonea. raded nine persons, arrested during Ckioper—several factors pointed to aad stepped out, to be struck ta tos" Try Thera can First'Army attempt to repulse Iradable money, and created con­ toe first four days of ths conflict, Ills aceeptancs o f toe bid. chest by a bomb fragment He died 'ant Ufo-guard William Sabarek. PHONE 4129 declgred Gen- Bridgeport. Aug. 14.— (A P )—One at once. ' Fine Preparations. an "Invaalon’’ of New England by cern among some authorities that e™ Joae MUja a government troops were awaiting trial ta poUca court One of these oraa toe fact that died end a number of persona suf­ We Also Sell New Tires On Budget No Finance Charges. a eoallUon of foreign powers. a hramful credit Infistlan might had forced their way Into entrench 800,000 Workers Win An Tueaday morning. Most of them Mayor F. H. LaGusrdla did not de­ fered injuries aa the rasutt o f auto Mrs. Rawllnson, although suffer^ 12 Weeks To Pay. Where the Invaders would strtks •“ wop. The arrangement would menu n w BnmeU. the arar-ahat were charged with breach of toe cline toe designation of tha county aeddents in the Bridgeport area to- Ing from aheltebeck, drova tha car against New England’s heavily Ured vlUags now held by the ta peace and all were free on ball pro­ committee to run for re-election ta dAv. to toa foreign mortuary, turned Maa*s ■ Women’i . Chlldreo’a over toe body of her hushamd erd 39c Pure Silk populated Industrial craters waa « (to Page fr a ) hcrease. Two Roads Be­ vided by toe union. _ toe Republican primary, leaving him / Robert Curran. 30, o f Waatvtne HAIR CUTS - 25c. SEAT COVERS (OratteMd M Pag* Three) No Settleoeat In Sight ' there to fight It out with 'Tammany’s then collapsed Jean araa not hurt 200 USED TIRES ON HAND AT ALL uncertain, but tha 117, aa umpires, died at St Vlneent’s hospital early Editor of ”Bacordsr~ a Barbats — Na Waiting! Knee Length ' were under orders to bs thers whra No immediate prospect of a peace- candidate. Senator Royal S. (Sipe- tra morning of Injurira received Straw gin Cits m Personnel Ynl settlement of toe differences be- Dr. Rawllnson aru editor ot toa .11,39 fiiey arrive, to determine the effso- (Chinese Recorder, supported by the CULOTTA’S Extra Wide Straw...... ,,,.. .fl.7 9 TIMES FROM $2.00 UP ^“ ~^ess of national defenM torora.toe company and Ita striking (OsottBoed Fags T ra) (Orattooed aa Fags Tra) ■AB BE * SHOP M Uah Bt. smployees was apparent. AttompU American Board o f CommlaMoaMVS Couples Defy 13 Jinx, OUcago, Aug. 14.—(AP)—Ap- of toe NaUonal Labor ReUtiona for Foreign Missions, arito head* ^ n t and Back Seat, reffular $7.50, n o w ...... $6.00 Seven or Eight Thoosand Miles In Each One! $1.00 Girls’ or ^ y s ’ The ‘Invasiaa’’ araa timed to taka quarters at Boston, Maas.. Ttesldf HOSIERY AO Wool $1.98 l^eeveless advantage of tbe abaenca tha proylmMely 800,000 employes who Board aad toe BUU Labor Depart­ Front and Back Sedan or Coach, reversible, reffular $9.00, ot ara membera ot the 14 ’taon-oper- ment to bring about aa agreement ra orifa rad daughter, ba is aur>. now With Lastex Tops American Navy In tha Psdfle. In its atlng- brotherbooda arm pocket big­ bad not reached any advanced stage rived by one son hers and aix groani' ...... $7.50 Have your smooth Casings Regrooved, 75c absence, tha First Army, eompris- Are Wed on Unlucky Day New Shades. Special! ger paychecks next payday. A w a gs and did not promise to be productive Sweet Tempered Typewriter soiu snd daughters ta ths UalM toff regulars and Natlaaal Ouanto- boost of five eraU an brar retro- of results ta toe near future. States. BATHING DRESSES mra o f 13 eastern statea—17B4M K. H , Aug. 14 aeUve to Aug. 1, mbodled ta an The bombings cams lata la tos REFILL YOUR CRANKCASE —yens thrill for tbs 8,000 naid ____ _ Thla morning It waa considered 50c * LUBRICATION 50c men In aQ—must protect New Bhig- Tra eonpias who launebad their agreement wim the naUon'a rall- loaslble that toe joint meeting of Will Soon Be On Market afternooa arhen Shanghai streets BROS. Cool drssses to flniab out tha land. ! M,.HvTlitot eras when hs^mouJud a toM I wers teeming. It arould have been , With SUITS summer. to adjacent sutes with roeda, waa ratified by unanimous loom officials tola afternoon might M AKEBSOF If Not SatisSed Yonr Money Back. . MoOoy Defease Oemmaaitor and ramed preparing u rap vote of their repreeratatlvce yes­ make an effort to brffig toe firm’s difficult to find' places avhars at((> Major General Frank R. McOoy, he changed hla mind ^ terday. York.^ug. 14.-(A P )-ia., jnstead of giving tetter toe SPECIAL BIACHINEBT Blaes to S T e M to ^ ^ tlra ^ dangm-wra honey. axecuUvea and toe union radars to­ each Golden SheU Motor O il ...... ,25c qt We Have Fbith In Onr Men and Eqoipmenjt. 8 eommander of tbe Second Army Tha agreement alao provided that gether for a discussion of dlffer- ventloantlcn of a "sMeet tempered" -type­---- T ,*n je smouBt o f aprae, as la toe Om Fags Fm ) Corps, with headquarters at New Hodder walked from Waveriy the -share the work" program writer was announced today by Jo- Conpegatloaial church on the arm erf oneravratimra typewriter keys, the HffadaHata Is Or Shell Penn Motor Oil ...... 30c q t 79c York, will commiand the defense would ba abandoned after Sept. 1 Froetor First Beard. :ph Splelvogel o f Newark. N. J. dsvics with tha unruffled ten TRRA8URT RALANCaB Give Us A Trial and Be Convinced! forces whUs Major General Fox hra *>ua^^ grai Louis Ratta. to at the request of general chairmen. Bapaiilaff mad Bccondition- Betasday Only! ftW a black cat creasing her path. The first person beard was Isaac No matter bow angry you art Julies toe apace to suit tba aSs^rf p a i r Bisae 4 to yrara Red, copra, Oosuer, commanding the First ‘Dto toage boost represents a com­ Proctor. He said he had observed iaff Laws Mowera aad Wash- 8 when you use It, the machine re­ •• in standard type. Washington, Aug. 14.— (A P ) - i - OUT O F GAS rad maUe. $ 1 .6 9 Corps, hers, becomes chief umpire. promise on tbe 30 cent Increase toe actions of 'toe strikers and toe It prints bold faes type wCin tbs Tbe poMUoa o f tos Treasury AugtMg,' P L A T T IR E BATTERY TROUBLE Tbs defending troops wUl ba pres- Friday the 13th. the had bean orlgtaaUy asked by the btother- state police during toe peat four fuses to get riled. proper control is adjusted. 13: M ^ e d at 5:18 p. m. There bad Punch toe keys as hard aa you rat ooly oo p a ^ . Their .*toiova- A t Ooatcord. tbe Rev. Daniel W oda. George M. Harrison, chair­ days. He aald toe girl pickets had A complete newspaper, except for Reesipts, $34 J13JS1JL PH O N E 4129 .2WC GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WIT^ CASH SALES. been 18 candles on the altar and 13 man eC Uw Railway Labor Baecu- wm, but toe typeorriter keeps put­ P^xlilaem, could be produced oo the AffiBta For menta” will be only tba jumps of U»«*rtaB chur^' ■t«5>s OB the organ. All the UghU behared ta a decorua manner but ting the letters' down on toe paper Bspendlturaa, 881.370178801. colored pins oo arall maps at Fort olscreetly stood outsids ths Ho d ’ s Uvas Aaaoeutton. raid soma o t tbe toe actions ot toe state poUce tend­ tjfpewriter, Spiehro^ to t It Balance. 83A3S.7S1O03M. had failed five minutes after ths general chairmen orere dlssatiaflad at toe aame even-tampaod, undis­ STEARNS' POWER AND Devena, from which tbs ratirs ds- osgs with ths bridesmaid atw) rat ceremony. And there bad been a ed to aggravate toe group. He oraa. turbed pace. ■ . automatically spaces the type to cratoma reeeipta tor- tbs Mala aad fsnae will bs dirsetsd. Man and Uirough tbe b a n married black ca t arith tbe M u o f tbe pay hike but be laid, a personal witness of rough bring each Hne out even at toa right 818.888,47804. HAND MOWERS Hofltoaa. 31, • daneer. aad voted approval u "the best that . The machine la snmtgfc to ^ as well as at toe left margta. Middle Torn pike SHELL Umpires will watch their' maneu­ But Lucy wasn’t even flustered. Handling of dbe of toe glrta try toe stenographer wild with envy. it Rsedpts for ths fiscal yanr (i vers and Injsct new situatteas to WUUaiB flwnay. 31. a marry-go- could bo dotis under tha dreum- police. Splelvogel aald he bad obtalasd July 1), S559.517.41fi.68; GAS Hvss at 18 Syeam on street and stancas.- taps each latter ao that every word permiaskm from toe Federal govern­ Siaea 1M4 test tba defsndsrs’ ablUty. a n Yblnks 18 her hicky number. The town Y>oUee, Proctor said, bad la aa black aa toa nrat one. It tures. 88390Sl.74t.7S. CampbeU’s Service Station “ Rank-rad FBM* rrniasls been doing an excellent job ta a fair ment to license prospective manu­ 836S.145.4S404 of am Actual exerdsas arin start.A u ­ Sbe had only one regi^ The 45M . 4 5 tl The X W H A U CORK A guard armed with a ahptoua Ratlfleation fMlowed a vote by puahaa toe ‘T* key more Ughtlv facturers of toe Invention gust 34 when 353 ofOean lead thatr day waa fair aad dry, so she couldn’t way. He urged toe recall of toe ths “TV", for If tbe taro fsH with Ottnraa: axcaoa of stood eutalds ths cage eovartag the 14 aeto o f delegates ta ssparato state poUee from toe local strike SpIMvogel is tbs man orbo tores 8S7t.a040S4JM; groas M ahchistir Comm* tut at ths supersUtkm tiiar tars —ueusss. Their action was^iro- equal waight tbe *0" woold be dark­ I r a a w a a —Rajah, tbs 880-pouad Uoo.iKm. butRK Uat thS *HBluekg “HBl the. bride ths rata »an« a n a aa sooa aa poaMUe. er than toe "W”. yasra ago tavratsd stretebabte 077R87OS, an taersaM of « I SB ra g e TSnmi 18-moatha-old meaaea ptwvidad didn’t come out even, you could •) (C I ea Figs Three) to that of a prtatug press. aaseta. 81300500708807, ummum 4. Stretch them until they

MANOIiEaiEiR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C O W j SATURDAY. AUGUST 14, IWT 5 F. DR . PLANS era had been taken to h oap itala^ - > A G E cludlng one American (probably argenuneskt eondltlco. A t the prseant time he 800 strikers outMd* e f to* plant r-elschauer), one Briton and, two _ TJg Pendeaa U showing Improvement and waa to Gennana. ' walUng "to g et" toe srorketa G i n MAY RESULT IN FUNERALS Tha Savings Bank of ManehesUr sit up for a short time this week. Two Rusalana ware reportod iHn«d CalOB Servloes OFFICIALS MAY they came out. Chief Gordon and against Harold T. West. Ine., fore­ lORINGimUMPHS l W ilHam B. Broadhnrst at tbla place. May or May Not Send Repre ROCKVILLE The final three Union eervlces of Captain H. P, Schendel, ha aald, fold S E E B U T U m E TOWN HAS SURP L The funeral of WiUlam B. Broad- closure of a mortgage on property Many Chinase daad were found In sentative; Hearing Ig to located on the north elds of Btseell the Union Congregational, RockvHla them that they did not have enough — EXTR^SESSION hurst who died at Memorial hos­ nearby alleys wher* f.pparantjy they Open On Monday. street Baptist and Methodist ehOKhea for URGE REMOVAL >licemcn to handle toe situation. pital early Wednesday morning, will had .urawled after belhg fatally hurt toe summer will be held starting to­ Se aald that he felt his duty was to CHANCE BLACK 1ST TIME IN 9 YEAR be held this afternoon at 2:30 at BUI of Sale Lose Only One Match In DEIHICRATS TO CAUCIB m ehael OapeUo of Manchester to morrow at the Baptist church. The protect people from injuries and tha T. Pj HoUoran funeral home, Hartford, Aug. 14— (A P )— Gov. UNION 8EBVTOBS Major Pirojects WiD Be Left Leo Diana of tbls^wB, sale of fix­ : BWBIHSH OONOBEOATIONAL pastor. Rev. Edward L. NIeld wUI acted la accordance with tha infor­ 175 Center street. Dr. Earl E CTOM bad not decided today «■■*■■ Oeogregsttoiial aad Sooth occupy toe pulpit. OF S i m FORCE mation that * given him at Uu PJUtK CITY C R A S ii tures, stock and personal property Blarch to Finals of hui- OHUBCH NEXT FRIDAY AFIEMiOON Story of the South Methodist to send a represenUtiva to Methodist Ctmrehea at tha W n iB B E A H N S. B. OrsMi. Pastor Vssion. _ . ..“ i f * hearing on New Eng­ In the store located at 83 Oak (Oeattaaed from nmv Oae) Net Reduction of Tlnrd i Ifp IB A e Air by the church will conduct the service street Sooth Ctniroh Jamea Findlay ot 188 McKee Members of the local American land flood coBtrol expected to 1^ •■a- Earl E. Story, O. D. hi eharge ron #ags Oas) K H L 1, HURT MANY ffin In Washington Mcxulay. Qaltolaim Daad Am Boxing; U. S. Wins Six Swetfiah sarvloa tomorrow - at Party Win Decide If It Win atreet, a weaver In Cheaay^rotoers, legion post, under Commander C 10:30. The evening service will be RUSS AYUTORS LONG said that toe s e le c tm e a in ^ d In­ MHlioo DoDars Made D i Expected Early Adjoum- Wlgren, will serve as bearers Cheney Brothers to Jacob and Continue Primary Tjrpe of Albert Agoetlnelil. a weaver In csdsnta to uaa against confirmation • Oon- AOidfl a. m.— ^Worahlp aad sarnxm. omitted. Oteney Brothers, described the ac­ dividually InvasUgate toe matoodt Buglers will sound taps and volleys (OoaUaned from Page Om ) nectlcut representatlva," the ' gov- Bertha Reloheabaob, release of Dr. Story preaching. Subject: Caucus Or Resume Open Seek K. K. K. UMi liquor reatrietlons on property lo­ Dallas, Aug. 14.— (A P )—Bavwj Tuesday evening at 7:80 Prof tion o f both state police and work­ t ^ here by toe atate poUee aad will be fired over the grave In the ■■III.' "I am not sure ydt.” "Spiritual Dlacernment.” ThU wlU Meetings. OYERDUE IN FLIGHT; On* opposition Senator , inR Year m Debt neot;FanD BiO Is One. when he iraa thrown from the rum­ p i e hearing la to be held by the cated on Summer street amazing Argentines looked down Pearson of No. Park Oollege. Chica­ er* within the plant Mrs. Caroline Bnould determine for thomsolvao the effort waa being mads to investi­ East cemetery by a military squad. be the aeoond sermon od tba gen- go, in., will preach. need of rwalUng toe force aow on Mr. Broadburst who was bom In ble seat o f an auto when It waa In Control Committee Marriage Intention from tha heights today upon a fnia- Zaccaro of 129 Glenwood street, a gate Black’s career before he reach­ e**I theme: “ OoimMl fbr our No Wednesday evening service. RockvUle, Aug. 14.— Acting upon duty at th* mill. New Cumberland, P s , waa a grad­ collision with another ear at Stats w lto tha various flood control reso- Alfred J. Heim of East Hartford trated Yankee squad and promised Times.” Music by the South FEAR THETRE DOWN chairman o f the strike group, eald ed the Senate with particular refer­ and Oiarlotta C. Berk, daughter ot toe petition presented with toe Vice-Prealdent Oiarlez Davidson Tomorrow toe Town o f _____ WaMlufton, Auj. 14.— ( a P)—A uate of Annapolis Naval academy and Norman atrseta here shortly ‘•eluding ^ to complete mopping ui> operatlona that toe workers to the ence to reports that ha was aligned- Church choir Anthem:— “ Lead signatures of over 400 regletered U r win end lU flscal year wito raealdtnnt Congreu lub deferrad and a former lieutenant in tha U. S after midnight. w o ^ - C s M y resolution for New Mrs. Rose Berk of 88 Homeetead tonight in the Pan-American boxing dONOOROIA LUTHEBAN plant had to “work Uke slaves" and of the Cheney union asked If the with to* Ku KIuz man. ctr t Appli6d for A nuuTlAgfO Ms Lord"— Watley: MUs BaUedna. Rev. Hart Biehter, Pastor. Democrats toe Vernon Town com­ (Oeettaoed frooi Pagq Oae) su-Tlus for the flrst tlu * In io much o f the Admlnlitratloa pro- Navy. Another occupant o f the nimble Ragland, to be discussed. 60 games. Nelson, eontralto, soloist. that foremen in the cloak plant used Independent ^ant could be closed Others among to* opposition, license in the town clerk'a office mittee last night voted to hold years and tha eecond Urn* In a gnem that talk revived today of a seat, Robert Dlcklnaon, 19, of How­ Connecticut’s senators and eon In only four of tha eight flnaj A eordlal-welcome to all. abusive language to the new work­ temporarily to allow for '* maeting however, declared they would have thia morning. 9 a. m.— Worship. EngUsh serv special primary caucus of tha en­ aviators, veterans of many a mercy an years. epecial autumn aeedon to enact ard avenua. New Haven, who was p sM m ra will bs'am ong thoss at bouts were Argentines paired ^ Notes flight, stood ready. er*. She said she had been em­ of the owners aad atrikara. Town nothing to do with such Sn inquiry. Warantee Deed lea In charge of Rev. K. E. Erick- rolled Democratic voters of the For the selectman last night ‘Itoeall j Y O U H A V E also thrown to ths pavement, is suf­ “ • *>«M»ag to present their eohfUct- against United SUtee battlers, but’ The WlUlmantie Camp Meeting ployed previously In Chenev Broth­ Counsel WlllUm S. Hyde said tola crop control and arace-hour lerlsla- THREE AMERICANS KILLED town of Vernon Friday, from 3 to Whether the plane was down 00 They eald they were baaing their Treasurer George H. Waddell o t S fering from concussion o f the brain John A . Lafko and Anna J. Lafko in all seven matches were they ^ven eon of Emanuel Lutheran church. ers aad never had to submit to euch could not be done. Walter l^ahoney tk)A Preatdent Rooeevelt and the compact of Manchester to W. Harry Eng­ ooene thU Sunday and wUl eoa- There will be no servlees In German p. m. in the PoUce couiX. room, water, jM d or the ice c ^ at tha top case purely on the legal quesUon of mated toe turplui at 848,000. only n SenaU exchaafed a pledga Uta yea and multiple body abrasions. His for New Ehigiand and the power and an excellent chance to loot the tro­ tmua during the coming week. Dr. of the world were matters of pure treatment there. Having been on waa greetetl srito boos when he aug- toe Alabaman’s eUglbility. BY BOMBS IN SHANGHAI water conservation pollclsa. land, land located on Lydall street phy room. . whUe Pastor Richter la absent oo Memorial building. toe Bcene during the flrst dav of the geated that to* strikers go back to 859 0 ( ^ U“ n laat year’s d e M L e ^ ’ terday whereby a farm prlca •tablU* condition was reported good at the M. B. Barrett, toe new I^trict hla vacation. Chairman of the Vernon Town conjecture, as waa the fata o f toe Black himself could not h* reach­ hospital today. The New England membeni of The Argentine team compiled aa etrlke, Tuesday, she eald no violence work pending negotiation between UNTIL eatlott meaauie wiu be paa*ed "at Superintendent, wiU preach at the Committee Leo B. Flaherty pre­ giant monoplane If It bad been ed laat night for comment about to* I^ r l^ the year to* indebUdiUiit W e M hope the hearing srill ela” astounding record through the 'Jrst waa used by the pickets. She the company offlclala and to* union the next aeadon" in return for im- (Obattimed from lday evening. The mem­ Mecca, picket leader yesterday scribed In detail to* eSorts mad* by On all tides, it waa agreed Black ecuUve fa ve no Indication wheth.r bombs would have taken a more ■on, 19, of 425 Greenwich avenue. match and won ten, carrying ths . m. aad Rev. R. S. Moore at the bers of the town committee voted While U. 8. Army Signal' Ooips srould be confirmed imleas some­ clpal, $160,050 on school dlatilst ] pacta for the Connecticut and Mer- :80 o'eloek sarvlee. Rev. Robert morning waa “Inhuman” and eald tha union to aegotlat* srito toe 1 0 O ’C L O C K he will let the farm bill await the terrible toll. New Haven, who was driving north J- FerrtSr Jr., and load of the South American group. ? 10:45—Braakliig of bread. 13 to 11 to bold the caucus. Itotenera waited anxloualy for ratoo thing waa tuinad up to changa to* notes, 875,000 on temporarr aotaS * rimae river valleys. Wood doe, pastor of the Leyden that Officer Larson pushed and cloak company offielala on aavaral regular aeselon In January or will Japanese planes were In the air on Norman street when it was in family of East Middle ’Turnpike left Uruguay won five and lost four; 13:15—Sunday schodl. The petition as present^ asked meaaages, an authoritative source present line-up. Senator Burk* (D-" ,nn^ 812,000 on water dspartrae^^ Other questions to be asked, and Oongregatlonal Church In BitxHc- kicked the fallen man and then with occasloa4.-H* said that efforts ware caU CongreM together in October or to oppose the Chinese, apparently collision with a ear drlvta by Adolph ^ a y for a two weeks' vacatloa at Brasil lost three and won none; 7:00—Gospel meeting. that a caucus be held before August close to Russian flight haadquartera Neb.) one of the open opponents of perhaps, cleared up, are: Point O’ Woods. Mass., win speak each day at 10:30 at Seattle expressed belief the air­ the aid o f another officer rushed him. made 45 daya ago to arrange a November. catapulated from warships lying in Gustaltua. 23, of Bridgeport The Cuba lost two, one for the United 7:45—Tuesday, prayer meeting 21 In order that the voters might confirmation, said there probably Th* temporary notas e f 875,0s4-1 What can ha obtained under the o’clock. Special programe each men may have been forced down to into an automobile and took him to peaceful settlement but President were inherited from the ptavfatM' Leglelatore dlacuaalng ,the latter the winding Wbangpoo, but they Dickinson car skidded and crashed SUtee team; and the Yankees lost Y;t5—Friday, Bible study, take action upon the return of the would not be more than 20 or 25 TONIGHT Into a tree. __ reeoluUon which has aftornoon at 3 o’clock, and preaeh» an Arctic storm. toe police Btatlon. Mecca, she said, Sidney Bills bad made a "joke'’ out I’cari leaving a net reduction o f Oia poadbUlty noted that SecreUry were ineffective. — Daughter! 13 and won but six. America bad party to the open caucus George votes against Black. Some others Wallace reeenUy aald that a apeciai Horribly Burned Both drivers are imder arrest backing and would of Isabella, will meet l^eeday eve­ flve battlers In the finals and oould Ing each evening during the week ST. JOHN’S POUSB NATIONAL Dunn Is leading the action agalnat Declining to be quoted, this source waa not near the point where the of the matter after toe union had town’s indebtedneaa o f more n ' at 7:80 o’clock. The general theme aald tlUa estimate waa too high. Medoa would be ^‘flne for the farm­ The. body of Honigaberg, who bad charged with operating motor vehi­ control pacta? ning in the K. of C. clubrooms. A save Its face by winning a majorl'^ Oolway Street the primary caucus The petition held the opinion the fliers nevsr Independent’s workers were' enter caUed officials from New York and third of a million doUaza. V ^ y arm / engineer omoial'e did for the evening service U — "The tog toe plant Up to today only elx Senators er." lived In Shanghai more than 20 cles so as to cause loss of life and good attendance la hoped for as the ty. Rev. Joaeph Zteba asked for the holding of the special reached Alaska but came down Philadelphia to alt down to work _ Payment AotherliaS not warn those who drew up the Church in the World of Today.” had declared definitely against the T h ey. aal4 their belief was years and waa one of the moat held under bonds of 11,000 each. Pa­ regent Mre. John Lappen, who has caucus August 14. somewhere to the vast, desolate Charges Dtocriminatlon. out an amicable aetUamant o f toe Payment of toe school dlatrk l i Nothing, however, eould' detract Layman’s Day U on Saturday, Arctic. Alabaman, although many ot hla Jtea, authorised by the i*l*-‘ - ~ ' •trengthened by the probability that prominent American residents, was JwTJSr. F** C0“»»cucut rive? been attending the national conven- 8:30— Morning worship. Will Celebrate Anniversary Site said that pickets were muz­ plant’s labor dispute. trolmen James Coleman and Albert from the fine showing Argentina al­ ^ g u s t 2 1 . Roger Babson, eminent Southern colleagues bad rsfuaed to laat night, wiped out toe last j th# wage-hour bill, passed oy the found In a motorcar burned beyond Grossarth Investigated. Uon in Detroit. Mich., this week will 9:00— Sunday school. Mr. and Mre. Joseph Uzlemble of “ Unpleasant Situation" zled by the state police while work Bald to Rataae ready has made. William .Speary, ehurehinan, has been secured as From A, Vartanian, Soviet repre­ ere and foremen within the plant expreaa toemselvea one Way or th* munlcipaUty** floating indsbtadnassi Senate, will not reach the House recognition. Police established Two other-persons In Dickinsem’s give her report A social will follow 10:30— High mass and lermon. Village jitroet wlU celebrate their "N o—I will not deal," EUl* waa national champion' flyweight from tha spedal speaker for that day. sentative at Seattle, came only one were allowed to do anything at will, dther. Oppoaitlon came entirely and Jeavea It an in bond iuuaa. /I floor. An openly boatlls Rules com­ Identification by papers in a pocket Car, Eugene O’Neil, and Clarence “ •ctlng la charge of Mrs. John Polish school every Tuesday twenty-fifth wedding anniversary reported to have told toe union o f In the car. • Nantlcoke. Pa., was expected to comment: even to awearlng at the plckete and from Republicans and Democrats The surplus, amounting to abee|i mittee baa blocked Ita consideration. Murphy, both of Greenwich avenue Holden and her committee. Thursday and Saturday, 9-11 a. m. Sunday at Pulaska hall on Village flclala In the final conference In HO' cheek ValSrino Mesa, 18-year-old "It li an unpleasant situation. calling them names. When asked o f toe so-called conservative group toe Income from one aad ens-flfthl Five Major Proposals An unidentified foreign woman New Haven, escaped Injury. THE SALVATION ARMY street. One hundred relatives and tel Sheridan last Saturday after­ was found dead beside Honigaberg. ball o f fire and speed from \rgaa- Adjt. and Mrs. George Antoombe Last previous word from toe by pickets to Issue a warrant for noon. which opposed toe Roosevelt court mill In toe tax rate. wOl b* iiasd Ml'I The farm and wage-hour bllla are Three persona were Injured ew ly Una. friends are expected. There will be A number of blond heads were YEN NEW GAME WARDENS fliers was received at 10 a. m. one man they charged with abusive bill. They were baaing their eaae on preparing next yaai'e budgat to ra» - two of flve major administration today when an auto crashed Into PONDERS A CHANGE LOYAUSTS ADVANCE a dinner followed by a reception and Mr. Rorowitx atateS that the seen by an eyewitness In truckloads Charles Miegel of Uneoln, Nfb.; Saturday: dance. (e. M. t.) yesterday when toe Point treatment she said Prosecuting A t­ three legal iasues: that there la no dues to* receipts needed from prone : proposals which undoubtedly will be the rear of another stoppM at a red probably will enter the ring the tu- union had agreed, and still la will- arty taxes. ^ of supposedly Chinese dead picked Open air meeUng at 7:30, In Mr. and Mrs. Uzibmblo were mar­ Schmidt, North Siberia, wireless torney George Lessner replied "L et tog, to give tha entire matter Into vacancy on tK* court; that neither laft behind in the race to adjourn traffic light on Fairfield avenue at ARE APPO m ra IN STATE derdog In his bout with stout Justo The surplus aad great lnd^toS« up on Avenue Edward VTI by ^ I c e IN POUCY ON GOLD -charge o f. Sergeant Major John ' ON BRUNETE FRONT ried August 15, 1912, at S t Joseph’s station heard, the plane’s signal let­ It slide." the bands of A. Howard Myer, Na- Black nor any other member ot within a week or ten daya The the IntersecUon with Railroad ave­ Loxsda, Argentine featherweight. ness reduction were due to th*. and firemen. Lyons. PoUsh Ckitholtc church to th“ city ters. Four hours earlier toe U.' S Archie Haugh of 94 Hemlock Uonal Labor Relations Board re­ Oingress la eligible for toe post be- others are: nue at 3:55 o’clock. Litchfield, Aug. 14.— (A P) — The Joseph Kelly, smart naUon^ Arm y Signal Corps Intercepted t ceptlonally large amount c f bt Police estimated that 300, nearly Sunday: of which they are both active mem­ street, a weaver In Cheney Brothers, gional manager of Boston for set­ causa ita emolumants have been In­ 1- Government reorganisation all Chinese, died in the blast on The injured, who are in S t Vin a ^ ln tm e n t of ten addlUonal fuU- (Conttmied frona Pmfa One) UUlst from Nantlcoke, Pa., was giv­ (t'ootlnoed from Page One) message the plane waa d r lv ]^ into taxes 'collected during Sunday school at 9:80 a. m„ bers. Mrs. Uziemblo was the former said that toe local police should tlement baaed upon hia judgment creased; tost no member o f Con­ The House paaaed a bill yesterday Nanking road, where a bomb, strik­ cent’s hospital, are: Ume deputy game wardens and the en a alight edge over Louie Petrol. strong headwinds. With toe collection of to* » James Munsle, leader. . Miss Mary Poczkowckl. Tha couple have flret tried to take care of the Thia waa alao refuaed by PreMdent gress “ ellgllde because the poet ampowarlng tha President to reor­ ing In the street between tbo James Healy, 28, of Ansonla, who w e a ^ of two warden superrieor- ■■be resumed, however, If the new Uruguayan lightweight surgents after having changed The weather was clear at Fair aaaeU of the town were reduead plan were Inaugurated. • HoUnesa meeting, 1 1 a. m., Fred bands at least four times during toe have three children, Mias Josephine strike situation before calling In the EUUa. Mr. HorowiU aald. wa* created by toe recently enacted ~ tarty 1400,000. ganise, coneolldsta and aboliah ex­ Cathay and Palace hotels, tore a suffered a possible fracture of the sn ij» were announced today at tha Clough, leader. banka early today, and flying condl ecutive departments. Senate leaders About 81,305,0(X),000 of gold al­ The match between Francisco civil war. Uziemblo, Mrs. Francis Orlowaka. state police. He said the workers ‘When the offidale of to* ILGWU retirement law. Wito most of toe back-log huge hole, tosslng.bodics for yards. skull and lacerationa of the acalp- cloring exercises of the etate’s first Park meeting at 8 p. ra. and Edward Uziemblo, all of this tlona were reported good to north­ however, said It la "out" unUl next warden school. ready has been eternized under the Rtslgtione, Argentine Ilght-heavy- An artillery barrage preceded toe on strike were intelligent people, and th* Independent Cloak Com­ The ODastItattoaal Okuas back taxes collected this yaar, It was here that Kerbey suffered Vera Doyle. 40. of BrooklytC N. Y.'. welght, and Joseph Tierney, slugger Open air meeting at 7 p. m. city. ern Alaska. many ot them reaidente o f this SAVE MONEY yM f. slight wounds. Oliver B. EUsworth, fish and game ■■“ ting program, which waa start­ government advance of Infantry and While not discounting fears for pany met 00 July 27 to arrangs a Both oY to* latter points war* town next year wUI hav* to suf who suffered a possible fracture of from Clnclnnstl. is a toss-up. Salvation meeting at 7:80 p. m Mr. Uziemblo Is employed as a town, and should not be subjected to 3. Regional planning. Mr. Roose ed last December. The plan has tanka which swept back over a k c the fliers’ safety, airmen here point­ settlement Horowita aald, b* aad based on a constitutional Injunction Itself wito reeeipU friim ourianM' Former C. B. Marina the left leg and bruises, and Fred­ comralsstoner, announced Ray M One of the prime bouU of the Sergeant-Major John Lyons, speak­ weaver at the Hockanum MilU of such treatment aa bad transpired valt urged creation of seven "little Rouse, former United States Ma­ been criticised on the ground that It Oon of toe territory lost to toe In ed to the possibility of a safe land­ hla aaaociataa wera led to believe that: "N o Senator or repreaentaUv* property taxes. erick Havener, 28, of Jersey City, N. BritUngham of Eaat Hampton. Mid­ night bringe together Arthur Dor- er. the M. T. Stevens A Sons company. during the past week. It was not On a Good, Late Model Used Car At T V A ’«” to promote conservation and rine now working In Shanghai, was dlesex county warden, had been Increases the public debt and gov- surgents two weeks ago when t ing on Arctic ice flelds. They re- that Preatdent EUle waa ready to shall, during tha time for which be Payment of the school dlatriat^; J., who suffered lacerations of the rell of Tyler, Tex., and Salvador Tuesday—Corps Cadet elaaeee at Clanibake on Sunday fair, he eald, to allow state police to powar development, but committees wounded In the left shoulder and forehead. named supervisor of wardens for the ernmant Interest requirements. terrific Insurgent attack halted toe caller planes have landed and taken bargain. Thia was Impressed upon waa elected, be appointed to any notes ariU reduce toe cost next year Bonanno, muscular ArgenUne wel- 7:80 p. m. government attempt to lift the The annual clambake of the Rock­ escort strike breakers Into town and for inlerast by more than I7JI00. SchaUer Motor Sales Used Car Sale. Prices have considered the proposal only knee when caught In a crossfire Havener and Miss Doyle were entire aroa eaat of the Connecticut I f the new arrangement should ville Fish and Game club will be off without trouble from ths vicin­ him by toe fact that a two-year clvU office under to* authority of qtasrnodlcally. when Chinese planes bombed the river. Edward C. Bennent of Port- Urweight. Thursday—Open air meeting at siege of Madrid. ity of the Russian North Pole obser­ inhumanely treat the pickets at toe agreement wa* suggaatad by toe of- to* United SUtee, which shall hav* Town governmaat defldta 1 passengers In an auto driven by be effected, officials aald, ths gold 7:80 p. m. Sunday at the grounds on Mile plant and then escort ' the plant have been slashed! Terms easier than ever. 8. Crop Insurance. The Senate Japanese cruiser Izumo, flagship succeeded Philip W. Del­ Other bouU matched Leonardo Goverament sources declared the vation post. fleera o f toe company. Than a tsro- Heen ereaUd, or tha smolumenu 1929 have been approximately WlUlam Chalt, 23, of EUzabeth, N. already sterilised would be left la Guile, Argentine bantam, and Q u io t Friday—Hollneaa meeting at 7:80, insurgents resisted only "feebly, Hill, Tolland. The menu win In­ workera out of town at night. follows, 1930, $1000; 1981, 888, voted to insure wheat orops from of Japan's naval forces here. His J„ which was going cast on Rail­ bert of Short Beach as New Haven lU separate fund, to be used only clude steamed clams, claw chowder, Food Fbr Six Months weeka’ postponement was aakad, be- whereof shall have bean tnersaaed Trades more liberal. B U Y N O W A N D wife and child, with him at the Herrera, (^iba; JOse Martorell, Ar- led by Treasurer Isaac Proctor. but admitted that toe Insurgents Charles Davidson, vice-president 1932, $194,000; 1988, $170,000; I I natural hasards, but the House road avenue and crashed Into the county warden, waa appointed su­ to meet demands for gold exports. potatoes, tomatoes, chicken, rolls, The Russians carried heavy cloth­ causa Mr. Bills wantad to confer during such time." time, were uninjured. pervisor for the western area. genUne middleweight and Francis­ stUl were bolding strongly fortified ing and six months’ emergency ra­ of the Cheney Local 63. TWOC ot with others members o f bis famUy 886,000; 1985, $177,000; 1916, SAVE! Agriculture committee has delayed rear of the auto of John CelrsUlo, The money paid for shipmanta ot posiUons In Branete Itself and at watermelon, sweet corn on the cob the CIO, described toe treatment Senator Borah (R-Idaho), princi­ 000. approval. The idea may become American authorltlee expretjed From among 18 part-time depu­ co CosUnzo, Uruguay, and Carlos UNION SERVIOB tions. and offlcsra of tha company rslatlva 20. of Ansonla, which wao stopped sold than would be appUed to re­ ■acend Oongregattonal and North Villanueva de la Canada, a few and many other Items. pickets received at the hands o f the pal advocat* of to* theory that part of the general farm legislation grava fears for the eafety of an un­ ties who attended the school, tb m duction of the debt. Meredlz, Argentine heavyweight To reach the clambake, go to When he left Moscow at 10:13 to to* mattar. A ton-day poatpona- there is no vacancy on the oourt, for the traffic signal. and Bernardo Vedlncenzl, (Jruguay. MeUiodlst Omrehea mllee north. atate police and pointed out tha way Two more of tha President’s rec­ known number of Americans be­ were apjiolnted to the permanent Bamforth’a corner and follow the a m. (e. a. t.) Thursday, Levaneff- ment was grantsd, Horowita aald, voted In th* sub-oommltto* yester­ lieved to be etui Inside the batUe- Four BridgeportSrs, were injur­ International Pact Laat night’s battles saw the first Rebel Reports the state officers bandied the eitua- ommendations— low cost bousing warden force: Donald Deane of macadam cutoff to the top of Mile sky eatlmated It would taka 30 and tha two groups, sach repreasnt- day to approvs Black’a nomination. xonee north of Soochow creek, ed, three of them seriouily In an Hartford, Charles H. Welle of Wat­ Authorities aald some intaraa- knockouU of the games— one Ueh- Dr. Flerrls E. Reynolto, Preacher. Insurgent reports ssserUng Gen hours for the flight here. tlon and the language they used. and closing tsx loopholes— are the tlonal understanding on gold move- eralisslmo Francisco Franco’] Hill where signs will show where to ed by counsel, met again laat Satur­ He reserved dlacuaaion ot the legal Overnight Newe which runs through the lotematlon. auto accident shortly after three ertown, Theodore Anderson of nioal kayo and two cleanly tcored. turn. With him are Co-PlIot Nicolai Ha said the strikers received no day in to* Hotel Sheridan. principal Items remaining on ihla menta probably would be sought be- Morning worship at 10:45. Ser­ "metoodlcalty’ advancing war ’’breaks” from toe state police out­ question for a meeting ot to* full SdiaOer Motor Sales, Inc. al Settlement. In that district the o’clock this morning on Stratford Brooklyn. Charles B. Palmer of Kostenaieff, Navigator Pobezhimoff. " I wa* aurprised." Mr. HorowiU aeasion's calendar. House commit­ f^e any new system waa stsrtsd. mon subject: “Cbannela of Revela- machine forced government troops The committee In charge includes side the factory. committee. O f Connecticut Chinese-Japanese battle contlnuee road near Short Beach road, Strat­ ^wett City, Benjamin Ferrari' of FTed Ertle. Otto Meyer. James On a previous trans-Polar at­ said, ‘whan Attorney Lundborg, tees approved both measures vee- They said the Treaaury would take Udn. A 8

i f ’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. -SATURDAY. AUGUST 14,1981 F a 5 b *!TO * .' M «k ; ■■■' -iiiK t ‘ '.

' - 3 ' \ / ' ■a - ■ i k Green To Risk The Toum Title Against Bluefield fr a y e d P olitics: . ALL-STARS PICKED BY TWI OFFIGALS Cards Continue To Win RIVALS VIE TOMORROW L ife L in es D ea d D oves AWARD BLUEFIEDS Moriarty Teams To Honor IN SERIES UD-UFTER e s p i t e more tiffs between h e politicians have been Local Sport the English'French democ­ The W O R L D This WEEK D T aa busy as amateur “Big Ap­ SIX OF 19 PLACES Dick Cobb In Clash Here racies and .the Gerxnan-Italisn ple” dancers. AT WEST SIDE DIAMO] fascists this week, there was talk Chatter Great ^ On Sidelines As The Washington Scene As Reflected In The Cartoons Senate Democrats, at a dirpier Richard “Dick" Cobb, only Negro' MAIN OFnCE COPS of unity in Europe again. honoring new Majority Leader graduate of Manchester High and '/I ON THE 1STSQUAD We cannot help but feel that the Red Birds Lannch Come* baU League schedule. Mot BoUi Britain and I^'ance have Barkley this week, had tiny sugar one of Its outstanding athletea dur-. Game S laM for 3 O’clock Brothers will meet the Bristol **life lines" (ocean routes connect­ Ing the four years before bis grad-' all-star selections of the Twi League doves on their ice cream. But Sen­ officials, announced on the sports SOFTBALL HONORS tics'at Muzzy Field In the BeU ing them to their colonies) through ator King remarked that the doves uatloD last June, will be honored at back Bid That Threatens tomorrow afternoon at S p. m. the Mediterranean. Italy is in a po­ a sjiecial basebsJI attractloo at the page today, are a complete vindica­ With Pontney aqd BoreDo looked -.‘‘a little dead." President Prexy Di^er and Aides tion of our Judgment In naming The Tha Gashouse Gang has spUt sition to cut those lines (see map). West Side Oval next week Friday i with the West Ends, the other Roosevelt was not there. To the night that wiu mark the first local! Herald's aU-star array. . . the Twi Giants and Cnbs; Lowly So English statesmen have ar­ right of the honored guest sat Sen­ officials named thirty-eight players Cheney’s Beat TaO Cedars to As Likely Hurler^ Pre* tol entry in the State League, ranged for neighborly chats next Select 38 layers from appearance of Moriarty Brothers', tomorrow face their flrst encoual ator Wheeler, leader of the fight brlUlant array of State Leaguers in . in all, just about one-third « f the with the Celtics. Inonth with the Italians. And that foiled a new deal in the S u -. number available, whUe we held our A’s Top the Yankees. France's Premier Chautemps had an exhibition affair with th e: Gab Fir^t Romd Honors sent Twi Trophy in Cere­ With Johnny MlUer confined preme Court. And next day there League Roster for Mythi­ Moriarty Orioles. ' choices to'eightecn, a much more the aide Unes It's expected “matters bearing on the present in- was no more harmony in the senate (3obb leaves shortly for Peters-1 dlfflcult task In our estimation... - ternational situation" to discuss the Turek or Jackie Fraher .wiU n than before. burg. Va., to enter Virginia State By SID FEDER b Y. M. C. A. League. mony Before Game; M oi> the caU for mound duty, with W al-! other day with Rome’s ambassador Republicans talked, meanwhile, cal Teams; Here’s Linenp. College for Negroes, a school es-1 Then too. every player we named Associated Press Sports Writer let behind the bat. for the first team, with one glaring to Paris. of brewing an alliance with the tabllsbed In 1882 and with an en- Would Mussolini play ball if his. exception, was chosen by the Twi The all-important, cne-and-only anti - Roosevelt Democrats. Wise­ r^m ent of more than 700 students. I By nosing out tbe Tsll Cedars by arty’s at Bristol; Gennan- GA'S -AT B.4RTFORD conquest of Ethiopia were recog­ During bis high school career, officials for their flrst stringers al­ (says he) Dizzy Dian, is beginning cracks about the New Deal’s high- By JACm DWTEB an 11-9 score last night, Oieney’s The German-Amerlcana nized? (Twf League Preaident) Cobb played basketball and base­ though two of them were second to look very much like a fifth wheel priced yearbook multiplied. Re­ on the Cardinals’ wagon—and a Main Office captured first round Amer’s Also Away. travel to Hartford tomorrow Would extension of belligerency On requeet of The Herald sports ball for four years, footbal' for selections or reserves.. .no mention honors In the Y. M. C. A. Softball meet the Pike’s Flortsts of Ha rights to Spanish insurgents, as II publican women met in Washing­ three years and was on the track whatsoever is made of Eddie Kagua a')mewhat distant and unused fifth ton to get ready for the 1938 cam­ department, the offIctaU to the wheel, at that. League. CheDe3r*a needed only three at Colt’s Park. The Duce urges, lessen the Mediter­ team as a freshman. He sttured In kua of the West Sides for flrst base big Innings to repel their rivals. present their regular lineup with . paign. Rumors of a big G. O. P. 1637 Twilight League have selected every sport In which be partlcipat-. which we can’t figure out at all, as Not that the great one Isn’t need­ “Two evenly matched teams will ranean p ^ l? ed. If he was In there with his scorSng three times In the first, four PUtt on the mound and either rally next winter followed Herbert an all-star lineup of thirty-eight ed, being a forward on the cage Eddie s the class of the lot even U In the eecond and four In the eighth, commence their quest for tha town Lashlneke or Johnny Mikolelt cat These possibilities bobbed up in team, fullback on the grid eleven usual stuff, the Gas House Gang London—after the Spanish non-in­ Hoover around. -players, divided Into a first and sec­ he didn't play all season. .. .Vndy and halted every Tall O dar rally to baseball title at the West Side Oval ing. The team wUI leave for Two governors, Allred of Texas ond team. Fana who disagreed with and first baseman on the baseball Rguskus, our second choice for would be right In the thick of the emerge victorious. ford at 1:15 o’clock. tervention conunittee ieft on vaca­ National League pennant chase. tomorrow afternoon at three and Benson of Minnesota, joined The Herald’s choices are now pro­ nine. Evidence of the esteem In third, is similarly Ignored... A three-bagger by Johnson and tion—and raised a further hope: which he was held by his fellow But they’re winning games with­ o clock. The defending ebamptons, the third- tefm - for - Roosevelt vided with additional fodder for doubles by Schleldge, Nellton and Manchester Qreen, are on the abort That Italy, if properly pacifled, argument. studenU was given In the "Who’s The Twi officials agreed with us out him—and that’s what they pay Knofla featured. Next Wednesday -.even might help draw her ally, movement started by Pennsyl­ Who of the aa ss of 19S7B” when off on. They’ve come up with some end of whatever betting there is. vania’s Governor Earle; and Michi­ In making up an all-star roster on Poutney aa pitcher. Smith at night. Clieney’s will meet tbe Sec­ The Blueflelds, winners of tbe l»3v Germany, back into step with Eng­ from the v ^ o u s players who per­ he was named aa the student who second, Bemardl at abort, Pagani good enough pitching from half a ond Congregational church nine In land and France in a new Locarno gan’s Governor Murphy opined had "done most for M. H. S." snd dozen supposedly Ineffeotlve elbow- Twilight. .Lengue title, are quoted there was a heap of sentiment be­ formed here this year, a bard task at third and Kautenberg and Fraher a playoff to decide the winner of the at 7-3 by reason of their good ahow- pact. also as the “best mannered ” and Richard Oobb In the oulfleld, but have Hediund ers, not the least of whom la Grand­ second round. • • • hind iL presents Itself as all the players, "beat athlete." Ing this year so far. second to Gustafson for catcher and pa Jesse Haines, and, in the past Box score: > S ta n d im Senator Copeland, anti - New for the roost part, took a keen in­ During off seasons, Cobb played Marvin Poutney wlU undoubtedly Two Practice Wars terest in the outcome of every game the last few years the Morlqrty Vlot eecond to Quartus for the utei few weeks, have started a drive that TaU Cedars Dealer running for mayor of New with the Moriarty Orioles In both may yet make It tough for those toe the rubber against tho opposi­ XTEITHER British nor Italian of- and played to the best of their brothers, Matthew and Maurice, are garden, with Byeholskl the only pick AB. R. H. PO. A. E. tion with Neblo Borello tbe choice VESTERDAY’ S r e s u l t s York, proposed to Stop such sport baseball and baaketpall and contin­ bringing their high-priced collection pace-setting Chicago Cubs. Wilkinson, is . . . 5 1 3 5 8 3 National .flcials hesitate to wave big ability. After considerable study, we ued his starring activities. He has for flrst sacker.. .they even agree for the Qreen. The scries wrlJl be Berryman In Washinoton Star by amending the constitution to of ball players here for this game on the goacbes, with Holland han­ Now Threaten Giants. Boyce, cf ...... 5 0 2 0 0 0 the best three out of five games, 60- Chicago 23, Cincinnati fl. sticks. In LeuisvilU Courier-Journal Carmack tn Chriafian MeHnce Monitor made the following selections: been highly popular with local fans This sudden surge, a comeback of *New» Note: Oldest Elephant In Ciptlvlty Is Forced To Lie Down* Xookinf For Fmit In A Dead Tree* prohibit third terms, The First Team with the Orioles, who played a dling the flrst team and Plitt the Knofla, 2b ...... 5 1 1 6 3 0 40 split ot each gate, ana the town New York 5, 'Philadelphia 0. Britain showed off her expand­ ^ e Lest Hundred Miles Are The Herdeit.' during the recently completed Twl bang-up game In the Twl campaign. no mean proportions, has carried the Luts. 3 b ...... 4 3 2 3 3 0 SL Louis 4, Pittsburgh L » • • Ooaeb—Walter ‘T y“ Holland of League season and earned a place second, so we can’t feel badly a* baseball title for 1937 to go to tbe ed air force this week. Lcndon was This may well be the only local ap­ a ll... Cards from fourth to third place, Norris, s f . . . , , . 5 3 3 2 0 1 winner of the series. Boston 5, Brooklyn 2.' 172 bombers' target in the greatest Pickin’ Cotton the Bloeflelds. on the second team of Twi all-stars won 12 and tied one in 18 starts, Oatofears — Onatafson, Bloe- pearance of the Moriarty big team Schlsldge, U . . . . B 1 '2 2 0 0 Bemardl May Be Oat _ . Amertoaa mock air raid in history, and was o w n in Texas, cotton balls eeleoted by The Herald. and left them only two games back PhUodelphia 4, New York S. flaida. and Bedlnnd, Qreen. In town this season as there is no For the sake of keeping peace, we Ritchie c ...... 3 1 —2 0 0 0 The teams have mat twice this “ saved" by 222 combat planes that were popping so fast that the As a token of their appreciation truth to reports that other game’s' of the second-place Giants. And In Johnson, lb .... 4 1 1 9 8 1 Washln^ob 8, Boston 0. Abroad Labor Pltebata—Pontney, BloefleMs, for his sendees with the Orioles In must announce that Clement "Blue­ year each winning oi^ce. The Green roared up and spotted 80 per cent Quotes Coming U p" At Home DGonzales sheriff told town loafers are being arranged with local teams. all'^that stretch. Dizzy hasn’t been Hunniford, rf . . . 4 0 1 1 0 0 defeated BUly Nsubauer in tha first Detroit 7, St. Louis 6. BoreUo, Green and Fottin- flelds'’ Pontlllo finally broke his si­ Cleveland 7, Chicago 8. of the “ invaders" before they could they’d either have to go pick cotton lence'and told us that we should as useful as a fur coat In a nudist McLagen, p .... 4 0 9 0 0 0 game, 6-4, and lost tn tha eecond Capt .Max Pmss, Hindenburg Sunday ger. Oenoan-Amerloans. colony. In both of bU sUrts In STANPINOS strike.'The game, however, cost two Zionists To Dicker commander: “Next year we will Silk Strike or go to jail. Government experts have picked Gustafson over Hed­ round to the same pitcher, 5-8. This Chicago observes 125th anni­ Bund-Business P in t base—Bmno Byeholskl, that 16-game run. he has besn belt­ Totals second game. Incidentally, was Natfonal airmen's lives. Into a few minutes’ voting Wednes­ be back in the new ships under Soft w ords distinguished this versary of Fort Dearborn mas­ predicted a billowy U. S. crop of Ponsh-Amerioans. iund as 'datcher with Poutney as A British weakness was revealed day, delegates to the World Zionist Midwestern German-A m e r i e a n ed out, and has finished out of the packed fiul of thrills from start to W. L, construction in Germany. week's CIO strike of tens of thou­ sacre. Bund leaders rallied last Sunday at 15,593,000 bales. Saeond baae—Smith, Bloeflelds, pitcher.. .maybe, as Joe Jaco. i money both times. Chicago .. • a *•, 68 87 simultaneously: Army reeruiting Congress at Zurich. Switzerland, felt T. O. M. Sopwith, America’s sands of silk workers. 6nUh and easily the best of tha eeo- Wednesday Kenosha. Wis., and urged official in­ And official estimates of other and Oobb, Orioles. BLUEFIELDS TURN BACK would say, "we should of stood In To state all the facts, Dizzy Isn’t Schubert, et ond round battles. BoreUo twirled Meww Y o rk . a ■ , a • 69 , 48 has fallen off badly. (Girls don't they were crowding "thousands of Cup race loser: “We went to Sidney Hillman, union leader, said Roanoke Island, North Caro­ bed’’ . .. years of Jewish history.” vestigation of un-American charges major crops, including wheat, com, Shortstop — Bernard!. OrecB, right. Hs hasn’t been rlifht since Fields, as ., both for the Green. S t Louis » a a a a 66 44 want to marry plain "Tommies.” ) more trouble than any previous employers "would like to pay a de­ lina, celebration marking 3S0th against them. rye and oats, were shoved up. and Keeney, Bloeflelds. Metcalf, lb Pittsburgh . a a.a • a 68 46T The question was whether to ne­ challenger in histor: .W e have the all-star game. But even with­ Zapatka waa not certain today To make army service more attrac­ cent wage if they did not have to anniversary of first white child’s Outside the hall were pickets with Jittery about where prices might TWrd base PaganI, Bloeflelds, Joe Baaton, who suffered a Quinn, I f ___ Boston ...... a. 60 64 [: I . gotiate with Great Britain on the had a hiding, but by a better worry about chiseleri.” And Abra­ out him, the Cards are doing all that Bemardl, bis flashy shortstop tive, pensions were being urged. birth in U. S. banners. One read: “Nazi murderers, go, congressmen yelled for federal Vlnee, West Sides. TWI ALL-STARS BY 6-3 knockout In his second start as an Oryk, 8b . .. would be able to play and eaid that (Jlnclnnati ...... 41 68 I ^ proposed partition of Palestine, or to boat.” ham Bronm an. Silk Commission right Tbe burden has fallen large­ Mussolini, mei.nwhile, visit­ shun bargaining and hold out, as Thursday sadists and arsonists forfeit the right crop loaiu. The President reiterat­ Left Field ■ ■ Bsotenberg, Bloe­ amateur llght-heavywelght after ly on Lon Wameke. Lefty Bob Wel­ Nellson, sf .. Vlot would probably cover abort. Brooklyn ...... 40 60 Manufacturers’ Association counsel Young Democrats meet, In­ of free speech.” earning a draw In his debut, was Wylie. 2b .. Philadelphia .... 42 68 ing Sicily “ for paciRc and construc­ New York’s Rabbi Wise eloquently at Paterson, N. J. (known as the silk ed that he wouldn’t stand for them flelds, and Thomer, Orioles. land. Grandpa Haines. 81 Johnson, Patrlss wUl be at second, Joe Lovett tive ends” —- watching home de­ urged, for ’’all or nothing.’ dianapolis. Within the hall Midwest-President Osoter Field—FYaher, Orlolea. sent to slumberland again Thurs Hanson, rf .. st third and the coach himself at American city of America for years), pledged Saturday Froboese of the Bund replied: “If until positively assured that a bill Ray Holland Hnrls 4-Hitter, on bases: Blue^iSTs^'AU^ and the suddenly spry relief arm of fense volunteers work out with the Those favoring exploration of the and O. Oboehowakl, PA'a. day night at South Park In Hart Mike (One-Man team) Ryba. Of Fracchla, e . flrst. Berube In ieft, Bogglnnl in W' Lb his organization would “ cooperate American Federation of La­ these accusations are examples of to control price-wrecking surpluses Base on balls off: Duffy l, Saverick ford, the end coming In the first New Y o r k ...... 70* 81 regular army and pavy. The “shad­ possibilities of John Bull’s plan to with the strikers.” Bight Field—ftoartos, PA’S and 4. Holland 3. Struck out by: Duffy 1 these, Welland and Johnson have Desimone, p right and Whitey Byeholskl tn cen­ cut the Holy Land into separate Jew. Navies bor executive council meets, American democracy, then I don’t would be passed. Secretary Wal­ round and the victor being Frankie ter looks like the background for Boston ...... 68 42 ow boxing” he witnessed involved The friendly employers thought lace said that ii congress wanted VIot, Green. for Cbhmps, Also Has Saverick 4. Holland 3. Time: l;3o' been the St. Louis life.savers. >i- ^ • ish, Arab and British-mandate coun­ Atlantic City, N. J. want to be either a democrat or an Wallace of Wilbraham.. .Bastoo de­ Totals 41 11 15 37-16 6 BoreUo against the Blueflelds. Hed­ Detroit ...... 68 42 80,000 men. And the maneuvering tries said “ aleph” (first letter in the CIO might bring about a single American.” to help farmers it would have to Utility—Joe Zepatka, Green. Umpires: Dwyer, Russell. Welland has started four games ChlM fo ...... 60 48 standard of wages, hours and work­ - - > cided to retire after bis flrst kayo during tbe run; Johnson has opsned Score by Innings iund wUI hold up the slim, poker was planned to show how western Hebrew alphabet), those opposed an­ U. S. Ships For Rent? New Jersey’s Bund was summoned, stay in session or come back “be­ Perfect Night at Bat; Weir but reconsidered tn time to make Main Office faced hurler who has been placed W ashington...... 46 63 Sicily could be protected from swered “beth" (the second letter). ing conditions throughout the indus­ meanwhile, to a similar rally Sep­ Second Teem Chotoea three. . Welland has pitched three 840 000 040—11 St. L o u is ...... 82 68 3 s'C Brazil wants to rent six destroyers fore next year.” his third start Thursday.. .what Tall Cedars — second to Poutney by U>e experts. 1 > k,- There were 300 “ alephs,” 158 try. The workers wanted wage In­ tember 5. “ to show the American puo- The aaeond team aelectlons .of the complete, won three slid lost noss. 020 111 081 9 PhUadalphia .... overseas invasion, from French Mo­ from the U. S. navy. Secretary of creases, $18 and $15 weekly mini- The wage-and-hour bill ran into he’ll do now isn’t known. Two base hits: Sohlsldgs, Nsll- BtoeAeMs I Insap 80 « • rocco or Egypt, for instance— there­ "beths." Science lic we are not afraid of Jewish propa­ Twl officials ara: Coach, Emil Putt, Stars in Field; Daffy, Sa?- BLANCHARD TWIRLS Johnson has taken three and loat Aeordlng to Ty HoIlancL the Blue- t o d a t n i o a m m State Hull, showing *.ne “good neigh­ mums, a 40-hour week, seniority ganda.” trouble. Rural-minded representa­ none. soo, Knofla. Three baae hltk: Jotm- by assuring Italian control of the bor" spirit, has asked congress to au­ German-Amerlcana; catchers, Pon- SOD. fields' mentor, he wlU rely upon the National R t f rights and CIO recognition. Some tives did not want legislation en­ Seems that there’s another local Welland did It again yesterday, sea lane to the Suez canal. Oddly Enough thorize leasing of unused, out-of-date grats. Orioles, snd LAshlnske, Oer- same team that breezed through all Pittsburgh at St. Loulo, settlements were made quickly. acted for labor tmless something erick Give Eight Blows. lighter In action In addition to Ed pitching a teo-hitter to top the Cincinnati at Chicago. M vessels to American republics. But all did not go peacefully In Babies Make News Texans G et Rough man-Amerleans; pitchers, Hsrtl. WINNING SHIITER opposition tn the Twilight L ^ u e , ':r^- • • • Ice has become so scarce in Labra­ was done for the farmers. die Elm, Joe Delaney, Frankie Cra­ hopeless Pirates, 4-1, thereby Brooklyn at Boston. •S i' dor that it was being imported this But A rgen tine newspapers Pspnsylvania. There were fist-fights Pronounced dead and left in a card­ 'Millions Of Us,” a labor propa­ West Sldea; Falkoskl, PoUah-Ameri- ven, Kid Clark, Lionel Cobum and Dixon at flrst. Smith at second, y MedJterraaeaa Mystery board box, a two-pound baby girl at ganda movie, was being shown in a The administration’s plans werq esns; First, Dixon, Blueflelds, Wiley, stretching the Cards’ current unde­ FIREMAN, GAS MAN Keeney at short, Vic Pagani on third PbUadelphla at New York. week for salmon packing. screamed this week that if Brazil got at Hazleton when the Independent Baston.. .at least s lad by the name feated streak to seven In a row—six h e m a j o r evidence that Eu- the old destroyers the South Ameri­ New Market, Tenn., was found alive Dallas park. The truck the projec­ snarled up in the senate simulta- Orioles; second, Opalsch, PA's, Ray Holland seems to have been with Mahoney, Rautenberg and Amerioon .V'- In Norway a glacier melted, fell L,abor Federation of America, re­ of Sully Wully was announced as wins and one tie. New York at PhUadatphin. roiM still was divided as usual Into a lake, and caused a tidal wave can balance of naval power would be cently organized to combat both AFL the next morning. She was rushed to tion machine stood on was upset. ously by a sdrap over the anti­ Patrlss, Green; sbbrtstop. ZwlcK, the forgotten man of looal baseball. Orioles Trim Williams’ Glid­ Patton In the outfield. Gustafaon a hospital, but lived only 24 hours The sheriff later found the opera­ lynching bill. from Manchester at South Park The Cards, however, did not pick will handle either Poutney or Neu- Boston at WashlngtonT T—Britain and France vs. Italy and160 feet high which washed away l2 upset. And' European editors took an and CIO, bid for the silk workers’ OA’s, Winsler, Orioles; third, Green, He throttled the bats of the All- Thursday night and was flstteneo INGOinNGFINAl > - houses. interest in it, too. support. And a spokesman for 10 loimer. I tor in the street, scantily clad, tarred And sugar problems did not Orioles, Savsrick, PA’s; left, A. SUrs last night at the West Side up any ground on tbe leaders by bauer with the Wg hurler, Poutney, S t Louis at DatrcTt (2). Germany—was produced by the by (Jbarlie Backofen of Rockville In the win. since both the Cubs snd Chicago at Cleveland. And. on up at the North Pole, the "Soir” of Paris commented: “Bra­ mills denounced the strikers for un­ From a seven-month-old girl, re­ and feathered. He said he was a so­ sweeten tempers any. ObuchowskI, P / ’s; Werner, West and the Blueflelds won handily be­ ers at Glastonbury, 4-1 the lo^caJ choice in the flrat game, p f ' bombing of four merchantmen in puted to be a descendant of P. T. Bar- cialist and that his attackers had the second round.. .Sully WuUy Giants triumphed. The Cubs, AU through the season the Blue- the Mediterranean. One ship was Russian campers have had a steady zil possesses natural resources cov­ reasonable demands and terrorism. • • • Bides; Center, Byeholskl, Green, hind bis four-hit pitching, 8-3. weighed 158... y stream of visitors—bears, seals and eted by other countries which hav* Canadian textile workers were on num’s Siamese twins, a surgeon at told him to "go back north.” His as­ Vsplck, PA’s; right, Patton, Blue- (Jordon Weir, srouthful substitute maintaining their 8H game lead, fields have been accused of getting British, one French, one Italian and Huntington, W. Va., successfully de­ sistant had been injured. ' Big Idea’s Final Flop On Nifty Pitching. posted a run-making record for the Don Erickson and Brace Mc­ the “breaks" and whether or not seagulls. Even from g depth of 9,840 a habit of employing force.. . . Rent­ ■trike, too; girls threw rotten eggs as flalda, Bogglnl, Green; uUUty, Stur­ with the winners, stole the show Last Night *8 Ftght^ one Greek. The Italian vessel's cap­ feet the explorers have been pMling ing of six destroyers,--coming after a workers broke through their picket tached an embryonic twin. Earlier the same day, a CIO leader h e court-reform firecracker, at seaaon by trampling the Reds 22 they did depeada upon who you were For 46 hours Philadelphia doctors geon, West Sides. afield with two sparkling catches, tain was killed and a Dutchman on up jellyfish. loan of $60,000,000 has been made to lines at Peterborough, Ont. nad reported to Dallas police that long last, fizzled out A bill was one a desperate lunge 4olng up the (count ’em) to 6. with a 21-hlt at­ talking to. Any team that makes a kept alive a girl bom last week in a he had been kidnaped and beaten. NO CHANGE MADE tack. Cormick Meet for Ni^ioo” mistake against themselves will (By Aseodatefi PrsM) board as a non-intervention com­ Brazil, and the cancelling of German- Tapproved this week — without a right field bank and the other a The Moriarty Orioles trimmed the ost - mortem Caesarian operation. Edgo To Bight Bandera Carl HubbsU pitched his best find every last man on the Twl New York—Henry mittee observer was wounded. Strife In Syria Brazil coffee cqntracts, is sufficiently The Autbmat Matter word of debate in the senate and In the pitching department there glove hand catch stretched across J. B. WUliama’ Gliders of Glaston­ clear warning that the United States >ut the baby died because of difficul­ Rhode Island Red Milk game of the season, a slx-hlt, nine- Champa ready to enlarge that break 183, Los Angalaa, knocked Britain and France believed the France, using bombing planes to AFL and CIO strikers did snake gty in breathing, caused by premature amid such disinterest in the house would be three right bonders, all the guy wire back of first base. bury on the latter’s diamond last al Public links Title. will not tolerate German intrusion.” Rhode Island’s agriculture director The league champs chalked up a night by the score of 4 to 1 as Xtrikeout performance, and tha or mistake Into rune or a baU game. "Irieh Eddie" Brink, 136 8-4. . planes were insurgent Spain's. They keep peace in Eastern Syria, hush- dances together under Broadway's birth. that the speaker had to rap for or­ seasoned hurlers with the exception IN BATTING LISTS If the eo-called “breaks” are not ton, Pn., 8. TL' tf.4 W.' protested to General F r.n cisco hushed the extent and cause of a re­ The Berlin press thought the inci­ this week had 5,000 quarts of Ver­ run In the first frame after two CjTtis Blanchard turned in a bril­ Giants blanked tbe PbiUtes 5-0. bright lights. They were picketing der twice. of Borello, the Green’s ace. Poutney coming their way the league leaders Chicago—Leo Rodak, 127, Franco’s government, and London volt. It was led, a Paris spokesman dent showed Latin American coun­ “ Automats”—the restaurants where mont milk dyed red. He had been were out, got to Duffy for three liant three-hit slab performance in A's Humble Vankeas. Star Photography tp'ing to discourage. such importa­ As sent to the White House, it baa demonstrated that he has the The Yankees, poison to first divi­ Ban Frandaco, Aug. 14.—(A P I- manufactured said breaks to their go, outpointed Uoyd Pine, got an “unsatisfactory” answer. said, by Kurds (Sunnite Mohamme­ tries to be closer to the U. S. “ than machines serve those who feed them runs In the seepnd that sent that a game limited to 8lx Innings. The advan tai•ge. dans) against Christian Syrians. the dominions are to England.” tion, to help Rhode Island farmers. provided few innovations save: (1) heart to come beck even tn the race young man to the showers snd sion clubs, wers humiliated 4-3, by Two Southern Calltomia golfing Akron, O., 8. The insurgents thought the fact an nickels. The unions w ant^ con­ A lens fix and c half times faster of defeat and pitch right doam to Orioles garnered all their runs In Med wick and Travis Retain pals tee off today In a duel for-the It williT t take smart basebaU for tracts. Estimates of the number of than that of the fastest candid cam­ Distributora^kicked, and the governor Intervention by the attorney gen­ scored two more off Mike Saverick. the fifth and the Gliders lone tally the last-place Athletics, who stopped San Francisco—Young Italian ship was attacked ought to ordered the coloring stopped. eral in lower court cases involving the loat out PotUnger was not ac­ the league-leaders cold with three national public links championship. either team to gain the much sought 157, Fresno, Calif., former kitchen mechanics on strike varied era (an //0.S9 as contrasted with an who replaced him and went the rest came In the first. They are Don Erickson and Brupe advantage of Die flrat game. The fl- i prove their flyers weren't guilty. from 452 to 2,261. f/1.5) has been used at M t Wilson to constitutionality of congressional corded the support consistent with of the way In nice style. Leadership As Nearest hits. , welterweight champion, outp Italy and Germany agreed with the pitching performances of tns , Hallon of'ths Gliders also pitched McCormlok, who have battled each flrst of this "luck” came when tbe photograph spectra of nebulae 80,- Power Line Downs Plane acts. (2) Direct appeals from lower It was Holland who turned In the three-hit bail but didn’t receive as This defeat did not cut their 11H BUly Conn, 160, PltUburgh. . R Franco that the Spanish “reds” season hers. other In friendly fashion down ths Qreen won the toss and decided that China . . . And Japan Called Off 000,00ft light years away. It catches A power company strung a tempo­ courts to the Supreme Court in such most brilliant pitching game of good support from bis mates ss game lead, however, since the sec­ it would be the home team tomor­ San Diego, Chtlif.—Alberto___ niust have done the mischief. light 30,000 times as faint as the Behind the plate Hediund eeems Rivals Hit Slump. ond-place Red fiox took a 8*0 beat­ fairways tn many aa amateur tour­ At Grand Cov______[O po rary line near the Daytona Beach, cases. (3) Three-judge lower courts quite a while. Three times bs was Blanchard did. The Orioles thrilled nament row. The next Item for the Blue- 192, Argentina, knocked out Mle Britain, at the same time, quar­ faintest star visible to the eye. With Fla., airport. A 14-passenger liner, for suits to halt enforcement of to have, the call over Gustafson in forced to bear down In the clutch ing at the hands of Washington’s McAvoy, 202. New York dty, . poned a strike on the $120,,000,0,000 It, Dutch-Astronomer William de Sit­ ths fans with a number of spec­ They reached today*! 88-bOle final contained In the Green line­ relled with Germany about news- Concession Custom dam mb pending NLRB action. taking oft Tuesday tot Miami, hit it, laws. (4) Transfers of judges to one paitieular thing, hitting. He has and three times he gave a splendid, Senators. The Tigers took advan- up minus Bemardl. That maku U)s Angeles—Otto BnpkweU, tw ter’s theory that the universe is ex­ hit weU for the Green this year but tacular fielding plays. With two New York. Aug. 14—(a F) —Tbs round In compsrtively eaey fashion apermen. Three nazi correspon- A tDetroit, : 21,000 auto workers re- fluttered on a hundred yards ana meet congestion. , exhibition of pitching. Saverick was betters below fourth place In base- tags of the Red Box’s setback to ysaterday, EricksOn defsaUng them even at tbe start and there la Los Angeles, '' outpointed Jo The tavern keepers outside ancient panding is being checked. lacked the steadtneas of Gustafson also effective in the pinches. Ma­ men on la tha sixth. Thurner pulled pull up to a sscond-piaoa Us with a ents in London were ex p e n d . Chinese cities were the first to do turned work after settlement of a Government reorganization ap­ down whst looked Ilka a sure hit baU’s big leagues are finding it Frankie Toronto of Sacramento, where the smart baseball of each Folio. 167, . 6. SBerlin prom ptly protested, and business with aliens, so they became dispute in the Plymouth plant And for every day playing. Both would honey came out of a bad slump last tougher and tougher, week after 7-6 win over the Brosms. Calif., and McCormick eliminating team must assert Itself for the Hollywood, CaUf.—lUtcbl* peared likely to be put off until handle their pitchers in excellent night 'and hammered out three hits. to halt the rally. Blanchard was tn Cloveland’a Indiana knocked the ousted a “ London Times" man, responsible for governing such vis­ CIO distributed literature near Ford next session. trouble In the fifth but started a week, to climb any higher In their sturdy Andrew Szwedlco of Pitts­ winner. talne, 127 8-4, Missoula, M ont, < itors. From this custom foreign con­ properties without interference. style and each has the faculty ot Vlot slarhmed a triple to deep cen­ chase after the hitting crowns. Whits Sox down to fourth place burgh, Pa. To Present Trophy pointed Pete DeOrasse, 135, Na hinting that he had been telling the The senaU has approved the ter field tn the seventh but was double pUy that pulled him out of with a 7-8 beating. Lou Fette’s “darker side” of German news. In cessions (special districts) developed, At the Sunshine silver mine near Where European *Life Lines * Cross keeping the rest of the team pepped the hole. Although Ducky Medwlck in­ McCormick, good-looking young There will be plenty of doings be­ York. 10. Wallace, Idaho, a one-week strike housing bill and a national unem­ up. caught flatfooted off third wheh slx-hltter gave the Bees a 5-3 win both countries more such deporta­ governed by the strangers them­ PongraU, O’Malley and WUey creased his NatlonM League lead to fireman, and former Los Angeles fore tbe game. The league officials Long 1|ranch. N. J,— Mi selves. ended in apparent defeat for ClO. ployment census. And agreed on Byeholskl is the best of the regu­ Holland snared a grounder and over the Dodgers. will present the gleaming sUver tions were forecast. featured a f bat for the Orioles snd 23 points over bis nearest rival and champion, downed the Pittsburgh Strickland. 188, New Up the Yangtse beyond Nanking, exportation of helium for peace­ lar first basemen this year. He play­ made a perfect peg to Pagani en­ Cecil Travis held a i3-point bulge trophy, to the Blueflelds at 2:45 abling the Blueflelds catcher, Gus­ Thurner starred In the Held. Pole 5 and 4. Erickson, who quali­ knocked out George Greas," 121 in central China, the Japanese con­ time use in foreign dirigibles. Mis­ ed the bag ezeeptionaUy well and In the American League race, not a fied from suburban Alhambra won o’clock sharp. Tbe presentation Buffalo. N. y , 8. Talking It Over cession at Hankow stood deserted this cellaneous . matters have been tafson. to tag the bass runner near Aloriarty Orioles change disturbed the standings of WlU take place at the home plate although be did not hit aa well as the plate. from Toronto 4 and 8. Atlantic a ty , N. J.—John He week. Chinese ruled it again for the shoved along so fast, at times, that Dixon of the Blueflelds or Zsptaka AB. R. H. PO. A. E. the top four clubbers through this and the emblem, known os tns The two Spains continued their People Holland also had a perfect eve­ Green, Sb ...... 3 1 0 l 1 0 Erickson has been shooting ths Johnson, ISI 1-4, Philadelphia, first time in 39 years. Tokyo newspa­ senate attaches found one bill being of the Green, he has. nsvertbeiess, week. better golf. He finished yesterday’s Frank Busch Memorial Trophy, battles this week on three fronts: pers foresaw $60,000,000 less busi­ ning with the willow and fielded his Winzler, 2b ...... 3 0 0 1 2 1 pointed Tony Falco, 148 1-2, “ West of Madrid, east of Madrid along approved that was already law. kept bis team In there every min­ Travis, who dropped two points round 4 strokes undsr par for ,tbe donated by Matthew and Maurice ness a year for their country along position, nicely. It was a good game Wiley, lb ...... 3 1 8 J-eaque Moriarty to ths Twi league, will be delphla, 10. the road tc Valencia, and in the Schoolmam't Story There seemed to be a plague of ute. Dixon and Zapatka forced this during tbe week, slipping to 386, Harding course for the week of the Yangtse. to watch and some fine fielding was O'Malley, ss .....2 1 1 was trailed by Lou Gehrig and Joe play, winning medal booora Mc­ formally turned.over to the officials Trenton, N. J.—Paulle Walk4


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